How safe is buying used Moto X Pure? - X Style (Pure) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have accounts on Verizon and T-Mobile and generally buy phones used. With Verizon-branded phones this is quite safe-- meet the person at Verizon store, have the phone added to my account, and no worries about it subsequently being reported lost or stolen or otherwise blocked/blacklisted. With T-Mobile, completely unsafe. No matter what they tell you at the store about the phone, it can subsequently be blocked or blacklisted for a variety of reasons.
If I buy a Moto X Pure and add it to my Verizon account, am I safe? Or could it still be blacklisted by, say, an insurance claim?

Buy online through swappa and pay with PayPal. PayPal gives you 180 days (6 months) to file a claim, which you can use should the phone not work or stop working.

Not a bad idea but I'm looking locally at $375 for mint 32GB which is a fair amount better than Swappa although with whatever level of risk (which is what I'm trying to figure).

I would say it's pretty safe. Consider that the Pure is only available direct and off-contract, which means it is fully paid for at the time of purchase. That means it can't/won't be blocked due to non-payment in most cases. It's possible that Best Buy may have their own financing, but I doubt they would be able to block an IMEI like carriers can.
I purchased a used one on eBay, and used a $100 discount code I got from selling my old phone. Net was $210 for the 16GB version. Woot! Just got delivered today.

That's kind of what I was thinking about the non-payment issue. I guess the main possible issue is having it reported lost or stolen for insurance fraud purposes.
That sounds like a good price on eBay. The one I'm looking at locally is 32GB bamboo back for $350, vs $310 pre-discount for your 16GB.

Amazon has the 32 gb black or white version for $382 in the warehouse deals listed as minor scratches or they have the 16gb for $339.. These prices include prime shipping and mfg warranty. At that price it's a no brainer. They also have white with bamboo back for $407
Good luck

bigmatt503 said:
Amazon has the 32 gb black or white version for $382 in the warehouse deals listed as minor scratches or they have the 16gb for $339.. These prices include prime shipping and mfg warranty. At that price it's a no brainer. They also have white with bamboo back for $407
Good luck
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I got 16GB for $319.99 (plus tax ) and only had 1 minor mark on side, also the bottom speaker grill is slightly loose otherwise nothing wrong. Still had warranty but I unlocked and might just save the $50 plus $39-49 deductible towards another Moto X if need to due to all the horror stories of Moto Support, hell they can't even be consistent if unlocking voids hardware warranty.

I have a 32gb on my wish list on amazon and I just can't decide if upgrading from my nexus 6 is a big enough upgrade.. Ugh.. My wife thinks I'm crazy with phones as it is. Lol

bigmatt503 said:
I have a 32gb on my wish list on amazon and I just can't decide if upgrading from my nexus 6 is a big enough upgrade.. Ugh.. My wife thinks I'm crazy with phones as it is. Lol
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Isn't that just a normal wife thing?

Buying a used Moto X Pure is just as un/safe as buying any electronic device (costing several $100's) from someone you met on the internet. Use the common sense and buying rules that you'd use for any transaction of this type.
As for blacklisting... carriers won't blacklist a carrier-free phone like the Moto X Pure. They do that for their own phones, locked to their carrier, bought under subsidy. And if that subsidy hasn't been completely paid off, then then the carrier still has partial-ownership of that device. But for BYOD, they won't care.

Part A is good common sense advice. I've spent many many thousands of dollars on electronics from people I just met on the internet, and predating that, from a classified ad. Most were good purchases, a few not. C'est la vie!
Part B I would like to believe, and indeed may act on the assumption it is correct, but nonpayment is only one reason for a phone to be blacklisted. Reported lost/stolen is another. With the Moto X Pure there is no carrier to report it to, but there could be an insurance carrier, and I suspect the result would be the same.


Walmart to sell Nexus One?

I can't really say how i feel about this if it's true.. especially if the rumored pricing is true..
what was the rumored price?
$99 is the rumored price.. not sure where that number came from though.
And no T-mobile on that list of carriers?
I know for sure Walmart ONLY sells locked and subsidized devices, so this will be bundled with T-mobile or - most likely - Verizon. If Google continues its current model, you will probably just sign up with service and need to go online to order the phone. They may have a display model, but I bet they will not actual "sell" the device. Right now their mobile center is more like those kiosk booths at the mall.
UmbraeSoulsbane said:
I know for sure Walmart ONLY sells locked and subsidized devices, so this will be bundled with T-mobile or - most likely - Verizon.
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in stores walmart only sells locked phones but on their website they have sold unlocked phones in the past and i believe they still do, though i have not checked since the g1 came out.
My wife washed her phone with her pants over the holiday, and I went all over to find a replacement. Not wanting to extend my contract (since I want to get rid of it after its over), I had no choice but to look for an unlock or unsubsidized phone. At least during the holidays in store and online I could find no option with out service and seemed to list the same stock.
Of course, retailers can pull those things during the heavy shopping seasons too.
I sort of doubt Google would change their strategy. If T-mobile can't get Nexus Ones; not sure why Wal-mart. I know Wal-mart is a major chain, but normally doing business with Wal-mart is a major pain.
I hope this is a load of Bravo Sierra!
I just purchased my N1 last nite...
UmbraeSoulsbane said:
My wife washed her phone with her pants over the holiday, and I went all over to find a replacement. Not wanting to extend my contract (since I want to get rid of it after its over), I had no choice but to look for an unlock or unsubsidized phone. At least during the holidays in store and online I could find no option with out service and seemed to list the same stock.
Of course, retailers can pull those things during the heavy shopping seasons too.
I sort of doubt Google would change their strategy. If T-mobile can't get Nexus Ones; not sure why Wal-mart. I know Wal-mart is a major chain, but normally doing business with Wal-mart is a major pain.
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If you have been on your service for a while then the telco will give you the unlock codes, I unlocked several blackberries with t-mo customer service and my girl unlocked her storm through verizon.
I think you just have to be a customer for more that 6 months or something. Just tell them your going out of country.
I just noticed in the actual ad a typo FAIL that says:
Expandable microSD (up to 32MB)
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It now "appears" that the Walmart Nexus add was a mistake
Update: Walmart says the phone erroneously appeared on the site by mistake. Their statement: “Due to a technical error, this item erroneously was displayed on our site. We’re working with our partner Let’s Talk to have it removed as quickly as possible. We have no plans to carry Nexus One in Walmart stores or online at at this time.”
No comment I guess?
EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed this has been posted.
If they claim they aren't selling it in stores or through that site... then wtf is it even doing on that "erroneous" page? Seems like a very difficult error to make.
I knew it wasnt fesible, Att, Sprint and Verizon without Tmobile? Hard to believe.
Ok, end of story.

PSA! for those with moto x dev edition...asurion will not replace with dev edition

I have a verizon wirless moto x dev edition and I just found out that asurion (who I have to use with my protection plan) will NOT replace dev edition phones with dev edition phones. Instead they will replace with a standard moto x. I have since switched to square trade as they don't care and all they do i send out a check for the retail value of the phone.
chucky7910 said:
I have a verizon wirless moto x dev edition and I just found out that asurion (who I have to use with my protection plan) will NOT replace dev edition phones with dev edition phones. Instead they will replace with a standard moto x. I have since switched to square trade as they don't care and all they do i send out a check for the retail value of the phone.
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Uh, I suspect that's illegal. They can't warranty something and arbitrarily choose a substitute just because they feel like it, unless it's up front in the terms and conditions. Just like if Motorola warranties my Moto X, they can't arbitrarily choose to replace it with a RAZR or something.
Where'd you get this information?
binary visions said:
Uh, I suspect that's illegal. They can't warranty something and arbitrarily choose a substitute just because they feel like it, unless it's up front in the terms and conditions. Just like if Motorola warranties my Moto X, they can't arbitrarily choose to replace it with a RAZR or something.
Where'd you get this information?
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I called Asurion. They said that they only replace standard equipment... They don't have Dev editions to replace mine with.
chucky7910 said:
I called Asurion. They said that they only replace standard equipment... They don't have Dev editions to replace mine with.
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Funny, look at this from their agreement:
2. Our Options
At our option, we or the Authorized Service Center may provide substitute equipment or repair the Covered Property with substitute parts, of like kind, quality and functionality, that:
a. Have been refurbished, and may contain nonoriginal manufacturer parts; or
b. Are a different brand, model or color.
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I guess that's not an insurance I would ever want to buy. Basically they're saying it's their discretion as to what constitutes a similar substitute. Screw that.
Basically they're saying they could give you something that's not even a Moto x. LOL
Always read the fine print.
Sent from my Moto X cellular telephone...
Yup, don't think I'll be using asurion ever again... Square trade is the way to go.
Square trade doesn't cover lost or stolen devices. Just so you know.
Sent from my XT1060
i had an awful asurion experience with my galaxy nexus. they kept sending me faulty refurbished pieces of $hi7. One with a broken charge port, another with faulty radio and broken speaker, and the last one with way spottier connection than my first galaxy nexus. I finally gave up sending them phones and dealt with the connection until buying the moto x now. i'll never use their service again. i've just decided to put money into a savings every paycheck towards my own "phone insurance" plan.
This goes both ways though. Back in the day my buddy had a DROID Eris. It reached its EOL and he cracked the screen. Asurion replaced it with a brand new DROID Incredible as it was considered its substitute.
I buy phones unlocked and don't insure them. Overall just doesn't seem worth. TMo insures not for free though which I love.
Sent from my Nexus 7
elpeterson said:
This goes both ways though. Back in the day my buddy had a DROID Eris. It reached its EOL and he cracked the screen. Asurion replaced it with a brand new DROID Incredible as it was considered its substitute.
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That's typically how insurance works, though. Usually the verbiage is "equal or greater value" - a regular Moto X is not equal or greater value than a developer edition.
I purchased my warranty through squaretrade and haven't had to use it thankfully. I'm on verizon and bought the developer edition. I called square's customer support and expressed concerns about my phone being replaced with a regular version and the agent actually changed the name of my device to 'Motorola Verizon Device' so they would be forced to read my receipt and see it was a special device. Hopefully this will help should I have to use their service.
binary visions said:
That's typically how insurance works, though. Usually the verbiage is "equal or greater value" - a regular Moto X is not equal or greater value than a developer edition.
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I agree. Their line of thinking though is its a developer device and all they are going to do is replace it with a regular one. My recommendation to anyone considering insurance is to just put away $10 a month for the entirety that you own your phone. If you don't use it, awesome take the money and get a new phone with it and then repeat the process.
elpeterson said:
I agree. Their line of thinking though is its a developer device and all they are going to do is replace it with a regular one. My recommendation to anyone considering insurance is to just put away $10 a month for the entirety that you own your phone. If you don't use it, awesome take the money and get a new phone with it and then repeat the process.
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I generally don't think it's a good idea to insure things that you can afford to replace.
Insurance as an industry wouldn't work if it was a good bet, so it's something you should weigh. Are you the type to break or lose a phone? Is it really going to be hard for you to scrape up a few hundred bucks if the worst happens? Maybe that's a good reason to buy insurance. For a majority of users, though, who aren't regularly destroying phones and have normal credit cards and savings accounts, it's almost always going to be a better choice to replace a phone as needed (or buy a good case) instead of buying the insurance.
You buy medical insurance, or life insurance, or car insurance, because most people can't even begin to pay for those things without it - or the risk is so high if the worst happens. Phones? Laptops? Televisions? Replace as needed unless you really can't afford it (and if you can't afford it, maybe you should evaluate if you need the item to start with).
That's why don't buy the useless phone insurance people. The amount of money you pay monthly and deductible, you can as well pay for a used phone. Also you pay that for every phone you own, so basically throwing free money at useless insurance. It's not that phones cost thousands of dollars. Less than $650 any flagship, Moto used can easily get around or below $300.
binary visions said:
That's typically how insurance works, though. Usually the verbiage is "equal or greater value" - a regular Moto X is not equal or greater value than a developer edition.
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That's called betterment, not insurance. Insurance is there to get you back, as close as possible, to where you were before the loss/damage/etc. Think "like kind and quality".
kirdroid said:
That's why don't buy the useless phone insurance people. The amount of money you pay monthly and deductible, you can as well pay for a used phone. Also you pay that for every phone you own, so basically throwing free money at useless insurance. It's not that phones cost thousands of dollars. Less than $650 any flagship, Moto used to can easily get around or below $300.
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Yeah, people don't seem to understand how bad a deal phone insurance is, especially for a less expensive phone like the Moto X.
7.99*24+100 deductible if you do break and you're already at 300 bucks. The only conceivable way insurance makes sense is if you break a flagship phone the first week of ownership.
And that's why I purchased the Motorola insurance. Lower deductible and only $85 for the warranty. They just won't replace if it's lost...I've NEVER lost and of my unlocked bootloader phones using avast
Sent from my XT1053 using xda app-developers app
needleyepoke said:
And that's why I purchased the Motorola insurance. Lower deductible and only $85 for the warranty. They just won't replace if it's lost...I've NEVER lost and of my unlocked bootloader phones using avast
Sent from my XT1053 using xda app-developers app
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I tried to purchase the insurance through Moto when I got the phone, it went through just fine but I got a call the next day from them saying it was a mistake and they couldn't insure the phone so I had to sign up for Asurion. Now, you an be sure I'm going to hit VZW and remove that from my monthly charges and just take the money that I would be paying and put it into savings JIC.
matjmonk said:
I tried to purchase the insurance through Moto when I got the phone, it went through just fine but I got a call the next day from them saying it was a mistake and they couldn't insure the phone so I had to sign up for Asurion. Now, you an be sure I'm going to hit VZW and remove that from my monthly charges and just take the money that I would be paying and put it into savings JIC.
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When I ordered mine they said I had 14 days to get the insurance. So I didn't pay for it till about 10 days. I of course unlocked the bootloader the first day I received it lol...
Thanks to this thread, I removed the asurion insurance from my verizon account.
Only used it twice or so since I've had service with verizon

Price dropping and Resell value

So what started off as a 500$ unlocked (16gb) to 400$ and now to 300$ all in 5 months. [August Release Date]
What sort of resell value are we looking at before the Moto X2 comes out around august?? Im only curious because I would like to purchase this moto x unlocked phone now for 300 and sell around July/August.
At this rate, its looking like ~100$-125$? What do you guys think?
You should not consider a smartphone as an investment. It depend on how much more discount Google will give it. If the price stay the same, I would say if you keep it mint, my guess is $240.
You couldn't even buy a mint (international) Galaxy S2 for $125 and its 3 years old.
unk3 said:
So what started off as a 500$ unlocked (16gb) to 400$ and now to 300$ all in 5 months. [August Release Date]
What sort of resell value are we looking at before the Moto X2 comes out around august?? Im only curious because I would like to purchase this moto x unlocked phone now for 300 and sell around July/August.
At this rate, its looking like ~100$-125$? What do you guys think?
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Probably around $250 if you keep it in good condition.
Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
I just sold my black Verizon branded x on swappa for $290. That right there bad for the $299 unlocked motomaker I just ordered.
eksasol said:
You should not consider a smartphone as an investment. It depend on how much more discount Google will give it. If the price stay the same, I would say if you keep it mint, my guess is $240.
You couldn't even buy a mint (international) Galaxy S2 for $125 and its 3 years old.
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I am not looking at this as an investment. I am simply need a temporary to use a 4G/LTE compatible phone because I am using ATT Iphone4s on Tmobile network, which is very spotty due to different bands (And lack of). I will probably look into a top tier phone like S5 or Iphone6 come July. I am just looking to buy one motox new (take care of it) then sell it and have it hopefully cost me 20-30$ a month on average.
Im happy everyones so optimistic that till still be near the 200$ range considering its only $300-330 now. Whats the best way to sell? Craigslist, ebay or Swappa? Thanks guys!
unk3 said:
I am not looking at this as an investment. I am simply need a temporary to use a 4G/LTE compatible phone because I am using ATT Iphone4s on Tmobile network, which is very spotty due to different bands (And lack of). I will probably look into a top tier phone like S5 or Iphone6 come July. I am just looking to buy one motox new (take care of it) then sell it and have it hopefully cost me 20-30$ a month on average.
Im happy everyones so optimistic that till still be near the 200$ range considering its only $300-330 now. Whats the best way to sell? Craigslist, ebay or Swappa? Thanks guys!
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Craiglist only if you carry a Remington 12 gauge for protection, otherwise Swappa is hassle free. You might be able to get a few dollars more from eBay, but they have lots of fees so in the end it's not worth it.
I think you should look to buy a phone as a keeper than just temp use. People have said Moto X feel faster than their Note 3 due to better software optimization. Seems like a waste if you're buying it just to use LTE temporarily.
sicmadek said:
I just sold my black Verizon branded x on swappa for $290. That right there bad for the $299 unlocked motomaker I just ordered.
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And it's a verizon not an unlocked gsm.
sent from my sm-9005.
unk3 said:
I am not looking at this as an investment. I am simply need a temporary to use a 4G/LTE compatible phone because I am using ATT Iphone4s on Tmobile network, which is very spotty due to different bands (And lack of). I will probably look into a top tier phone like S5 or Iphone6 come July. I am just looking to buy one motox new (take care of it) then sell it and have it hopefully cost me 20-30$ a month on average.
Im happy everyones so optimistic that till still be near the 200$ range considering its only $300-330 now. Whats the best way to sell? Craigslist, ebay or Swappa? Thanks guys!
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Why not a moto g?
Also IIRC ebay + paypal fees run about 13% on a phone I think - about $40 on a $300 sale? Swappa is $10 + paypal fees (3%) - about $19.
unk3 said:
So what started off as a 500$ unlocked (16gb) to 400$ and now to 300$...
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It actually started out at $600 for those who just can't wait when a new phone is released. :/ I've sold phones on eBay and Craigslist. As mentioned, you might get a little more from eBay but Craigslist is usually faster. Regarding the shotgun comment, always be sure to meet in a public place and don't give your description until you arrive. Most people are decent and just looking for the item you're selling.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
It's true though that the X has lost more value from release date in 6 months than nearly any other flagship I've ever seen. Yes that's because google and Motorola themselves have dropped the price. But even so, resell value for those who bought on release date has dropped well over 50% in 6 months. That's remarkable. Takes an iPhone about 2 years to lose that much value. Samsung and htc flagships don't drop that fast either, by a long shot.
I'm thinking the major discounts are going to level off...I can't really see Moto selling this phone for less than $300. It's possible it might eventually hit $300 off contract as the standard price, but if you keep your phone in good condition, I would think you would be able to net $200 for it in the summer (so $220-230ish before fees/shipping). That's what I'm hoping at least...
I've never bothered selling an old phone....I gift them to family and friends that have even older phones.
But, based on current prices of the Moto x, I'd say we won't be getting too much selling them used later. I've seen used nexus 4's for almost the same as used Moto x's.....
Guess we'll see later.
Sent from my Moto X cellular telephone...
After I got the Moto X, I sold my previous phone (the HTC Rezound) on eBay for $80 (although I included 2 spare batteries, and had it S-OFF with an unlocked bootloader).
That phone was in rough shape, and heavily used. I think $100 will be the absolute minimum the Moto X would go for. A nice, thin 4G phone with great battery life? You won't get $250 in July, but it'll still hold up pretty well.
One problem I see is with bizarro color combinations, and the effect that will have on resale value.
DogzOfWar said:
After I got the Moto X, I sold my previous phone (the HTC Rezound) on eBay for $80 (although I included 2 spare batteries, and had it S-OFF with an unlocked bootloader).
That phone was in rough shape, and heavily used. I think $100 will be the absolute minimum the Moto X would go for. A nice, thin 4G phone with great battery life? You won't get $250 in July, but it'll still hold up pretty well.
One problem I see is with bizarro color combinations, and the effect that will have on resale value.
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Never thought of that. LOL. Moto makers will be a tough sell. They'd have to like the color combination to even consider it. Personally if I saw a wood back phone in the classifieds, I'd be hitting the back button before I read a thing. No matter the price. Lol
Sent from my Moto X cellular telephone...
Get a nexus 5. I was one of the first to buy. I just sold it on eBay for 399.95. It cost me about 50 bucks for a few months which basically was tax and shipping. Chances are you'll like it enough to keep it.
MotoX Developer Edition, Bootloader Unlocked, Rooted, Stock with tweaks!
phositadc said:
It's true though that the X has lost more value from release date in 6 months than nearly any other flagship I've ever seen. Yes that's because google and Motorola themselves have dropped the price. But even so, resell value for those who bought on release date has dropped well over 50% in 6 months. That's remarkable. Takes an iPhone about 2 years to lose that much value. Samsung and htc flagships don't drop that fast either, by a long shot.
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Definitely not true. Prior to the price drops, 16GB Moto X's could be found on swappa for roughly 450 dollars. Roughly about the same price on ebay, but I was able to snag a very lucky BIN for $400 for a 16gb back in November.
If you look at the most recent sold listings on swappa, most of them are still in the $350 range, which is plenty good considering they had their huge fire sale for $350 a month ago AND the $300 sale the other day.
Phones that are usually subsidized by the carriers and that are actually POPULAR, like the HTC One or S4, usually sell for much less at this point in time. Look on swappa's listings of sold S4s, they're all low 300s. Granted the phone has been out longer, but that's nearly a 250-300 drop in value. The X's used price hasn't changed very much in comparison, given that Moto dropped the price over 150 dollars over the past couple months.
That my friend is supply and demand. There isn't an abundance of used x's like every other phone yet. I don't even think Motorola sold that many new lol. Up until a few days ago second hand was the only way to get them overseas. Now that's not the case so I still say the prices will drop, but you're still better buying and selling at full price than subsidizing with Verizon or at&t. Especially if you switch every few months.
For the op however, I reiterate... Nexus 5
MotoX Developer Edition, Bootloader Unlocked, Rooted, Stock with tweaks!
kj2112 said:
Never thought of that. LOL. Moto makers will be a tough sell. They'd have to like the color combination to even consider it. Personally if I saw a wood back phone in the classifieds, I'd be hitting the back button before I read a thing. No matter the price. Lol
Sent from my Moto X cellular telephone...
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Say wut? This might be the only the chance to have a wood grain in your lifetime! Lol. I am knocking on wood come saturday!
sent from my sm-9005.
@rbiter said:
Say wut? This might be the only the chance to have a wood grain in your lifetime! Lol. I am knocking on wood come saturday!
sent from my sm-9005.
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I want my technology to look ....techy.....not like something out of Gilligan's island or spongebob.
But to each their own.
Sent from my Moto X cellular telephone...
You can call it techy if you want, I call it mass produced plastic.

Protection insurance options available

For those who passed the stressed and nightmare with the pre-order and ordered your new giant beauty. It is time to talk about the protection insurance we can get for our new gadget.
I, personally, don't like cases at all. I like my phone to be "naked" because I always like to get protection on my phone especially if I paid full price like my last 5 phones! The Nexus 6 is already beautiful and giant, and it will fall of your hand no matter how much careful you are. Putting a case will make it humongous! I am pretty sure that there are some members agree with me about not having cases on their phones . All my previous phones I bought were from BestBuy because of their awesome Geek Squad protection with $0 deductible and no limit for the claims (I know because I used to work their). However, they stopped the $0 deductible last September! They make it $150 delectable! It is time for me to find a new protection insurance for my new toy which cost me as everyone else $700+
Options are:
I know Square Trade will offer a protection for devices that purchased from anywhere. Which costs $5/month, 2 years for $99, or 3 years for $129 with $75 deductible. They have good reviews out there, but I have deal with them before.
On the other hand, Motorola site will offer protection as soon as they have N6 available like Moto X, but we don't know if they will have one version that works with every carrier like Google Store or not. Nothing for sure right now. Motorola will provide Moto care for phone that purchased from their website. Don't know the price yet! $129 for two years
Another option here:
Raistline said:
I have been looking around as well and if Moto Protection is not available, this one looks promising and reasonable:
$138 initial cost for 2 years, or $69 for 1 years, (auto renewal an option) and it only has $50 deductible. They cover everything, including stolen devices, except for lost phones, nuclear war, or government seizure.
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I don't know if there are any options for us out there if you buy from Google Play Store.
Please share information you know for everyone.
If you can get Motorola's protection plan, that would be the way to go. I have it on both my Moto Xs. It's $85 up front and I think only $35 deductible, and they do advanced replacements.
I have been looking around as well and if Moto Protection is not available, this one looks promising and reasonable:
$138 initial cost for 2 years, or $69 for 1 years, (auto renewal an option) and it only has $50 deductible. They cover everything, including stolen devices, except for lost phones, nuclear war, or government seizure.
Raistline said:
I have been looking around as well and if Moto Protection is not available, this one looks promising and reasonable:
$138 initial cost for 2 years, or $69 for 1 years, (auto renewal an option) and it only has $50 deductible. They cover everything, including stolen devices, except for lost phones, nuclear war, or government seizure.
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That looks nice! I like paying upfront vs monthly. The deductible is very reasonable too!
Have you tried it before? How fast and reliable are they with dealing with claims?
I like Squaretrade. Next day replacement, only $100 for two years and still a pretty low deductible.
Theft isn't covered, but your homeowner's/renter's insurance likely already covers theft of a cellphone even when outside your home.
bassil2022 said:
That looks nice! I like paying upfront vs monthly. The deductible is very reasonable too!
Have you tried it before? How fast and reliable are they with dealing with claims?
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I have not used them before but they seem to be very well rated with no negative reviews that I can find. I am currently running without insurance since I have a Nexus 4 and a device replacement for a new phone is not much more than Insurance + deductible. But since I will bet getting a $700 phone I will be getting insurance since the total replacement price will be less than half of the price of a new phone. That and I will be more confident using it without a case which is very appealing to me.
If you have home owners or renters insurance add stuff like a cell phone, camera equipment, jewelry etc on as a rider.
I insure about 17k of equipment including ipads etc for 22/month though state Farm.
Anyone know how Assurion from VZW (TEP) might work on this phone, particularly if VZW doesn't actually carry or sell it?
I know I asked when I activated my Moto X off contract as I wanted to be sure that I kept unlimited data, and I asked how the insurance works since I bought it from Moto. The rep told me it would work fine, and I'd get a code to customize a new one if I made a claim. Not sure how legit that is/was.
Not very legit at all. Just went through that with the gf's moto x. It was customized and bought through motorola. Asurion told us they would send a comparable phone which they stated was a samsung s3 because they didn't have and moto x in stock.
How much will be Moto care on our Nexus 6?.....
Motorola is only allowing MotoCare on devices purchased from them. Not from Google or any carrier. I went with Squaretrade but I'm calling my insurance agent to see if it's covered under my renters insurance.
Sent from my Nexus 6
HotInEER said:
Motorola is only allowing MotoCare on devices purchased from them. Not from Google or any carrier. I went with Squaretrade but I'm calling my insurance agent to see if it's covered under my renters insurance.
Sent from my Nexus 6
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Maybe it's just blind hope, but I have a feeling that policy is going to change. They let you get Moto Care on every other device eligible for it even when bought from other retailers and seeing as how they initially said it wouldn't be available for the Nexus 6 at all, I'm inclined to wait for it to make its official announcement before I go for SquareTrade.
fury683 said:
Anyone know how Assurion from VZW (TEP) might work on this phone, particularly if VZW doesn't actually carry or sell it?
I know I asked when I activated my Moto X off contract as I wanted to be sure that I kept unlimited data, and I asked how the insurance works since I bought it from Moto. The rep told me it would work fine, and I'd get a code to customize a new one if I made a claim. Not sure how legit that is/was.
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beelow319 said:
Not very legit at all. Just went through that with the gf's moto x. It was customized and bought through motorola. Asurion told us they would send a comparable phone which they stated was a samsung s3 because they didn't have and moto x in stock.
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When my sister lost her customized Moto X, Asurion sent her a differently colored/customized one. She then sent it back to Motorola (as per Asurion's instructions, because Motorola is very cool about exchanging customized phones you're unhappy with) who exchanged it for a new Moto Maker code. It was actually pretty awesome because instead of getting a refurbished phone, she got a brand new one from Motorola.
As for the s3 replacement with your girlfriend, you/she should have made a bigger stink about the s3 not being the phone she wanted AND INSURED. My sister did that when Asurion said the Droid Razr Maxx was out of stock and they offered her 3 "comparable" phones. She told them how x, y, or z specs (camera, ram, screen size, etc.) weren't as good as the phone she had, and they ended up upgrading her to the Droid Razr Maxx HD. I love her, but that ***** loses so many phones haha.
Yea, i ended up taking a chance and sent hers to moto for warranty repair (it had fell in water). Moto had it for 2 weeks. I called twice and asked for status, each time the asked me what the tracking number was for the return shipment. The first time i was out of town and didn't have it on me, the second time I was able to provide it to them. They sent me over to the repair people who again asked for tracking and i gave it to him. He put me on hold for a few, came back and said he was going to email me a moto x code. So we ended up getting a 2nd gen for free. I think they lost her phone haha
beelow319 said:
Yea, i ended up taking a chance and sent hers to moto for warranty repair (it had fell in water). Moto had it for 2 weeks. I called twice and asked for status, each time the asked me what the tracking number was for the return shipment. The first time i was out of town and didn't have it on me, the second time I was able to provide it to them. They sent me over to the repair people who again asked for tracking and i gave it to him. He put me on hold for a few, came back and said he was going to email me a moto x code. So we ended up getting a 2nd gen for free. I think they lost her phone haha
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hahah nice...
bassil2022 said:
How much will be Moto care on our Nexus 6?.....
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$129 for two years protection.
eep2378 said:
$129 for two years protection.
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Wow that is amazing! $129 for 2 years on accidental damage. Plus, I readtthat everyone is happy dealing with them. I think we got a winner here. Thanks
beelow319 said:
Yea, i ended up taking a chance and sent hers to moto for warranty repair (it had fell in water). Moto had it for 2 weeks. I called twice and asked for status, each time the asked me what the tracking number was for the return shipment. The first time i was out of town and didn't have it on me, the second time I was able to provide it to them. They sent me over to the repair people who again asked for tracking and i gave it to him. He put me on hold for a few, came back and said he was going to email me a moto x code. So we ended up getting a 2nd gen for free. I think they lost her phone haha
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Exact same thing happened to me. Sent my Dev Edition in after one of the antennas got disconnected or something. It simply wouldn't connect to LTE no matter what. A week later, still no phone, no word from Moto. Long story short, after escalating through multiple supervisors, I finally got them to admit that they lost my phone and they had no idea where it was. Ended up overnighting me a new DE. On the other hand, I did an online warranty claim for my DROID MAXX and that whole process could not have possibly been smoother.
Edit: This was also after they told me my warranty was void since I unlocked the bootloader. That was another hour escalation with a supervisor...
bassil2022 said:
Wow that is amazing! $129 for 2 years on accidental damage. Plus, I readtthat everyone is happy dealing with them. I think we got a winner here. Thanks
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Except you can't actually buy it. It fails at checkout.
Has anyone added moto care to their device?
Seems like i have to add it to my 'my stuff' and then add moto care, but its saying my IMEI is unable to retrieve device information. Anyone else?

Samsung is not honoring its Galaxy S8 $200 trade-in discount for many customers

Hi, you probably read this article:
I am still waiting for my Galaxy S8 to arrive(Monday) and after receiving will need to send in my old trade-in device. Did any one have their trade-in denied or accepted? I know that Samsung values the rejected trade-in as $25 and isn't returning the old phone back to the customer even if they return the new phone.
I was planning on sending in a Note 2. It's in very good condition, with box and charger. I figured that may increase my chances of the $200 trade in offer.
I don't understand the appeal it would be more cost effective to sell your phone and then use that money towards the s8 instead of relying on Samsung's judgement on what is acceptable and what isn't.
I really don't feel bad for the ones buying cheap phones and trying to turn them in for 200 and only getting 25
Sent from my LG-H918 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
evo4g63t said:
I don't understand the appeal it would be more cost effective to sell your phone and then use that money towards the s8 instead of relying on Samsung's judgement on what is acceptable and what isn't.
I really don't feel bad for the ones buying cheap phones and trying to turn them in for 200 and only getting 25
Sent from my LG-H918 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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I have an old LG Optimus which is still in good condition and if Samsung won't accept it, I hope they at least give $25 back and I can always return the S8 back to them. The question is: will they give $25 back even if returning the Galaxy S8?
evo4g63t said:
I really don't feel bad for the ones buying cheap phones and trying to turn them in for 200 and only getting 25
Sent from my LG-H918 using XDA-Developers Legacy app
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What's life like when everyone hates you?
I thought that trade-in was if you delivered an galaxy S7. When playstation 4 got out there was a deal like that, but in truth you had to deliver an Playstation 3 and 6 recent games to have a decent discount.
Hansoliv said:
I thought that trade-in was if you delivered an galaxy S7. When playstation 4 got out there was a deal like that, but in truth you had to deliver an Playstation 3 and 6 recent games to have a decent discount.
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You get more money for the S7 ($300 I think) but it clearly stated $200 for ANY smartphone in really good condition. If you read the small print it basically said trade in values may vary. That means they pulled a fast one and are giving almost everyone $25. Once you've traded it in you're screwed because you'll get $25 and you can't get your old phone back. So trade in a phone worth nothing, at least you'll get $25 for it.
ccic2491 said:
You get more money for the S7 ($300 I think) but it clearly stated $200 for ANY smartphone in really good condition. If you read the small print it basically said trade in values may vary. That means they pulled a fast one and are giving almost everyone $25. Once you've traded it in you're screwed because you'll get $25 and you can't get your old phone back. So trade in a phone worth nothing, at least you'll get $25 for it.
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Ah, ok. Thank you. Just a marketing move. For 25$ not even my Galaxy S3
Did anyone return items back to Samsung? This is the return policy, is it actually true: "Samsung Direct will accept, for return or exchange, defective or unopened merchandise purchased at" So I can't open the Galaxy S8 if I want to return it?
Here is my personal experience. I ordered the S8 directly from Samsung. First the deal was $100 off, from $725 to $625. Then $200 with trade-in. I sent them my LeEco LeMax 2. I had always kept it a case and the screen was perfect. No scratches on the phone. They honored the deal, and I paid $425 for my S8. Actually $457 with tax. It did state in the fine print that they reserve the right to make the final judgement, so they could say this phone wasn't eligible, but I personally think this has more to do with people trying to pull a fast one by purchasing a cheap Walmart phone for $50-$100 and returning it for a $200 discount. If you are honest with them, they are honest with you. They want people to come back to Samsung. The overall sales numbers for the S8 has been down after last years fiasco with the Note. They are not looking to create another public relations fiasco.
jim262 said:
Here is my personal experience. I ordered the S8 directly from Samsung. First the deal was $100 off, from $725 to $625. Then $200 with trade-in. I sent them my LeEco LeMax 2. I had always kept it a case and the screen was perfect. No scratches on the phone. They honored the deal, and I paid $425 for my S8. Actually $457 with tax. It did state in the fine print that they reserve the right to make the final judgement, so they could say this phone wasn't eligible, but I personally think this has more to do with people trying to pull a fast one by purchasing a cheap Walmart phone for $50-$100 and returning it for a $200 discount. If you are honest with them, they are honest with you. They want people to come back to Samsung. The overall sales numbers for the S8 has been down after last years fiasco with the Note. They are not looking to create another public relations fiasco.
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Thanks for your input! I have the same deal as yours and my new phone should arrive today. I do have an old LG Optimus which I would rate 8/9 out of 10 easily. Practically no scratches in overall, no dings, works perfect and battery life is long too. I could give it to my mom, but she likes her Nokia feature phone as she only calls on it. I just hope that Samsung will honor it because by my understanding it is in good working condition/order.
FAUguy said:
I was planning on sending in a Note 2. It's in very good condition, with box and charger. I figured that may increase my chances of the $200 trade in offer.
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Do not send in your device, sell it yourself on eBay instead. I am one of the victims. just robbed my good conditioned, no dents no scratches, S6 edge and just thrown back $25 on my face. While I will buy Samsung products again, I will never do business with Samsung,com USA.
fleebugs said:
Do not send in your device, sell it yourself on eBay instead. I am one of the victims. just robbed my good conditioned, no dents no scratches, S6 edge and just thrown back $25 on my face. While I will buy Samsung products again, I will never do business with Samsung,com USA.
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What do you think could be the reason for not honoring your phone?
ccic2491 said:
You get more money for the S7 ($300 I think) but it clearly stated $200 for ANY smartphone in really good condition. If you read the small print it basically said trade in values may vary. That means they pulled a fast one and are giving almost everyone $25. Once you've traded it in you're screwed because you'll get $25 and you can't get your old phone back. So trade in a phone worth nothing, at least you'll get $25 for it.
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Yes, I am one of the victims. just robbed my good conditioned, no dents no scratches, S6 edge and just thrown back $25 on my face. While I will buy Samsung products again, I will never do business with Samsung,com USA.
Charkatak said:
Thanks for your input! I have the same deal as yours and my new phone should arrive today. I do have an old LG Optimus which I would rate 8/9 out of 10 easily. Practically no scratches in overall, no dings, works perfect and battery life is long too. I could give it to my mom, but she likes her Nokia feature phone as she only calls on it. I just hope that Samsung will honor it because by my understanding it is in good working condition/order.
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When did you order yours? Mine has been on backorder since 6/23.
ccic2491 said:
When did you order yours? Mine has been on backorder since 6/23.
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I placed the order on June 20th and then after an hour it started showing back-order. There was a delay in shipping and my order shipped on 29th.
Charkatak said:
What do you think could be the reason for not honoring your phone?
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They said my S6 edge does not meet the "normal tear and wear" conditions., which, by Samsung standards if they have any, I don't think any devices would pass unless they are brand new.
jim262 said:
Here is my personal experience. I ordered the S8 directly from Samsung. First the deal was $100 off, from $725 to $625. Then $200 with trade-in. I sent them my LeEco LeMax 2. I had always kept it a case and the screen was perfect. No scratches on the phone. They honored the deal, and I paid $425 for my S8. Actually $457 with tax. It did state in the fine print that they reserve the right to make the final judgement, so they could say this phone wasn't eligible, but I personally think this has more to do with people trying to pull a fast one by purchasing a cheap Walmart phone for $50-$100 and returning it for a $200 discount. If you are honest with them, they are honest with you. They want people to come back to Samsung. The overall sales numbers for the S8 has been down after last years fiasco with the Note. They are not looking to create another public relations fiasco.
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Why do morons keep making ridiculous insinuations that the consumers like me were "dishonest" and trying a "scam" ????
tt c6 said:
Why do morons keep making ridiculous insinuations that the consumers like me were "dishonest" and trying a "scam" ????
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All I know is I have an S8 for $425. Sounds as though you didn't read everything thoroughly and now your pissed off.
FAUguy said:
I was planning on sending in a Note 2. It's in very good condition, with box and charger. I figured that may increase my chances of the $200 trade in offer.
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Here is what I did when ordering an unlocked S8+
They unlocked S8 Plus is normally $850, got it for $470
1. 20% discount for students (search for Samsung student discount). Discount is based on full price.
2. Samsung $100 discount for unlocked phones (not sure if this is still available)
3. $200 trade-in credit
I placed the order last week, direct from Samsung. Website and CSR said it was back ordered 2-3 weeks, but a few days later I received the shipping notification and I received the phone today.
For the trade-in:
1. Called Samsung sales and spoke with a CSR. I confirmed that the $200 trade-in credit applies to a phone that (a) runs any verison of Android or iOS, (b) powers on and holds a charge, (c) does not have a cracked or damaged screen), and (e) has only normal signs of wear-and-tear. I confirmed with the CSR that any phone that meets these requirements would work, no matter how old or cheap. I also verified that minor scratches to the phone's screen or body were considered normal wear and tear and would not cause the trade in to be rejected. Finally, I recorded the phone call in case Samsung doesn't honor the trade-in.
2. With the above in mind, I purchased a brand new Alcatel phone from Walmart for $20. (can't post link, too new).
3. I will be sending the phone back to them tomorrow and I'll see what they do.
Other notes from my conversation with the CSR:
* Samsung's return policy is that items may be returned within 30 days. You have 15 days from *receipt* to initiate the return, and Samsung must receive the item within another 15 days.
* Officially, the item must be unopened to receive a full refund. Opened items are subject to a 15% restocking fee. The CSR told me that is is noramlly uncommon for Samsung to charge the restocking fee for items (even opened ones) that are returned in excellent condition, with all original accessories.
So far I like the phone, but not sure if I will be keeping it or exchanging it for a normal S8. I'm also not thrilled with the absence of a way to unlock the bootloader. This is my first experience with a Samsung phone and I kinds of just assumed that like my ZTE, an unlocked, non-carrier phone would have the bootloader accessible.
