Safe Strap for lollipop possible? - Verizon Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Does anyone know if there is a way to get Safestrap to work with lollipop?

At this point and from all the threads I've read, safestrap was designed for 4.4.2. Flashfire is the next best thing. "I hate you, Verizon."


MK2 Clarification

Okay, so I've been lurking these threads and I'd like to see if someone could clarify a few things. I come from the S3 which was a lot more simpler than the s4.
I recently bought a Galaxy S4 AT&T 32GB with MK2 ota installed. My understanding is that you cannot go back. I am fine with that, touchwiz is actually just fine and dandy on 4.3 (at least for me it is.) I do however, have a few questions in regards to the rooting process.
1. From what I understand, MK2 has a few privacy-concerned root methods. Once I root, I can proceed to the next question, correct?
Installing Roms:
2. After you root, from what I understand, you install a side strap program that creates partitions on your internal SDcard to install roms (side by side?) However, there is no currently stable SS for MK2. When a stable version of SS does come out, I can use it to install roms (particularly Virgin GPE sounds enticing to me, i love pure stock without much extra features) even with the boot loader being locked?
3. SS also voids the warranty, is that correct?
4. I am hearing knox is sort of like the new flash counter for S4, except it doesn't really count, it just voids your warranty, is that correct?
Thanks in advance to the community, you guys are doing an awesome job.
Dont try to flash a rom or recovery with mk2
itszcharlie said:
Okay, so I've been lurking these threads and I'd like to see if someone could clarify a few things. I come from the S3 which was a lot more simpler than the s4.
I recently bought a Galaxy S4 AT&T 32GB with MK2 ota installed. My understanding is that you cannot go back. I am fine with that, touchwiz is actually just fine and dandy on 4.3 (at least for me it is.) I do however, have a few questions in regards to the rooting process.
1. From what I understand, MK2 has a few privacy-concerned root methods. Once I root, I can proceed to the next question, correct?
Installing Roms:
2. After you root, from what I understand, you install a side strap program that creates partitions on your internal SDcard to install roms (side by side?) However, there is no currently stable SS for MK2. When a stable version of SS does come out, I can use it to install roms (particularly Virgin GPE sounds enticing to me, i love pure stock without much extra features) even with the boot loader being locked?
3. SS also voids the warranty, is that correct?
4. I am hearing knox is sort of like the new flash counter for S4, except it doesn't really count, it just voids your warranty, is that correct?
Thanks in advance to the community, you guys are doing an awesome job.
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from mf3 to mk2 you cannont flash roms.................but with hashcodes fix you only can flash 4.2.2 roms with a thing called safestrap look around and check out his blog he hasnt posted anything about an mk2 fix but he's working on it......btw im on mf3 and using safestrap and running a 4.2.2 google edition rom <- blog <- safestrap recovery (not compatible with MK2 yet)
sorry bro you cant flash roms yet he's working on a fix
hope i helped
DyslexicTurtle said:
from mf3 to mk2 you cannont flash roms.................but with hashcodes fix you only can flash 4.2.2 roms with a thing called safestrap look around and check out his blog he hasnt posted anything about an mk2 fix but he's working on it......btw im on mf3 and using safestrap and running a 4.2.2 google edition rom <- blog <- safestrap recovery (not compatible with MK2 yet)
sorry bro you cant flash roms yet he's working on a fix
hope i helped
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okay so if I understand this correctly, once his 4.3 fix for mk2 is out, I am able to install GPE 4.3? Are there any downsides to this? I'm hearing you have to use the touchwiz kernel because of some kind of overwrite protection. is that the case here?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
No at this point when he updates it to mk2....what I understand is that only 4.2.2 Roms are compatible with safestrap as of now
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
DyslexicTurtle said:
No at this point when he updates it to mk2....what I understand is that only 4.2.2 Roms are compatible with safestrap as of now
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
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No, it's only ROM's that work with the stock kernel. Since our stock kernel is now 4.3, we can only use 4.3 ROMs.
There is a safe rooting method and you can find the thread in the general section. Hashcode is working on Safestrap for MK2, and is close as he made it for the Verizon S4 already. When the stable version comes out you can use 4.3 Touchwiz roms and GPE since it runs on a stock S4 kernel. Technically rooting voids the warranty by itself, but people just flash their phones back to stock in order to circumvent this. KNOX is a set of security tools for businesses and such, and for us it does add a counter to the bootloader that voids warranty.
itszcharlie said:
1. From what I understand, MK2 has a few privacy-concerned root methods. Once I root, I can proceed to the next question, correct?
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No. There is a safe and easy method.
Here is the method:
It's for the Verizon version of our phone, but it works.
itszcharlie said:
Installing Roms:
2. After you root, from what I understand, you install a side strap program that creates partitions on your internal SDcard to install roms (side by side?) However, there is no currently stable SS for MK2. When a stable version of SS does come out, I can use it to install roms (particularly Virgin GPE sounds enticing to me, i love pure stock without much extra features) even with the boot loader being locked?
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There is no safestrap for MK2 (which is Android 4.3) yet. I'm not familiar with the Rom you're talking about. If you look around a bit, there's a post that details the roms available for MF3. I'd imagine that list will be similar for MK2
itszcharlie said:
3. SS also voids the warranty, is that correct?
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Don't know. Wouldn't worry about it. If you need your warranty, go back to stock.
itszcharlie said:
4. I am hearing knox is sort of like the new flash counter for S4, except it doesn't really count, it just voids your warranty, is that correct?
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Knox is actually part of Samsung's Enterprise security system. They developed Knox and all this other iPhoney lock-down crap as part of a push to win government & corporate contracts. My understanding is that the Knox counter voids the Knox warranty, not the warranty on the phone. You should locate the warranty and read it for yourself.
thanks for the thorough explanation. this clears a lot of things up.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app

Clarification on rooting and knox

OK so I have looked everywhere to find out which method is ok to run on the vz version of the note 3 running MJE. I think I find my answer and then people start talking about a different model of the note 3. So I figured the best way to find out is just ask.
How do I root without tripping the knox security? I'd like the option to flash my own roms, but have been able to figure out on my own that flashing a custom recovery will trip xnox. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
jmc2543 said:
OK so I have looked everywhere to find out which method is ok to run on the vz version of the note 3 running MJE. I think I find my answer and then people start talking about a different model of the note 3. So I figured the best way to find out is just ask.
How do I root without tripping the knox security? I'd like the option to flash my own roms, but have been able to figure out on my own that flashing a custom recovery will trip xnox. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Right now Kingo can be used to root mje build without tripping Knox. I have heard some guys having success with older versions of Kingo.
The only recovery available is safestrap. Since our bootloader is locked down. Safestrap and flashing roms for safestrap will not trip knox either.
Also heard guys using Vroot to root mje.
Tapped via my Blacked out Eclipsed Note 3
This is what I had assumed from what I read I just wanted to hear it for sure, directly for our device. Thanks a ton!!
jmc2543 said:
This is what I had assumed from what I read I just wanted to hear it for sure, directly for our device. Thanks a ton!!
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You bet bro. Maybe I will see you in the Eclipse thread?
Tapped via my Blacked out Eclipsed Note 3
Actually thanks for this thread, I was wondering the same thing. If I could add to it, is it possible to unroot and go back to complete stock if need be?
There are instructions on how to unroot back to stock but like everything else can't conform it is for this model. Thank you vz and Samsung for making crap difficult!
kubes069 said:
Actually thanks for this thread, I was wondering the same thing. If I could add to it, is it possible to unroot and go back to complete stock if need be?
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Yeppers! Flashing the stock image with odin will wipe all traces of root and safestrap, and return your phone to normal.

[Q] Proper Rooting and SafeStrap Process NC4

Okay so I've been browsing through the forums and been reading up on this phone (even contacted Samsung about info on unlocking the bootloader, no go on that. Had to try though)
Basically I want to know what's the proper procedure for installing custom roms on an NC4 device 4.4.2
Things I know:
Bootloader is unlockable at the moment (hoping for some good news in the future)
Towelroot for rooting
Safestrap for recovery
(Both just download and install the apk)
Things I don't know:
Somebody said I had to flash the NC2 kernel via Odin?
What is this? What trips it?
I did see the list of guides and I did read and watch all the necessary ones, but the date on those are from 2 years ago and I just need confirmation on if I'm going about this right.
Any help is appreciated. I thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.
Please excuse my lack of knowledge, this is my first Samsung device.
Also, what would happen if somebody were to flash the DE stock files via Odin to a Retail N3?
If you upgraded to NC4 or NK1, you're stuck until Samsung unlocks the bootloader or Verizon stops lying to their customers. There is no root available after upgrade at this moment in time.
Dravekx said:
If you upgraded to NC4 or NK1, you're stuck until Samsung unlocks the bootloader or Verizon stops lying to their customers. There is no root available after upgrade at this moment in time.
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I didn't upgrade to NC4, it came like this.
rdar_93 said:
I didn't upgrade to NC4, it came like this.
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That sucks. You can't do anything about it at the moment. I was forced to upgrade and lost root. Custom ROMs won't be available to you or me until someone finds a hole to unlock the bootloader. Welcome to our Verizon Note 3 rooting dilemma.
mirrin said:
You do not have a dev version so cm 11 or 12 is a far off dream you won't get. Your bootloader is locked there is no unlock.
You are in luck nc4 is root able using towel root then safe strap and the unified firmware. You will need odin and a pc for flashing a few things the NK1 modem towel root and the unified firmware. Pick a rom from the development thread i suggest jasmine 1.x or eclipse.
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Copied from another post I had.
I don't know much about the device which is why I'm trying to find out.
Dravekx said:
That sucks. You can't do anything about it at the moment. I was forced to upgrade and lost root. Custom ROMs won't be available to you or me until someone finds a hole to unlock the bootloader. Welcome to our Verizon Note 3 rooting dilemma.
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I actually just got root on my phone, I felt adventurous and installed towelroot and voila it rooted my phone.
I should state that I'm on 4.4.2, not 4.4.4.
Checked root status with Titanium Backup Pro, everything checked out a-okay.
rdar_93 said:
Okay so I've been browsing through the forums and been reading up on this phone (even contacted Samsung about info on unlocking the bootloader, no go on that. Had to try though)
Basically I want to know what's the proper procedure for installing custom roms on an NC4 device 4.4.2
Things I know:
Bootloader is unlockable at the moment (hoping for some good news in the future)
Towelroot for rooting
Safestrap for recovery
(Both just download and install the apk)
Things I don't know:
Somebody said I had to flash the NC2 kernel via Odin?
What is this? What trips it?
I did see the list of guides and I did read and watch all the necessary ones, but the date on those are from 2 years ago and I just need confirmation on if I'm going about this right.
Any help is appreciated. I thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.
Please excuse my lack of knowledge, this is my first Samsung device.
Also, what would happen if somebody were to flash the DE stock files via Odin to a Retail N3?
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Ahhhh... You're good to go then! Find a good custom ROM and follow the instructions. Whatever you do.. Don't upgrade!
rdar_93 said:
I actually just got root on my phone, I felt adventurous and installed towelroot and voila it rooted my phone.
I should state that I'm on 4.4.2, not 4.4.4.
Checked root status with Titanium Backup Pro, everything checked out a-okay.
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Dravekx said:
Ahhhh... You're good to go then! Find a good custom ROM and follow the instructions. Whatever you do.. Don't upgrade!
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Lol I still need clarification on the Kernel information that I don't know about.
What do I need to flash?
Do I flash it after I install a custom rom or before?
rdar_93 said:
Lol I still need clarification on the Kernel information that I don't know about.
What do I need to flash?
Do I flash it after I install a custom rom or before?
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My opinion: If you're doing a custom kernel, make sure it works with whatever ROM you're flashing. I suggest sticking with the stock kernel* until you get the hang of things OR do a little research and learn a bit before you attempt anything. There's a lot of forums with details and help here. I've installed kernels before and after installing ROMs with little or zero problems, but I'm more of a dabbler than a professional.
I would suggest backing up your current setup in case you need to reflash. That's a definite.
Dravekx said:
My opinion: If you're doing a custom kernel, make sure it works with whatever ROM you're flashing. I suggest sticking with the stock kernel* until you get the hang of things OR do a little research and learn a bit before you attempt anything. There's a lot of forums with details and help here. I've installed kernels before and after installing ROMs with little or zero problems, but I'm more of a dabbler than a professional.
I would suggest backing up your current setup in case you need to reflash. That's a definite.
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Lol that doesn't really answer the question. I hope somebody sees it and clears it up for me
rdar_93 said:
Lol that doesn't really answer the question. I hope somebody sees it and clears it up for me
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The kernel can't be changed...although it can be "tuned" if you have root.
Sent from my Note 3 via Tapatalk
Still hoping somebody helps me out and posts a short but precise guide to install a custom rom on 4.4.2 NC4
I don't want to end up bricking my device on the first try. I've been there already and it sucks lol
rdar_93 said:
Still hoping somebody helps me out and posts a short but precise guide to install a custom rom on 4.4.2 NC4
I don't want to end up bricking my device on the first try. I've been there already and it sucks lol
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It really depends on the ROM, there is no set guide for all ROMs.
Did you install busybox? I like using busybox on rails. Just download the app and click install.
Download the safestrap apk (3.75 B04) and install that, open it and install recovery.
I'm currently running Clean ROM. I am on NC4. I downloaded the rom, and moved it to my SD card. I rebooted to safestrap, wiped data, cache and dalvik then installed the ROM to the stock slot. Then, following the instructions for Clean ROM, I rebooted to download mode from recovery and flashed the NC2 Kernel with odin.
The main thing is to read the installation instructions for the particular ROM you want to flash.
Don't forget to use Titanium backup to freeze SDM app (I think that's what its called) so your phone will stop trying to update.
---------- Post added at 05:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------
rdar_93 said:
Still hoping somebody helps me out and posts a short but precise guide to install a custom rom on 4.4.2 NC4
I don't want to end up bricking my device on the first try. I've been there already and it sucks lol
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If you're at all proficient with Odin it is really REALLY hard to brick these phones.
BladeRunner said:
It really depends on the ROM, there is no set guide for all ROMs.
Did you install busybox? I like using busybox on rails. Just download the app and click install.
Download the safestrap apk (3.75 B04) and install that, open it and install recovery.
I'm currently running Clean ROM. I am on NC4. I downloaded the rom, and moved it to my SD card. I rebooted to safestrap, wiped data, cache and dalvik then installed the ROM to the stock slot. Then, following the instructions for Clean ROM, I rebooted to download mode from recovery and flashed the NC2 Kernel with odin.
The main thing is to read the installation instructions for the particular ROM you want to flash.
Don't forget to use Titanium backup to freeze SDM app (I think that's what its called) so your phone will stop trying to update.
---------- Post added at 05:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------
If you're at all proficient with Odin it is really REALLY hard to brick these phones.
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Thanks man, I was supposed to update this thread saying that I got through with the proper procedure for installing Jasmine Rom
Although I was running Eclipse before, and I wanted to try going back to stock but it just got stuck on the Verizon splash screen
I'm thinking it's because I had the NC2 kernel active when I should have gone back to the NC4 kernel
I looked for a NC4 kernel to flash but I only saw the modems and tar files, so not knowing if those were the same as kernels I decided to just try Jasmine. So far, I like it.
I have crazy battery drain though. I think it's because I'm running it in Slot 1
just picked up a verizon note 3 android 4.4.2 NC4
one of the very first posts above says you cant do anything on NC4 and then another post says NC4 is ok but just not android 4.4.4
NC4 is the latest update as of this writing isnt it?
what can actually be done with this vzw note 3 on android 4.4.2 NC4?
non dev edition of course
what about knox?
if rooting can be done with this phone on this OS is there any safe way not to trip knox?
en11gma said:
just picked up a verizon note 3 android 4.4.2 NC4
one of the very first posts above says you cant do anything on NC4 and then another post says NC4 is ok but just not android 4.4.4
NC4 is the latest update as of this writing isnt it?
what can actually be done with this vzw note 3 on android 4.4.2 NC4?
non dev edition of course
what about knox?
if rooting can be done with this phone on this OS is there any safe way not to trip knox?
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I'd be happy to answer your questions
If you have an NC4 device that's running 4.4.2, you are able to gain root access and install safestrap recovery on your device. However, if the android version is 4.4.4, you cannot root or install safestrap.
NC4 is just our last build number, but there are two versions I think, the 4.4.2 and the 4.4.4. In the 4.4.4, they blacklisted every single compatible kernel that could work on the device. They forgot to do it in the 4.4.2 version, that's why we're able to gain root.
On our NC4 4.4.2 Verizon Note 3, we can root, install safestrap recovery and install a very limited amount of roms from the non developer edition selection on the XDA forums.
Rooting via towelroot, to my knowledge, does not trip knox. However, installing safestrap recovery does. But if you're worried about your warranty being voided, I wouldn't panic too much because with our bootloader being locked, it is very easy to flash the original Stock Verizon files through Odin to go straight back to factory settings so it looks like if you just pulled it out the box. The knox code would be reset and you would have a device that looked like if it has never been rooted or modified.
rdar_93 said:
I'd be happy to answer your questions
If you have an NC4 device that's running 4.4.2, you are able to gain root access and install safestrap recovery on your device. However, if the android version is 4.4.4, you cannot root or install safestrap.
NC4 is just our last build number, but there are two versions I think, the 4.4.2 and the 4.4.4. In the 4.4.4, they blacklisted every single compatible kernel that could work on the device. They forgot to do it in the 4.4.2 version, that's why we're able to gain root.
On our NC4 4.4.2 Verizon Note 3, we can root, install safestrap recovery and install a very limited amount of roms from the non developer edition selection on the XDA forums.
Rooting via towelroot, to my knowledge, does not trip knox. However, installing safestrap recovery does. But if you're worried about your warranty being voided, I wouldn't panic too much because with our bootloader being locked, it is very easy to flash the original Stock Verizon files through Odin to go straight back to factory settings so it looks like if you just pulled it out the box. The knox code would be reset and you would have a device that looked like if it has never been rooted or modified.
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Safestrap does not trip knox.
mjh68 said:
Safestrap does not trip knox.
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Thanks. I must have tripped mine somehow cause my device says "custom" when booting.
I'm guessing it might be Xposed but I'm not too sure.
rdar_93 said:
Thanks. I must have tripped mine somehow cause my device says "custom" when booting.
I'm guessing it might be Xposed but I'm not too sure.
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It will say custom, but that isn't tripping knox. Custom can be removed with the triangle away app. Custom just gets flagged like you were saying by changing the recovery , but it doesn't trip the knox counter.
mjh68 said:
It will say custom, but that isn't tripping knox. Custom can be removed with the triangle away app. Custom just gets flagged like you were saying by changing the recovery , but it doesn't trip the knox counter.
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Then I must be confused about what knox really is.
What is "Knox" then?

MF3 to OK2 best way to update?

Basically what the title says I have stock rooted MF3 with safestrap and I was wondering the best way to upgrade to the most recent version (OK2 I believe). I looked into it and there seems to be a way to root OK2 so I could just let it update via OTA but then I would not have safestrap, I would prefer to keep safestrap but its not a huge deal. Any help would be much appreciated!

Is safestrap safe to use on the Lollipop?

I don't want to brick my phone. Anyone know?
Do you have an Sm-900a? If not, I would not use safestrap.
