Galaxy s4 Boot Animation HELP PLEASE - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I was following this tutorial : youtube(dot)com/watch?v=uGhKgSkcuY4[/url] on how to install custom boot animations. It worked. But it wasn't correct dimensions of my phone. So I went to redo it but once I came to the part with Boot Animation Creator I forgot to put a 0 to disable loop. I installed the animation and now the animation doesn't turn off. It keeps displaying, I even did a factory reset with the recovery ( for some reason it wasn't booting into twrp) and that will didn't fix the problem. Now I'v lost all my data + the animation still persists.
Please help!!
Running CyanogenMod 12 Galaxy s4 Nightly

A factory reset deletes all user data. I don't think the bootanimation is considered user data.
You can try and delete the bootanimation using twrp's file explorer.
Otherwise flash another rom. Since you lost all your data anyway, there is nothing more to lose.


[Q] Stuck at "Tattoo" splash, when trying Clockwork.

When i try to restart my phone or just startup my phone in recorvery, it gets stuck on the "Tattoo" screen.
I've got the Clockwork mod 5.0.20 or something like that installed...
What do i do?
same problem,, now i'm stuck on tattoo, easyest way to fix this or restore default?
EDIT: + i wiped data/factory reset ... so i dunno if tattoo's now empty or with unbootable android. cant boot it, how to restore 1.6 (got backup with rom manager)
(sry for my bad english)
Same issue here.
I was on CM7.0 stable. Today, I updated clockwork to actual latest version (same as the gentlemen above), flashed new recovery.
When I've tried to backup or reboot-to-recovery, infinite booting with TATTOO splash screen was all I've got. But after removing battery, I was able to boot with normal boot path.
Later today, I've tried to Fix Permissions through Clockwork and after reboot, I was stuck with TATTOO splash screen even after battery removal.
I've tried factory reset, it seemd to be successfull, but with no actual result - I'm still stuck with splash screen and cannot do anything.
Does somebody have any idea, what to try?
I was not able to recover the CyanogenMod, however downgrading to stock rom via GoldCard was possible. (reference is here: )
Try flashing cyanogenmod stable and then re-install the recovery via rom manager...Tell me if it resolves
Try to get into recovery from boot loader or flash it manually with adb...
Flash ClockWorkMod a couple of times: See this: and
Hope I helped you. Hit thanks if u liked it.

[Q]New kernel refuses to boot, how to get a rescue?

OK, this mat have been asked many time, but none of the thread I found applies to my case.
My device is Nexus 7 16Gb Wifi, the internal ROM is stock 4.1.2 (I cannot use 4.2.2 because of a backward compatibility issue for an app I have to use)
The recovery is the latest TWRP 20030227 version, with MultiROM bootloader 4.18. An armhf raring build of Ubuntu is also installed in the internal sdcard and all have worked fine until I tried to flash a alternative kernel.
The new kernel I flashed is the M-kernel mr1.1. I flashed it by booting into recovery and chose to install the M-kernels zip file from there. After I have got a kernel flash successful message I chose to reboot system. Then the weird thing began: at first the device seems to be booting because I saw the usual Google logo and then it turned into the boot animation with a colorful cross in the middle of the screen. But then on nothing seems to follow. The boot animation persists forever. I hve also noticed that during the initial boot it somehow skipped the step of choosing ROMs as usual (because I have Ubunto installed), so I also lost the choice of booting into Ubuntu.
I have to press the power button for more than 10 seconds to power off the device. Then I tried to boot into fastboot mode and recovery mode, both works file, so it still looks not bad. I have kept a copy of my working patched kernel which is Booting into recovery and using the command
adb push /sdcard/
I managed to copy this zip into the device. Then, once again, I tried to flash this old kernel by installing it in the recovery. The installation exited with a success. However, when I tried to reboot the device, it is still stuck on the boot animation screen. No choose ROM screen either. So, I am totally lost. Can anybody give some hint on where I was doing wrong and how can I get my device working again without totally reflashing a stock rom and loosing all data I have installed previously? Many thanks.
Any helps please.
Let me update the situation. Tried to wipe cache/Dalvik and reflash the kernels (both the original and the newly downloaded omega3 kernel, both changed nothing -- always stuck in the boot animation. Tried MultiROM->Advanced->Inject curr.boot.sector, the screen allowing to choose rom reappeared and from there Ubuntu boots correctly. However, If the internal ROM is chosen in that screen, the device reboots and stuck in the boot animation screen again.
How about if you make a backup?
Then - no matter what follows - no matter what experiments you do - you can always restore just the /data partition. Or any of the other partitions.
Frankly, you should have done it already, but nothing is stopping you from doing it now.
Backups give you power - and freedom - to experiment with very few risks.
good luck.
Thanks! I didn't realize that I can still make a backup even the system is already broken. Did the backup for the data partition and reflashed the stock rom, it now boots ok. Even though I still lost the desktop configuration and the Ubuntu installation.
instanton said:
Thanks! I didn't realize that I can still make a backup even the system is already broken. Did the backup for the data partition and reflashed the stock rom, it now boots ok. Even though I still lost the desktop configuration and the Ubuntu installation.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Had it happened that you still had a bootloop after dirty-flashing /system and/or boot (without doing the custom recovery "factory reset" wipe of /data exclusive of /data/media), a backup can still save your bacon: it can be restored and then manually:
- all system app related /data/data/ and /data/app-lib/ folders removed
- all system app updated .apks in /data/app/ deleted
- wipe dalvik-cache
This leaves all market apps and their data intact while starting from scratch from with the base ROM's system apps. Probably doing that reduces the chances of boot loops.
UID mismatch troubles can still occur if you are coming from a "debloated" ROM and dirty-flashing something like a stock ROM (where there are more system apps than in the prior ROM which generated the /data partition); but I think that TWRP's "fix permissions" should take care of that.
But anyway - backups give you flexibility.

Stuck on Boot with CM 10.2 after installing Xposed

I upgraded to CM 10.2 today, after wich I had some trouble - a lot of apps couldn't be started anymore (shortcuts became Android icons), Sync was completely broken and I had to flash GApps 4.3 and some Settings were gone, including those of Xposed's Application Settings Module (which I used to set the language of Apps manually).
So I removed Xposed and reinstalled it (by coping the .apk to /system/apps and setting CHMOD 0644) on it, then rebooted the device.
Now, the phone always got stuck on the Cyanogenmod bootscreen. I entered Recovery Mode and wiped Cache, Dalvik Cache and Fix Permissions, none of which helped. I then factory set twice (and did wipe cache etc. again) and rebooted a couple of times. I then tried using the Nexus 4 Toolkit to transfer the bootloader .img file from the Stock 4.3 release and installing that, which failed and resulted in an Error message.
I finally deleted everything from /system/ after which the phone is stuck on the Google Logo and doesn't even make it to the bootscreen animation anymore).
Any ideas on what I can do? I can still entery Recovery and Fastboot Mode but it seems I can't push any files (like a clean CM 10.2 or Stock image) to the phone and install it, right?
Thanks for all help!
I finally deleted everything from /system/ after which the phone is stuck on the Google Logo and doesn't even make it to the bootscreen animation anymore).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's what happens when you delete the operating system.

[Q] Bootloop after installing M-Kernel

I downloaded the m-kernel zip a75 (lollipop 5.1.1) and flashed it through cwm. It reported a successful flash. I rebooted and it went to the google screen, then the boot screen, and then.......... the horrid optimizing apps screen! So, I waited for the apps to be optimized, and then it reported starting apps. The window closed and I expected it to boot but up but instead met by a brief NFC thing failure message and the device went back to the bootscreen and started doing everything over and over again. Please help! I really don't want to reset my device! Why isn't it working and what should I do?
youre beat. i did the same thing. the kernel does not work with 5.1.1 so unless you TOOK A BACKUP BEFORE FLASHING there is nothing you can do but reset.
you can try reflashing the rom without wiping the data partition, or restoring only the BOOT partition from backup. it will work, thats what i did until they get the kernel situation figured out. youre not the first to encounter this.

Nexus 6P stuck in boot animation

I was on DP2, with root and unofficial twrp-3.0.2-3-angler(previous versions had problems). And had google assistant too with modified build.prop. Today I flashed a zip file for pixel features. But after reboot, it stuck on the new pixel boot animation. I then applied a rollback zip file, now it is showing the old boot animation, but still stuck. I have wiped cache/dalvik.
I had a password set during boot. Previously, it used to ask for password, but not now. TWRP is now showing unable to mount storage. I don't know where the problem is. Is it the boot password? Please help. Thanks in advance.
Importantly if I wish to flash factory image, then can I flash the final build of 7.1.1(NMF26F)? Earlier I was on DP2. (npf26f).
Yesterday my phone shut off at 35% and when I plugged it in and tried turning it on it just suck on the logo.
I tried restoring to a working backup and it was still stuck.
In the end I download the factory files from google and flashed the phone clean with the flash-all.bat(pulled my files to the pc from twrp first) and it fixed the issue.
Now I'm just contemplating if to try and restore the backup from when it got stuck or start fresh.
Factory images and instructions how to flash:
[Guide] Fool/Noob proof way to do clean installs on Nexus Devices
try this clean install should work

