WiFi issue (stuck on turning on) - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys. I'm having a problem with my WiFi. It will often be stuck in trying to turn itself on and when it does switch on, it can't connect to any WiFi. I've tried rebooting my phone, flashing stock Samsung rom, re-rooting and flashing different custom roms but none of it seem to work at all. I'm currently on temasek v15.6 and using N9005.

Anyone has any idea about what may be wrong? I read somewhere online that it may be hardware issue since the radio chip houses both the WiFi and Bluetooth. I am able to use my Bluetooth without any problem so I am quite sure it isn't the radio chip problem.

What 'stock samsung rom' did you flash?
Did the bootloader and modem update?
As a last resort i'd try it with a pit file to repartition your phone.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

I went to use the latest Samsung lollipop from sammobile. It changed my baseband to that version of lollipop though. What's a pit file and how is it done? BTW, I flashed to stock using odin.

This is the stock I was using. The PDA version is N9005DXUGBOF1 and the CSC version is N9005OLBGBOF1. Lollipop 5.0 (Singapore).

I've tried the method that was being recommended but still having no luck at all with my WiFi.. Thanks anyway.


[Q] SM-N9005 Wi-Fi not working (CM11 + XXUBMI5 baseband). Try other modems?

Hi I recently flashed my SM-N9005 to ZHUENB5 (official all-in-one, Odin). There was no signal (GSM or Wi-Fi) after that. I then tried flashing NB5 & NB1 modems but neither worked. After flashing XXUBMI5 (modem only) I was able to get HSPA+ signals & make phone calls. However I still got no Wi-Fi connection even though it says connected & show a Wi-Fi icon in status bar (other phones work), no matter in official ROM or CM11.
Any suggestion? Why the official all-in-one does not work (I checked re-partition while flashing but the pit file is for 16G whereas my phone is 32G)? I guess I should try other modems? It already bothered me for a couple of days so your help is very much appreciated.
hhsz said:
Hi I recently flashed my SM-N9005 to ZHUENB5 (official all-in-one, Odin). There was no signal (GSM or Wi-Fi) after that. I then tried flashing NB5 & NB1 modems but neither worked. After flashing XXUBMI5 (modem only) I was able to get HSPA+ signals & make phone calls. However I still got no Wi-Fi connection even though it says connected & show a Wi-Fi icon in status bar (other phones work), no matter in official ROM or CM11.
Any suggestion? Why the official all-in-one does not work (I checked re-partition while flashing but the pit file is for 16G whereas my phone is 32G)? I guess I should try other modems? It already bothered me for a couple of days so your help is very much appreciated.
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To answer my own question, after so many attempts it turns out that only flashing a 4.3 modem over a 4.4 stock ROM solved my problem (even 4.4 stock won't work without flashing another 4.3 modem). That's really weird! Hardware issue?
hhsz said:
To answer my own question, after so many attempts it turns out that only flashing a 4.3 modem over a 4.4 stock ROM solved my problem (even 4.4 stock won't work without flashing another 4.3 modem). That's really weird! Hardware issue?
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Not hardware no, HK Firmware issue I guess. HK fw is a strange one with the N3, causes so many issues. - Least you figured it out though :victory:

[Q] Help Wifi Stuck turning on

Guys i having trouble with my note 3 wifi
i can tell that is stuck because it cant turn on
here is the problem
lately i was in flashing stockrom based NC1 from VN rom v14 because i was trying to
reset knox counter to 0 it did work , no problem at all even the knox is work perfectly. the problem start from auto
update software the samsung given, after update software the based change to NF1 so on NG1
there said to update again some security certificate.
arter that, buffff my phone cant turn on wifi
Please help i need to use wifi for my entire connection
stevensunshine said:
Guys i having trouble with my note 3 wifi
i can tell that is stuck because it cant turn on
here is the problem
lately i was in flashing stockrom based NC1 from VN rom v14 because i was trying to
reset knox counter to 0 it did work , no problem at all even the knox is work perfectly. the problem start from auto
update software the samsung given, after update software the based change to NF1 so on NG1
there said to update again some security certificate.
arter that, buffff my phone cant turn on wifi
Please help i need to use wifi for my entire connection
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Wifi well get stuck or well refuse to turn on if you have the wrong radio installed. You'll need a firmware and baseband that works with each other for wifi/data/cellular to work. I would reflash the Baseband
Dizy801 said:
Wifi well get stuck or well refuse to turn on if you have the wrong radio installed. You'll need a firmware and baseband that works with each other for wifi/data/cellular to work. I would reflash the Baseband
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hey thanks a lot for the answer, did you midn to teach me in tutorial please
Flash a fresh firmware using ODIN or Flash a rom of your choice in recovery. It should update your baseband. Make sure its region free or made for your region. I myself have never flashed it on my Note 3. But wifi being stuck has happened to me on countless different phones and it all points the the baseband/radio installed.
stevensunshine said:
Guys i having trouble with my note 3 wifi
i can tell that is stuck because it cant turn on
here is the problem
lately i was in flashing stockrom based NC1 from VN rom v14 because i was trying to
reset knox counter to 0 it did work , no problem at all even the knox is work perfectly. the problem start from auto
update software the samsung given, after update software the based change to NF1 so on NG1
there said to update again some security certificate.
arter that, buffff my phone cant turn on wifi
Please help i need to use wifi for my entire connection
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Ah..Are you on vn rom v14? And then flashed stock rom?And which note3 do you have?
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
Dizy801 said:
Flash a fresh firmware using ODIN or Flash a rom of your choice in recovery. It should update your baseband. Make sure its region free or made for your region. I myself have never flashed it on my Note 3. But wifi being stuck has happened to me on countless different phones and it all points the the baseband/radio installed.
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i've done it, didnt work, any other ideas?
meetpatel said:
Ah..Are you on vn rom v14? And then flashed stock rom?And which note3 do you have?
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
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my note is sm-n900, indonesian region, did you have similar problem?
pls tell me how to fix it T.T
i've flashed the latest modem file, also didnt work
reflash with .pit file also didnt work
the last thing i wanna try is flashing JB rom and hope it fixed everything
stevensunshine said:
my note is sm-n900, indonesian region, did you have similar problem?
pls tell me how to fix it T.T
i've flashed the latest modem file, also didnt work
reflash with .pit file also didnt work
the last thing i wanna try is flashing JB rom and hope it fixed everything
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Just flash N900_XXUENE1 modem file. 99% it will fix your problem. If you need that modem pm me.
Don't forget to hit tnx![emoji4]
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
stevensunshine said:
my note is sm-n900, indonesian region, did you have similar problem?
pls tell me how to fix it T.T
i've flashed the latest modem file, also didnt work
reflash with .pit file also didnt work
the last thing i wanna try is flashing JB rom and hope it fixed everything
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You can also flash your country's latest firmware.first try flashing latest firmware and if problem is still there then try flashing modem.
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk
my note 3 wifi and bluetooth is stuck on turning on
this afternoon i noticed that my wifi and bluetooth is stuck on turning on , i tried resetting it , doing a battery pull but the problem still happens , please can someone help me ? i am also trying to flash my phone to 5.0 firmware incase this is a bug but odin givens me an error saying NAND .write faied

SGH-i337M WiFi issues after ODIN firmware update URGENT!!

I was running a modified ROM on my device and I decided I'd rather go back to stock touchwiz.
I did some searching and found a link to a lollipop 5.0.1 release.
I then flashed the file though odin, did a complete factory reset after and booted my device.
It booted fine and everything worked until I decided I'd connect my device to the wifi. The issue I'm having is, the wifi on the phone wont turn on. The switch flicks, but goes back to the off position in less than a second.
I'm wondering what could be the issue here. I still haven't found a right modem to flash as I believe thats the issue.
model: SGH i337M
baseband: i337MVLUEMK6
build: LRX22C.I337MVLUGOC4
urgent help needed.
Thanks in advance.
Did you flash the latest firmware from here: http://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/database/SGH-I337M/
Your wifi probably doesn't work because the baseband doesn't match the bootloader.
audit13 said:
Did you flash the latest firmware from here: http://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/database/SGH-I337M/
Your wifi probably doesn't work because the baseband doesn't match the bootloader.
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Thanks man! Reflashed the firmware and it's as good as new.

S4 i9505 lollipop 5.0.1 wifi wont turn on.

I Have samsung galaxy s4 i9505. i have recently updated it using I9505XXUHOB7_I9505YXYHOB5_BTU firmware with Odin. My Wifi Wont Turn On. I Have Tried Wifi Fix Modems But I Cant Solved My Problem. Can Any One Help Me?? Thankx In Advance.
Did your phone come with btu firmware? If not, try flashing the stock rom that came with your phone. If it works with the original firmware, then you know it is a software issue.
audit13 said:
Did your phone come with btu firmware? If not, try flashing the stock rom that came with your phone. If it works with the original firmware, then you know it is a software issue.
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Is It Possible That Phone Contain Wifi Adapter Of i9500 in i9505???
I don't know but I do know that the 9500 is based on an Exynos processor and the 9505 has a Qualcomm.
kamran845 said:
I Have samsung galaxy s4 i9505. i have recently updated it using I9505XXUHOB7_I9505YXYHOB5_BTU firmware with Odin. My Wifi Wont Turn On. I Have Tried Wifi Fix Modems But I Cant Solved My Problem. Can Any One Help Me?? Thankx In Advance.
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Install this APP and add screenshots (IMEI not necessary atm).
I read on another forum that installing cm roms (based on aosp) the WiFi works
no option for attaching image file

Wifi Disconnecting and Connecting issue

Hi All..
My friend is using S4 i9500 model..
Before We flashed a chinese Lolipop firmware to it including Pit..
And now we flashed official Firmware of my Country including pit file i found it on Internet..
Its Freezing and not running well on Official Rom and wifi is continuously Disconnecting and reconnecting to my modem..
I decided to flash another Rom
So i picked and flashed alot of roms based on 5.1.1 and 5.0.2 to s4..
I'm running Tyagi rom its quite fast but same wifi connect and disconnect issue..
I want help to solve this...
Please tell me what i do.?
Did the phone work properly before flashing? Is it possible to flash back to the phone's original ROM?
audit13 said:
Did the phone work properly before flashing? Is it possible to flash back to the phone's original ROM?
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Its works perfectly before official Firmware i flashed..
Not there Is no way to go back
Any Solution.?
