[Q] Which is the best linux distro on the n7? - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have used Ubuntu 13.04 and while it sort of works with LXDE (rotation issues), it is kind of old and so it's not very useful. The link to Plasma Active 4 KDE doesn't work, even the http://d-h.st/Khh one doesn't work (gets you a 14KB file..). Bohdi linux is ancient (early 2013 build). Arch linux installs with the latest slice (2015.07) but the wifi couldn't get configured (something with dialog missing) but the COM port serial connection worked fine. There is a Ubuntu Touch 14.9 RTM version but nobody seems interested in looking into the grouper version..
Anyone wants to provide me with a working archlinux image, a working link to Plasma Active 4 or help with installing Ubuntu Touch 14.9 RTM?
Aurora ^^

Nevermind the post, the stuff just didn't download on the nexus, on the computer it's fine ^^ Bohdi is good since it's based on Ubuntu 12.04 and has support till 2017 ^^ Anyone interested in Ubuntu RTM 14.9 though? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/daily-preinstalled/pending/

KawaiiAurora said:
Nevermind the post, the stuff just didn't download on the nexus, on the computer it's fine ^^ Bohdi is good since it's based on Ubuntu 12.04 and has support till 2017 ^^ Anyone interested in Ubuntu RTM 14.9 though? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/daily-preinstalled/pending/
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Not particularly interested, but would definitely like something other than Android for a change. Thanks for posting this

Okay! Maybe someone can make a script to make it work since it seems pretty interesting ^^


[Q] Nexus 7 and desktop Ubuntu newer than 13.04 or 12.04 LTS

I succesfully install Ubuntu 13.04, but it's too old and donť have repositories (404 in terminal). Is there some option how get newer version? Or maybe older LTS 12.04 which still have support. But only I can install that only over Windows (I find some tutorials, but only for Ubuntu).
Or if someone have good tip some linux distro (which have still active repository) or some other OS.
I trying search some interesting option how I can more use N7, because when I bought Mi2S, then N7 was so slow.
Hi I have that same problem about repositories. And im now trying to find any results for it but everithing is suspended from original servers and old.
But if I find something then I write to you. And sorry for my bad english
Thank you, if you send me some information
A jen tak mimochodem, můžeš pak napsat soukromou zprávu ve slovenštině, jestli město co máš souhlasí.
Unfortunately, Ubuntu desktop for Nexus 7 was discontinued when 13.04 was released. Maybe you could use the regular repos and see what happens?
If you trying repos in 13.04, then you will see 404 errors, and you can not use some newer repos because stability will decrease. Too bad, N7 is still interesting device and with linux it can be more useful, because Android is quite slow and laggy (4.4.4 and new flashed) compare to my Xiaomi Mi2S.

[DEV] MultiROM WIP discussion [flounder][arm64]

I thought I'd post here my (and the people who helped me) progress on porting MultiROM to the HTC Nexus 9.
Contributors (so far, tell me if I miss anyone)
@Bogdacutu for his port of MultiROM on the Shield Tablet (The arm stuff)
@USBhost for testing as well as helping with the patch (patch is still WIP, more on this later)
@Tasssadar for MultiROM all together
@Unjustified Dev for his influence
Working: Multirom TWRP has been successfully compiled for flounder and has working ADB and MTP.
Partially Working WIP: MultiROM boot selector source has been ported to work with arm64. The multirom boot selector compiles for flounder in zip format and launches at device boot. However, touch does not work and there is no ADB at the moment.
Not Working WIP: The kexec hardboot patch currently does not work so the Nexus 9 is currently unable to boot another ROM other than the primary one.
All sources can be found here (I know some of them may not work and may be a little messy but this is still a work in progress)
Device Tree
Building Notes
I compile this with the CyanogenMod Device Tree. Instructionsfor building multirom can be found on the multirom wiki found here
Note: adbd and kexec-tools need to be replaced with these versions that are arm64 compatible
adbd kexec-tools
If you would like to contact me on hangouts about this, please PM me your Gmail.
One more
I might have found a repository that may help us out with the kexec hardboot patch on arm64.
There are many commits here that relate to kexec on arm64
Very glad to hear!! Sooper work :thumbup::thumbup: :beer:
This may also pose useful for the arm64 instructions
Looks like kexec-tools may need to have a lot of changes for arm64.
There are the changes made on a more recent version or android tools (not the one for android/multi-rom). I think this commit may be helpful but changes would have to be made.
Re-based many of the repositories on MR64 the other day. Now I need to test....
Also, the kexec tools function for flounder is completely re-written so maybe kexec will work?
I'll have to try to test when I have a lot of free time...
Is this going to work to get Linux kexecboot working? I really would like to have Linux running natively on this tablet....
Any updates on the project?
Any news on this, hoping for developments so that progress can be made for oneplus2 and multirom?
Hello, and whether support for Nexus 9?
What's the status of this ?
omerjerk said:
What's the status of this ?
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I have tabled development for this until further notice.
Hashbang173 said:
I have tabled development for this until further notice.
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Is there any deving goin on on this? I think its way too hard. kexec isnt x64 compatible. (The binary itself isnt. How will youll port hardboot ) First we will have to add x64 support to that. I have seen your commits. That isnt x64 supported too.
Please update me on this, im building on op2 if this works. Thanks <3
regalstreak said:
Is there any deving goin on on this? I think its way too hard. kexec isnt x64 compatible. (The binary itself isnt. How will youll port hardboot ) First we will have to add x64 support to that. I have seen your commits. That isnt x64 supported too.
Please update me on this, im building on op2 if this works. Thanks <3
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I'm no dev but could this be helpful for kex ec on ARM64? https://www.spinics.net/lists/arm-kernel/msg462969.html
Hashbang173 said:
I have tabled development for this until further notice.
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I know you've put this project on hold for the time being, but I would like to jump in on this dev-tastic venture. I got a Nexus 9 (LTE) for Christmas*, and wanted to let you know that you don't have to bear the burden of building/testing/debugging/etc. all by yourself. I am fairly well versed in the mechanics of MultiROM, and have been (and still am) a user of MR on my Nexus 7 (2013) since v28 . . and honestly, without MR on my Nexus 7, I probably wouldn't have the pen. testing abilities that have enabled me to offer those additional services to my clients (i.e., security consultation, data breach prevention, etc.).
My point is that I owe a lot to Tasssadar and the "MultiROM for Android" concept in general, so I am happy to give back in any way that I can.
The Nexus 9 has been my dream Android device ever since the rumor mill was buzzing with notions of a Nexus tablet with an ARM v8 (ARM64) based Tegra variant!!
Let me know if/when you wanna get this thing off the ground again, and I'll make myself available as much as possible.
FULL DISCLOSURE: Although I am fairly versed regarding MultiROM and it's mechanics (kexec-hardboot, modifications to TWRP, etc.), I don't have much experience when it comes to ARM v8. However, I am pretty fluent regarding desktop x64 programming applications and coding, so it shouldn't be too hard for me to wrap my head around this whole ARM v8, 64-Bit SoC/MoP revolution. If you (or anyone who knows) could fill me in on the challenges we are facing regarding kexec and hardboot in a 64-bit scenario, that'd be swell. In the mean time, I will do my best to get up to speed regarding the repos & commits you have referenced/linked up to this point.
Thanks Mom!!
They have a Multirom version working for the Nexus 6P which is an arm64 device using the kexec method. Here is the link if it helps you devs.
rifraf1 said:
They have a Multirom version working for the Nexus 6P which is an arm64 device using the kexec method. Here is the link if it helps you devs.
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yep, I ported it to clark already, maybe I'll try porting it to flounder in the future
Multirom for yureka aka tomato (64bit snapdragon 615) is also coming today with kexec-hardboot patch. Hope other devices also get this fast

[Q]Building Native Debian? Nexus7 Grouper

Hi all i was think about building Debian 8 (jessie) for our nexus since the last major full desktop we had was ubuntu 13.04 anyway my question is how would i go about this and would anyone feel like helping as i have only a little rom building knowledge as im not sure really where to start for putting debian on our nexus.
I would suggest looking into armhf images, ubuntu desktop 13.04 documentation and Multirom documentation.
I'd suggest building upon ubuntu core 14.04 LTS however : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/14.04/release/
Probably much less painful ^^

RemixOS anyone?

Hey guys,
has someone maybe tried to install RemixOS on the windows version of the Yoga Book? I would be interested if everything works well or if there are any drawbacks? I think if it's good enough for daily use we could get the best of two worlds - if you need it you could fire up windows and otherwise you just go with the (imho very exciting) RemixOS Android for x86 systems.
I tried to get Remix OS to boot from a memory stick but it got stuck on the Remix OS logo. I'm not sure if it is because it was connected via USB 2 and not USB 3.0, or if there is another issue. I also have a feeling if you could get Remix OS to boot the keyboard wouldn't work.
NiffStipples said:
Hey guys,
has someone maybe tried to install RemixOS on the windows version of the Yoga Book? I would be interested if everything works well or if there are any drawbacks? I think if it's good enough for daily use we could get the best of two worlds - if you need it you could fire up windows and otherwise you just go with the (imho very exciting) RemixOS Android for x86 systems.
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It boots but indeed keyboard doesn't work, so you cannot go further in the android initial setup. Also screen is rotated (sensor seems to not work) by default.
There's been an ota dump provided in a thread I started here if you also want to hack your way there.
What about now

[DEV-HELP][UBPORTS] Patching kernel with Halium to boot Ubuntu Touch GSI?

I recently came across this UBports port from @erfanoabdi that allows Ubuntu Touch to be booted as a GSI A/AB image. It requires a Halium-patched kernel though, and I don't possess the programming knowledge yet to compile a kernel and the required patches from the tree, can anybody here help with this so that we can get Ubuntu Touch running nicely on our Zuk Z2 Plus?
From what I've noticed on this forum, it seems that progress on getting this device to boot Ubuntu Touch has been helmed by @S.8506.A so I'd guess that this person already has a Halium-patched kernel they could share here. Honestly, it'd be a great win for the power-user folks among us to be able to boot Ubuntu Touch, run Android apps with Anbox when required, and even run desktop apps (so-so) with Libertine containers. Not to mention the privacy capabilities that come with booting Linux.
P.S. There's already this [Treble][GSI] Ubuntu touch for Oneplus 3/3T, note the very similar hardware (esp. identical chipset) between the op3t and z2_plus

