Omni for MSM8226 - Omni Q&A

Hi guys
I attempted a port of omni for the moto g 2013 .I was able to compile it but refuses to boot.I have set SELinux to permissive.But it refuses to boot shows up boot animation for some time and then come backs to bootlogo.P.S.:I'm using the bfam hals.
Here are the logs:
Helps are much appreciated.
@Entropy512 you could help me coz u brought omni up for falcon.Thanks !!
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@Entropy512 please help us
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I haven't touched the device in so long I would have no idea where to begin.
I suggest doing a clean install with an eng build, since those enable ADB from the beginning. Since you're at least getting bootanimation, ADB will be up in eng builds so you'll be able to see what's crapping out.

Entropy512 said:
I haven't touched the device in so long I would have no idea where to begin.
I suggest doing a clean install with an eng build, since those enable ADB from the beginning. Since you're at least getting bootanimation, ADB will be up in eng builds so you'll be able to see what's crapping out.
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Thank for your input.I guess it needs a huge amount of work.Will give it a shot though!
Sent from my A0001 using XDA Free mobile app

@ashwin007 can you share your device tree modifications? I tried using omni's 4.4 device tree and ended up with errors.


ATRIX 4g Firefox OS development

Here is a rom of that OS for our machine. I did not test. Afraid to brick my only phone. And not easy flash method. Any guru user give us feedback
Original threat
Try to post the Translation by google but got problem with. Do do it by yourself. There is a link to the rom and the process.
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
i am going to test it my problem is that it download so slow :/
update: only blackscreen when booting. sad but would like to test it
So...I cant understand the original this rom bootable?
Otrousuariomas said:
So...I cant understand the original this rom bootable?
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just test it. it wont brick u device. for me i only got a black bootanimation after flashing and waited for 6mins still nothing so i think display is not working on this build or something is broken.
i just restored my backup over recovery.
Hai_Duong said:
just test it. it wont brick u device. for me i only got a black bootanimation after flashing and waited for 6mins still nothing so i think display is not working on this build or something is broken.
i just restored my backup over recovery.
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hey,look at this
webmars said:
hey,look at this
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it's not even booting. what should i do with the link?
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That thread is dead (at least for now). What's the point in linking it?
I've read good things about this OS. Sony has recently released a ROM for the Xperia E!
In my opinion the atrix development should be focused in building an ICS kernel :/
i hope that will work someday.
Sent from my Atrix 4G using xda app-developers app

[HELP] Building Paranoid Android 3.90 on Grouper

So, I was building my own personal PA 3.90. When I flashed the .zip, I booted up normally, until the bootlogo screen. Instead of the Shark or whatever it is in 3.90, I just got a black screen. I got no errors while building (or else I wouldn't be able to flash it) but this keeps on happening. I even rebuilt, but to no avail.
Help appreciated!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
draggehn said:
So, I was building my own personal PA 3.90. When I flashed the .zip, I booted up normally, until the bootlogo screen. Instead of the Shark or whatever it is in 3.90, I just got a black screen. I got no errors while building (or else I wouldn't be able to flash it) but this keeps on happening. I even rebuilt, but to no avail.
Help appreciated!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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I guess such questions are worth posting in the Dev thread and are serious questions . I'm surprised this happens even with our device. There might be a possibility of you downloading the wrong branch but n7 won't use the legacy branch I think.
Are you using a prebuilt kernel ? Or compiling your own ? Seems like display is derped to me. Display drivers may be an issue.
@aaronpoweruser any help ?
Sent from my Nexus 7
You don't have the proprietary binaries. I'm doing an official 3.9 build now
Sent from my Find 5 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Thanks. Also, @aaronpoweruser, it seems you broke the auto-rotation stuff. Was playing Asphalt 7 and wouldn't detect my turning. Do you know about this?

[Q] Source Compilation of Android for N4

Hi Friends, I was wondering how to compile android from source for My MAKO Device ?
before anyone says that What the Heck ?? ____ I have been through many tutorials, unfortunatily those are for compiline CM which i am not able to clone on my Laptop due to some GIT access issue from my Workplace.
Further i followed the official documentation for compilind android on and was able to bild the IMAGE but as soon as i flashed the Image My Nexus's scren got blank and nothing happened .
so, can someone please guide me on how to compile Android from Source (NO CM/ ETC.) for MAKO ..
Thanks in Advance.
AOSP ( is android. Are you sure you compiled the right packages. That you included the prebuilts and everything?
Ya . I did everything step by step. And finally I got the images but after flashing the images on my N4 I got a blank screen after boot animation.
Do you have another link so that I can try that method !.
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gur-i said:
Ya . I did everything step by step. And finally I got the images but after flashing the images on my N4 I got a blank screen after boot animation.
Do you have another link so that I can try that method !.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
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Did you compile for the right device? I believe the guide on is for the emulator.
Well they also have a device guide, which i followed , do i have to manually add device driver binaries as i did not do that as ot was not there in the guide.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
gur-i said:
Well they also have a device guide, which i followed , do i have to manually add device driver binaries as i did not do that as ot was not there in the guide.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Free mobile app
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It is, maybe you should read it again to see if you haven't missed anything.
Sure SMillerNL, i will do it again and report back.
Another thing, is actually , when i compile the sorce, I get various images, bootloader.img, system.img, etc. So, How to make a flashable zip out of those, so i can test the rom on MultiRom on my device, rather than flashing from ground 0 , as nexus4 is my kinna daily driver mobile phone.
You have to run "make mako otapackage"

Cyanogenmod 13 for the HTC One M8s (m8ql_ul)

Currently this is a thread for testing CM13 builds, I will update the thread when builds are booting.
Current Status: Not Booting
Download Link (to a folder): Mod edit: GPL
Latest Zip Name: cm-13.0-20151209-UNOFFICIAL-m8qlul
Hi WildfireDEV. Do I understand it correctly that you personally don't have this device(m8s)? I was just curious how are you preparing the builds then? Do you get some support from voidzero?
Yes not so good to propose a roms without test before.... Even it's a good idea to work on this roms
Latest update is its not booting yet and we're a bit stumped as to why it isn't. Will continue in the new year, taking a little break for the holidays.
Good to see that cm13 is still being developed! Looking forward to it.
anything new?
I just wanted to let everybody that was wondering what the current status was. Currently I am still unable to get the build to boot past the white HTC screen. I will continue trying but i am not sure how far I will get.
As of now it is unlikely I will be able to get CM13 to you guys anytime soon. It would be helpful in my opinion if HTC releases Marshmallow for the M8s.
I'm confused, I put CM13 on my HTC One M8 and it boots just fine. Only problem I have is with Google Play Services constantly failing.
Yes, dont work.
This the thread for M8s not M8
Hi, where is the source for this ROM? I have this device and am going to try and get it working. Thanks.
Could someone please check in the download folder. In the download folder there should be 2 new .img files. Please download both of them and rename them to boot.img and either replace the boot.img in the latest zip or flash it through fastboot. Test these two images and see if the boot will go further than what it did before. For example to the boot animation.
Any update on this?
Sent from HTC One m8s CM12.1 by @voidzero
Will91W said:
Any update on this?
Sent from HTC One m8s CM12.1 by @voidzero
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Sent from my HTC One M8s using XDA Free mobile app

Porting CyanogenMod to Desire 820s MT6752

I came across CM12.1 rom for Lenovo K3 Note on needrom. Considering that K3 have the same chipset as ours, I've been thinking that it can be ported to our device.
I've tried to port it past few days but failed. Any developer would come up and try to port it?
What have you done? Device tree something else?
Nope. Just changing libs here and there, according to this guide. I'm still noob in porting roms so I can't do much.
amirarsyad97 said:
I came across CM12.1 rom for Lenovo K3 Note on needrom. Considering that K3 have the same chipset as ours, I've been thinking that it can be ported to our device.
I've tried to port it past few days but failed. Any developer would come up and try to port it?
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Did you edit the updater script?
Gibz97 said:
Did you edit the updater script?
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Yes. I'm actually having problem in repacking files. The same as the guy face here. Finding the solution require me to learn Linux. I'm still new at Linux, so I need some time to learn.
Other than that is okay (perhaps). I followed some other guides like and
Oh and one more thing, the rom is ported by @Cheshkin. I've tried to seek his permission to port the rom through pm, but still no answer. So I cannot post the rom here (if I done porting it) without his permission.
amirarsyad97 said:
Yes. I'm actually having problem in repacking files. The same as the guy face here. Finding the solution require me to learn Linux. I'm still new at Linux, so I need some time to learn.
Other than that is okay (perhaps). I followed some other guides like and
Oh and one more thing, the rom is ported by @Cheshkin. I've tried to seek his permission to port the rom through pm, but still no answer. So I cannot post the rom here (if I done porting it) without his permission.
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If you have an idea for kernel, I'll help you
amirarsyad97 said:
Yes. I'm actually having problem in repacking files. The same as the guy face here. Finding the solution require me to learn Linux. I'm still new at Linux, so I need some time to learn.
Other than that is okay (perhaps). I followed some other guides like and
Oh and one more thing, the rom is ported by @Cheshkin. I've tried to seek his permission to port the rom through pm, but still no answer. So I cannot post the rom here (if I done porting it) without his permission.
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Let's wait for the response then
Would be graet to see CM to release this device's potential. Especially since HTC is taking it's sweet time with 6.0 update and 5.1 was officially skipped.
Anyway if you would need some testers I would gladly help.
Good news! The permission has been granted. I will try my best to port this rom.
And what with 820n?
Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using XDA Free mobile app
Dragonfail said:
And what with 820n?
Sent from my HTC Desire 820 using XDA Free mobile app
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We don't have 64-bit kernel sources for 820n MSM chipset
Hi @amirarsyad97, so did you manage to extract system files?
Gibz97 said:
Hi @amirarsyad97, so did you manage to extract system files?
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I already did, but I can't repack it. So instead I tried looking for other roms while staying away from dat files - cm12.1 ulefone be touch 2 and blisspop k3 note.
Now I'm having problems with the kernel. The rom won't boot at all, the worse I can't get the dmesg.
I don't have much free time to explore kernels in detail. If anybody can help me with porting the kernel, it would be a pleasure.
amirarsyad97 said:
I already did, but I can't repack it. So instead I tried looking for other roms while staying away from dat files - cm12.1 ulefone be touch 2 and blisspop k3 note.
Now I'm having problems with the kernel. The rom won't boot at all, the worse I can't get the dmesg.
I don't have much free time to explore kernels in detail. If anybody can help me with porting the kernel, it would be a pleasure.
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I will try porting the kernel using the kitkat kernel as base when I find time
Unfortunately, I did not succeed, I could not even get into the bootanimation. Hope someone can help us.
I am now trying to squeeze the Lollipop system partition so that we can liberate some more free space for the internal storage, hope it works
That would be the coolest thing???
Hello guys hope you have been doing great, Was too busy with school, exams and stuff.
Good news!! I have finally managed to boot into CM 12.1 after I successfully ported it today.
It's lightning fast but has some bugs: USB, bluetooth and Sim don't work currently and it needs some resizing of the framework images.
I will try to work on it until Sunday and hopefully someone else can take over with modifying it
Gibz97 said:
Hello guys hope you have been doing great, Was too busy with school, exams and stuff.
Good news!! I have finally managed to boot into CM 12.1 after I successfully ported it today.
It's lightning fast but has some bugs: USB, bluetooth and Sim don't work currently and it needs some resizing of the framework images.
I will try to work on it until Sunday and hopefully someone else can take over with modifying it
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I was wondering how you can make the kernel work. Anyway good work!
amirarsyad97 said:
I was wondering how you can make the kernel work. Anyway good work!
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Use this kernel and build.prop and use the original system (don't replace with stock files)!c4USzSTL!rXmsjMYaxR9ECwNeiMjissLPuFRLBWBUSLIuwiBFwQk
Almost everything works right now except Bluetooth, camera and Sim
Great work keep it up
Sent from my HTC Desire 820 dual sim using XDA-Developers mobile app
