[DEV][TOOL][v1.0.2 Beta][18/04/14]XM Infinity System - Android Software Development

Theres A Similar Thread Of This Project At AT&T Note i717 Dev Section Here Which Is For All Versions Of Samsung Galaxy Note.
If You're Claiming That This Is A Kang, First Of All, You Dont Know What You're Talking About btw After Learning A Big Lecture From Our XDA Forum Moderator Mark Manning, I've Been Decided To Use My Own Knowledge For Projects In XDA. This Time I Will Not Use Other Private Techniques From Others.
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XM Infinity Is A C Program Or Executable File Designed To Work For Almost Android Devices. It Has To Tunes Up Your Device Upto Beyond Without Using Tuning Apps Which Is Not Helpful Nor Helps Others.
General Notes For Devs And User
Dear Devs And Users,
If Your Willing To Add This To Your Developments Like ROMs, KERNELs, MODs, And ETC. You're Allowed Even Without Asking My Permission But Still I Recommended To Ask My Permission Related For This And Dont Forget To Insert Proper Credits.
If This Project Kills Your Device or ETC, Dont Blame Me For It. You Must Use This At Your Own Risk
Sincerely Yours,
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zeppelinrox - For Awesome V6 SC And Codes That I've Used Before
pikachu01 - For Kernel Tweaks Taken From His ThunderBolt!
Exit_Only - For Ass Kicking OKJ™
Yoda @ Linux And Unix Forums- For A Big Help For C Coding
LENAROX - For So Many Help In The Past
idcrisis/fivefour - For CrossBreeder
Buda1996 - SPL TEAM
jai554 - SPL TEAM
Linus Yang - For BusyBox v1.21.1 That I've Use In My Projects Before
And All Devs At XDA And Other Forums
Advantages Of XM
-Better Android Device Performance & ETC
-No Need Of Use Of Init.D(optional)
-No Bootloops Or Softbrick
Disadvantages Of XM
-Not Automatically Executed At Boot Without Init.D
-May Brick Your Android Device If Wrong Usage Occurs
-Inform Me
-An Android Device Which Is Rooted, Have BusyBox, Custom Recovery/Kernel/ROM, Init.d Support And Running 4.0.x And Above.
-Terminal Emulator App For Play Store
-Recovery Backup(TWRP or CWM Based)
-Optimizations Of RAM Through Lowmemorykiller
-Reduced UI Lags
-Optimizations Of IPv4/IPv6 Internet Security
-Enhanced Graphics/GPU
-Optimized Kernel Performance For Better System
-Saves Battery Life Power
-Clears DNS Cache To Boost Network Connection
-Adding More Soon
-- To Install --
1. Download XMD_v*.*.*_RC.zip From Link Below
2. Reboot To Recovery Then Backup Your Current ROM
3. Install It Using Your Custom Recovery
4. After Installation, Reboot
5. Open Terminal Emulator App Then Type The Following Commands
6. Follow The Help On xmd Command
7. All Done
-- To Uninstall --
1. Open Terminal Emulator App Then Type The Following Commands
rm -rf /system/xbin/xmd
rm -rf /system/etc/busybox
2. Reboot
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I Hope You've Follow The Instructions Properly
Take Note That I Will Not Respond On PM. Related On Instructions For This Project.
Download Link
XM Infinity System v1.0.2 Beta
XM Infinity System v1.0.1 Beta
XM Infinity System v1.0.0 Beta
Version 1.0.2 Beta April 18,2014
-Improvements On Coding
-Fixed Known Bugs
Version 1.0.1 Beta April 16,2014
-Now Compatible With All Android Devices Except For Android Wears
-Revised XM Infinity System GUI
-Improvements On Codings
-Fixed Minor Bugs Which May Affect The Infinity System.
Version 1.0 Beta April 14,2014
-Initial Release For SGH-I717 And SHV-E160
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Issue #1: Renice Errors
Status: Fixed
Issue #2: Values Errors On Sysctl
Status: Fixed
List Of Compatible MODs
-Odexer Tool By @MatrixDJ96
-SwapItOn By @defiant07
List Of Recommended Apps
-CPU Tuner
-Clean Master Or SDmaid
-Battery Doctor
-Holo Launcher
-Xperia Launcher
-Greenify By @oasisfeng
Thanks To The Devs Of Mods And Apps From Above.
List Of Official Supported Devices
NOTE: This Is A List Of Official Devices Supported By This Project.
-Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000
-AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note SGH-i717
-Samsung Galaxy Note LTE SHV-E160
-T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Note
-Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini E10
-Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro U20
List Of Unofficial Supported Devices
-All Android Devices Created By The Following Brands:
-Sony Ericsson
If You Want To Add Your Device On Official List, Please PM Me.
If You Like This Project, Consider To Press Thanks And Rate A ★★★★★. Thats It And Thank You For Using This Project. Feedbacks Are Most Welcome.

Reserved For A Useful Content

Thread OP Is Now Updated. Please Subscribe To This Thread To Get Latest Updates For This Project. Have A Good Day

Well since you made it a binary and not a script, could you provide a detailed spec of what is actually changed? I like to know what an operation is modifying before trying it out on my phone, with script based mods this is easy but since this is compiled code..

bobbarker2 said:
Well since you made it a binary and not a script, could you provide a detailed spec of what is actually changed? I like to know what an operation is modifying before trying it out on my phone, with script based mods this is easy but since this is compiled code..
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It Optimizes Your Android Device Through Modifying Kernel Parameters Using Sysctl. It Also Modifies Property Values Using Setprop. In Other Words, This Is A Optimizations/MOD For Android Devices.
Sent from my SHV-E160L using Tapatalk


[APP] RecoverX (Mobile) - A recovery installer

RecoverX Mobile Edition​
Hello xda fellows ! Let me introduce my app :
RecoverX allow you to install a custom recovery with ease
But what is a custom recovery ?
A recovery is a dedicated and bootable partition in almost all android devices. Custom recoveries offers much more features and allow you to install custom roms, to backup or restore your device, to flash zips, to mount partitions and more..
It's pretty easy ! You just need a compatible device, a root access and for some device, an unlocked bootloader.
You just have to select your phone and your recovery (between cwm recovery, twrp recovery, amon-ra recovery, xrecovery), to click "Install" and RecoverX does the rest, It's as simple as that
Finally, I use the awesome XDA DevDB so if you notice any bug or you wish to have a feature to be added, just use the development database options.
To boot in recovery mode (depending of the device) :
- Click on the button when the installation is complete.
- Or boot in recovery by using your bootloader.
- Or press back button when the device start.
- Or press volume button when the device start.
- Or tap the screen when the device start.
For those who are unable to access the google play store, the apk is available in the download section
Supported devices​
Q&A XDA Thread​
Source Code (Github)​
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The CWM team , for their recovery
The TWRP team , for their recovery
Amon_RA, for his recovery
nobodyAtall & Zihu for their based-recovery
Ansfer for his based-recovery
cray_Doze for his based-recovery
PvyParts , who have help me to fix the ICS support bug
PS :
- This app is currently under beta so bugs are expected !
- As there is a lot of traffic, the server could be overloaded and the download may fail.
- For those who needs help, use this post.
- My PM is not a technical support, I will not help you to root your device or unlock your bootloader !
- Donations are volunteer but allow me to spend more time on the project
- Thanks and feedbacks are apreciated !
XDA:DevDB Information
RecoverX, App for the Android General
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 1.0.0
Stable Release Date: 2014-02-27
Created 2014-01-02
Last Updated 2017-11-13
- RecoverX is now out of beta ! Final release.
v1.1.2 beta
- Improved superuser requests
- Improved the ativity transitions
- Updated informations when the installation is complete
- Updated links in About and Settings
v1.1.1 beta
- Added new button skin
- Disabled animations
- Fixed some bugs
- Minors improvements
v1.1.0 beta
- Added a security step for zip installations (more safety)
- Added a rate alert box for the app
- Added an information alert box
- Added a beta information
- Changed some background links
- Changed details in about screen
- Improved Google Analytics statistics
- Minor fixes
v1.0.2 beta
- Minors improvements
- Added a security step to check is external storage is mounted
v1.0.1 beta
- The issue with "Download failed" is half-solved
- Added a rating button
v1.0.0 beta
- Initial release
I've just updated the app. Here is the changelog :
v1.1.2 beta
- Improved superuser requests
- Improved the ativity transitions
- Updated informations when the installation is complete
- Updated links in About and Settings
@LEDelete is it possible to get support for galaxy y duos gt-s6102?
killoid said:
@LEDelete is it possible to get support for galaxy y duos gt-s6102?
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I redirect you to another installation method that is faster than my application that does not require root
I'm wondering if this is compatible to MTK devices. Maybe, Maybe not.
But MTK devices uses MobileUncleTools to flash our custom recovery from recovery.img and get stucked to the old versions of CWM. Maybe this could help us be updated =')
This is a fantastic tool!! Thanks!!
zenesis said:
I'm wondering if this is compatible to MTK devices. Maybe, Maybe not.
But MTK devices uses MobileUncleTools to flash our custom recovery from recovery.img and get stucked to the old versions of CWM. Maybe this could help us be updated =')
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Sorry but my app is currently not available for those devices
The list of the supported devices is in the first post.
@LuigiBull23 thanks by the way
LEDelete said:
Sorry but my app is currently not available for those devices
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will it be? =')
I saw the supported devices but the One X that you listed was the Tegra 3 variant of the snapdragon?
Wanted to look and see what devices you supported to see how difficult it would be to add some of the unloved devices i port cwm to, but it seems you are already grabbing the list off of rom manager's site.
LEDelete said:
...my app is currently not available for those devices....
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micromax a110 is seen in the list. it is a 'mtk device'.
how about supporting other mtk devices? and, thanks for the app.
Since yesterday server overload, can not download it.
Hey mate, any chance of this being open source? Love to help add features and devices
chrisch91 said:
Since yesterday server overload, can not download it.
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Same here. Can't download recovery
Thank you for this nice mobile app
One of the best!
Sir only CWM recovery for nexus 4. Where is TWRP support??
No support for Huawei Ascend G600 :/ I will donate when you add this. Great app anyways!
@Bobbi lim not yet, sorry

[KITCHEN][WINDOWS] Tyrancy Kitchen for Windows, NO LINUX/CYGWIN needed!

This is a tool for those who want to start learning how to make custom ROMs, or who just want to save some time with their ROM customization.
Basic fundamental is to make your life easier, and, at the same time, help you learn about the Android OS.
The kitchen will not automatically turn you into a developer. You are not programming anything or building a ROM from the ground up. The kitchen merely presents a user-friendly interface to hide all the rough details. However, this may be the push that gets you into development in the future.
No command lines nothing required to operate this kitchen, just enter options as "1" or '2', however you many need some knowledge about Android tree (ROM files)
Here is a quick peek of how this kitchen appears.
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NOTE : This kitchen is still a WIP but does a pretty decent job if it comes to modding. All coding has been done in 72 hours up straight with less or no sleep by me only. I warn you before hand if you have no idea what ROM is or most importantly what ANDROID is kindly use Google as your teacher rather than spamming this thread. No useless questions will be entertained.
Supported devices
As I said it's the first release as it's still a WIP but all basic commands like rooting, extracting boot.img etc are supported. So technically it's a universal kitchen.
Below is the download link to kitchen
Although critics never stay back yet some of you might like my work and want this kitchen to be supported and go on and on. Though this kitchen is free but still kindly consider donating as it helps both of us, me getting resources and you ending up in my credit section and being the most important part of the development :angel:
XDA:DevDB Information
Tyrancy Kitchen - Windows Kitchen, CYGWIN FREE, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
Tech N You
Version Information
Status: Testing
Current Beta Version:
Beta Release Date: 2015-03-16
Created 2015-03-15
Last Updated 2015-09-22
● Smart as your phone! Detects all possible vulnerabilities that may affect kitchen
● Very Light weight! Only 16 MB
● Deodexing option
● Latest smali\baksmali 2.0.5 for quicker and faster deodexing
● Generate log of deodexing process
● Root your ROM
● Add init.d support without touching kernel! (Just Archi init.d)
● Boot/Recovery editing tools (All devices supported except for SONY [kernel.elf] , working on that be patient please it's just first release)
● All file updated with latest su and other stuff
● Add busybox
● Get working folder information same as dsixda kitchen
● 14+ Integrated ADB/Fastboot command menu to make your life more easier
● Supports Flashable ZIP format, System.img+boot.img and ODIN firmware (more to come in next update
● Change name of your ROM
● Add /data/app support
Download the kitchen and extract it your core C:\ directory ONLY! or it won't work and just execute Kitchen.bat to begin
Q) Why does Tyrancy kitchen closes automatically everytime after I choose this option(s)?
Ans) Two reasons - (a) You have spaces in your username like "Tech N You" .. Solution is create a new account with single line username like "Admin"
(b) You have not extracted it in core C:\drive eg. "C:\Tech N You\kitchen" this is wrong C:\Tech N You\kitchen it should be "C:\Kitchen"
If you did both right then it's a code fault, let me know which option it does so
Q) Do I need anything else in order to run this kitchen?
Ans) You need only JAVA that too in order to deodex your ROM. Make sure you use latest version of java and it is defined in your system path.
Q) I get prompts like "C:\Kitchen\WORKING_FOLDER\blabla is a file or directory". What to do?
Ans) Come on people be smart. You know what to do. Read it carefully it has the answer.
Q) I want this feature to be added, where should I inform you?
Ans) Here! Right in this thread just tag me in your reply! All suggestions welcome! Open to all kind of suggestion!
No bugs as of now! Stable and fluid please report any bug if you find..
THE LEGEND - @dsixda
 @JustArchi for his init.d script
 @Ricky Divjakovski for some of his files
 @JesusFreke for his smali and baksmali
 @cofface for his bootimg utility
@Chainfire for SuperSU
Me for creating the tool
This kitchen is open-source and is free to mod and share in this thread only (if you can add more features to it)
lease message me ASAP if you want to help.!:laugh::fingers-crossed:
Thanking you all in advance:good:
● Add Lollipop deodexing (Have everything ready, coming in next update)
● Make Updater-script checking
● Add automatic updater-Script building Complete check v 1.5
● Add automatic device support
● Request more you want
● v 1.0 Initial release
● More streamlined
● Added custom boot animation functionality
● Optimized code
● Fixed various bugs
● Added automatic updater-script generator
● User can now Input his/her name in updater-script without opening.
Reserving this last one just in case.
good job although this is very identical to my kitchen, alot of the code is the same, files of mine were used without permission aswell.
Ricky Divjakovski said:
good job although this is very identical to my kitchen, alot of the code is the same, files of mine were used without permission aswell.
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I am really sorry for the confusion sir I assumed your project was open-source so it could be modified.
Well it is more like dsixda (the layout) . I assure you that no coding was copied from your kitchen. I coded every ounce of it myself.
I only used your files and for that I added your name in credits.
Again really sorry for the confusion.
Does it deodex LP ?
@lucky_sidhu I will add lollipop support in upcoming updates please stay tuned
Tnx Great Dev.
Tnx For This..Cause Mainly I'm Using Windows7(32-bit) To Do My Android Stuff And Not Linux Been Waiting For A Tool Like This Since Before Glad You Can Make It...But Can You Add Mirrors?Some Other Link Cause i'm having a trouble downloading it from the original link.
MikeUI said:
Tnx For This..Cause Mainly I'm Using Windows7(32-bit) To Do My Android Stuff And Not Linux Been Waiting For A Tool Like This Since Before Glad You Can Make It...But Can You Add Mirrors?Some Other Link Cause i'm having a trouble downloading it from the original link.
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Ah sure thing buddy check out the thread I added mirror! And thanx for checking this project out
Great tool !!!!!:good:
Currently using v1.0 .Will update to v1.5 to see more stuff
Darshan601 said:
Great tool !!!!!:good:
Currently using v1.0 .Will update to v1.5 to see more stuff
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Thank you for your response
New update brings a whole lot of changes.
Cant wait for support lollipop!? thank you!
been using that old kitchen since 2012, damn why weren't you posted in the XDA portals? thanks for making my life easier as there is no support anymore for dual sim for my sammy phone! Ended in 2014. Now because of you new life has breathed into my phone!
bogdan003 said:
Cant wait for support lollipop! thank you!
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drmodify said:
been using that old kitchen since 2012, damn why weren't you posted in the XDA portals? thanks for making my life easier as there is no support anymore for dual sim for my sammy phone! Ended in 2014. Now because of you new life has breathed into my phone!
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Thank you for your valuable response. Will be adding lollipop support soon. Please bear with me. Rest this is stable kitchen.
can't wait for the lollipop update
ill try it,

KernSU+ - A Kernel Assisted Superuser for Android

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KernSU+ App(alpha)
Kernel Commit​
Welcome to the official KernSU+ Release / Announcement thread!
Installing KernelSU+ will give you ROOT, without any userspace modifications!(almost)
Open Source
100% open source and easy to build on all Google supported platforms.
No Dependency on Userspace modification*
Yes that's right. Cherry-pick a commit to your kernel and you have SU. No dependence on userspace modifications.
(unless you install kernelsu+ userspace helper)
99.99% Devices supported
You probably won't have to change anything in the kernel after adding the kernelSU+ Driver
Android Version Support
All. The kernel should support compiling kernSU+ though.
PS- KernSU+ userspace helper only supports from Marshmallow!
It is assumed that you have some form of kernel building experience!!
Cherry-pick the following commits to your kernel:
Append the following line to your device defconfig:
Build the kernel and flash it!
Optionally, install KernSU+ userspace helper for easier permission management.
KernSU+ Userspace helper
Allowed apps aren't persistent
Putting an app in background revokes su (Clear the app and launch it again for su to work)
It is still not completely secure as an app can fake tsk->comm.
I definitely didn't steal the UI from magisk manager and the thread template from Magisk thread so please don't sue me @topjohnwu
XDA:DevDB Information
KernSU+, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details)
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 1.0
Beta Release Date: 2019-10-22
Created 2019-10-22
Last Updated 2019-10-23
DANGER DANGER: Stay away from this project.
The "protections" that this adds over the original KernelSU are not sufficient and are easily bypassed. Nobody should use this code. It doesn't offer any level of security at all. For example, `tsk->comm` is easily faked. There are other race conditions and bugs too.
Just use the original KernelSU. When we have the development cycles, we'll put some effort into adding a clever ACL mechanism and integrating this into Magisk, instead of having somebody random reinvent the wheel here and do it insecurely.
I took a look as well and everything @zx2c4 said is true. Using a task's comm to identify a process is not secure, so the security of "KernelSU+" is easily defeated.
Everyone else, beware: this is NOT safe.
zx2c4 said:
DANGER DANGER: Stay away from this project.
The "protections" that this adds over the original KernelSU are not sufficient and are easily bypassed. Nobody should use this code. It doesn't offer any level of security at all. For example, `tsk->comm` is easily faked. There are other race conditions and bugs too.
Just use the original KernelSU. When we have the development cycles, we'll put some effort into adding a clever ACL mechanism and integrating this into Magisk, instead of having somebody random reinvent the wheel here and do it insecurely.
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HI! thanks for the feedback! I understand your concerns over using tsk->comm. However, if com.termux is already installed in a device, can an arbitrary process fake it? I understand that a process that has "upansh.kernelsu" in its name can take over if it starts a service on boot. I would love to improve on the driver personally as well . I had thought about launching a userspace activity through the kernel but that didn't work. Also since you have a similar number of posts as well, I would prefer if you didn't call me a "random" xd.
rupanshji said:
However, if com.termux is already installed in a device, can an arbitrary process fake it?.
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Yes, trivially. And that's not the only security vuln this thing has either.
Your design is broken beyond repair, sorry. Best to close up shop all together. I'd also appreciate it if you'd stop calling this KernelSU or linking it to my project like this; you're giving the original thing a bad name.
work well.
cofface said:
work well.
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Do not use this software. It will make your phone considerably less secure.

[MAGISK] [MODULE] Font Manager for Emojis and Fonts

Say hello to the all new Font Manager!
The best all in one solution for your font and emoji needs.
Hello, it's us again and we're back with another module: Fontifier. This module will guaranteed revive any device with its 200+ available fonts and Emojis or your money back! (If only you had paid for it).
In all seriousness though, this module has a lot of fonts and Emojis to choose from and as such the possibilities are endless! More are coming soon.
This module has a simple, easy to use terminal interface to control it. This means it requires a terminal emulator such as Termux. To use it after installing simply run
su -c manage_fonts
and follow the on-screen instructions.
The module is now out in stable and you can use it with confidence!
Currently it does not support user provided fonts or font patching, this may change in the future but it's a rather low priority!
Read about it:
https://www.androidacy.com/font-manager-5-2-1-release-notes/?f=xda fm op
Links​Website and blog is at https://www.androidacy.com
Donations are here
Beta/alphas: see zips link
ZIPs: click me
Telegram: Androidacy Discussions
Discord: here
John Fawkes neither endorsed nor developed this module. Fonts and Emojis used in the initial release were packaged by John Fawkes.
The module is now out in stable!
Find out more and download: https://www.linuxandria.com/fontrevival-magisk-module-for-fonts-and-emojis/
Updated OP
My site, my filehost, my GitLab, and my Bitwarden instance have been having issues the past few days but that's stable now!
As a reminder I will be posting updates on my blog on my main site and past zips can be downloaded at my filehost. In addition, my GitLab hosts my beta source code.
New release of Fontifier!
Changelog for v2.0:
- Change name from FontRevival to Fontifier
- Misc bug fixes
Grab the latest here.
Hey Sir i can't see any font and i can't update the List in 2.0
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Doesn't shows any font list..
Grusel said:
Hey Sir i can't see any font and i can't update the List in 2.0 View attachment 5175123View attachment 5175125
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Same happening here, no way to download nor install any font.
Hope it gets fixed.
Latest news and updates:
Great news: new team, but better! - Androidacy
We have some news Long time, no post! We’re pleased to announce the transition of Webview Switcher (soon to be renamed), Fontifier, and maintaining several ROMs and custom recoveries has passed into the team here at Androidacy. The old maintainer has been extremely helpful in the transition, and...
Anyone having issues, please make sure you're using 2.6.0 from the filehost. 2.5.1 references dead links!
I plan on trying to install again, my last try of version 7.3 didn't work for me, I am running an unofficial version of LOS 17.1 for the 1+7tproNR (HD1925) and it has the asop WebView I think, version 84.***... And it didn't get replaced with installation of magisk module, or did I miss a step?
I know 8.01 is out, that's why I am asking if I'm just barking up the wrong tree and it will never work?
Bradford1040 said:
I plan on trying to install again, my last try of version 7.3 didn't work for me, I am running an unofficial version of LOS 17.1 for the 1+7tproNR (HD1925) and it has the asop WebView I think, version 84.***... And it didn't get replaced with installation of magisk module, or did I miss a step?
I know 8.01 is out, that's why I am asking if I'm just barking up the wrong tree and it will never work?
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I'm guessing you're referring to Webview Manager, which should go in it's respective thread, not here
androidacy said:
I'm guessing you're referring to Webview Manager, which should go in it's respective thread, not here
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Click to collapse
Shoot I'm sorry the github xda link lead here, I didn't look at the OP only seen your user name and figured I was in the right thread
Update and news
Font Manager is out in beta! - Androidacy
Font Manager 3.x beta is out! This is the successor to Fontifier and FontRevival, and is the best way to change your font or emoji. Visit us to find out more!
Stable 3.0.1 is here!
Font Manager 3.x stable series is here! - Androidacy
It has been an exciting set of beta releases! Thanks to user feedback and all of our testers, public and internal! Without everyone involved, this release wouldn’t have been possible. Font Manager 3.0.1 is here at last, and it comes packed with a whole host of new features, improvements, and...
3.0.2 release notes and download:
Font Manager 3.0.2 release notes - Androidacy
These are the release notes for Font Manager 3.0.2, the second stable release of the 3.0.x series. This is mainly a bugfix release, addressing a few typos and fixing a couple edge case compatibility issues. Changelog for Font Manager Download using the button below, or follow the other links...
@androidacy for the latest version, it didn't work for me at first.
I used Termux and ran the command su -c manage_fonts
But it seems it didn't load any fonts at all. Font list was empty always, even after updating the fonts. The fonts-list.txt and emoji-list.txt in /data/adb/modules/fontrevival as well as in External storage was still a zero byte file. Tried logging into root user first and then running the command, still the same issue.
However, for me it seems that curl command was accessible only from local user and not from root. So, since I was using Termux, I installed tsu package, switched to root using tsu command and then ran manage_fonts. This time it worked.
Maybe you can add those busybox commands as a dependency to this module as well. Or safest option would be for users to install it via Termux instead.
Font Manager 4 is out in beta!
Read more and download:
Font Manager 4.0 beta 2 is here - Androidacy
The second beta of the 4.0 series of Font Manager is here. Find out what's new and grab the latest download now at Androidacy
I got segmentation fault on termux. Any idea how to fix this?
Version 4.0.2 Doesn't seem to work on my OnePlus 6T running OOS 10.3.10.
How can preview fonts before apply?

[ROM] OneDebloated v3.1 for A10

Customization with Optimization
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Rom Link
Click here for ODB 3.0
Click here for ODB 3.1
OneDebloated, Rom based on Official One Ui 3.1 for the Samsung Galaxy A105.
This post will be edited when a new version of ODB with the number version starting with "3", along with its changelog, link etc.
For better ram install hKweaks and set ZRAM to 2GB\
Once rom is booted, you can select any default app (I removed setup and there is a glitch after booting, it asks you to select samsung services or samsung wizard. both will work)
Rom Features
One Ui 3.1
Samsung Galaxy S21 Features
Branded ODB Wallpapers
Android12 Widgets
Secure Folder
Screen Recording
Enhanced Processing
Flagship Animations
Google Discover can be used on the home screen (Google App has to be installed)
Build.prop tweaks (faster startup, faster internet, smooth scrolling etc)
Smooth Rom
Side-Key Settings (credits to el0xren)
More Edge Lighting Styles (credits to el0xren)
Magisk 23.0
Rom Bugs
Secure Folder crashes the phone.
This is a very minor update. I only refreshed and organized my files, and made a new universal csc features file that will be used in all of my roms from now on, with the help of el0xrens github. Things may be changed because of this.
This update may contain new or enhanced features, or more performance improvements:
- Google Discover is now added (Google app must be installed)
- Flagship Animations have been added
- More Debloat
- AOSP Keyboard has been nuked
- Samsung Keyboard has been added again due to Accessibility not working.
- Via Browser has been nuked
- Eureka Kernel and DTB is NOT included anymore in the rom. You have to install your own kernel and DTB. This is done due to the fact that there are lot of issues with DTB 2, and also some people may also prefer stock kernel. So I have done this so people have the option to choose what they want.
- Some things may be not in the same place they were. (ex. dark mode button is after bluetooth button in the notifcation panel button control thing)
Rom Installation
- System
- Data
- Cache
- Dalvik
- Product
- Vendor
- Zip File
- Clean Cache and Dalvik
- Reboot
Kernel Source
Samsung Open Source
Join the release channel on Telegram: https://t.me/odbreleases
Join the discussion group on Telegram: https://t.me/odbdiscussion
- BlueTower​
Good day! I been using this ROM for a week now. So far so good! Keep it up. Thanks for this ROM. Good job.
Ævar said:
Good day! I been using this ROM for a week now. So far so good! Keep it up. Thanks for this ROM. Good job.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
can I install it on Android 10 phone?
Please help, when i open whatsapp and accept contact permission, its always force close..
Ævar said:
Good day! I been using this ROM for a week now. So far so good! Keep it up. Thanks for this ROM. Good job.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
are you still using it ? if not what are you using now thanks
Tried to install apps on google play but when I type anything in the search bar it crashes, anyone know a fix?
BlueTower said:
Customization with Optimization
View attachment 5394177
Rom Link
Click here for ODB 3.0
Click here for ODB 3.1
OneDebloated, Rom based on Official One Ui 3.1 for the Samsung Galaxy A105.
This post will be edited when a new version of ODB with the number version starting with "3", along with its changelog, link etc.
For better ram install hKweaks and set ZRAM to 2GB\
Once rom is booted, you can select any default app (I removed setup and there is a glitch after booting, it asks you to select samsung services or samsung wizard. both will work)
Rom Features
One Ui 3.1
Samsung Galaxy S21 Features
Branded ODB Wallpapers
Android12 Widgets
Secure Folder
Screen Recording
Enhanced Processing
Flagship Animations
Google Discover can be used on the home screen (Google App has to be installed)
Build.prop tweaks (faster startup, faster internet, smooth scrolling etc)
Smooth Rom
Side-Key Settings (credits to el0xren)
More Edge Lighting Styles (credits to el0xren)
Magisk 23.0
Rom Bugs
Secure Folder crashes the phone.
This is a very minor update. I only refreshed and organized my files, and made a new universal csc features file that will be used in all of my roms from now on, with the help of el0xrens github. Things may be changed because of this.
This update may contain new or enhanced features, or more performance improvements:
- Google Discover is now added (Google app must be installed)
- Flagship Animations have been added
- More Debloat
- AOSP Keyboard has been nuked
- Samsung Keyboard has been added again due to Accessibility not working.
- Via Browser has been nuked
- Eureka Kernel and DTB is NOT included anymore in the rom. You have to install your own kernel and DTB. This is done due to the fact that there are lot of issues with DTB 2, and also some people may also prefer stock kernel. So I have done this so people have the option to choose what they want.
- Some things may be not in the same place they were. (ex. dark mode button is after bluetooth button in the notifcation panel button control thing)
Rom Installation
- System
- Data
- Cache
- Dalvik
- Product
- Vendor
- Zip File
- Clean Cache and Dalvik
- Reboot
Kernel Source
Samsung Open Source
Join the release channel on Telegram: https://t.me/odbreleases
Join the discussion group on Telegram: https://t.me/odbdiscussion
- BlueTower​
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
when will there be android 12 (one ui 4.0) version?
how to remove magisk on this rom?
and compatible with a105G?
Hello, WhatsApp crash after allowing access to contacts. The app is unusable so.
Scarface04 said:
Hello, WhatsApp crash after allowing access to contacts. The app is unusable so.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There is a zip to flash in twrp to fix it, get it on telegram or pm me and I can help,
my telegram: @ChillCreeper
asskriss said:
how to remove magisk on this rom?
and compatible with a105G?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No WiFi Calling?
BrotherBoard said:
There is a zip to flash in twrp to fix it, get it on telegram or pm me and I can help,
my telegram: @ChillCreeper
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The telegram ac doesn't seem to work, please provide the zip file. It's very important for me. Thanks. Best rom btw
