[Q]Building Native Debian? Nexus7 Grouper - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all i was think about building Debian 8 (jessie) for our nexus since the last major full desktop we had was ubuntu 13.04 anyway my question is how would i go about this and would anyone feel like helping as i have only a little rom building knowledge as im not sure really where to start for putting debian on our nexus.

I would suggest looking into armhf images, ubuntu desktop 13.04 documentation and Multirom documentation.
I'd suggest building upon ubuntu core 14.04 LTS however : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/14.04/release/
Probably much less painful ^^


Android based on Linux

Hi to all DHD users
I love my DHD, specially with all the options we have to modify (rom, etc.)
I use linux as my OS (Arch), android is based on the linux kernel.
I am a nerd and many of you in here are a little nerdie since you are here
It seems like most people are using windows as OS, nothing wrong with that, The android OS is "Linux kernel based" but most programs that are made is made for "flashing, modifying, etc." for windows:-(
I have used win, mac and linux for many years and linux is absolutely my favorite becasuse of all of its possibillities
I am no programmer and this is no linux promotion just an observation.
Thanks to all you DHD nerds
Yeah i use Linux Mint 10.
Linux ftw.
Arch linux with KDE here.
I dual boot Win 7 with Ubuntu 10.10.
The DHD is my Baby! Bless its little heart..
QtADB is a great cross platform GUI for ADB and Fastboot, I always assumed the reasons the tools tend to be windows biased is because windows users encompass the less geeky members of the android community

[Q] Nexus 7 and desktop Ubuntu newer than 13.04 or 12.04 LTS

I succesfully install Ubuntu 13.04, but it's too old and donť have repositories (404 in terminal). Is there some option how get newer version? Or maybe older LTS 12.04 which still have support. But only I can install that only over Windows (I find some tutorials, but only for Ubuntu).
Or if someone have good tip some linux distro (which have still active repository) or some other OS.
I trying search some interesting option how I can more use N7, because when I bought Mi2S, then N7 was so slow.
Hi I have that same problem about repositories. And im now trying to find any results for it but everithing is suspended from original servers and old.
But if I find something then I write to you. And sorry for my bad english
Thank you, if you send me some information
A jen tak mimochodem, můžeš pak napsat soukromou zprávu ve slovenštině, jestli město co máš souhlasí.
Unfortunately, Ubuntu desktop for Nexus 7 was discontinued when 13.04 was released. Maybe you could use the regular repos and see what happens?
If you trying repos in 13.04, then you will see 404 errors, and you can not use some newer repos because stability will decrease. Too bad, N7 is still interesting device and with linux it can be more useful, because Android is quite slow and laggy (4.4.4 and new flashed) compare to my Xiaomi Mi2S.

[Q] Which is the best linux distro on the n7?

I have used Ubuntu 13.04 and while it sort of works with LXDE (rotation issues), it is kind of old and so it's not very useful. The link to Plasma Active 4 KDE doesn't work, even the http://d-h.st/Khh one doesn't work (gets you a 14KB file..). Bohdi linux is ancient (early 2013 build). Arch linux installs with the latest slice (2015.07) but the wifi couldn't get configured (something with dialog missing) but the COM port serial connection worked fine. There is a Ubuntu Touch 14.9 RTM version but nobody seems interested in looking into the grouper version..
Anyone wants to provide me with a working archlinux image, a working link to Plasma Active 4 or help with installing Ubuntu Touch 14.9 RTM?
Aurora ^^
Nevermind the post, the stuff just didn't download on the nexus, on the computer it's fine ^^ Bohdi is good since it's based on Ubuntu 12.04 and has support till 2017 ^^ Anyone interested in Ubuntu RTM 14.9 though? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/daily-preinstalled/pending/
KawaiiAurora said:
Nevermind the post, the stuff just didn't download on the nexus, on the computer it's fine ^^ Bohdi is good since it's based on Ubuntu 12.04 and has support till 2017 ^^ Anyone interested in Ubuntu RTM 14.9 though? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/daily-preinstalled/pending/
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Not particularly interested, but would definitely like something other than Android for a change. Thanks for posting this
Okay! Maybe someone can make a script to make it work since it seems pretty interesting ^^

{Q} Custom ROMS (AOSP/CM) for Galaxy A8 (SM-A800F)? Any possibility in Future??

Hello all
I was wondering if there will be AOSP/CM ROM for this device, not a single ROM is available and no dev is interested to work on such a great device.
Such a totally crap device, still stucked on 5.1.1 since launch, no dev is interested in the development either, where android n announced already, we are still waiting for Android M update, i wasted my money on such a **** device, will never buy a sammy mid range in future, m totally fed up with this
I think because there are few developer with that phone and they can't test their work. You can port ROMs such as CM to you phone by your self. There are tons of guides and forums. All u need is a linux OS (such as ubuntu, debian and others) and sources.
DeadSquirrel01 said:
I think because there are few developer with that phone and they can't test their work. You can port ROMs such as CM to you phone by your self. There are tons of guides and forums. All u need is a linux OS (such as ubuntu, debian and others) and sources.
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Ok i want to port Resurrection Remix on my A8, i need a simplest guide for android build environment startup, using windows 10, with no knowledge about programming languages such as C++ etc etc which is required to be used on Linux OS, can you plz help me, i will install ubuntu OS on my laptop, but i am worried can i install two different os in one machine, i.e. Windows 10 & Ubuntu
shubham540 said:
Ok i want to port Resurrection Remix on my A8, i need a simplest guide for android build environment startup, using windows 10, with no knowledge about programming languages such as C++ etc etc which is required to be used on Linux OS, can you plz help me, i will install ubuntu OS on my laptop, but i am worried can i install two different os in one machine, i.e. Windows 10 & Ubuntu
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yep, I'm on kali and I use windows 10 to play games, so the only thing is: take care when partitioning. After you installed ubuntu there is a bootloader called "GRUB" and there you can choose if you want to boot windows or linux

[DEV-HELP][UBPORTS] Patching kernel with Halium to boot Ubuntu Touch GSI?

I recently came across this UBports port from @erfanoabdi that allows Ubuntu Touch to be booted as a GSI A/AB image. It requires a Halium-patched kernel though, and I don't possess the programming knowledge yet to compile a kernel and the required patches from the tree, can anybody here help with this so that we can get Ubuntu Touch running nicely on our Zuk Z2 Plus?
From what I've noticed on this forum, it seems that progress on getting this device to boot Ubuntu Touch has been helmed by @S.8506.A so I'd guess that this person already has a Halium-patched kernel they could share here. Honestly, it'd be a great win for the power-user folks among us to be able to boot Ubuntu Touch, run Android apps with Anbox when required, and even run desktop apps (so-so) with Libertine containers. Not to mention the privacy capabilities that come with booting Linux.
P.S. There's already this [Treble][GSI] Ubuntu touch for Oneplus 3/3T, note the very similar hardware (esp. identical chipset) between the op3t and z2_plus

