[Q] Ringtone Volume Problem - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My device's ringtone [and notification tone] is extremely loud even at its lowest setting. Is there a file where the volume can be edited?


X1i ringtone Volume problem

After I modified registry to boost up the ringtone volume, I found that the volume of ringtone will attenuate .
I do not mean the ringtone volume fluctuates. I do mean the ringtone music is loud at the beginning, but it goes lower and lower in a short time.
When the ringtone music is short(like some default ringtone), this problem is not very obvious. It is because when the music is over, it will be re-played. At re-playing, the ringtone music is also loud at the beginning, but also goes lower and lower, so short ringtone music seems loud at every moment. However, my own ringtone is relatively long, the problem will be very obvious.
This make me missed many calls as the ringtone volume attenuate make me unable to hear the ringtone (vibration of X1i is also not very good).
Do anyone who suffer from this problem? or it just because of my own X1 hardware or software problem?!
I tried to found some related threads or posts here. I know there are some keys like HKCU\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Attenuation to control, but the problems have solved even I followed the setting from those threads or posts.
Could anyone help me?! thanks~

System volume affected by volume in apps with sounds

Is it possible to change the volume in youtube, musicplayer or coreplayer without affecting the system volume, I am bored to have to adjust the system volume every time I change the volume in youtube or other application that has sound, for example if i put the volume in youtube on maximum, my ringtone and notification sounds are put also on maximum. Is there a way to solve this issue?

[Q] Volume issues

I like to use a mp3 for notifications and for my ringtone, but when I choose a sound file it is WAY too loud, even on the lowest setting right before vibrate. Is there a way to globally reduce the sound volume?

Nexus 6P: Seperate System Volume

I was wondering if it was possible to seperate system volume from ringtone/notification volume on the Nexus 6P.
I am rooted, running PureNexus 7.1.1-20170106-Official
Any help would be appreciated
Isn't it in settings, sounds, then under the volume sliders saying something like "link notifications and ringtone"?
Yes, well the Ring volume controls the system volume it seems, so I can have notification volume muted but then I would need Ring volume up high wherever I wanted system volume.
So I'm wondering if there is a way to unlink Ring and System volume, obviously this is very specific and really not a problem, I was just used to it on my LG G4.
Thank you for helping me realize that Ring volume was linked to System sounds and not Notification volume!

Unlink ringer volume and system volume in Oreo?

Hi guys. I just wanna ask if there is a way to separate or unlink ringer volume and system volume? I have viper4android installed in my phone but it also increased my keypad press even I set my keypad press volume to the lowest 5% of my keyboard. I want my ringer volume in full but I still prefer to have a keypad sound not too loud. I downloaded some programs from playstore that has a separate ringer and system volume control but everytime I lower the system volume the ringer volume also lowered. Is there any way or tweak to unlink the ringer and system volume? I'm running the latest android oreo firmware. Hope someone can help me. Thanks guys.

