[Q] Progress Bar Stairs - Java for Android App Development

Hey @all,
i'm just getting started with developing Android Apps. Therefore i have a question, for designing my GUI. Maybe there is a possible build-in widget, but i don't have the right wording to find it (English is not my native language).
I'm looking for something like the Rating Bar, where you can select a value between 1 and 5. Instead of the stars, i'd like to have some bars (the left one is the smallest, the right one the highest). Should look like the "Stairs" within a Signal strength notification. To make it a bit more challenging i'd like to have different colors for every bar (least value is green, highest value red). Therefore i don't think that the Rating Bar with different drawings will fit my needs, because afaik i could just change the star layout, not like the first star should become a 5dp bar, the second a 15dp and so on.
Is there any build in widget i could use?
I attached a picture to show my idea.
I hope you can help me
Additional Information: I like to develop for min API 17

fighterii said:
Hey @all,
i'm just getting started with developing Android Apps. Therefore i have a question, for designing my GUI. Maybe there is a possible build-in widget, but i don't have the right wording to find it (English is not my native language).
I'm looking for something like the Rating Bar, where you can select a value between 1 and 5. Instead of the stars, i'd like to have some bars (the left one is the smallest, the right one the highest). Should look like the "Stairs" within a Signal strength notification. To make it a bit more challenging i'd like to have different colors for every bar (least value is green, highest value red). Therefore i don't think that the Rating Bar with different drawings will fit my needs, because afaik i could just change the star layout, not like the first star should become a 5dp bar, the second a 15dp and so on.
Is there any build in widget i could use?
I attached a picture to show my idea.
I hope you can help me
Additional Information: I like to develop for min API 17
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think your best bet would be to make pictures (drawables) to use inside of an ImageView widget. You would need to draw every possible outcome or picture that the user will have displayed to them. Then depending on what you want done, set the drawable to imageview.
Here's a very brief example (Sorry, typing from phone):
ImageView imgView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.my_image_view);
If (outcome1) {
Something like that should work for you.
Root it and boot it!
Current device: Sm-n900p/Sprint Note 3
Service: Straight Talk
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[IDEA] Assign wallpaper according to battery life

We have a Diamond Background Changer which changes wallpaper according to time of the day. Would it be great also if we also have a wallpaper changer that can changes background according to battery life remaining?
Probably we can also 'remove' the battery indicator at the top taskbar (freeing up space for a cleaner look) if such an app is possible.
* Just a suggestion. I do not have any programming knowledge hence i don't know if this is even possible.
Thank you
Would you really install it and use it?
sure its, even quite "easy" to do, just adapt the mortscript from the daylight background changer, to take the batterystatus as input instead of the time...
i remember i saw some commands in the mortscript manual whic make it possible to read out battery status...
but on the other hand, why would you want it? you already have a battery indicator right on top of all things....
having a changing background to indicate status doesnt seem logical to me...
Well Ithink it would be very handy if the background would slowly change from green to red using backgrounds in according colours...
i think it's a great idea.
of course i would use it, haha. I have to admit that i'm an app / rom junkie.
Anyway i was thinking if it would be great to remove the whole top and bottom taskbars for a totally 'windowmobileless' look. BUt to do that we need something to replace the battery/ network/ connection/ sound indicators.
The Quickstart menu shouldn't be a problem as i have high hopes for 'touchlaunch'
I actually think this is not a bad idea at all. If you look at some of the colour battery icons, this kind of makes sense. The moment your phone is activated for whatever reason, you can immediately see that status of the battery, without having to look at the (rather small) icon on the taskbar
Hence.. Hello to developers.. any takers?
Great idea, I would use it too! We could add a corresponding battery symbol on each wallpaper, like in S2U2 but smaller
Cool idea, I think also if the wallpaper could change based on the weather that would be really cool.

[Theme] Orbalist (WAD2) -Final 1

Hey guys, after gettings my hands on Wisbar Advance Desktop 2 and seeing how powerful it was in theming just the way I wanted, I thought I would make some themes.
I will put the themes I make up here in case anybody likes them so they can use them themselves (any donations would be appreciated).
Before I begin though, a note:
Most of my themes will be minimalist, I like to maximise functionality out of the minimal things on the screen, usually I prefer to see the wallpaper and my themes will focus on this.
The theme I am going to put here is a conceptual idea I had today where I thought that the signals I need can easily be displayed in a "different" way. It's not entirely new, but I have not seen it done like this for a phone theme before.
Anyway, here is my first version of this theme, a couple hours work, and is basic and simple, but i like it for that.
Each Orb or circle represents a signal, from largest to smallest:
Teal: Missed Calls
Yellow: New SMS
Maroon: New Email
Light Green: Wifi ON
Blue: Bluetooth ON
When the orbs/circles are empty, there is no missed call/sms/email and wifi/BT are off. When the colour is visible, there are.
Each can be clicked and will take you to the corresponding item:
Teal: Missed call list
Yellow: SMS list
Maroon: Email Inbox
Light Green: Toggle WIFI ON/OFF
Blue: Toggle Bluetooth ON/OFF
The top left blue circle shows the start menu
Top right blue circle has battery value, and will take you to the battery page (FIXED)
The wallpaper here is just a solid colour, but could be replaced with any colour or image you like.
The orbs/circles can be moved anywhere you like on the screen in any shape or pattern, simply and easily.
EDIT: FIXED: Battery Icon now takes you to battery power page.
EDIT2: OK, this will be the final version for now (until I receive requests). I have added transparency to the circles, I have added a clock, changed the colours for some nicer ones and have also made a landscape version. (Havn't shown screeners because it's practically the same thing). The wallpaper (that may be included) is just a generic general image from the phone, the idea of this theme is that you pick your own wallpaper, so you should change this, and not wonder why it has an aweful one included. Again, if you like, please feel free to donate.(Link in my sig)
NOTE: You may find that the mail icon doesn't link correctly on your phone. That is because on my phone it is linked to "Gmail". You should edit the script for the mail link (maroon one) and in its script you will find "\Windows\tmail.exe -service 'Gmail'". Change the bit in quotes to link your correct account (either what ever you named it, or "ActiveSync" if you're using the Hotmail/Outlook sync. If you use more than one, just remove everything after "\Windows\tmail.exe" and you will be taking to "Messaging"
Nice idea mate,
will check it out when it's done.
Very nice. It's good to see someone thinking away from the "We have to interact with some boxes inside of other boxes" mentality. Down with square buttons!
Thank you.
Thank you for the kind words, I have updated now after working on it all day, and made what will for now be a final version.
Let me know if you download and have any feedback. Bear in mind, as I said, I won't be adding _too much_ more to these because the whole idea was to be minimalist.
That looks really clever, although I think I'd keep getting distracted by the pretty lady!
Hmm very nice idea about circle but i have better idea to turn girl to front face and for first "bubi" assing sms and second "bubi" for new e-mail ) , and if message arrive all bubi start shaking. lol i need this for my today screen.
Well, fortunately for those that might get distracted, the pretty lady doesn't come with my theme, I just saw her in the theming thread and thought I'd try it as my wallpaper. You can of course put any wallpaper you like, which is the idea of this theme. The "bubi" idea is a nice one, put it tempts me to make the kind of theme that one shouldn't see before the 9 o clock watershed, so I'll refrain.
I love the minimalist approach - clean and stylish, just the way I like it. Keep it up!

Android Expert Required

I want to develop an app that puts a white line grid on a black background.
The grid has 3 columns and 3 rows
There is a 10% border around the grid.
The first column takes up 50% width
The second column takes up 20% width
And the third column takes 10%width
None of the columns expand or contract, they always stay the same size.
Each row is the same height.
If you click any cell, a keyboard appears on the screen allowing you to input data into the cell.
Is it possible to do this white line grid in Android?
If yes, how does one do it?
Best regards
anyone know
Hi All
i have not received any replies.
Can anyone help please
I think it is possible. Do you have a fixed number of rows? is it small? if yes, you could directly use LinearLayout with orientation set to horizontal for each row. There you have android:layout_weight which you can use to play with the different widths you have. For the table borders, just add a View, with a background color of your preference, again use layout_weight if necessary.
If you have too many rows, or you would prefer another approach, you could use TableLayout, and for each row a TableRow, and in the same way use layout_weight for the width. For drawing the borders you could do it in this way: http://www.droidnova.com/display-borders-in-tablelayout,112.html
TableLayout has different parameters like shrinkColumns, or stretchColumns, which you will probably would need, but I am no expert on this, so you would need to play with them.
For displaying a keyboard when the user press on each element of the table, you could have a editText on each, so this would be automatically.
BTW I recommend you asking this type of questions in stackoverflow.com, and tag it with android, there should be more capable people than me to help you with this particular case.

[Q] Live Wallpaper Backgroud

I am pretty new into android development and have a couple questions I'm sure you guys can answer pretty quickly but have so far not been able to figure out. How do I have a set background in a live wallpaper besides just creating something from canvas, I have it already loaded in the hdpi I just need to figure out how to call it. Also, is it possible to have something appear enlarge a little bit in the center of the screen then fall off the screen? I'm trying to create a time lapse of a tree where it goes through all the weather changes. Any sites you could link me too or answers you would have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for anything you guys are able to do.
Can you be more specific? When you say background are you talking about an image file you've added as a drawable?
If you use the drawBitmap method you can draw images anywhere on a canvas.
This is roughly how I do it on my Live Wallpapers.
Bitmap background = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.background);
c.drawBitmap(background, 0, 0, null);
That will draw the bitmap at the upper left most position on your canvas.
If you want your live wallpaper to slide left and right as you swipe between home screens you need to adjust the x position based on the offset. Look at the cube live wallpaper source code for more information on how to get the offset value.
What I have is a picture loaded in the hdpi file that I want to use as my background, the thing with the cube is it shows you how to draw a picture but not add one into it. I want to load in the photo and then have objects enlarge and drop down around the center of this picture. The design I'm going for is a time lapse of a tree. I was told surfaceView can set your background but I'm not sure if that's the case or not. Thanks for the reply though I appreciate it.
bearcatext said:
the thing with the cube is it shows you how to draw a picture but not add one into it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It works exactly the same but instead of using c.drawLine() you use c.drawBitmap()
That makes a lot of sense thanks, and for the leaves falling would you just set the coordinates to somewhere in the middle then? Also, is there a way to have an image change color mid-screen so it looks like fall is hitting? Thanks for all your help again though.

Calida "Works With Nest" Zooper Templates

If anyone has a Nest and would like a widget on their home screen, Calida is a pretty decent app.
Only place it lacks is in the looks department, but luckily it has Zooper support. I tried to find some info or templates on XDA about what code to use, but came up empty. They do have it on their website though, so I was able to make my own widgets. I had to make individual increase & decrease so it'd operate my Nest through Calida, but that was the only drawback.
Figured I'd share my templates in case someone else is looking for a Calida go-by for Zooper.
UPDATE 7/01/16 - I revised the Nest Calida template a decent bit for my personal preference and to easily identify what my Nest is doing at any given moment. I love Calida being able to use Zooper code!
- Show orange & white color combos
- Online status - White when "Yes", but turns red when "No"
- Status above temperature - Shows HOME, AWAY & AUTO AWAY
- Status below temperature - Shows "Set To" in white. If it's "Cool" then "Cool" is blue, if it's "Heat" then "Heat" is in red
- Added my weather & nest template. Shows today's weather/temp, plus next 3 days weather/temps, current weather/type/humidity/wind speed. On the far right it shows Nest target temp, if it's HOME/AWAY/AUTOAWAY above and Cooling (blue text)/Heating (red text)/Off (white text)
- Still includes increase and decrease arrow widgets

