Emma Tool not offering "Open Devices"-Firmware (Bootloader Unlocked) - Xperia Z2 General

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USA bootloader unlock request STOPPED??

i went to the zte forum and try to request an unloack but seems the pages says it has top offering the unlock request.. can anyone else confirmeed?? or are they going to just unlock all of the bootloader for us versions??
I've read that they'll be rolling out a new unlock system, but it might also be because of the new OTA update.
On the previous firmware (B20), when you submit your request, ZTE would send your device a custom OTA named B20_Boot, which would allow you to send the "fastboot oem unlock" command to your device. Since there's a new update (B27), ZTE has to make a new custom OTA (B27_Boot) to unlock the bootloader.
Hopefully the request form will be back up soon.

A2017G B06 installing TWRP

Hi all
I'm stuck installing TWRP. I found several posts about it, but I'm not sure if they will be working for my version. I have a A2017G on B06. So:
I tried backing up stock boot and recovery with axon7backup, but the files are way bigger and (of course) have a different MD5sum as the ones found in the stock update of B06 ZTE Germany provides. Is "axon7backup" supported for A2017G B06? If so, can you provide me a link of "axon7root" or is the one for A2017G B03 working?
Can I use twrp-3.0.2-2-a2017u.img for A2017G?
If found somewhere "oem unlock" or "flashing unlock" should work in fastboot made. Fastboot finds the device, but both commands result in "FAILED (remote: unknown command)". OEM unlock is enabled in development settings. So I guess this doesn't work for A2017G B06, but I can't seem to find what is.
Sorry for the newbie questions. Hope anyway is willing to help me out. Thnx!
If I am not mistaken, only the US model has the opportunity to get the bootloader unlocked, but don't quote me on that. With the US models, you have to submit an unlock request in order to even try to unlock the booloader.

Enable OEM unlock

I have read multiple threads on here saying that only the European version of the G6 is unlockable by using LG's bootloader unlock tool. But I just saw a "Enable OEM unlock" setting in the developer options on my G6 (US997).
Can anyone tell my, what this does?
Enabling that setting just allows for the bootloader to be unlocked it doesn't unlock it directly.
Sent from my LG G6 using Tapatalk
You can still unlock your bootloader for what it's worth on the us997. You'll need to have that option enabled in the Developer tools and then go to the official LG website, where you can get a flashable unlock.bin which you just fastboot flash unlock unlock.bin to the phone.
(I would post the link but newbie status)

Bootloader relocked

after unlocking the bootloader and trying to root my phone (huawei can-l01), I relocked it and now it says "Bootloader relocked" which is correct, but i've wondered if there any option to make it right "Bootloader Locked" as originally came with the device?

unlock moto e4 (woods)

the device is listed on fastboot, but when I try "fastboot oem get_unlock_data"
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
I am wondering, a lot of phones are missing here at the "Bootloader Unlock program":
For example the Moto G2 is missing, I already unlocked this device some time ago.
Con someone explain what is wrong, others already unlocked this device. :cyclops:
Thread closed at OP request

