[Solved] Custom watchface not showing up - Wear OS Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everyone
So I'm giving a try in developping a custom watchface, and so far I've only managed to get it working on the emulator provided by android studio.
I would like to get my custom watchface to be listed among other watchfaces in the Android Wear companion app on my phone, however I can't manage to get it in the list of watchfaces.
What I did so far :
Make a stand alone wear app with a watchface service
Try it into the emulator (working so far)
Make a mobile app with no activity
Add the wearable module into the mobile app gradle file
Export the APK for the mobile module
Installed it onto my phone
Here are the logcat after I going installing the apk and going into the available watchfaces onto the companion app :
05-16 21:36:05.526 1057-22242/com.google.android.wearable.app I/WearablePkgInstaller﹕ Setting DataItem to install wearable apps for dev.azsde.interstellarwatchface
05-16 21:36:23.349 1057-1057/com.google.android.wearable.app E/WatchFacePreview﹕ Peer ID passed into loadWatchFaces cannot be null
05-16 21:36:23.415 1057-8093/com.google.android.wearable.app E/WatchFaceLoadTask﹕ Could not retrieve the watch face info DataItems
05-16 21:36:23.458 1057-1057/com.google.android.wearable.app I/Timeline﹕ Timeline: Activity_idle id: [email protected] time:1410673
Can someone help me with this ? I'm struggling with this problem and it is driving me crazy ... :crying:
Thank you in advance :victory:
Edit : Problem solved, I did not put the permission properly. (Silly me.)

Hello. I'm facing the same problem. Did you manage to resolve this problem? I spent few days but I was not able to fix it. Can you please help me if you mange to resolve this.
Thank you!


[APP] Need Galaxy S interface names

Greerting everyone,
i am developing a App named "TrafficCounter Extended". Currently i am trying to support as much phones as possible and need further information about the Galaxy S.
That's where i need you Could someone install "TrafficCounter Extended" from the market? Then please open the app, and do the following: Menu -> Help -> Bug report. Your email client will pop up ready to send an email with some debug data to me. Please send it.
I really do appreciate your help,
Thanks - mrlocus

[Q] Gaia Interface

Hi guys,
I have a completion job in the school and I'm working on an app to firefox OS for this.
I wish you guys to help me with informations about the Gaia interface, or idk alert me about some especial stuffs or even send me links.
You must know how difficult it is to find etc....
You need these do?
Click on the name of the API
I only know these.

Add VR features to an existing app

Hi guys,
I need to implement Virtual Reality on this android app: (I can't post links because i'm a new user, so go on GitHub and search for OurStreets documentation)
Does anybody know how to do it? I can't find a solution and this is part of an important project from my University...
Thanks in advance

Need help installing .vxp files on an MTK6261 Smart Watch

Basically when I click the .vxp file on my smartwatch file manager nothing happens. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Pictures: imgur.com/a/cXzb6
Edit: Added readback file for the smartwatch
File: drive.google.com/open?id=0B0wAISajWf39TndIYXJiYVZQS00
Facrafter said:
Basically when I click the .vxp file on my smartwatch file manager nothing happens. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Pictures: imgur.com/a/cXzb6
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I'm in the same situation. I tried vxp files on my mt6261 but nothing happens. Have you obtained any response? Hope we could fix this soon.
Regads. :fingers-crossed:
Hello, I have the same issue here. I have a Star Y1 (his name) with MTK6261 and I don't know how to install .vxp files.
I am using MediaTek SmartDevice on my Android phone, but it doesn't install anything. It keeps saying "please try later"...
Does anyone knows something about how I can install these files?
djcioc said:
Hello, I have the same issue here. I have a Star Y1 (his name) with MTK6261 and I don't know how to install .vxp files.
I am using MediaTek SmartDevice on my Android phone, but it doesn't install anything. It keeps saying "please try later"...
Does anyone knows something about how I can install these files?
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Sorry, mtk6261 has no capability for installing apps. Mtk6260 has this feature (but there's no watch with this mtk on the market anymore). So, i sugest you to do a full search on this forums until you find on wich mtk versions can install and run apps. (If you want to buy a new smartwatch)
Sirius_Balzier said:
Sorry, mtk6261 has no capability for installing apps. Mtk6260 has this feature (but there's no watch with this mtk on the market anymore). So, i sugest you to do a full search on this forums until you find on wich mtk versions can install and run apps. (If you want to buy a new smartwatch)
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hello, i have dz09 smartwatch with MT6260
but i can't install apps on it, when I tried open VXP files nothing happens.
how I can install app on it ?
Sirius_Balzier said:
Sorry, mtk6261 has no capability for installing apps. Mtk6260 has this feature (but there's no watch with this mtk on the market anymore). So, i sugest you to do a full search on this forums until you find on wich mtk versions can install and run apps. (If you want to buy a new smartwatch)
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Thank you.
Facrafter said:
Edit: Added readback file for the smartwatch
File: drive.google.com/open?id=0B0wAISajWf39TndIYXJiYVZQS00
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What do you want to change? Watchfaces?

No1 dt98 new watchface not show up

Hi, i tried to instal new watchface on my smartwatch. after succesfull installation and the watchface status is installed, the new watchface did not show up in my smartwatch. I tried using both fundo and mediatek app and the result is the same. Any idea why?
I have this watch and the same happen to me. Did anyone knows why?
One thing I noted, this watch has 12 watchfaces pre installed. Maybe it cannot display more than that.
Has anyone been able to remove a watch face to be able to load a new one.
No1 DT98 Watchfaces issue
Having the same issue. Able to 'install' the watchface via MediaTek, but then doesn't show up on dial selector...
Anyone with a way around this - help would be very welcome....
Where did you find the watchfaces?
Someone tried to remove one of the preinstalled WF to free up a slot?
the same problem anf from me i cant install watchfaces,,,and i send email to company and ,,,,1)my questions to company is:..hello i have a few days the model dt98 but i can not install wachfaces or vxp faces...the firmware is XM027_C19_V1_B_2019_0929-3...i tested the app Mediatek SmartDevice_vV1.7.6_ but nothing,,,,, says ok install accsses but dont install if i check the smartwatch,,,,i found the other firmware G8vxptest for vxp watch faces but it is not impossible install this....please send me another firmware who working and i can put watchfaces and vxp files or give me the downloaded link firmware...i am waiting your answer......thank you
And the answer from company ::hi DT98 can't install extra watchface due to the memory and why you do that, my friend?
2)my question again::because i want make some custom vxp watch faces and some vxp football faces....please its impossible.. i no that in forums,, i read with old firmwares its impossible,,,tell me what firmware is this?..its an old firmware??or some new firmware??or firmware from another model who is the same??i am waiting your answer..thank you
the company answer again: Our old android watch can support install watchface but new model like DT98 can't. thanks for the understanding.....
maybe its big fools......the guys
---------- Post added at 03:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------
must found other firmware from another model or another mark who have the same parameters for hardware and software ,,,,,,,,,,only this solution it is for this model dt98,,,if someone found another firmware post it here..
I'm looking for software update because my dt98 does all...worng (steps, heart rate, distance )
Hi dhiotis,
I think you will be very disapointed: dt98 is not a smartwatch but a ... toy watch! Everything is fake: steps, heart rate, O2... The only thing witch is real is the time!
For example: my pillow has 98% O2! And 72/min heart rate!
Sorry but this is not a firmware problem...
At least, you made me laupgh
But I hope that some day and some how, the software could be updating.
Give up, everyone, there's no way to change a watch's face
MDK125 said:
Give up, everyone, there's no way to change a watch's face
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Is there no way to replace one face with another?
