OXY SmartWatch development - Android Software Development

This project is related to the porting of IWOP (Ingenic Wearable Open Platform) for OXY SmartWatches.
The platform IWOP is available here for download: http://iwop.ingenic.com/.
OXY is giving hardware development kit to each developer who is willing to contribute to the platform.
Attached to this thread there are architecture views, UX mocks and interaction design about the OXY custom ROM.
More details related to OXY are available here: http://www.oxytechs.com/
OXY ROM is composed by:
A watchface manager
Home launcher
Control manager app
Settings app
Apps navigator
A set of utilities apps delivered with the product
XDA:DevDB Information
OXY SmartWatch V 1.0, ROM for the Android General
Source Code: http://iwop.ingenic.com/
ROM OS Version: 5.1.1 Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
Based On: IWOP
Version Information
Status: Alpha
Stable Release Date: 2016-03-31
Beta Release Date: 2015-12-31
Created 2015-08-24
Last Updated 2015-08-24

Build the basic ROM
Unfortunately the information related to our ROM and SDK are still available only in Chinese, that's why with this project on XDA we are willing to make a translation of all the necessary resources needed to develop for OXY.
In this specific post I am going through the creation of a development environment using Ubuntu 12 LT which in my case is hosted on Windows Azure Asia Servers so that the download from GIT is faster and more reliable. At the end you will have the basic IWOP image built. IWOP is a the custom Android ROM built by Ingenic which runs on our Hardware.
If you are considering to join the Development Program in OXY or if you are considering to become a remunerated Developer for OXY, we will grant you an Ubuntu VM with the development environment ready to go and an OXY SmartWatch development kit, in order to be able to test your code on our hardware.
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Resource location
The resources are available at the website of Ingenic, the official page which is visible from outside China and supported also by OXY also: http://iwop.ingenic.com/zh-cn/. We are actively working on translating the website in English-US so that in the future the IWOP SDK will be available in full English.
First step you need to download the REPO TOOL and the GIT structure. To make this job easier we have created a custom folder containing the entire repo which is available on Google Drive. We have also the full source code (~25GB) available for download in case you cannot download from our Chinese mirror.
In order to avoid unfriendly behaviors from competitors and in order to avoid to run out of bandwidth, the Google Drive is shared only with the active members of the OXY Development Program, just drop me a PVT if you are willing to join the project.
Once the REPO structure is downloaded and unzipped, you will end up with the following folder of almost 5GB in size:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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Now you are ready to compile ELF. ELF is a custom version of Android built by Ingenic to work on their CPU architecture and on their hardware. The ROM is quite stable and it has already a rich set of API available through their SDK to work directly on OXY SmartWatches and in the future with OXY SmartPhones.
Now run a sync with the local repository:
$ .repo/repo/repo sync --local-only
Second step, in order to download the full-source you need an SSH account from us.
Again, in order to avoid problems of bandwidth at this stage of the project we will grant SSH files and accounts only to users that are joining the dev program
Then you can run a sync against the Ingenic GIT repository and download the entire source code:
$ .repo/repo/repo init -u ssh://[account]@oxytechs.com:29418/elf/manifests.git -b release-4.3 -m elf.xml
And synchronize
$ .repo/repo/repo sync --current-branch --no-tags
Beware that if your machine is not in ASIA the first synchronization is very slow, the full source is between 20~24GB
Configure the Development Machine
In these steps we are using Eclipse to build our ROM, feel free to switch to Android Studio and if you have achieved the migration to Android Studio, feel free also to update this guide
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Install the SDK 1.6
The correct SDK for ELF is available at this address: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk6-downloads-1637591.html
Then you have to register the SDK in your PATH using:
export JAVA_HOME=/work/soft/jdk1.6.0_33
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
Finally you can verify that the SDK is correctly installed by typing:
$java -version
java version "1.6.0_33"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_33-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.8-b03, mixed mode)
Download the ELF SDK available on our Google Drive
Then register the SDK on your environment:
export ANDROID_HOME=~/work/soft/android-sdk-linux
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools
Download the Linux NDK available on our Google Drive
Then register the NDK:
export NDK_HOME=~/work/soft/android-ndk-r10
Prepare Ubuntu for Build Android
If you machine is new and you never built Android SDK before, you need to install also these packages in the correct order and Do not upgrade these packages
$ sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential \
zip curl libc6-dev libncurses5-dev:i386 x11proto-core-dev \
libx11-dev:i386 libreadline6-dev:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 \
libgl1-mesa-dev g++-multilib mingw32 openjdk-6-jdk tofrodos \
python-markdown libxml2-utils xsltproc zlib1g-dev:i386
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so
Finally you can build ELF for OXY using the following commands:
./build/smk.sh --preset=aw808_v11_wisesquare_iwop
./build/smk.sh --preset=aw808_v11_naturalround_iwop
You will end up with the following files which are the ELF ROM for OXY.
u-boot-with-spl-mbr-gpt.bin、 boot.img、 system.img、 recovery.img
Now you are ready to: customize the ROM, customize the Home launcher, create new apps for OXY
In the next post we will write the basics of how to create an Android App for OXY SmartWatch and how to upload the app on our Cloud using REST

If porting watches and creating the faces are well documented and intuitive you just found yourself a watchface designer.

kuronosan said:
If porting watches and creating the faces are well documented and intuitive you just found yourself a watchface designer.
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Hi @kuronosan, yes very intuitive and almost identical to Android WEAR API, with a slightly little change in your code you can port a WEAR watchface into a OXY watchface with the big advantage that we support also Fragments and Activities. Probably within a week or two we will publish "how to make a watchface". We are actively working now on completing the documentation to setup your development environment. When this is done we will start with the tutorial series and with the conversion of the ELF Chinese documentation into English

Hmm. Now to save up capital.

I've since left public development, especially on xda, but am more than willing to do a little tuning/optimization and security audits for folks like I did on the Omate TrueSmart and InWatch Z. Like kuronosan, need to save up for a watch as I'd also do case design analysis and testing.

@Lokifish Marz you and some other guys here are giving to us a lot of positive and helpful feedbacks. For sure during the PRE-SALE campaign you will be delighted with one of our model of your choice for free, I am not even considering to charge somebody who is giving to us valuable knowledge and share experience for free, it's not my way of working

If there's anyone who knows watches, it's him.

I want to help... you have a PVT message.

@corvus Found it, I am writing you an e-mail now.
Happy to have you on board.

Guys I am here with some interesting updates.
We have finally released Android 5.1.1 and we are using Atlassian BitBucket as our Source repository.
The repository is available here: https://bitbucket.org/oxy-team/elf-os
In the next days we will provide a set of Tutorials for:
Get an Atlassian Developer Account
Setup your Build Environment
Download the Source Code
Customize the Kernel of ELF OS
Also, we are talking with Amazon AWS to setup some CI servers so that when you check-in some changes our Cloud mechanism will build a new ROM for you, so that you don't need to wait until your dev machine is done with the build.
We are going to setup multiple branches, the official will be of course locked down but there will be a special branch for XDA and every time we find valuable commits we will merge them into the official ROM and mention the developer who made it possible.
For the most valuable contributors we are going to deliver a development kit:


[Mar 14 - V1.1] Virtual Appliance for Android App Development

This is a VirtualBox appliance aiming at development for Android:
Java Development with Eclipse
Kernel Development with GCC / NDK
ROM Development
The goals of this appliance is to provide an environment for beginners to be up-and-running within minutes, whether you want to code in Java, compile Android or your favorite ROM. The appliance is tuned for performance (guest additions) and aims at becoming your daily companion.
If you need training / tutorials there are plenty on xda-dev. This thread does not aim at being a how-to but interesting reference threads will be linked in the future.
Distro: Linux Mint 13 32bit (Maja) VBox (VDI 20GB) with VirtualBox Guest Additions
Toolset: Oracle/SUN JDK 1.7.0_07-b10, git, subversion, Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) for Mobile Developers, android SDK r21.0.1, apktool, repo, knives-and-forks
For feature requests or to report problems please use this thread or the github project issues
Eclipse Plugins:
Java Development
C/C++ Development
Set up
Install VirtualBox
Download the appliance and uncompress it to the directory where you have your virtual machines
Create a new virtual machine (linux, other) and allocate 2GB RAM to it
Select "use existing startup disk" and point to AndroidDev_VA.vdi
Username / Password: android / android (has sudo rights)
Download (thank you to [B @cri for hosting)[/B]
AndroidDev_VA_1.1.0.0.gz (5,5GB)
or as split files (520MB)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
New Version 2.0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
If you are interested in hosting mirrors or seed torrents please feel free to contact me, I will link them here.
# create archives
$ gzip --best -c my_large_file.vdi | split -b 1024MiB - myfile_split.gz_
# uncompress
$ cat myfile_split.gz_* | gunzip -c > my_large_file.vdi
Create/check md5sum:
#create md5sums
$ md5sum -b AndroidDev_VA_1.1.0.0_split* > AndroidDev_VA_1.1.0.0.md5
# check
$ md5sum -c AndroidDev_VA_1.1.0.0.md5
Further reading
This section is open for your suggestions
Zero out free space and compact an image
Life cycle
I plan to release updates of this appliance. If you have suggestions or feel things are missing please drop me a note. Depending on the extent of the changes I may set-up a patch concept besides the planned full releases of the appliance.
- 2013-03-14 Uploaded to hosting facility (thanks to @cri)
- 2013-01-01 Release 1.1: updated Mint and eclipse / ADT / SDK to current versions
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"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
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"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Q:How can I resize the image?
A:If you need more space the image can easily be resized:
- Extend the VDI image file:
VBoxManage modifyhd AndroidDev_VA.vdi --resize <size-in-MB>
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- Download the gparted ISO live-CD, add it to the virtual image as CD, boot, delete the extended partion, expand the primary partition, re-add a secondary partition and a swap partition: done
Q:Where are the cross compiler settings
A:The cross compiler environment variables are set in ~/environment
export ARCH=arm
export SUBARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=/home/android/android-ndk-r8b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
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Q:How do I open the VDI filel
A:You need to have VirtualBox installed. Either double-click on the VDI file or follow these instructions to import the image
chamonix said:
I am planning to provide and maintain a virtual application (virtual box) for developing Android Apps and I'd like to get some input before starting.
I plan the appliance to be linux and I am looking for feedback on:
Distro: what yould be your favorite (lightweight) distro
Distribution: ideas on the best way to distribute it (torrent, virtual appliance directory, download)
Toolset: what would you like to see besides Eclipse, Java, Android SDK, git, svn, gimp
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That would be pretty good, however, note that there are other tools such as App Inventor that provides a very intuitive interface for developing android apps without any programming.
kevinkashi said:
That would be pretty good, however, note that there are other tools such as App Inventor that provides a very intuitive interface for developing android apps without any programming.
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That is not the segment that I am adressing. What I aim at is providing a complete, installed and configured enviroment for people wanting to develop for android and who do not have the time to set up the enviroment, install the USB drivers etc.
http://susestudio.com : quick to setup, free hosting. not to be confused with the Phil Collins song.
dabl8 said:
http://susestudio.com : quick to setup, free hosting. not to be confused with the Phil Collins song.
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Interesting concept. I'm not sure if it suits my needs but I'll have a look at it for other projects
nice idea
Nice idea, would make life easy for many budding developers
I would suggest
Distro: Linux Mint
Distribution: Torrents / dev-host, you have 50 Gb now
Toolset: scripts to sign and zipalign APK's, some basic ANT scripts would do
suku_patel_22 said:
Nice idea, would make life easy for many budding developers
I would suggest
Distro: Linux Mint
Distribution: Torrents / dev-host, you have 50 Gb now
Toolset: scripts to sign and zipalign APK's, some basic ANT scripts would do
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Mint 13 with mate installing.
Don't forget... ndk
Sent from my VS910 4G using xda premium
Since this is just discussion about developing an app it belongs in General, not the Development forum. Post in the Development forum when you have something to release.
Good luck with your project
Archer said:
Since this is just discussion about developing an app it belongs in General, not the Development forum. Post in the Development forum when you have something to release.
Good luck with your project
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Sure. I will request it to be moved back once I release something
Is anyone interested in testing before I release? I have an image finished with all features from post #1.
Finally released!
Please feel free to request for additions if you feel that anything is missing.
This is a great initiative you've got here.
I've download all the files but the splitted files are in a Linux format (_aa _ab ...) and to get it working on Windows I had to rename them as .001 .002 as I haven't found any software capable of this.
And one quick question, why have you
reverted back to Maja
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minidou-77 said:
This is a great initiative you've got here.
I've download all the files but the splitted files are in a Linux format (_aa _ab ...) and to get it working on Windows I had to rename them as .001 .002 as I haven't found any software capable of this.
And one quick question, why have you ?
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Thanks for the feedback!
I reverted because the in-place upgrade failed so that was too much for 1.1. I will of course move to the most recent mint release for 2.0 but didn't put that as a priority as this virtual appliance is more about development capabilities than about having a sexy linux distro.
I just started the Virtual Appliance, The internet connection is working as I'm able to browse the web but I'm unable to install new language.
I tried different network settings but issue remains ... anyone ?
Just tried to ping the repositery, and it's working
[email protected] ~ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=51 time=19.9 ms
Thank you
FredC94 said:
I just started the Virtual Appliance, The internet connection is working as I'm able to browse the web but I'm unable to install new language.
I tried different network settings but issue remains ... anyone ?
Just tried to ping the repositery, and it's working
[email protected] ~ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=51 time=19.9 ms
Thank you
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I'd be interested in seeing the "details"
Here it is
FredC94 said:
Here it is
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It looks like french packages are not mirrored on all archives, or something is broken. You could try changing the archive location (from the update manager options).
chamonix said:
It looks like french packages are not mirrored on all archives, or something is broken. You could try changing the archive location (from the update manager options).
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You mean through Software Sources ?
I tried two different French servers but it doesn't work either.
Anyway it's not really important cause I managed to change the keyboard layout (AZERTY).
thank you
---------- Post added at 12:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 AM ----------
Well, I've found a new issue :silly:
[email protected] ~ $ adb devices
List of devices attached
0123456789ABCDEF [COLOR="Red"]offline[/COLOR]
In fact I had the same behaviour under VMware -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=40685933
---------- Post added at 01:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 AM ----------
never mind, I just update the SDK, and it's working now
trying to build CM10.1 (Jelly Bean) for my Galaxy SII, I got this error message
/bin/bash: prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: cannot execute binary file
Made a quick search and found that the 32bit Virtual Machine is the culprit

[DEV][TOOL][v1.0.2 Beta][18/04/14]XM Infinity System

Theres A Similar Thread Of This Project At AT&T Note i717 Dev Section Here Which Is For All Versions Of Samsung Galaxy Note.
If You're Claiming That This Is A Kang, First Of All, You Dont Know What You're Talking About btw After Learning A Big Lecture From Our XDA Forum Moderator Mark Manning, I've Been Decided To Use My Own Knowledge For Projects In XDA. This Time I Will Not Use Other Private Techniques From Others.
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
XM Infinity Is A C Program Or Executable File Designed To Work For Almost Android Devices. It Has To Tunes Up Your Device Upto Beyond Without Using Tuning Apps Which Is Not Helpful Nor Helps Others.
General Notes For Devs And User
Dear Devs And Users,
If Your Willing To Add This To Your Developments Like ROMs, KERNELs, MODs, And ETC. You're Allowed Even Without Asking My Permission But Still I Recommended To Ask My Permission Related For This And Dont Forget To Insert Proper Credits.
If This Project Kills Your Device or ETC, Dont Blame Me For It. You Must Use This At Your Own Risk
Sincerely Yours,
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zeppelinrox - For Awesome V6 SC And Codes That I've Used Before
pikachu01 - For Kernel Tweaks Taken From His ThunderBolt!
Exit_Only - For Ass Kicking OKJ™
Yoda @ Linux And Unix Forums- For A Big Help For C Coding
LENAROX - For So Many Help In The Past
idcrisis/fivefour - For CrossBreeder
Buda1996 - SPL TEAM
jai554 - SPL TEAM
Linus Yang - For BusyBox v1.21.1 That I've Use In My Projects Before
And All Devs At XDA And Other Forums
Advantages Of XM
-Better Android Device Performance & ETC
-No Need Of Use Of Init.D(optional)
-No Bootloops Or Softbrick
Disadvantages Of XM
-Not Automatically Executed At Boot Without Init.D
-May Brick Your Android Device If Wrong Usage Occurs
-Inform Me
-An Android Device Which Is Rooted, Have BusyBox, Custom Recovery/Kernel/ROM, Init.d Support And Running 4.0.x And Above.
-Terminal Emulator App For Play Store
-Recovery Backup(TWRP or CWM Based)
-Optimizations Of RAM Through Lowmemorykiller
-Reduced UI Lags
-Optimizations Of IPv4/IPv6 Internet Security
-Enhanced Graphics/GPU
-Optimized Kernel Performance For Better System
-Saves Battery Life Power
-Clears DNS Cache To Boost Network Connection
-Adding More Soon
-- To Install --
1. Download XMD_v*.*.*_RC.zip From Link Below
2. Reboot To Recovery Then Backup Your Current ROM
3. Install It Using Your Custom Recovery
4. After Installation, Reboot
5. Open Terminal Emulator App Then Type The Following Commands
6. Follow The Help On xmd Command
7. All Done
-- To Uninstall --
1. Open Terminal Emulator App Then Type The Following Commands
rm -rf /system/xbin/xmd
rm -rf /system/etc/busybox
2. Reboot
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I Hope You've Follow The Instructions Properly
Take Note That I Will Not Respond On PM. Related On Instructions For This Project.
Download Link
XM Infinity System v1.0.2 Beta
XM Infinity System v1.0.1 Beta
XM Infinity System v1.0.0 Beta
Version 1.0.2 Beta April 18,2014
-Improvements On Coding
-Fixed Known Bugs
Version 1.0.1 Beta April 16,2014
-Now Compatible With All Android Devices Except For Android Wears
-Revised XM Infinity System GUI
-Improvements On Codings
-Fixed Minor Bugs Which May Affect The Infinity System.
Version 1.0 Beta April 14,2014
-Initial Release For SGH-I717 And SHV-E160
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Issue #1: Renice Errors
Status: Fixed
Issue #2: Values Errors On Sysctl
Status: Fixed
List Of Compatible MODs
-Odexer Tool By @MatrixDJ96
-SwapItOn By @defiant07
List Of Recommended Apps
-CPU Tuner
-Clean Master Or SDmaid
-Battery Doctor
-Holo Launcher
-Xperia Launcher
-Greenify By @oasisfeng
Thanks To The Devs Of Mods And Apps From Above.
List Of Official Supported Devices
NOTE: This Is A List Of Official Devices Supported By This Project.
-Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000
-AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note SGH-i717
-Samsung Galaxy Note LTE SHV-E160
-T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note
-Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini E10
-Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro U20
List Of Unofficial Supported Devices
-All Android Devices Created By The Following Brands:
-Sony Ericsson
If You Want To Add Your Device On Official List, Please PM Me.
If You Like This Project, Consider To Press Thanks And Rate A ★★★★★. Thats It And Thank You For Using This Project. Feedbacks Are Most Welcome.
Reserved For A Useful Content
Thread OP Is Now Updated. Please Subscribe To This Thread To Get Latest Updates For This Project. Have A Good Day
Well since you made it a binary and not a script, could you provide a detailed spec of what is actually changed? I like to know what an operation is modifying before trying it out on my phone, with script based mods this is easy but since this is compiled code..
bobbarker2 said:
Well since you made it a binary and not a script, could you provide a detailed spec of what is actually changed? I like to know what an operation is modifying before trying it out on my phone, with script based mods this is easy but since this is compiled code..
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It Optimizes Your Android Device Through Modifying Kernel Parameters Using Sysctl. It Also Modifies Property Values Using Setprop. In Other Words, This Is A Optimizations/MOD For Android Devices.
Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk

-Currently Unavailable-

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Let me make this clear; This project is meant for developers who are willing to pitch in and help create a succesful build for Android L. This is an early take on the Android L Platform and it WILL have a LOT of Bugs. If you are willing to help out and is someone who isn't a noob in the development sector, please feel free to continue. (If you are a noob, I do not condone you reading on but all I ask is that you do not request assistance for small tiny things that can be self learnt through Google)
What is this project about?
This project aims to continue to improve the Android L source code that is optimized for the Xperia SP. The code, which will be shown later, is in an experimental stage and I am not responsible for any bricked devices that are generated from MY CODE. It is your choice and liberty to try it out. With the code shown, developers can pitch in to improve it and fix many small to even major things that I might have missed.
More info....
The Code can be found here: https://github.com/Furrydaus/huashan_lollipop
Fork or Clone, its all up to you, just be sure to help out by submitting changes to the repo.
Repo Info: Android L - Initial Build. Codes built from AOSP for ARM Devices
Estimated Size: 14GB+
Object Count: 51242+
Object Type: Proprietary Files, Includes things from the system.img to the folders that are filled with all the proper apks
About: Just the proprietary files that have been generated through source building. Requires major overhaul to actually be optimized for the device.
Discuss more by replying. Do be warned that this code has 50% chance of working. It worked on my emulator but not quite sure about whether it'll run on my device (Need my phone for this week and have no time to reflash and stuff)
Good luck developing! Be sure to check in the git once in a while and sync to obtain the latest changes!
XDA:DevDB Information
Android L - Initial, ROM for the Sony Xperia SP
Furrydaus, David Makarove, Ηλίας Μπουτσικάρης
ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: AOSP
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2014-11-09
Last Updated 2014-11-09
Source Code Status
Source Code is being pushed to github. Will take up to a day so please wait
Update; Facing problems with Github. Will try my best to upload
Wow! Something to look forward to. Best of luck. I hope you'll succeed, for sure a lot of people are excited about this.
Furrydaus said:
Source Code is being pushed to github. Will take up to a day so please wait
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IMO It should be in original development section.
Any way, great job
Sent from XSP using my hands!
Screenshot please
please give some screen shots and list of known bugs..
Furrydaus said:
Let me make this clear; This project is meant for developers who are willing to pitch in and help create a succesful build for Android L. This is an early take on the Android L Platform and it WILL have a LOT of Bugs. If you are willing to help out and is someone who isn't a noob in the development sector, please feel free to continue. (If you are a noob, I do not condone you reading on but all I ask is that you do not request assistance for small tiny things that can be self learnt through Google)
What is this project about?
This project aims to continue to improve the Android L source code that is optimized for the Xperia SP. The code, which will be shown later, is in an experimental stage and I am not responsible for any bricked devices that are generated from MY CODE. It is your choice and liberty to try it out. With the code shown, developers can pitch in to improve it and fix many small to even major things that I might have missed.
More info....
The Code can be found here: https://github.com/Furrydaus/huashan_lollipop
Fork or Clone, its all up to you, just be sure to help out by submitting changes to the repo.
Repo Info: Android L - Initial Build. Codes built from AOSP for ARM Devices
Estimated Size: 14GB+
Object Count: 51242+
Object Type: Proprietary Files, Includes things from the system.img to the folders that are filled with all the proper apks
About: Just the proprietary files that have been generated through source building. Requires major overhaul to actually be optimized for the device.
Discuss more by replying. Do be warned that this code has 50% chance of working. It worked on my emulator but not quite sure about whether it'll run on my device (Need my phone for this week and have no time to reflash and stuff)
Good luck developing! Be sure to check in the git once in a while and sync to obtain the latest changes!
XDA:DevDB Information
Android L - Initial, ROM for the Sony Xperia SP
Furrydaus, David Makarove, Ηλίας Μπουτσικάρης
ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: AOSP
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2014-11-09
Last Updated 2014-11-09
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This guy is so fast. If you need tester i am there to test the first build
I'll volunteer to test your rom too
kaustav07 said:
please give some screen shots and list of known bugs..
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Please read the damn OP before posting....
Sent from my C5303 using XDA Free mobile app
I would like to test future builds of the rom!
kaustav07 said:
please give some screen shots and list of known bugs..
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Don't ever post what you don't know noob
For god's sake read the damn OP
Lolz. What a noob[emoji13] !!
@ everyone, calm down, no need to pull someone's leg, look at the bigger picture i.e. Android l.
Sent from XSP using my hands!
+1 if u need some tester, im not a dev but i want to help. Count me in and good lucky guys
I am sure we are going to get android l with these awesome developers and community
noahvt said:
Please read the damn OP before posting....
Sent from my C5303 using XDA Free mobile app
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sorry..i didn't read it first..
What about LBL? Mby do it at begining?
Tapatalked via Xperia SP
Just some loose things:
1. We need CAF code to be released and integrated in the sources by CM maintainers. CyanogenMod is compilable now, but only with Nexus devices and others that have AOSP kernels. Ofc, if we wanted to use AOSP code, transition from CAF to AOSP isn't easy(maybe it's even impossible). So yeah, we have to wait.
2. One step that we could do before working on L - testing encryption. If it's working, there's a big chance that we are set with 5.0. Could someone backup everything(internal storage also counts) and test this out? Just backup EVERYTHING, then go to Settings->Security->Encrypt your device.
3. Most of the changes are on the user-device interaction layer - chance of getting this working on LBL skyrockets We only have to confirm that ART and encryption work(and we can be sure that ART works).
4. Btw, one more thing about LBL - I don't really know how CAF names their repos, but I assume that the master branch is now for Lollipop. If it is, we don't even have to rewrite the specific patches.
Quoting uberlaggydarwin from g+
+ Code Aurora Forum released LA.AF.1.1-01110 for
Is this the CAF code we are looking for ?
Sent from XSP using my hands!
In cyanogenmod source, here is a new CAF for CM12 : http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/q/s...nMod/android+branch:cm-12.0+topic:caf-hal,n,z
I'm having high hopes for a functional build of android 5.0 for the XSP! The Xperia L just got a reasonably stable build of android 5.0

[KITCHEN][WINDOWS] Tyrancy Kitchen for Windows, NO LINUX/CYGWIN needed!

This is a tool for those who want to start learning how to make custom ROMs, or who just want to save some time with their ROM customization.
Basic fundamental is to make your life easier, and, at the same time, help you learn about the Android OS.
The kitchen will not automatically turn you into a developer. You are not programming anything or building a ROM from the ground up. The kitchen merely presents a user-friendly interface to hide all the rough details. However, this may be the push that gets you into development in the future.
No command lines nothing required to operate this kitchen, just enter options as "1" or '2', however you many need some knowledge about Android tree (ROM files)
Here is a quick peek of how this kitchen appears.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
NOTE : This kitchen is still a WIP but does a pretty decent job if it comes to modding. All coding has been done in 72 hours up straight with less or no sleep by me only. I warn you before hand if you have no idea what ROM is or most importantly what ANDROID is kindly use Google as your teacher rather than spamming this thread. No useless questions will be entertained.
Supported devices
As I said it's the first release as it's still a WIP but all basic commands like rooting, extracting boot.img etc are supported. So technically it's a universal kitchen.
Below is the download link to kitchen
Although critics never stay back yet some of you might like my work and want this kitchen to be supported and go on and on. Though this kitchen is free but still kindly consider donating as it helps both of us, me getting resources and you ending up in my credit section and being the most important part of the development :angel:
XDA:DevDB Information
Tyrancy Kitchen - Windows Kitchen, CYGWIN FREE, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
Tech N You
Version Information
Status: Testing
Current Beta Version:
Beta Release Date: 2015-03-16
Created 2015-03-15
Last Updated 2015-09-22
● Smart as your phone! Detects all possible vulnerabilities that may affect kitchen
● Very Light weight! Only 16 MB
● Deodexing option
● Latest smali\baksmali 2.0.5 for quicker and faster deodexing
● Generate log of deodexing process
● Root your ROM
● Add init.d support without touching kernel! (Just Archi init.d)
● Boot/Recovery editing tools (All devices supported except for SONY [kernel.elf] , working on that be patient please it's just first release)
● All file updated with latest su and other stuff
● Add busybox
● Get working folder information same as dsixda kitchen
● 14+ Integrated ADB/Fastboot command menu to make your life more easier
● Supports Flashable ZIP format, System.img+boot.img and ODIN firmware (more to come in next update
● Change name of your ROM
● Add /data/app support
Download the kitchen and extract it your core C:\ directory ONLY! or it won't work and just execute Kitchen.bat to begin
Q) Why does Tyrancy kitchen closes automatically everytime after I choose this option(s)?
Ans) Two reasons - (a) You have spaces in your username like "Tech N You" .. Solution is create a new account with single line username like "Admin"
(b) You have not extracted it in core C:\drive eg. "C:\Tech N You\kitchen" this is wrong C:\Tech N You\kitchen it should be "C:\Kitchen"
If you did both right then it's a code fault, let me know which option it does so
Q) Do I need anything else in order to run this kitchen?
Ans) You need only JAVA that too in order to deodex your ROM. Make sure you use latest version of java and it is defined in your system path.
Q) I get prompts like "C:\Kitchen\WORKING_FOLDER\blabla is a file or directory". What to do?
Ans) Come on people be smart. You know what to do. Read it carefully it has the answer.
Q) I want this feature to be added, where should I inform you?
Ans) Here! Right in this thread just tag me in your reply! All suggestions welcome! Open to all kind of suggestion!
No bugs as of now! Stable and fluid please report any bug if you find..
THE LEGEND - @dsixda
 @JustArchi for his init.d script
 @Ricky Divjakovski for some of his files
 @JesusFreke for his smali and baksmali
 @cofface for his bootimg utility
@Chainfire for SuperSU
Me for creating the tool
This kitchen is open-source and is free to mod and share in this thread only (if you can add more features to it)
lease message me ASAP if you want to help.!:laugh::fingers-crossed:
Thanking you all in advance:good:
● Add Lollipop deodexing (Have everything ready, coming in next update)
● Make Updater-script checking
● Add automatic updater-Script building Complete check v 1.5
● Add automatic device support
● Request more you want
● v 1.0 Initial release
● More streamlined
● Added custom boot animation functionality
● Optimized code
● Fixed various bugs
● Added automatic updater-script generator
● User can now Input his/her name in updater-script without opening.
Reserving this last one just in case.
good job although this is very identical to my kitchen, alot of the code is the same, files of mine were used without permission aswell.
Ricky Divjakovski said:
good job although this is very identical to my kitchen, alot of the code is the same, files of mine were used without permission aswell.
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I am really sorry for the confusion sir I assumed your project was open-source so it could be modified.
Well it is more like dsixda (the layout) . I assure you that no coding was copied from your kitchen. I coded every ounce of it myself.
I only used your files and for that I added your name in credits.
Again really sorry for the confusion.
Does it deodex LP ?
@lucky_sidhu I will add lollipop support in upcoming updates please stay tuned
Tnx Great Dev.
Tnx For This..Cause Mainly I'm Using Windows7(32-bit) To Do My Android Stuff And Not Linux Been Waiting For A Tool Like This Since Before Glad You Can Make It...But Can You Add Mirrors?Some Other Link Cause i'm having a trouble downloading it from the original link.
MikeUI said:
Tnx For This..Cause Mainly I'm Using Windows7(32-bit) To Do My Android Stuff And Not Linux Been Waiting For A Tool Like This Since Before Glad You Can Make It...But Can You Add Mirrors?Some Other Link Cause i'm having a trouble downloading it from the original link.
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Ah sure thing buddy check out the thread I added mirror! And thanx for checking this project out
Great tool !!!!!:good:
Currently using v1.0 .Will update to v1.5 to see more stuff
Darshan601 said:
Great tool !!!!!:good:
Currently using v1.0 .Will update to v1.5 to see more stuff
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Thank you for your response
New update brings a whole lot of changes.
Cant wait for support lollipop!? thank you!
been using that old kitchen since 2012, damn why weren't you posted in the XDA portals? thanks for making my life easier as there is no support anymore for dual sim for my sammy phone! Ended in 2014. Now because of you new life has breathed into my phone!
bogdan003 said:
Cant wait for support lollipop! thank you!
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drmodify said:
been using that old kitchen since 2012, damn why weren't you posted in the XDA portals? thanks for making my life easier as there is no support anymore for dual sim for my sammy phone! Ended in 2014. Now because of you new life has breathed into my phone!
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Thank you for your valuable response. Will be adding lollipop support soon. Please bear with me. Rest this is stable kitchen.
can't wait for the lollipop update
ill try it,

Collection of Android Tutorials (References)

Android Studio (Officially Recommended - Works on Windows, Linux and Mac)
Eclipse ADT Plugin (Deprecated - Works on Windows, Linux and Mac)
Java SDK 8 Installed.
Knowledge requirements to study the tutorials:
Java SE (Oracle Tutorial, tutorialspoint Tutorial)
Official Android Development Page
Official Android Development Training
Build your first app (Official Android Development Training)
Official Android Development Guide
Android Studio Tips and Tricks
I want to study tutorials via Articles:
vogella Android Introduction
vogella General Android Development
mykong Android
tutorialspoint Android
I want to learn the OpenGL ES for Android:
learnopengles (Uses OpenGL ES 2.0)
Android Development OpenGL ES Guide
Android Development OpenGL ES Training
Activity - Fragment Lifecycles
Libraries (more useful Java Libraries):
AndroidPlot (Library for Plots, Graphs, Lines and Charts for Android) [Free, check the License, usually Apache]
kSOAP2 (SOAP Client Library for Android) [Free but check the License]
Retrofit (A type-safe REST client for Android and Java) [Free but check the License]
Google VR SDK (old name Android Cardboard SDK) ( Overview - What is Cardboard - How Cardboard Works - Cardboard Java API - Cardoard Unity3D Guide ) [Free but check the License]
iText (A PDF File Creator-Reader-Manager for Android) [Free for open-source use, but requires you to purchase a license for commercial use - see Pricing]
Material Design - Colors - Themes (References):
Official Google Color Pallete
Material Design Colors
Material Design for pre-Lollipop Devices
Color Picker
Material Design Icons:
Google Material Icons (free, check the license, usually Apache)
Material Design Icons (free, check the license, usually Apache)
Google Material Icon Guidelines
SDK Versions History:
Oreo 8.1.0 API level 27
Oreo 8.0.0 API level 26
Nougat 7.1 API level 25
Nougat 7.0 API level 24
Marshmallow 6.0 API level 23
Lollipop 5.1 API level 22
Lollipop 5.0 API level 21
KitKat 4.4 - 4.4.4 API level 19
Jelly Bean 4.3.x API level 18
Jelly Bean 4.2.x API level 17
Jelly Bean 4.1.x API level 16
Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3 - 4.0.4 API level 15, NDK 8
Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.1 - 4.0.2 API level 14, NDK 7
Honeycomb 3.2.x API level 13
Honeycomb 3.1 API level 12, NDK 6
Honeycomb 3.0 API level 11
Gingerbread 2.3.3 - 2.3.7 API level 10
Gingerbread 2.3 - 2.3.2 API level 9, NDK 5
Froyo 2.2.x API level 8, NDK 4
Eclair 2.1 API level 7, NDK 3
Eclair 2.0.1 API level 6
Eclair 2.0 API level 5
Donut 1.6 API level 4, NDK 2
Cupcake 1.5 API level 3, NDK 1
(no code name) 1.1 API level 2
(no code name) 1.0 API level 1
Changes about Android Versions (for Developers)
Android Dashboards (here you can see the platform versions, screen sizes and the OpenGL versions of the devices that access the Google Play store)
Seminars - Webinars
Collection of Guides about Android Development (on the XDA forum)
Explanation of the most popular Licenses usually used in libraries (IT'S NOT A LEGAL ADVICE. IT'S JUST A GENERAL EXPLANATION. FOR 100% ACCURACY PLEASE CONSULT A LAWYER)
I will try to keep this post updated, as much as I can. If you find anything outdated or any errors, or you want to add anything to this post, or report a broken link, just let me know via Private Message
I will be adding any good tutorials I find from the web here.
NOTICE: Some of the tutorials above use the Eclipse IDE and not the Android Studio (the recommended one). This does not effect the general Android Development knowledge and techniques that you learn through these tutorials. Only the Android Project structure (small changes) and some other advanced mechanisms (such as Gradle that Android Studio uses) are different, and these differences do not affect the general Android Development principles!
[All the above links have been checked on 10th March 2018]
Seminars - Webinars
Seminars - Webinars
Google I/O:
Android Dev Summit
2015 Keynote
Android Developers
Channel on YouTube
Google Developers
Channel on YouTube
[All the above links have been checked on 12th May 2018]
Collection of Guides about Android Development (on the XDA forum)
Collection of Guides about Android Development (on the XDA forum)
Debugging Apps (by @nikwen)
Signing and zipaligning your app (by @nikwen)
Android Client-Server Communication (PHP-MYSQL REST API) (by @alobo)
[All the above links have been checked on 10th March 2018]
Thanks for the info
hopefully this will continue to be updated thanks!
A.Priori said:
hopefully this will continue to be updated thanks!
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Of course, I will continue to update this post whenever I find time. I was busy these days, sorry for the delay. I will try to add more stuff soon.
Activity - Fragment Lifecycles
Activity Lifecycle
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Fragment Lifecycle
Effect of Activity Lifecycle on the Fragment Lifecycle
Sources: https://developer.android.com/guide/components/activities.html , https://developer.android.com/guide/components/fragments.html
[All the above links have been checked on 10th March 2018]
Thanks! This is what I was looking for!
Java Libraries (can also be used on Android)
JSON Libraries:
GSON (Google's JSON Library - License)
org.json (License)
[All the above links have been checked on 10th March 2018]

