[Q] Damn Wakelocks! - Verizon Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Can anyone tell me if this is normal? I'm really trying to nip this wakelock issue in the bud, and I'm getting REALLY frustrated. I was seeing google services take up more resources than even the display, so I've turned off all location services and Google Now, and the Google services resource hogging went down.
Now I'm seeing high "keep awake" times in GSAM from the Kernel itself. I guess my battery drain isn't *that* bad (about 1.5% per hour) and that's with 1 hour of screen on time...but what's the deal with the wakelocks?! I'm assuming "keep awake" isn't counting the screen on time, right? 1 hour 32 minutes of keep awake seems excessive to me in only 13 hours time.
Can someone please tell me if this is normal for the Kernel? If it's not location services I don't know what else it could be.
p.s. What happened to the upload image option??
Pic is here

siciliano777 said:
Can anyone tell me if this is normal? I'm really trying to nip this wakelock issue in the bud, and I'm getting REALLY frustrated. I was seeing google services take up more resources than even the display, so I've turned off all location services and Google Now, and the Google services resource hogging went down.
Now I'm seeing high "keep awake" times in GSAM from the Kernel itself. I guess my battery drain isn't *that* bad (about 1.5% per hour) and that's with 1 hour of screen on time...but what's the deal with the wakelocks?! I'm assuming "keep awake" isn't counting the screen on time, right? 1 hour 32 minutes of keep awake seems excessive to me in only 13 hours time.
Can someone please tell me if this is normal for the Kernel? If it's not location services I don't know what else it could be.
p.s. What happened to the upload image option??
Pic is here
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You really need to stop over thinking your devices and use them. You did the same thing for the last 2 years with your Nexus.

akellar said:
You really need to stop over thinking your devices and use them. You did the same thing for the last 2 years with your Nexus.
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Hey man I remember you from the AOKP gnex forum. Did you pick up the N3 too? You're 100% correct...I really have no idea why I'm always *so* obsessed over battery life/drain. It's like an OCD that itches and compels me to have my devices run as efficiently as humanly possible. It's a crappy obsession too, because it's gonna be a VERY long time before any device is even near perfect.
You would think I'd be enjoying this insane battery life as compared to what I used to get on the gnex. I'm getting well over a full day and sometimes over 8 hours screen on time, but no, I'm obsessing all over again. To my credit I do think my gnex did really have some issues though - I couldn't even get close to getting through the day without having to recharge, and I had the extended 2100 mAh battery. I was having to charge that damn phone like every 8 hours with minimal usage.
I seriously thank you for making me wake up and smell the roses. I'm just gonna enjoy this beautiful phone. And for the first time in a very long time I have absolutely no desire to throw a ROM on my device!! I think that speaks to how great the phone is.

Hey, yup that's me. I actually grabbed a Note 3 in the Amazon screw up and will have it in hand tonight. I appreciate you not taking my statement as a personal shot and exactly how I intended it. There will always be something you can find wrong in a device if you're looking for it. And yes, the Gnex sucked

akellar said:
Hey, yup that's me. I actually grabbed a Note 3 in the Amazon screw up and will have it in hand tonight. I appreciate you not taking my statement as a personal shot and exactly how I intended it. There will always be something you can find wrong in a device if you're looking for it. And yes, the Gnex sucked
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Yeah man, I may be complaining a little bit about it, but make no mistake, you're gonna be blown away by this phone. 8 hours of screen on time? That's just insane. The s-pen is amazing with all its features and handwriting recognition, pen window, etc... I'm in love with it. And I have a good amount of features turned on that aren't hurting the battery life at all. Not to mention, as expected the phone is faaaaast. It's kind of amazing how much of a step up it is from the gnex. :good:
And yeah thanks again, I needed someone to snap me out of it and realize EXACTLY what you said - I need to just enjoy using this beautiful phone and stop trying to pick it apart. Sites like this especially are also a bad influence - it's ridden with OCD modders/flashers/tinkerers. It's all good though, I'm very happy and I'm not even gonna update or root the phone...it's not even necessary.

akellar said:
You really need to stop over thinking your devices and use them. You did the same thing for the last 2 years with your Nexus.
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siciliano777 said:
Yeah man, I may be complaining a little bit about it, but make no mistake, you're gonna be blown away by this phone. 8 hours of screen on time? That's just insane. The s-pen is amazing with all its features and handwriting recognition, pen window, etc... I'm in love with it. And I have a good amount of features turned on that aren't hurting the battery life at all. Not to mention, as expected the phone is faaaaast. It's kind of amazing how much of a step up it is from the gnex. :good:
And yeah thanks again, I needed someone to snap me out of it and realize EXACTLY what you said - I need to just enjoy using this beautiful phone and stop trying to pick it apart. Sites like this especially are also a bad influence - it's ridden with OCD modders/flashers/tinkerers. It's all good though, I'm very happy and I'm not even gonna update or root the phone...it's not even necessary.
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I politely disagree with overthinking the phone. IMO, it's supposed to be an endless expansion of a playground for you to make the device yours and I always find myself tinkering. It has paid off through knowledge gained along with simple fun and pride for the awesome state my phone is in now.
For the battery life issue, I would recommend first installing Wakelock Detector and open it, select the top icon to toggle to "wakeup triggers". Keep in mind that BetterBatteryStats works fine as well. Wakeup triggers are nice because they'll tell you a number of times that a certain app waked your device when it tries to sleep.
I see it like "how dare google services wake MY device when i don't use google talk and/or have sync turned off" How to fix the certain wakelock will be my next post after you report back more detailed info on it if you'd like

I've fixed this issue. I cleared the main cache from settings...storage, then rebooted. Now instead of .5 - 1%/hr drain, I just got 6 hours of nice deep sleep with ONE percent drain.

THIS is what deep sleep should look like. and everything I had turned on before was still enabled the whole time...wifi, bt, smart stay, etc.
Android system process: stay awake time 2 minutes! Success!

siciliano777 said:
THIS is what deep sleep should look like. and everything I had turned on before was still enabled the whole time...wifi, bt, smart stay, etc.
Android system process: stay awake time 2 minutes! Success!
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Do you mind sharing what you've done to get to this point? (Besides just in relation to Google Services...)

snwbrdr852 said:
Do you mind sharing what you've done to get to this point? (Besides just in relation to Google Services...)
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Hey, np. I froze a lot of apps, including all Samsung and all Verizon apps. Then I turned off all location services. I'm mostly on WiFi all day and don't really need location services, so I just turn them on before a trip when I know I'll need the gps/nav.

siciliano777 said:
Hey, np. I froze a lot of apps, including all Samsung and all Verizon apps. Then I turned off all location services. I'm mostly on WiFi all day and don't really need location services, so I just turn them on before a trip when I know I'll need the gps/nav.
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Ok, nothing new then. I was expecting more intense measures for some reason.
Thanks though.


How I nearly tripled my battery life!

If you just wanna see my tips then skip over the next few paragraphs lol!
Hi! I am not sure if this exactly has been posted already, or if it's common knowledge and I am just slow lol, but the last couple days I found out how to maximize the battery life on my phone by (imho) a huge amount. And I wanted to share with the community.
So before I did this, I'd generally get maybe six to eight hours of uptime before the battery was critically low. This was really frustrating because by the time I got home from work my phone would be almost dead. So I'd charge it in my car for a little bit, but then when I went out I'd have to turn off Wifi, GPS, Bluetooth, brightness all the way down etc. just to have enough battery to survive the night.
But now I managed to get 18-24 hours out of a single charge, without having to manually touch the settings too too much (GPS/Bluetooth when I need them.) Now I think a lot of this depends on your personal usage, but for me this worked great. And here is how I did it:
1. Disabling/making less frequent updates in apps. For me this was Twidroid, Facebook, and NewsRob. I realized that I keep notifications off for these apps (I don't need to see a notification everytime someone I follow tweets you know?) and that even when they were all set to auto-refresh every 30 minutes or whatever, I STILL always hit refresh when I went in anyway. So I disable automatic updating. Obviously this depends on your usage, but for me, I didn't need up to the minute social networking information, and manually refresh anyway. But I went through all my apps that updated automatically and changed the setting.
2. Task Killing. In a perfect world, Android would efficiently manage it's own app load, but unfortunately the world isn't perfect. I found that if I know I'm going to be putting my phone down for a while, take a second and kill all the runnings apps. I use Astro, but there are countless apps that can do this for you. This is something I don't do frequently, but for example, if I'm going to go to bed and I don't have my charger, but want my phone on in case of an emergency, I'll kill all the running apps.
3. Brightness. After weeks of changing it back and forth because I don't really love the way it auto adjusts, I just said f**k it and put in auto. While sometimes the level of brightness it selects seems a little whack, it's definitely saved battery life. And saves me the trouble of changing it myself. I also found that setting the timeout to 15 seconds seemed to improve battery life.
4. Juice Defender. You can find this app on the marketplace. It has two modes, easy and advanced. If you want, you can go into the advanced and set schedules and all kinds of stuff. But for me, I just went into easy and hit enable. From what I understand, what this does is that if the screen is off, it disables network access for 14 minutes, turns it back on for 1, then off again for 14 etc. So, something like Gmail which is push will only be able to access the network every 15 minutes. Unless you are on WiFi. Now, if you NEED push e-mail and don't have WiFi, this isn't a very good solution. But according the stats in the app itself this has given me a 99% increase in battery life, and I believe it.
5. The trackball. This is perhaps the weirdest of my findings. The trackball light apparently can DESTROY the battery life. The other morning at around 80% I let my alarm on the phone go off and didn't stop it, so the trackball was flashing really fast. Without a couple hours the phone was completely dead. Nuts right? So I found that if I disable the trackball light when I know that I won't be able to dismiss my notifications quickly (like in a meeting or sleeping or whatnot) I'm able to avoid this happening.
6. GPS/Bluetooth. Again, this might seem very case specific, but I use bluetooth ONLY with my rokr headset when I'm on campus at night, and I use GPS only for navigation. So I keep the off when I'm not using them. With the power strip widget this isn't very difficult.
Anyway, that's it really. Like I said, maybe this is all common knowledge and I am just stupid haha. But I figured if not, I was pretty thrilled to go from 6 hours to 24 hours without having to do too much. BTW, some weird things I found didn't have an effect as much as I thought they would - 2g/3g, I actually got MORE battery life when I had 3g enabled. And WiFi was the same way, even when I didn't have a wifi connection, the difference in life with having it on or off was negligible.
Anyway, I hope this is helpful! If I remember anything else I'll add it.
I really like this guide and I'm going to use it when I get my n1. I like all (and will try) of the steps except #5.. the trackball notifications is just too sweet to ever turn off imo. Thanks for the guide.
I'm really surprised to hear that your LED light in the trackball destroyed your battery life
I don't bother killing apps anymore. Since they're not in focus their not using the CPU so whats the point. (right?)
I dont have rubbish notifications on either, nor bluetooth/GPS unless needed. Ive got auto brightness on too.... might try juicedefender in future actually, it does sound good.
So what did you triple your battery life from anyway... 12 hours?
cymru said:
So what did you triple your battery life from anyway... 12 hours?
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only about 6-8 hours.
crachel said:
I'm really surprised to hear that your LED light in the trackball destroyed your battery life
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I was too but I duplicated that scenario a few times to make sure. Also, it might matter that I am running trackball succession and color hacks.
Trackball succession is killing your battery, not the trackball light.
only about 6-8 hours.
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Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
cymru said:
Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
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Geez, whats your secret?
ChillRays said:
Geez, whats your secret?
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I second that, holy crap lol.
cymru said:
Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
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!!! Were you hit by lightening as a child or something? I can only conclude your natural charge is keeping it going :->
Also - OP - nice set of tips - thanks
cymru said:
Mines gets over 48 hours no problems anyway.
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Wow... I only get that good of a battery life if I turn my N1 off!
Are you guys being serious?!
I am indeed consistently getting 48 hours battery life...
cymru said:
Are you guys being serious?!
I am indeed consistently getting 48 hours battery life...
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48 is on the high side of things... I usually go to bed with about 40% remaining, and put it on the charger overnight... I get up at 8AM and go to bed around 12AM. So I am getting about 26 hours out of mine.
Accidently typed in 36 when I meant to type 26. Fixed.
I have a noob question, which this forum is how I get most of my N1 knowledge...
Which uses up more battery life, 3G or wifi?
Thanks to whoever replies.. (my best guess would be 3G)
pjcforpres said:
48 is on the high side of things... I usually go to bed with about 40% remaining, and put it on the charger overnight... I get up at 8AM and go to bed around 12AM. So I am getting about 36 hours out of mine.
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That's actually 26 hours.
muncheese said:
That's actually 26 hours.
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Which is still a lot. I'd really like to know how you are doing this. Do you make any voice calls? Do you text/e-mail a lot? Watch videos? Browse the web? Play music etc.?
I mean my usage is based on maybe an hour a day of talking on the phone, and a few hundred text messages, maybe a couple e-mails, frequent twitter/Facebook updates, and maybe a couple hours a day of playing games, watching videos, reading news etc.
I imagine if I just left the phone there it'd be close to 26-30 hours, but not with regular use.
cymru said:
I don't bother killing apps anymore. Since they're not in focus their not using the CPU so whats the point. (right?)
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Erm, this is not correct, is it?
The whole point of multitasking means things still carry on when not in focus. If you leave everything running, they will all try and use data and CPU cycles, no?
Some nice suggestions there c0wb0ycliche! Thanks.
A couple of other thoughts/suggestions...
1. In the choices of kernels, pershoots is regarded as being excellent with battery life (partly from being undervolted I imagine) and the fact it's also overclocked at the same time ain't so bad either.
2. Not sure how much extra juice is saved by not using a Live Wallpaper, but if we're talking about battery savings here it might as well be said.
I would not be surprised if a large majority of people who get 25+ hrs hook onto wifi networks for a majority of the data usage. When switching to wifi the phone steps down to 2g mode for phone services.
AndyCr15 said:
Erm, this is not correct, is it?
The whole point of multitasking means things still carry on when not in focus. If you leave everything running, they will all try and use data and CPU cycles, no?
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No. Some applications have sister services that do this, but not all applications.
Namuna said:
1. In the choices of kernels, pershoots is regarded as being excellent with battery life (partly from being undervolted I imagine) and the fact it's also overclocked at the same time ain't so bad either.
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Good point, has anyone mentioned SetCPU? If you set up a profile, it will lower your clock speed to 300mhz while the screen is off. Saves quite a bit of power.

[Q] My phone never goes to sleep

I tried factory reset and wipe cache but it didnt work. pls help
I had the same issue for a while.
Setting Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep to Never fixed it for me.
Maybe it needs to go to gym before bedtime and don't give it coffee or energi drinks after 4pm. And don't use sleep tablets because it will make it worse after some months.
And give no junkie food to it.
Trust me it will work.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
robert_3EC said:
I had the same issue for a while.
Setting Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep to Never fixed it for me.
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its not work for me. still 0s deep sleep :crying:
This device / samsung software / Android - Just don't want to work together, I have used over 2weeks to narrow down this problem to try fix this. And nothing works, even when you think it's working it will just take a day/next charge/next restart and it will "**** up" again.
My best advice is to try live with it, cause unless android do something theres nothing we can do. And its a huge deal on the whole android phone market. Unless you are ready to get a new ROM... I think that is the only way to fix this.
apsuva said:
its not work for me. still 0s deep sleep :crying:
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Do you have the latest software updates?
If you don't find a solution, return it if you still can. Or you could try using a custom ROM, but that might or might not work and you're also going to void your warranty.
robert_3EC said:
Do you have the latest software updates?
If you don't find a solution, return it if you still can. Or you could try using a custom ROM, but that might or might not work and you're also going to void your warranty.
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i have solution now
1 - settings -> device -> sound. close all sounds ( touch, screen lock, haptic feedback, pen, dialing..) if closed: open all sound. after close all again.
2 - settings -> airplanemode on
3 - power off
4 - remove battery. 1 min after attack battery.
5 - power on and wait 10mins
6 - airplanemode off
7 - open wakelock detector and its done. deep sleep working (Sorry for my english.)
Not to be a negativ douch. But give it a day and you will most likely be back to square one.., Maybe 2... l have done countless things like this, it will work for a day and next day all will be back to the same. Sorry to say!
.....battery usage posts are like Jehovah's Witnesses and battery life computation is like oral 53x, it depends @ which end you find yourself.
I guess some would be happy to get your stats, I'll excuse myself first on that list. You lost 7% battery within 5 and smth hours. THAT IS GREAT! no issue whatsoever . I would gladly report that my device is humming away 4~7% each hour, no matter what (wifi vs 4G, great vs good GSM reception, cache flush, etc). Deep sleep apps and the other shenanigans are not relevant at the end of the day.
Android is a mobile OS that is open, aka you can side load a ton of crap on it. The little imaginary sandboxes are quite open to any app and merciful enough to tolerate any app get go postal on power like a Tasmanian devil. Quite the opposite of other OSes.
Still, if you do the math, even 1% hour is huge, compared to what ARM/qualcomm/sammy advertises about the so-called improvements. My old SGS2 had a median of 0.7~1% per hour while screen off. That was a good 7% over a 8hrs overnight, 1900 mAh battery ( almost identical sync accounts on both device, minus FB now) . This, scaled to the 3200 SGN3's battery, is almost 4 percent. Well, the only difference (while sleeping) between the two devices is the CPU and OS version. So, either the new CPU architecture is less power efficient or the OS is more hungry. That's only a part of the story. The other story there are a lot of sensors that get monitored also, regardless of screen off or not, you know Life Companion!.
My advice would be to get over it, no matter what will you do, battery life will be as good as our perception is about it . It is great out of the box, with time and apps installed, it decreases more and more
zipn said:
Not to be a negativ douch. But give it a day and you will most likely be back to square one.., Maybe 2... l have done countless things like this, it will work for a day and next day all will be back to the same. Sorry to say!
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you are right. it doesn't work. it work 3 hours and back to the same.
restart phone it work and after few hours doesnt work. my phone always working 250mhz.

[Q] Battery life is turrible

So, I got a Galaxy S4 back at the beginning of December, and the battery life has just been awful since I got it. I'm talking 5 hours max.. of juice. Its bugging me because I have tried so many different options and nothing makes it last any longer. One time I got 8 hours and I was like planning on throwing a parade because it was so groundbreaking for my GS4.
Here's what I normally have going on:
Admittedly I use my phone quite a bit and it's always on full brightness because hey its a $600 1080p phone so I want to be able to use it to its full potential.
I do not have one game installed. Never been a huge fan of mobile gaming.
I usually have a 4-5 bar 4G signal and barely use my wifi because it's like 300kb/s down.. And really spotty.
I may listen to 30 minutes of music a day.
Most of the time I'm on twitter and looking up stuff on Chrome.
This is not a battery issue I do not believe because my brother got the same phone and he has had similar issues. My brother uses his phone maybe half the time I do, so I doubt it is my usage that is bringing it down. I seriously do not want to have to contact Samsung for them to tell me it probably has water damage and then ask me to wait 2 weeks to get my phone back. My phone does tend to get warm from time to time but I've seen multiple reports of that. My iPhone 4 that I upgraded got 8 or 9 hours of battery life on similar use. (Android rocks)
So what is the problem?
P. S. my phone ran down 8% while typing this.
Kwwolves2012 said:
So, I got a Galaxy S4 back at the beginning of December, and the battery life has just been awful since I got it. I'm talking 5 hours max.. of juice. Its bugging me because I have tried so many different options and nothing makes it last any longer. One time I got 8 hours and I was like planning on throwing a parade because it was so groundbreaking for my GS4.
Here's what I normally have going on:
Admittedly I use my phone quite a bit and it's always on full brightness because hey its a $600 1080p phone so I want to be able to use it to its full potential.
I do not have one game installed. Never been a huge fan of mobile gaming.
I usually have a 4-5 bar 4G signal and barely use my wifi because it's like 300kb/s down.. And really spotty.
I may listen to 30 minutes of music a day.
Most of the time I'm on twitter and looking up stuff on Chrome.
This is not a battery issue I do not believe because my brother got the same phone and he has had similar issues. My brother uses his phone maybe half the time I do, so I doubt it is my usage that is bringing it down. I seriously do not want to have to contact Samsung for them to tell me it probably has water damage and then ask me to wait 2 weeks to get my phone back. My phone does tend to get warm from time to time but I've seen multiple reports of that. My iPhone 4 that I upgraded got 8 or 9 hours of battery life on similar use. (Android rocks)
So what is the problem?
P. S. my phone ran down 8% while typing this.
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Are you running a custom or stock rom? And are you rooted?
Look at your battery usage in settings. Screen should be number 1. What's after that? Get betterbatterystats and see where your wake locks are. Without some additional info it's hard to help you
nerdyblonde said:
Are you running a custom or stock rom? And are you rooted?
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No I am not rooted anymore. My phone had a locked bootloader so I just uninstalled some bloatware and unrooted. I have had the problems since I got it.
Android 4.3
AT&T i337
MK2 Firmware
jd1639 said:
Look at your battery usage in settings. Screen should be number 1. What's after that? Get betterbatterystats and see where your wake locks are. Without some additional info it's hard to help you
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It depends on what I am using the most. Most of the time its below 10% of total battery use. I would say it is mostly Chrome at 4-8%.
Right now it has been on for 37 minutes and is at 85% battery.
84% screen
7% Chrome
Kwwolves2012 said:
It depends on what I am using the most. Most of the time its below 10% of total battery use. I would say it is mostly Chrome at 4-8%.
Right now it has been on for 37 minutes and is at 85% battery.
84% screen
7% Chrome
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so under battery usage it's just screen and chrome usually ? (iId dump chrome to begin with anyway)
Is GPS on ? Any other apps that would be constantly syncing like facebook, twitter, etc ?
hednik said:
so under battery usage it's just screen and chrome usually ? (iId dump chrome to begin with anyway)
Is GPS on ? Any other apps that would be constantly syncing like facebook, twitter, etc ?
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Yes, normally screen and chrome are the biggest consumers but I do use a few more apps. I've been wanting a Chrome alternative, but nothing I've tried has been as efficient.
I do use Twitter and Facebook(rarely), but at the same time, my brother doesn't use any social media and his battery isn't much better.
Kwwolves2012 said:
Yes, normally screen and chrome are the biggest consumers but I do use a few more apps. I've been wanting a Chrome alternative, but nothing I've tried has been as efficient.
I do use Twitter and Facebook(rarely), but at the same time, my brother doesn't use any social media and his battery isn't much better.
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The biggest user of battery would be the screen, LTE, and GPS or location based processes. Honestly LTE that doesn't use much unless you are streaming all the time. Something isn't letting you phone go to sleep and if you can root I would just do it to be able to use an app like greenify or another wakelock killer that lets you keep apps from keeping you phone awake. Also turning off sync in general helps i.e making you refresh stuff manually.
hednik said:
The biggest user of battery would be the screen, LTE, and GPS or location based processes. Honestly LTE that doesn't use much unless you are streaming all the time. Something isn't letting you phone go to sleep and if you can root I would just do it to be able to use an app like greenify or another wakelock killer that lets you keep apps from keeping you phone awake. Also turning off sync in general helps i.e making you refresh stuff manually.
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Thanks for your help so by the way. I always have gps off and I only get regular 4G in my area. I will check with Facebook and try to turn off automatic syncing. Rooting is an option, last time I went through kingo and did it just fine until I tried to flash Cm over my locked bootloader *facepalm* Haha. I haven't heard anything definitive on the downside of using that tool. It was very simple. Would you suggest me going that route for Greenway?
Kwwolves2012 said:
Thanks for your help so by the way. I always have gps off and I only get regular 4G in my area. I will check with Facebook and try to turn off automatic syncing. Rooting is an option, last time I went through kingo and did it just fine until I tried to flash Cm over my locked bootloader *facepalm* Haha. I haven't heard anything definitive on the downside of using that tool. It was very simple. Would you suggest me going that route for Greenway?
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No problem just hit the thank button
I'd root and just leave it stock the rest of the way. With battery life it's always YMMV. The battery stats given in the setting menu don't tell you much so apps like wakelock detector or Greenify allow you to stop apps from "waking" the device all the time to either push notifications, sysnc, do whatever crap they do in the background. You could also get something called better battery stats, the app in on xda just google it, and let it run from full charge to dead and then take some screenshots of partial wake locks, how often CPU is in deep sleep etc and others can help sort some out.
Just root with Kingo as its easy and leave the custom rom's alone haha.
BTW how did you fix the brick form flashing a custom rom on MK2 ? I'm on the good MDL firmware so not sure how others fixed the MK2 brick
hednik said:
No problem just hit the thank button
I'd root and just leave it stock the rest of the way. With battery life it's always YMMV. The battery stats given in the setting menu don't tell you much so apps like wakelock detector or Greenify allow you to stop apps from "waking" the device all the time to either push notifications, sysnc, do whatever crap they do in the background. You could also get something called better battery stats, the app in on xda just google it, and let it run from full charge to dead and then take some screenshots of partial wake locks, how often CPU is in deep sleep etc and others can help sort some out.
Just root with Kingo as its easy and leave the custom rom's alone haha.
BTW how did you fix the brick form flashing a custom rom on MK2 ? I'm on the good MDL firmware so not sure how others fixed the MK2 brick
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Well after about a zillion tries on Google I finally found where someone got out of soft brick. It was something like hold down volume down, home, and power buttons until two options come up after you first power on the device. They are like "proceed to recovery mode" or "boot regularly" (something close to those anyways) and then you hit the volume down key to select boot regular and it boots up the phone without seeing that Oden screen. I was so relieved, I had already BSed my chat with a Samsung rep so they probably would have fixed it do to "accidental" downloads caused my phone to brick.
Watch out having your brightness to 100%. My statusbar got burnt into my phone. Just be careful. I can see the clock numbers(blurry) as well as battery and such. It sucks.
Sent from my SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
toxicpaulution said:
Watch out having your brightness to 100%. My statusbar got burnt into my phone. Just be careful. I can see the clock numbers(blurry) as well as battery and such. It sucks.
Sent from my SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for the heads up.
toxicpaulution said:
Watch out having your brightness to 100%. My statusbar got burnt into my phone. Just be careful. I can see the clock numbers(blurry) as well as battery and such. It sucks.
Sent from my SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
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Reminds me of my cappy having screen burn in on that old amoled. Good heads up
Sent from my SGH-I337 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
hednik said:
Reminds me of my cappy having screen burn in on that old amoled. Good heads up
Sent from my SGH-I337 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Yeah I just wish I would have been warned as well, now I just keep my status bar off. It's not directly noticeable if I don't look at it but it's still there.
Sent from my SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

PSA for T-Mobile Priv users

Hey guys! I hope you're all enjoying your new Priv! I got mine on release day, so I've been tinkering with it since I got it. A few things bothered me about the device: the battery would take forever to charge, even using a Qualcomm certified quick charger, and the battery would drain abnormally fast. Even with no apps running, Antutu would only score 40,000 to 50,000 and 800/2500 in Geekbench.
I found out that the T-Mobile MyAccount app was always running in the background and took up 6% of my phone's battery, just above android OS. After I disabled that app, I found that a full charge would only take about an hour, versus the 2 hours it took before. Battery life also skyrocketed from about 8 hours to 14+. Antutu scores went up to 60,000 to 67,000 (I tested several times) and Geekbench now consistently scores 1200/3500 for me. The phone also doesn't get NEARLY as hot as it used to.
One other thing I did was to change all my accounts in the hub to sync every 15 minutes instead of push, which also seemed to help with the battery life. Hope this info helps you turn your Priv into the best phone it can be!
Zer0.exe said:
Hey guys! I hope you're all enjoying your new Priv! I got mine on release day, so I've been tinkering with it since I got it. A few things bothered me about the device: the battery would take forever to charge, even using a Qualcomm certified quick charger, and the battery would drain abnormally fast. Even with no apps running, Antutu would only score 40,000 to 50,000 and 800/2500 in Geekbench.
I found out that the T-Mobile MyAccount app was always running in the background and took up 6% of my phone's battery, just above android OS. After I disabled that app, I found that a full charge would only take about an hour, versus the 2 hours it took before. Battery life also skyrocketed from about 8 hours to 14+. Antutu scores went up to 60,000 to 67,000 (I tested several times) and Geekbench now consistently scores 1200/3500 for me. The phone also doesn't get NEARLY as hot as it used to.
One other thing I did was to change all my accounts in the hub to sync every 15 minutes instead of push, which also seemed to help with the battery life. Hope this info helps you turn your Priv into the best phone it can be!
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I heard that some people on Blackberry forums were reporting that T-Mobile My Account app could/is causing battery drainage. I didn't like my account app showing me notifications and went to options in that app and remove all the check marks from the there. I had no issues with battery, but as a precaution I always disable apps that I never use.
Thanks for the heads-up. Finally picked one up today and felt that it did indeed heat up quicker than it should and definitely wasn't charging as fast as I thought it should be. Hopefully this helps!
My Priv's battery has been an utter nightmare - gonna give this a shot. Have you noticed any adverse effects from disabling the app? My main concern is if BingeOn will still work. I'm okay with not being able to disable it (not a big video guy) but free music streaming is super important to me - streaming music at work constantly during an 8hr shift, in the car during my commute... yeah, I need that.
And, before anyone says anything, it's not the music streaming doing it. In fact, the battery seems almost better when I'm doing that since I've just got the phone sitting in my pocket. Wakelocks are an absolute nuisance though - "awake" time is well over 10x SoT.
Trevorq243 said:
My Priv's battery has been an utter nightmare - gonna give this a shot. Have you noticed any adverse effects from disabling the app? My main concern is if BingeOn will still work. I'm okay with not being able to disable it (not a big video guy) but free music streaming is super important to me - streaming music at work constantly during an 8hr shift, in the car during my commute... yeah, I need that.
And, before anyone says anything, it's not the music streaming doing it. In fact, the battery seems almost better when I'm doing that since I've just got the phone sitting in my pocket. Wakelocks are an absolute nuisance though - "awake" time is well over 10x SoT.
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BingeOn doesn't require any T-Mobile bloat to run. It's handled on the network side, not on the device itself. Also, unless they recently changed something, you don't need BingeOn enabled to get free music streaming. Music streaming is free regardless.
Thanks for that. So far the Priv is doing a fine job keeping itself alive now that app is gone. Nice to know I won't be blowing past my data allowance. I'm new to T-Mobile and so far, so good. Well, other than their app destroying my phone of course.
Trevorq243 said:
Thanks for that. So far the Priv is doing a fine job keeping itself alive now that app is gone. Nice to know I won't be blowing past my data allowance. I'm new to T-Mobile and so far, so good. Well, other than their app destroying my phone of course.
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You'll get all that bloat with any carrier
I do want to point out that the Priv does an awesome job of standby. It makes sense that a 2K screen could drain the battery quickly, but I've gone 9 hours with only 40% drain when I barely use it, so it stays alive well when you aren't actively using it. I was also streaming music the whole time, but since the screen itself was off it saved my battery.
Zer0.exe said:
You'll get all that bloat with any carrier
I do want to point out that the Priv does an awesome job of standby. It makes sense that a 2K screen could drain the battery quickly, but I've gone 9 hours with only 40% drain when I barely use it, so it stays alive well when you aren't actively using it. I was also streaming music the whole time, but since the screen itself was off it saved my battery.
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Yep, that's been my experience. On for ~16 hours with 3hrs SoT. Not bad, really. I wouldn't mind a little more longevity but hey, that's what power banks are for.
Here's my own battery experience. I only removed the t-mobile apps and using Facebook on chrome and not the app. I'm a moderate user 2.5 hrs of on screen time!
cronojay said:
Here's my own battery experience. I only removed the t-mobile apps and using Facebook on chrome and not the app. I'm a moderate user 2.5 hrs of on screen time!
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The screen is a killer on this device, but it shouldn't be quite that bad. Are all your BlackBerry apps up to date? Some people have to manually check for updates for some reason.
Also, I disabled every T-Mobile app except visual voicemail. No idea if that'll help or not but it's worth a shot.
Finally, how long have you had the device? Phones always seem screwy battery-life wise during the first few days, regardless of system health.
I disabled all bloatware, this phone dies WAYYYYY to fast compare to my prior note 5.
I really dont, but i'll need to trade back in this phone if I don't get this solved. A man needs a phone with a battery!
Trevorq243 said:
The screen is a killer on this device, but it shouldn't be quite that bad. Are all your BlackBerry apps up to date? Some people have to manually check for updates for some reason.
Also, I disabled every T-Mobile app except visual voicemail. No idea if that'll help or not but it's worth a shot.
Finally, how long have you had the device? Phones always seem screwy battery-life wise during the first few days, regardless of system health.
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How about this one for a little bit over 2 weeks and so far it's been phenomenal for me 1 degrees in love with a good battery life is I disabled Facebook and I just use the web to look at Facebook so that save my battery by at least 20%.
techprint said:
I disabled all bloatware, this phone dies WAYYYYY to fast compare to my prior note 5.
I really dont, but i'll need to trade back in this phone if I don't get this solved. A man needs a phone with a battery!
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Other than battery life, how are you liking the switch? I like but don't love my note 5. I hadn't had a note since the original version, but I'm finding again that I just don't use the spen. I'm thinking about jumping back into a blackberry with keyboard.
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
crawldit said:
Other than battery life, how are you liking the switch? I like but don't love my note 5. I hadn't had a note since the original version, but I'm finding again that I just don't use the spen. I'm thinking about jumping back into a blackberry with keyboard.
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I'll take back what I previously wrote, as of yesterday I managed to get 24 hours on phone battery. at standby this phone doesn't use any sort of battery, I killed 20 percent in 40 mins on youtube though..
Going to give it a solid week, if not i'll return it and hopefully pick up the new s7 if release by then. I was on the same boat as you, got tired of the note and just wanted a switch. I'll keep checking back leaving my reviews here
techprint said:
I'll take back what I previously wrote, as of yesterday I managed to get 24 hours on phone battery. at standby this phone doesn't use any sort of battery, I killed 20 percent in 40 mins on youtube though..
Going to give it a solid week, if not i'll return it and hopefully pick up the new s7 if release by then. I was on the same boat as you, got tired of the note and just wanted a switch. I'll keep checking back leaving my reviews here
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I'll second this - screen off, next to zero battery used. Screen on, battery tanks like crazy. I think I'm gonna stick with it though I'm tempted to give the V10 a shot - I need a tough phone and this most certainly is not.

Only get ~2 hours of on screen time - "Android System" battery drain

I am on the latest 7.0 beta, T-Mobile version, I am getting pretty frustrated. I only get ~2 hours of on screen time. Right now at 30% and Android System has used 1350 mAh and CPU total is close to 5 hours.
Attached some pictures from yesterday and basically the same exact thing - maybe one of the packages listed is killing the battery?
I know there are a lot of posts about this issue but nothing that I've found useful unfortunatlely.
Did you try a factory reset? That help me get good battery life.
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
dogredwing1 said:
Did you try a factory reset? That help me get good battery life.
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
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Been thinking about doing that, but not sure why it got really bad all of a sudden. I could get 3 to 4 hours before.
I think I'll wait until the official release is out and then do a reset - hopefully it comes out soon.
Still on 6.0.1 & Android System is my #1 battery drainer.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
randun said:
Still on 6.0.1 & Android System is my #1 battery drainer.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
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I am getting pretty fed up. Thought the new updates would make it better but no go for me.
If only you got root, I strongly recommend using Myandroidtools/disable service. Samsung roms sucks pretty bad, I have never ever experienced something like battery drain on other phones. Since I disabled 80+ Google Services and some samsung bloat, android system takes about 2-4% drain after a whole day. I am using Renovate on nougat.
Looks like a lot of you are very unlucky. My battery life is superb! At the end of the day I still have ~35% battery remaining. I recharge every night regardless of how much battery I have left, so it does me just fine
amon87 said:
If only you got root, I strongly recommend using Myandroidtools/disable service. Samsung roms sucks pretty bad, I have never ever experienced something like battery drain on other phones. Since I disabled 80+ Google Services and some samsung bloat, android system takes about 2-4% drain after a whole day. I am using Renovate on nougat.
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I would strongly advise to stay away from any of those 'fancy' package disablers.
They do no good and often deteriate things. I have on average over 8hours SOT and never used disablers.
Most Samsung apps don't put any drain on the battery. It's things like Facebook etc that hog resources.
Yeah, if only i got Facebook apps installed. I have fully working locations, notifications and other stuff - most of services I disabled are feedbacks, silent loggers and stuff I dont need or use. Only corrupted app is Gmail - which I don't use.
I got sync switched on, lots of calls, auto brightness, voice assistant and usually get 5 hours SOT during my usage which isn't bad at all.
So not sure what did it, but I installed Greenify and also changed from 1080p to 1440p and I get about 3ish hours on screen time. Still terrible but will do for now.
My phone also feels faster after changing resolution back to 1440p. So weird.
Disable ubication and always on display.
hamer221 said:
Disable ubication and always on display.
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I use AOD all day, one of the reasons I got the phone. Not willing to part ways with it lol
shahran said:
I use AOD all day, one of the reasons I got the phone. Not willing to part ways with it lol
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I mean location. Aod takes almost 40% of battery in 24 hours.
hamer221 said:
I mean location. Aod takes almost 40% of battery in 24 hours.
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I remember Samsung saying it only consumes a couple a percentage points.
This article tested and it's nowhere near 40%. And I use the phone about 15 hours before it gets charged again so it should have a huge impact.
shahran said:
I remember Samsung saying it only consumes a couple a percentage points.
This article tested and it's nowhere near 40%. And I use the phone about 15 hours before it gets charged again so it should have a huge impact.
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Okay, stop reading useless news and try it by yourself. Phone dont go fully in doze mode with AOD on and keeps light and other sensors on like proximity to put more or less light in the aod screen. You are complaining about **** battery and I am telling you that I have tested how aod can take 40% of battery in one day. You really believe samsung? Come on...
hamer221 said:
Okay, stop reading useless news and try it by yourself. Phone dont go fully in doze mode with AOD on and keeps light and other sensors on like proximity to put more or less light in the aod screen. You are complaining about **** battery and I am telling you that I have tested how aod can take 40% of battery in one day. You really believe samsung? Come on...
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I really don't think you're right as that's not my experience either. I cited the article because usually the tech websites have some experience - my anecdotal data, or yours, doesn't carry much weight.
As posted before, my screen time has increased and keeps going up. Got near 4 hours of on screen time today. Greenify must have killed a process that was putting the CPU on overdrive and which showed up under Android System. I shouldn't have to take the time to find fixes however since Samsung and the Doze feature should be doing this already.
I appreciate your advice, no need to get upset we're just having a discussion...
shahran said:
I really don't think you're right as that's not my experience either. I cited the article because usually the tech websites have some experience - my anecdotal data, or yours, doesn't carry much weight.
As posted before, my screen time has increased and keeps going up. Got near 4 hours of on screen time today. Greenify must have killed a process that was putting the CPU on overdrive and which showed up under Android System. I shouldn't have to take the time to find fixes however since Samsung and the Doze feature should be doing this already.
I appreciate your advice, no need to get upset we're just having a discussion...
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I don't really see a discussion in the fact that AOD uses a lot of battery if you keep it on all day, it's pretty much guaranteed that AOD is the main culprit. And your own experience with your phone and its settings is worth a lot more than the experiences from some tech website. Everyone's phone/settings is different.

