GPS Awake Time - G4 General

So I've been one of those suffering from "not-the-best" battery life... on average I get about 2 to 2.5 hours of SOT and a total battery life of about 12 hours. This after disabling pretty much every single notification, setting auto brightness with 70%, using high accuracy GPS, doing a lot of photography, moderate amount of surfing/web video watching, very little texting and no gaming. I I go hard and use it a lot more than usual, I'll get 7-8 hours of battery life.
My question though is, I looked under Android System right now and with 7h52m of usage, I have a GPS on time of 3h26m. I haven't used maps but have used facebook, flickr, and instagram.... isn't that high? Or is that normal for the high accuracy mode?

Assuming you have rooted, download App Ops and disable the GPS app's ability to keep the phone awake.

I'm not sure where to check, to look at my GPS time with a Verizon model?
But, just to mention the simple stuff, you could change to Networks Only, if approximate locations were sufficient.

Go to App drawer > Google Settings > Location > Mode > Battery Saving.

the_scotsman said:
Go to App drawer > Google Settings > Location > Mode > Battery Saving.
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But does that hinder the quality of my signal strength when I am in MAPS actively?

I'm rooted, I use tasker and secure settings to turn GPS on only when I'm using certain apps like maps.

drtchocky said:
So I've been one of those suffering from "not-the-best" battery life... on average I get about 2 to 2.5 hours of SOT and a total battery life of about 12 hours. This after disabling pretty much every single notification, setting auto brightness with 70%, using high accuracy GPS, doing a lot of photography, moderate amount of surfing/web video watching, very little texting and no gaming. I I go hard and use it a lot more than usual, I'll get 7-8 hours of battery life.
My question though is, I looked under Android System right now and with 7h52m of usage, I have a GPS on time of 3h26m. I haven't used maps but have used facebook, flickr, and instagram.... isn't that high? Or is that normal for the high accuracy mode?
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Welcome to the 100th time this has been brought up..
Sent from my G4 using your mom

And the thousandth time someone's chosen to spend time responding in the least helpful manner.

drtchocky said:
And the thousandth time someone's chosen to spend time responding in the least helpful manner.
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Really! Might as well not even bother to type anything! Did some people not get taught that if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all??? If the thread has been answered or asked several times than why even look at the thread?

shojus said:
Really! Might as well not even bother to type anything! Did some people not get taught that if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all??? If the thread has been answered or asked several times than why even look at the thread?
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Huh? Wait, I was responding to someone who choose to be snarky. I had a day specific question... With high accuracy on, is half that time with GPS awake normal. Which has not been answered.

drtchocky said:
But does that hinder the quality of my signal strength when I am in MAPS actively?
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Yes, it becomes less accurate, and is not suitable for use with navigation/maps.
Rightly or wrongly, I leave Location set to Networks Only (battery saving), unless I'm using the phone for navigation. Then I change it to GPS Only, or maybe High Accuracy.
I made a shortcut to Location on my home screen, to make this process quicker. It sounds like, with root, this switching back and forth can be automated.

drtchocky said:
Huh? Wait, I was responding to someone who choose to be snarky. I had a day specific question... With high accuracy on, is half that time with GPS awake normal. Which has not been answered.
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I know, and I was just letting you know that I understand where u are coming from! Anyways, ever since I have rooted too, I am getting my GPS staying on for long periods of time when I'm not using it. I have just turned it off until I figure what's causing it. I'm sure it's just a rogue app that has to be deleted or else I froze something with Titanium Backup that's causing the issue. Anyways, i will report back if I find out exactly what it was.

I always leave mine on high accuracy. It should have little effect on the battery. If it's causing a high drain, there's something not quite right.
As stated above, you could use Tasker to disable it and turn it on when running maps etc.

I would also like to know whats causing this. It has happened all the time I have owned the phone. So root or not does not make a difference. Also mine is non carrier 815 eur model so carrier bloat is not the culprint. I have already taken location permission off from most of the apps but no use. So if anyone knows the solution or how to find the toque app I would really really appreciate if you told about it.
Sent from my LG G4

Pyrres said:
I would also like to know whats causing this. It has happened all the time I have owned the phone. So root or not does not make a difference. Also mine is non carrier 815 eur model so carrier bloat is not the culprint. I have already taken location permission off from most of the apps but no use. So if anyone knows the solution or how to find the toque app I would really really appreciate if you told about it.
Sent from my LG G4
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Install Better Battery Stats.

the_scotsman said:
Install Better Battery Stats.
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Done, but is there a way to see what uses gps?
EDIT: Never mind. Found a way to find out what uses GPS using App ops. It seems it was Google search app. Dont know how or why but seems like something had enabled location history even thought I remember disabling it from the settings. Lets see does the GPS/battery use drop significantly.
Sent from my LG G4

So I already disabled location history many weeks ago. So I have no freakin' clue why my battery sheds so fast...
btw I am on VZW.

Try what I did if you are rooted use App ops to find out what has asked for your location. Mine was of course first Android system etc but after that it said Google Search app. Mine seems at least better now. Not perfect but much better.
And actually even if you are not rooted you can use the built in permission manager.
Sent from my LG G4


How I nearly tripled my battery life!

If you just wanna see my tips then skip over the next few paragraphs lol!
Hi! I am not sure if this exactly has been posted already, or if it's common knowledge and I am just slow lol, but the last couple days I found out how to maximize the battery life on my phone by (imho) a huge amount. And I wanted to share with the community.
So before I did this, I'd generally get maybe six to eight hours of uptime before the battery was critically low. This was really frustrating because by the time I got home from work my phone would be almost dead. So I'd charge it in my car for a little bit, but then when I went out I'd have to turn off Wifi, GPS, Bluetooth, brightness all the way down etc. just to have enough battery to survive the night.
But now I managed to get 18-24 hours out of a single charge, without having to manually touch the settings too too much (GPS/Bluetooth when I need them.) Now I think a lot of this depends on your personal usage, but for me this worked great. And here is how I did it:
1. Disabling/making less frequent updates in apps. For me this was Twidroid, Facebook, and NewsRob. I realized that I keep notifications off for these apps (I don't need to see a notification everytime someone I follow tweets you know?) and that even when they were all set to auto-refresh every 30 minutes or whatever, I STILL always hit refresh when I went in anyway. So I disable automatic updating. Obviously this depends on your usage, but for me, I didn't need up to the minute social networking information, and manually refresh anyway. But I went through all my apps that updated automatically and changed the setting.
2. Task Killing. In a perfect world, Android would efficiently manage it's own app load, but unfortunately the world isn't perfect. I found that if I know I'm going to be putting my phone down for a while, take a second and kill all the runnings apps. I use Astro, but there are countless apps that can do this for you. This is something I don't do frequently, but for example, if I'm going to go to bed and I don't have my charger, but want my phone on in case of an emergency, I'll kill all the running apps.
3. Brightness. After weeks of changing it back and forth because I don't really love the way it auto adjusts, I just said f**k it and put in auto. While sometimes the level of brightness it selects seems a little whack, it's definitely saved battery life. And saves me the trouble of changing it myself. I also found that setting the timeout to 15 seconds seemed to improve battery life.
4. Juice Defender. You can find this app on the marketplace. It has two modes, easy and advanced. If you want, you can go into the advanced and set schedules and all kinds of stuff. But for me, I just went into easy and hit enable. From what I understand, what this does is that if the screen is off, it disables network access for 14 minutes, turns it back on for 1, then off again for 14 etc. So, something like Gmail which is push will only be able to access the network every 15 minutes. Unless you are on WiFi. Now, if you NEED push e-mail and don't have WiFi, this isn't a very good solution. But according the stats in the app itself this has given me a 99% increase in battery life, and I believe it.
5. The trackball. This is perhaps the weirdest of my findings. The trackball light apparently can DESTROY the battery life. The other morning at around 80% I let my alarm on the phone go off and didn't stop it, so the trackball was flashing really fast. Without a couple hours the phone was completely dead. Nuts right? So I found that if I disable the trackball light when I know that I won't be able to dismiss my notifications quickly (like in a meeting or sleeping or whatnot) I'm able to avoid this happening.
6. GPS/Bluetooth. Again, this might seem very case specific, but I use bluetooth ONLY with my rokr headset when I'm on campus at night, and I use GPS only for navigation. So I keep the off when I'm not using them. With the power strip widget this isn't very difficult.
Anyway, that's it really. Like I said, maybe this is all common knowledge and I am just stupid haha. But I figured if not, I was pretty thrilled to go from 6 hours to 24 hours without having to do too much. BTW, some weird things I found didn't have an effect as much as I thought they would - 2g/3g, I actually got MORE battery life when I had 3g enabled. And WiFi was the same way, even when I didn't have a wifi connection, the difference in life with having it on or off was negligible.
Anyway, I hope this is helpful! If I remember anything else I'll add it.
I really like this guide and I'm going to use it when I get my n1. I like all (and will try) of the steps except #5.. the trackball notifications is just too sweet to ever turn off imo. Thanks for the guide.
I'm really surprised to hear that your LED light in the trackball destroyed your battery life
I don't bother killing apps anymore. Since they're not in focus their not using the CPU so whats the point. (right?)
I dont have rubbish notifications on either, nor bluetooth/GPS unless needed. Ive got auto brightness on too.... might try juicedefender in future actually, it does sound good.
So what did you triple your battery life from anyway... 12 hours?
cymru said:
So what did you triple your battery life from anyway... 12 hours?
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only about 6-8 hours.
crachel said:
I'm really surprised to hear that your LED light in the trackball destroyed your battery life
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I was too but I duplicated that scenario a few times to make sure. Also, it might matter that I am running trackball succession and color hacks.
Trackball succession is killing your battery, not the trackball light.
only about 6-8 hours.
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Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
cymru said:
Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
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Geez, whats your secret?
ChillRays said:
Geez, whats your secret?
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I second that, holy crap lol.
cymru said:
Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
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!!! Were you hit by lightening as a child or something? I can only conclude your natural charge is keeping it going :->
Also - OP - nice set of tips - thanks
cymru said:
Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
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Wow... I only get that good of a battery life if I turn my N1 off!
Are you guys being serious?!
I am indeed consistently getting 48 hours battery life...
cymru said:
Are you guys being serious?!
I am indeed consistently getting 48 hours battery life...
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48 is on the high side of things... I usually go to bed with about 40% remaining, and put it on the charger overnight... I get up at 8AM and go to bed around 12AM. So I am getting about 26 hours out of mine.
Accidently typed in 36 when I meant to type 26. Fixed.
I have a noob question, which this forum is how I get most of my N1 knowledge...
Which uses up more battery life, 3G or wifi?
Thanks to whoever replies.. (my best guess would be 3G)
pjcforpres said:
48 is on the high side of things... I usually go to bed with about 40% remaining, and put it on the charger overnight... I get up at 8AM and go to bed around 12AM. So I am getting about 36 hours out of mine.
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That's actually 26 hours.
muncheese said:
That's actually 26 hours.
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Which is still a lot. I'd really like to know how you are doing this. Do you make any voice calls? Do you text/e-mail a lot? Watch videos? Browse the web? Play music etc.?
I mean my usage is based on maybe an hour a day of talking on the phone, and a few hundred text messages, maybe a couple e-mails, frequent twitter/Facebook updates, and maybe a couple hours a day of playing games, watching videos, reading news etc.
I imagine if I just left the phone there it'd be close to 26-30 hours, but not with regular use.
cymru said:
I don't bother killing apps anymore. Since they're not in focus their not using the CPU so whats the point. (right?)
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Erm, this is not correct, is it?
The whole point of multitasking means things still carry on when not in focus. If you leave everything running, they will all try and use data and CPU cycles, no?
Some nice suggestions there c0wb0ycliche! Thanks.
A couple of other thoughts/suggestions...
1. In the choices of kernels, pershoots is regarded as being excellent with battery life (partly from being undervolted I imagine) and the fact it's also overclocked at the same time ain't so bad either.
2. Not sure how much extra juice is saved by not using a Live Wallpaper, but if we're talking about battery savings here it might as well be said.
I would not be surprised if a large majority of people who get 25+ hrs hook onto wifi networks for a majority of the data usage. When switching to wifi the phone steps down to 2g mode for phone services.
AndyCr15 said:
Erm, this is not correct, is it?
The whole point of multitasking means things still carry on when not in focus. If you leave everything running, they will all try and use data and CPU cycles, no?
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No. Some applications have sister services that do this, but not all applications.
Namuna said:
1. In the choices of kernels, pershoots is regarded as being excellent with battery life (partly from being undervolted I imagine) and the fact it's also overclocked at the same time ain't so bad either.
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Good point, has anyone mentioned SetCPU? If you set up a profile, it will lower your clock speed to 300mhz while the screen is off. Saves quite a bit of power.

[Q] Damn Wakelocks!

Can anyone tell me if this is normal? I'm really trying to nip this wakelock issue in the bud, and I'm getting REALLY frustrated. I was seeing google services take up more resources than even the display, so I've turned off all location services and Google Now, and the Google services resource hogging went down.
Now I'm seeing high "keep awake" times in GSAM from the Kernel itself. I guess my battery drain isn't *that* bad (about 1.5% per hour) and that's with 1 hour of screen on time...but what's the deal with the wakelocks?! I'm assuming "keep awake" isn't counting the screen on time, right? 1 hour 32 minutes of keep awake seems excessive to me in only 13 hours time.
Can someone please tell me if this is normal for the Kernel? If it's not location services I don't know what else it could be.
p.s. What happened to the upload image option??
Pic is here
siciliano777 said:
Can anyone tell me if this is normal? I'm really trying to nip this wakelock issue in the bud, and I'm getting REALLY frustrated. I was seeing google services take up more resources than even the display, so I've turned off all location services and Google Now, and the Google services resource hogging went down.
Now I'm seeing high "keep awake" times in GSAM from the Kernel itself. I guess my battery drain isn't *that* bad (about 1.5% per hour) and that's with 1 hour of screen on time...but what's the deal with the wakelocks?! I'm assuming "keep awake" isn't counting the screen on time, right? 1 hour 32 minutes of keep awake seems excessive to me in only 13 hours time.
Can someone please tell me if this is normal for the Kernel? If it's not location services I don't know what else it could be.
p.s. What happened to the upload image option??
Pic is here
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You really need to stop over thinking your devices and use them. You did the same thing for the last 2 years with your Nexus.
akellar said:
You really need to stop over thinking your devices and use them. You did the same thing for the last 2 years with your Nexus.
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Hey man I remember you from the AOKP gnex forum. Did you pick up the N3 too? You're 100% correct...I really have no idea why I'm always *so* obsessed over battery life/drain. It's like an OCD that itches and compels me to have my devices run as efficiently as humanly possible. It's a crappy obsession too, because it's gonna be a VERY long time before any device is even near perfect.
You would think I'd be enjoying this insane battery life as compared to what I used to get on the gnex. I'm getting well over a full day and sometimes over 8 hours screen on time, but no, I'm obsessing all over again. To my credit I do think my gnex did really have some issues though - I couldn't even get close to getting through the day without having to recharge, and I had the extended 2100 mAh battery. I was having to charge that damn phone like every 8 hours with minimal usage.
I seriously thank you for making me wake up and smell the roses. I'm just gonna enjoy this beautiful phone. And for the first time in a very long time I have absolutely no desire to throw a ROM on my device!! I think that speaks to how great the phone is.
Hey, yup that's me. I actually grabbed a Note 3 in the Amazon screw up and will have it in hand tonight. I appreciate you not taking my statement as a personal shot and exactly how I intended it. There will always be something you can find wrong in a device if you're looking for it. And yes, the Gnex sucked
akellar said:
Hey, yup that's me. I actually grabbed a Note 3 in the Amazon screw up and will have it in hand tonight. I appreciate you not taking my statement as a personal shot and exactly how I intended it. There will always be something you can find wrong in a device if you're looking for it. And yes, the Gnex sucked
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Yeah man, I may be complaining a little bit about it, but make no mistake, you're gonna be blown away by this phone. 8 hours of screen on time? That's just insane. The s-pen is amazing with all its features and handwriting recognition, pen window, etc... I'm in love with it. And I have a good amount of features turned on that aren't hurting the battery life at all. Not to mention, as expected the phone is faaaaast. It's kind of amazing how much of a step up it is from the gnex. :good:
And yeah thanks again, I needed someone to snap me out of it and realize EXACTLY what you said - I need to just enjoy using this beautiful phone and stop trying to pick it apart. Sites like this especially are also a bad influence - it's ridden with OCD modders/flashers/tinkerers. It's all good though, I'm very happy and I'm not even gonna update or root the's not even necessary.
akellar said:
You really need to stop over thinking your devices and use them. You did the same thing for the last 2 years with your Nexus.
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siciliano777 said:
Yeah man, I may be complaining a little bit about it, but make no mistake, you're gonna be blown away by this phone. 8 hours of screen on time? That's just insane. The s-pen is amazing with all its features and handwriting recognition, pen window, etc... I'm in love with it. And I have a good amount of features turned on that aren't hurting the battery life at all. Not to mention, as expected the phone is faaaaast. It's kind of amazing how much of a step up it is from the gnex. :good:
And yeah thanks again, I needed someone to snap me out of it and realize EXACTLY what you said - I need to just enjoy using this beautiful phone and stop trying to pick it apart. Sites like this especially are also a bad influence - it's ridden with OCD modders/flashers/tinkerers. It's all good though, I'm very happy and I'm not even gonna update or root the's not even necessary.
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I politely disagree with overthinking the phone. IMO, it's supposed to be an endless expansion of a playground for you to make the device yours and I always find myself tinkering. It has paid off through knowledge gained along with simple fun and pride for the awesome state my phone is in now.
For the battery life issue, I would recommend first installing Wakelock Detector and open it, select the top icon to toggle to "wakeup triggers". Keep in mind that BetterBatteryStats works fine as well. Wakeup triggers are nice because they'll tell you a number of times that a certain app waked your device when it tries to sleep.
I see it like "how dare google services wake MY device when i don't use google talk and/or have sync turned off" How to fix the certain wakelock will be my next post after you report back more detailed info on it if you'd like
I've fixed this issue. I cleared the main cache from, then rebooted. Now instead of .5 - 1%/hr drain, I just got 6 hours of nice deep sleep with ONE percent drain.
THIS is what deep sleep should look like. and everything I had turned on before was still enabled the whole time...wifi, bt, smart stay, etc.
Android system process: stay awake time 2 minutes! Success!
siciliano777 said:
THIS is what deep sleep should look like. and everything I had turned on before was still enabled the whole time...wifi, bt, smart stay, etc.
Android system process: stay awake time 2 minutes! Success!
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Do you mind sharing what you've done to get to this point? (Besides just in relation to Google Services...)
snwbrdr852 said:
Do you mind sharing what you've done to get to this point? (Besides just in relation to Google Services...)
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Hey, np. I froze a lot of apps, including all Samsung and all Verizon apps. Then I turned off all location services. I'm mostly on WiFi all day and don't really need location services, so I just turn them on before a trip when I know I'll need the gps/nav.
siciliano777 said:
Hey, np. I froze a lot of apps, including all Samsung and all Verizon apps. Then I turned off all location services. I'm mostly on WiFi all day and don't really need location services, so I just turn them on before a trip when I know I'll need the gps/nav.
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Ok, nothing new then. I was expecting more intense measures for some reason.
Thanks though.

Battery life ?

I'm here because i think i need your help.
On every blog that i found on the test of the LG G2, they mention a very strong autonomy (1,5 - 2 days of intensive use with 8-10h of screen time)
I've the LG G2 D802, rooted, stock rom. Uninstalled every bloatware, installed battery doctor, BatteryGuru, Greenify, Mediaserver Killer, but i don't found my autonomy as good as they mention on every blog.
This day i've used few apps such music, photo , sms and 15min of game (Dead Ahead), some bluetooth.
I don't use many widget (just for bbc one)
Let the wifi, H+ everytime. No GPS at all (neither the wifi location)
Sync always on (no automatic backup of my photographs).
Don't know if this is a very intensive use (not at all for me) but i don't know if i need to return my phone ...
Is that normal ?
Thank in advance for your response.
maxime4611 said:
I'm here because i think i need your help.
On every blog that i found on the test of the LG G2, they mention a very strong autonomy (1,5 - 2 days of intensive use with 8-10h of screen time)
I've the LG G2 D802, rooted, stock rom. Uninstalled every bloatware, installed battery doctor, BatteryGuru, Greenify, Mediaserver Killer, but i don't found my autonomy as good as they mention on every blog.
This day i've used few apps such music, photo , sms and 15min of game (Dead Ahead), some bluetooth.
I don't use many widget (just for bbc one)
Let the wifi, H+ everytime. No GPS at all (neither the wifi location)
Sync always on (no automatic backup of my photographs).
Don't know if this is a very intensive use (not at all for me) but i don't know if i need to return my phone ...
Is that normal ?
Thank in advance for your response.
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My battery sucks, to be honest. I did the same as you except without the battery apps and only get about a work day (wake up at 7, home by 6). By the time I get home, battery is complaining. I just text and instagram alot. No music at work. Kind of sucks...
Bad Battery?
Hi i just my lg g2 yesterday, but I can barely get through 10 hours on solely wifi and texting with some internet surfing. Is this bad? Because I have been looking around and people have been getting around 15 hours of battery, which will get me through the day. I also have a 7-6 day at school.
read on disabling carrier i.q.
also keep gps off or locations off when not using.
bachera said:
read on disabling carrier i.q.
also keep gps off or locations off when not using.
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Don't have it ...
actually you batterylife is not that bad, 20 hours standby, 4+ hours screentime
what are you complaining about?
bachera said:
actually you batterylife is not that bad, 20 hours standby, 4+ hours screentime
what are you complaining about?
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It's average... Should be getting way more... My D802 seems to be getting better battery life after the 10e update though.. Hopefully 4.4 will help in increasing it further...
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
bachera said:
actually you batterylife is not that bad, 20 hours standby, 4+ hours screentime
what are you complaining about?
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That's what i said at the beginning of my post.
Some blogs and test reports 7-8 hrs of screening time of video.
Compared to my screenshots, i didn't played video, neither video game so much, didn't activated the GPS... I didn't used a lot my phone as you can see "5h45 of running time"
More of that, i tweaked a lot my phone to obtain this "poor 4+ hours screentime" so ... thought can be way more
@Sean473, How did you get that update ? Mine is D802a ...
maxime4611 said:
That's what i said at the beginning of my post.
Some blogs and test reports 7-8 hrs of screening time of video.
Compared to my screenshots, i didn't played video, neither video game so much, didn't activated the GPS... I didn't used a lot my phone as you can see "5h45 of running time"
More of that, i tweaked a lot my phone to obtain this "poor 4+ hours screentime" so ... thought can be way more
@Sean473, How did you get that update ? Mine is D802a ...
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I was on b... flashed the kids file... There's a thread in general section about the e update...
Sent from my LG-D802 using xda app-developers app
ok well we will need to dig into whats eating your battery.
get betterbatterystats, its also here on forum.
get cpu spy, see amount of time asleep or at which frequencies your cpu runs often.
check what is longest on partial wakelocks, or has the highest amount of wakeups. each wakeup requires about 10 seconds idle cpu time.
How have you setup account sync.
I know none of this can be concluded from the screens above. But I do think it could attribute. also just guessing here.
I had really awesome battery life when I got my phone, almost 48 hours with like 6-7 hours of screen on time.
But now I've used it for a few weeks it hawks 30% in 4-5 hours with less than 1% screen on time, I don't know why!
Rouge app or service. 3 months in, clean phone, I lose at most .2%/h no use, and that's with GPS and Wi-Fi always active, full sync. With a few minutes of screen time in 5 hours, it's slightly possible I may 1-2% for the total.
Steamer86 said:
Rouge app or service. 3 months in, clean phone, I lose at most .2%/h no use, and that's with GPS and Wi-Fi always active, full sync. With a few minutes of screen time in 5 hours, it's slightly possible I may 1-2% for the total.
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With or without Google Now?
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
With Google Now and widget on home screen, but location reporting off and search and services installed as user apps.
Steamer86 said:
With Google Now,but location reporting off and search and services installed as user apps.
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Doesn't that make it useless?
I also have them as user services but with reporting on. I can at most get 4h screen time.
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
It does not. I use it for weather, commute traffic, and game info. It updates itself with widget, just not based on location unless it pulls wifi drop to cell. I locate manually if need be with pull down refresh. I can and have gotten over 7hours. The location reporting reports entirely to often and creates too many wakelocks. Wish Google would fix it already. At least give some form of control.
Steamer86 said:
It does not. I use it for weather and game info. It updates itself with widget, just not based on location unless it pulls wifi drop to cell. I do that manually if need be. I can and have gotten over 7hours. The location reporting reports entirely to often and creates too many wakelocks. Wish Google would fix it already. At least give some form of control.
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Just to be clear, you have both location reporting and history set to off?
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
I keep history on. It still saves history when I manually refresh, widget wants to at random times (doesn't happen often), or data coverage changes (like cell data to Wi-Fi).
Quick Window case is a villain ?
Sebz4n said:
I had really awesome battery life when I got my phone, almost 48 hours with like 6-7 hours of screen on time.
But now I've used it for a few weeks it hawks 30% in 4-5 hours with less than 1% screen on time, I don't know why!
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Seriously I am experiencing the same issue. Only difference now is that now I use a quickwindow case- dont know how it affects the battery

Guide: how to get 48 hours EASY out of your droid turbo

So I pick up my Droid Trubo (only for the specs) and I noticed that Verizon is claiming that you can get a whole 48 hours off your phone with out having to charge your phone within those 48 hours. makes me giggle but the battery is a 3900mAh battery. Pretty sweet, but inevitably on day one release I have seen articles and posts of people claiming that they only get no less then 9-12 hours on there turbo before they have to charge..... (Not claiming I know all there is to phones) but I had a feeling that any one complaining about the battery on there phone probably (in fact i am 110% sure) that they have no idea what exactly takes up power usage on there phone. I charge my phone up to about 100 percent, I used it consistently watching you tube video's web browsing listening to music, all that jazz, you name it and I probably did it. After a whole 25 hours(in counting) my phone sat at a woping 67% battery charge. Verizon held up there part of the bargain and this is by no means them lieing to us. So I am going to start listing off on why your phone literally dies after only 5 hours.
1.Brightness: Thats rite folks, turning your brightness to the max is a very sexy way to speed up the process of killing your battery, I highly recommend that you simply set the brightness to automatic and you should be set. Brightness kills your battery, but this is not the only thing that you probably goofed in, lets read on.
1.Wallpaper: You know, I kinda don't consider this one to be much of a big deal, but it is true non the less(still kinda not that big of deal) but have LIVE wallpaper does consume much more power vs having just a normal wallpaper background.
3. gps/location : So I noticed that every one and there grandmother, turns on the GPS/location(well, more like you hit yes to turn it on and forgot about it sense) setting on there device for Google map, or maybe you want your friends to know where your making yourself look lost with selfie picks of Facebook or instagram. Now let me tell you having the gps setting to detect your location or use it on google maps KILLS YOUR BATTERY faster then you can say "How do i get to the control panel?". Generally on your average phone your looking at (if your lucky) a solid 4-6 hours before you have to charge your phone because you have this on all the time(and probably everything else I list aswell). The GPS tracking system is always on REGARDLESS if you are or not using google maps, facebook, instagram etc. I can imagine that with turbo you would only survive for a good 10 hours before you have to charge your phone again. Make sure you go into your phone setting and turn of gps location and only use it when you need it at that time.
Mobile and Wifi usage: Now, Of course this takes up power, but I always get a kick out of watching every one have there wifi AND there mobile data active at the same time. This is very effective for killing your phone sooner, rather then later. Dont get me wrong your phone is either going to use one or the other, but its still outputting power to keep a connection, VS having it actually turned off, and having it simply notify you that there is a connection available.
Now Maybe alot of you are like "this guy does not know what he's talking about I have this on all the time and I still only get 10 hours". If you are thinking this, I recommend you take the moment to stand up take 2 steps back and punch yourself in the stomach, when your able to breath come back and go through the steps in making sure that your phone does not have all these setting turn on at ones.
Ya, ultimately this is the bread and butter list that kills peoples battery's that I see all the time (dont play yourself, you know who you are) . So I guess I will go just a little more in-depth on how I get an easy 48 hours on the phone with no sweat.
Ultimately, when I am at my house, I keep my wifi data on, with my brightness set to auto. As far as Droids turbo goes, this will be easy peasy for your phone to get to the whole day, go ahead and watch some you-tube videos, hell take a bunch of pictures while your at it, (fun fact, your video recorder is pretty niffty for draining battery) I only turn my gps location on when I need to get from point A to Point B and always remember to turn it of after I am done using it.
I want to talk about 1 more technical thing before I Wrap this up, I notice that some people say "I checked my battery today and it says that this app took up 30% of my power! WTF? I disabled it and removed it). you guys mite want to pay better attention to the battery, for example, my phone lost about a good 5% after like 1-2 hours of you-tube or something, when I looked at the battery status rite from the get go, it told me that you tube took 70% of my power usage. but mind you, your phone is telling you it took up 70% of power in the 5% battery period. some people don't pay close attention to these details so when they go on there battery status at the end of the day they do back-flips for days on the fact that there app or (my favorite) screen took up so much power on there phones.
Ya my guide is not the best, just posting this out there to hopefully get this concept through to some people. I am just your average power user, with a nice phone, and a ton of trig homework to catch up on, feel free to ask me any question, I mite go and post this in the general/Q & A threads.
Just got done proof reading, If things are still terrible, I recommend you kill it with fire, and hyperventilate until your amazon prime order of frozen yogurt arrives at the back of your basement step.
UPDATE: Ok, just so I stop getting bombarded with these pointless reply's (who am I kidding some one is still gonna call me a dumbass am I rite?) this is what I expect for you guys to get out of this thread, I will use myself in this example).
ME : let's see so I turned off all my features on the phone (or for what ever reason some of you like to call it a dumb phone). Now everything is OFF.
- I am sitting down and I want to shoot a text or make a phone call to my friend. I do just that that and......OH SNAP! I don't need my mobile 4g lte to be turned on if all I am doing is sending/receiving text messages/phone calls. Sweet! BUT WAIT, I want to go on SPACE-BOOK AND want to know when people post comments on my selfies! Then I will simply keep my mobile data on 24/7(when I am at home switch to my wifi and turn off mobile) so I can retrieve those oh so important selfie updates! I know keeping mobile data on at all times will drain my batter faster then having it off, but for just posting comments on space-book, or doing web serfing that should be of no problem ESPECIALLY if you have the turbo. So flick the mobile data on if you want to know whats going on in your twitter or what have you. I don't twitter, space-book, instagram or any of that Personally, I only turn on mobile data when I need to web browse (I do heavy web browsing myself, but that wont be too much battery drain.). Thats just me. Pick your options and learn what takes up more power when you do it. Learn what you need to do to accomplish these goals through out the day because lets face it people, selfies make the world go round. I mean if you go to the gym and work out for 2 hours but did not take a selfie, then it does not count. every one know that! (to keep myself sain, you will notice I will constantly be mis pronouncing names and I will be using Selfies as a general term for "those people" that like to take pictures of everything. I have to point this out because some one will say "I dont just take selfies I take "insert stupid category here" with my phone! YES because I am sure what ever pictures you take is of that much different from selfies!")
2. Alrgiht! So I leave my mobile data on all the time go web serfing and I take selfies of myself looking lost in towns. No problem for the droid turbo! but you know what? I also want to watch a bunch of video's! whatching video's on your phone will of course drain the battery faster (stack that on with user number 1.) though it does take away more power from your phone its not that bad if the video is actually on your phone, what's that? you want to go to youtube and watch 720 or 1080p cat video's. Thats gonna cost more resources, your going to need your phone to output its data connection to start STREAMING 720 or 1080p cat video's! Thats pretty demanding for anyphone regardless. If you do it here and there through out the day, you will lose power faster, but if you stream 720p cat video's all day, then your turbo probably wont survive the 24 hour mark. (2 hours streaming cat videos and 2 girls one cup is not going to destroy your phone but it will require a nice chunk of your battery non the less).
3. HOLD ON NOW, I need people to know where I am at 24/7 so lets flick on that locations app! once again this will stack on to your demanding needs of power, 24/7 mobile data turn on with your 2 hours of streaming 720p cat video's and 2 girls 1 cup, with selfies (lets not forget your camera and video record do tend to take up power giving you those true HD pictures. Now you got your phone Twerking to constantly feed your location to your app. Then it costs even more power when you use it.
4. I also want max screen brightness and my Bluetooth (though bluetooth is not so bad, just depends how you use it) for my headphones....I also want to have high frequency mode turned on while im at it too so I can use gps!.....with a LIVE wallpaper!
Do you guys see where I am getting at with all this? you need to treat your phone like a car. you need to know what features take up how much power and how long you plan to keep them on. I am not telling you, to turn EVERYTHING OFF and boom 48 hours. I am telling you that your phone has a ton of power and its up to you to learn what apps and what features drain how much power and how fast and how long do you plann to use it? You may think its so small or it does not take that much power but the more you stack things on to your phone the more power its going to need. You need to think about it like if it was yourself. If I told you to walk for one mile you would totally (I hope) be fine doing it no sweat, but what If i told you to RUN for one mile your body is going to take way more energy to make you run at a descent pace vs walking. I really do hope (in my opinion) my fun explanation helps you guys understand the concept's of phone power usage. Over time if your like me and a few other power users I know, you will have absolutely no problems what so ever keeping your phone alive, because we piratically know when its going to die and when we will need to charge. comes with experience.
Final note: just remember, if you think this is stupid or all this is a waist of time, then I recommend punching yourself in the stomach and simply waiting for that amazon prime order of frozen yogurt to arrive at your door step. that's all I got to say, Im gonna go through and proof read this so it does not sound too dumb (i gotta get back to that trig homework). I need to emphasize though, if your gonna be naive and not see the point of my thread, just punch you self in the stomach and take a selfie saying you just got done working out, it works EVERY TIME, I promise!
U got pics of ur SOT? Seems like u know what ur doing and do basically what I do so I'd like to see screenshots of some decent times.
I am assuming your asking me to take a picture of how long my phone has been from 100% to a impressive time, I will be more then happy to do that (this will also get my point out even better). Ill do it in a few hours sense its fully charged at the moment. That said, take note, the battery power usage that comes with your phone will not always show "everything" that was in use (as far as I know with the apps) good example will be, it saying something like "you-tube took up 8% Power" but it does not record or show the fact that I was using my 4g connection to watch 2 gigs worth of video's in 720p. Just throwing that out there. (also that is a commen example with my journey through phone usages through allot of devices.) any way, I will make one underway.
In for screenshots as well... I have already got almost 39 hours on my first charge, that was with shutting off Wi-fi and data while at work (horrible service in the plant). I do have a basic wallpaper, only thing I have not tried yet was the auto brightness, and location turned off, also usually don't pay much attention to turning off Wifi or Data while one is being used, will give it a try though and post some results as well! Charging currently and will post when I get an update!
Yes, of course, turn off all the features of your smart phone that make it smart.
Here's another tip, don't use your phone and the battery will last for weeks.
I'm not sure why 48 hours is the Holy Grail for people. You really can't get the phone on a charger while you're sleeping, or in the car, or at your desk? As long as the phone can make it a full day, I think that's pretty good. Most phones can't, the Turbo can.
Sent from my XT1095
What about setting location to Battery Saving Mode rather than high accuracy. this should make the positions available without turning on the GPS radio. Mabye a better compromise.. I found mine was on high accuracy.. I am sure that this was killing my battery more than necessary.
3. Mother fu**ing gps/location : So I noticed that every one and there grandmother, turns on the GPS/location(well, more like you hit yes to turn it on and forgot about it sense) setting on there device for Google map, or maybe you want your friends to know where your making yourself look lost with selfie picks of Facebook or instagram. Now let me tell you having the gps setting to detect your location or use it on google maps KILLS YOUR BATTERY faster then you can say "How do i get to the control panel?". Generally on your average phone your looking at (if your lucky) a solid 4-6 hours before you have to charge your phone because you have this on all the time(and probably everything else I list aswell). The GPS tracking system is always on REGARDLESS if you are or not using google maps, facebook, instagram etc. I can imagine that with turbo you would only survive for a good 10 hours before you have to charge your phone again. Make sure you go into your phone setting and turn of gps location and only use it when you need it at that time.
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Sure, using navigation uses a LOT of battery power, but simply having the GPS on does not use a huge amount of your battery. Google is very aware of this, and that's why they have Google Location Services, where apps tie into that to access your last known location, and the majority of apps do not actually use the GPS to get your location. Many simple use the network location.
Mobile and Wifi usage: Now, Of course this takes up power, but I always get a kick out of watching every one have there wifi AND there mobile data active at the same time. This is very effective for killing your phone sooner, rather then later. Dont get me wrong your phone is either going to use one or the other, but its still outputting power to keep a connection, VS having it actually turned off, and having it simply notify you that there is a connection available.
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If you are on WiFi, mobile data is not being used. You'd have to toggle airplane mode for it to make a difference, as even with mobile data disabled your phone is still maintaining a connection to the tower for voice/sms.
Ya, ultimately this is the bread and butter list that kills peoples battery's that I see all the time (dont play yourself, you know who you are) . So I guess I will go just a little more in-depth on how I get an easy 48 hours on the phone with no sweat.
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The methods you mention are all well known, and some aren't even true. You could have summarized all of this into one sentence, "Turn off all features you don't use, and only turn on when needed".
Ultimately, when I am at my house, I keep my wifi data on, with my brightness set to auto. As far as Droids turbo goes, this will be easy peasy for your phone to get to the whole day, go ahead and watch some you-tube videos, hell take a bunch of pictures while your at it, (fun fact, your video recorder is pretty niffty for draining battery) I only turn my gps location on when I need to get from point A to Point B and always remember to turn it of after I am done using it.
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Some of us rely on the GPS for other tasks besides navigation. This is why Google and developers have significantly improved into not relying on getting a GPS acquisition for every location request.
I want to talk about 1 more technical thing before I Wrap this up, I notice that some people say "I checked my battery today and it says that this app took up 30% of my power! WTF? I disabled it and removed it). you guys mite want to pay better attention to the battery, for example, my phone lost about a good 5% after like 1-2 hours of you-tube or something, when I looked at the battery status rite from the get go, it told me that you tube took 70% of my power usage. but mind you, your phone is telling you it took up 70% of power in the 5% battery period. some people don't pay close attention to these details so when they go on there battery status at the end of the day they do back-flips for days on the fact that there app or (my favorite) screen took up so much power on there phones.
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True, this is why it's good to look at the battery stats when your battery is nearly dead.
The biggest battery savings I find with lowest impact is turning off 4g when screen is off. I use llama for this and it works great. I dont have anything that important in an email that I need to have them constantly pushed. I don't use Twitter Facebook or any of those other apps were u get 8 million updates on what's going on. So having my data off of when my screen is off really saves a lot of battery.
sent from "my kungfu is stronger then yours" XT1080
bigv5150 said:
The biggest battery savings I find with lowest impact is turning off 4g when screen is off. I use llama for this and it works great. I dont have anything that important in an email that I need to have them constantly pushed. I don't use Twitter Facebook or any of those other apps were u get 8 million updates on what's going on. So having my data off of when my screen is off really saves a lot of battery.
sent from "my kungfu is stronger then yours" XT1080
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True, since your phone is now a dumbphone with the screen off. That's fine if it works for you, but many of us use data for voice and SMS, such as those in VoLTE markets or use Hangouts for voice/SMS. The other significant con with turning data off with the screen, is that any phone tracking app like Android Device Manager or Cerberus can't report it's location, so you can't use it to find your phone if it's lost or stolen.
I enjoyed your post. You should post on forums geared for mainstream users too. I think they would get the most benefit out of your suggestions (as well as Verizon with reduced headaches from complaints). Of course people don't need to do everything you listed. They can pick and choose what trade offs they're willing to make.
distortedloop said:
Yes, of course, turn off all the features of your smart phone that make it smart.
Here's another tip, don't use your phone and the battery will last for weeks.
I'm not sure why 48 hours is the Holy Grail for people. You really can't get the phone on a charger while you're sleeping, or in the car, or at your desk? As long as the phone can make it a full day, I think that's pretty good. Most phones can't, the Turbo can.
Sent from my XT1095
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I feel like you missed the point of my thread, I am just letting people know what features drain a CRAP ton og battery, generally have them on is not that big of deal, but ( Go through my list) I always find people who have all of them turned on at the same time, and they have no idea why there phone dies after a mere 8 hours.
chazman said:
What about setting location to Battery Saving Mode rather than high accuracy. this should make the positions available without turning on the GPS radio. Mabye a better compromise.. I found mine was on high accuracy.. I am sure that this was killing my battery more than necessary.
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Good job chaz man, you took the first step to being self aware of your phone, TURN OFF high accuracy, but as for the other mode.....let me ask you this, do you like to go around town ALOT, and while your lost in town you take selfies of yourself of yourself looking lost all the time, then you post em on instagram, or spacebook, or twitter or soothing? If you do this ALOT, then keep it on, just know it takes up power, if not, then turn it off and only turn it on when you need it. Theirs a cool widget on the top left of your phone called location, you can configure your location to only allow some apps to take advantage of your location. so if you let spacebook use gps location but deny good maps from using it then you will save allot more power. Keep in mind when you turn your location on (weather its in high frequency or not) it is using up power just to stay on, and when you finally do use it, that drains it EVEN more. It takes experience to know what just rite for your phone, for example, I always leave my wifi on but I always leave me mobile off. WHY well, wifi at your house does not require as much power, that being said I dont need my mobile data to be on to make phone calls and send text messages. I actually go and turn on my mobile data when I am no **** about to go on the internet to look somthing up. So unless you want to catch the latest updates, or you find yourself talking alot on space book, their wont be much of a point having your mobile data on even when you don't have wifi (remember mobile data puts a strain on your battery more then wifi) just DON'T have them on BOTH at the SAME TIME. IT's stupid and accomplishes nothing.
geoff5093 said:
Sure, using navigation uses a LOT of battery power, but simply having the GPS on does not use a huge amount of your battery. Google is very aware of this, and that's why they have Google Location Services, where apps tie into that to access your last known location, and the majority of apps do not actually use the GPS to get your location. Many simple use the network location.
If you are on WiFi, mobile data is not being used. You'd have to toggle airplane mode for it to make a difference, as even with mobile data disabled your phone is still maintaining a connection to the tower for voice/sms.
The methods you mention are all well known, and some aren't even true. You could have summarized all of this into one sentence, "Turn off all features you don't use, and only turn on when needed".
Some of us rely on the GPS for other tasks besides navigation. This is why Google and developers have significantly improved into not relying on getting a GPS acquisition for every location request.
True, this is why it's good to look at the battery stats when your battery is nearly dead.
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Geoff, I feel like you completely missed the point of this thread. This is not to tell you "how to run your phone" this is to make people self aware what actually takes up battery power, I use real life examples to make it easier to understand (also when you use real life examples it makes it allot easier to manipulate people in real life , of course I do this with the goals of helping people) theirs allot of things I want to say to you rite now, but I am too hungry to bother, maybe If I am up for it I will give you another reply later.
qwerty12601 said:
Ass clown? He didn't insult you in his post.
And his preferences aren't anything special. Cerberus is security everyone should be using. But even the standard android security software will be rendered useless in your suggestions.
The whole point is that they advertised 48 hours with NORMAL usage. Not toggling your connections down to a startac.
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I DONT CARE if they said NORMAL usage, Thats not why I made this thread. Speaking of NORMAL usage, IN MY OPINION. having your brightness turned on max, with live wall paper, blootooth running, with both wifi and mobile data turned on at the same time (yes there is a fine line difference even if your phone is using one and not the other) with gps location turn on at high frequency, with your phone streaming 720p video's and while taking 6 megs pictures of selfies of yourself looking lost in a town and recording stuff is by no means "normal usage"(unless you actually exactly all that 24/7, witch non of you dont, except for selfies, I know every one likes to get lost and make selfies. that being said, I am 100% sure there is some one here that only uses mobile data to brows websites or go on spacebook, but they have ALL the other setting's turned on. which is why I made this thread, because I know for a fact that alot of phone user's are not actually aware of what app or function tends to drain your batter faster then normal.
I am going to edit my main post and make a really good example about what I expect for everyone to get out of this thread, I am by no means a good teacher, just your average power user, with a ton of trig homework to catch up on, but check my post (assuming I can edit it, if not ill just post it on page 2) about what I want every to get out of my little fancy smanshy class. I called what his name a "ass clown" because he kept critiquing my advice with arguments "of his own". Guess I will explain that too, check back if interested.
snake2243 said:
I DONT CARE if they said NORMAL usage, Thats not why I made this thread. Speaking of NORMAL usage, IN MY OPINION. having your brightness turned on max, with live wall paper, blootooth running, with both wifi and mobile data turned on at the same time (yes there is a fine line difference even if your phone is using one and not the other) with gps location turn on at high frequency, with your phone streaming 720p video's and while taking 6 megs pictures of selfies of yourself looking lost in a town and recording stuff is by no means "normal usage"(unless you actually exactly all that 24/7, witch non of you dont, except for selfies, I know every one likes to get lost and make selfies. that being said, I am 100% sure there is some one here that only uses mobile data to brows websites or go on spacebook, but they have ALL the other setting's turned on. which is why I made this thread, because I know for a fact that alot of phone user's are not actually aware of what app or function tends to drain your batter faster then normal.
I am going to edit my main post and make a really good example about what I expect for everyone to get out of this thread, I am by no means a good teacher, just your average power user, with a ton of trig homework to catch up on, but check my post (assuming I can edit it, if not ill just post it on page 2) about what I want every to get out of my little fancy smanshy class. I called what his name a "ass clown" because he kept critiquing my advice with arguments "of his own". Guess I will explain that too, check back if interested.
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I'm not sure why you are so defensive in your replies, I am pointing out that having data disabled with the screen off is not ideal for many people, and I explained why. I am certainly not the only one who relies on data-based messaging.
While many of your points are true, you are basically telling people to turn off features they do not use. As I said earlier, you could have made this a one line post and said "The following features impact battery life, leave them off until you need them, and ran through the list of WiFi, mobile data, BT, NFC, auto brightness, etc.".
I think what many expected from the thread title were tweaks to increase battery while maintaining functionality. Tweaks like disabling certain bloatware apps, disabling certain Motorola settings, changing WiFi or cellular modem settings, etc. Things that people don't already know about. Lets face it, most of the people on XDA are pretty tech savvy, and I'm sure they are aware that turning things off like WiFi, mobile data, bluetooth, and not running at 100% brightness will improve battery.
geoff5093 said:
I'm not sure why you are so defensive in your replies, I am pointing out that having data disabled with the screen off is not ideal for many people, and I explained why. I am certainly not the only one who relies on data-based messaging.
While many of your points are true, you are basically telling people to turn off features they do not use. As I said earlier, you could have made this a one line post and said "The following features impact battery life, leave them off until you need them, and ran through the list of WiFi, mobile data, BT, NFC, auto brightness, etc.".
I think what many expected from the thread title were tweaks to increase battery while maintaining functionality. Tweaks like disabling certain bloatware apps, disabling certain Motorola settings, changing WiFi or cellular modem settings, etc. Things that people don't already know about. Lets face it, most of the people on XDA are pretty tech savvy, and I'm sure they are aware that turning things off like WiFi, mobile data, Bluetooth, and not running at 100% brightness will improve battery.
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quote from you: I am pointing out that having data disabled with the screen off is not ideal for many people
my reply: please re-read my thread I updated it and hopefully you will see the point I am trying to get out. If you dont see the point, just order the frozen yogurt dude, its not that expensive you use amazon prime..
Wow.... This world would be a better place if everyone were as superior as snake2243. This thread is toxic and should be deleted. Still waiting to see screen shots of your battery stats...
Yeah im really anxious to see these 8hr SOT screenshots to.
sofa k1ng said:
Wow.... This world would be a better place if everyone were as superior as snake2243. This thread is toxic and should be deleted. Still waiting to see screen shots of your battery stats...
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you missed the point of my thread, if your waiting for me to post actual proof of my battery usage, then you have learned nothing, follow my step's: punch yourself in the stomach and hyperventilate till the frozen yogurt arrives ate your door step.
snake2243 said:
you missed the point of my thread, if your waiting for me to post actual proof of my battery usage, then you have learned nothing, follow my step's: punch yourself in the stomach and hyperventilate till the frozen yogurt arrives ate your door step.
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[emoji33] [emoji8]
snake2243 said:
I am assuming your asking me to take a picture of how long my phone has been from 100% to a impressive time, I will be more then happy to do that (this will also get my point out even better). Ill do it in a few hours sense its fully charged at the moment. That said, take note, the battery power usage that comes with your phone will not always show "everything" that was in use (as far as I know with the apps) good example will be, it saying something like "you-tube took up 8% Power" but it does not record or show the fact that I was using my 4g connection to watch 2 gigs worth of video's in 720p. Just throwing that out there. (also that is a commen example with my journey through phone usages through allot of devices.) any way, I will make one underway.
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Just trying to help you get your point across... Anyone can say doing this, this, and this will help you get 100hrs screen on time. With no proof to back up your statement you just look like an "ass clown".

UPDATED! FIX: improve standby drain! (not sure if exynos only?)

So I would like this tip to be there for as many people as possible and not let it get lost in some thread. Already got some great feedback from other who tried this too.
I do not have any feedback yet from snapdragon users, so results could be different there
In settings ==> apps==> show system apps.
Disable and then enable the following:
- Google Services Framework
- Google play store
- Google Play services (here, only wipe all data en cache).
After you enabled it, these services will update themselves again in a few minutes. But with one big change: a great standby battery usage!
So it seems I had forgotten some other settings that I changed also, until I read someone else his post. So for here some additional steps:
- privacy -> location -> increase precision: set wifi en bluetooth off
- privacy -> location> location history: remove location history, and turn all other devices other then THIS DEVICE, to off.
After doing all steps, do a restart. Just to be sure .
Let me know if it helped you too
Just did it, will report back with results
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
What i did last night was disable it that 3 and go to bed and charge the phone and this morning i turn in the 4G to go to work , and what i notice was the battery last i bit more , i notice the difference.
But as we know we can live without google services.
Now i see google services is one of the problem.
The standby only at night i can tell something.
Already losing only 2% battery overnight on wifi lol
How do I wipe the cache here? Also no option to disable or even stop here.
Nevermind I figured it out.
Unfortunately, this didn't help me. I'm still losing ~2% / hour, even overnight on WiFi.
sonofabit said:
Unfortunately, this didn't help me. I'm still losing ~2% / hour, even overnight on WiFi.
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This will not help, I don't know who can believe this stuff.
It worked for one day...after a day the drain come back and still eating my battery!
Maidenx said:
It worked for one day...after a day the drain come back and still eating my battery!
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Did you enable Google backup? Just trying to find out why it works. It's the only thing I have disabled while using this trick.
I have had Google backup disabled prior. Battery life still miserable. Did this trick seeing how it works.
This is where I am at now. I don't think this solution had any impact on my battery life. I was able to achieve these kinds of stats day one of the upgrade on tmobile with APG1 FIRMWARE. prior to that update less than 4 hours SOT. Where I'm at now isn't terrible, but it certainly could be better
Spewed said:
This is where I am at now. I don't think this solution had any impact on my battery life. I was able to achieve these kinds of stats day one of the upgrade on tmobile with APG1 FIRMWARE. prior to that update less than 4 hours SOT. Where I'm at now isn't terrible, but it certainly could be better
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well this is a great SOT for a mix usage..... I will test this method tonight and I will comeback tomorrow with the solution I used for the past week.
avatar_ro said:
well this is a great SOT for a mix usage..... I will test this method tonight and I will comeback tomorrow with the solution I used for the past week.
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You're saying my stats are great? I have GPS toggled off and Google back up disabled. I think battery life largely depends on what you're doing. Seems like you get much more life out of watching YouTube versus texting, or something similar. Also, no wifi usage today.
Spewed said:
You're saying my stats are great? I have GPS toggled off and Google back up disabled. I think battery life largely depends on what you're doing. Seems like you get much more life out of watching YouTube versus texting, or something similar. Also, no wifi usage today.
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you have the snapdragon right?
avatar_ro said:
you have the snapdragon right?
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Yeah, I do unfortunately.
Spewed said:
Yeah, I do unfortunately.
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sad indeed... try this for a change.
report there if you saw some improvement, for me doing that stuff really changed everything and keep in mind that I have everything enabled.
avatar_ro said:
sad indeed... try this for a change.
report there if you saw some improvement, for me doing that stuff really changed everything and keep in mind that I have everything enabled.
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I'm assuming you're referencing the WiFi glitch you noted on your device? In that case I generally don't use wifi much. Even when I'm at home I just never think to turn it on. I'm a nurse, so at work I'm moving around and jumping from modem to modem, plus all lines are monitored and I just feel uncomfortable with that. There is one unsecured connection which happens to be where my office is located, but like I said I bounce around at work a lot.
While I never thought I would see the day that I was able to achieve 6 hours SOT, somehow I did. I'm attributing it mostly to the most recent Tmobile update although I did follow the instructions in this video, but based upon previous usage drain prior to applying this method, it seems to be on par.
Granted I do have location services turned off as well as Google back up, which has not been of any help historically. So with that being said I am finally pleased with the battery life I managed to achieved. However I will continue to monitor it as battery drain on this phone just seems so day to day.
nevermind. Happy it helped

