Android Permission Helper Library - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

Hello guys, if you ever struggled with Android runtime permissions. i hope it help you.


[Q] driver development in andriod

hey all,
I am a newbie in android development. I just wanted to know that is it possible to do driver development in android OS . If yes then please can you point me to the correct direction of where to find any suitable data regrading driver development in android. Actually i have to build a filter driver for android development and as a newbie to this beautiful OS, i really need to find out that if it is possible. Please guys will you help me????

Need help to make apk with android studio

Sorry for my noob question. But i realy don't understand how to make apk with android studio.
I trying build ContactsProvider.apk from
I imported project to android studio from source code.But this apk require android_frameworks_base from And i don't understand how to set android_frameworks_base as library.
Can anyone help me ?

HtmlUnit for Android

I'm developing an app and I need to retrieve data from html code. In addition, i would like manage the event (for example, click the button and redirect in other page) in html code.
I searched on Google and I've found a beautiful library that meet my needs: HtmlUnit.
The problem is the compatibility with Android SDK: there are conflicts with Android classes and maybe, I must to recompile the source code for Android compatibility.
Are there alternative to HtmlUnit? I don't know how to build this library...Can you help me?
Any help would be most welcome...thank you!
PS: sorry for my poor english!

[Solved] Custom watchface not showing up

Hello everyone
So I'm giving a try in developping a custom watchface, and so far I've only managed to get it working on the emulator provided by android studio.
I would like to get my custom watchface to be listed among other watchfaces in the Android Wear companion app on my phone, however I can't manage to get it in the list of watchfaces.
What I did so far :
Make a stand alone wear app with a watchface service
Try it into the emulator (working so far)
Make a mobile app with no activity
Add the wearable module into the mobile app gradle file
Export the APK for the mobile module
Installed it onto my phone
Here are the logcat after I going installing the apk and going into the available watchfaces onto the companion app :
05-16 21:36:05.526 1057-22242/ I/WearablePkgInstaller﹕ Setting DataItem to install wearable apps for dev.azsde.interstellarwatchface
05-16 21:36:23.349 1057-1057/ E/WatchFacePreview﹕ Peer ID passed into loadWatchFaces cannot be null
05-16 21:36:23.415 1057-8093/ E/WatchFaceLoadTask﹕ Could not retrieve the watch face info DataItems
05-16 21:36:23.458 1057-1057/ I/Timeline﹕ Timeline: Activity_idle id: [email protected] time:1410673
Can someone help me with this ? I'm struggling with this problem and it is driving me crazy ... :crying:
Thank you in advance :victory:
Edit : Problem solved, I did not put the permission properly. (Silly me.)
Hello. I'm facing the same problem. Did you manage to resolve this problem? I spent few days but I was not able to fix it. Can you please help me if you mange to resolve this.
Thank you!

Lib for WordPress XMLRPC with a JSON response

Hi all,
i'm currently trying to build an app for Android under Android Studio, and I spent many hours searching over the Net for the solution adapted for my needs without success.
Here is my question :
Which library shall I use to connect to WordPress XMLRPC ([]/xmlrpc.php) ?
In fact I need to query a plugin (woocommerce_events) who's receiving requests in XML and responds in JSON. I tried using android-xmlrpc lib but it doesn't support the JSON response (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: Unexpected token (position:TEXT [{"[email protected]:337 in [email protected])).
Could you please help me to achieve this, giving some examples as i'm a beginner in Android Dev (I'm comming from PHP) ?
Many thanks for your help.

