CPU rev 2 or rev 3? - Nexus 5X General

Was following the following thread on the Nexus 5x subreddit when I saw this: https://www.reddit.com/r/nexus5x/comments/3v45cf/my_thoughts_on_the_phone
It seems like someone has a theory that the CPU rev may be too blame for performance issues. You can find out your rev by running Geekbench. Let me know what you find!

Mine is Rev 3 and I have no lag whatsoever. I do have a bit yellowish screen, but I solved it by using ElementalX kernel and adjusting the colors.

Samip430 said:
Was following the following thread on the Nexus 5x subreddit when I saw this: https://www.reddit.com/r/nexus5x/comments/3v45cf/my_thoughts_on_the_phone
It seems like someone has a theory that the CPU rev may be too blame for performance issues. You can find out your rev by running Geekbench. Let me know what you find!
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I just gave mine a shot. I have a rev 2 processor and with snapchat installed and running the phone lags real bad. If not running snapchat phone is perfect.
If it means anything
Single-Core Score - 1229
Multi-Core Score - 3479

I wonder what the revisions really do? My phone was manufactured in November and has revision 2. It's like they didn't replace one with the other but are just using both unless the revision number is getting lower the newer they are.

i have a rev 2. no performance problems here.
just tryed facebook and snapchat, it doesnt change anything performance wise.
i also play hearthstone and no prob there.
so i think i got a good one
looks like rev3 is not so good
running Chroma Rom with ElementalX Kernel

I have rev2 and my multicore score was 4k, I'm pretty sure Snapchat running poorly is all Marshmallow phones. Snapchat just isn't optimized for 6.0 yet
Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

Isn't this the same thread as this one?
ARM implementer 65 architecture 8 variant 0 part 3331 revision 3
ARM implementer 65 architecture 8 variant 1 part 3335 revision 2
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These are not revisions. Geekbench is reading A57 cores (part 3335) sometimes and A53 cores (part 3331) at other times. I have no idea why it does so but I suppose it has something to do with throttling, not processor revisions.


CPU clocked to 800Mhz

Aparently the CPU may only be clocked to 800Mhz........
If you got this from the Au website, Whirlpool, than I think they are talking about the iPhone 4, not the Galaxy S
well it's from the galaxy s thread and one of the guy who's doing the testing and stuff for samsung says this......definitely not iphone.
Guess just wait and see when it's released I suppose
huh? wat are you guys talking about? its 1ghz cpu
forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1409745&p=58#r1152 is the link to the post where the user suggests it is 800mhz underclocked.
Yh, sorry, was reading a thread where they were talking about the iPhone being underclocked, just reading more, it seems it may be the case.
Will mean battery last longer, not such a bad thing, as long as it doesn't effect any of the performance of the phone
If they say 1Ghz then it is 1Ghz or else they're going to have a lawsuit on their hands. Nothing in between(except of course scaling).
I have the galaxy s and im pretty sure its 1ghz.. at least system panel tells me its 1ghz but singapore set are all 16gb model.
information from system panel:
ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7I)
bogomips 797.90 (may vary)
min clock 100mhz
max clock 1000mhz
on Nexus one using pershoot kernel but cpuset at 245mhz - 998mhz, it shows:
ARMv7 processor rev 2 (v7I)
bogomips 662.40 (may vary)
min clock 245 mhz
max clock 998mhz
so maybe the 8gb are down clocked?
Doubt the 8Gb version would be clocked lower. Thanks for posting your findings!
It's just the power of forums and the internet, allowing mis-information to spread at the speed of light
lol yep, looks like he was confused at the sliding clock speed....
when i ran quandrant standard it read armv7 processor rev 2 , max 1000 min 100
set frequency 800
is that normal
It's 1 GHz, I checked the clock frequency with a monitoring application and it's dynamic but when required it clocks up to 1 GHz.
Intratech said:
It's 1 GHz, I checked the clock frequency with a monitoring application and it's dynamic but when required it clocks up to 1 GHz.
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thanks for clearing this up
Wait, what?
The iPhone 4 may be clocked at 800mhz?
Can someone give source on this?
Pika007 said:
Wait, what?
The iPhone 4 may be clocked at 800mhz?
Can someone give source on this?
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I don't have a link to that claim, but I think it was Gizmodo in their testing of the iPhone 4 and iPad noted the iPad did feel faster and the web browser rendered pages faster, despite both using the A4 processor. They hypothesised that it is the same architecture CPU in both, but different clock speeds.
After all, to get 10 hours out of the iPad the teardowns and x-ray scans show about 80% of the volume inside is all battery. If the iPhone 4 and iPad had the same processor, you'd think the iPhone's battery would be pretty bad considering the far smaller volume (although smaller screen not sucking as much power).
Wouldn't be surprising. After all, the Motorola Milestone / Droid has a mild underclock, as does the Acer Liquid to preserve battery life.
Probably cheaper for Apple to only have to manufacture 1 chip (the A4), but clock at different speeds appropriate to each device's battery life.
Apple doesn't focus as much on specs though, more that the user interface feels fast and smooth. If it achieves that purpose no need to worry about numbers, whereas since we have so much choice of handsets on Android specs do make a difference for us to know depending on our needs (eg: price vs performance vs battery).
My Samsung Galaxy S is running at 800mhz it sucks... i flashed it last night with the final build of 2.2 I9000XXjP6 for the Galaxy does anybody no how i can overclock it to 1ghz thanks People
The Galaxy S has a 1 GHz CPU. However, the clock speed is lowered while not needed to save battery life, just like on any modern PC. By default it is using the conservative governor.
The iPhone4 never was supposed to get a 1 GHz CPU. Apple never disclosed the number. But those who made benchmarks estimated the clock speed at about 800 MHz since is is about 20% slower than the iPad.
There is a Galaxy Lite version in some other countries that only maxes out at 800 Mhz
i think the guy reviewing the phone got it mixed up with that
AllGamer said:
There is a Galaxy Lite version in some other countries that only maxes out at 800 Mhz
i think the guy reviewing the phone got it mixed up with that
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He might have got mixed up, but the final 2.2 build for the Samsung Galaxy S is maxed out at 800 MHz for some stupid reason…. I’m going to flash it tonight again with a earlier build of 2.2 as I did some bench test and its only scoring a measly 900 points with the latest firmware installed.. Were as before it was scoring well over 2k…

[Q] Slightly concerned with the CPU statistics on my N3.

I just recently picked up a GN3 from Pakistan and due to how shady the cellphone market is here, I have been trying everything I can to figure out whether my phone is a fake or not. The device was shipped in from the UAE and what concerns me a little is the information I'm getting using a few apps that scan the CPU.
My knowledge in this regard is a little weak and for some reason I feel like I don't have the chipset that Samsung might have wanted me to have. Please take a look. I have the SnapDragon 800 version (SM-9005).
Should the processor say something along the lines of SD800E instead of ArmV7?
Thanks in advance.
Use this app if it's available to you and it will tell you if its real or a fake. It compares it to other devices.
Thats a Legit N3, All SOC are ARM Based.
Manufacturer, Device, Product, Brand, Android Version, API level,build ID, Fingerprint, Resolution, Processor, Memory, etc is all correct. From that app atleast you should have this if you scroll down:
OpenGL 1.X (Adreno(TM) 330 same for GL 2.0
Graphics mode should be RGBA 32BIT
If so, your all set. You can also benchmark it for peace of mind... your score should be 17~20k on quadrant and geekbench 3 should be 800+ for single-core and 2400+ for multi-core. (Mines 869/2510 GB3, 20K on Quadrant but stock should be abit lower)
There is no way any of the fake note 3 soc will come close to these scores.
nxneko said:
Thats a Legit N3, All SOC are ARM Based.
Manufacturer, Device, Product, Brand, Android Version, API level,build ID, Fingerprint, Resolution, Processor, Memory, etc is all correct. From that app atleast you should have this if you scroll down:
OpenGL 1.X (Adreno(TM) 330 same for GL 2.0
Graphics mode should be RGBA 32BIT
If so, your all set. You can also benchmark it for peace of mind... your score should be 17~20k on quadrant and geekbench 3 should be 800+ for single-core and 2400+ for multi-core. (Mines 869/2510 GB3, 20K on Quadrant but stock should be abit lower)
There is no way any of the fake note 3 soc will come close to these scores.
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I scored 28894 ..that decent? Says faster then 92% of devices in the world lol
03redgti said:
I scored 28894 ..that decent? Says faster then 92% of devices in the world lol
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Yeah thats good then.... lol your in the clear what rom/kernel though...holyheck.
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
nxneko said:
Yeah thats good then.... lol your in the clear what rom/kernel though...holyheck.
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
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Jellybomb with beast mode kernal
floko127 said:
I just recently picked up a GN3 from Pakistan and due to how shady the cellphone market is here, I have been trying everything I can to figure out whether my phone is a fake or not. The device was shipped in from the UAE and what concerns me a little is the information I'm getting using a few apps that scan the CPU.
My knowledge in this regard is a little weak and for some reason I feel like I don't have the chipset that Samsung might have wanted me to have. Please take a look. I have the SnapDragon 800 version (SM-9005).
Should the processor say something along the lines of SD800E instead of ArmV7?
Thanks in advance.
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That's definitely a legit n9005. I have the same stuff come up on mine which is uk version.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Just a heads up though, if you use xposed framework and have xprivacy installed it can come up as a fake due to the app not having permission to read all the info.
I have 2 Note 3's that are "Fakes" but as soon as xprivacy was turned off they become Genuine...

OnePlus X Benchmarks

Here are the various benchmark results from the OnePlus X device.
AnTuTu Benchmark score:38132
AnTuTu HTML5 test: 18219
Geekbench 3 score: Single-Core: 918
Multi-core: 2433
3DMark Score: SlingShot using ES 3.0 : 701
I've attached the screenshots of all the test result for reference.
38132 Antutu makes no sense. My OnePlus One with the same CPU/GPU gets almost 50K
XblackdemonX said:
38132 Antutu makes no sense. My OnePlus One with the same CPU/GPU gets almost 50K
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Reaches upto 40K+ for mine in an tu tu.
And OPO has 2.5Ghz CPU but OP X has 2.3Ghz that differs the score.
I had 50k with my oneplus one and 39k with my oneplus x.
But, the htc one m8 had 2.3ghz s801 with 2gb of ram and had 45k antutu...
PoloB49 said:
I had 50k with my oneplus one and 39k with my oneplus x.
But, the htc one m8 had 2.3ghz s801 with 2gb of ram and had 45k antutu...
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As far as I know op x uses the least powerful 801 and m8 used the more powerful sd801 2.3ghz cpu.
Legolas.X said:
As far as I know op x uses the least powerful 801 and m8 used the more powerful sd801 2.3ghz cpu.
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Yup, the X has the AA variant which has a lower clocked CPU and GPU hence the differences between other SD801 chips.
kinghu said:
Yup, the X has the AA variant which has a lower clocked CPU and GPU hence the differences between other SD801 chips.
View attachment 3538054
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So, enough for UI animations and Fruit Ninja. I think that's a reasonable expectation for a $250 device with an awesome build.
CafeKampuchia said:
So, enough for UI animations and Fruit Ninja. I think that's a reasonable expectation for a $250 device with an awesome build.
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U could say that. Putting sd801 doesn't mean that u can always expect the top notch performance. Not everyone does hardcore gaming on mobile leave that to pc. Looking at price point it's kinda perfect.
I knw some ppl would tell sd615 performs better but that's a newer chip.
Those scores really don´t do the OnePlus X justice. The device runs so smooth and fast it´s an incredible device for 250$! I had no lags at all since using it.
The oneplus x uses sd 8974AA
but the gpu is clocked at 578mhz just like AB and AC version
^ Interesting.
Specs and benchmarks aside, it's a really smooth and fluid experience. I can't tell the difference between the OPX and OPO regardless of the extra 5k or so in Antutu. They did a really good job with the hardware and software for a nice user experience.
Agreed with everyone!
I dont know why antutu benchmark is low on this device, it runs smooth and neverlags till now, even tough i have filled my device with all the daily apps i need ,
If u ask me, i guess oxygen os is again to be blamed here,
I m not sure about this, but on my previous device some custom rom offers a difference of almost 5-6 k. So i believe an update or custom rom might enhance the score,
But still antutu benchmark dosent matter to me if my device is running smoothly??
Yup ur right Oxygen OS is the enemy here... Can't wait for custom ROMs
do the benchmarks change after flashing the custom kernel? If so, can someone upload a pic of the new benchmarks and see how it compares?
NekoXiu said:
do the benchmarks change after flashing the custom kernel? If so, can someone upload a pic of the new benchmarks and see how it compares?
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Here you go on default settings of blu_spark v25 kernel
loveboy_lion said:
Here you go on default settings of blu_spark v25 kernel
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Thanks, seems like benchmark didn't go up by much but the performance definitely is better !
My antutu benchmark was 40801 with the stock kernel and stock cpu&gpu governor.
Changing both the CPU and GPU governors (on stock kernel) let me reach 43375.
I think there's room for further optimization.
By the way, the SOC version is nether AA or AB, since the complete code is
just as this is a sort of "pro" version. In the table, the AA GPU frequency is 400 MHz, whereas in the OPX it is 578 MHz. I looks like qualcomm produced a newer version of the SOC, unsurprisingly the cited article, more than 1.5 years old, may didn't notice this.
Wow, my LG G2 is slightly faster? Disappointing because I got an invite and was going to buy one. Hmmmmm.
len_smith said:
Wow, my LG G2 is slightly faster? Disappointing because I got an invite and was going to buy one. Hmmmmm.
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I wouldn't hold to much stock in what the benchmarks have to say. On my one plus one some of the laggiest kernel's gave the best scores.
Though having said that has anyone looked in to the voltage tables and CPU binning? I suspect there is more useful information there than a whole bunch of benchmark scores.
I have always regarded CPU benchmarks to be more about management of heat and thermal throttling than user performance.
For example my old lg g2 would let the CPU bake at about 72° where as on my one plus one the CPU is pretty much brick walled at about 60°, thanks to my kernels very conservative thermal profile.
The result is disappointing benchmark scores of around 32-38 antutu's. But in day to day use the one plus one is much smoother than my old g2.
I could install the original cm12s and start scoring about 51 antutu's, but in day to day use that ROM is a lag monster in comparison to what I have now. Also I prefer not to thermally stress my phone to much with hot CPU's. That's what killed my g2.

Poor performance on the 5X when the CPU gets WARM!

Hey guys,
Was playing something a few days ago and i noticed it worked like utter crap and today i ran Geekbench 3 a few times and i got results for single core between 472 and 670 and i saw most people are getting 900+. What can affect the phone in such a horrible way? Any ideeas? This is not acceptable.
EDIT: I just noticed the following when comparing the benchmarks (mine is the lower one)
The processor IDs differ:
ARM implementer 65 architecture 8 variant 0 part 3331 revision 3 (crap one)
ARM implementer 65 architecture 8 variant 1 part 3335 revision 2 (good one)
Anything to comment on this? Should i return the device?
UPDATE: The Processor IDs differ based on the which cores are running so variant 1 p3335 r2 are all hexa cores running while the other variant has only the quad cores running at max speed or throttled down to avoid overheating.
Bottom line is the fact that as soon as the processor starts to overheat then the CPU throttling kicks and performance of the handset goes to hell. It heats after 5 minutes if you use CPU intensive apps so beware. The single core performance halves after a maximum of 10 minutes while the multi core performance will drop as well but by a 40% amount, that's why you will see bad results in Antutu Benchmark and Geekbench after your CPU is already hot or you run a lot of tests.
I have the same revision as yours as roughly the same score as the other processor Id.
are you rooted? stock rom? Any application issues? Assuming you have a titanium backup or similar of your applications, have you tried redownloading the factory image from google?I have the 335 processor id and score1301
I have the 2nd variant
I just installed GeekBench 3 and tested the phone. The score I got is: 1221 and 3506
Seriously weird, now it's showing up as variant 1. First 1-2 tests score above 1.2k the subsequent ones score below 800...
Can you guys run the test 3-4 times to see if the results change?
PS: Stock rom, no root, fresh format.
Question: what's the difference between MDB08L MDB08M MDB08I and MDA89E. I assume they're the builds in order of release with MDB08M being the latest?
MrHollow said:
Seriously weird, now it's showing up as variant 1. First 1-2 tests score above 1.2k the subsequent ones score below 800...
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The phone throttles pretty hard when it gets hot, check out the anandtech review the big cores throttle after less than 2 minutes constant load and shut down completely after 12 minutes.
I have a case on mine and the first 3 runs were around 1200, more runs after that were in the 800s including one that was 664.
It's kind of lame, makes me wish I'd waited for 16nm because i think these 64-bit stock ARM cores in 28nm might actually be worse than the custom 32-bit ones from previous years (RAM usage is lower too with 32-bit as well for some reason). The only advantage I can think of is that 32-bit support will be dropped at some point but that's a long way off.
@haloimplant thanks for the info... So basically my phone ain't crap, it's the QC SD 808 which is complete garbage -_-
C:\Users\adrag>adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo
Processor : AArch64 Processor rev 3 (aarch64)
processor : 0
processor : 1
processor : 2
processor : 3
processor : 4
processor : 5
Features : fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant : 0x0
CPU part : 0xd03
CPU revision : 3
Hardware : Qualcomm Technologies, Inc MSM8992
Well it can be seen from the above info that my revision is older....
Yeah this generation of SoCs just isn't very good...first cut of 64-bit cores on an almost 4-year old process node... Oh well I'm still happy with the fingerprint scanner and camera and performance is good enough for my usage (reddit and email mostly). Games I tried slowed down pretty horrifically though, they are probably the only use case that really drives a heavy constant load.
haloimplant said:
Yeah this generation of SoCs just isn't very good...first cut of 64-bit cores on an almost 4-year old process node... Oh well I'm still happy with the fingerprint scanner and camera and performance is good enough for my usage (reddit and email mostly). Games I tried slowed down pretty horrifically though, they are probably the only use case that really drives a heavy constant load.
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I would say the camera and constant updates are the only thing that keeps this phone together... Coming from an OnePlus ONE to this and i am mostly appalled by the horrific performance of the 5X and from all t he reviews that I read nothing mentioned a horrible throttling. That anandtech article is good though, thanks for the tip!
Charkatak said:
I just installed GeekBench 3 and tested the phone. The score I got is: 1221 and 3506
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My details say variant 1 part 3335 revision 2 and I'm getting almost exactly the same scores as you: 1227 and 3506.
jimv1983 said:
My details say variant 1 part 3335 revision 2 and I'm getting almost exactly the same scores as you: 1227 and 3506.
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Same variant and nearly same scores 1263 and 3439.
Done some more tests today to make sure i'm not completely drunk:
Played a bit with the phone (settings menu) and ran a GB3 test
Results: single 770 multi 2931
Let the phone cool down for 5 minutes and ran another GB3 test:
Results: single 1230 multi 3447
Processor ID: ARM implementer 65 arhitecture 8 variant 1 part 3335 revision 2
What i don't understand is why if i look into cpuinfo i get the other variant info.
haloimplant said:
The phone throttles pretty hard when it gets hot, check out the anandtech review the big cores throttle after less than 2 minutes constant load and shut down completely after 12 minutes.
I have a case on mine and the first 3 runs were around 1200, more runs after that were in the 800s including one that was 664.
It's kind of lame, makes me wish I'd waited for 16nm because i think these 64-bit stock ARM cores in 28nm might actually be worse than the custom 32-bit ones from previous years (RAM usage is lower too with 32-bit as well for some reason). The only advantage I can think of is that 32-bit support will be dropped at some point but that's a long way off.
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This is how they are designed to work, they can not really work any other way, and after a short time of being pushed hard the SoC has no option but to throttle down the CPU. Cooling can be active or passive, active cooling requires a heat-sink and fan, passive cooling works by reducing CPU speed until temperatures reduce to normal levels, you can also have a combination of the two like most laptops and even desktop PCs. When you have a smart phone, active cooling isn't possible, so how else can the SoC be cooled down?
The 16nm will be just the same, because marketing will dictate selling the CPU at higher clock rates, so pushing a bench-marking program will give you higher numbers due to the faster CPU speed, but then will quickly throttle back, so you will still get the difference between fast and slow due to passive cooling, just the slow might not be as slow, but then again it could be worse. The problem is that the smaller the SoC the harder it is to remove the heat as it has a smaller surface area, so I wouldn't expect much improvement overall, just the max and mins should be higher then previous generations but the performance drop will still be evident.
If you want to play the latest demanding games for more than a few minutes, a smart phone isn't the device to do it on, it just isn't designed for it.
@PhilipL I'm sorry but i just cannot agree with you on this. On my old OnePlus One i could play Dominations without any problems and the throttling was almost non existent (QC Snapdragon 801) but on the 5X it's sluggish as soon as i enter it so yeah... I don't think this kind of garbage is acceptable on a newer generation of processors, i've had a friend do the same test on his HTC One M7 and the results after 5-6 runs were of about 650 on single core and about 2100 on multicore which was just a tiny bit slower than my Nexus 5X after 3-4 runs.
How is ANY of this even close to being normal on newer phones? How and WHY is the Snapdragon 801 faster and better than my Snapdragon 808. Can someone explain who had this garbage idea of throttling the processor that hard to bring the speeds down to something worse the last year's processor? If this is how they solve processor overheating on the Snapdragon 820 as well then they might as well throw it in the garbage can.
Furthermore why doesn't the Exynos 7420 on the S6 behave in the same why? Why does it throttle only so slightly that it almost unnoticeable ?
What are you guys using your phone for? Running benchmarks the whole day? I can't see any performance issue in real life.
No, but i had the 5X for a few days, sent it back because of a dead pixel and now i'm thinking about getting a new one or if i should wait. The touchscreen of my N4 stopped working properly a week ago, which makes it even harder to wait.
But to get on the topic: I had the 5X and the Moto X Pure/Style to see which one i like more, ultimately it was the 5X because of the better camera in normal/low light and the size.
I played around with Geekbench and Riptide 2 (after reading the Anandtech review) and can confirm the throttling on the 5X. The thing is, this wasn't the case on the Moto X, i could play a round of Riptide and run Geekbench a few times or run 4-5 Geekbench passes and the score didn't go to hell like on the 5X.
This also translates into real life usage, if you take more than a few HDR+ images, for example, which makes it a bit of a problem. ;(
I don't know if the throttling on the 5X is just really conservative (altough the phone got quite warm) or if the cooling on the Moto X just works better because of the aluminum body.
ph0b0z said:
No, but i had the 5X for a few days, sent it back because of a dead pixel and now i'm thinking about getting a new one or if i should wait. The touchscreen of my N4 stopped working properly a week ago, which makes it even harder to wait.
But to get on the topic: I had the 5X and the Moto X Pure/Style to see which one i like more, ultimately it was the 5X because of the better camera in normal/low light and the size.
I played around with Geekbench and Riptide 2 (after reading the Anandtech review) and can confirm the throttling on the 5X. The thing is, this wasn't the case on the Moto X, i could play a round of Riptide and run Geekbench a few times or run 4-5 Geekbench passes and the score didn't go to hell like on the 5X.
This also translates into real life usage, if you take more than a few HDR+ images, for example, which makes it a bit of a problem. ;(
I don't know if the throttling on the 5X is just really conservative (altough the phone got quite warm) or if the cooling on the Moto X just works better because of the aluminum body.
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I have both phones right now, and i disagree. I can see no difference in every day preformance.
Sendt fra min Nexus 5X med Tapatalk
Well, it's already snowing in denmark!
But about general usage and every day performance, i think you're absolutely right. Some "problems" due to the thermal throttling should only apply to "corner cases".
Rogoshin said:
I have both phones right now, and i disagree. I can see no difference in every day preformance.
Sendt fra min Nexus 5X med Tapatalk
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cidefix said:
What are you guys using your phone for? Running benchmarks the whole day? I can't see any performance issue in real life.
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Pretty much nothing and still it's laggy. Starting apps is slow, installation of new apps is slow and slows the device down to a crawl as well. I see many blaming encryption as LG G4 has the same NAND and it's 30% faster.

Snapdradon 810 V2.1 Question

Hi all,
I remember reading that the nexus 6p has a snapdradon 810 V2.1 SoC.
I am not quite so sure though as I'm sure the GPU Clock speesnof this particular revision is 630MHz whereas the nexus 6P's GPU tops out at 600MHz. Just posting this to gain some clarification on this. Will post my information sources for this later when I'm back from work
TEW999 said:
Hi all,
I remember reading that the nexus 6p has a snapdradon 810 V2.1 SoC.
I am not quite so sure though as I'm sure the GPU Clock speesnof this particular revision is 630MHz whereas the nexus 6P's GPU tops out at 600MHz. Just posting this to gain some clarification on this. Will post my information sources for this later when I'm back from work
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OEMs can lower CPU/GPU clock to lower temperatures.. Like Oneplus..
TEW999 said:
Hi all,
I remember reading that the nexus 6p has a snapdradon 810 V2.1 SoC.
I am not quite so sure though as I'm sure the GPU Clock speesnof this particular revision is 630MHz whereas the nexus 6P's GPU tops out at 600MHz. Just posting this to gain some clarification on this. Will post my information sources for this later when I'm back from work
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Underclocked by the manufacturer to keep the temperature down.
