[Q] Need help eliminating battery drain which seems caused Android subsystems - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a 1.5 year old T-mobile LG G2. It used to have great battery life and after a day of light usage I had 70% or more battery left!. However, these days it drains battery like crazy. I hardly used it today, and it dropped to 8% from 100% in 9 hours
From the battery usage I have been collecting using Gsam (it was recommended by some online websites) it looks like build in Android sub-systems are ones draining.
My battery overview shows 21% used by phone radio and 10% by wifi. However when you look at details, I hardly used my radio (8 MB) and only 84 MB of Wifi data. See attachments.
62% is used by Apps and a whole 40% seem be from build in system App (Kernel, Google services, android system, system manager). From the screenshots I already uninstalled the smaller apps with the X sign. See attachments.
What other steps can I take to investigate this problem? Any suggestion on what to do remove my battery drain?


ok, my phone battery life is messed up. Help please

Hi guys, this is not another rant post about battery life, but i'm starting to become really
frustrating with it, i tried almost all the solutions provided here on the forum but i can't
simply get the **** out of it. This is my story:
I bought the phone as used around 1 month ago (the guy who sold me the phone used it for around 1
month as well). I was quite satisfied about the device, but i noticed almost immediately the damn
poor battery life. With stock battery, my stats are (this is an average of the last 3 times i
used it):
Average duration: 27 hours
Average display usage: 2.5 hours
Average display %: around 45%
Average standby: Cell 30%, phone 15-16, other apps and android core 1-2
This with the following configuration:
3g off
gps off
background data off
bluetooth off
display brightness set to the minimum
no background applications or live wallpapers
No animations
No vibration feedback
No sounds
No widgets
Removed 5 touchwiz panels out of 7
Wi fi on (actually i noticed some small improvements by leaving it off)
The strange thing is, i noticed that the phone drains a LOT of battery while in standby. During
the night (7-8 hrs standby) my phone can drains up to 20% of the battery life. I read on the
forum that a lot of you guys have a battery drain overnight of around 2-3% which is 10 times
lower than mine.
So i thought about 2 possible causes:
1) Software related(processes or applications running in background)
2) Hardware related (battery ****ed up by the previous owner; phone not going in standby correctly)
Regarding the problem 1) i tried almost every solution provided here on the forum. Updated to new roms (JM5 and JM8) installed ultraslim roms, installed battery saving applications and task killers, performed some exotic "fixes" (removed battery stats file, tried to completely drain the battery following some procedures explained here on the forum). Nothing helped. To check case 2) i bought a cameronsino extended battery. Well with this battery i have exactly twice the duration of the stock battery. Last night i charged it to full before going to bed. This morning, when i woke up, the phone drained 10% (!) of the battery in 8 hours. So the stock battery is not the problem. What should i think then? that My phone is ****ed up? is There no chance to obtain a decent battery life? How is possible that a lot of guys have almost twice my battery life with stock battery?
I guess your phone may not be going into the sleep mode correctly ... try using system panel (from the market) and figure out which rogue app is causing the problem. Mine usually drains 4-5% at night.. (jm8 stock + voodoo)...

[Q] Android System processes draining battery even when FROZEN?

By the end of my battery's lifespan during the day, roughly 70% of battery is drained by Android System and the various processes included in that. So a few days ago, I rooted my S5 and downloaded Titanium Backup, and proceeded to freeze the processes that were draining the most battery (according to Settings and GSam battery monitor. These included SilentLogging, GestureService, AllShareCast Dongle Update, and various others that I deemed unnecessary. I figured this would fix the problem, but much to my surprise, I checked out my stats today and they're all still the biggest battery drainers! And they're supposedly frozen! I'd done a factory reset before to fix this and it didn't do anything, I'm sick of my $500 device lasting me 10 hours of moderate use, because I'm charging my damn phone two or three times during the course of the day. How the hell do I get my battery to at least be REASONABLE?

S4 major battery drain

Hi guys so I have a s4 i337m running Android 5.0.2 and recently I have been getting extreme battery drain. It draims around 3% an hour when the screen is off and seems to be awake more than half the time! I can get may even 2 hours screen on time even with my 3000 mah zero lemon battery. I have factory reset twice and even reinstalled the rom and it if anything it's gotten worse. Any ideas.? I do think want to downgrade to kit kat unless if have to.
Not enough information from you to allow anyone to help. Install an app like Better Battery Stats, run it for a day, then post a log so we can try and help.
I have been using gsam battery monitor for a couple of days and the android settings as well. I don't now how to put pictures in this thread but android is and system are at the top. Around 35% screen 20% android os, 15% android system 10% other apps and the rest unaccounted for. In GSAM I get around 70% app usage with both android is and system taking around half that. In the system settings it also shows that I have severe wakelock. I was in an area with no service at the but that is not the problem. I am on wifi 90% of the time. And almost always have a good cellular connection when I'm not.

Battery goes insane

We all know the battery was perfect with M, we all know that since N battery drains way faster, but I've gotten used to that.. Instead of 5 SOT I got 3.5. Ok.
But now.. I hardly go past 2. Battery drains really fast, it's not even stable. Doze doesn't seem to work anymore, percentage drops each minute and a half, and now.. phone shuts down at 6% all the time. What should I do?
I'm a stock user.
MaorSwan said:
We all know the battery was perfect with M, we all know that since N battery drains way faster, but I've gotten used to that.. Instead of 5 SOT I got 3.5. Ok.
But now.. I hardly go past 2. Battery drains really fast, it's not even stable. Doze doesn't seem to work anymore, percentage drops each minute and a half, and now.. phone shuts down at 6% all the time. What should I do?
I'm a stock user.
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You could install GSAM and see if it's an app causing the issue. You can also try turning bluetooth off completely for a day or two to see if that's a cause.
Worse case, you can do a full factory image re-flash. In my past experiences, most of the time, updating OS major versions never sat to well with my phone. I personally do a full factory flash-all after every major update.
bigblueshock said:
You could install GSAM and see if it's an app causing the issue. You can also try turning bluetooth off completely for a day or two to see if that's a cause.
Worse case, you can do a full factory image re-flash. In my past experiences, most of the time, updating OS major versions never sat to well with my phone. I personally do a full factory flash-all after every major update.
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I have GSAM but since N it doesn't show stats for specific apps but only combined. As for Bluetooth, it's never on.
MaorSwan said:
I have GSAM but since N it doesn't show stats for specific apps but only combined. As for Bluetooth, it's never on.
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Well that narrows it a little more than.
Actually, with a recent update, you can see now.
If you go to Enable More Stats, it will give you directions. I believe you need a file explorer, move one file to another location, and rename that file.
Software fault. The battery doesn't really charge fully, I've noticed that when my phone froze (literally) and it was on on 50%. I warm it up, says 1%.
After that my battery life is exactly half, which means that 1% is actually my 50% but the phone sees it as empty.
Check battery capacity with accubattery. Not completely accurate but it does give you a ballpark range. If the current capacity is way less than the specified spec, then you have a degraded battery
I agree with the Accubattery approach (or similar app) to measure the battery capacity. Several ppl have experienced degraded batteries.
pipnmike said:
Check battery capacity with accubattery. Not completely accurate but it does give you a ballpark range. If the current capacity is way less than the specified spec, then you have a degraded battery
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I've done a factory reset, Accubattery shows 3022 out of 3450 mAh and 88% of battery health. Do I need to replace the battery?
MaorSwan said:
I've done a factory reset, Accubattery shows 3022 out of 3450 mAh and 88% of battery health. Do I need to replace the battery?
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Not unless you can get Huawei or Google to do it for free. I haven't seen any new genuine oem replacement batteries. They are either used or fakes that don't work right. Some don't even have a temp sensor. Accubattery shows 2876mAh for me and I get 4.5 to 5 hours sot on 6.0.1. Same as I ever got. After installing 7.1.1 with full wipe from factory image, same settings, same apps, same signal, same usage, I get 3-3.5 sot. On nougat my phone would intermittent turn off under 15%. Hasn't happened once since I rolled back to marshmallow 2 weeks ago. Either some people (like me) are using certain apps that consume battery without it showing on gsam and better battery stats, or nougat just uses more battery when the screen is on. I believe the latter.
MaorSwan said:
I've done a factory reset, Accubattery shows 3022 out of 3450 mAh and 88% of battery health. Do I need to replace the battery?
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I wouldn't think so based on that snapshot. I'd keep running the capacity test (documentation states accuracy is improved with time) and start looking very closely at individual services and apps for anomalies. If rooting is an option for you, wakelock and battery statistic tools are better able to return more accurate data than non-root apps. Absent any rogue apps or services, monitoring the capacity will give you a trend and likely answer your question about replacing the battery.
hawkswind1 said:
Not unless you can get Huawei or Google to do it for free. I haven't seen any new genuine oem replacement batteries. They are either used or fakes that don't work right. Some don't even have a temp sensor. Accubattery shows 2876mAh for me and I get 4.5 to 5 hours sot on 6.0.1. Same as I ever got. After installing 7.1.1 with full wipe from factory image, same settings, same apps, same signal, same usage, I get 3-3.5 sot. Either some people (like me) are using certain apps that consume battery without it showing on gsam and better battery stats, or nougat just uses more battery when the screen is on. I believe the latter.
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Ok, good to know.
Can you please follow this order of events?
1. The battery was as I've noted at the beginning of the post, drains fast and shuts down at 6%
2. I've had a factory reset.
3. I turned on the phone, clean and wiped, at 35%. It took me 1:29 hours to get from 35% to 7% [which is great!] but then at 6% it shut down again.
4. I turned it on right after, it showed 1%. It lasted for another 10 minutes of usage.
5. I charged it to 100%.
6. Then, when the screen is off, battery loses 2% per hour, and when I use it, it loses 1% every 3-4 minutes [which is great], BUT - sometimes it loses 2% at a time, say 80 to 78 and so on. I still don't know if the phone is gonna shut down at 6% or if it was already fixed.
Does that seem normal?
MaorSwan said:
Ok, good to know.
Can you please follow this order of events?
1. The battery was as I've noted at the beginning of the post, drains fast and shuts down at 6%
2. I've had a factory reset.
3. I turned on the phone, clean and wiped, at 35%. It took me 1:29 hours to get from 35% to 7% [which is great!] but then at 6% it shut down again.
4. I turned it on right after, it showed 1%. It lasted for another 10 minutes of usage.
5. I charged it to 100%.
6. Then, when the screen is off, battery loses 2% per hour, and when I use it, it loses 1% every 3-4 minutes [which is great], BUT - sometimes it loses 2% at a time, say 80 to 78 and so on. I still don't know if the phone is gonna shut down at 6% or if it was already fixed.
Does that seem normal?
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It doesn't seem normal to me. Neither the 6% shut down nor the increased battery drain. As I said, I had both issues to some degree, early shutdown, and much less screen on time. Since a switch to 6.0.1 fixed both issues I am lead to believe they are software problems, not hardware. Google responded on reddit that they are looking into the early shutdown issue about 10 days ago. Then there is also the sudden influx of bootloops of death after Nougat. My advice is to use Marshmallow until things become more stable.
You could go into accounts-Google and see if there are any syncing errors.. Facebook and Facebook Messenger are both known to cause big battery drains on Nougat. Gas Buddy used to be a problem as well but not sure if it still is. As another person suggested doing a full flash-all.bat clean install might fix your problem. Some people just go back to Marshmallow,

Help with sudden idle battery drain

I have had my phone a little over a week. I don't remember changing anything major in the last few days but I must have unintentionally done something which is causing excessive idle drain. All I remember doing is turning off some apps from being allowed to run when closed. It went from estimated 100+ hours on full charge to losing a ton in a day of basically no use (checking email a few times, looking at the weather a few times, sending a few texts). I installed GSam after trying to google what was wrong so I don't know what it looked like before.
Used 48% in 1d 13h | 1.3%/h 8h40m active
Screen 3%
Phone Radio 3%
Wifi Active 5%
Held Awake 26%
App Usage 64% > Android System 35.1% GSam 16% Kernel 7.2%
I did give it extra permissions in ADB but it still doesn't seem to give me extra info about what part of Android System is being a hog.
