Play sound file instead of microphone input - Java for Android App Development

Hello guys , i'm about developing an application that calls and play a sound or a TTS in the call . So, is there an api that plays an audio file instead of microphone input ?


Recording voice calls???

Anyone know of a program (for ppc 2003 mobile) or a way to automatically record voice calls??
VITO Sound Explorer is the best :lol:
ezzkht said:
VITO Sound Explorer is the best :lol:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
But it does not really do automatic voice call recording...
Or have i trouble with my eyes???
Yeah, good program but will only record clearly on speakerphone...Will NOT work on car kit, BT headset, or stereo headset and is barely audible when using XDA in phone mode.
You can record your calls by making a recording note during the phone call. Its not automatic, ie you have to press record your self, but it is directly built in.
The problem is - that only your self...
You can not record both parties during conversation on the phone or headset. The only solution - use speaker phone while recording - but it is not the way for day-to-day operation.
Is there any software that can record at hardware level? as in not only recording the microphone but also recording any output to the speaker (before getting to the speaker)... :lol:
try this
i been using resco audio recorder with much success. i can hear the other party and myself very clearly.
Yes when you record, you cannot hear both parties! But I found a solution for this,,, Dont start recording until you dial the number & start hearing the calling tone. This way both parties' voices will be recorded!!
I have an idea regarding automatic recording,,, if we put a trigger on incoming & outgoing calls then we can invoke a call to the recording program to start recording. Am still reading the SDK,, not yet reached the TAPI section!
When using this recording software apps, does it do hardware level recording or do you still have to use SpeakerPhone to record your call???
Is there any Apps out there that can tap into the hardware and record straight from there, that way you will not need to use the speaker phone and you can use your phone normaly
Any ideas???
Yeah, I have an idea.......READ MY POST ABOVE for a start.
:twisted: :!:
Sorry for not being clear enough for you "shawnthecableguy" I was actually refering to Resco Audio Recorder software and not VITO Sound Explorer, Because it has been states clearly that the VITO software still needs to use Speakerphone, but no one has said any thing about Resco Audio Recorder as yet… I though it would be an obvious question to answer for people that read all the posts and not just there own…
No need for the smart a-- replies you’re not helping any one… people like you spoil it for others in the long run…
Fudgebottom, just a friendly word of warning. It is highly illegal in Australia to record telephone conversations without the other parties consent.
Yip thanks "Colonel Klink" Unfortunatly I have heard about that before... LOL
Although I would still like to find an option to have hardware level recording on my XDA II... Just would be a great feature and toy to play around with :wink:
VITO Sound Explorer can record both parties without the need of loudspeaker!
Just start recording immedialtly after dialing the number, and not before the dialing!
I posted earlier that you can record phone coversations for both parties using Resco Audio Recorder. I should have mentioned that I was using Siemens SX-56.
I just got an imate and tried to record phone conversations with it using Resco Audio Recorder. It does not work.
So something has changed on the XDA II and imate that prevents us from recording using Resco Audio Recorder.
I tried other recording software and I was not able to record both parties, just myself.
Hopefully, there will be a solution soon.
VITO Sound Explorer worked with me very smoothly!
But I have a problem,, how can I play WAV of music files during a call (like Nokia phones) ????
I noticed that when a call is active, Windows mutes all playing sounds!
Does anyone knows a way how to solve this issue ???
Thanks very much for all the replys guys GREAT WORK!!!...
I will give VITO Sound Explorer A go as soon and I get a change to download it and play aroud with it
Cheers once again.
I've try the Vito Sound Explorer for voice recoding while you have a call on.
It does not work.
Can someone explan how to get the software to recored an call conversation.
For those who are using Vito Sound Explorer, what type of device do you have - XDA (O2, T-Mobile, AT&T), XDAII, MDAII or i-mate?
I also could not get it to work with i-mate.

How to play a sound alert in WM5 (C#) instead show a Messagebox?

How to play a sound alert in WM5 (C#) instead show a Messagebox?
Im coding a program that show an alter messagebox but instead that i want to play a simple beep or something.
Sorry my bad english
i think the sound is already there..its a ding sound
I know its there like notify and the others.
But how i call a method to play the sound?
In .NET 2.0 (or earlier) you need to use P/Invoke to play a sound. (
In .NET 3.5 you can use the SoundPlayer class.

[Q] [developer]my own voicemail is possible in android

Is it possible to record incoming call as fm radio recording android
Then it is possible
please help me
and 1 more thing is also needed there should be a timer the person
should listen TTS of our own so there should be a auto mute microphone
after TTS completes...
1 tts auto answer app
2 call recorder app
3 auto mute microphone after tts completes app is not available
4 s3 has fm racording inbuilt it mutes microphone too.
I want app without root..........

It is possible to change the output of audio

With root is it possibile to change the output of audio??
The android stick and box community might be of help here.
You can also give SoundAbout a try
I would that audio cames out from the telephone top
I'm using SoundAbout and everything seems to work except ringtone when call me and notification of whatsapp. How i set them?

Importing older recordings in Voice Recorder?

I have old voice recordings from other apps and the Samsung Voice Recorder but they're not showing even if they're in the right folder with the newly created ones. Any advice? Does anyone know if it's a codec issue (and which codecs should I convert them if needed)?

