Why is 5.1.1 rom always "corrupt" ? - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys, sorry I have been away for so long and am not updated... anyway, I have been downloading different 5.1.1 roms (samfirmware and sam updates) for my N910C and everytime I try to unzip, it says the file is corrupt...
Can anybody please tell me what has changed? Whay can't I unzip the downloaded files?
I only want the official rom, and am not rooting my phone for now.

xdm9mm said:
Hey guys, sorry I have been away for so long and am not updated... anyway, I have been downloading different 5.1.1 roms (samfirmware and sam updates) for my N910C and everytime I try to unzip, it says the file is corrupt...
Can anybody please tell me what has changed? Whay can't I unzip the downloaded files?
I only want the official rom, and am not rooting my phone for now.
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I recommend using Samfirm

thanks for the recommendation. My question has not been answered though, what has changed, and why do we need to use another tool now? Thanks

If you want to know the changelog for stock 5.1.1 then I strongly recommend you read it. Google is your best friend. What are you talking about another tool?
There is only one tool for Samsung to flash stock roms and it's called odin so nothing has changed there. If you are using kies to upgrade then expect the worst as the outcome seems like random events. 25% of the time kies ****s up.

Zionator said:
If you want to know the changelog for stock 5.1.1 then I strongly recommend you read it. Google is your best friend. What are you talking about another tool?
There is only one tool for Samsung to flash stock roms and it's called odin so nothing has changed there. If you are using kies to upgrade then expect the worst as the outcome seems like random events. 25% of the time kies ****s up.
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I am not asking about changelog, I am asking why are the downloads from samfirmware and samsung-updates , when I try to unzip them are all corrupt.. then someone recommended the tool above to download the firmware... that is why I am asking what is changed, and why do I need a tool to download the firmware now??? Whay can't I just download straight from samfirmware and unzip the file like it was before?
BIG thanks

I had the same problem, the zip file corrupted while trying to unzip. But I just waited until WinRAR finish unzipped it. And successfully flashed the md5 with Odin.

I had the same problem with Winrar.
With 7zip no problem.
And I install the new Rom.
Everything is Ok.
Sent from my SM-N910F using XDA Free mobile app

No problem with WinRar here. Check your Internet Connection: if it's unstable, the file will be downloaded and even MD5 hashes could match, but the file still will be corrupted and if you manage to unzip it it could lead to multiple errors in odin.

Thanks to those who tried to help... I donwloaded the new WinRAR and donloaded the 5.1.1 "SEE" and flashed it on my phone... worked perfectly and I have not wiped my phone after flashing, seems to be working great...


SM-N9005 Kitkat 4.4.3 failed

After updating my phone to the new firmware N9005XXUENA6_N9005OXXENA5_XEO.zip my phone failed to flash using Odin. I have tried so many version of Odin and still no luck, i have basically downloaded every rom that i can find from samsung-updates.com and still no luck. Let me know if you guys have a for fix for this because as of right now i can boot into Odin Mode but when i try to flash it via Odin 3.09 on any Rom it will fail. And yes i have tried every Samsung Kies version to try initialize this phone but it just does not work. i have attached the image of my S/N and Model this is one of the HK version and yes i tried the HK TGY rom and still no luck.
con2vp1 said:
After updating my phone to the new firmware N9005XXUENA6_N9005OXXENA5_XEO.zip my phone failed to flash using Odin. I have tried so many version of Odin and still no luck, i have basically downloaded every rom that i can find from samsung-updates.com and still no luck. Let me know if you guys have a for fix for this because as of right now i can boot into Odin Mode but when i try to flash it via Odin 3.09 on any Rom it will fail. And yes i have tried every Samsung Kies version to try initialize this phone but it just does not work. i have attached the image of my S/N and Model this is one of the HK version and yes i tried the HK TGY rom and still no luck.
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Well if you can still get into download mode you are still safe.
Does it fail mid flash or can´t even recognize your phone?
Reboot your pc and try again.
It will fail on the ABOOT, and i have tried to reboot my pc and still no luck i have attached my model of the phone
con2vp1 said:
It will fail on the ABOOT, and i have tried to reboot my pc and still no luck i have attached my model of the phone
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Try this guide. It seems to be the same phone as yours.
If you are trying to go back to 4.3 from 4.4.2 then it won't be possible. You will now have to stay in KitKat only and wait for more ROM for KitKat.
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
Did you try flashing with update bootloader ticked? If you tried that already then I think you are going to have to wait for the hk version of kit Kat for your phone to work again.
Or try this..... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=null
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
odin 3.09 tick Phone boot loader update.
hey_joe said:
Try this guide. It seems to be the same phone as yours.
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which one should i download the .zip or the .rar and they two different file size
con2vp1 said:
which one should i download the .zip or the .rar and they two different file size
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Both are same.
Rar is just better compressed. I went with it.
Just an idea make sure reactivation lock is not ticked in settings
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
rcp27 said:
Just an idea make sure reactivation lock is not ticked in settings
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
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Its not ticked, i might just have to wait to an HK firmware to update this because any other i have tried is not working and it says PIT FAIL when i try this solution http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2613374. even though i followed the instructions step by step.
Is there another way to flash my device other than Odin? and yes ADB does not work
con2vp1 said:
Its not ticked, i might just have to wait to an HK firmware to update this because any other i have tried is not working and it says PIT FAIL when i try this solution http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2613374. even though i followed the instructions step by step.
Is there another way to flash my device other than Odin? and yes ADB does not work
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Can you screenshot your odin configuration that you flashed and post it here?
FeralFire said:
Can you screenshot your odin configuration that you flashed and post it here?
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This is the Odin config and after the CSC was only applied the phone says PIT FAIL
con2vp1 said:
This is the Odin config and after the CSC was only applied the phone says PIT FAIL
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Do you know how to use heimdall?
Use it to have a look at your pit file and compare it to the one in the CSC zip. See what all is different.
Or just post your pit here.
EDIT: Just noticed that you have a 16GB version. I don't know how to help you there, man. You need a completely different pit file. One that is designed for 16GB. But since that model was only launched in Hong Kong, I don't think you will find one from outside, unless somebody can make one specifically for you. I have been trying to learn to do that, but as of yet, I can't.
Without a proper pit file, your only options are either wait for the Hong Kong Kitkat version or try installing the Sweet ROM.
con2vp1 said:
After updating my phone to the new firmware N9005XXUENA6_N9005OXXENA5_XEO.zip my phone failed to flash using Odin. I have tried so many version of Odin and still no luck, i have basically downloaded every rom that i can find from samsung-updates.com and still no luck. Let me know if you guys have a for fix for this because as of right now i can boot into Odin Mode but when i try to flash it via Odin 3.09 on any Rom it will fail. And yes i have tried every Samsung Kies version to try initialize this phone but it just does not work. i have attached the image of my S/N and Model this is one of the HK version and yes i tried the HK TGY rom and still no luck.
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're using Odin with Note 3 connected to a USB 3.0? if yes, try connecting it to a USB 2.0. already happened to me a few times, and the solution was this. sorry for the bad english.
FeralFire said:
Do you know how to use heimdall?
Use it to have a look at your pit file and compare it to the one in the CSC zip. See what all is different.
Or just post your pit here.
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Well thats an issue because im not sure if this my right PIT FILE for this phone. Because usually it will go smoothly for these manual updates using Odin and this is my first encountering this error. And my fault i didnt backup my ROM which i should have done first before getting excited with this KitKat for my Note 3. That CSC file i got that from this site http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2613374 and just followed instructions on how to do it, but it will just give me that error when i try to apply that method. But here's the PIT file that i got from that download.
I think its on a wrong region because i got that leaked update here http://www.sammobile.com/2014/01/13...kitkat-rolling-out-to-galaxy-note-3-sm-n9005/ and it looks like from Poland? does that matter? because my Note 3 is and HK version?
I have done so many phones rooted them and install custom roms this is the first time it failed on me. And funny thing is its my own cell phone lol
con2vp1 said:
Well thats an issue because im not sure if this my right PIT FILE for this phone. Because usually it will go smoothly for these manual updates using Odin and this is my first encountering this error. And my fault i didnt backup my ROM which i should have done first before getting excited with this KitKat for my Note 3. That CSC file i got that from this site http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2613374 and just followed instructions on how to do it, but it will just give me that error when i try to apply that method. But here's the PIT file that i got from that download.
I think its on a wrong region because i got that leaked update here http://www.sammobile.com/2014/01/13...kitkat-rolling-out-to-galaxy-note-3-sm-n9005/ and it looks like from Poland? does that matter? because my Note 3 is and HK version?
I have done so many phones rooted them and install custom roms this is the first time it failed on me. And funny thing is its my own cell phone lol
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You gave me the pit file from the zip. I was asking for the one from your phone.
But anyway I found one for the 16GB version somehwere. I am taking a look at it. Will try editing it to fit your needs. Give me a little while.
And yes, it matters, because the pit file determines the sizes of the various partitions. Since yours is a 16GB version, the pit from a 32GB won't work.
View attachment Modded_16GB.tar
Try flashing this tar file. Put it in the CSC part of the Odin.
Though I can't guarantee anything. First time, I am doing anything like this.
FeralFire said:
View attachment 2520563
Try flashing this tar file. Put it in the CSC part of the Odin.
Though I can't guarantee anything. First time, I am doing anything like this.
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Odin just crashed on me while it was on SET PARTITION

odin question

im trying to install stock firmware on bell im using file from sams mobile i337mvlucmk5 unzip file its in tar file i put phone in download mode and try to install file with odin and it fails. now it says odin program failled.ive reinstall the odin program same thing hellllp
ron31 said:
im trying to install stock firmware on bell im using file from sams mobile i337mvlucmk5 unzip file its in tar file i put phone in download mode and try to install file with odin and it fails. Now it says odin program failled.ive reinstall the odin program same thing hellllp
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what version of odin do you have? And are you placing the .tar in the correct slot? What error message does it give out in that little window it wouldnt happen to fail at [nand (auth) fail!!] would it?
X_DroiD_X said:
what version of odin do you have? And are you placing the .tar in the correct slot? What error message does it give out in that little window it wouldnt happen to fail at [nand (auth) fail!!] would it?
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im using version 3.07 im placing tar in pda it fails nan write start then fails i have repartion un checked
ron31 said:
im using version 3.07 im placing tar in pda it fails nan write start then fails i have repartion un checked
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about the odin sayin it fail dont worry about that its based off timer after running for certain time it shuts itself off but as suppose to your file flash smh thats what i was trying to say bu yaks my friend you got yourself a bad signatures tar what exactly is the case here bro? like are your trying to unroot? or whats happening brief me on it like why your trying to reflash stock that way can help you better or least point you in the right direction you can find my contact info on my op faster response time quicker replies
if your phone happens to turn on at all navigate to about device and take a screen shot for capturing model built n baseband and add model number please carrier as well
X_DroiD_X said:
about the odin sayin it fail dont worry about that its based off timer after running for certain time it shuts itself off but as suppose to your file flash smh thats what i was trying to say bu yaks my friend you got yourself a bad signatures tar what exactly is the case here bro? like are your trying to unroot? or whats happening brief me on it like why your trying to reflash stock that way can help you better or least point you in the right direction you can find my contact info on my op faster response time quicker replies
if your phone happens to turn on at all navigate to about device and take a screen shot for capturing model built n baseband and add model number please carrier as well
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I believe Odin V 3.09 works better. Also it must be flashed in the PDA slot
hednik said:
I believe Odin V 3.09 works better. Also it must be flashed in the PDA slot
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it all started when i tied to restore file with cwm recovery and it wouldn t install i tried a few times it wouldn t install backup.it reboot it would stay on samsung logo. i whent to download mode to install factory firmware odin fails the blue bar on phone moved just a little and stays there now i cant even go to recovery to do a factory reset it vibrates shows the little blue writing at top of screen then it reboots to samsung logo, i tried another factory file from here same issue i tried a different odin 1.85program same results
ron31 said:
it all started when i tied to restore file with cwm recovery and it wouldn t install i tried a few times it wouldn t install backup.it reboot it would stay on samsung logo. i whent to download mode to install factory firmware odin fails the blue bar on phone moved just a little and stays there now i cant even go to recovery to do a factory reset it vibrates shows the little blue writing at top of screen then it reboots to samsung logo, i tried another factory file from here same issue i tried a different odin 1.85program same results
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So you are using 3.07 and you can put it in download mode ? Are you then able to have the device recognized by odin ? You are then trying to flash the same firmware that came on your phone stock ?
hednik said:
So you are using 3.07 and you can put it in download mode ? Are you then able to have the device recognized by odin ? You are then trying to flash the same firmware that came on your phone stock ?
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yes odin reconizes phone i downloaded firmware from sams mobile for bell i337m
Based of at&t, t-mbl, bell roger virgin mobile fix mk2/mj9 mdl/mi9 4.3
ron31 said:
it all started when i tied to restore file with cwm recovery and it wouldn t install i tried a few times it wouldn t install backup.it reboot it would stay on samsung logo. i whent to download mode to install factory firmware odin fails the blue bar on phone moved just a little and stays there now i cant even go to recovery to do a factory reset it vibrates shows the little blue writing at top of screen then it reboots to samsung logo, i tried another factory file from here same issue i tried a different odin 1.85program same results
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X_DroiD_X said:
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iok thanks bro ill try tonight
ron31 said:
iok thanks bro ill try tonight
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ok i have odin 3.09 installed i tried to open link you put in post wont open
ron31 said:
ok i have odin 3.09 installed i tried to open link you put in post wont open
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Did you do a checksum on the file you downloaded? I tried installing a modem on my i337m, same thing odin failed... downloaded the same file from a different source and success... unfortunately there was no md5 number on the file to do a checksum or I would have done that first.... when it comes to stuff like this I alway do checksum if the md5 is provided... (most times it is)
Gage_Hero said:
Did you do a checksum on the file you downloaded? I tried installing a modem on my i337m, same thing odin failed... downloaded the same file from a different source and success... unfortunately there was no md5 number on the file to do a checksum or I would have done that first.... when it comes to stuff like this I alway do checksum if the md5 is provided... (most times it is)
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no how do you do that
ron31 said:
no how do you do that
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Download checksum tool from here http://download.cnet.com/MD5-SHA-Checksum-Utility/3000-2092_4-10911445.html its free. Then you find the md5 number on the site you downloaded from and use the tool to compare the numbers, typically you navigate to the directory the file is in (this gives you the md5 number, then you copy paste the md5 number from the site, then click the compare button, if they don't match your download is not good and should download again and repeat the checksum.
Gage_Hero said:
Download checksum tool from here http://download.cnet.com/MD5-SHA-Checksum-Utility/3000-2092_4-10911445.html its free. Then you find the md5 number on the site you downloaded from and use the tool to compare the numbers, typically you navigate to the directory the file is in (this gives you the md5 number, then you copy paste the md5 number from the site, then click the compare button, if they don't match your download is not good and should download again and repeat the checksum.
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hey thanks ill give it a try

[Q] Installing X note ROM, a few general questions

I downloaded the X note ROM and was going to flash but had a few questions first. I wanted to post this question on the official Xnote thread but as I'm a new user, I couldnt do that.
I realize the questions Im asking may have been answered already but Im not very familiar with the whole terminology and would really appreciate some help. First of all, my phone's baseband version says XXUENB1 and build number says XXUENB4. I flashed the official Singapore firmware from sammobile.com. I saw on the thread that the xnote rom is actually listed as NB7. So will there be any issues on my phone if I were to flash this?
Another question I have is about the file which I downloaded. It says I should check for a tar.md5 file but all I see is an ordinary zip file. I dont think I should unzip it. Furthermore, the instructions say I should install the zip on CWM. This got me a little confused as well. So I should just put that zip file on the internal storage and install that? Without changing it by unzipping or anything?
The main reason I want to try and flash a rom is because my phone's 3G doesnt work. Im not sure why but every setting is ok, it just connects using an Edge connection.
I would really be grateful for any advice guys. Thanks for your time!
Sway212 said:
I downloaded the X note ROM and was going to flash but had a few questions first. I wanted to post this question on the official Xnote thread but as I'm a new user, I couldnt do that.
I realize the questions Im asking may have been answered already but Im not very familiar with the whole terminology and would really appreciate some help. First of all, my phone's baseband version says XXUENB1 and build number says XXUENB4. I flashed the official Singapore firmware from sammobile.com. I saw on the thread that the xnote rom is actually listed as NB7. So will there be any issues on my phone if I were to flash this?
Another question I have is about the file which I downloaded. It says I should check for a tar.md5 file but all I see is an ordinary zip file. I dont think I should unzip it. Furthermore, the instructions say I should install the zip on CWM. This got me a little confused as well. So I should just put that zip file on the internal storage and install that? Without changing it by unzipping or anything?
The main reason I want to try and flash a rom is because my phone's 3G doesnt work. Im not sure why but every setting is ok, it just connects using an Edge connection.
I would really be grateful for any advice guys. Thanks for your time!
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No problem with NB7
Check .MD5 to ensure you downloaded the correct file. No need to unzip. Just place it in the phone and flash through recovery
Make sure you understand the rest.
Rosli59564 said:
No problem with NB7
Check .MD5 to ensure you downloaded the correct file. No need to unzip. Just place it in the phone and flash through recovery
Make sure you understand the rest.
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I pretty much have an understanding of the whole process. I've used cwm before on my old S2. But I dont get the .MD5 part. The file which I downloaded is clearly a zip file ending with the extension .zip.
x note rom
Sway212 said:
I pretty much have an understanding of the whole process. I've used cwm before on my old S2. But I dont get the .MD5 part. The file which I downloaded is clearly a zip file ending with the extension .zip.
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I installed xnote rom on mygalaxy note 3 att, but it has taken up all my device memory can someone help me free up some space
There is a Q&A Thread for all X-note Rom questions . http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2666280

APK1 Files for G930A

Should have enough posts to include links now.
These are the stock files I purchased from a persian site for 12$ since nobody had them posted on the forums. Flashed with the latest unmodded Odin. I also had the benefit of suddenly getting data toggle with it after flashing the AP file. Not sure if everyone else will get it too.
I can also confirm that root works with this.
And thanks for the hookup.. lol
i got it recently and going to flash this firmware and will try root.. will reply
Obies said:
i got it recently and going to flash this firmware and will try root.. will reply
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It works. However, you REALLY need to run the V15 fix script.. The older builds ran like crap, even with the fix script, however with APK1, my phone runs normal and doesn't overheat. However, if you don't run that script with APK1, your phone will run sluggish and hot.
yeah i do aware abt bad lagging after rooted.. anyways my phone is on rooted with Fixes V15 and xposed install with XtouchWiz module so i can use tethering for my laptop/tablet while i am away from home. but no Toggle Data for me.. maybe bad luck but i did odin 4 files and factory reset..
Thanks for this files!
Is this the Stock AT&T PK1 that I have on my phone with the last OTA dated Nov. 1
I downloaded all these files, deleted .rar off the end so Odin would recognize the files (did i do that right?), plugged all 4 files in to the right spots and tried to flash them. I’ve used Odin plenty of times and haven’t had any problems before but I am far from an Odin master. This time I just get stuck at file analysis after i click the start button. Any idea what i could be doing wrong?
jermo said:
I downloaded all these files, deleted .rar off the end so Odin would recognize the files (did i do that right?), plugged all 4 files in to the right spots and tried to flash them. I’ve used Odin plenty of times and haven’t had any problems before but I am far from an Odin master. This time I just get stuck at file analysis after i click the start button. Any idea what i could be doing wrong?
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You need to decompress the RAR files first using something like 7-Zip (it will extract files with a tar.md5 extension). Those are the files you use in Odin.

J320A AT&T new update to Nougat

Hi everybody,
yesterday I found this news:
Here the official page:
I googling for a bit and I found the file of that update, those 4 file are tar.md5 and it's possible to use them by odin. Unfortunate when odin try to install the new system it show this error: Rev. system incorrect magic string (or something very similar)
I extrac those file and try to install separately any img or bin partition using heimdall in ubuntu, but again system and sboot image give me this error: ERROR: Failed to confirm end of file transfer sequence!
I don't know why, considering that my phone it's exactly the model, it suppose to be easy install those file.
Anyone already try to install that update or someone can give me some advice about those error?
I really like to see my phone with nougat running and this lñooks like the best chance.
Hope someone can help with that.
Root isn't working atm, not sure if it will without unlocking either. But it is downgradable back to mm... I only have the update.zip, ill upload it in a bit.
Where's the 4 files? I couldn't find it
DamienMc said:
Root isn't working atm, not sure if it will without unlocking either. But it is downgradable back to mm... I only have the update.zip, ill upload it in a bit.
Where's the 4 files? I couldn't find it
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Hi @DamienMc, here a couple of link where find those filehope I can post those link without breaking any rules, if i do sorry and tell me please)
http://gsm-firmware.com/index.php?a=browse&b=category&id=10851 (paid)
I found the first link in the beginning so I've downloaded from there.
What do you mean with "Root isn't working atm"?
My phone it's already unlocked carrier. Witch version of android do you have for that update.zip?
The best I did was flashing the recovery, boot, param partition using the pit file inside of one of those 4 files. There also a folder with foto.zip file, but I can't use it for now.
Please let me know any ideas about how to flash that update.
I posted it here https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-j3-2016/development/odin-j320a-j320az-links-t3631914
It's the ota zip, edited by me. You need to be rooted and use flashfire. My edits unroot your device then the original update takes over. Pita but that's all I have. I'll look at the full firmware or try to pull it from Samsung again.
But yeah, I wasn't able to root the thing. Haven't given up yet tho
Full firmware installed just fine here (besides an eof error on AP, prolly cause of the fota.zip)... are you sure you're not j320ag?
A and AZ have the same magic string, but AG is different. And can't crossflash with Odin.
You right my it's a J320AG I was hoping that the firmware works fine for me, but my knowledge for now it's not enough to figured out how to flash those file. Do you know if there's any chance to do it in some way?
I will try your update.zip. In case you work around those nougat file and figured out how to use it on j320ag let me know.
I am afraid your stuck until you get the official update.
While your device can use the same system files here, it cannot use the kernel. And a new kernel is required for nougat.
On top of that your device is now two updates behind the j320a.
Here a couple of screenshot of the firmware version I had right now.
I don't know if Samsung will update this phone to nougat. Will be great.
After flashing the version of your update.zip and make the update, witch version of firmware will be present?
Flashing my phone with a at&t version of the firmware can help in some ways? Or at&t only manage J320A and AZ?
Thanks anyway.
A = BQI5
The update.zip is BQI5.
Your best chance would be to try and dd the firmware you posted to see if it boots. I know i tried the system.img, not sure if I did the whole thing. Super dangerous tho...or just wait it out
After further thought, a real rom.zip might just work on AG...a good test could be to boot a stock boot.img from A or AZ. Won't be 100%, but it'll be a good indication.
Or run it thru kitchen and try it out, if not I'll get to it when I have spare time
DamienMc said:
A = BQI5
The update.zip is BQI5.
Your best chance would be to try and dd the firmware you posted to see if it boots. I know i tried the system.img, not sure if I did the whole thing. Super dangerous tho...or just wait it out
After further thought, a real rom.zip might just work on AG...a good test could be to boot a stock boot.img from A or AZ. Won't be 100%, but it'll be a good indication.
Or run it thru kitchen and try it out, if not I'll get to it when I have spare time
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@DamienMc, here what I've try until now:
-try to flash boot.img from this stock rom J320AZTUS3AQG1 using PIT file from my versios AG and also using PIT file from AZ version = can't be flashed in any ways.
-flash boot.img from J320A_J320AUCU3BQI5_AT&T_USA_7.1.1 using my PIT file = flashed but after the reboot hang on J3 logo
I don't understand what do yopu mean with "Or run it thru kitchen and try it out", can you explain please?
Also I don't know if Samsung release an update to Nougat for all J320 or it just the AT&T carier to do it. For that reason I've been trying to flash.
Well its good it doesnt fail with 7.1.1 boot....hopefully we can get it going.
I suggested that you create a rom.zip from the system.img a kitchen. But it wasnt that simple, i think i have a working zip now but cannot test it until later...i will pass it to you when its ready
