i want CF autoroot - Galaxy Tab 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i want to root my tab 4 T331 running 5.1.1 i tried kingo and Vroot but nothing is working please help me

sandy0143 said:
i want to root my tab 4 T331 running 5.1.1 i tried kingo and Vroot but nothing is working please help me
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This guide how to get root in russian .Googl help you to translate


[Q] how to root S4 LTE-A E330k ?

Sir please tell me how to root korean version of S4 LTE-A E330 K.
please help me.
if possible please send me a email.
ajay.iipm said:
Sir please tell me how to root korean version of S4 LTE-A E330 K.
please help me.
if possible please send me a email.
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Have you tried with towelroot ?
ajay.iipm said:
Sir please tell me how to root korean version of S4 LTE-A E330 K.
please help me.
if possible please send me a email.
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Try towelroot by geohot from here
Sent from my GT-I9500 using XDA Free mobile app
what I'm told
it is possible to make, it is possible to have problems
but many of my devices work with towelroot
pda4g said:
what I'm told
it is possible to make, it is possible to have problems
but many of my devices work with towelroot
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What? :/
Thank me if I helped
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via XDA app.
Not able to root S4 E330Kagain via towel root. help plz
sir i have tried towel root. it was successfully root my device. i uese everything Supersu and busy box pro nicely on my device. after some days i unroot my device with Unroot pro apk sucessfully. then i wipe cache partition and factory data reset. now i am not able to root again via Towel root method. plaease help me as soon as possible.
ajay.iipm said:
sir i have tried towel root. it was successfully root my device. i uese everything Supersu and busy box pro nicely on my device. after some days i unroot my device with Unroot pro apk sucessfully. then i wipe cache partition and factory data reset. now i am not able to root again via Towel root method. plaease help me as soon as possible.
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Did you you get an update for knox?
Press Thanks if I helped
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 via XDA app.
knox version
After reset i update my phone with kies
knox version is 2.0.0
help me to root

[Q] Rooting Galaxy tab 4 SM-T230NU

I am new to the Android arena (former iDevice owner familiar with Jailbreaking).
I was wondering if there is a root available for this tablet. I just purchased it.
I tried the English version of vRoot v1.7.8 but it said it couldn't root this device. Odin3 does not recognize it either.
Has anyone successfully rooted this yet?
Thanks in advance.
EdNikNak said:
I am new to the Android arena (former iDevice owner familiar with Jailbreaking).
I was wondering if there is a root available for this tablet. I just purchased it.
I tried the English version of vRoot v1.7.8 but it said it couldn't root this device. Odin3 does not recognize it either.
Has anyone successfully rooted this yet?
Thanks in advance.
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Have you try towelroot? Mine is T331 and working well with towelroot
The rooting guide is in the general section of this forum...just go look. Read the whole thing if you updated your tab in August you will need to downgrade. Good luck!
Towelroot doesnt work
Towelroot doesn't work because i believe I'm updated to the latest update on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 (SM-T230NU). is their any possibility that anyone would be willing to walk me through the steps to root it? or if i have to downgrade it can someone help with that too? thanks in advance if anyone does..
MoEMuRk said:
Towelroot doesn't work because i believe I'm updated to the latest update on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 (SM-T230NU). is their any possibility that anyone would be willing to walk me through the steps to root it? or if i have to downgrade it can someone help with that too? thanks in advance if anyone does..
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Your gonna have to find a kernel that was dated before june 3 if your going to downgrade. Have you tryed vroot, rootgenis or other methods? I dont know how many root applications are out there because I dont have this tablet but there are a few.
Vroot works but you have to Odin back to ne2 firmware. Hope it helps.
Sent from my SM-T230NU using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I got a successful root without using a computer .
King root worked but not their latest version . I used version 4.1 , their latest version worked but partially . In my opinion their getting sloppy with the updates.

[Q] Help needed for rooting SM-G900H

Hello Guys i have updated my phone earlier with 4.4.2 Based Version is G900HXXU1ANG3. Well now i am trying to root it using towelroot but it's not working. Actually i wan't to know is there any other solution or one click root app ? Please help
omerabbas01 said:
my phone earlier with 4.4.2 Based Version is G900HXXU1ANG3. Well now i am trying to root it using towelroot but it's not working. Actually i wan't to know is there any other solution or one click root app ?
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If you had looked at existing threads, you would have found that CF Autoroot is recommended for Exynos handsets. So choose the CF Autoroot file for the 900H.

Help i can't root my note 3

Hello i don't have computer and i want to root my note 3 without computer my note is SM-N9005 with kernel UGNG1 iam on kitkat i have tried to much method to root like towel root, kingroot, kingOroot and there is no way please any one help me ?????
AUmemOS said:
Hello i don't have computer and i want to root my note 3 without computer my note is SM-N9005 with kernel UGNG1 iam on kitkat i have tried to much method to root like towel root, kingroot, kingOroot and there is no way please any one help me ?????
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As you said you can't. Borrow a pc

root samsung tab 4 t231 with kingroot

please help
as I do root tab 4 t231 with kingroot I can not install applications, everything becomes a failure.
sorry my English language is not good
muzan12 said:
please help
as I do root tab 4 t231 with kingroot I can not install applications, everything becomes a failure.
sorry my English language is not good
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My suggestion is never root your device with apps like kingroot, kingoroot, iroot, farmaroot, etc.
The best way to root a device is by flashing superSu or superuser.
dearbasheer said:
My suggestion is never root your device with apps like kingroot, kingoroot, iroot, farmaroot, etc.
The best way to root a device is by flashing superSu or superuser.
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yea this guy is right, afterfew weeks of rooting you will wat to flash custom rom anyways, and you canr flash supersu without twrp or other custom recovery
muzan12 said:
please help
as I do root tab 4 t231 with kingroot I can not install applications, everything becomes a failure.
sorry my English language is not good
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Use this metohd to root:
