Soft-bricking - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I think I soft-bricked my phone, each time it boots it just gets stuck on android splash screen.
How do I find my full build number to get a ROM?

Extravadance said:
I think I soft-bricked my phone, each time it boots it just gets stuck on android splash screen.
How do I find my full build number to get a ROM?
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1. Rebooting on the STOCK recovery will give you some tracks about.
2. Take a look under your battery for know the model of your device and go to for download the correct firmware.

Hi mate. Ive been in a same situation before and solved it.
The only solution I can give you is the file: All samsung recovery.tar
Since I am new here, I can not provide any download links. So I will guide you:
Google "All samsung recovery.tar' and probably the first result will show up is from Google Drive . Download the .tar file. or search for other sources with this file.
Install it via Odin and this file will "reset" your device to the previous state.
Hope I was helpful. Good luck.


Help - S4 WONT BOOT or enter RECOVERY!

My S4 (XUBMGA) wont boot, it kept crashing so i used Odin to fresh install the OS, but it wouldnt let me enter recovery mode after so then I googled and found this website which gave me steps to recover my OS via Odin and also re-partion the recovery mode via a PIT File.
Now my S4 wont boot (stays stuck on the Samsung 9505 logo) and when i try enter recovery the blue text 'Recovery Boot' or something stays there but it wont enter. The phone doesnt boot up but I can still enter download mode?
What can i do! Also im a newb at this so simple please
Thanks in advance!
Get a stock rom from Samfirmware, flash it with Odin. That's the only way you're fixing it. How ? Search.
MistahBungle said:
Get a stock rom from Samfirmware, flash it with Odin. That's the only way you're fixing it. How ? Search.
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I did i downloaded the BTU United Kingdom Version but im not 100% sure which one to download? I bought the phone unlocked over eBay so im not sure which firmware to download exactly? I cant turn the phone on and go to about device as it wont boot to check all the numbers. Im sure it ended in MGA though
Any help?
1) You absolutely do not bump threads after 25 minutes. This isn't your personal technical support hotline :-|
2) It makes no difference which firmware you use, as long as you use one for your specific model, tho I personally would use the latest one my carrier has released (if there was more than one). You may prefer to use an unbranded one for your country if there is one (I have no idea if there is/isn't one of these for the UK).
If you want to fix this, it's going to take a bit of effort on your part, we can't do it for you.
Edit - You really need to learn 'the basics' (people need to do this before they start messing with their phones, not after they bork them). Once you've fixed it, read the Stickies before you bork it permanently.
MistahBungle said:
1) You absolutely do not bump threads after 25 minutes. This isn't your personal technical support hotline :-|
2) It makes no difference which firmware you use, as long as you use one for your specific model, tho I personally would use the latest one my carrier has released (if there was more than one). You may prefer to use an unbranded one for your country if there is one (I have no idea if there is/isn't one of these for the UK).
If you want to fix this, it's going to take a bit of effort on your part, we can't do it for you.
Edit - You really need to learn 'the basics' (people need to do this before they start messing with their phones, not after they bork them). Once you've fixed it, read the Stickies before you bork it permanently.
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I have and am trying. Im new to Samsung, just moved after years of iPhone, hence though rooting would be similar to jailbreaking the iPhone.
Ive tried multiple ROMs now using Odin 3.07, it says it passes etc but the phone stays on the Samsung Galaxy S4 logo, it doesnt still let me enter recovery mode, but allowss me to get into download mode.
Any advice? Thanks
Download the last Twrp recovery(tar format) for your phone from their website flash it with odin 3.07
Noticeut your tar file with PDA
uncheck the reboot box.let only the reset box checked.
Don't check for any reason the partition case.
GO to download mode with your phone:hold down volume+power+home
After volume +button to continue
You are now on the download mode.connect your phone to your computer
If the box in the left corner become blue .it ok
If in the message box you see "added".it ok
Now press the start (the button to begin the process)
Wait till you will see PASSED in the left upper case.(take around 2min)
Unplung your phone,remove the battery.
Reput the battery and swicht on your phone :hold hight volume+home+power
2nd notice:when you see the samsung logo appear for the first time and going,remove your hand and you will see the beautiful twrp interface.
By the way,you should already have download SuperSu 1.51 and put that somewhere In your extsd card.
Go to install(always in the twrp recovery)
And select the Super su 1.51 or 1.41,cause they are stable)(you know the path where you will put the SuperSu app)
Installation succefull.touch the reboot button on the interface .your phone will reboot and you will see this mesage "Android upgrading"
Ok.i think you have understood.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
Minou32 said:
Download the last Twrp recovery(tar format) for your phone from their website flash it with odin 3.07
Noticeut your tar file with PDA
uncheck the reboot box.let only the reset box checked.
Don't check for any reason the partition case.
GO to download mode with your phone:hold down volume+power+home
After volume +button to continue
You are now on the download mode.connect your phone to your computer
If the box in the left corner become blue .it ok
If in the message box you see "added".it ok
Now press the start (the button to begin the process)
Wait till you will see PASSED in the left upper case.(take around 2min)
Unplung your phone,remove the battery.
Reput the battery and swicht on your phone :hold hight volume+home+power
2nd notice:when you see the samsung logo appear for the first time and going,remove your hand and you will see the beautiful twrp interface.
By the way,you should already have download SuperSu 1.51 and put that somewhere In your extsd card.
Go to install(always in the twrp recovery)
And select the Super su 1.51 or 1.41,cause they are stable)(you know the path where you will put the SuperSu app)
Installation succefull.touch the reboot button on the interface .your phone will reboot and you will see this mesage "Android upgrading"
Ok.i think you have understood.
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
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Thanks for your reply.
I followed your steps and also a youtube video but when my phone reboots and you have to enter recovery mode (to get to TWRP) it doesnt go beyond the blue font at the top left and the samsung logo. It stays there
Any advice mate
bump - im desperate to get this sorted
hus2k7 said:
bump - im desperate to get this sorted
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I think you 1.didn't check the reboot box removed the batterie after seing the passed message
3.and you removed your hand (all)after the samsung logo disapear download the last twrp for you model.
What is your phone model in fact?
If you want to see that go to 1.setting
3.about device
Mine is gt-i9500 simply
No at
No lce or others ones
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app

[Q] problem with Samsung tab 4 8.0 SM-T330NU

Yesterday my tablet hanged and it cannot reboot. It showed few times desktop and instantly rebooted just after this. I decided to make HW reset and then I had Samsung logo with bubbles without interruptions for few hours. Then I used Odin to copy original firmware. It didn't help also I see the same screen with bubbles. Are there any other things that I can try to do?
Fermiy said:
Yesterday my tablet hanged and it cannot reboot. It showed few times desktop and instantly rebooted just after this. I decided to make HW reset and then I had Samsung logo with bubbles without interruptions for few hours. Then I used Odin to copy original firmware. It didn't help also I see the same screen with bubbles. Are there any other things that I can try to do?
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What exactly did you do with Odin? It should usually be effective since it is supposed to restore the actual original factory state...
I used this to install new original image
Now I actualy cannot switch it off it starts booting again in the loop. I downloaded image from one of the links if it can help I used XAR-T330NUUEU1ANK1-20141120170310.
thisisapoorusernamechoice said:
What exactly did you do with Odin? It should usually be effective since it is supposed to restore the actual original factory state...
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I think that I will try to use older img file, but there is quite inconvenient hosting and I will be able to download it only tomorrow (XAR-T330NUUEU1AND4-20140428175947)
Fermiy said:
I think that I will try to use older img file, but there is quite inconvenient hosting and I will be able to download it only tomorrow (XAR-T330NUUEU1AND4-20140428175947)
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Yeah the hosting on rapid gator is atrocious, here is a link to the file you need on android file host, a much quicker download. It is a different build, but same model and same region.
I've got a collection of firmware images hosted on android file host here; the SM-T330NU link in the thread is the same link in the previous paragraph.
Just to be absolutely certain, you're not trying to flash an actual .img file through Odin correct? The only file types you should be flashing through Odin are .tar and .tar.md5
thisisapoorusernamechoice said:
Yeah the hosting on rapid gator is atrocious, here is a link to the file you need on android file host, a much quicker download. It is a different build, but same model and same region.
I've got a collection of firmware images hosted on android file host here; the SM-T330NU link in the thread is the same link in the previous paragraph.
Just to be absolutely certain, you're not trying to flash an actual .img file through Odin correct? The only file types you should be flashing through Odin are .tar and .tar.md5
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I think that I used already this file without success (T330NUUEU1ANK1_T330NUXAR1ANK1_HOME.tar.md5), yep, I gave it for Odin in this format (didn't extract it further). It seems that everything uploaded fine, but tablet just shows constantly Samsung logo with bubbles and nothing happen after 1.5 hours or at least 1 hour. I think, may be I have partition problem...
thisisapoorusernamechoice said:
Yeah the hosting on rapid gator is atrocious...
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OK, I tried both of firmwares and it didn't help. Upload was finished with success and after, there is just welcome screen with model number and then Samsung logo with bubble animation that constantly appear in the loop.
Do anybody know, where I can download PIT file for SM-T330NU? Or propose some other methods that I can try.

Phone stuck in bootloop after device reset and installing stock rom

The phone of my girlfriend has been stuck in a bootloop for a few days. It happened while she watched a video. Apparently at the same time she got a message that her phone ran out of space. Then it crashed and has been stuck in the loop since then. Her phone is not rooted. She did restore the device to default settings using recovery mode. This didn't do anything however.
I've tried using ODIN 3.12.3 to flash the newest rom from sammobile since her carrier is T-Mobile. I followed a guide from adnroid central since I never had done anything like this before. It all worked as far as ODIN goes but is still stuck in the bootloop. I'd link the guide but I need 10 posts before I can include outside links.
I'm not sure what the next step would be. If I should try an older ODIN version or use a different stock rom. Before the whole incident her android version was 6.0.1 I believe. Also in the download mode the product name is SMG-900T.
I hope someone can point me in the right direction on what to do. Thank you!
beerbat123 said:
The phone of my girlfriend has been stuck in a bootloop for a few days. It happened while she watched a video. Apparently at the same time she got a message that her phone ran out of space. Then it crashed and has been stuck in the loop since then. Her phone is not rooted. She did restore the device to default settings using recovery mode. This didn't do anything however.
I've tried using ODIN 3.12.3 to flash the newest rom from sammobile since her carrier is T-Mobile. I followed a guide from adnroid central since I never had done anything like this before. It all worked as far as ODIN goes but is still stuck in the bootloop. I'd link the guide but I need 10 posts before I can include outside links.
I'm not sure what the next step would be. If I should try an older ODIN version or use a different stock rom. Before the whole incident her android version was 6.0.1 I believe. Also in the download mode the product name is SMG-900T.
I hope someone can point me in the right direction on what to do. Thank you!
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Have you tried flashing the marshmallow boot loader in odin?
RomBetaTester said:
Have you tried flashing the marshmallow boot loader in odin?
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I'm not sure what you mean since I'm quite new to anything android. Would this be what you are talking about? I know it says only for S5 G900F and I have the G900T but would the overall process be the same?
Thank you for the reply though!
beerbat123 said:
I'm not sure what you mean since I'm quite new to anything android. Would this be what you are talking about? I know it says only for S5 G900F and I have the G900T but would the overall process be the same?
Thank you for the reply though!
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Google search for marshmallow bootloader and flash it through Odin. I am very good with android. I can fix your problem. Is there anyway you could direct message me?

Help with bricked s5 SM-g900r7

I have galaxy s5 stuck in download screen. I have been through several "tutorials " on fixing, with no luck. I'm having a hard time finding original firmware for this model. Any help would be appreciated, I have a pic of the screen with info on it, but couldn't figure out how to post here.
Flash the original firmware?
Blackmonjr said:
I have galaxy s5 stuck in download screen. I have been through several "tutorials " on fixing, with no luck. I'm having a hard time finding original firmware for this model. Any help would be appreciated, I have a pic of the screen with info on it, but couldn't figure out how to post here.
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Here you can download the latest firmware update for that model:
Seems like the SM-G900R7 is a carrier specific device only. I have no experience with those. But I suspect they flash with odin just like the other models.
Did a bit of searching cause I was interested. If you (by chance) want root, there is an auto-root created by chainfire.
There is also a current official lineageOS build (LOS 14.1 = Android N) for that variant by haggertk (was merged into klte build months ago).
So looking good for you I'd say if you get it running.
I've tried what I think is flashing the original firmware. Tried a different autoroot and nothing. I think I'm doing things right, but always manage to have some kind of small issue, e.g. Connecting phone to Odin, or flash not taking. If another process for flashing original firmware is out there that doesn't use Odin, it may work. Thanks for the responses.
Blackmonjr said:
I've tried what I think is flashing the original firmware. Tried a different autoroot and nothing. I think I'm doing things right, but always manage to have some kind of small issue, e.g. Connecting phone to Odin, or flash not taking. If another process for flashing original firmware is out there that doesn't use Odin, it may work. Thanks for the responses.
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So what's the problem exactly? We need more info on what you want to accomplish and what you did (step by step) and what result you got.
Does Odin pick up your device? What file you tried to install (Link please!). What Odin log messages do you get? etc. etc.
Be as specific as possible. And go step by step! Try getting stock firmware to run first... no root, no custom recovery, no nothing.
Remove the battery for about a minute, boot directly to download mode via 3-button-combo, then try connecting to ODIN.

900V stuck in bootloop after FW upgrade

My Father-in-law tried updating the firmware on my wife's SM-G900V and now it's stuck in a boot loop. I am able to get it into download mode and recovery (I've cleaned the cache and factory reset it dozens of times), and I have been able to flash the latest marshmallow and lollipop images using Odin (passes with no issues), but it's still stuck in the boot loop.
When I get home from work tonight my plan is to try some of the "debricking" and or "rooting" guides I've found on this site:
Should one of these do the trick, or will I be wasting my time and should be trying something else? Thanks in advance for your advice/help!
RetroRider said:
My Father-in-law tried updating the firmware on my wife's SM-G900V and now it's stuck in a boot loop. I am able to get it into download mode and recovery (I've cleaned the cache and factory reset it dozens of times), and I have been able to flash the latest marshmallow and lollipop images using Odin (passes with no issues), but it's still stuck in the boot loop.
When I get home from work tonight my plan is to try some of the "debricking" and or "rooting" guides I've found on this site:
Should one of these do the trick, or will I be wasting my time and should be trying something else? Thanks in advance for your advice/help!
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I have not tried the first method so I cannot say if it will work for a stock debrick. If you are going to use that, make sure the phone is on a PB1/PD1 firmware.
The second one is rooting the phone. I have usedthis one with both CIDs and have had no issues. Since the phone wont boot, you might not be able to locate the CID, so please read the following thread before starting:
UPDATE: Also, Here is a link to a firmware with the pit file:
You may want to try that first before doing the other ones. Having a pit file during the firmware install sometimes helps to fix it.
Try it, see if it works, if you have any more issues, let me know.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the quick reply!
I updated the pit file and didn't get any errors from Odin. I think the issue I'm stuck with is I don't know what original firmware was on here, so I randomly pick on of the many available ones (like I mentioned previously, I've tried Lollipop and Marshmallow). This time I tried this one:
The phone actually boots up and I hear the music of it booting up, but the screen doesn't come one. I can still get to recovery and download mode (but I can't see what I'm doing). Is this a matter of just working my way through the list of firmwares until I find the one that works?
Thanks again
RetroRider said:
Thanks for the quick reply!
I updated the pit file and didn't get any errors from Odin. I think the issue I'm stuck with is I don't know what original firmware was on here, so I randomly pick on of the many available ones (like I mentioned previously, I've tried Lollipop and Marshmallow). This time I tried this one:
The phone actually boots up and I hear the music of it booting up, but the screen doesn't come one. I can still get to recovery and download mode (but I can't see what I'm doing). Is this a matter of just working my way through the list of firmwares until I find the one that works?
Thanks again
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Do you see the "Samsung Galaxy S5" logo when it first boots up? It sounds like the screen went bad.
Fear_The_Fluff said:
Do you see the "Samsung Galaxy S5" logo when it first boots up? It sounds like the screen went bad.
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It depends on which firmware I flash it with.....usually I get the logo as it's in the bootloop. The only change was when I used that PB1 firmware and it actually booted, minus the screen....
RetroRider said:
It depends on which firmware I flash it with.....usually I get the logo as it's in the bootloop. The only change was when I used that PB1 firmware and it actually booted, minus the screen....
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Try going into Download/Odin Mode and (first grab some binoculars LOL!) take a look at the top (small letter) information and (you may want to write it down) see what the device information states there.
It just seems as though you may have a specific variant of the S5 that may have been unlocked and flashed to the one you believe that you have...
... OR you are correct with the Variant but, are trying to flash the wrong Firmware Version (one of the previous releases) and the device is preventing it.
I think that it may be the first assumption but, I could be wrong...
I DO NOT provide support via PM unless asked/requested by myself. PLEASE keep it in the threads where everyone can share.
Fear_The_Fluff said:
Do you see the "Samsung Galaxy S5" logo when it first boots up? It sounds like the screen went bad.
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Ibuprophen said:
Try going into Download/Odin Mode and (first grab some binoculars LOL!) take a look at the top (small letter) information and (you may want to write it down) see what the device information states there.
It just seems as though you may have a specific variant of the S5 that may have been unlocked and flashed to the one you believe that you have...
... OR you are correct with the Variant but, are trying to flash the wrong Firmware Version (one of the previous releases) and the device is preventing it.
I think that it may be the first assumption but, I could be wrong...
I DO NOT provide support via PM unless asked/requested by myself. PLEASE keep it in the threads where everyone can share.
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here's what I see when I go into download mode:
CURRENT BINARY: Samsung Official
RP SWREV: S1, T2, R1, A2, P1
Is there anything there that tells me what version of firmware I should be using?
RetroRider said:
Is there anything there that tells me what version of firmware I should be using?
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Product name is correct.
I'd flash this one:
It's the latest firmware with full-wipe.
The first boot should take 12-15 min.
If the phone does not boot within 20 min. it will mean a hardware problem.
