Sound/Wifi woes - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

Hello all,
So I've read the threads about the issues with no wifi/sound when people have rooted. I've spent the last 2 days flashing and re-flashing attempting to get these to fix themselves.
I have reflashed, what I believe, is the stock version of 4.2.2 to my sg4 sgh-i337m. After reflashing I noticed I never had wifi. So I reflashed a few times, as others had suggested, but still nothing. I then tried the cm 11 through the windows installer, then I was without sound or wifi. Now when I flash back to stock (maybe I'm not using the original rom?) I don't have sound, or wifi. I tied both CM12.1 optimized and Pacman, and for some reason they get wifi, but still no sound.
Could this be a modem issue?? It's making me crazy. I've reflashed and reflashed my phone with 2 seperate stock roms thinking perhaps I was using the wrong one, but nope. Tried the wipe caches before/after and still nothing.
I have the sg4 sgh-i337m, bought it in Nov 2013. Does anyone know what kernal/broadband we originally use? I lost mine before I had a chance to write it down (kicking myself in the face ever since).
If anyone knows how to fix this - I've tried all the usual fixes (sound about, pulled battery numerous times, multiple reflashes).
Thanks. has all of our firmware for our phone just make an account and search firmware for your model number and flash threw odin.
i havent heard anything about sound issues i have heard about some wifi. i have the same phone as u and have flashed alost all the roms for it with out issue. maybe its a hardware failure i sure hope not for your case but it might be another problem to look for.


Atrix keeps crashing (wifi?)

I have an ATT Atrix with 4.5.91. A couple of days ago, the Atrix started crashing 10+ times per day. It always happens if I try to turn on wifi, but happens other times too. Sometimes wifi will show error, instead of turning on. Bluetooth has been spotty as well. Any ideas? I tried reflashing 4.5.91 already.
Did you flash any ROMs? Kernels? Is phone unlocked?
Please, give more info....
txaggies07 said:
I have an ATT Atrix with 4.5.91. A couple of days ago, the Atrix started crashing 10+ times per day. It always happens if I try to turn on wifi, but happens other times too. Sometimes wifi will show error, instead of turning on. Bluetooth has been spotty as well. Any ideas? I tried reflashing 4.5.91 already.
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Have you recently installed any apps that are using internet connection?
Install one of the firewall apps for android and monitor what's happening when you turn on the wifi.
It is unlocked with the 4.5.91 pudding + preroot sbf. I had the version on it when I started experiencing the problem. I then flashed it with the 4.5.91 mentioned above to see if that would fix the issue. I have not installed any new apps recently, but some could have updated I suppose.
Just out of curiousity.. what Radio are you using?
I have never flashed the radio specifically. My baseband version is N_01.77.30P.-
I am also having this problem. I currently have stock 2.3.4 on ATT and my baseband version is N_01.77.30P. I've never rooted or unlocked my Atrix, all stock.
When I am able to turn wifi on, it will sometimes connect but only for a few seconds. Then it just reboots multiple times. If I am able to get it running, it says error by the turn on wifi option under settings. Mobile hotspot doesn't work either. If I keep wifi off, it doesn't crash.
I've tried restoring to factory settings, both through the factory data reset while the phone is on and through android recovery, but neither help. Any other ideas?
Backup your current rom. Flash stock 2.3.4 via fastboot. Wipe via fastboot. Reboot. --> problem solved
xploited said:
Backup your current rom. Flash stock 2.3.4 via fastboot. Wipe via fastboot. Reboot. --> problem solved
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I tried that. The issue persists. I am thinking it might be hardware based.
Absolutely the same Wifi problem for me.
I'm on stock 2.2, rooted and deodexed.
Never has any wifi issues previously. And it's started for no reason.
Last program i installed was Tunein Radio and it worked fine about a day with Wifi. Not sure it's related.
Tried to restore my old cwr backup, but it's not helped.
A friend of mine had this problem with his atrix. His was stock ATT firmware never modded or unlocked. I factory reset it and problems persisted. His wouldn't connect to wifi at all. I believe it was hardware related, so if you didn't void your warranty, return it. If you did, you can ask Motorola to fix it... see what happens.
Side note: I kept the malfunctioning phone away from my functioning phone as I did not want it to get any ideas.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
This happening to me now. Still no solution for this? My atrix:
System version: 4.5.91.MB860.ATT.en.US
Android version: 2.3.4
Baseband version: N_01.77.30P
Kernel version: [email protected] #2
Build number: 4.5.91
If I set the IPaddress, it wont connect. If I left the IPaddress blank, it automatically set to
Help please, thanks.
(FIX): go to wireless settings go into advanced settings. Click on sleep settings chose NEVER! Problem solved! Try it works
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
If I were you, I would contact at&t and see if you're still under warranty (by default motorola gives you a 1 year warranty). I have had the same shutting down issue with 3 atrixes. my 4th one is actually in the mail and should be here today (wooo... kinda). I also believe that the atrix has a very bad issue with hardware. Ive tried tons of rom, stock and others such as cyanogen, and this issue persist no matter what software you run.
I've had issues with WIFI/Radio causing regular crashing, especially when trying to switch to Airplane mode. I'm running CM7 (stable) and 77.36 radio. I've been able to resolve the problem by booting into CWM and reflashing both CM7 and the radio. Sometimes I have to reflash the radio a couple of times. Eventually it seems to take and then the Atrix is quite stable.
For me, the instability problem occurs whenever I reset the battery stats. After I perform the steps above, it seems to resolve it.
Anyway, if you're running stock, I'd recommend downloading a copy of the radio you're using and try reflashing it a couple of times via CWM before you give up on the phone.
I had the same problem. Returned mine under warranty. They told me that just the day before me they had someone come in with the same problem..
Well... started having this issue recently myself, not too sure exactly what had caused it. I had been flashing a few of NFHimself's Gobstopper's, after my phone took a nose dive (one of the screen shattering, battery flying and denting variety) and I started getting reboots. I hadn't had a chance to play with it prior to the nose dive, but I do know that I had reset the battery stats (something I DON'T normally do when flashing) so I'm hoping I can replicate the fix of radio flashing.
Right now I'm going to keep re-flashing ROM's and Radio's, so far just trying the Gobstoppers 2.2.2 and upwards as well as samcripp's Fruitcakes and this radio, I'll be sure to update if this works. Pretty sure I've voided my warranty a few times over already (unlocking, plus the shattered screen kinda shows signs of abuse) so returning isn't exactly my first idea.
I'm guessing that it would seem to be related to this battery stats issue, as my GPS seems to be working and I'm fairly certain that it is the same chip that controls GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth. So unless it's some very specific hardware based issue, this is my best guess.
If anyone is aware of any other potential solutions to this issue, or knows of any other Bell Mobility (Canada) radios/ROM's, I'll be more than happy to try your suggestions!
I had a similar issue. My phone would crash multiple times a day. It started after att released an update. I read somewhere that it could be an app causing it so I went into taskmanager and had all apps end after use with the exclusion of pandora and navigation. Problem solved. Not sure what app was causing it but I never had a single crash/random reboot after. Phone was unhacked and the only update on it was the last official one released by att (sorry can't remember the number. I've since upgraded to a Cm7 rom).
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Take a look at this:

[Q] Wifi broken, can't seem to fix it

Using the international i9505 LTE, I tried flashing faux's kernel today, and everything appeared to be working. I also then flashed the xposed framework/some modules. Afterwards, I realised my wifi wasn't working anymore, and disabling the xposed framework didn't help. I also tried flashing the ausdim kernel which didn't work, as well as flashing my modem file, and the apparent wifi fix files multiple times, none of which solved the problem.
I have a nandroid backup, but would rather not restore it atm as it was made a while ago and I don't want to restore all the apps and stuff, so does anyone have any idea how to go about solving this problem?
nwsk said:
Using the international i9505 LTE, I tried flashing faux's kernel today, and everything appeared to be working. I also then flashed the xposed framework/some modules. Afterwards, I realised my wifi wasn't working anymore, and disabling the xposed framework didn't help. I also tried flashing the ausdim kernel which didn't work, as well as flashing my modem file, and the apparent wifi fix files multiple times, none of which solved the problem.
I have a nandroid backup, but would rather not restore it atm as it was made a while ago and I don't want to restore all the apps and stuff, so does anyone have any idea how to go about solving this problem?
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Basically yesterday I had the same problem, flash after flash didn't help. Can tell you exactly, what I did:
Found factory version of my firmware in my region (SEB Baltics for me, MGA). Then I reinstalled TWRP recovery through ODIN, wiped everything I could, after that flashed stock firmware 2 times consecutively (no reboot in odin, reboot manually after first flash and flash again).
After that everything went fine, and Wi-Fi started working again. MH1 custom ROM right now, going ok.
Googling seems to suggest having to reflash stuff multiple times (I've seen someone say they flashed their stock rom 11 times wtf), and there doesn't seem to be any set procedure that gets the flash to work... Did you also flash multiple times before this last run worked? Perhaps you just got lucky and it worked the last time? (I assume no one tries to bork their wifi and test if their last routine works again for them).
I'm asking mainly because I don't want to go through the hassle of reflashing the entire rom again; would it be correct to say that wifi is just contained in the modem/radio file, and I should try spam flashing that?
No. WiFi drivers are in the kernel, not the modem. If you were going to flash anything, you'd flash a kernel/rom.
nwsk said:
Using the international i9505 LTE, I tried flashing faux's kernel today, and everything appeared to be working. I also then flashed the xposed framework/some modules. Afterwards, I realised my wifi wasn't working anymore, and disabling the xposed framework didn't help. I also tried flashing the ausdim kernel which didn't work, as well as flashing my modem file, and the apparent wifi fix files multiple times, none of which solved the problem.
I have a nandroid backup, but would rather not restore it atm as it was made a while ago and I don't want to restore all the apps and stuff, so does anyone have any idea how to go about solving this problem?
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I suggest you use titanium backup to bakup your apps, it's not a tough job as you thought. that might be the easiest way, although some data can't be backup.
nwsk said:
Googling seems to suggest having to reflash stuff multiple times (I've seen someone say they flashed their stock rom 11 times wtf), and there doesn't seem to be any set procedure that gets the flash to work... Did you also flash multiple times before this last run worked? Perhaps you just got lucky and it worked the last time? (I assume no one tries to bork their wifi and test if their last routine works again for them).
I'm asking mainly because I don't want to go through the hassle of reflashing the entire rom again; would it be correct to say that wifi is just contained in the modem/radio file, and I should try spam flashing that?
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No, I did flash it 2 times straight away. Flashing correct modem didnt help me, dunno why.
Gh0stR1pp3r said:
No, I did flash it 2 times straight away. Flashing correct modem didnt help me, dunno why.
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read this....
looks bit similar
bofff said:
read this....
looks bit similar
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Welp, bluetooth had no problems whatsoever. It was only the wifi, which didn't want to turn on. Now everything is ok.
Well, finally got around to reflashing stock as Gh0stR1pp3r suggested, which worked. Thanks
Nandroid, kernel flashing, and modem flashing all didn't work. No clue why. I flashed the ausdim kernel again and it worked this time around, so it's just weird I guess? :S
And unfortunately I seem to have messed up the titanium backup somehow, I can't seem to find any of the stuff I thought I backed up Oh well

[Q] Problems with audio after flashing MGG

I flashed a rom with MGG and got the same FC problems as everyone else. Flashed the stock MGG rom and cleared everything, factory reset etc. After that I didn't get any audio at all. Not ever during the samsung bootup animation.
I flashed another rom through cwm, same thing and no wifi. The wifi fix doesn't seems to work either.
Tried CM 10.2, there I'm getting wifi but instead no data trafic. Baseband says "unknown" even through I flash different modems. The wifi and data problems I can get around, its just that I can't flash older roms through odin until they unlock the new bootloader.
The audio problems in the other hand. Saw some guy having sound problems in the modem thread as well. Not to many have posted about this problem. Seems to be a pretty rare problem.
What could cause this, how to get around this?
Had to go to work with a non working phone so can't get any logs for you at the moment.
I'm concerned, please enlighten me!
Finally, flashed the latest CM 10.2. Got wifi and reception working!
Still no sound. What log would you like to see to find out what's wrong?

No Audio at all!

Volume is absolutely up, I don't have it on silent mode or priority mode only or anything, plus alarm doesn't make sound and some other things, just to clarify I'm not being dumb.
Any app that tries to produce sound crashes, like if I play a video on YouTube or in Chrome, if I open anything like AudioFX or what have you.
I think the most important thing is that this is occurring on every ROM, and I don't know what to do. I just fixed my data issue that was persistent on every ROM, but this is more important to me because I need my phone for an alarm clock among other things.
I have wiped, wiped, and wiped again. I flashed stock Touchwiz, tried older nightlies of CM12 I know were fine, tried other ROMs, etc. It doesn't make a difference, the effect is still the same no matter what.
I have tried pluggging in and unplugging headphones over and over. There isn't even an indication it's plugged in. There's also no way in hell I damaged the speaker or anything, and that wouldn't really explain crashes on YouTube and so forth anyway.
I have reset, without a charger plugged in over 10 times. Powered off and on 10 times. This was apparently a solution to a similar issue with the Nexus 5 on Lollipop. But do note that this issue isn't even restricted to Lollipop.
Please, if anyone has any ideas, even if they probably won't work, I'm pretty desperate to get this working again.
I solved it. It's caused by the NAE modem for some reason. Flashing any previous modem has working audio, and flashing NAE again breaks it again (just to verify that was the cause).
I don't know much about it, but how does the modem have any effect on audio?
PwnCloud said:
I solved it. It's caused by the NAE modem for some reason. Flashing any previous modem has working audio, and flashing NAE again breaks it again (just to verify that was the cause).
I don't know much about it, but how does the modem have any effect on audio?
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Dang had I seen this earlier I would a told you exactly what you found. I had same issue going from MF9 modem to NAE. Trick is to flash MK(whatever number) boot up normally, then reboot and flash NAE modem and boot. Cheers!
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Free mobile app
I had similar problem...had tried everything and then some. Was about to flash odin that revererted everything to stock unrooted. Was going to take in to sprint. Noticed files to download mismatched mine so odin back to mk2 and had sound so moved on up to NAE and still had sound. Then on to 4.4.2 rom and NG2 and all good. Go figure...was coming on here to tell you Glad u got it.

Galaxy S4 doesn't work properly anymore.

To preface the current issue with my phone, I guess I should probably give some history of what I've done to it. I got my S4 around November last year, where I kept TouchWiz for about a good 3 months. At the end of those 3 months, I downloaded and installed CM KitKat using their easy installer and it worked! However, when Lollipop came around, I got a little impatient and decided to get CM12 using Antares version. Initially, I noticed there were a few bugs/glitches, but ignored them for the time being. As time went on, it became increasingly aggravating and so a few dayus ago I tried to switch back to stock TouchWiz. When I was setting up the phone, I noticed that the wi-fi would just not turn it. It would stay at "turning on" for a very long time with no sucess. Thus, I decided to switch back to Antares version of CM, but now there were a few issues: service was VERY spotty and the piece de resistance: no sound at ALL, and youtube would never play videos. I searched around and saw that using the Sound Recorder would give me an error: "Internal Application Error. Microphone may be in use." Now I'm not the most techy person around and probably should not have been messing around with my phone, but now all I want is a properly working phone, doesn't matter if its kitkat or lollipop. Your help is greatly appreciated. (If you need to know more info, go ahead and ask, because I'm very new to all this) Thanks!
If you want the stock ROM back, flash it twice using Odin. General consensus here is that you need to flash the modem twice in order for WiFi and cellular radios to work properly. Flashing the ROM twice will do that without having to track down just the modem file and trying to flash that.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
If you want the stock ROM back, flash it twice using Odin. General consensus here is that you need to flash the modem twice in order for WiFi and cellular radios to work properly. Flashing the ROM twice will do that without having to track down just the modem file and trying to flash that.
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Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working :/ When setting up my S4, it's still stuck at turning on the wifi
I switched back to Antares CM, and everything works fine except for sound/microphone (to my knowledge). Would there be any way to fix this?

