[Q] Arena Daemon multiplayer integration (iOS + Android) - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

hi everyone, i m trying to use arenadaemon sdk to build a multiplayer game for iOS. i successfully retrieve the tables list and also the registration goes fine
but i cannot understand when a match starts.
how can i hook that event?
thank you!

in order to create a match with 2 or more players, you need each player register to the same table.
when the table is full (no seats left) the match automatically starts and each player receive the event (for iOS)
iOS : - (void) arenaPlayBDArenaPlayConnector*)connector matchDidStartBDArenaMatchData*)matchData;
Android : public void arenaPlayMatchDidStart(BDArenaPlayConnector connector, BDArenaMatchData matchInfo)
once a match starts, you can exchange messages between player calling the methods you can find under ‘Managing matches’ paragraph of the documentation
arenadaemon dot com/references/detail/33
arenadaemon dot com/references/detail/8


[LIBRARY / GUIDE] Remote Metadata Provider

Hello, my fellow XDAers.
Recentlly I've created a guide about how to implement your all lockscreen-like music controls.
However, the problem was that this way of implementing your remote music controls(let's call it this way, okay?) was extremely counter-intuitive.
Starting from methods which have bunch of setSomething but no getSomething and ending with weird Handler.Callback required.
So, in order to ease this process, I've created small library.
For the sake of simplicity, it's distributed as a JAR file, not as a library project.
The main reason is:
The library relies heavily on hidden interface IRemoteControlDisplay and hidden methods of AudioManager.
Accessing IRemoteControlDisplay even with reflection is IMPOSSIBLE, because that will require some tool to modify classes at runtime.
This is way too complex, so instead I use a modified android.jar with hidden classes exposed.
So, in order to use this library, you would have to download modified android.jar(or create it yourself), and create modified android platform for Eclipse...
Doesn't sound like fun, does it?
So, to prevent this, I've packaged my project as a library JAR.
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That doesn't mean that my library is closed-source. It's completely open-sourced, and is available in form of ZIP archive or GitHub repository.
Also, it is licensed under Apache 2.0, so that means you can use it in any of your projects, commercial or not.
Just remember that instead of buying alcohol and junk food you can send me some little donation
Okay, end of introduction.
Now, off to the guide and download links.
The name of this library is:
Remote Metadata Provider​
This library allows you to create your own remote media controls, which will act the same as lockscreen controls.
This is achieved by usage of some Listeners and class called RemoteMetadataProvider.
1. Reference:
Class: RemoteMetadataProvider
[B]static synchronized RemoteMetadataProvider getInstance(Context context)[/B]
This method returns an instance of RemoteMetadataProvider.
Context is required to fetch instance of AudioManager and to send media button commands.
Also, it is used to retrieve launch Intent for current active client(player).
Please note that calling to this method from incorrect API version will result in RuntimeException.
remote-metadata-provider.jar is for API 17 and lower.
remote-metadata-provider-v18.jar is for API 18.
[B]void acquireRemoteControls()[/B]
This method makes current RemoteMetadataProvider active, so you will receive metadata updates.
You MUST call this method when View displaying your metadata becomes visible to the user(the sentence above explains, why).
Please note that only one RemoteMetadataProvider can be active at time.
[B]void dropRemoteControls(boolean destroyRemoteControls)[/B]
This method makes current RemoteMetadataProvider inactive.
You won't be receiving further metadata updates, and most likely you will lose control of current client.
This method MUST be called whenever your view displaying metadata becomes invisible to the user.
If you won't do so, then system can lose it's remote media controls or it can interfere with other apps.
Boolean defines, whenever remote media controls should be destroyed or not. If you have some problems with artwork not displaying in your app after dropping remote controls/acquiring it, when set this parameter to true, otherwise use false(it will save memory and time).
My tests shown that it will not interfere, but it's better to be safe and call this method.
[B]Intent getCurrentClientIntent()[/B]
This will return launch Intent for current player or null if there is no active clients.
It throws NameNotFoundException in case client package wasn't found.
This exception should not happen under normal circumstances - if it was thrown, then probably something bad happened with the system itself.
[B]PendingIntent getCurrentClientPendingIntent()[/B]
Returns PendingIntent of current client or null if there is no current client.
This method isn't used generally, but you can(for example) save PendingIntents of multiple players to re-use them in a future or to prevent fast client loss.
[B]Looper getLooper()[/B]
Returns user-defined Looper which is used if you are processing metadata in some special thread or null if default Looper is used.
[B]OnArtworkChangeListener getOnArtworkChangeListener()[/B]
Returns callback to be invoked when artwork has to be updated or null if there is no such callback..
[B]OnMetadataChangeListener getOnMetadataChangeListener()[/B]
Returns callback to be invoked when metadata has to be updated or null if there is no such callback.
[B]OnPlaybackStateChangeListener getOnPlaybackStateChangeListener()[/B]
Returns callback to be invoked when playback state has changed.
[B]OnRemoteControlFeaturesChangeListener getOnRemoteControlFlagsChangeListener()[/B]
Returns callback to be invoked when remote control features has changed.
[B]boolean isClientActive()[/B]
Returns true if there is active client which can send metadata and receive media commands and false otherwise.
[B]void removeLooper()[/B]
Tells the RemoteMetadataProvider to recreate Handler without Looper(if there was one) on next acquireRemoteControls() call.
[B]void sendBroadcastMediaCommand(int keyCode)[/B]
Sends media button input event with specified keycode(use KeyEvent class to get keycodes from there) in form of Broadcast message.
In most cases it will fail, but some players like Neutron Player and Poweramp are able to receive this broadcast message.
Do not use this method if you have active clients.
Use this method only if you don't have any active clients and you want to try to start client with broadcast message.
[B]void sendBroadcastMediaCommand(MediaCommand command) [/B]
The same as the method above, but you specify command as a MediaCommand enum.
[B]boolean sendMediaCommand(int keyCode)[/B]
This command will send media button input event to current active client.
It will return true if command was successfully delivery or false if it failed.
For example, if there is no active clients, it will return false.
[B]boolean sendMediaCommand(MediaCommand command)[/B]
The same as the method above, but instead it uses MediaCommand enum to specify media button input event.
[B]void setCurrentClientPendingIntent(PendingIntent pintent)[/B]
Sets current client PendingIntent to one specified by you. Do not use it unless you received PendingIntent via getCurrentClientPendingIntent().
[B]void setLooper(Looper looper)[/B]
Sets Looper for processing the metadata receiving in another thread. Call acquireRemoteControls() to start using this Looper.
[B]void setOnArtworkChangeListener(OnArtworkChangeListener l)[/B]
Register a callback to be invoked when artwork should be updated.
[B]void setOnMetadataChangeListener(OnMetadataChangeListener l)[/B]
Register a callback to be invoked when metadata should be updated.
[B]setOnPlaybackStateChangeListener(OnPlaybackStateChangeListener l)[/B]
Register a callback to be invoked when playback state should be updated.
[B]setOnRemoteControlFeaturesChangeListener(OnRemoteControlFeaturesChangeListener l)[/B]
Register a callback to be invoked when remote control features should be updated.
Interface: OnArtworkChangeListener
[B]void onArtworkChanged(Bitmap artwork)[/B]
Called when artwork of current song album was updated.
artwork parameter is a Bitmap containing current artwork. May be null if it wasn't specified by player.
Please note that previous Bitmap is recycled after artwork update! So don't forget to use Bitmap#isRecycled() if you're saving album arts somehow.
Interface: OnMetadataChangeListener
[B]void onMetadataChanged(String artist, String title, String album, String albumArtist, long duration)[/B]
Called when remote metadata was updated.
Parameter artist is the artist of current song. May be null if wasn't specified by player. Some players use albumArtist parameter instead.
Parameter title is the title of current song. May be null if wasn't specified by player.
Parameter album is the current song album title. May be null if wasn't specified by player.
Parameter albumArtist is the current song album artist. May be null if wasn't specified by player. Some players(for example, PowerAmp) use this parameter instead of artist parameter.
Parameter duration is the song duration in milliseconds.
Interface: OnPlaybackStateChangeListener
[B]void onPlaybackStateChanged(PlayState playbackState)[/B]
Called when playback state was changed. For example, this method will be called with parameter PlayState.PAUSED
when playback is paused.
Possible values of playbackState parameters are listed in enum class PlayState.
Interface: OnRemoteControlFeaturesChangeListener
[B]void onFeaturesChanged(List<RemoteControlFeature> usesFeatures)[/B]
Called when information about player was changed.
usesFeatures is a list containing different RemoteControlFeature enums. This list describes, to which
buttons the player will respond correctly.
For example, if this list contains RemoteControlFeature.USES_REWIND, then the player would respond to Rewind command.
Enum: MediaCommand
NEXT - use this constant with RemoteMetadataProvider#sendMediaCommand(MediaCommand) to tell the player to jump to next track.
PREVIOUS - use this constant with RemoteMetadataProvider#sendMediaCommand(MediaCommand) to tell the player to jump to previous track.
PLAY - use this constant with RemoteMetadataProvider#sendMediaCommand(MediaCommand) to tell the player to start playback. Usually it is treated the same as PLAY_PAUSE.
PAUSE - use this constant with RemoteMetadataProvider#sendMediaCommand(MediaCommand) to tell the player to pause playback. Usually it is treated the same as PLAY_PAUSE.
PLAY_PAUSE - use this constant with RemoteMetadataProvider#sendMediaCommand(MediaCommand) to tell the player to pause the track if it was playing and to start it if it was paused.
REWIND - use this constant with RemoteMetadataProvider#sendMediaCommand(MediaCommand) to tell the player to rewind the song.
FAST_FORWARD - use this constant with RemoteMetadataProvider#sendMediaCommand(MediaCommand) to tell the player to fast forward the song.
STOP - use this constant with RemoteMetadataProvider#sendMediaCommand(MediaCommand) to tell the player to stop playback.
Enum: RemoteControlFeature
USES_FAST_FORWARD - indicates that player makes use of Fast Forward button.
USES_NEXT - indicates that player makes use of Next button.
USES_PAUSE - indicates that player makes use of Pause button.
USES_PLAY - indicates that player makes use of Play button.
USES_PLAY_PAUSE - indicates that player makes use of Play button.
USES_PREVIOUS - indicates that player makes use of Previous button.
USES_REWIND - indicates that player makes use of Rewind button.
USES_STOP - indicates that player makes use of Stop button.
Enum: PlayState
BUFFERING - the music is buffering right now and should start playing soon.
ERROR - some error occured. We should not except the music to start playing.
FAST_FORWARDING - the music is being fast forwarded.
PAUSED - the music is paused.
PLAYING - the music is playing.
REWINDING - the music is being rewinded.
SKIPPING_BACKWARDS - the music is being skipped backwards.
SKIPPING_FORWARDS - the music is being skipped forwards.
STOPPED - the music is stopped.
1a. Reference for API 18 version of library:
Only the differences will be listed here. If method/interface/enum is not listed here, then it's the same as in pre-API 18 version of library.
Class: RemoteMetadataProvider
[B]void acquireRemoteControls()[/B]
This method makes current RemoteMetadataProvider active, so you will receive metadata updates.
You MUST call this method when View displaying your metadata becomes visible to the user(the sentence above explains, why).
Multiple RemoteMetadataProviders can be active at the time.
Use this method if you DO NOT NEED artwork updates.
[B]void acquireRemoteControls(int maxWidth, int maxHeight)[/B]
This method makes current RemoteMetadataProvider active, so you will receive metadata updates.
You MUST call this method when View displaying your metadata becomes visible to the user(the sentence above explains, why).
Multiple RemoteMetadataProviders can be active at the time.
Use this method if you NEED artwork updates.
Parameter maxWidth is maximum width of Bitmap artwork which you will receive.
Parameter maxHeight is maximum height of Bitmap artwork which you will receive.
[B]void setPlaybackPositionSyncEnabled(boolean isEnabled)[/B]
Sets state of playback position update. If you pass true to this method, then you will receive position updates by OnPlaybackStateChangeListener callback. If you set false, you will not receive position updates.
Please note that this method have to be called ONLY after calling acquireRemoteControls() method, or it will fail.
Interface: OnPlaybackStateChangeListener
[B]onPlaybackStateChanged(PlayState playbackState, long playbackPosition, float speed)[/B]
Called when playback state, playback speed or playback position was changed.
For example, this method will be called with parameter PlayState.PAUSED
when playback is paused.
Possible values of playbackState parameters are listed in enum class PlayState.
Parameter playbackPosition is current playbackPosition is playback position in ms.
Please note that for this parameter to be updated you have to call RemoteMetadataProvider#setPlaybackPositionSyncEnabled(true) first.
Parameter speed is current playback speed. Normal playback speed is 1.0f, 2x is 2.0f etc.
Enum: RemoteMetadataFeature
Everything is same, except for this three new parameters:
USES_POSITIONING - it indicates that current player will send you position updates.
USES_WRITABLE_POSITIONING - currently not used, added for future. Indicates that player should respond to remote position update.
USES_READABLE_POSITIONING - probably not used too. Indicates that player should tell you it's playback position.
2. How to use:
Usage of my library is extremely simple. First of all, add my library to your project as an external JAR.
Then do the following steps:
1) Get the instance of RemoteMetadataProvider with RemoteMetadataProvider.getInstance(context). Remember, this is a singleton, so all getInstance calls will return the same instance. To save time, save it in field variable, let's call it mProvider.
2) Implement necessary listeners and register them. For example, you want to receive metadata updates and you want to show them in TextViews. Then you can use following code.
mProvider.setOnMetadataChangeListener(new OnMetadataChangeListener() {
public void onMetadataChanged(String artist, String title, String album, String albumArtist, long duration) {
mArtistTextView.setText("ARTIST: "+artist);
mTitleTextView.setText("TITLE: "+title);
mAlbumTextView.setText("ALBUM: "+album);
mAlbumArtistTextView.setText("ALBUM ARTIST: "+albumArtist);
mDurationTextView.setText("DURATION: "+(duration/1000)+"s");
Other listeners are registered in same manner. Read reference to get the details.
3) When your view with current metadata is displayed, call mProvider.acquireRemoteControls(). For example, if you're displaying metadata in Activity, you should call this method in your onResume() method.
3) When your view is hidden, you should call mProvider.dropRemoteControls(boolean). Generally, the parameter should be false, but there are some cases when artwork isn't being displayed after calling dropRemoteControls() and then acquireRemoteControls(). So, if there are problems with artwork, use true as a parameter.
4) To tell player to do something with playback, use mProvider.sendMediaCommand(MediaCommand).
This method will return true if the command was delivered successfully and false otherwise.
For example, you can use following code to make button with id "next" work as a Next button:
findViewById(R.id.next).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if(!mProvider.sendMediaCommand(MediaCommand.NEXT)) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Failed to send NEXT_EVENT", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
This will send NEXT command to player, or will display toast message with error text if there is no active player.
5) If there is no current player, but you know that there is some player which can receive Broadcast media event, you can use
For example, following code can be used to make button with id "next" send Broadcast command on long click.
findViewById(R.id.next).setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() {
public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
return true;
Basically, that's all you need.
3. Licensing
This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.
4. Source code
GitHub link: https://github.com/DrBreen/RemoteMetadataProvider
Source codes for library and test application are available at the end of the post.
5. Bugs
-On HTC Sense the system will lose lockscreen controls after calling RemoteMetadataProvider#acquireRemoteControls().
This is due to how the lockscreen is being initialized on HTC Sense, and it can't be fixed unless I'll do deep investigation of decompiled source code and write Xposed module which will somehow re-register original system metadata receiver.
Files with "v18" suffix are for Android 4.3. Without this suffix - for Android 4.2.2 and lower.
Please do not cross-use this libraries, or you will get RuntimeException(in getInstance() method) or AbstractMethodError(if you somehow acquire instance of the RemoteMetadataProvider without calling getInstance()).
Nice job. :good:
Added library and source codes for Android 4.3.
I an getting the following error in the "exported" version of the apk, but not in the debug compiled version.
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/JavaBinder(24862): java.lang.AbstractMethodError: abstract method not implemented
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/JavaBinder(24862): at android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay$Stub.setCurrentClientId(IRemoteControlDisplay.java)
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/JavaBinder(24862): at android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay$Stub.onTransact(IRemoteControlDisplay.java:65)
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/JavaBinder(24862): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:367)
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/JavaBinder(24862): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
09-25 07:25:56.112: W/dalvikvm(24862): threadid=8: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x41d3b2a0)
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/android.os.Debug(2243): [email protected] > dumpstate -k -t -z -d -o /data/log/dumpstate_app_error
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/AndroidRuntime(24862): FATAL EXCEPTION: Binder_1
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/AndroidRuntime(24862): java.lang.AbstractMethodError: abstract method not implemented
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/AndroidRuntime(24862): at android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay$Stub.setCurrentClientId(IRemoteControlDisplay.java)
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/AndroidRuntime(24862): at android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay$Stub.onTransact(IRemoteControlDisplay.java:65)
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/AndroidRuntime(24862): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:367)
09-25 07:25:56.112: E/AndroidRuntime(24862): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
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I have added the following lines in proguard to make the warnings go away.
-dontwarn android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay$Stub
-dontwarn android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay
-dontwarn android.media.AudioManager
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Any idea why this is happening?
spadival said:
I an getting the following error in the "exported" version of the apk, but not in the debug compiled version.
I have added the following lines in proguard to make the warnings go away.
Any idea why this is happening?
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I think that's because of wrong versioning. It looks like you somehow use the 4.2.2 version for 4.3 or the other way.
Dr.Alexander_Breen said:
Files with "v18" suffix are for Android 4.3. Without this suffix - for Android 4.2.2 and lower.
Please do not cross-use this libraries, or you will get RuntimeException(in getInstance() method) or AbstractMethodError(if you somehow acquire instance of the RemoteMetadataProvider without calling getInstance()).
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So I take it this means that if I wanted to implement this in an application designed to run on API 14+ (including KitKat and beyond) I'll have to use the guide and do it manually. Am I correct?
At first, thank you for this awesome Lib!
It is working very well on 4.2.2 CM.
But on 4.4 (Nexus 7 2013) and 4.1.2 (S3 stock) I am not able to read the playback state. Any idea?
Edit: The next and previous button on 4.4 Nex and 4.1.2 s3 is working well. It is just the playback state..
Edit2: On your floating music widget it is not working, too :/
Edit3: setOnPlaybackStateChangeListener and setOnMetadataChangeListener seem not to work with 4.4
WisdomWolf said:
So I take it this means that if I wanted to implement this in an application designed to run on API 14+ (including KitKat and beyond) I'll have to use the guide and do it manually. Am I correct?
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Well, on KitKat there is a class called RemoteController, which has the same functionality, so you does not need to use this library on API 19+.
v18 library is designed to run only on API 18.
"Normal" version should run fine of API 14, 15, 16, 17.
Okay. Thanks for the reply.
I used now intentfilter with the ending "playstatechanged". With this action the music apps sends the extra "playing" ture/false.
I tested it with s3 music player and google play music on nexus 7. Worked fine. Just the huawei music player is not working.
Edit: Your apps just need an update right now to make them working with 4.3 / 4.4?
On 4.3 your apps should work but on samsung s3 with 4.3 it is not working well with the stock music player. Just as information
Anyway good library
Anyone please give tutorial how does RemoteController works on kitkat :/
Dr.Alexander_Breen said:
Well, on KitKat there is a class called RemoteController, which has the same functionality, so you does not need to use this library on API 19+.
v18 library is designed to run only on API 18.
"Normal" version should run fine of API 14, 15, 16, 17.
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What's wrong with creating a unified library that will work across API 14-18?
WisdomWolf said:
What's wrong with creating a unified library that will work across API 14-18?
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There's nothing wrong. It just was that I didn't have an idea how to unite them because of conflicting IRemoteControlDisplay.aidl file which has to be in the same package with same name, yet different for different versions. Now I've understood how to combine it, so I'm currently working on RemoteControllerCompat, which will bring unified library usage across all API beginning from ICS(V14).
Oh, OK. I could probably submit a pull request as I've already managed to combine them. Or you can find my fork of your repo on Github.
EDIT: I sent you a pull request. Also, posting my modified version of your RemoteMediaTest application that works with ICS, JB, and KK's RemoteController class.
Great work!!!
You are bloody awesome mate. You have done a marvelous job with this library. I cannot thank you enough. I am just getting started with Android development, was stuck at those internal and hidden classes. For some reason eclipse would force close after modifying the ADT plugin. That's when i stumbled upon your thread. Thanks a ton once again. You Rock!! :good:
Here is the guide for the RemoteController:
[GUIDE] Implement RemoteController in your app
I am thoroughly stumped. Do you have any suggestions for using RemoteController in an application that is also designed to handle notifications and be backwards compatible with 4.3? The odd requirement to inherit NotificationListener really throws a wrench in things. I know I could actually define two different notification listeners but that seems inefficient and there's got to be a better way.
WisdomWolf said:
I am thoroughly stumped. Do you have any suggestions for using RemoteController in an application that is also designed to handle notifications and be backwards compatible with 4.3? The odd requirement to inherit NotificationListener really throws a wrench in things. I know I could actually define two different notification listeners but that seems inefficient and there's got to be a better way.
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We probably could use reflection to register the guts of RemoteController directly to AudioService, bypassing the NotificationListener check. I suppose it's possible, but it can have unknown side effects. Do you want me to try it out, or you can do it yourself?
I have very little experience with using reflection, so your help would be greatly appreciated. I've tried all sorts of workarounds, but the registration always fails. The only other solution that I could think of was writing a dummy OnClientUpdateListener interface to be loaded when running API level 18. Not entirely sure how to accomplish that either though, but I believe it's something that could be accomplished by making use of ClassLoader. Any help you can offer would be very welcome. I'd still be trying to wrap my head around metadata if it weren't for your library and articles.
I figured it out. Your tip about reflection was really useful, but after chasing my tail for a bit I discovered that reflection wasn't necessary. I used the source code to find out exactly how the permission access was granted. It looks like it takes the OnClientUpdateListener from the RemoteController that gets passed to it and then checks the class against the enabled notificationlisteners. Once I realized that, I simply rewrote the registerRemoteController method to try getClass().getEnclosingClass() first. The registration bypasses the AudioManager, but all the other method calls are left in tact.
You setup a great example of a support library, so I used that concept to create a support library for KitKat's RemoteController class. It includes the modified registration method along with some passthroughs to otherwise inaccessible methods like getArtworkSize() and getRemoteControlClientPackageName(). I don't know if I'll have time to write a guide, but I've included the library in case anyone else is interested. You can find the source on my github.
Thanks a bunch for the library Dr. Alexander! It works pretty good and has saved me on a project that I'm currently working on.
...but I still have seen an issue or two. Namely, Samsung's default player that comes with its TouchWiz devices seems to not work want to work here. On a Galaxy S3 and S4 the default music player refuses to work with your library. However, other music apps on the phone do work (like Pandora and Rdio).
I'm guessing that this is not an issue that you can truly fix, given the nature of all of this. But I'm just hoping that maybe, just maybe, there's a chance.
Thanks mister, you've done a great job. And without your RemoteController guide, I would have never gotten that working either.

Developer needed on partnership basis.

Hi All,
I am looking for someone to help create .apk for Android boxes.
This will be an ongoing partnership as we will update the apk with regular update every month which should automatically show on clients box.
If you think you are the right person and have time on your hands to create apk please let us know.
I would also like to know about how the firmwares can be altered on android boxes.
If you have hands on customised XBMC and other live streaming links we would like to create them as well within the apk and XBMC. Preference given to developers who have worked and developed something unique and have ideas of developing something new!
The main thing I am after is creating 1 or max of 3 files which will
1. Root the android box
2. Install the new apk file/firmware
3. Install the customised XBMC with our logo, etc.
I am looking at a quick option to connect android box with computer and run the files to achieve the above points.
Looking for a favourable reply.
Android Apication Side
1.Play/Pause online TV/Video Stream.
2.Movie Stream 2D and 3D
3.Supports 720p/1080p HD mp4,mkv,m4v,mov,flv,avi,rmvb,rm,ts,tp and many other video formats
4.Radio Stream
5.All streaming protocols are supported, including HLS (m3u8) , MMS, RTSP, RTMP, and HTTP.
6.No Flash Player Required.
7.Ads Support
8.Low Memory and CPU Usage
9.Secured APP everything is based from Server,the app not save streaming links on IT
10.App will not work if someone copy it to any other device.
11.Add your info in “About US ”page on app.
PHP Admin Panel Side:
1.Advanced PHP Admin Panel.
2.Easily Add Category.
3.Easily Add Channels.
4.Edit and Delete Category.
5.Edit and Delete Channels.
6.Device Manual Activation,The app is secured,You can activate or deacitvate any client anytime.it works on unique Device ID.
7.Json Service
8.You can add custom channels and categories to each device.
9.It is good idea for starting IPTV Bussines,u can buy Android tv boxes and to install the app.
10.Good for bussines for new GOOGLE Android TV OS.You can install this app direct to any tv device without extra cost
11.You never need to update the app.You update Clients from Admin Panel

Writing Global Overlay Help

So the end goal in this project is to view an RTMP stream and interact with the server at the same time.
This is a little hard, because obviously VLC or Mx Player or whatever I'm viewing the RTMP stream with doesn't know how to communicate with the custom server. So I'm trying to make an overlay that will sit on top of the player which has buttons, the buttons can then communicate with the server which will alter the stream and you'll see the result streamed to the player. This is sort of like an interactive HUD if you will.
Problem is that it's difficult to make an overlay which will take actions if they're clicked, but can also pass those actions to the background app (in this case the player) if it opts not to process them. Right now my app creates a service and the service catches the input and displays whatever. This WORKS, but the problem is no matter what I return from "onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)" in the view of the service (true or false) the home screen is frozen. It catches the press but it won't pass it on, even if the function returns "false" - to say it's not handled.
I'm not sure if I'm not passing the touch event on correctly, or is this not even possible? I read somewhere that it's not possible for app A to provide input to app B, but I'm not sure if that is correct (frankly I don't believe it). Basically I want to handle some presses in the overlay and allow some others to go to the active app beneath it.
Does anybody have any input for making this work as expected? I'm creating a view to pass to the window manager with the following flags:
LayoutParams params = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT,
I've tried playing with the flags but to no avail, I cannot get the touches to go through, even if all the onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) function does is return false.
Anybody have any ideas?
I'd be open to alternative implementation ideas too, the point is I need to basically have two communication channels open, one is a player (ie. VLC) for viewing the RTMP stream, which likely would not change, the other would be the command stream, which will control said server, which I am open to change. I considered trying to use the accelerometer in the service instead of an overlay, but I think that would create a bad proof of concept UI (because there's some latency in the video stream), any alternative ways to communicate with the server would be up for discussion! Maybe I can plug an IO device into the USB port or something, like a keyboard? Extra buttons could be of use. It's only a POC, so some clunkyness IS okay.
As you can see above, I used an alert type instead of an overlay type, I guess this is because overlays won't accept focus after a certain Android version number. I'm using 4.0.4 ICS.

All Windows 10 Preview Builds

Welcome Guys
Here i will give you all windows 10 preview builds that is not available on Microsoft website... Below builds that are available right now!
New Software Give Warm welcome to windows 10 Lean
What is windows 10 lean software
Microsoft is working on a new edition of Windows 10 that Microsoft calls 'Windows 10 Lean' once installed is a whole 2GB's smaller in size compared to a normal edition of Windows 10 like Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro.
keeping devices with a low amount of storage up to date with the latest Windows 10 feature updates. is not possible for low-end tablets and laptops with 16GB of internal storage or lower but Windows 10 Lean aims to fix this problem. But it comes with a cost as this removes loads of features just like Registry Editor, the Microsoft Management Console, wallpaper & More check out this "link" to find out what has been removed from windows 10 lean.
If your interested in downloading windows 10 lean check out skip ahead section below
(Tips before you download)
Programs you download from internet on buggy or risky software may not run as they should.
Please make sure you backup your stable software before you install this preview software.
Make sure you keep previous software installed for at least 1 week just in case you hit any issues & you can just roll back to previous software
1. Download 32 bit or 64 bit software from below.
2. Once downloaded extract the file you downloaded.
(You can use extract software built into windows 10 or use 7-zip 32 bit download or 64 bit download
3. Once extracted mount the software
4. Click This PC with file explorer & Image file for the software should be next to C drive
5. Copy all files to USB stick or Burn it to DVD Disk
6. Once done Restart your computer & hit F12 or option shown on screen at start up to boot from usb
The install box will pop up to enter your language then continue from there. Or you can upgrade or Start clean software by running the software from file explorer.
If you need support please comment below.
Windows 10 Preview builds
Fast Ring
Windows 10 Pro 32bit Download
Windows 10 Pro 64bit Download
Windows 10 32bit 17755 Download
Windows 10 64bit 17755 Download
Skip Ahead
Windows 10 32bit 18234 Download
Windows 10 64bit 18234 Download
New Windows 10 Lean
Windows 10 Lean 17655 (Skip ahead) - 32 bit Download Risky Latest
Windows 10 Lean 17655 (Skip ahead) 64 bit Download Risky Latest
Last Chance
(Current software will be removed Soon)
Skip ahead
Builds I provide will have either status marked below. This is to help you out on how buggy or not software is. Please note i don't control how buggy the software is
Stable - This software is stable & shouldn't contain any bugs that will affect software from running. But bugs maybe present.
Buggy - This software is buggy & You may hit a bug while running this software.
Risky - This software is risky & May hit Blue screen or software may not run or may crash or lag.
Please keep in mind this is in preview. I'm not responsible for any bugs, Blue screens, crashes or lags caused by this preview build.
If anyone has any download issues please let me know
New Build for windows 10 pro 17115 32 bit & 64 bit - This build Doesn't have any bugs to check out change log head here if you have any issues with download let us know!
Change log for this build
Hello Windows Insiders!
This week we have 50 Windows Insider MVPs on campus as a part of the global MVP Summit. It’s been a pleasure to get face-to-face time with some of our biggest advocates as well as the people who help the overall Windows community the most.
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17115 (RS4) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring.
A new privacy settings layout in the set up experience
This spring, we will release an update to Windows 10 that will include changes to the set up experience for privacy settings. This new design conveys focused information to help our customers make focused choices about their privacy and offers two new settings for Inking & Typing and Find my device. More details about the change can be found in this blog post here.
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed an issue where If you tried to open a file that was available online-only from OneDrive that hadn’t been previously downloaded to your PC (marked with a green checkmark in File Explorer), your PC could bugcheck (GSOD).
We fixed an issue where post-install at the first user-prompted reboot or shutdown, a small number of devices experienced a scenario wherein the OS fails to load properly and might have entered a reboot loop state.
We fixed an issue where the Microsoft Store might be completely broken or gone altogether after upgrading.
We fixed an issue where when you denied Movies & TV access to your videos library (through the “Let Movies & TV access your videos library?” popup window or through Windows privacy settings), Movies & TV would crash when you navigated to the “Personal” tab.
We fixed two issues impacting the usability of Windows Mixed Reality on the previous build (Windows Mixed Reality running at a very low frame rate (8-10fps), and a potential crash at startup that could cause Windows Mixed Reality to not work).
We fixed an issue from recent flights resulting the Direct Messages section of Twitter.com potentially not rendering in Microsoft Edge.
We fixed an issue from recent flights causing precision touchpads to periodically need a few tries to be able to move the mouse.
We fixed an issue impacting the Italian touch keyboard layout where the period key would act as a delete key in UWP apps.
We fixed an issue impacting the Czech touch keyboard layout where numbers on the &123 view couldn’t be inserted into UWP apps.
We fixed an issue where you couldn’t use touch to interact with the Timeline scrollbar.
We fixed an issue where a failed app update could result in that app becoming unpinned from the taskbar.
We fixed an issue where the controls in the Focus Assist Settings subpages didn’t have accessible labels.
We fixed an issue from the last few flights where after launching, minimizing, then closing UWP apps enough times, you would stop being able to launch UWP apps.
Known issues
There are currently no known issues for this flight however if any issues are discovered based off Insider feedback, we’ll add them here.
No downtime for Hustle-As-A-Service,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Now Available
I have added new build to skip ahead build 17618 for 32 & 64 bit.
Microsoft Store may be completely broken or disappeared altogether after upgrading to this build.
Change log
What’s new in Build 17618
Sets: Sets is designed to make sure that everything related to your task: relevant webpages, research documents, necessary files, and applications, is connected and available to you in one click. Starting today in RS5 builds, we have turned the Sets experiment back on so any Insider who has opted into Skip Ahead will be able to try out Sets. With Sets, 1st party experiences like Mail, Calendar, OneNote, MSN News, Windows and Microsoft Edge become more integrated to create a seamless experience, so you can get back to what’s important and be productive, recapturing that moment, saving time – we believe that’s the true value of Sets. Additional app integration with Sets is expected over time.
Sets supports Win32 apps in addition to UWP apps and websites!
If you are an Insider who was testing out Sets previously, you’ll find the following improvements to the experience:
Support for desktop (Win32) apps. Sets now supports File Explorer, Notepad, Command Prompt, and PowerShell. One of the top feature requests by Insiders has been tabs for File Explorer and with Sets you can get a tabbed File Explorer experience! Try it out with these apps and let us know what you think!
You can now launch apps from the new tab page by typing the app name into the search box.
UWP apps are launched in the same window replacing the new tab page.
The tab UI in Sets now shows icons including website favicons and app icons.
Resume your project with more control – When restoring your projects you’ll be prompted to restore related apps and webpages. In Timeline you’ll see when a project has multiple activities associated with it.
Here are a few keyboard shortcuts you can try out:
Ctrl + Win + Tab – switch to next tab.
Ctrl + Win + Shift + Tab – switch to previous tab.
Ctrl + Win + T – open a new tab.
Ctrl + Win + W – close current tab.
Here are a few things we’re still working on that aren’t quite finished yet:
Tab drag-and-drop does not work for re-ordering tabs. You can’t drag a tab to join another window.
When launching a supported desktop (Win32) app from a tabbed window, such as protocol/file launch or from the new tab page, it launches in a new window instead of auto-grouping to the existing window. You can work around this for now by holding down the Ctrl key while launching a supported desktop (Win32) app – note, for File Explorer, in particular, you will need to hold down Ctrl until the new tab with File Explorer appears, not just Ctrl + click and immediately release.
You may notice some flashes when switching between tabs within a Set.
If your display scaling is higher than 100%, using touch to interact with the Sets title bar won’t work.
If needed, you can find a setting to enable or disable Sets under Settings > System > Multitasking. We’re looking forward to your feedback as you try it out in today’s build!
Windows Mixed Reality
There are two issues impacting the usability of Windows Mixed Reality on this build. Windows Mixed Reality runs at a very low frame rate (8-10fps) that could result in some physical discomfort. And there are multiple crashes at startup that will cause Windows Mixed Reality to not work. For Insiders who want to keep Windows Mixed Reality working – you might want to consider hitting pause on taking new Insider Preview builds until these issues are fixed. You can pause Insider Preview builds by going to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Insider Program and pressing the “Stop Insider Preview builds” button and choosing “Pause updates for a bit”.
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed an issue resulting in 3 and 4 finger gestures on the touchpad being unresponsive in the last two flights.
We fixed an issue that could result in UWP apps sometimes launching as small white rectangular boxes.
We fixed an issue where the Settings tile didn’t have a name if you pinned it to Start.
We fixed an issue where navigating to Themes Settings crashed Settings.
We fixed a typo in Storage Sense Settings.
We fixed an issue resulting in all dropdowns in Settings appearing blank until clicked.
We fixed an issue that could result in Settings crashing after having navigated to and left Sound Settings.
We fixed an issue that could result in the labels for files on the desktop overlapping their icons.
We fixed an issue resulting in the hamburger button in Windows Defender overlapping the home button.
We’ve updated Start so that it now follows the new Ease of Access setting to enable or disable hiding scrollbars.
We’ve updated the Action Center so that notifications will now appear with a fade in animation when you open it.
We’ve updated the new notification to fix blurry apps so that it now will persist in the Action Center to be accessed later once the toast has timed out and dismissed.
We fixed an issue resulting in some app icons appearing distorted in Task View.
We fixed an issue where making a pinch gesture over the open apps in Task View might result in no longer being able to scroll down to Timeline.
We fixed an issue where pressing and holding on a card in Timeline would open the corresponding app, rather than bringing up a context menu.
We fixed an issue resulting in the title bar overlapping content when you opened your lists in Cortana’s notebook.
We fixed an issue resulting in the Windows Defender offline scan not working in recent builds.
We fixed an issue where the Japanese IME sometimes wouldn’t turn on correctly.
We fixed an issue where the floating dictation UI could be unexpectedly tiny.
We fixed an issue where the touch keyboard might stop invoking automatically after locking the PC and then unlocking the PC by using the touch keyboard to enter your PIN or password.
We fixed an issue where the touch keyboard number pad would show the period as a decimal separator for countries that use the comma as a decimal separator.
We fixed an issue resulting in not being able to turn on and off third-party IMEs using the touch keyboard.
We fixed an issue resulting in numbers not being inserted when flicking up on the top row of letters in the wide touch keyboard layout.
We fixed an issue where plugging in an external optical drive (DVD) would cause an Explorer.exe crash.
We fixed an issue resulting in DirectAccess not working in recent builds, where the connection would be stuck with status “Connecting”.
We fixed an issue where all apps in Task Manager’s Startup tab had the status “0 suspended”.
We fixed an issue where after upgrading your speaker volume might change to 67%.
We’ve updated Microsoft Edge’s Hub to now have an acrylic navigation pane.
We fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to open a new inPrivate window of Microsoft Edge from the taskbar jumplist while in Tablet Mode.
We fixed an issue where dragging a Microsoft Edge tab out of the window and releasing hold of it somewhere over the desktop might periodically result in a stuck invisible window.
We fixed an issue where the keyboard combo to switch Virtual Desktops didn’t work if Microsoft Edge was open on multiple Virtual Desktops and focus was on the web content.
We fixed an issue that could result in tabs hanging and not loading content recently in Microsoft Edge after using the browser for a few days with an adblocker enabled.
We fixed an issue where clicking to zoom in on an image in Microsoft Edge would zoom into the top left corner rather than the area where you’d clicked.
We fixed an issue from the last few flights where Microsoft Edge might crash if you refreshed a window with a PDF open in it.
We fixed an issue in Microsoft Edge where favicons in light theme were unexpectedly getting black backgrounds.
We fixed an issue where the buttons on Game bar were not centered correctly.
We fixed an issue where in some games—such as Destiny 2 and Fortnite—mouse and keyboard input would still go to the game while Game bar was open.
We fixed an issue where keyboard and mouse input might not work correctly in Game bar when playing a first-person game (e.g. Minecraft).
We fixed an issue in the text box for Mixer stream title, using non-character keys (e.g. Tab, Delete, Backspace, etc.) might cause the game to hang for a few seconds.
We fixed an issue where bringing up Game bar using the Xbox button on an Xbox One controller didn’t work in some games.
We fixed an issue where certain games using Easy Anti Cheat could result in the system experiencing a bugcheck (KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED).
We fixed an issue where we had observed seeing longer-than-normal delays during install at the 88% mark. Some delays were as long as 90 minutes before moving forward.
We fixed an issue in apps like Movies & TV where if you deny consent to access your library it crashes the app.
We fixed an issue where on post-install at the first user-prompted reboot or shutdown, a small number of devices would experience a scenario wherein the OS fails to load properly and may enter a reboot loop state.
We fixed an issue where selecting a notification after taking a screenshot or game clip opens the Xbox app’s home screen instead of opening the screenshot or game clip.
We fixed an issue where tearing a PDF tab in Microsoft Edge will result in a bugcheck (GSOD).
Known issues
IMPORTANT: The Microsoft Store may be completely broken or disappeared altogether after upgrading to this build. Please see this forum post for details including a workaround on how to get the Microsoft Store back.
If you open Settings and clicking on any links to the Microsoft Store or links in tips, Settings will crash. This includes the links to get themes and fonts from the Microsoft Store.
If you try to open a file that is available online-only from OneDrive that hasn’t been previously downloaded to your PC (marked with a green checkmark in File Explorer), your PC could bugcheck (GSOD). You can work around this problem by right-clicking on these files and selecting “Always keep on this device.” Any file-on-demand from OneDrive that is already downloaded to the PC should open fine.
Office Insider + Skip Ahead = More awesome!
Our friends on the Office team want to reiterate their invitation for Windows Insiders to participate in feedback and product usage which will inform the next generation of Office innovations! Windows and Office are continually looking for the best-connected experiences. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us and will help us to understand customer needs and scenarios and to prioritize our investments in the coming months. Please join the Office Insider Program to help directly affect product design decisions!
No downtime for Hustle-As-A-Service,
New Builds!
Sorry about late build updates i been busy. & Got brand new pc so we are back!
Now Available
I have added new build to Fast ring build 17133 for 32 & 64 bit. check it out download above. Check out change log below
UPDATE 4/10: We have released KB4100375 (OS Build 17133.73) to Windows Insiders running Build 17133 in the Fast, Slow, and Release Preview rings. This update includes the following quality improvements (no new OS features):
Addresses a PDF security issue in Microsoft Edge.
Addresses an issue that, in some instances, prevents Internet Explorer from identifying custom controls.
Security updates to Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft scripting engine, Windows kernel, Microsoft graphics component, Windows Server, Windows cryptography, and Windows datacenter networking.
UPDATE 4/9: We are continuing to test our targeting and as a result, not all Windows Insiders in the Release Preview ring will see Build 17133 offered at this time. We’ll update this post when full availability is reached.
UPDATE 4/5: We have released Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17133 (RS4) to Windows Insiders in the Release Preview ring. Not all Insiders in the Release Preview ring will be immediately targeted to receive this flight. We are targeting full availability to Release Preview Monday 4/9. However, if you’d like to install immediately, a manual check for updates under Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update will present the build.
UPDATE 3/30: We have released Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17133 (RS4) to Windows Insiders in the Slow ring. As part of this flight, we are testing the engineering systems responsible for the deployment of Windows 10 feature updates to customers. As such, not all Insiders in the Slow ring will be immediately targeted to receive this flight. We are targeting full availability to the Slow ring on Monday 4/2 however, if you’d like to install immediately, a manual check for updates under Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update will present the build.
NOTE: It will be listed as “Feature update for Windows 10, version 1803”.
Hello Windows Insiders!
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17133 (RS4) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring.
Just like in Build 17128, you will also notice that the watermark at the lower right-hand corner of the desktop has disappeared in Build 17133. Again, we are in the phase of checking in final code to prepare for the final release.
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed an issue resulting in certain devices with BitLocker enabled unexpectedly booting into BitLocker recovery in recent flights.
We fixed an issue resulting in not being able to change the display resolution when there were 4 or more monitors connected, due to the confirmation prompt hanging when you selected “Keep changes”.
We fixed an issue where clicking suggested search terms when typing in the Microsoft Edge URL bar didn’t do anything.
Known issues
There are currently no major known issues for this flight however if any issues are discovered based off Insider feedback, we’ll add them here.
I have also added new build to Skip ahead build 17639 for 32 & 64 bit. check it out download above. Check out change log below
Hello Windows Insiders!
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17639 (RS5) to Windows Insiders who have opted into Skip Ahead.
What’s new in Build 17639
The next wave of Sets improvements is here
What belongs together stays together – we designed Sets to help you keep webpages, documents, files, and apps connected. We’ve been hard at work since our first wave of Sets improvements for RS5, and when you install today’s build you’ll find:
Drag and drop app tabs within and between Sets windows is now supported: It works just like it sounds! You can now drag an app tab around within the Set or combine tabbed app windows into Sets.
Note: If you open a Microsoft Edge tab outside of a Set, you can’t drag and drop it into a Sets window. Drag and drop for Microsoft Edge web tabs within Sets isn’t supported yet and you may experience a crash if this is attempted.
Tabs are now bubbled up in Alt + Tab: Have Photos, Microsoft Edge, and OneNote tabbed together? You can now use Alt + Tab to switch between them. Prefer to only show the primary window in Alt + Tab? There’s a new setting – more on that in just a moment…
Note: If you have multiple Microsoft Edge windows in a Set, only the one most recently accessed will be visible in Alt + Tab.
Improved Settings for Sets: We’ve updated the Settings for Sets via Settings > System > Multitasking. To start with, Sets now has its own section on this page, and is searchable (try typing “Sets” or “tabs” and it will appear in the dropdown). We’ve also added a setting to control the Alt + Tab behavior mentioned above.
New Sets section highlighted under Multitasking Settings.
File Explorer & Sets Improvements: We’ve heard your feedback – you’d like it to be easier to get two File Explorer windows grouped together, and we’re working on it. To start with, you no longer need to hold CTRL on the new tab page to launch a File Explorer window in a tab (this was a temporary necessity with the last wave). We’ve also added a new keyboard shortcut to open a new tab when a File Explorer window is in focus: Ctrl + T. Remember, you can use Ctrl + N to open a new window, and Ctrl + W to close the window/tab.
Finally, we’ve added some new UI for easily opening new tabs and windows in the File Menu.
Showing File Explorer’s File menu, with new Open new tab option.
And also, in the context menu when right-clicking on a folder.
Showing a folder’s context menu in File Explorer. Open in a new tab is highlighted.
New context menu options for tabs in Sets: If you right-click on a Sets tab, you’ll discover we’ve added several options for you to leverage, including “close other tabs”, “move to new window”, and “close tabs to the right”.
Showing context menu for a tab in Sets, has Close tab highlighted.
Improvements to Previous Tabs: We’ve done a few things to improve the experience in this space, including:
• You can now pick and choose which Previous Tabs you want to restore, instead of only being able to restore all tabs.
You can now pick and choose which Previous Tabs you want to restore, instead of only being able to restore all tabs. Note: if you use the Sets activity card in Timeline, it will automatically restore all tabs.
You can now restore Previous Tabs from any type of activity – whereas with the previous wave of features we only supported restoring tabs when the primary window was a document.
When you open a document that previously had tabs, a prompt will appear offering to restore those tabs, and the Previous Tabs button will be in the filled state. For things that aren’t documents, a prompt will not automatically appear, but you’ll know that there are tabs available to restore because the Previous Tabs button will be in the filled state.
We added an animation to the experience when there are no Previous Tabs available to be restored.
Other Sets improvements and fixes based on your feedback, including:
We fixed an issue where the active tab color wouldn’t be visible until you hovered over it.
We’ve been working on our polish, and you’ll notice that switching between open tabs is now a lot smoother.
We’ve improved the reliability when restoring tabs, fixing some issues where tabs didn’t restore as expected.
We fixed an issue where closing a tab in a Set then immediately opening a new tab might result in the window unexpectedly maximizing.
Here are a few things we’re still working on that aren’t quite finished / resolved yet:
File Explorer ribbon doesn’t stay pinned open across restart.It may take some time for the app exclude list in Sets settings to populate the first time it’s opened.
Sometimes it takes two tries to bring up an inactive tab from the taskbar.
There’s a chance that you may see an unexpected second row of tabs when you open the new tab page.
When you launch an app or website from the new tab page, there’s a chance focus will change to a different tab.
The “filled” state of the restore icon in Sets will remain filled even though you’ve restored all tabs.
We’re aware of an issue that causes Narrator to read extra text when invoking Alt + Tab, and we’re working on a fix.
The new tab may sometimes open blank. Closing the tab then opening it again should resolve this issue.
Coming soon: We’re planning to enable Sets for more Win32 (desktop) apps including Office! In order to try this new experience out with Office, you’ll need to be an Office Insider running the latest Office builds. Sign-up to be an Office Insider today if you aren’t already!
Bluetooth battery percentage in Settings
In Bluetooth & other devices Settings, you can now check the battery level of your Bluetooth devices. For Bluetooth devices that support this feature, the battery percentage will update whenever your PC and the device are connected.
Bluetooth page in Settings. Shows Surface Pen with 71% battery.
Windows Calculator Improvements
Windows Calculator has been updated (version 10.1803.711.0) to now correctly calculates square roots for perfect squares (integers that are squares of other integers). Because of the arbitrary precision arithmetic library used by the Calculator app, the square root calculation is an approximation calculated using the Exponential Identity function.
Previously, when you would calculate the square root of 4, the result would be 1.99999999999999999989317180305609 which would be rounded to 2 when displayed, because we calculated enough digits to do the rounding correctly. However, as soon as you subtract 2, you would see the remaining digits.
After this update, the square root calculation now recognizes perfect squares and correctly returns exactly 2 for the square root of 4.
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed an issue resulting in duplicate entries in Disk Management.
We fixed an issue that could result in certain UWP apps silently terminating when minimized.
We fixed an issue resulting in certain devices with BitLocker enabled unexpectedly booting into BitLocker recovery in recent flights.
We fixed a race condition that could result in the taskbar not autohiding after opening and closing the Start menu while a fullscreen window was visible.
We fixed an issue where typing in Start would switch to a blank Cortana screen if Start was open when the PC went to sleep.
We fixed an issue when using Arabic as your display language where after using the X to close the touch keyboard in a UWP app text field it might stop coming up automatically in that field.
Sometimes having too many choices can be confusing and less is more. That is why this new build has consolidated the places where users can adjust their display brightness by removing the display brightness slider in Control Panel Power Options and the “Display brightness” section under Power Options Advanced Settings. Don’t worry! You can still adjust your display brightness via Settings > System > Display settings, the Action Center, and via keyboard hot keys.
Known issues
If you open Settings and clicking on any links to the Microsoft Store or links in tips, Settings will crash. This includes the links to get themes and fonts from the Microsoft Store, as well as the link to Windows Defender.
On resuming from sleep, the desktop may be momentarily visible before the Lock screen displays as expected.
When Movies & TV user denies access to its videos library (through the “Let Movies & TV access your videos library?” popup window or through Windows privacy settings), Movies & TV crashes when the user navigates to the “Personal” tab.
Recommended Training for Windows Insiders
We’d like to take this opportunity to highlight some training courses that might interest some Windows Insiders from the Microsoft Professional Program:
For Windows Insiders interested in taking the first step in becoming an AI engineer, check out this track here on Artificial Intelligence. You should also check out GeekWire’s article covering the track too!
For Windows Insiders interested in diving deeper into the world of IT support, check out this track here.
Insider Story
Check out this article on the Windows Insider website to find out how Windows Insider Vincent Pendleton uses Paint 3D as a go-to tool for teaching astronomy!
Windows Insider Vincent Pendleton uses Paint 3D for teaching astronomy!
I will soon add Slow, and Release Preview rings & downloads soon check back soon for more!
I always download them from here:
or generate the ISOs on my own from the UUP files:
MagicAndre1981 said:
I always download them from here:
or generate the ISOs on my own from the UUP files:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Some people prefer not to go through that & just want to download it straight. I don't mind taking so much time putting files together & sharing them to public
Welcome to Brand NEW!
I'm now releasing Brand NEW software. Give warm welcome to Windows 10 Lean Windows 10 lean is brand new software Microsoft released for devices with 16 GB or less for low end devices for more information do check out above.
As well as windows 10 lean I'm also releasing Windows 10 17134 fast & Windows 10 17650 & 17655 Skip ahead..........
This also means i'm planning to remove builds from our thread........ Current builds listed below will be removed starting 31 may 2018
* Windows 10 17110 fast ring will be removed 31 May 2018
* Windows 10 17112 fast ring will be removed 7 June 2018
* Windows 10 17115 fast ring will be removed 14 June 2018
also current builds will be removed starting 7 June listed below.......
* Windows 10 17604 skip ahead will be removed 7 June 2018
Windows 10 17618 skip ahead will be removed 14 June 2018
The current builds listed above will be placed within Last chance.......
Now thats out the way lets get into the change log for Windows 10 17134 fast & Windows 10 17650 & 17655 skip ahead........
Windows 10 Pro build 17134 (Fast) for 32 bit & 64 bit now available for download above check out change log below
UPDATE 4/20: We have released Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17134 (RS4) to Windows Insiders in the Slow ring and Release Preview ring.
Hello Windows Insiders!
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17134 (RS4) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. This build has no new features and includes the fixes from KB4100375 as well as some fixes for general reliability of the OS. As Build 17133 progressed through the rings, we discovered some reliability issues we wanted to fix. In certain cases, these reliability issues could have led to a higher percentage of (BSOD) on PCs for example. Instead of creating a Cumulative Update package to service these issues, we decided to create a new build with the fixes included. This just reinforces that Windows Insiders are critical to helping us find and fix issues before releasing feature updates to all our customers so thank you!
Windows 10 pro build 17650 (Skip ahead) 32 bit & 64 bit now available for download above. Check out change log below
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17650 (RS5) to Windows Insiders who opted in to Skip Ahead.
What’s new in Build 17650
Windows Defender Security Center gets a Fluent Design refresh
We’ve heard your feedback and when you install this build you’ll find we’ve updated Windows Defender Security Center (WDSC) to include the Fluent Design elements you know and love. You’ll also notice we’ve adjusted the spacing and padding around the app and will now dynamically size the categories on the main page if more room is needed for extra info. Last but not least, we’ve also updated the title bar of the app so that it will now use your accent color if you’ve enabled that option in Color Settings – with Sets enabled, you will see this color in the WDSC tab.
Windows Defender Firewall now supports Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) processes
You can add specific rules for a WSL process in Windows Defender Firewall, just as you would for any Windows process. Also, Windows Defender Firewall now supports notifications for WSL processes. For example, when a Linux tool wants to allow access to a port from the outside (like SSH or a web server like nginx), the Windows Defender Firewall will prompt to allow access just like it would for a Windows process when the port starts accepting connections. This was first introduced in Build 17627.
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed an issue where File Explorer would always open with the ribbon minimized, rather than remembering how you’d left it.
We fixed an issue where elements on the main page of the Windows Defender Security Center app would slightly change size on mouse hover.
We fixed an issue where non-default languages might unexpectedly have the option to remove in Settings greyed out.
We fixed an issue where the Color Filters and High Contrast icons were switched in Settings.
We fixed an issue where clicking links in Settings that launched other apps would result in Settings crashing and nothing else happening.
We fixed an issue resulting in some people experiencing a Settings crash when navigating to Apps > Default Apps > Set defaults by App.
Known issues
On resuming from sleep, the desktop may be momentarily visible before the Lock screen displays as expected.
When Movies & TV user denies access to its videos library (through the “Let Movies & TV access your videos library?” popup window or through Windows privacy settings), Movies & TV crashes when the user navigates to the “Personal” tab.
Tiling and cascading windows, including features like “View Side by Side” in Word, will not work for inactive tabs.
The Office Visual Basic Editor window will currently be tabbed but is not intended to be in the future.
Opening an Office document while the same app has an existing document open may cause an unintended switch to the last active document. This will also happen when closing a sheet in Excel while other sheets remain open.
Local files or non-Microsoft cloud files will not be automatically restored and no error message will be provided to alert the user to that fact.
Sets UX for Office Win32 desktop apps is not final. The experience will be refined over time based on feedback.
The top of some Win32 desktop app windows may appear slightly underneath the tab bar when created maximized. To work around the issue, restore and re-maximize the window.
Closing one tab may sometimes minimize the entire set.
We’re aware of an issue that causes Narrator to read extra text when invoking Alt + Tab, and we’re working on a fix.
Using arrow and Page Up / Page Down keys doesn’t work to scroll webpages in Microsoft Edge. You’ll need to use another input method (mouse, touch, or touchpad).
If you complete the setup for a Windows Mixed Reality headset on this build, the headset will remain black until it is unplugged and reconnected to the PC.
Windows 10 pro build 17655 (Skip ahead) 32 bit & 64 bit now available for download above. Check out change log below
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17655 (RS5) to Windows Insiders who opted in to Skip Ahead.
What’s new in Build 17655
Mobile Broadband (LTE) connectivity on Windows gets a makeover
Windows is transforming the networking stack after 20 years through the Net Adapter framework. This framework introduces a new, more reliable, network driver model that inherits the goodness of the Windows driver framework while bringing an accelerated data path.
In this build, we are introducing a new and improved Mobile Broadband (MBB) USB class driver based on this Net Adapter framework. We can’t wait for you to try out our new driver in the latest RS5 Insider Preview builds.
If your PC supports Mobile Broadband, i.e., your PC relies on cellular network for connectivity, and you want to help out? Here is what you need to do:
Step 1: Ensure your PC can support SIM cards and USB modems (either over the internal USB bus or using a USB dongle for cellular connectivity).
Step 2: Install this build (Build 17655 and higher) and setup cellular connectivity.
Step 3: Choose the Net Adapter based MBB USB class driver as default driver.
Navigate to Device Manager. (You can right-click on the Start button to get there.)Go to Network Adapters -> Generic Mobile Broadband Adapter or xxxxx Mobile Broadband Adapter
Right-click and choose update driver -> Browse my computer for driver software -> Click on Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer -> Choose Generic Mobile Broadband Cx Net Adapter -> Click Next.
Once installed reboot for the new driver to take effect.
Ensure the status of the connection remains “Connected”.
Note: Follow the instructions in Step 5 to revert to the default driver(xxxxx Mobile Broadband Adapter), in case of issues with Net Adapter driver(Generic Mobile Broadband Cx Net Adapter).
You are all set. We are excited for you to try our driver!
Final Step: For Internet access, try using cellular network primarily by turning off Wi-Fi
To report issues and give feedback, use Feedback Hub on your PC and set Category and subcategory as Network and Internet -> Connecting to a cellular network. Use [cxwmbclass] in the summary.
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
In this build, the brightness toggle from the Battery flyout in the Notification Area on the taskbar has been removed for an improved user experience.
We fixed an issue in Microsoft Edge where dragging a favorite from one folder in the favorites bar to another didn’t work.
Known issues
We’re investigating an issue where the mouse cursor may disappear when hovering over certain UI elements and text fields.
On resuming from sleep, the desktop may be momentarily visible before the Lock screen displays as expected.
When Movies & TV user denies access to its videos library (through the “Let Movies & TV access your videos library?” popup window or through Windows privacy settings), Movies & TV crashes when the user navigates to the “Personal” tab.
We’re aware of an issue that causes Narrator to read extra text when invoking Alt + Tab, and we’re working on a fix.
Using arrow and Page Up / Page Down keys doesn’t work to scroll webpages in Microsoft Edge. You’ll need to use another input method (mouse, touch, or touchpad).
If you complete the setup for a Windows Mixed Reality headset on this build, the headset will remain black until it is unplugged and reconnected to the PC.
Known issues for Sets & Office
Sets UX for Office Win32 desktop apps is not final. The experience will be refined over time based on feedback.
The top of some Win32 desktop app windows may appear slightly underneath the tab bar when created maximized. To work around the issue, restore and re-maximize the window.
Closing one tab may sometimes minimize the entire set.
Tiling and cascading windows, including features like “View Side by Side” in Word, will not work for inactive tabs.
The Office Visual Basic Editor window will currently be tabbed but is not intended to be in the future.
Opening an Office document while the same app has an existing document open may cause an unintended switch to the last active document. This will also happen when closing a sheet in Excel while other sheets remain open.
Right-clicking a tab in Sets will not bring up a context menu in this build.
Local files or non-Microsoft cloud files will not be automatically restored, and no error message will be provided to alert the user to that fact.
swiftyste said:
Welcome to Brand NEW!
I'm now releasing Brand NEW software.
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I just got 17661.1001 (17661.1001.180428-1349.RS_PRERELEASE_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_DE-DE.ISO) from my link while you just shared the older build. you only waste your time . with the UUP page everyone can select with language/edition he wants.
But do what you want.
MagicAndre1981 said:
I just got 17661.1001 (17661.1001.180428-1349.RS_PRERELEASE_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_DE-DE.ISO) from my link while you just shared the older build. you only waste your time . with the UUP page everyone can select with language/edition he wants.
But do what you want.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
look i updated this thread 4:46 am just over 10 hours ago at that time build 17661 wasn't even out by then how can you release a build that wasn't even available to the public. I'm here to give out ios files i don't have to do this but i do. I take so much time & effort into this least you can do is be grateful.
I understand people can simply use links above to get there own files, own edition etc but as i keep saying some people don't want to go through so much hassle into getting a build they want thats why i made this. I didn't make this just for the fun of it I'm here helping people who want ios files. Now you can continue throwing comments like this or you can be grateful that someone is putting all his hard work & time in making ios files available for anyone to use.....
Another day another build
Skip ahead is now closed. If your on skip ahead new builds will still continue as normal RS5 is now available with fast ring.
Todays new build is Windows 10 17661 all downloads will be available under fast ring.......
Change log for 17661
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17661 (RS5) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring in addition to those who opted in to Skip Ahead. Going forward, Insiders in the Fast ring and in Skip Ahead will receive the same RS5 builds.
What’s new in Build 17661
A modern snipping experience
Today we’re taking the first step toward converging our snipping experiences. The new modern snipping experience is here to help you effortlessly capture and annotate what you see on your screen. While working on this we’ve been carefully going over all your feedback about taking screenshots in Windows – you’ll find the flow and tools are optimized for sharing and make communicating visually with others quick and easy.
Originally introduced as part of the Windows Ink Workspace, Screen Sketch is now its own app which comes with a variety of benefits including that it can now be updated via the Microsoft Store.
What to expect once you update to this build:
Screen Sketch is now an app! Originally introduced as part of the Windows Ink Workspace, this comes with a variety of benefits, including that it can now be updated via the Microsoft Store, it will now show up in the list when you press Alt + tab, you can set the window size to be your preference if you like multitasking, and it even supports multiple windows (and tabs, thanks to Sets!).
Easy snipping is only a single step away. One of the loudest things we heard is that you want to be able to quickly snip & share a screenshot, and we’re making it happen! WIN + Shift + S will now bring up a snipping toolbar – snip a rectangle, something a bit more freeform, or full screen and it will go straight to your clipboard. If that’s all you need, you can take it from there. Want more, though? Immediately after taking a snip you’ll now get a notification that will take you and your snip to the Screen Sketch app where you can annotate and share away!
Immediately after taking a snip you’ll now get a notification that will take you and your snip to the Screen Sketch app where you can annotate and share away!
ALT-TEXT: Immediately after taking a snip you’ll now get a notification that will take you and your snip to the Screen Sketch app where you can annotate and share away!
But wait, there’s more! Is the WIN + Shift + S keyboard shortcut too long to remember? Guess what! We’ve added easy entry options for every input modality:
Just click the pen tail button. If you have a pen, go into Pen & Windows Ink Settings – you’ll find Screen Snipping is now an option for single click. This will launch you directly into our snipping experience:
Pen & Windows Ink Settings, showing click once to open Screen Snipping
Press Print Screen. You heard it right, just one button! It’s not enabled by default – go to Keyboard Settings – you’ll see a new option that says “Use the Print Screen key to launch screen snipping”. Opening Settings and searching for “print screen” will take you to the right page.
Press the quick action button in Action Center. Called “Screen snip” – it should be there as soon as you upgrade, but if not you can always enable it via Notifications & Actions Settings.
We’re looking for feedback! Tell us what you want to see next via the Feedback Hub under Apps > Screen Sketch – just click the ellipsis in the Screen Sketch app and it will take you straight there.
NOTE: After installing this build, please check the Microsoft Store for Screen Sketch app updates. You will need an updated version to receive the ability to crop screenshots.
Continuing the Sets Experiment
For the last few weeks, we have made the Sets experiment available to all Windows Insiders who have opted in to Skip Ahead. Now that the Fast ring and Skip Ahead are merging back together and will be receiving the same RS5 builds, we are going to continue with the controlled study just like we did back in December. This means that not all Insiders will see Sets. Insiders who were opted into Skip Ahead who had Sets previously will continue to have Sets. However, unlike the controlled study we did in December, the large majority of Insiders in the Fast ring will see Sets and a smaller group won’t.
More Fluent Design: Introducing acrylic in Task View
We’ve heard you like acrylic! We like it too – when you update to this build you’ll find that the entire Task View background now has a soft blur effect.
Task View and Timeline now has the soft blue effect called acrylic.
Windows Security improvements
Windows Defender Security Center is now called Windows Security. You can still get to the app in all the usual ways – simply ask Cortana to open Windows Security or interact with the taskbar icon. Windows Security lets you manage all your security needs, including Windows Defender Antivirus and Windows Defender Firewall.
We’re also bringing some changes to how we present threats and actions that need your attention, and we’re continuing to refine that over the coming months.
Focus assist improvements when gaming
Now Focus assist will turn on automatically when you’re playing any full screen game. No more interruptions when you’re crushing it. This behavior should be turned on automatically, but you can always check by going to Settings > System > Focus assist and ensuring the “When I’m playing a game” automatic rule is enabled.
Continuing our Sound Settings migration
Consolidating our settings experiences is an ongoing priority for us. We started our work moving Sound settings to Settings with the Windows 10 April 2018 Update, and we’re happy to announce the next piece of that with today’s flight. Device properties has now been integrated into Settings – just click on the links in Sound Settings and you’ll find a new page where you can name your device and select your preferred spatial audio format.
: Device properties page in Settings. Speakers have bene renamed to be “Jen’s awesome speakers”
Taking the Microsoft Pinyin and Wubi IMEs to the next level
Do you write in Chinese (Simplified)? We’re updating the Microsoft Pinyin IME! We’ve been focusing on addressing your performance, reliability and compatibility feedback. You’ll also notice a number of other improvements, including:
Design improvements – a new logo (for the Microsoft Pinyin IME), new IME toolbar, and dark theme support!
The new logo, new IME toolbar, and an example of the candidate pane in dark theme showing results for nihao.
An updated context menu. We’ve added a bunch of options to the IME mode indicator’s context menu in the taskbar, so you can quickly access the things you need.
Screenshot of the context menu that appears when you right click the mode indicator. Includes options such as send feedback, emoji, user defined phrases, and more.
The IME now uses the same UX for Expressive Input as other languages. You can bring it up by clicking the emoji button in the IME toolbar, or use the Emoji Panel hotkeys (WIN + period (.) or WIN + semicolon (). You can browse between Emoji, Kaomoji, and Symbol input when Chinese (Simplified) is the active locale.
The emoji panel, showing emoji page, kaomoji page, and symbols page.
We’d love to hear what you think of this new experience – this link will take you to the Feedback Hub where you can share your thoughts.
Improving HEIC support
We announced support for the High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) in Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17623. We are happy to announce that in build 17661 you can now rotate HEIF-format images in File Explorer, and edit metadata, such as “Date taken”.
The new functionality requires the latest version of the HEIF package. The latest version will be installed automatically be the Store. If automatic updates are disabled you can download the HEIF package manually using this link.
HEIF files use the HEVC video codec to compress the image into approximately half the size of JPEG. If your Windows PC does not already have the HEVC video codec, it can be purchased from the Windows Store using this link.
To rotate a HEIF image file, simply right-click on it in File Explorer and select “Rotate right” or “Rotate left” from the menu. “Date taken” and other properties can be edited by clicking on “Properties” and selecting the “Details” tab.
Please stay tuned for additional functionality related to the HEIF file format in future Windows 10 Insider Preview builds!
Showing File Explorer and Properties dialog, having added properties to a .heic file.
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We’ve made a number of improvements to how Narrator communicates the use of Sets – for example, Narrator will now inform you of the tabs by reading information such as Tab # N of M as you open and move between tabs. If you’re a Narrator user, please take a moment to try out Sets with today’s build and share feedback about the experience.
When you clean install or do a PC refresh, you’ll find that the Out of Box Experience for setting up your PC now includes a page for enabling activity history sync, which will help you continue what you were doing, even when you switch devices.
We’ve adjusted how you access skin tones in the Emoji Panel – you’ll now see a row of skin tone colors to select from when people emoji are in view.
We fixed an issue where using arrow and Page Up / Page Down keys didn’t work to scroll webpages in Microsoft Edge.
We fixed an issue resulting in the mouse cursor becoming invisible when hovering over certain UI elements and text fields in the last two flights.
We fixed an issue resulting in the mouse cursor not animating correctly in the last two flights.
We fixed an issue resulting in the Game Bar not appearing for some Insiders after pressing WIN+G.
When you hover over the Windows icon in the taskbar, a tooltip will now appear for Start.
We’ve updated the design of the handwriting panel so that the delete button is now a top level button. The button to switch languages is now under the “…” menu.
If you go to Pen & Windows Ink Settings, you’ll find a new option that allows your pen to behave like a mouse instead of scrolling or panning the screen.
Known issues
Certain notifications from Action Center may cause regular Explorer.exe crashes. We’re working to get this fixed in the next flight.
VPN may not be working after updating to this build. To get VPN working again, delete the %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Network\Connections\pbk* directories. Check if the VPN profile you need shows up already and if not, reinstall the appropriate VPN client app you need.
After updating to this build and installing the latest app updates from the Microsoft Store, when you log in to additional user accounts on the PC there may be missing apps. You can run the following PowerShell script when logged in to users with missing apps on your PC to fix the issue: Get-AppXPackage *WindowsStore* -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
On resuming from sleep, the desktop may be momentarily visible before the Lock screen displays as expected.
When Movies & TV user denies access to its videos library (through the “Let Movies & TV access your videos library?” popup window or through Windows privacy settings), Movies & TV crashes when the user navigates to the “Personal” tab.
We’re aware of an issue that causes Narrator to read extra text when invoking Alt + Tab, and we’re working on a fix.
If you complete the setup for a Windows Mixed Reality headset on this build, the headset will remain black until it is unplugged and reconnected to the PC.
[ADDED] If your PC appears stuck at “Preparing to install…” somewhere between the 80%-100% – please be patient and wait up to 30 minutes for this stage to complete.
Known issues for Sets & Office
Sets UX for Office Win32 desktop apps is not final. The experience will be refined over time based on feedback.
The top of some Win32 desktop app windows may appear slightly underneath the tab bar when created maximized. To work around the issue, restore and re-maximize the window.
Closing one tab may sometimes minimize the entire set.
Tiling and cascading windows, including features like “View Side by Side” in Word, will not work for inactive tabs.
The Office Visual Basic Editor window will currently be tabbed but is not intended to be in the future.
Opening an Office document while the same app has an existing document open may cause an unintended switch to the last active document. This will also happen when closing a sheet in Excel while other sheets remain open.
Right-clicking a tab in Sets will not bring up a context menu in this build.
Local files or non-Microsoft cloud files will not be automatically restored, and no error message will be provided to alert the user to that fact.
Just added latest build Windows 10 Pro 17666 32 bit & 64 bit to fast ring above
Change log for Build 17666
Hello Windows Insiders!
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17666 (RS5) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring in addition to those who opted in to Skip Ahead.
What’s new in Build 17666
The next wave of Sets improvements is here!
We’ve been steadily going through your feedback, and this build contains a number of improvements based on what you’ve been telling us:
Bring on the acrylic! We love Fluent Design as much as you do – in today’s build you’ll find that Sets now have an acrylic title bar. We’re also adjusting the window border so that it’s now grey.
Notepad and Microsoft Edge together in Sets with a transparent title bar.
Recent Microsoft Edge tabs now show in Alt + Tab: Do you use Alt + Tab to quickly switch back and forth between apps? All of your recent Microsoft Edge tabs will now be included, not just the active one. Prefer it the old way? Use the “Pressing Alt + Tab shows the recently used…” setting in Multitasking Settings.
Should apps and websites open in a new window or a new tab? It’s up to you! The Sets section of Multitasking Settings now lets you set your windowing preference. If you choose “Window”, new windows won’t open into a new tab unless you explicitly click the + or drag with your mouse. Choosing “Tab” opens any new windows invoked from your running apps into tabs. As a reminder, if you would like to exclude any particular app from Sets, you can do this from this same settings page.
Want to mute one of your web tabs? You can now do that! When a webpage in Sets starts playing audio, you’ll now see a volume icon on the tab. Simply click it and the audio will mute, just like in Microsoft Edge.
Tabs will now restore with better performance – they’ll open in the background and use no resources until you go to the tab. This means you can restore a lot of tabs at once with no issues.
We’ve also made other fixes, changes, and improvements to Sets, including:
Task Manager has now been added by default to the list of apps where not to enable Sets.
We fixed an issue where right clicking a tab in the Sets title bar didn’t bring up a context menu.
We fixed an issue where if Microsoft Edge wasn’t already open, clicking the plus button in Sets would open all of your default websites along with the new tab page.
As always, thanks again for the great feedback – keep it coming! This link will take you to the Sets section of the Feedback Hub.
Say hello to your new clipboard experience!
Copy paste – it’s something we all do, probably multiple times a day. But what do you do if you need to copy the same few things again and again? How do you copy content across your devices? Today we’re addressing that and taking the clipboard to the next level – simply press WIN+V and you’ll be presented with our brand-new clipboard experience!
Showing the new clipboard UI. 4 entries listed in the history.
Not only can you can paste from the clipboard history, but you can also pin the items you find yourself using all the time. This history is roamed using the same technology which powers Timeline and Sets, which means you can access your clipboard across any PC with this build of Windows or higher.
Our new settings page for enabling this experience is under Settings > System > Clipboard – please try this out and share feedback! This link will open the Feedback Hub to where you can tell us about your experience and what you’d like to see next.
Showing Clipboard Settings – has toggles for saving multiple items and sync across devices.
Note: Roamed text on the clipboard is only supported for clipboard content less than 100kb. Currently, the clipboard history supports plain text, HTML and image less than 1MB.
Dark theme comes to File Explorer (and more!)
As many of you know, we added dark theme support to Windows based on your feedback. This setting is available under Settings > Personalization > Colors, and if you switch it any apps and system UI that support it will follow suit. Since releasing this feature, our top feedback request from you has been to update File Explorer to support dark theme, and with today’s build it’s happening! Along the way, we also added dark theme support to the File Explorer context menu, as well as the Common File Dialog (aka the Open and Save dialogs). Thanks again for everyone’s feedback!
This screenshot below is from the very latest code and not what’s in the flight. When you install this build, you will see some unexpected light colors in File Explorer and the Common File Dialog. This is something we’re aware of and are working to address.
File Explorer in dark theme.
Introducing extended line endings support for Notepad
Announced at Microsoft Build 2018, we’re excited to let you know that in addition to Windows line endings (CRLF), with today’s build Notepad now supports Unix/Linux line endings (LF) and Macintosh line endings (CR)!
Showing a Unix-style text file displaying properly now that Unix-style line endings are supported in Notepad.
For more details, check out the command line blog.
Notepad Search with Bing
To use simply highlight any words or phrase in Notepad and you can search Bing using the following methods:
Right click on the selected text and choose “Search with Bing” via the right-click (context) menu.
Edit menu ->”Search with Bing…”
With Sets, a new tab will open that will include the Bing search results page:
Right click on the selected text and choose “Search with Bing” via the right-click (context) menu.
Save time with Search Previews!
It’s been great seeing your positive feedback for the web preview we added last year and developments we’ve made to it since then. Now we have expanded previews to support apps, documents, and more. Search previews are here to help you:
Get back to what you were doing, such as a recent Word doc or Remote Desktop session
Jump-start your task, be it a new Outlook meeting, a quick comment in OneNote, or changing a setting
Disambiguate between files by seeing more info including file location, last modified, or author
Access quick answers from the web like “are bananas good for you?” “height of mt everest”
We made the Search experience wider so you can access information and actions in the preview faster than ever. The previews will be updated and improved over time, as we develop and add more features. Stay tuned!
Three examples of different previews side by side. PowerPoint, a Word doc, and a Bing search.
Start tile folder naming
You may have noticed the theme of feedback throughout today’s flight, and this announcement is no different. We understand that customizing your Windows experience is important to you – today we’re adding the ability to name your tile folders! To create a tile folder in Start, just drag one tile on top of another for a second then release. Continue dropping as many tiles into the folder as you’d like. When you expand the folder, you’ll see a new option to name it. The name will be visible when the folder is medium, wide, or large-sized. We appreciate everyone’s feedback requesting this!
Showing a named folder in Start.
Have a question about Settings?
We’ve heard your feedback that settings can be confusing sometimes, so we’re working with Bing to bubble up some of the most common questions we hear right into the Settings pages themselves. The FAQ’s are contextual in nature and aim to you to quickly get the answer you’re looking for to complete configuration tasks. It may even help you discover something you didn’t know was an option! Clicking on these questions will take you to Bing.com to display the answer.
Picture of Recovery Settings, now with “Have a question?” including the questions “How to create a Windows 10 USB recover drive”, “How to use System Restore on Windows 10”, “What are the system recover options in Windows.
NOTE: Currently this experience is supported in all en* markets (en-us, en-gb, en-ca, en-in, en-au).
Your phone and computer have made a new connection
From this week’s Build keynotes and Joe Belfiore’s blogpost on Microsoft 365, you may have seen what we’ve got instore for you in a future Insider Preview build release. There’s a new way to connect your phone to your PC with Windows 10 that enables instant access to text messages, photos, and notifications. Imagine being able to quickly drag and drop your phone’s photos into a document on your PC in one swift movement – without having to take your phone out of your pocket. Today, this experience allows you to link your phone to your PC. Surf the web on your phone, then send the webpage instantly to your PC to pick up where you left off to continue what you’re doing–read, watch, or browse with all the benefits of a bigger screen. With a linked phone, continuing on your PC is one share away. We’re working hard to expand these experiences so check back here for updates.
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed an issue with dll from the previous flight that could result in explorer.exe crashing every few minutes.
We fixed an issue resulting in VPN potentially not working after updating to the previous build.
We fixed an issue from the previous build where apps may appear to be missing in secondary accounts after receiving app updates from the PC’s primary account.
We fixed an issue from the previous flight resulting in a bugcheck with the error IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL in tcpip.sys.
We fixed an issue where a border would be visible when you maximized windows in the last few flights.
We’ve updated the design of This PC so that there’s no longer space displayed for the cloud files state icon (which isn’t relevant on this page).
The snipping toolbar (with WIN + Shift + S) will now follow your desired theme, light or dark.
We fixed an issue that could result in the Emoji Panel and the touch keyboard not displaying correctly if invoked immediately after restarting explorer.exe.
Known issues
If your PC appears stuck at “Preparing to install…” somewhere between the 80%-100% in Windows Update – please be patient and wait up to 30 minutes (or in some cases – longer than 30 minutes) for this stage to complete.
After completing the Windows Mixed Reality First Run experience, OOBE is black. Motion Controllers are also not recognized in exclusive apps. For Insiders who want to keep Windows Mixed Reality working – you might want to consider hitting pause on taking new Insider Preview builds until these issues are fixed. You can pause Insider Preview builds by going to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Insider Program and pressing the “Stop Insider Preview builds” button and choosing “Pause updates for a bit”.
On resuming from sleep, the desktop may be momentarily visible before the Lock screen displays as expected.
When Movies & TV user denies access to its videos library (through the “Let Movies & TV access your videos library?” popup window or through Windows privacy settings), Movies & TV crashes when the user navigates to the “Personal” tab.
We’re aware of an issue that causes Narrator to read extra text when invoking Alt + Tab, and we’re working on a fix.
If you complete the setup for a Windows Mixed Reality headset on this build, the headset will remain black until it is unplugged and reconnected to the PC.
Known issues for Sets & Office
Sets UX for Office Win32 desktop apps is not final. The experience will be refined over time based on feedback.
The top of some Win32 desktop app windows may appear slightly underneath the tab bar when created maximized. To work around the issue, restore and re-maximize the window.
Closing one tab may sometimes minimize the entire set.
Tiling and cascading windows, including features like “View Side by Side” in Word, will not work for inactive tabs.
The Office Visual Basic Editor window will currently be tabbed but is not intended to be in the future.
Opening an Office document while the same app has an existing document open may cause an unintended switch to the last active document. This will also happen when closing a sheet in Excel while other sheets remain open.
Local files or non-Microsoft cloud files will not be automatically restored, and no error message will be provided to alert the user to that fact.
Quick Update Today i updated with Windows 10 Slow Ring & Release Preview 17134 32 bit & 64 bit available above
Today I'm releasing os of build 17672 32 bit & 64 bit available above . This build is just bug fixes No new features & Marked stable
Here are change log for this build
What’s new in Build 17672
Windows Security Improvements
The Windows Security Center (WSC) service now requires antivirus products to run as a protected process to register. Products that have not yet implemented this will not appear in the Windows Security UI, and Windows Defender Antivirus will remain enabled side-by-side with these products.
For testing purposes, you can disable this new behavior in Windows Insider builds by creating the following registry key and rebooting the device. This key will be removed as we get closer to release.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Feature
DisableAvCheck (DWORD) = 1
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed the issue causing PCs to appear stuck at “Preparing to install…” somewhere between the 80%-100% in Windows Update when attempting to install a new build.
We fixed an issue where right-clicking to copy text in Microsoft Edge didn’t work in recent flights.
We fixed an issue with structuredquery.dll resulting some users experiencing a cyclical explorer.exe crash.
We fixed an issue resulting in the two-finger gesture to dismiss all notifications not working in the Action Center.
We fixed an issue resulting in the Korean IME sometimes entering duplicate characters when typing into text fields in certain websites in Microsoft Edge.
You can now refresh the Books pane in Microsoft Edge using a pull gesture.
When you pin books to Start from Microsoft Edge you will now see a live tile that cycles between the book cover and your current completion progress.
When printing PDFs from Microsoft Edge, you’ll find a new option to choose the scale of your print out (Actual size, or Fit to page).
We’ve updated Timeline so that in addition to seeing the number of available tabs to restore associated with a particular Sets activity, you can now cycle through them.
We’ve made some adjustments to improve the quality of audio when recording clips using the game bar (WIN+G). Thanks, everyone who shared feedback about this – please take a moment to try it out in today’s build and let us know how it goes.
We fixed an issue that could result in apps sometimes not fully maximizing to the top of the screen.
We fixed an issue resulting in certain devices not being able to wake from sleep in the last two flights (just showed a black screen).
When you hover over the leaf icon in Task Manager’s Status column, you will now see a tooltip describing what it means (this app is suspending processes to help improve system performance).
Building on our work from Build 17639, in addition to showing Bluetooth battery level in Settings for supported devices, you will now see a notification when one of those devices is low on battery.
For our WSL fans out there: if you’ve enabled WSL, you’ll now see an option to “Open Linux Shell here” when you Shift + Right-click on the whitespace of a File Explorer folder.
We’ve introduced preview support for same-site cookies in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11.
Known issues
After completing the Windows Mixed Reality First Run experience, OOBE is black. Motion Controllers are also not recognized in exclusive apps. If you need your Mixed Reality experience to be working it is advised you not take this build until these issues are fixed.
We’re aware of an issue that causes Narrator to read extra text when invoking Alt + Tab, and we’re working on a fix.
If you complete the setup for a Windows Mixed Reality headset on this build, the headset will remain black until it is unplugged and reconnected to the PC.
We’re making progress on our work to support dark theme in File Explorer and the Common File Dialog, and you’ll see improvements in this build, but we still have some work to do.
Insiders who use Remote Desktop, project their screen or have multiple monitors may experience explorer.exe hangs on this build. This issue can also lead to Microsoft Edge hangs.
ADDED: Please note that there is a known issue in this Windows Insider build that prevents the user from enabling Developer Mode through the For developers settings page. Unfortunately, this means that you will not be able to remotely deploy a UWP application to your PC or use Windows Device Portal on this build. There are no known workarounds at the moment. Please skip this flight if you rely on these features
Known issues for Sets & Office
Sets UX for Office Win32 desktop apps is not final. The experience will be refined over time based on feedback.
The top of some Win32 desktop app windows may appear slightly underneath the tab bar when created maximized. To work around the issue, restore and re-maximize the window.
Closing one tab may sometimes minimize the entire set.
Tiling and cascading windows, including features like “View Side by Side” in Word, will not work for inactive tabs.
The Office Visual Basic Editor window will currently be tabbed but is not intended to be in the future.
Opening an Office document while the same app has an existing document open may cause an unintended switch to the last active document. This will also happen when closing a sheet in Excel while other sheets remain open.
Local files or non-Microsoft cloud files will not be automatically restored, and no error message will be provided to alert the user to that fact.
Today I'm releasing os of build 17677 32 bit & 64 bit. To fast ring & Skip ahead. This build has bug fixes & has improvements.
Since this build has issues with Business guys using there AAD account to receive new flights & there is an issue causing the “Fix me” option to be presented which unfortunately will not work and you will not be able to receive the next flights. This build will be marked risky until there is fix in upcoming build.
Here are bug fixes & improvements in this build
What’s new in Build 17677
Microsoft Edge Improvements
New, clearer “Settings and more” (“…”) menu: We’ve redesigned the “Settings and more” menu in Microsoft Edge so it’s easier to find the options you’re looking for. The menu options are now organized into groups, with icons for each entry, and keyboard shortcuts (where applicable). Click the “…” button in the top-right corner of Microsoft Edge to see what’s new!
Screen capture showing the new Settings menu in Microsoft Edge, with icons and keyboard shortcuts visible.
See your top sites in the Jump List: You can now see your top sites in the Jump List on the Windows taskbar or Start Menu. Just right-click the Microsoft Edge icon to see a list of your most visited sites and pin the ones that matter most to you. Right-click on any entry to remove it from the list.
Organize the tabs you’ve set aside: We’re making it easier to organize the groups of tabs you’ve set aside, so you can remember what’s in each group when come back to it later. Once you’ve set a group of tabs aside, choose the “Tabs you’ve set aside” icon (top left corner), and click on the label for any group to rename it.
Screen capture showing the “Name these tabs” field in “Tabs you’ve set aside” in Microsoft Edge.
Do more from the “Downloads” pane: We’ve added options for “Show in folder” and “Copy link” to the right-click menu for downloads in the “Downloads” pane.
Screen capture showing right-click options on downloads in Microsoft
Narrator Improvements
Selection commands in Narrator Scan Mode: Narrator’s scan mode now supports selecting content in Microsoft Edge, Word, Outlook, Mail and most text surfaces. Standard shift- selection commands can be used as well as Control + A for the entire document. Caps + Shift + Down Arrow will speak the current selection. For a full list of selection commands, you can refer to Narrator’s Show Commands List by pressing Caps+F1. Once content is selected you can copy it to the clipboard by pressing Control + C. Formatting information will also be retained.
There is a known issue in Edge where selecting forward will get stuck. This issue is being worked on. Selection in general is a work in progress. We would love to hear your feedback as you try out these improvements. This link will take you to the Narrator section of the Feedback Hub, or you can press Caps + E while Narrator is running.
Kernel Debugging Improvements
We are adding support for IPv6 to KDNET. To make room for the larger headers required for IPv6, we’re decreasing the payload size of packets. As a result, we’re declaring a new version of the protocol, so that host PCs running the latest version of the debugger can be used to debug target PCs that only support IPv4. An updated SDK and WDK will be released soon with this support. There is a version of WinDbg Preview available at http://aka.ms/windbgpreview today. Follow the Debugging Tools for Windows blog for updates on KDNET IPv6 support and documentation in the future.
Task Manager Memory Reporting Improvements
We are making a small change in how memory used by suspended UWP apps/processes appears in Task Manager. Going forward, the main memory column in Task Manager “Processes” tab will not include memory used by suspended UWP processes. This is to more accurately reflect the OS behavior in which the OS can reclaim memory used by suspended UWP processes if needed. This means that if you have several UWP processes suspended in the background, the OS can take back memory from these suspended UWP processes if needed and use it for something that requires more memory. New and old memory columns will be available in “Details” tab for you to do comparisons if you want.
Mobile Broadband (LTE) connectivity on Windows gets a makeover
Windows is transforming the networking stack after 20 years through the NetAdapter framework. This framework introduces a new, more reliable, network driver model that inherits the goodness of the Windows driver framework while bringing an accelerated data path. More details coming soon.
We introduced the new and improved Mobile Broadband USB class driver based on the NetAdapter framework in Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17655. We also shared instructions around how you can try out this latest non-default driver. Starting with this build, the MBB USB NetAdapter driver becomes the default driver. To try this out – install this build on a PC that relies on mobile broadband for cellular connectivity and setup cellular connectivity and turn off Wi-fi.
In case of issues using the driver, fall back on Wi-Fi or ethernet adapters for connectivity.
Don’t forget to report issues, Use Feedback Hub on your PC and set Category and subcategory as Network and Internet > Connecting to a cellular network. Use [cxwmbclass] in the summary. We look forward to your continued support!
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed an issue causing Narrator to read extra text when invoking Alt + Tab.
We fixed an issue resulting in Chinese and Japanese characters not rendering correctly in Command Prompt.
We fixed an issue where double-clicking text in Command Prompt only selected up to the first punctuation mark, not up to the space.
We fixed an issue resulting in the Home and End keys not working in Microsoft Edge in recent flights.
We fixed an issue resulting in a high volume of reliability issues in any XAML surface using Reveal in the previous flight.
We fixed an issue resulting in some apps like Adobe XD from crashing on launch in recent flights.
When you press F1 in Microsoft Edge it will now take you to the Microsoft Edge support page, rather than Microsoft Edge tips.
When a tab in Microsoft Edge is playing audio, the volume icon in the tab will now light up when you hover your mouse over it.
When you open local files (like PDFs) in Microsoft Edge, those files will now appear in the History section.
We fixed an issue where downloading files in Microsoft Edge could appear stuck on doing the security scan.
We fixed a recent issue where Ctrl + Shift + Left to select backwards in Notepad wouldn’t work at the end of a line.
When you execute “start cmd” from a Command Prompt window, a new Command Prompt tab will now be created if you have Sets enabled. This will also work for other start launches, like “start notepad”. To start something in a new window you can use the new /newwindow flag, for example “start /newwindow notepad”.
We fixed the issue that was preventing users from enabling Developer Mode through the For developers settings page.
Known issues
Important note for Windows Insider Program for Business folks: If you use your AAD account to receive new flights (via Settings > Update & Security > Windows Insider Program) there is an issue causing the “Fix me” option to be presented which unfortunately will not work and you will not be able to receive the latest flights. We’re working to fix this as soon as possible in an upcoming build.
We’re working on adding dark theme in File Explorer and the Common File Dialog, but we still have some things to do. You may see some unexpectedly light colors in these surfaces when in dark mode.
Insiders who use Remote Desktop, project their screen, or have multiple monitors may experience explorer.exe hangs on this build. This issue can also lead to Microsoft Edge hangs.
If you right-click apps in the taskbar you may find that the jump list is missing pinned and recent items.
After update, Mixed Reality Portal will reinstall the Mixed Reality Software and as a result environment setting will not be preserved. If you need your Mixed Reality home experience to persist it is advised you not take this build until these issues are fixed.
Known issues for Sets & Office
Sets UX for Office Win32 desktop apps is not final. The experience will be refined over time based on feedback.
The top of some Win32 desktop app windows may appear slightly underneath the tab bar when created maximized. To work around the issue, restore and re-maximize the window.
Closing one tab may sometimes minimize the entire set.
Tiling and cascading windows, including features like “View Side by Side” in Word, will not work for inactive tabs.
The Office Visual Basic Editor window will currently be tabbed but is not intended to be in the future.
Opening an Office document while the same app has an existing document open may cause an unintended switch to the last active document. This will also happen when closing a sheet in Excel while other sheets remain open.
Local files or non-Microsoft cloud files will not be automatically restored, and no error message will be provided to alert the user to that fact.
Insider Community
We love celebrating Insiders doing great things. Nori from Argentina has a visual impairment and is an amazing speaker of Japanese. Check out how she uses Cortana, Narrator, and other Windows 10 accessibility features to pursue her passion for anime culture and learning Japanese. Read her inspiring story.
Upcoming Bug Bash
We are excited to announce the dates for the next Bug Bash: June 22nd – July 1st. And we will hold a Bug Bash Webcast on our Mixer channel on June 27th – exact timing will be announced closer to the date. We’re excited to do another Bug Bash with our Windows Insiders!
Please note: Some builds of windows 10 will no longer be available after 31 May 2018. Please check out 32 bit or 64 bit downloads above for last chance builds. After this date some builds will be removed!
swiftyste said:
Windows 10 Pro 17672 (Fast) - 64 bit Download Stable
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hello sir
i have download this version and also make a bootable usb of this iso file but when i boot my laptop,and when The install box pop up to enter your language then it went to system repair windows
plz help
Jaspreet90 said:
hello sir
i have download this version and also make a bootable usb of this iso file but when i boot my laptop,and when The install box pop up to enter your language then it went to system repair windows
plz help
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
really weird :/ we have Windows 10 17677 here & brand new 17682 here (forgot to update lazy me )
Could be a number of reasons why its playing up but i have a look into it. Thanks for letting me know
Due to green screen issue (CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED) with build 17682 i didn't add this to this thread & removed it for download
I have added build 17686 for fast ring & skip ahead 32 bit & 64 bit.
(This build has fixed green screen issue CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED)
Here is change log
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17686 (RS5) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring in addition to those who opted in to Skip Ahead.
What’s new in Build 17686
Improved Local Experience
We have introduced a new Region page that allows overrides to default regional format settings such as Calendar, First day of the week, Dates, Times, and Currency. Please go to Settings App – Time & Language – Region and give it a try.
Region Page in Settings app.
Local Experience Packs are Microsoft Store apps that deliver Windows display language quality improvements. You can now access them easily via the Settings App. Please go to Settings App – Time & Language – Language. Once here click on Add a Windows display language with Local Experience Packs link to download a Local Experience Pack from the Microsoft Store and start enjoying Windows in your preferred language.
Acquire Local Experience Packs from Settings app’s Language page.
Privacy Improvements
We wanted to let you know that if access to the microphone has been disabled in your privacy settings, we’ll now pop a notification the first time an attempt to use the microphone is blocked so you can review the settings if desired.
Notification showing “Your privacy settings blocked access to the microphone. Review these privacy settings”.
Windows Mixed Reality Improvements
This build includes several improvements for Windows Mixed Reality users:
This build no longer requires a physical monitor to be connected while running Mixed Reality in cases such as backpack PCs. Setting up WMR for the first time in Mixed Reality Portal and unlocking the PC on the sign in screen still, require a monitor to be connected initially. However, you can configure auto login to prevent needing to sign in for subsequent usage here. Using Windows Mixed Reality while standing requires setting up a room boundary.
Apps running in Windows Mixed Reality can now make use of the Camera Capture UI API to capture images of the mixed reality world using the system capture experience. Try running Mail in the Cliff House and inserting an image from your camera in a new message to share an image of the scenic view.
We’ve also made some adjustments to the mixed reality video capture experience in this build to make it easier to stop videos from the Start menu.
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed an issue resulting in frequent bugchecks on the previous build with CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED error.
Settings > Gaming > Game DVR has been renamed “Captures”.
We fixed an issue where Paint and WordPad settings and recent files weren’t migrated during upgrades.
While we still have some work to do, you’ll find that when you update to this build, File Explorer will look a lot more complete in dark theme.
We fixed an issue resulting in the “Replace or skip files” dialog having some unexpected dark elements in recent flights.
We fixed an issue where the Japanese IME’s big mode indicator would appear in the center of the screen when bringing up UAC even if the mode indicator had been disabled in Settings.
We fixed an issue where the taskbar flyouts (network, volume, etc) didn’t have a shadow.
We fixed an issue where clicking on the plus button in the Clock and Calendar flyout from the taskbar didn’t do anything in recent flights.
We fixed an issue resulting in Command Prompt’s cursor appearing invisible in the last few flights.
We fixed an issue resulting in a high number of reliability issues when switching to the Microsoft Pinyin IME in recent flights.
We fixed an issue where the Emoji Panel might not dismiss if you clicked somewhere else on the screen.
[ADDED 6/7 for @Stanzilla] This build includes MSIX support. Using the SDK Build 17682 and higher, you can package your apps as MSIX.
Known issues
We’re working on adding dark theme in File Explorer and the Common File Dialog, but we still have some things to do. You may see some unexpectedly light colors in these surfaces when in dark mode.
After update, Mixed Reality Portal will reinstall the Mixed Reality Software and environment settings will not be preserved. If you need your Mixed Reality home experience to persist, we recommend skipping this build until these issues are fixed.
Some Insiders may find increased reliability and performance issues when launching Start on this build. We’re investigating.
Fonts acquired from Microsoft Store may not work in some apps.
When you upgrade to this build you’ll find that the taskbar flyouts (network, volume, etc) no longer have an acrylic background.
There is a bug in this build (and in Build 17682) that will impact driver testing scenarios. When executing HLK Component/Device driver tests, you may experience a bug check that blocks test execution. We are aware of the issue and actively working on a fix.
If you install any of the recent builds from the Fast ring and switch to the Slow ring – optional content such as enabling developer mode will fail. You will have to remain in the Fast ring to add/install/enable optional content. This is because optional content will only install on builds approved for specific rings. There has not yet been a RS5 build released to the Slow ring.
Known issues for Sets & Office
Sets UX for Office Win32 desktop apps is not final. The experience will be refined over time based on feedback.
The top of some Win32 desktop app windows may appear slightly underneath the tab bar when created maximized. To work around the issue, restore and re-maximize the window.
Closing one tab may sometimes minimize the entire set.
Tiling and cascading windows, including features like “View Side by Side” in Word, will not work for inactive tabs.
The Office Visual Basic Editor window will currently be tabbed but is not intended to be in the future.
Opening an Office document while the same app has an existing document open may cause an unintended switch to the last active document. This will also happen when closing a sheet in Excel while other sheets remain open.
Local files or non-Microsoft cloud files will not be automatically restored, and no error message will be provided to alert the user to that fact.
REMINDER: Upcoming Bug Bash
We are excited to announce the dates for the next Bug Bash: June 22nd – July 1st. And we will hold a Bug Bash Webcast on our Mixer channel on June 27th – exact timing will be announced closer to the date. We’re excited to do another Bug Bash with our Windows Insiders!
Windows 10 build 17692 Now available 32 bit & 64 bit
Change log for this build
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17692 (RS5) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring in addition to those who opted in to Skip Ahead.
What’s new in Build 17692
SwiftKey intelligence comes to Windows
SwiftKey gives you more accurate autocorrections and predictions by learning your writing style – including the words, phrases and emoji that matter to you. It’s available for Android and iOS, and starting with today’s build SwiftKey will now power the typing experience on Windows when using the touch keyboard to write in English (United States), English (United Kingdom), French (France), German (Germany), Italian (Italy), Spanish (Spain), Portuguese (Brazil), or Russian.
Please take a moment to try typing and shapewriting on the touch keyboard in this build and let us know what you think
Microsoft Edge improvements
Control whether media can play automatically: One common piece of Insider feedback for Microsoft Edge is that you want more control over autoplay videos. In this build, we’ve added a new setting in Microsoft Edge to allow you to control whether sites can autoplay media. You can find an early preview of this setting under “Advanced Settings,” “Allow sites to automatically play media.” We’ll be improving these options and adding additional controls in upcoming flights and in response to your feedback, so stay tuned!
EDIT: Woops! We got a little too excited about this – this change is actually coming in a new build in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!
WebDriver improvements: Beginning with this build, we’re making it easier than ever to automate testing in Microsoft Edge using WebDriver. First, we’ve made WebDriver a Windows Feature on Demand, so you no longer need to match the build/branch/flavor manually when installing WebDriver. When you take new Windows 10 updates, your WebDriver binary will be automatically updated to match.
To install WebDriver, just turn on Developer Mode in Windows 10 Settings, or install the standalone feature under the “optional features” Settings page.
We’ve also updated WebDriver to match the latest W3C Recommendation spec with major new improvements. You can learn all about these changes over at the Microsoft Edge Dev Blog.
Ease of Access Improvements
Make Text Bigger: We’ve heard your feedback and are excited to announce that the ability to increase text size across the system is back and better than ever! When you go to Settings > Ease of Access > Display in today’s build, you’ll find a new setting called “Make everything bigger” – this slider will adjust text across the system, win32 apps, and UWP apps.
Ease of Access Setting, Display page. Make everything bigger option.
That means you can now make text bigger in Start menu, File Explorer, Settings, etc., without having to change the overall scaling of your system. Please try it out and share feedback!
Note: We’re investigating some issues with text clipping, not increasing in size everywhere, and problems when changing DPI settings.
Narrator Improvements
Based on your feedback you’ll find we’ve made a bunch of updates to Narrator with today’s build:
Narrator Standard Keyboard Layout: Narrator now ships with a new keyboard layout that is designed to be more familiar to screen reader users. Please refer to the accompanying documentation for details on these changes (Intro to New Narrator Keyboard Layout doc).
Automatic Dialog Reading: Narrator will now automatically read the contents of a dialog box when brought to the foreground. The experience is for Narrator to speak the title of the dialog, the focused element within the dialog and the static text, if any, at the top of the dialog. For example, if you try to close a document in Word with unsaved changes, Narrator will speak the title “Microsoft Word,” the focus “Save button” and the static text within the dialog.
Narrator Find: You now have the ability to search for text using Narrator’s new Find feature. If the text is found Narrator will move to the found item. Please refer to the accompanying keyboard layout documentation for command mapping.
List of Objects: Narrator now has the ability to present a list of links, headings or landmarks present in the application or content. You are also able to filter the results by typing in the list or the text field of the window. Please refer to the accompanying keyboard layout documentation for command mapping.
Selection in Scan Mode: Along with being able to select content in Narrator’s scan mode using Shift-selection commands, you can now also select a block of data by first moving to one end of the block and pressing F9, moving to the other end of the block and pressing F10. Once F10 is pressed the entire contents between the two points will be selected.
Stop on Controls in Scan Mode: Scan mode is a feature of Narrator that lets you use just a few keys to move around your screen. Scan mode is already on by default in Edge and you can toggle it on and off by pressing Caps lock + Spacebar. While you’re in scan mode, you can press the Up and Down arrow keys to read different parts of the page. With this update, the press of a Down arrow in Scan Mode will stop on interactive elements, so that they are easier to use. An example of this new behavior is that if you are reading a paragraph with multiple links, Narrator will stop on these links when you press the Down arrow.
We would love to hear what you think as you try out these improvements. This link will take you to the Narrator section of the Feedback Hub, or you can press Caps + E while Narrator is running.
Game bar Improvements
We’re now rolling out more functionality to the RS5 Game bar. In this flight are the following new features:
Audio controls. Change your default audio output device and mute or adjust the volume of games and apps running.
Performance visualizations. See your game’s framerate (FPS), CPU usage, GPU VRAM usage, and system RAM usage.
Playing Forza Horizon 3 with the new game bar UI showing. Has a performance monitor, recording controls, and audio options.
Game Mode Improvements
New options are now available for Game Mode that are expected to improve the gaming experience on desktop PCs. Gamers on PCs with many background processes may also see performance improvements when they toggle “Dedicate resources” in Game bar.
Search Improvements
Find software downloads faster in Search! Continuing our theme of improving the search preview experience, we’re rolling out an update to make it easier to find official download pages for Windows software you want to install. The team is continuing to develop this experience and more is coming. Check out the example below, and let us know what you think!
Search showing with GitHub download example, in the search preview pane a download button is visible.
This is a server-side* change so Insiders may see this update outside of Build 17692.
*Some experiences may vary by region.
Windows Mixed Reality Improvements
Starting with this build you can stream audio to both the headset and the PC speakers simultaneously. To try it out make sure that you can hear sound from your normal PC speakers when not running the Mixed Reality Portal (MRP) and from the headset’s audio jack or built-in headphones when mixed reality is running. Then close all apps, including MRP, and go to Settings > Mixed reality > Audio and speech to turn on “When Mixed Reality Portal is running, mirror headset audio to desktop.” You should now hear audio from both the headset and PC speakers when running mixed reality.
You may also notice some new error codes in Mixed Reality Portal to be more specific to certain failures. The Mixed Reality Portal app will also begin updating through the Store as we make infrastructure changes over the next several releases to support faster updates of mixed reality.
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
We fixed an issue resulting in audio glitching on systems with lots of firewall rules.
We fixed an issue from the last few flights where Eye Control would fail fast and not start.
We fixed an issue resulting in certain games, such as Counter Strike: Global Offensive, to crash on launch in the last two builds.
We fixed an issue resulting in Settings crashing when attempting to open Data Usage Settings in the last few flights.
We fixed an issue resulting in an unexpected “codecpacks.vp9” entry in the Start menu.
We fixed a recent issue for some Insiders resulting in an explorer.exe crash with AppXDeploymentClient.dll.
We fixed an issue resulting in some Insiders recently experiencing a bug check (green screen) with the error SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION in afd.sys.
With Build 17672 we made a fix for an explorer.exe crash in structuredquery.dll – that fix stopped anyone new from encountering the crash, however we heard your reports that anyone already impacted was still impacted. Today’s build has a fix for this issue that should resolve it for anyone who was already impacted.
To improve discoverability, we’ve moved Delivery Optimization Settings to now be directly listed as a category under Settings > Update & Security.
We fixed an issue in Microsoft Edge impacting websites like Facebook.com, where when starting a message only the first contact name entered was automatically resolved while typing.
We fixed an issue in Microsoft Edge where if both images and text were selected, right-clicking on the image and selecting copy wouldn’t work.
We fixed an issue resulting in the Windows Security app crashing recently when adding a process to the exclusion list.
Known issues
The login screen will crash in a loop when the active sign-in method is set to Picture Password. We recommend removing your Picture Password before upgrading to this build.
This build will only be offered to Insiders running Builds 17655 and higher. You will not be able to update from RS4 to this build without first taking Build 17686 first.
We’re working on adding dark theme in File Explorer and the Common File Dialog, but we still have some things to do. You may see some unexpectedly light colors in these surfaces when in dark mode.
DRM video playback in Microsoft Edge from websites such as Netflix is broke on this build. But you should be able to use the Netflix app to play videos.
Some Insiders may find increased reliability and performance issues when launching Start on this build. We’re investigating.
When you upgrade to this build you’ll find that the taskbar flyouts (network, volume, etc) no longer have an acrylic background.
There is a bug in these builds that will impact driver testing scenarios. When executing HLK Component/Device driver tests, you may experience a bug check that blocks test execution. We are aware of the issue and actively working on a fix.
Due to a merge conflict some settings in Settings may be unexpectedly missing and / or missing their labels.
When Narrator starts you will be presented with a dialog that informs the user of the change to Narrator’s keyboard layout. This dialog may not take focus or speak after Narrator has started. We recommend that you Alt + Tab to this dialog, which should cause it to read.
The Settings for Keyboard Settings found in the Ease of Access center are missing text as well as visible values in the two combo boxes. Narrator users can interact with these controls and get some information pertaining to the settings that are available to them.
When using scan mode you may experience multiple stops for a single control. An example of this is if you have an image that is also a link. This is something we are actively working on.
If you change Narrator’s default Narrator key to just caps lock the Insert key will continue to function until the caps lock key is used as the Narrator key or if the user restarts Narrator.
If the Narrator key is set to just Insert and you attempt to send a Narrator command from a braille display then these commands will not function. As long as the Caps Lock key is a part of the Narrator key mapping then braille functionality will work as designed.
There is a known issue in automatic dialog reading where the title of the dialog is being spoken more than once.
The state of a Narrator command such as toggling Scan Mode on and off, volume up and down, voice speed, changing verbosity and context verbosity commands may not be announced when executed.
If you have previously performed a Find using Narrator’s Find feature and you bring up the dialog the text will not be cleared from the field.
Please refer to the Narrator Keyboard Layout documentation for other issues found in this release that pertain to Narrator. (Intro to New Narrator Keyboard Layout doc).
ADDED: If you have a Surface Studio, it will fail to update to Builds 17682, 17686, and 17692. This bug is fixed and you will be able to update to the next build we flight.
Known issues for developers
Please note that there is an issue in this build that regresses the time it takes to remotely deploy and debug a UWP application to a local virtual machine or an emulator. Please skip this flight if you rely on deploying or debugging to a local virtual machine or an emulator for your UWP development. Please note, this does not impact deployment and debugging on the local machine, to a physical target device, or a remote machine. We have seen the following workaround alleviate some of the performance regression here:
From an admin PowerShell window, please run the Disable-NetAdapterLso cmdlet and pass in the virtual switch information using -name attribute.
Example: PS C:\> Disable-NetAdapterLso -name <VirtualSwitchName>
You can use Get-NetAdapterLso to retrieve the virtual switch information for the corresponding Virtual Machine.
If you install any of the recent builds from the Fast ring and switch to the Slow ring – optional content such as enabling developer mode will fail. You will have to remain in the Fast ring to add/install/enable optional content. This is because optional content will only install on builds approved for specific rings. There has not yet been a RS5 build released to the Slow ring.
Known Issues for Game bar
The Game bar may crash on x86 machines.
The framerate counter chart sometimes doesn’t show up correctly over known games.
The CPU chart shows an incorrect percentage of usage in the top left corner.
Charts in the performance panel don’t update immediately when clicking through tabs.
The user’s gamerpic doesn’t display correctly, even after signing in.
Insider Community
We’ve got two stories from the Insider Community we want to highlight!
What do ninja cats and dragons have in common? Find out in this story, featuring an Insider who brings her creations to life with Windows Ink and Universal Windows Platform.
The Sisters of Mercy help people in harm’s way. Their IT Director is an Insider who protects the nuns from a different kind of threat. Check out our latest Insider Story.
And heads up Boston – Brandon LeBlanc and Jason Howard will be at the Prudential Center Microsoft Store on June 23rd from 1pm EST – 4pm EST to meet with Windows Insiders for some fun discussion on Windows 10! RSVP: https://aka.ms/bostoninsiders
REMINDER: Upcoming Bug Bash
Our next Bug Bash will be from June 22nd – July 1st – we will be holding a Bug Bash Webcast on our Mixer channel on June 27th, exact timing will be announced closer to the date. We’re excited to do another Bug Bash with our Windows Insiders!
I have been having issues downloading build 17704 to our file host. You can download this by google drive at the moment but this could be removed soon.
Cant provide change log due to xda character limit
but you can check out change log here
Our issues with build "17704" has now be resolved and won't be removed.....
Our newer build "17711" has some HDR features why not check out its change log...
Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17711 (RS5) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring in addition to those who opted in to Skip Ahead.
What’s new in Build 17711
Microsoft Edge Improvements
Learning tools get richer: Under learning tools available on Reading View, you can now see additional themes. These let you choose the theme color which is best for your eyes.
Under learning tools available on Reading View, you can now see additional themes.
Along with highlighting Parts of speech you can now also change the color in which the Past of speech should be highlighted as well as turn on an indicator right over it. Making it much easier to identify the part of speech.
Line focus: Helps improve focus while reading an article by highlighting sets of one, three, or five lines.
Line focus helps improve focus while reading an article by highlighting sets of one, three, or five lines.
New consent box for saving Autofill data: Microsoft Edge seeks your permission each time to save your passwords and card details for Autofill purposes. We have come up with improved design and string changes to the consent notification pop-up to improve discoverability and provide clarity on the value of saving this information. The changes include introducing password and payment icons, improved messaging, and highlighting of options. One interesting update would be the cool micro-animations for the new password and payment icons.
Improved design and text for dialog for when Microsoft Edge seeks your permission each time to save your passwords and card details for Autofill purposes.
PDF toolbar improvements: PDF toolbar can now be invoked by just hovering at the top to make the tools easily accessible to the users.
Fluent Design Updates
At Build 2018 we shared our vision of the evolution of Fluent Design. We introduced acrylic to many of our default menus recently, and today to help improve user focus we’re bringing added depth in the form of shadows.
Shadows provide visual hierarchy, and with Build 17711 many of our default modern popup type controls will now have them. This is enabled on a smaller set of controls than what the general public will eventually see, and Insiders can expect to see the support grow in subsequent builds.
Microsoft Edge context menu now has a shadow.
Note: This is a work in progress and you may see some glitches or oddities – this will be improved across flights.
Display Improvements
A new Windows HD Color page is now available under Display Settings! Windows HD Color-capable devices can show high dynamic range (HDR) content, including photos, videos, games, and apps. This depends on your display and your PC. The “Windows HD Color Settings” page linked in Display Settings now reports your system’s HD Color capabilities and allows HD Color features to be configured on capable systems. The HD Color settings page is your one-stop shop to understand and configure your device’s settings – if you have an HDR-capable display connected to a recent PC, please give it a try and send us feedback!
A new Windows HD Color page is now available under Display Settings! Windows HD Color-capable devices can show high dynamic range (HDR) content, including photos, videos, games, and apps.
Registry Editor Improvements
Have you ever been typing into the regedit address bar, and the next part of the path is just on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t remember? Starting with today’s build, you’ll now see a dropdown as you type to help complete the next part of the path! Oh, and you can also press Ctrl + Backspace to delete the last “word”, which makes backing up work that much faster (Ctrl + Delete will delete the next word).
Showing regedit with an autocomplete dropdown list.
General changes, improvements, and fixes for PC
REMINDER: Thank you for your continued support of testing Sets. We continue to receive valuable feedback from you as we develop this feature helping to ensure we deliver the best possible experience once it’s ready for release. Starting with this build, we’re taking Sets offline to continue making it great. Based on your feedback, some of the things we’re focusing on include improvements to the visual design and continuing to better integrate Office and Microsoft Edge into Sets to enhance workflow. If you have been testing Sets, you will no longer see it as of today’s build, however, Sets will return in a future WIP flight. Thanks again for your feedback.
We have fixed the issue that had regressed the time it takes to remotely deploy and debug a UWP application to a local virtual machine or an emulator.
We fixed an issue that could result in any surface that used reveal (including Start tiles and Settings categories) going totally white.
We fixed an issue resulting in some Insiders seeing a 0x80080005 error when upgrading to recent flights.
We fixed an issue where the “You are getting an update” dialog displayed unexpected extra characters.
We fixed an issue where aborting a shutdown would break input in UWP apps until rebooting.
We fixed an issue in recent flights where attempting to pin Settings categories to Start would either crash Settings or do nothing.
We fixed an issue resulting in Ethernet and Wi-Fi Settings unexpectedly missing content in the last flight.
We fixed a high hitting Settings crash impacting pages with Get Help content, including Touchpad Settings, Accounts Settings, and Family and Other Users Settings pages.
We fixed an issue that could result in Sign-In Settings being blank sometimes.
We fixed an issue where advanced keyboard settings might unexpectedly show “some settings are hidden by your org”.
We fixed an issue where creating a system image from backup and restore in control panel would fail on x86 machines.
We’ve decided to turn off the acrylic background in Task View – for now the design will return to how it shipped in the previous release, with acrylic cards instead. Thanks everyone who tried it out.
We fixed an issue where after using voice to ask Cortana certain questions you may not be able to ask her a second question with voice.
We fixed an issue that could result in explorer.exe crashing if certain apps were minimized when switching to tablet mode.
On the Share tab in File Explorer, we’ve updated the Remove access icon to be more modern. We’ve also made some tweaks to the Advanced security icon.
We fixed an issue that could result in the console forgetting the cursor color on upgrade and it getting set to 0x000000 (black). The fix will prevent future users from hitting this issue, but if you’ve already been impacted by this bug, you’ll need to manually fix the setting in the registry. To do this, open regedit.exe and delete the ‘CursorColor’ entry in ‘Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console’ and any sub-keys, and re-launch your console window.
We addressed an issue where the audio driver would hang for many Bluetooth speakers and headsets which support the Hands-Free profile.
We fixed an issue resulting in the Microsoft Edge favorites pane scrolling sideways instead of up and down on mouse wheel in recent flights.
We fixed a few issues highly impacting Microsoft Edge reliability in the last few flights.
We fixed an issue resulting in Internet Explorer losing all settings and becoming unpinned from the taskbar with each of the last few flights.
We fixed an issue resulting in ethernet not working for some Insiders using Broadcom ethernet drivers on older hardware in the last flight.
We fixed an issue where remoting into a PC running the previous flight could result in just seeing a black window.
We fixed an issue that could result in certain games hanging when typing into the chat window.
We fixed an issue from the last flight where text predictions and shapewriting candidates wouldn’t appear in the touch keyboard’s candidate list until backspace is pressed while typing.
We fixed an issue where when Narrator started you would be presented with a dialog that informed the user of the change to Narrator’s keyboard layout and the dialog might not take focus or speak after Narrator has started.
We fixed an issue where when you changed Narrator’s default Narrator key to just caps lock the Insert key would continue to function until the caps lock key was used as the Narrator key or if the user restarts Narrator.
We fixed an issue where if your System > Display > Scaling and layout is not set to 100%, some text might appear smaller after reverting “Make text bigger” value back to 0%.
We fixed an issue where Windows Mixed Reality might get stuck after going to sleep and display a persistent error message in Mixed Reality Portal or a “Wake up” button that doesn’t work.
Known issues
We’re progressing in our work on adding dark theme in File Explorer and the Common File Dialog – you’ll notice improvements in this build, although we still have a few things left to do. You may see some unexpectedly light colors in these surfaces when in dark mode and/or dark on dark text.
In certain chases on PCs with multiple monitors, all the windows may appear shifted “up” and the mouse responds to the the wrong location. The workaround is use Ctrl + Alt + Del to bring up the task screen and then hit cancel. Repeat as necessary.
When you upgrade to this build you’ll find that the taskbar flyouts (network, volume, etc) no longer have an acrylic background.
We’re working on improving settings for HDR videos, games and apps in a new Windows HD Color page under System > Display. Some things temporarily will not work; notably, some users will not be able to enable/disable HDR display support.
Applications that use ICC color profiles may encounter errors such as Access Denied. This includes the Color Management control panel, and color profile switching on certain Surface devices.
When you use the Ease of Access Make Text bigger setting, you might see text clipping issues, or find that text is not increasing in size everywhere.
You may find your secondary displays don’t render correctly. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and then cancel and that should resolve it.
Known issues for Developers
If you install any of the recent builds from the Fast ring and switch to the Slow ring – optional content such as enabling developer mode will fail. You will have to remain in the Fast ring to add/install/enable optional content. This is because optional content will only install on builds approved for specific rings.
Known issues for Narrator
We are aware of an issue causing Narrator speech to fade when waking from sleep mode. We are working on a fix.
When the Narrator Quickstart launches, Scan Mode may not reliably be on by default. We recommend going through the Quickstart with Scan Mode on. To verify that Scan Mode is on, press Caps Lock + Space.
When using Scan mode you may experience multiple stops for a single control. An example of this is if you have an image that is also a link. This is something we are actively working on.
If the Narrator key is set to just Insert and you attempt to send a Narrator command from a braille display then these commands will not function. As long as the Caps Lock key is a part of the Narrator key mapping then braille functionality will work as designed.
There is a known issue in automatic dialog reading where the title of the dialog is being spoken more than once.
The state of a Narrator command such as toggling Scan Mode on and off, volume up and down, voice speed, changing verbosity and context verbosity commands may not be announced when executed.
Known issues for Game bar
The framerate counter chart sometimes doesn’t show up correctly over known games.
The CPU chart shows an incorrect percentage of usage in the top left corner.
Charts in the performance panel don’t update immediately when clicking through tabs.
The user’s gamerpic doesn’t display correctly, even after signing in.
Bug Bash wrap up
Thanks again to all the Insiders who participated in our bug bash last week! Our next bug bash will be from July 27th to August 3rd – our last RS5 bug bash, and the last chance to participate in our contest where you could win a chance to come visit Microsoft Headquarters. In the meantime, if you haven’t already, check out our special edition wallpaper collection just for you.
Thanks again to all the Insiders who participated in our bug bash last week!
If you have any feedback about how this bug bash was run, please let us know !

Smartwatch to act as remote command

I would like to have a smartwatch with the following requisites:
- connects via bluetooth to a smartphone
- the smartphone sends information (text) to the watch via an android app created by me
- the watch receives the information and displays it in an app (android or whatever) created by me (that will be installed in it)
- the watch shows buttons with the information displayed, that the user can trigger (by touch), and send information back to the smartphone.
- the watch must have speakers (produce sound).
This would allow me to have a smartwatch that would act as a remote control for a specific purpose I have.
Battery life is much more important than screen quality.
It would be preferable if the watch can be made to boot directly to my app and stay there locked, ot at least the app can be always running even on background.
Can you please help me finding a smartwatch that fits this criteria?

