Server issues preventing me from updating to MIUI 7 Developer ROM - Redmi Note 2 General

So I finally have this device in my hot little hands. Unfortunately, the Xiaomi server hosting all the new China Development ROM for MIUI 7 v5.8.27 is terrible.
First the link didn't even work, then someone in the forums told me I have to add an "o" to the front of the link, instead of: to try
So the download finally started. Then it failed a bunch of times. Then it finally downloaded the full file, and I go to MIUI recovery and try to use it, it says the file is corrupt.
So that is about 6 hours of time wasted yesterday. Overnight I tried to download the file again, it stopped half way.
Today I tried again, the ETA of the file blew out from two hours to 9 hours and now the file has just stopped at 30MB.
So if anyone else has MN2 and has successfully downloaded this file and updated their device to MIUI 7, I would appreciate it if you could upload it to a fast filehost or your dropbox/gdrive for me, so that I can download it from a more reliable source.
They don't have any mirror servers, and the Mi PC Suite English does not list the BETA Roms as possible update options.
A big bloody headache so far, I haven't even got around to installing GAPPS.

OK, well I fixed it, and it is so stupid. Firstly, the server issues can be mitigated by downloading an app called Internet Download Manager which has multi-part download support, first problem solved.
Secondly, I was following the instructions here, which are wrong:
This page: has some instructions. It mentioned that instead of booting into recovery mode and wiping cache and updating from there, that you can "choose update package" from the Updater App itself.
I tried doing it this way, it rebooted the phone, started out by saying Updating... with no message about being corrupt, and quickly got to 99%, where it sat for two minutes. When it rebooted, it had the little progress bar on the splash screen signifying that it was finishing the ROM install. 5 minutes later, I had MIUI 7 installed, finally.

MEGA link
Anyway, here's the link to the MIUI V7 Dev. in my mega account!YEtTAZIb!w2dqkf3Sat2fB1k3xNzOPAVSLGInUZRwFAaTCOaYKyA is downloading at an average of 1MBps for me in Australia. Had really bad speeds (~20KBps) using the link without the o ( - if anyone's looking for an alternative link.

elaurens said: is downloading at an average of 1MBps for me in Australia. Had really bad speeds (~20KBps) using the link without the o ( - if anyone's looking for an alternative link.
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With both obigota and bigota the download doesn't start...
In MiPCSuite the download start with 1MB/s but after 3 seconds go to 0 kB/s...
I'm in Italy

Roms for redmi note 2
Fast rom download androidfilehost
5.9.8 fast link multi lang. global rom.nice rom almost 50000 in antutu. Tested by me. HERMES - codename for redmi note 2
5 - 2015
9 - september
So this roms are daily updated


JF1.5 w/A2SD market shows apps installed but cannot download.

Hi folks,
First I wanna take a moment to thank the community for all the great work.
with out your hard work and excellent tutorials I would not have been able to do this on my own.
I Originally had JF1.42RC33, and had used MarcusMaximus's AppstoSD application found here.
When JF put out his 1.5ADP recently I went ahead and flashed that without wiping. I also updated the Radio immedietly after flashing JF's ROM. Everything was working fine at this point.
Then when johnowa636 posted his Aero port based on the JF build.
Found here:
I decided to flash that, because I really like Aero. Everything at this point was good, with the occasional forceclose error coming from com.vending.something (sorry i just don't remember the excact error)
So recently when Ultra Spikey posted his Aero theme for JF1.5
Found here:
I decided to Flash once again the Original JF1.5 I had downloaded from JF's blog. and then I flashed the theme created by Ultra Spikey.
Everything seems fine, but it's not. All the apps installed work and function as they should and the Market sees all my installed apps and purchased apps. it sees them as installed and some have updates available.
The problem Im having is when I clik on update, I get a starting download, but it just sits there and never downloads. I've tryed on both 3G and wi-fi and still it is not working. I also tryed to just download an app i didn't have. and also it would not download.
If anyone can help guide me in the right direction so I can learn what is wrong and how to fix it, I would really appreciate it.
I have the SDK installed in windows XP 64bit and also have a drive I installed Debian 5.0 on. I installed Debian so I could partition the SD, but Im a totall newbie to it.
I hope I've provided enough info. If there is anything else I can add please let me know, And thanks for taking the time to read this.
Something similar happened to me today after I (finally) got A2SD working on JF1.5. Apps were downloading fine initially, but then stalled. Got stuck on the same "Starting download..." step just like yours did. I left it there, remembering people having a similar issue a month ago or so, and eventually they downloaded and installed fine.
Is it just the market throttling people who download too many apps within a short time frame?
Off-topic question. Does the Aero v1.3 theme work with Open Home, or is it purely for the stock launcher?
Thanks for the reply ^^
I'll try just waiting and see if the download issue resolves itself.
I do have open home installed. it seems to work just fine with Ultra spikey's theme. i've a atached 2 screenshots.
Problem is fixed.
waiting did not solve the problem I had downloading apps.
Having no other input for ideas on how to go about fixing this I simply wiped, Reformated the ext2 partition ( just to be sure I started with a clean slate ), and reflashed JF1.5.
I then Applied the Aero theme and Finally used the A2SD method found here:
All is working well
I would close this thread, but I do not know how.

Market issues? This might help

I have been having the "Starting Download/Download Unsuccessful" market issue for the last month. It just did not work, no matter what I tried (I had tried every solution)
Finally today, I managed to fix the issue.
The issue was *NOT* related to market or google for that matter.
I checked the system logs on my galaxy s using *#9900# (dumped it to sdcard) and searched for vending, I noticed the error "D/DownloadManager( 3220): download aborted - not enough free space in internal storage"
I had enough storage space on the internal storage as well as the external SD card.
The problem was, my partitions were messed up. When flashing a galaxy s using ODIN, its possible to specify a partition file (.pit file). If u supply the wrong file with the wrong firmware, the partitions are messed up.
I also noticed the error "cant mount /dev/block/stl11 " in my 2e recovery bootloader, which clearly indicated something was amiss with the partition scheme. The phone worked, so I just ignored the error. stupid me!
To fix I downloaded the original firmware (from Galax...and Odin/Original Firmwares/?key=AfzUZSU4SpKU) and refrashed using the pit in the firmware archive. Market works now .
I have since upgraded to custom roms and market continues to work.
So in short, I would recomend you guys check if you are seeing any errors in recovery 2e. If you are seeing errors, maybe google's not to blame.
Well just wanted to say that even though I haven't used this fix - my market works fine - I appreciate your posting this solution.
I flash a lot on my SGS and SGTab, and if I ever get the market download bug, then I know I flashed the wrong PIT and will fix it with this knowledge
Thanks again.
There is another fix that I discovered after searching a lot.
Before losing all hope and reflashing(if you aren't getting the error described above), try clearing the cache for Download Manager, Market, Media Storage.
Then reboot. It should work. It's worked many times for me.
I was also able to solve my market problem a month ago when I did what the OP did... Thanks for posting this to help others!!!
I don't think it has anything to do with pit files or whatever. I have the market problem too and when I connect to my University WIFI I can't download a **** (I don't have a data plan on the phone).
But when I connect to an open network available around my work place, downloads start as they should.
So the solution for me is - connect to another hot-spot.
To sum it all up - in the last month I've read about 30 different "solutions" and they don't work for everyone. Android Market in its current form is full of **** and Google better start working on it if they don't want to be laughing stock for the ifanboys.
I don't have any error message on my recovery screen, but every once in a while I still get download problems (even on the same wifi network). I can't think of any explanation except for an error on Google's side.
I believe this is only ONE of the reasons. Many times I encountered the downloading problem, I just ignore it and wait for some while then I try again and it works.
BTW, the most time I have the problem is the indicator shows downloading reached 100% but "Installation" never start. Then I have to click "Cancel" and try again later.
I have this issue with 1 rom only! Axura... any other the market works fine!
I was having the same problem (even the 2e recovery message) and my downloads in market wouldnt start!
I have even created a topic here:
After trying all available solutions around there I ended up flashing a brand new JPO and everything is working now.
Didn't know that was the problem, nice find!
I am posting a link to this topic in mine, there are more ppl with same problem!

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 T530NU Firmware/TWRP/Bootloop

:crying: -Sigh- Alright, this has been a pretty stressful two days so I'll try to be as specific as I can.
Device details:
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 T530NU 16 GB Black with WiFi capabilities.
- I was running Lollipop 5.0.2.
I wanted to get Xposed installer on my tablet, and found out if I wanted to get the modules I wanted working with what I wanted to do, I needed the Xposed Framework installed onto my tablet. I went to research on how that works/what do to to get that up and running for me, and I found out I needed TWRP, had to add it on my tablet with Odin, and then add what I needed for Xposed in a custom boot through my SD card.
As soon as I got TWRP on my tablet, I've been stuck on a bootloop.
Things I've tried:
- Wiping all data.
- Clearing cache/dalvik.
- Charged to full, and retried clearing cache/wiping again.
Additional Details:
- I have access to a PC
- Able to connect my tablet to a PC via USB cord.
- I'm in the US (Since I've some some region specific things floating around)
What kind of help I'm looking for:
- A updated(?) and working stock firmware for my device.
- TWRP version that will work properly on my device.
- Xposed framework ZIP to add to my device.
I've been spending hours and hours trying to find websites and threads on here and on the internet in general to help me fix it, or find stock firmware for my tablet to start over from scratch. I have had no luck anywhere at all. My desktop is just piled with .ZIP files that have claimed to work but no longer work(?).
I'm just at a loss...It's really diving me crazy. So, as a last resort, I'm writing to see if I can get some help on here. I'm not one to really ask for help on things like this..I usually do enough research to figure it out but I feel like I've visited every single thread/site I can and have had no luck. I would greatly appreciate some guidance
Resurrecting this thread after over a year hoping someone is paying attention...
Tying to the thread hopefully getting enough people talking about this... again.
I have the same problem as well. I have downgraded from 5.0.2 to 4.4.2 hoping that would work. I flashed PACMAN custom ROM and GAPPS 6.0 nano last night and was able to get in and through setup, but the wifi will not work nor does it detect any nearby networks.
Looking for answers here... Corrupted partitions maybe? I have stable stock ROM's
Maybe sideload APK's to evaluate/fix the issue from the ui side - if any apps exist?

help with 2 roms for note 4 sm-n910w8

I have a glitch with the stock ROM from Samsung SM-N910W8 Android v# 6.01 and all latest updates, there is a clitch that will kill my battery very fast and cause my phone to miss read the battery # as it usually shots off and will not last rebooting past the intro screen for Touchwhiz but says the battery % is usually between 17 -35%.
I know in any kind of power saver mode I get down to 1% like a normal phone but under battery nothing is listed that used that much power. Also other mods so far I don't get that issue.
So here is what I am looking for.
I want to install one of 2 roms. the first is Alliance ROM I have fallowed all their instructions on this page.
I could not install bob4 or any other bob modem either with Oden (yes the latest one 3.12 or something.) I always get a basic non helpful error and fail, however when I boot into custom recovery Philz_touch I can install the Alliance mod (AllicnceROM_v2.2_N910F) that was the latest version I found to be compatible with the Note 4 so if there is something else I can go to get a more up-to-date version that would be awesome as android I think it up to V#7 something. Anyways after I clean the partition and install it just infinitely boot loops and I have to recover my old Rom to try something else.
The other MOD I found that I liked was the Omega ROM. I was able to get it installed but the modem drivers were not present and trying to fallow the instructions and install the 2 drivers to get the modem working failed every time I tried to install them. this is the link I fallowed
Can someone please tell me how if possible to get these installed properly I did fallow all the guides and they didn't work.

OnePlus 6T - System Update Installation Failed

Hi All,
I am the owner of a stock OnePlus 6T, which was recently running the latest version of Android 10 (v10.3.x) and also not rooted.
I was experiencing a jittery graphics issue with one of my favourite games, which was Mad Skills BMX 2. I contacted Turborilla Support in which they isolated the issue to the fact that Mad Skills BMX 2, had an issue with running on Android 10 and they suggested that I roll back to Android 9, which I did.
The rollback to Android 9 did not fix the jittery issue I was experiencing so I attempted to upgrade back to the latest "Official" version of Android 10 but no matter, how I try installing the Android update ZIP file whether it be version 10 or 9, I get to 99% of the installation then the process ends with an error that states "System Update Installation Failed"
I rolled back to Android 9 using the below installation file and I later found that this is beta version of OxygenOS ie OxygenOS Version.... OP6T_O2_Beta_17
I have tried so many different fixes, ranging from OTA updates to downloading various ZIP installs and applying them using the "Local Upgrade" feature but no matter which method I try and keep on experiencing the "System Update Installation Failed" error.
I obviously installed a roll back ROM that has some how stuffed up my phone preventing, now preventing me to upgrade back up to Android 10.
Please help...
Thanks guys
why failed ?
two5om said:
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Have you tried update to 10.3.2 using MSM Tool?
Oxygen Updater
two5om said:
Hi All,
I am the owner of a stock OnePlus 6T, which was recently running the latest version of Android 10 (v10.3.x) and also not rooted.
I was experiencing a jittery graphics issue with one of my favourite games, which was Mad Skills BMX 2. I contacted Turborilla Support in which they isolated the issue to the fact that Mad Skills BMX 2, had an issue with running on Android 10 and they suggested that I roll back to Android 9, which I did.
The rollback to Android 9 did not fix the jittery issue I was experiencing so I attempted to upgrade back to the latest "Official" version of Android 10 but no matter, how I try installing the Android update ZIP file whether it be version 10 or 9, I get to 99% of the installation then the process ends with an error that states "System Update Installation Failed"
I rolled back to Android 9 using the below installation file and I later found that this is beta version of OxygenOS ie OxygenOS Version.... OP6T_O2_Beta_17
I have tried so many different fixes, ranging from OTA updates to downloading various ZIP installs and applying them using the "Local Upgrade" feature but no matter which method I try and keep on experiencing the "System Update Installation Failed" error.
I obviously installed a roll back ROM that has some how stuffed up my phone preventing, now preventing me to upgrade back up to Android 10.
Please help...
Thanks guys
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Use Oxygen Updater App to download the update then follow the Local Upgrade Method
Oxygen Updater:
What happened in my case:
I unlocked Bootloader. regretted
Relocked it:
Using MSM Tool Restore Method
I removed the rev_OverSeas~*** file from MSM Tool~.rar EXPORT don't know if that makes a difference or not.
ended up rolling back to 9.
Installed Oxygen Updater:
It downloaded:
installed using the Local upgrade Method
It was still on 9
used Oxygen Updater to check for updates again.
Installed the updated.
two5om said:
Hi All,
I am the owner of a stock OnePlus 6T, which was recently running the latest version of Android 10 (v10.3.x) and also not rooted.
I was experiencing a jittery graphics issue with one of my favourite games, which was Mad Skills BMX 2. I contacted Turborilla Support in which they isolated the issue to the fact that Mad Skills BMX 2, had an issue with running on Android 10 and they suggested that I roll back to Android 9, which I did.
The rollback to Android 9 did not fix the jittery issue I was experiencing so I attempted to upgrade back to the latest "Official" version of Android 10 but no matter, how I try installing the Android update ZIP file whether it be version 10 or 9, I get to 99% of the installation then the process ends with an error that states "System Update Installation Failed"
I rolled back to Android 9 using the below installation file and I later found that this is beta version of OxygenOS ie OxygenOS Version.... OP6T_O2_Beta_17
I have tried so many different fixes, ranging from OTA updates to downloading various ZIP installs and applying them using the "Local Upgrade" feature but no matter which method I try and keep on experiencing the "System Update Installation Failed" error.
I obviously installed a roll back ROM that has some how stuffed up my phone preventing, now preventing me to upgrade back up to Android 10.
Please help...
Thanks guys
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Hey there,
I think the fastboot method is still the cleanest method to get things back up and running, saved my device quite some times now.
Have a good one
Hi everyone, I discovered something that might be already known to everyone else out there but me... but probably is not known to many.
There is something everyone should know when updating.... DO NOT rename the update file, or else Oxygen OS will refuse to install it.
In my case, I was using the full file as a local upgrade file from within the "system Updates", which is about 2 gigs in size, to upgrade to OxygenOS 10.3.12. I added the words "OxygenOS 10.3.12" to the end of the file but before the ".zip" extension.... and it would not work and I got the "System Update Installation Failed" message. I thought the file was corrupt. I re-downloaded. I checked file sizes in Windows Properties. I cleared caches. I chanted. I prayed... I thought maybe I need to change religions. Then, when just out of curiosity, I changed the file name back to its original... bingo! I did the filename change from within Android. I wonder how many other people learned this the hard way? This should be in the top 100 things that all android tinker-ers should know. "What You Should Know" for Android/OnePlus. Like an FAQ but the reverse... because an faq assumes you know what to ask, whereas a WYSK tells you what you will eventually find out the hard way . So there is my little contribution, and I hope someone else who was in a similar position finds this and it makes their day All the best You All! - Chad May
two5om said:
Hi All,
I am the owner of a stock OnePlus 6T, which was recently running the latest version of Android 10 (v10.3.x) and also not rooted.
I was experiencing a jittery graphics issue with one of my favourite games, which was Mad Skills BMX 2. I contacted Turborilla Support in which they isolated the issue to the fact that Mad Skills BMX 2, had an issue with running on Android 10 and they suggested that I roll back to Android 9, which I did.
The rollback to Android 9 did not fix the jittery issue I was experiencing so I attempted to upgrade back to the latest "Official" version of Android 10 but no matter, how I try installing the Android update ZIP file whether it be version 10 or 9, I get to 99% of the installation then the process ends with an error that states "System Update Installation Failed"
I rolled back to Android 9 using the below installation file and I later found that this is beta version of OxygenOS ie OxygenOS Version.... OP6T_O2_Beta_17
I have tried so many different fixes, ranging from OTA updates to downloading various ZIP installs and applying them using the "Local Upgrade" feature but no matter which method I try and keep on experiencing the "System Update Installation Failed" error.
I obviously installed a roll back ROM that has some how stuffed up my phone preventing, now preventing me to upgrade back up to Android 10.
Please help...
Thanks guys
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This is why I use twrp
