5.1.1 update problems - Note Edge General

I just got the Galaxy Note Edge this weekend and it updated to 5.1.1. Well before the update, for the brief few hours I had it on 4.4.4 and it updated over night on its own and before it updated the Wi-Fi worked great. Well after the update, it doesnt work. I have connected to multiple wifi connections and they all do the same thing, it just connects fine but the speed is horrible. All the data it shows about the connection is normal but its like the wifi antenna or something in the update has been messed up? I have no clue. I talked to sprint customer service for several hours and the only solution they could come up with was exchanging the phone. So I did. And still the same thing. So the only option left is that it is because of the 5.1.1 update. Unless someone has any other ideas to make the WiFi work normal....

factory reset after update 5.1.1


Upgraded 4G Xoom LTE Connectivity Issues

Greetings All,
Got my Xoom back from its 4G upgrade last week and I have been noticing some issues with connecting over the 3G/4G network now. I use pocketcloud to connect to computers over RDP and when connected over WiFi networks, it works fine (computers connected to networks other than one I am connected to WiFi on), but when using the 3G or 4G connection on the Xoom, there is a network connection error. I tried it out on my incredible and it works just fine. Also, sometimes I get an error "cannot update" from the engadget app.
Also, the new market would not install some of my apps, like ThinkFree Office for example, I worked around it by using the web interface of Android Market on my computer and it worked fine.
I sent in the Xoom completely reverted back to stock 3.1, I recieved it with 3.2.2 stock. I cleared memory after I got it back and did a factory data reset. Not rooted, and no other modifications have been made.
I'm at a loss as to why some connections are causing the network to flake out.
I read on here that some of the app installation issues were due to the possible change in pixel density that took place with the upgrade but that is something you can change back if you root.
I'm noticing the same exact issue and have no idea what is causing it - let's see if together we can figure it out. It's extremely flaky so far.
I got my upgraded Xoom back today and noticed the exact same issue. It wouldn't activate on the setup screen and prompted me to reboot. After reboot, it connected to 4g just fine and showed the 4g icon below.
I then went into the market to install my apps. It installed Thumbkeyboard just fine but when I went to install others, it stopped at 8.03k on the download. Did this for every app i tried.
I turned on wifi, connected to my AP and the downloads worked just fine. Even tried a couple reboots before doing this and it didnt work.
My 4g signal is about 75% so it's strong.
Very strange...
Power off
Remove SIM.
Put SIM back in
Power on
Done. Worked for me.
I take it back, still having all kind of issues.
just got mine back this morning, and it wont connect to anything! no 3g, no 4g, no wifi... nothing. WTF!?!?! restarted, pulled sim, etc...
going to do restore next and see what that does.
Same connection problems
Got my LTE upgrade back.
When I am at work I cannot update Touchdown from inside the firewall (not sure why) so I flip back to Verizon to refresh by shutting down the wifi. When I do, I noticed that the xoom would drop the connection (three bars) and then not reconnect. When I try to turn on the wifi it stays grayed out and neither system will connect until I reboot.
Went around with VZW tech support, they reported that the unit was registering on their network but not connecting. Sent back to Moto for further testing, got the unit back (they reported it was a software fix, no other data) but the unit continues to have the problem.
Stock 3.2.2 xoom with LTE
Any suggestions appreciated....
Has anyone been able to resolve this issue?
Hello, I am still having all kinds of connection issues after I received my device from Motorola. After a reboot the xoom will connect to the Verizon network but If it stays idle for some time, I lose the connection and it will not connect until I reboot the device.
sent it for replacement
I had the same problem. I had to send it back once for 'repair' (no improvement) before Motorola replaced the unit due to an undefined hardware problem. Keep calling or go to a store.
I had something similar when I got my Xoom back. Apparently the geniuses at Verizon never added the SIM to my account. Took multiple calls/emails to get it corrected. Once someone realized it was missing it was corrected in about 10 minutes.
nirgal2002 said:
I had something similar when I got my Xoom back. Apparently the geniuses at Verizon never added the SIM to my account. Took multiple calls/emails to get it corrected. Once someone realized it was missing it was corrected in about 10 minutes.
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In your case did you have sporadic connection or, without the SIM number, were you completely unable to connect?
BTW, I missed this thread when it was fresh (as I was traveling) but I've had the exact same issues since the LTE upgrade. When it happens, the only way to reconnect is to reboot.
I used to be able to get it to reconnect by switching airplane mode on and off. Sometimes I had to reboot. Friday, even that did not help. I was furious. The next day, the update pushed out to me via wifi. I guess the servers recognized me as a customer again even though I already had a 2 year contract. Some people got the dataplan because they don't use wifi. I love the shortsightedness of the people who come up with this... not.
At least I haven't gotten disconnected since the patch was installed.
Sent from my Xoom using xda premium
I had to unroot my device for 4G to start working normal.

[Q] Anyone got Advanced Calling working on NI2?

Looking for someone who's gotten Advanced Calling (VoLTE) working on their S5 with the NI2 OTA update.
When Verizon first rolled it out last week, I enabled it online in my account. Then checked for OTA udates on my phone. Sure enough it found NI2 and upgraded it directly from NE9. I've rebooted my phone several times and online it still shows up that I have Advanced Calling enabled on my line, but the Advanced Calling settings have not shown up in my Mobile Network settings.
This may or may not be related but originally I had my phone rooted and then upgraded to NE9, which naturally broke the root. Once I was on NE9 I noticed that every time I power up my phone it takes several minutes before the phone turns on the WiFi and Bluetooth and connects to my WiFi network. In the meantime I only have 4G. I used ODIN to flash a clean install of NE9 onto the phone and did a factory reset. Weird WiFi and Bluetooth issue persisted. Now it's OTA'd to NI2 and I still have the weird WiFi/Bluetooth issue and the Advanced Calling settings are nowhere to be seen.
Got my VoLTE working on stock rooted NI2.
Not sure if it would help but maybe Odin NI2 stock tar and start fresh. Not sure what else to suggest really.
ksutherland91 said:
Looking for someone who's gotten Advanced Calling (VoLTE) working on their S5 with the NI2 OTA update.
When Verizon first rolled it out last week, I enabled it online in my account. Then checked for OTA udates on my phone. Sure enough it found NI2 and upgraded it directly from NE9. I've rebooted my phone several times and online it still shows up that I have Advanced Calling enabled on my line, but the Advanced Calling settings have not shown up in my Mobile Network settings.
This may or may not be related but originally I had my phone rooted and then upgraded to NE9, which naturally broke the root. Once I was on NE9 I noticed that every time I power up my phone it takes several minutes before the phone turns on the WiFi and Bluetooth and connects to my WiFi network. In the meantime I only have 4G. I used ODIN to flash a clean install of NE9 onto the phone and did a factory reset. Weird WiFi and Bluetooth issue persisted. Now it's OTA'd to NI2 and I still have the weird WiFi/Bluetooth issue and the Advanced Calling settings are nowhere to be seen.
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I would remove the feature. reboot the phone, give it a few minutes, add the feature back and then reboot.
ksutherland91 said:
Looking for someone who's gotten Advanced Calling (VoLTE) working on their S5 with the NI2 OTA update.
When Verizon first rolled it out last week, I enabled it online in my account. Then checked for OTA udates on my phone. Sure enough it found NI2 and upgraded it directly from NE9. I've rebooted my phone several times and online it still shows up that I have Advanced Calling enabled on my line, but the Advanced Calling settings have not shown up in my Mobile Network settings.
This may or may not be related but originally I had my phone rooted and then upgraded to NE9, which naturally broke the root. Once I was on NE9 I noticed that every time I power up my phone it takes several minutes before the phone turns on the WiFi and Bluetooth and connects to my WiFi network. In the meantime I only have 4G. I used ODIN to flash a clean install of NE9 onto the phone and did a factory reset. Weird WiFi and Bluetooth issue persisted. Now it's OTA'd to NI2 and I still have the weird WiFi/Bluetooth issue and the Advanced Calling settings are nowhere to be seen.
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I'm stock, all is working fine. Since you mention you were previously rooted- you might check this out:
Noticed this morning that the VoLTE settings had shown up, so some time in the last 12 hours things clicked. Pretty sure I've powered up my phone several times in the week since I added Advanced Calling online and upgraded to NI2, so I'm not sure why it took until now for the new features to show up, but it's working now.
If it doesn't show up, go to you My Verizon account online and enable the Advanced Calling feature. Reboot your phone and you're good.
I've been waiting for about 48 hours. Hope it will eventually show up. I've tried removing and adding it back. I've power cycled several times. I'll probably swing by a store by the weekend if it's still not working by then.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Verizon does everything expensive and slow...arrggg
anyone know of an advanced calling test number? nobody I know has it enabled to try it out
Switching network mode from Global to LTE and back worked for me.

No mobile data after Lollipop update

I have searched the internet and have seen a few threads about this, but they are all quite old, haven't been updated in a while and lastly none of them worked for me. I have an unlocked LG D802, running 5.0.2 on software version V30a-AME-XX. I haven't used this phone in a while, so i updated it last night and now my mobile data doesn't work. It worked fine before the update but even with the correct APN plugged in, mobile data just doesn't kick on.
Has anyone figured out anything about this?
UPDATE, turns out the update caused an IMEI mismatch on my network (at&t) and that's why data wasn't working.
I only found out because I switched to my iPhone 6S and got "4G" but still no data, and because I've dealt with this numerous times I knew exactly what was wrong.

S7 Edge with Nougat major connectivity issues, sync issues, messaging problems, AIDS!

I have s7 edge with nougat and I have had it for a while. About a month ago I started seeing some connectivity issues.
Wifi will give out and it will say "internet may not be available" If i restart the modem it usually reconnects fine otherwise I have to wait a few minutes.
I use Verizon Message+ as well and some message will say "sending" next to them instead of "delivered" and eventually they will send ... but my recepients tell me that they are getting the same messages OVER AND OVER.
If I restart the phone it will send them a message from hours sometimes days ago!
I already did a full factory reset last night. It was fine until this afternoon...
Try reflashing the stock ROM, specially the modem, connectivity issues are highly related to the modem your phone is using, since it's the software responsible for connecting the phone to a network.
If that doesn't help, then try putting in another SIM Card, or ask Verizon for another one to test your phone.
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Mobile data not working when disconnected from wifi?

Don't think it's same issue as ppl lte issue but my s10+ 1tb doesn't connect to the mobile data when u are out of wifi range. I have to either reset the phone ornl on and off airplane mode to get the data back. Seem to work if I manually disconnect the wifi rather than let it out of range.. seem to only happened after last 2 updates. Phone was purchased from Samsung on Rogers Canadian firmware anyone else?
wai_lai416 said:
Don't think it's same issue as ppl lte issue but my s10+ 1tb doesn't connect to the mobile data when u are out of wifi range. I have to either reset the phone ornl on and off airplane mode to get the data back. Seem to work if I manually disconnect the wifi rather than let it out of range.. seem to only happened after last 2 updates. Phone was purchased from Samsung on Rogers Canadian firmware anyone else?
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Im seeing the same exact thing with my 1tb pre order purchase. Bought directly from Samsung for Verizon. I also notice terribly slow download upload speeds(4gb down/2 GB upload) when in restart the phone it will go back to 100gb+ down for a while then get stuck at 4gb again. I've factory reset the phone and odined back to asd7... still the same. I had Verizon give me a new sim and do their provisioning on their end but no improvement.
I hope its not the same hardware issue others are facing.
I just sent mine in for repair. Mine would work only on LTE band 12. If it connected to bands 2 or 4 I couldn't get text, mms, calls or the internet. It looked like it was working until I tried to do something. I downloaded Signal Spy and it showed me what band I was on. Once I figured out the bands it dint work on I had to go into the service menu and trurn them off. No more issue except data speeds were so slow! My phone was manufactured in February so I think that has something to do with it.
It's funny, Samsung kept saying it's the network and an update was coming to fix it. It never came. I even switched networks and the same issue.
Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
