Light bleed - X Style (Pure) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys I bought a Motorola X Style on Amazon (european version) white 32 GB and I noticed some light bleeding on the bottom righe corner of the phone ( only with black screen and maximum brightness).
I know that this is a typical problem of LCD screen but I don't know if is better to change the phone or not. During normal use this phenomenon is not visibile.

I have a blob of light bleed on the bottom left side. I also got mine from Amazon. Seems to be typical with this device. I only see it on black screens. I considered returning but since there is still more demand than supply and it took me three weeks to get this one, I think I'll just live with it.

Mine is the same from Amazon. I may address it at some point but right now too much is right with the phone and their supply is too low.

OK if this "problem" is common to a large part of Moto X Style, i think that is better to keep with us our phones....the new ones should be worst

Mine not only has light bleed but a defective display. There is a light spot in the upper right quadrant. Seems that Motorola(Lenovo), has decided to use very cheap display panels. I guess that is how they can charge the price that they do. Also manufactured in China now, which reeks of poor quality control. Very sad for a once awesome piece of hardware. Next thing you know the radios in these phones will be subpar, which would really be a shame with the Motorola name attached to it. I am a little disappointed in this. I was very excited about this phone and now I am bummed. I am getting a replacement but if to is bad with lots of light bleed, I might have to send it back and take a pass on the Moto X Pure. If the display is this bad, it worries me that the rest of the device will be a piece of garbage in time as well. I want to unlock and root but I have pause as I am worried about premature failure and Moto blaming me for it. We will see.


[Q] Does the perfect (manufactured) TF101 Exist?

Hi guys,
I'm on my second transformer in a week and going back and forth between keeping it or going for another replacement. Let me address my question though.
Can those of you with this device confirm whether or not you have a perfectly constructed Transformer? What I mean by that, for the most part, is that it's devoid of the various hardware defects that people are complaining about. These include poor touch response on the screen (having to double touch, or it doesn't work at all), speaker balance issues, light bleed, and screen-to-bezel separation.
My first TF from Amazon had the speaker issue where the right was much louder than the left. However, that was the ONLY problem with it. There was no light bleed and the screen, from what I can remember, did not have any noticeable separation.
My replacement came from Newegg, and the good news is that the speakers both work great. The bad news is I have a SLIGHT light bleed down in the UI menu at the bottom of the screen when in landscape mode, and I would say a moderate issue of the screen being separated from the bezel. A lot of people seemed to not notice this second issue until they starting looking closer at their own TFs. Basically, run your finger around that little black line that links your screen to the case. Is it seamless with the glass or does it stick out?
I'm beginning to question my OCD at this point, but if people really can confirm for me they have 0 light bleed and seamless screens I think I will keep returning until I can get what I would consider a perfect replacement.
All feedback appreciated! Thanks!
ria_drizzt said:
Hi guys,
I'm on my second transformer in a week and going back and forth between keeping it or going for another replacement. Let me address my question though.
Can those of you with this device confirm whether or not you have a perfectly constructed Transformer? What I mean by that, for the most part, is that it's devoid of the various hardware defects that people are complaining about. These include poor touch response on the screen (having to double touch, or it doesn't work at all), speaker balance issues, light bleed, and screen-to-bezel separation.
My first TF from Amazon had the speaker issue where the right was much louder than the left. However, that was the ONLY problem with it. There was no light bleed and the screen, from what I can remember, did not have any noticeable separation.
My replacement came from Newegg, and the good news is that the speakers both work great. The bad news is I have a SLIGHT light bleed down in the UI menu at the bottom of the screen when in landscape mode, and I would say a moderate issue of the screen being separated from the bezel. A lot of people seemed to not notice this second issue until they starting looking closer at their own TFs. Basically, run your finger around that little black line that links your screen to the case. Is it seamless with the glass or does it stick out?
I'm beginning to question my OCD at this point, but if people really can confirm for me they have 0 light bleed and seamless screens I think I will keep returning until I can get what I would consider a perfect replacement.
All feedback appreciated! Thanks!
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Don't exchange right away. Wait till the last minute (of your return period) so you'll get the latest batch.
You know it is a file config fix for the speakers? You may be kicking yourself if that was your only problem and you now have one with lightbleed!
Paradaz, I found that out after sending it back to Amazon. :-(
I am kicking myself and doing it pretty hard.
I also found out I get the pleasure of paying shipping costs because I bought my second one through Newegg (Amazon was out so could only refund at the time).
I have decided the screen separation is making me too nervous, so here's to hoping the 3rd time is a charm.
Mine should arrive tomorrow or Tuesday I bought it through Wal-Mart .com. I'll report back if I see any issues mentioned. These things are selling like hot cakes though, it pretty amazing.
Mine should show up from Amazon tomorrow and I am all paranoid by everyone having issues so either I will be back and sobbing about it or I might not be heard from for a week.
I got my third from New Egg a week or so ago and so far it is virtually flawless. I say virtually because there is the tiniest bit of light bleed along the bottom but it is so slight that its unnoticeable unless pointed out (even on a black screen).
I'm on number 3 also. build is tighter than the other 2, but the first was tight in the beginning too. still has bleed and speaker balance issues. I've done the tweaks and used volume+. my only fear is blowing a speaker now.
hoping I have a keeper this time.
Mine seems perfect to me. I must be one of the rare lucky ones.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
No issues here, have owned my TF for a week now.
-No random SODs
-No light bleed
-No speaker issues
-No touch response problems
-No creaky bezel issues
Guess I lucked out?
Each time I think I've finally convinced myself that I am going to keep my current Transformer, I stumble upon one of these threads. As much as I love the device, my OCD has me looking for defects whenever I have it in my hands. I received mine from Newegg Friday and this is what I've noticed so far:
- Minor light bleed along the bottom when in landscape mode. Nothing too serious but definitely noticeable when in a dark room and the bottom of the screen is black. I tend to think this is going to be the case with all these screens.
- Right speaker louder than the left. Seems almost universal. I ran a Left/Right speaker test and, although it isn't an overwhelming difference, the right is clearly louder. Perhaps this is simply a matter of the openings/slots on the right side?
- One speck of dust under the screen in the upper left corner an inch below the Asus logo.
- What appears to be a dead/stuck Pixel in the right corner. Didn't notice this initially as it only appears clearly against certain backgrounds. When I ran a pixel test, there was a black dot about the size of a pin point against bright blue backgrounds in that spot. Very hard to notice against other colors.
- Screen separation: I notice no defect on that front. Maybe the slightest separation on the right side where the mini HDMI port is... the main problem is me looking like a moron every time my girlfriend walks in the room and I'm intently starting at a turned off tablet.
I'm debating returning it to Newegg but then I worry that it is mostly a matter of me obsessively looking to find fault and that I'll end up with a worse one if I exchange it. I haven't returned anything to Newegg in years - you said they required the buyer to pay shipping?
Pisugtooq said:
the main problem is me looking like a moron every time my girlfriend walks in the room and I'm intently starting at a turned off tablet.
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lol when i read that i laughed hard
had a scare with mine, couldnt recharge it. But I was rooted, maybe it had something to do with it. The charger itself might have had a problem, but its ok now. Everything else is perfect. I've had mine for almost 3 weeks and it still works flawlessly. I show everyone my device and they are amazed
Pisugtooq said:
Each time I think I've finally convinced myself that I am going to keep my current Transformer, I stumble upon one of these threads. As much as I love the device, my OCD has me looking for defects whenever I have it in my hands. I received mine from Newegg Friday and this is what I've noticed so far:
- Minor light bleed along the bottom when in landscape mode. Nothing too serious but definitely noticeable when in a dark room and the bottom of the screen is black. I tend to think this is going to be the case with all these screens.
- Right speaker louder than the left. Seems almost universal. I ran a Left/Right speaker test and, although it isn't an overwhelming difference, the right is clearly louder. Perhaps this is simply a matter of the openings/slots on the right side?
- One speck of dust under the screen in the upper left corner an inch below the Asus logo.
- What appears to be a dead/stuck Pixel in the right corner. Didn't notice this initially as it only appears clearly against certain backgrounds. When I ran a pixel test, there was a black dot about the size of a pin point against bright blue backgrounds in that spot. Very hard to notice against other colors.
- Screen separation: I notice no defect on that front. Maybe the slightest separation on the right side where the mini HDMI port is... the main problem is me looking like a moron every time my girlfriend walks in the room and I'm intently starting at a turned off tablet.
I'm debating returning it to Newegg but then I worry that it is mostly a matter of me obsessively looking to find fault and that I'll end up with a worse one if I exchange it. I haven't returned anything to Newegg in years - you said they required the buyer to pay shipping?
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I would return this in an instant. The dust and stuck pixel would drive me insane!
Each time I think I've finally convinced myself that I am going to keep my current Transformer, I stumble upon one of these threads. As much as I love the device, my OCD has me looking for defects whenever I have it in my hands. I received mine from Newegg Friday and this is what I've noticed so far:
- Minor light bleed along the bottom when in landscape mode. Nothing too serious but definitely noticeable when in a dark room and the bottom of the screen is black. I tend to think this is going to be the case with all these screens.
- Right speaker louder than the left. Seems almost universal. I ran a Left/Right speaker test and, although it isn't an overwhelming difference, the right is clearly louder. Perhaps this is simply a matter of the openings/slots on the right side?
- One speck of dust under the screen in the upper left corner by the Asus logo.
- What appears to be a dead/stuck Pixel in the right corner. Didn't notice this initially as it only appears against certain backgrounds. However, when I run a pixel test, it is visible against certain backgrounds.
- Screen separation: I notice no defect on that front. Maybe the slightest separation on the right side where the mini HDMI port is... the main problem is me looking like a moron every time my girlfriend walks in the room and I'm intently starting at a turned off tablet.
I'm debating returning it to Newegg but then I worry that it is mostly a matter of me obsessively looking to find fault and that I'll end up with a worse one if I exchange it. I haven't returned anything to Newegg in years - you said they required the buyer to pay shipping?
hauj0bb said:
No issues here, have owned my TF for a week now.
-No random SODs
-No light bleed
-No speaker issues
-No touch response problems
-No creaky bezel issues
Guess I lucked out?
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Mine too, and I'll add no battery drain issue.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
madsquabbles said:
I'm on number 3 also. build is tighter than the other 2, but the first was tight in the beginning too. still has bleed and speaker balance issues. I've done the tweaks and used volume+. my only fear is blowing a speaker now.
hoping I have a keeper this time.
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I'm on number 4. Just got another 1 replacement from amazon yesterday, the build quality got better from the last 2 i got but this new 1 has worse light bleeding out of the 4 i got. I'm still thinking if i should keep the 3rd one i got and return the new one i just got from amazon or just return everything and get the samsung. Hard decision because i really like the transformer but the light bleeding is kind of annoying
ria_drizzt said:
Hi guys,
I'm on my second transformer in a week and going back and forth between keeping it or going for another replacement. Let me address my question though.
Can those of you with this device confirm whether or not you have a perfectly constructed Transformer? What I mean by that, for the most part, is that it's devoid of the various hardware defects that people are complaining about. These include poor touch response on the screen (having to double touch, or it doesn't work at all), speaker balance issues, light bleed, and screen-to-bezel separation.
My first TF from Amazon had the speaker issue where the right was much louder than the left. However, that was the ONLY problem with it. There was no light bleed and the screen, from what I can remember, did not have any noticeable separation.
My replacement came from Newegg, and the good news is that the speakers both work great. The bad news is I have a SLIGHT light bleed down in the UI menu at the bottom of the screen when in landscape mode, and I would say a moderate issue of the screen being separated from the bezel. A lot of people seemed to not notice this second issue until they starting looking closer at their own TFs. Basically, run your finger around that little black line that links your screen to the case. Is it seamless with the glass or does it stick out?
I'm beginning to question my OCD at this point, but if people really can confirm for me they have 0 light bleed and seamless screens I think I will keep returning until I can get what I would consider a perfect replacement.
All feedback appreciated! Thanks!
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I've received two units that I've opened (the others were sold unopened).
Both units have no issues beyond *extremely* minimal light bleed that is normal on any tablet screen, and not obtrusive in the least. One has a very slight gap at one short point in the bezel, barely twice the width of a human hair, if that.
You'd have to be beyond OCD to be unhappy with build quality on either of my tabs. And I didn't return any to get them.
But frankly I think plenty of people *are* beyond OCD, and expect a level of perfection that's simply not realistic.
It seems to be quite an issue, with the defected hardware. my came with a problematic power button which got worse with every use. now I can't lock/unlock the screen, can't turn it off and If I do manage to turn it off the only way to boot it would be to connect it to power. Today hopefully I will get it replaced.
Mine is perfect. I had a light cracking on the right side the first weeks, but it is gone now. I am very happy with my transformer. Browser scrolling could be better .
Nothing to complain.

[Q] Light Bleed? Common issue? Faulty?

I have just received my Asus TF today, and I absolutely love it!
However I have just noticed that in the middle of the screen @ the very bottom the light is slightly bleeding out (ie there is a lighter spot on the black bar).
Its just right above the docking point.
Is this a common issue / design, or is mine faulty?
Sorry, its probably a completely stupid question, but I just want to figure out if I should be asking for a new one....
It's a common issue, you're not alone.
Some of us have returned TF's with light bleed, while others accept it.
If you just have one section at the bottom, keep it. Mine had four different areas of bleed.
I have light bleeding but only noticeable when showing pure full screen black picture in a dark room. So its not really a big deal for me ( I guess nothing is perfect). However, I wonder if others have worse.
I have some light bleed at the bottom of my screen in 3 different areas. Its not too bad and i can only see it on a black screen. Its better ecer since i put the sceen on auto brightness
this problem will exist with LG ips screen. :O
Got my replacement from BestBuy today, Original had one bad light bleed and 3 smaller ones. Also had a dead pixel in the middle of the screen.
New one has small light bleed in lower corner, hardly noticeable and no dead pixels.
Now I just need to pick a ROM to put on ;-)
xufuchang said:
this problem will exist with LG ips screen. :O
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No. No it will not. LG IPS panels do not even have backlights; not inherently, anyway.
I hate when people blame light bleed on IPS. It's not the IPS technology, it's the poor quality edge-lighting
dorino1 said:
No. No it will not. LG IPS panels do not even have backlights; not inherently, anyway.
I hate when people blame light bleed on IPS. It's not the IPS technology, it's the poor quality edge-lighting
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Then it's LG's messed up edge-lit lighting.
ericc191 said:
Then it's LG's messed up edge-lit lighting.
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Yes, that's probably true. Asus might be responsible for the backlight, or they may have bought it from yet another third party, but it's probably LG's.
Mine has very small ribboning of light at the bottom of the screen, would have never noticed in normal use. I checked my Ipad that I have had for a year and its exactly the same and in the same place, never noticed till I looked for it. Possibly all tablets have LB to some extent if its not noticible in every day use its only a problem if it bothers you looking at a black screen in a dark room
PaulGG said:
Mine has very small ribboning of light at the bottom of the screen, would have never noticed in normal use. I checked my Ipad that I have had for a year and its exactly the same and in the same place, never noticed till I looked for it. Possibly all tablets have LB to some extent if its not noticible in every day use its only a problem if it bothers you looking at a black screen in a dark room
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Not all tablets have lightbleed.
Most do, though, because of the form factor basically requiring edge-lit backlights, which are very tempermental
I just received mine yesterday & don't seem to have any light bleed. That is unless I don't know what I am looking for.
My only real issue seems to be with the power button. I have to push it 2 or 3 time for my transformer to wake up.
I have the same issue, 2 spots at the top of the screen. I don't think I ever see it though unless the display is entirely black or at least very dark. If it were much worse I'd consider getting a replacement, however from what I've read on the subject it doesn't seem to get (significantly) worse over time under normal conditions, however excess strain may worsen the effect. Thankfully the TF101 seems pretty solid so I don't think its going to be much of an issue.
Mine has it in about three or four places too, I don't really care about it though.
Sadly I just noticed two spots in the middle of my screen that are white. I do not think it is light bleed but I have already issued a RMA with NCIX on this.
I noticed that it is an issue on Amazon as well....according to this review.
Ah well. Will RMA it and if that fails will get a refund and get a Acer Iconia instead.

Has manufcaturing gotten better

So I know there have been tons of threads regarding light bleed in the Transformer but what I'm wondering is if the issue has gotten any better with the newer units. My 45 day return window at Best Buy is coming up and I'm trying to decide what to do. I have some light bleeding on the bottom right of my unit, but it only really bothers me in dark rooms. However since my wife tries not to use lights very much in our house, most rooms are dark. I haven't had any other issues, and I would only consider exchanging it if I knew that the newer ones have gotten better on this front. I got mine in mid May and I assume they've had numerous shipments since then. Have the new models gotten any better on the defect front?
I just bought one yesterday and I am taking it back today. Mine has some separation between the glass and bezel as if it were dropped in shipping or something. I also notice very minor light bleed only at the bottom about middle area so I would say that most likely this issue hasn't been resolved but I am afraid the new one I get tonight will be worse.
I will post up tonight when i get the new one and let you know if it has any bleed....most likely it will. Even the display models at 2 different Best Buys has it. I got mine from Office Depot so that is three different stores all with light bleed issues.
I got mine last month from Best Buy online and it's fine. No bleeding, no creaking, no problems of any kind (except the occasional PEBKAC issue )
I have no problems as ofyet
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
So it's still a crap-shoot?
Just got mine from NewEgg for $389/fs. So far, no issues. It's a black-sealed, Serial# B60 model. I can't detect any light-bleed, no creaks/cracks. Only had it a few minutes, but all seems well. It was packaged very well from NE with peanuts in a large box. I can't detect issues with the speakers either.
It had Android 3.1 preinstalled.
Also, it has all my phone (EVO) apps installed within minutes ... not sure if that's new to Google or something, but never had that before. It did it automatically when I signed in to Google.
doolyd said:
I just bought one yesterday and I am taking it back today. Mine has some separation between the glass and bezel as if it were dropped in shipping or something. I also notice very minor light bleed only at the bottom about middle area so I would say that most likely this issue hasn't been resolved but I am afraid the new one I get tonight will be worse.
I will post up tonight when i get the new one and let you know if it has any bleed....most likely it will. Even the display models at 2 different Best Buys has it. I got mine from Office Depot so that is three different stores all with light bleed issues.
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what was the serial number of yours...b6?
Bought mine in Singapore last week, no problems whatsoever. Is from the recent manufactured batch, B60K serial, TW firmware. Love it, no regrets!
Bought mine Saturday at Compusa , went B&M in case I had to take it back. i have a slight amount of light bleed at the bottom middle right. Not sure if I'll take it back, it doesn't really bother me, but I did just pay for a new product so it should be perfect right?
I returned my first one due to a dead pixel and minor light bleed in the bottom middle of the screen. I just got my new one in yesterday and I can not find a single issue with it. Serial number b60.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA App
rbusch said:
Bought mine in Singapore last week, no problems whatsoever. Is from the recent manufactured batch, B60K serial, TW firmware. Love it, no regrets!
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Mine was B60K as well. In case the letter after the number changes at all.
krighton said:
what was the serial number of yours...b6?
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Yes the one I got yesterday was a serial b6. The one I got today is a b5.
They both have\had very slight light bleed (at the bottom) but I think I can deal with it.
This new b5 is a little worse than the b6 but almost not so much to really even bring it up, but I will. So I would say that it is a crap shoot which sucks. I turned it on at the store but it wasn't dark enough to see the problem. I have seen some that are very bad that I couldn't live with but both I have had I could/will live with; unless they get worse over time.
redshirt72 said:
Bought mine Saturday at Compusa , went B&M in case I had to take it back. i have a slight amount of light bleed at the bottom middle right. Not sure if I'll take it back, it doesn't really bother me, but I did just pay for a new product so it should be perfect right?
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I would normally agree with your logic about it being perfect, but with these IPS screens it's very hard to totally do away with the light bleed. Even the iPad2, as much as Apple praises their build quality, has light bleed. Mine did and so did my wife's.
Hell, my 46" Samsung LCD has some light bleed in the corners (we refer to them as "flashights").
I think if you get a TF with minimal light bleed, mine is very small at the bottom, you are doing well.
So mine is a B40K series. It sounds like if I can find a B60K series it might be worth it to exchange?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I am going to take my in for a replacement @ Fry's tomorrow as well! If I call ahead of time...will they tell me if they have a B60 in stock? =/ Seems like there are more success stories with the B60...I have light bleeding out all over the bottom...and on the left.
Some people doesn't seem to know what light bleeding is, so i will not believe anyone saying their TF is just perfect without seeing actual pictures of the screen, in max brightness and low light.
That happend on other forums a lot, and after explanations a lot of them admitted that they were wrong.
Same thing with unbalanced speakers, creaking, screen responsiveness etc.
Or... maybe not all of you there are as perfectionists as some of us are, and that's fine. But don't make us envy your perfect products.
Mine (B5) also has one light bleeding spot on the middle bottom (about an inch from the edge) and the screen responsiveness isn't as great s on SGS II or iPad2 (or maybe it's Honeycomb's fault), bothers me a little, but overall I am happy with my Transformer. It's making my life easier a lot on four aspects: saving my laptop (on which i spent a lot and doesn't deserve to be stressed sometimes all day long just for browsing; I am saving it for real work and there are days now when i don't use it at all; also, TF is way better than my wife's iPad 2 on this reason), my smartphone (who's battery now last for 2 full days because of transferring the light browsing, reading and media consuming in bed to the Transformer), my injured back (from using the laptop at desk all day) and my eyes (beacuse of the reason no. 2, with the smartphone replacement for some stuff).
LE: Conclusion: Stop complaining or bragging about it, and just make it worth it's money using it.
Has anyone yet commented the speaker balance in the B60K batch? More experience sharing on the light bleeding wll be appreciated too.
My B50K has passed its refund windows, but I could sell and buy a new B60K, and lose about $100. I need more info to decide...
ikeny said:
Has anyone yet commented the speaker balance in the B60K batch? More experience sharing on the light bleeding wll be appreciated too.
My B50K has passed its refund windows, but I could sell and buy a new B60K, and lose about $100. I need more info to decide...
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I havew a B50K and it's perfect. Thinking you will be getting $100 worth of something additional with a B60K is just insane.
i'm hoping they've worked out the creakiness in B40 was really bad.
slopokdave said:
I would normally agree with your logic about it being perfect, but with these IPS screens it's very hard to totally do away with the light bleed. Even the iPad2, as much as Apple praises their build quality, has light bleed. Mine did and so did my wife's.
Hell, my 46" Samsung LCD has some light bleed in the corners (we refer to them as "flashights").
I think if you get a TF with minimal light bleed, mine is very small at the bottom, you are doing well.
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Said perfectly. I've had a B40, a B50, and 2 B60s. ALL had light bleed to various degrees.
The B60s seem a lot better but they still have light bleed. While I don't doubt there may be a few transformers out there with no light bleed, I'm definitely skeptical of the claim that someone has a transformer with no light bleed whatsoever.
I do a lot of reading on my device and I like to read with white text on a black background so light bleed shows up immediately. The light bleed on the B60 I am keeping is minimal enough that it doesn't bother me even in this condition.

Light bleed - how to check it?

I have received Google Nexus 10 and it seems like the seal was broken, which suggests that somebody else has already used it (or at least unpacked).
I guess that the only known "big issue" is the light bleed. Could somebody tell me, step by step, how to determine it? (e.g. how to load all black screen? What brightness should I use to check it?). I am trying to judge whether to keep the tablet or not.
Thank you for help,
Try using an app like this LCD test:
go to the pure black and then play around with the brightness (set it to max).
You'll almost certainly going to see some but this should help you decide if it's a deal breaker for you.
the darker the room the better aswell! if you are in a pitch dark room and only see little light bleed at max brightness then have a little smile to yourself and enjoy the nexus!
theriel said:
I have received Google Nexus 10 and it seems like the seal was broken, which suggests that somebody else has already used it (or at least unpacked).
I guess that the only known "big issue" is the light bleed. Could somebody tell me, step by step, how to determine it? (e.g. how to load all black screen? What brightness should I use to check it?). I am trying to judge whether to keep the tablet or not.
Thank you for help,
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Check out "Backlight Bleed Test"
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
So what is light bleed that matters?
I know the OP's question is on testing for bleed, but want to respond to help those wondering whether what they're seeing in their tests is normal or a defect that a replacement unit might solve . . .
Starting with a couple of suggested definitions:
'Light bleed' is a significant unevenness in screen lighting/brightness that's irritating in normal use – like scalloping along the edges, or being a lot brighter or darker on one side. Separately, let's call it 'black glow' when what's intended to be jet black on a screen doesn't appear completely black.
If you search the Web for 'light bleed' and the name of any major tablet, you'll find plenty of references to this. When examining your tablet, for context do the same with your laptop, LCD monitor, and LCD TV, for all are subject to the same concerns. No screen technology is perfect. Lighting on all LCD screens varies somewhat depending on the angle you look at it, and some level of 'black glow' is normal too.
Looking at your all-black screen in a dark room with the brightness turned up can be a useful test to verify problems if you find concerns that affect normal usage. This is a worst-case-scenario video test, and when you test your other LCD-screen devices this way, you are bound to see 'black glow'.
A lot of cell phones (mostly Samsung) have AMOLED screens that don't need screen backlighting & thus don't have 'black glow' – each pixel is a light and blacks can truly be black. But these screens are limited to smaller devices – the largest are two lower-resolution 7.7" units; you can't buy a 10" AMOLED tablet. With LCD's, note that the larger the screen & the higher the resolution, the brighter the backlight (really, it's on the edge) needs to be.
There are definitely defective units out there, and some that aren't as even as others. Hopefully this adds context to the discussion and will help folks new to the issue decide whether their unit is bad enough to be worth exchanging . . .
brocco99 said:
I know the OP's question is on testing for bleed, but want to respond to help those wondering whether what they're seeing in their tests is normal or a defect that a replacement unit might solve . . .
Starting with a couple of suggested definitions:
'Light bleed' is a significant unevenness in screen lighting/brightness that's irritating in normal use – like scalloping along the edges, or being a lot brighter or darker on one side. Separately, let's call it 'black glow' when what's intended to be jet black on a screen doesn't appear completely black.
If you search the Web for 'light bleed' and the name of any major tablet, you'll find plenty of references to this. When examining your tablet, for context do the same with your laptop, LCD monitor, and LCD TV, for all are subject to the same concerns. No screen technology is perfect. Lighting on all LCD screens varies somewhat depending on the angle you look at it, and some level of 'black glow' is normal too.
Looking at your all-black screen in a dark room with the brightness turned up can be a useful test to verify problems if you find concerns that affect normal usage. This is a worst-case-scenario video test, and when you test your other LCD-screen devices this way, you are bound to see 'black glow'.
A lot of cell phones (mostly Samsung) have AMOLED screens that don't need screen backlighting & thus don't have 'black glow' – each pixel is a light and blacks can truly be black. But these screens are limited to smaller devices – the largest are two lower-resolution 7.7" units; you can't buy a 10" AMOLED tablet. With LCD's, note that the larger the screen & the higher the resolution, the brighter the backlight (really, it's on the edge) needs to be.
There are definitely defective units out there, and some that aren't as even as others. Hopefully this adds context to the discussion and will help folks new to the issue decide whether their unit is bad enough to be worth exchanging . . .
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Mine is faintly noticeable all the time with auto brightness on. I asked for an RMA and it was 2-3 times as bad. I think I will keep this one. As of now looking at it really bothers me, but I know in a few months once this device has some wear it won't matter to me. However I am still debating on attempting to receive a refund and possibly buying it in the stores in a few months. Hmmm lol.
Thank you all for your informative responses.
I am attaching the pictures of my case. I guess I will have to return it - although you cannot see in the light and with non-black background, it is pretty annoying when the background is black and the ambient light is a bit dimmer...
What would you do in my case ? How does this case compare to your cases?
Thank you,
my orignal device has servere light bleed on the left corner and my replacement device has servere light bleed on the right corner... 3rd one is on the way, please Google, give me a acceptable screen before the world ends!!
I do not think there is any point of returning it. It seems liek light bleed is inherent in the design of these tablets. I have two right in front of me, the second one has even worse light bleed. I shall be keeping the first one. Does any one know if they will charge my card for the second one. It seems like they charged me card, then a days before I got a second nexus 10, they removed the charged.
I was expecting a courier to pick up my old nexus 10. But no one has. Any one else in the same situation with 2 nexus 10s?
sharp910sh said:
I do not think there is any point of returning it. It seems liek light bleed is inherent in the design of these tablets. I have two right in front of me, the second one has even worse light bleed. I shall be keeping the first one. Does any one know if they will charge my card for the second one. It seems like they charged me card, then a days before I got a second nexus 10, they removed the charged.
I was expecting a courier to pick up my old nexus 10. But no one has. Any one else in the same situation with 2 nexus 10s?
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You know its bad when its a best of the worst scenario. Lol.
sharp910sh said:
I do not think there is any point of returning it. It seems liek light bleed is inherent in the design of these tablets. I have two right in front of me, the second one has even worse light bleed. I shall be keeping the first one. Does any one know if they will charge my card for the second one. It seems like they charged me card, then a days before I got a second nexus 10, they removed the charged.
I was expecting a courier to pick up my old nexus 10. But no one has. Any one else in the same situation with 2 nexus 10s?
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They will place another hold of the price of the device until the rma'd unit has returned to them. It would take another 7 days until the hold is released from what was explained to me. So at the moment for me they have 1k of my money on hold because the original is in route to them now and I had just ordered the replacement for the replacement!
You will have to setup a pickup or go to the nearest UPS facility to return your defective unit.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
jjdevega said:
They will place another hold of the price of the device until the rma'd unit has returned to them. It would take another 7 days until the hold is released from what was explained to me. So at the moment for me they have 1k of my money on hold because the original is in route to them now and I had just ordered the replacement for the replacement!
You will have to setup a pickup or go to the nearest UPS facility to return your defective unit.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
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Yes, I was thinking that. But they do not have any of my money on hold. They did but then it was returned back?! Keep checking my account. I thought they were going to organise the collection of my old devise. Seems like i shall give them a ring. They may charge my card again!
So... what do you think about my case (see photos in the previous post)? How does it compare to the "average Nexus 10" you have/have seen? Is it "ok" or "one of the worst cases" or... ?
I am not sure if it is not worth waiting 2-3 weeks for a new tablet, as opposed to holding onto a defective one for a few years...
theriel said:
So... what do you think about my case (see photos in the previous post)? How does it compare to the "average Nexus 10" you have/have seen? Is it "ok" or "one of the worst cases" or... ?
I am not sure if it is not worth waiting 2-3 weeks for a new tablet, as opposed to holding onto a defective one for a few years...
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Your one looks bad!
@OP: It seems the question should be whether your screen looks great to you in normal use or not. If lighting evenness irritates under normal use, *then* the dark room/full-black screen test can confirm what you're seeing. Is only time you see a funny pattern when testing the thing this way?
We can't really know if a picture taken with a typical camera in a dark room really reflects how you see the image; most cameras normally crank the gain up 'till there's some kind of funny colored image. My screen is a bit brighter in the lower right when running this test -- which I see as nothing more than an interesting detail about how the backlighting works, it's completely irrelevant to me in normal use. If your picture really does reflect what you experience, and it affects normal usage . . . yep, it's worse than mine.
The easiest way you can get context for what you're seeing is probably to run the same test on any laptop or tablet you can get ahold of -- makes sense that you don't want your tablet to come up short when compared to what you see first-hand on other LCD screens. That's probably a lot better way to decide!

Display Quality? Who's having issues with light bleed?

Honestly I'm a bit disappointed by the quality of the screen. I have some major light bleed at the lower left hand corner of the screen. Hard to unseen once I've noticed it.
Anyone else experiencing the same?
Lightbleed probably guaranteed from the top half near the camera...
Worth checking that out too...
I must be one of the luckier ones. Zero bleed for me.
Mine was a very early unit too (purchased in Taiwan on release day)
no light bleed here too.
Zero light bleed here. I have one of the pre-order US units.
Light bleed from the second screen but only​ when brightness is jacked up, which is often for watching video. No better nor worse than my old V10's 2nd screen but disappointing nonetheless.
Hi all I also have no light bleed anywhere on the screen and have to say I have mine on full brightness nearly all of the time and tend to use dark wallpapers so if it was there would of shown by now. I have to also say the screen is absolutely brilliant being bright and clear and one of the reasons I chose the Ultra was for its super LCD over being a amoled screen.
I just went through 2 white U Ultras in Canada...and sadly...both had the same light bleed issues. I really like the device...but in the end...I had to send them back and get a refund. HTC seems good about it though. Maybe I will pick it up again in another couple of months after a price cut.
Black HTC Ultra : No light bleed
HTC or Amazon recognize the light bleed as a defect that justifies the replacement or return with refund?
I have an HTC U Ultra with a light bleed at the lower left corner
Display light leak htc ultra
Yes I'm having the same problem I'm noticing on the left upper corner there is a little leak of light very disappointed because this phone was bought from ebay I'm not going to send it back it will take forever to fix it
Jigrobo said:
Yes I'm having the same problem I'm noticing on the left upper corner there is a little leak of light very disappointed because this phone was bought from ebay I'm not going to send it back it will take forever to fix it
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I got a light leak too.
I will have to live with that forever. I really wish i could sell it.
