Busybox install error... - ZTE ZMAX Questions & Answers

I have BusyBox 1.18.4 on my zte zmax. I recently ran into a program that said I didn't have a full install. I tried to update to many different versions but i get the following error : It looks like BusyBox is installed, but it does not appear to be the version that you have selected to have installed. Try different location.< BusyBox Free app I also get a similar error for another BusyBox installer program. There are several applets that i am missing that i need for a program i need. I have no clue why i cant update it to a newer version or add the applets that i need. I have tried installing to xbin and bin. Anyone?


Busybox update.zip for incredible?

Does an update.zip exist for the incredible to add busybox to a stock rooted Rom? Or is there anyone willing to make one? I found one for the hero where they stripped down a rom and just left busybox, apps2sd, and Su. It would be greatly appreciated by many noobs like myself.
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I believe Stericson has an app out that installs busy box for you with a single click. Just search "Busy box" in the market and it should come up. Not sure as to whether or not it works on the Incredible, as I've an Evo, but it should.
I tried that but it failed saying either I it couldn't remount or I wasn't rooted.
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bradatz said:
Does an update.zip exist for the incredible to add busybox to a stock rooted Rom? Or is there anyone willing to make one? I found one for the hero where they stripped down a rom and just left busybox, apps2sd, and Su. It would be greatly appreciated by many noobs like myself.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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I think the unrevoked tool installs it for you.
I'll try that again, but I used 3.0 to root it. Maybe 3.1 will install it, I thought that was only windows fixes from 3.0
kind of a rookie here, but couldn't you just install titanium backup and then click the problems button. I think it downloads and install busybox??
Nice call!!! Worked like a charm. Thx.
ejkeebler said:
kind of a rookie here, but couldn't you just install titanium backup and then click the problems button. I think it downloads and install busybox??
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Wouldn't be permenant since NAND is still locked. Would lose it after reboot and have to do same thing over and over after every reboot.
Apply this payload-update.zip and it will install busybox. Just go to recovery and choose install zip from SD card and then choose this one
Then to test
go to cmd prompt
type adb shell
then when in shell type
busybox and you will see its now installed.
If you want the latest busybox, I've attached 1.16.2 freshly compiled.
One issue I ran into was that all the info on the forums has busybox being installed in /system/xbin. The PATH variable has /system/bin before /system/xbin, so that means the original symlinks to "toolbox" are getting picked up first - I don't know if I'm the only one who was annoyed by ls -al returning "-al: No such file or directory"
I guess "toolbox" didn't support this, so you can either install busybox to /system/bin, or leave it in /system/xbin and create a symlink called toolbox in /system/bin that points to busybox in /system/xbin.
As usual, backup your "toolbox" binary first before removing it from /system/bin.
Now ls -al returns a correct listing and I see no app breakage by the symlink method - Ti Backup runs just fine without needing to install its own busybox.
*edit - I guess this doesn't really answer the OP, but I figured I would share this anyway.
ok so I found a side effect - WiFi doesnt work after this. There seems to be a problem with dhcpcd and the new busybox, even though external dhcp support was compiled in...guess I've got some digging to do...
that is a busybox install I ripped out of a N1 froyo root update.zip Cyanogen did, modded for the D-Inc.
Seems to work well for me.
the easy way is just to install titanium backup from the market and then click problems and it will install busybox for you in like 5 seconds
Not Really
... but it does NOT install the newest busybox; just one which is compatible with Titanium Backup.
Busybox.net shows v1.17 is the latest (unstable) release, and v1.16.2 is the latest stable. Titanium Backup pushes something in the v1.15 area.
Also when I did it through titanium and went to busybox to install latest it said my system had none.
I have a busybox 1.16.2 version that I ripped from one of the posted ROMs that I can attach. It works on the Inc, and I think the whole DHCP / resolv.conf thing works too. At least it's the only version I tried where I can get wget working properly. You may need to create /system/etc/resolv.conf with some valid nameservers first though. Let me know if you want me to post it.
Hmm, nevermind. I tried with the busybox version I have, and WiFi does not get an IP address. Seems to be the same problem.
If you track it down, when you compile your version check if wget works properly also. There were some issues with that and DNS lookups. Don't forget you may need a valid resolv.conf.
Joe92T said:
the easy way is just to install titanium backup from the market and then click problems and it will install busybox for you in like 5 seconds
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I second this , I used ones off the rooting forums and it never quite worked right until I let titanium backup install it for me. Also its much easier than pushing files to your device if you are unfamiliar with doing it, because you can download tb from market and it does the work for you
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Easiest way to stay current is to install the Stericson app. It can't install it for you due to the NAND lock, but
1) It's trivial to extract it and install manually from the .apk file.
2) It will give you an easy notification via the marketplace that a new version is available.

Root problems with newer ROMs

Curse these programs that won't use newer su/busybox combinations.
After installing one of the latest blur ROMs, I wasn't able to get webtop2sd to run (a very common problem), nor Cisco's Anyconnect VPN client. webtop2sd did the usual FC, while Anyconnect would complain that it couldn't start a "critical component". Going back to the one I was running before the upgrade didn't help either.
These problems are not unique to the beta, nor this ROM, but here's what I had to do:
Follow the steps in this thread starting in step 6:
Total props to dicksteele for the original post. Thought it might be better to put out here since this seems to be a recurring issue on most ROMs now.
6. Install Busybox installer from Market. Ran app installed busybox into /system/bin.
7. Open Root explorer Go to /system/etc mount r/w create webtop2sd directory
8. Go to /system/bin copy busybox over to /system/etc/webtop2sd
9. Still in root explorer, go to /system/bin and /system/xbin and delete su
10. Can't use quick reboot to reboot into recovery because su has been deleted. Wherever your adb is located, run adb reboot recovery.
11. Install the superuser app from the zip I have attached. Reboot.
12. Open some other app besides webtop2sd that needs root. Verify root is working.
13. Install webtop2sd.
14. Open webtop2sd, hopefully no FC's. Do the webtop2sd partitioning and copy webtop over to new partition on sdcard.
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Yes, webtop2sd was very picky to the point of needing busybox from the installer, not the identical one installed by the ROM. Once I got webtop2sd running, I tried Anyconnect again and it started right up.
I can understand webtop2SD not working since it hasn't been updated for a long time, but a company like Cisco should be sure their tool, available on the Market, works with the latest superuser/busybox combinations.
I would go so far as to say that if you are having trouble with any programs requiring root access, try the steps above used to get webtop2SD working. Hope this helps others stuck on similar issues with these newer ROMs.

[Q]Busybox installation and uninstallation problems

Hi Everyone. I think I need some helps actually. I m sorry of my poor english.
I would like to know if i install the busybox, can i still hv system updates from google?
I hv previously installed busybox in system/bin, but then i saw the suggestion which tell me to install it in the system/xbin instead of bin.
Therefore i install it again in xbin, and i found that there re also busybox files in bin, so i delete them directly. can i actually do that??
After i did that, my phone seems to be normal without any problems.
Then, i try to uninstall the busybox but it didn't allow me to do so. After that i try to install another apps called Busybox installer and i press delete busybox in that apps. The app told me that it was successful, however when i go into the system/xbin, the busybix files are still there. So What should i do?
I apologize again for my poor English. I reli need helps.

Fix for installing busybox on m

Hey guys, some of you seem to be having troubles installing busybox on the new marshmallow. Busybox claims there's only about 16 MB left on the system, but you need more before it will successfully install. Well, if you go into twrp and go to wipe, select system and hit repair, you have to option to resize. It'll set your system at 32 MB. This should be enough to install busybox. After you install it you'll be back down to 0 mb but you can do the process over again and gain another 32 MB.
A better solution would be to just use TB to remove a bunch of Google Apps, then just reinstall from the play store.
I cleared about 500mb doing that, without fussing with formatting.
or just flash this
in twrp
funny, i installed stericsons busybox app, then it installed busybox without any issue.
Busybox on Rails worked for me.
The M BusyBox wouldn't install for me so I tried Busybox on Rails. It says it can't write to /system/xbin. Is that also due to the 16MB size of /system?
LeoRex said:
A better solution would be to just use TB to remove a bunch of Google Apps, then just reinstall from the play store.
I cleared about 500mb doing that, without fussing with formatting.
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You don't have to format, you just resize the partition. I moved some apps but it still said I had 16 MB in system.
abogrhen said:
or just flash this
in twrp
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I installed this version but don't see the Busybox app. However, I see files under /system/xbin that look like it's installed. Does that should normal?
JimSmith94 said:
The M BusyBox wouldn't install for me so I tried Busybox on Rails. It says it can't write to /system/xbin. Is that also due to the 16MB size of /system?
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Busybox on rails gave me the same error when I ran it using the "Normal" option. The "Recovery" option booted to TWRP to install but I noticed two red text errors. Something about Busybox not installing, but my device reboots before I can get the exact errors. Oddly, Busybox IS installed after the reboot, the app is there and I confirmed through terminal.
Worked For Me
I'm on a Nexus 6 with fresh install of latest Marshmallow build. I used NRT this morning to do a fresh install, root and install TWRP. Busybox did not install properly and using a Terminal Emulator and entering the command "busybox" would show "not found". After using donjuro's fix at the top of this thread and then flashing the Busybox-Android_M supplied by user abogrhen (also in this thread) I was able to properly install Busybox. Using the Terminal Emulator and typing "busybox" now shows me a list of commands. Thanks for your help.
donjuro said:
Hey guys, some of you seem to be having troubles installing busybox on the new marshmallow. Busybox claims there's only about 16 MB left on the system, but you need more before it will successfully install. Well, if you go into twrp and go to wipe, select system and hit repair, you have to option to resize. It'll set your system at 32 MB. This should be enough to install busybox. After you install it you'll be back down to 0 mb but you can do the process over again and gain another 32 MB.
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Just copy the busybox binary to the data partition, something like /data/bin/
Then in your terminal program, add /data/bin/ to the PATH variable (start command).
There is no need to mess with the system partition for this.

"Busybox" didn't load successfully in system/xbin then what or how? (2012 7 wifi)

"Busybox" didn't load successfully in system/xbin then what or how? (2012 7 wifi)
I used Wug's all in one root. All went well. It also included the busybox app. I did the installation using the default choice of system/xbin, which appeared in a "how-to" video as well. In the video it showed that it loaded successfully. Mine did not load successfully. It specifically said that there was a conflict with the location. I tried system/bin and it basically said the same.
My main question is. 1. What does busybox do that I will need on this device, and 2. How then do I load it, as in, what options should I choose for location? Or delete altogether and reload it? and that question is asked because I want to make sure that deleting the app will not mess up my root/rom/twrp or anything else.
Thank you in advance.
busybox provides a set of linux commands needes especially when you want to run scripts e.g. in init.d
What version of Android do you have installed? Most likely there is no space left on /system and so installation of busybox failed. If you are on a custom rom, you can try to flash micro / pico gapps instead of the normal ones to leave some space left on /system for busybox, or you need to root your device "systemless" and you can install busybox on the partition provided by SuperSU ...
