What Kernel do you use?? - Nexus 6 General

Vote on a poll! Sorry if I have seemed to miss any.

I don't think we need yet another poll thread. Your other 3 are enough


For people that have questions (Q)

This is a development area.
Meaning if you have created something fixed an error then this is where you post. if you have questions please make a topic in the General section this area is getting filled with junk and multiple post asking things that have been posted if you would just learn to use a button we call the search bar at the top right.
I'm not the mod on this Device but as a dev for this device I want to keep things clean unlike all the other areas. I want people to look as the development area and be like ok thats a rom or recover or root and not have to ask questions.
Next is when in a topic please keep on topic. a few topics are 90% junk because people not staying on topic. DONT make posts that say "I hope this is fixed soon or I'm going to get rid of this device" GROW UP go do some reading and help to to make a fix.
I have to add my 2 cents to this. It's really nice if people other their help and discuss things but sometimes threads have to stay clean in order to be helpful for other developers. So please think about if it's really necessary to add your stuff. Otherwise please use the general section.
If you help the developers to do their stuff quickly we'll be able to write how to threads faster for you guys.
Personally I'll pick only a few persons for testing. This will result in less bricked devices
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
Maybe link the [DEV] thread to a [DISCUSSION] thread in general section so noobs like use can talk about the development of a given project and not actually post in the [DEV] thread itself.
Also, I wouldn't hesitate to report a post or thread to the mod. I'm not sure how active he is here but it could use a little cleaning.
gammaRascal said:
Maybe link the [DEV] thread to a [DISCUSSION] thread in general section so noobs like use can talk about the development of a given project and not actually post in the [DEV] thread itself.
Also, I wouldn't hesitate to report a post or thread to the mod. I'm not sure how active he is here but it could use a little cleaning.
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I tried to set this a few days ago: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1056198 but the people don't listen
its a good idea but if people have a question since we dont have a questions area like other forums it needs to be in the general area. or they need to learn to use a search bar/engine. im just tired of pms/email/threads that have been answered already.
dc13 said:
its a good idea but if people have a question since we dont have a questions area like other forums it needs to be in the general area. or they need to learn to use a search bar/engine. im just tired of pms/email/threads that have been answered already.
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You would think by now with how prevalent forums are for all aspects of life, people would know how to use the search feature.
Sent from my Droid using XDA Premium App
seraphimserapis said:
I tried to set this a few days ago: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1056198 but the people don't listen
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What I meant, exactly, was say a developer starts in on a project - they start their development thread and in the first post, add a link to a discussion thread in the general forum:
[DEV] My project Title
This is my project explanation.
Link to [DISCUSSION] Thread.
So basically, you start you [DEV] thread. Then when you're done, start a [DISCUSSION] thread then link the two together. So noobs, right from the first post, can see the link to the discussion thread. If someone posts a question or chit chat in you [DEV] thread, have it moved to the [DISCUSSION] thread.
I know, it's not ideal, just a thought.
gammaRascal said:
What I meant, exactly, was say a developer starts in on a project - they start their development thread and in the first post, add a link to a discussion thread in the general forum:
[DEV] My project Title
This is my project explanation.
Link to [DISCUSSION] Thread.
So basically, you start you [DEV] thread. Then when you're done, start a [DISCUSSION] thread then link the two together. So noobs, right from the first post, can see the link to the discussion thread. If someone posts a question or chit chat in you [DEV] thread, have it moved to the [DISCUSSION] thread.
I know, it's not ideal, just a thought.
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This actually sounds really good to me. The only kicker being what is considred on topic and what isn't? Are testing successes and failures relevant to a dev thread? Only successes? Only "breakthrough" moments? To be determibed by an elite group of our super-dev peers? Determined by the original poster?
Its a very subjective issue, dependent on the knowledge level and/or experience of the poster and reader both (or simply based on what one is hoping to find at that moment as compared to how disappointed one is by what they do find instead).
It could also get really complicated really fast.
Ultimately thats up to the OP.
The whole point is that a dev thread can only stay as clean as there are ways to do it. At least with a seperate (though connected) discussion thread, it can be directed. If someone posts in the dev thread, it should be up to that threads OP whether or not it can stay or be moved- at least now there would be a place to move it.
BUMP!! cause people dont like going to the second page. STOP making questions here this is for DEV's that have something to make the Iconia better not hi can i do this. go to the GENERAL AREA
I am not a developer, and this is the only post I can see myself ever posting here.
I enjoy reading this section like I'd read a detailed tech news site. I know that these same people also read the general section, so I can benefit from their input there.
Here, this section, this is their place to work! They share ideas here. They make things happen here. Aside from this post, I never want to clutter their desks, because I benefit so much from their hard work!
Is there any way to just make you guys permissible to post? Maybe you should have to be a dev to post? All can read, but devs would contact the mod to post? With a Discussion Thread linked in that environment, I could see a solution.
I still want to read. Its valuable. But aside from this post, I have no reason to write here. Butt every reason to watch progress, for my own education and to see what might be round the bend
anyone can be a dev. it just means u fixed a bug or made something happen thats what this section is for not hey can some1 help get you tube working or something like that.
doing another bump to keep near the top

[I9001] Is there hope for us?

If someone takes a look at our little community, on first thought he wouldn't find anything interesting, well except the fact that not much developing is being done, but if they keep an eye on our section for a while they would notice a lot of rule breaking, bad habits, childish comments etc... so, after a while a person starts to ask himself some stuff, like:
Will people ever learn not to post non dev stuff in dev section? especially those who post questions, while there is a dedicated Q&A section for that, u just have to use the [I9001] tag and someone will answer u.There are also the general threads, like benchmarking ,announcements, enquiries (especially about ICS and other progress) etc... and all this stuff should be originally posted in General. now it's normal that every now and then someone opens a non dev related thread in dev section, but when u get 4-5 new threads daily it becomes annoying.
Now moving on to the bad habits, things like lil chit chats, non related posts, posts in different language other than english etc... they're all basic stuff that people who ever used any forums should be aware of.
And lastly, the childish reactions/comments by some people (and i'm not gonna name names here) which really isn't necessary in this forum. comments like "this is a copy of my rom" or "my tool has more options than the other one u are using" or "when i build a rom it will be the best one" adding to that the benchmark competitions, as if we're all in a penis measuring contest in which everyone has to prove he's the biggest man. that kind of attitude doesn't contribute to the general mood of our section. What some people need to understand is that all roms we have are based on stock roms, with little modifications/themes/tweaks that are universal, non of those which were ported by one dev exclusively onto his rom, so accusing someone else of stealing or copying is for least funny and childish.
The fact stays that among the active users in our section there are only 3 real devs, 2 of them are hardly logging in, while the third is the most active at the moment and he's the only one working on porting something, my point is, people should accept the fact that the majority are modders at best, and should keep their heads and feet on the ground.
anyways, i decided to open this thread coz everytime i throw a comment in a non related thread in dev section i get replies that accuse me of rage and disrespectfulness towards the other, which is not the case. so, as a conclusion, i hope there is hope for our community, and i hope someone will come across this post and it will remind him everytime he'd think about doing one of the things mentioned above. Cheers.
A lot of your points are true but I want to mention this too:
I haven't been hanging around long on XDA but ever since early november im checking our development section 10-20 times per day.
Most time I see you posting is about offending others to stop posting offtopic.
This was (in some cases) as well against the rules.
Why don't you just ignore them?
Sometimes it is as annoying to see people posting "this is off topic", "stop spaming"(when there are only few off topic posts) as it is to see actually spam.
I just remind you of the ICS testing thread in dev where you "kindly" asked the mods to not move your thread. Whatever.
Yes, you're right. We only have about 2-3 developers. But due to the lack of development our dev section is more like a general section for our phone.
It is reasonable that people post non dev related things in the dev section, just because the general forum is not often used by I9001 user.
Lets be honest: 99% of the user have no idea of development (me included and you probably too). But we are all interested and like to contribute. It is not spam if someone thanks (for example) Yarde for his CM7 work. Its just annoying to see you insulting people who want to thank developers.
(And yes I know, there is a "thanks" button)
It always depends on the point of view.
Maybe Yarde/skywalker01 look at your post and the only thing they can see is spam (just because it is technically wrong).
Don't forget, it is just a forum where a lot of people come together to share interests.
Everyone has the right to their opinion, u stated urs, and i respect it , but not necessarily agree with it
annqx said:
Most time I see you posting is about offending others to stop posting offtopic.
ts just annoying to see you insulting people who want to thank developers.
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link me to any of my posts where i "insult" people, and i don't mean when i comment stuff like "this is off topic" or "stop spamming and post in general" , i never insulted anyone in any of my posts i can assure u
I just remind you of the ICS testing thread in dev where you "kindly" asked the mods to not move your thread. Whatever.
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yes i kindly asked the mods not to move it so people could see it, and i got pm's from people who wanted to test what zackconsole was trying to build, and u can find all this in that thread, also if u check my last post in that thread, u will see that i also "kindly" asked the mods to close it bcoz of the spamming and non related posts.
Yes, you're right. We only have about 2-3 developers. But due to the lack of development our dev section is more like a general section for our phone.
It is reasonable that people post non dev related things in the dev section, just because the general forum is not often used by I9001 user.
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it's ok , if u're all satisfied with the way things are now and trust me, i've written this post coz i don't feel like guiding people every single day in which section they should post. if it was to xda rules, none of the questions that are asked in rom (and other dev) threads are allowed, when people have questions of any type they should ask in Q&A , the dev threads are only for dev discussion, but xda and the mods are flexible enough to let people post and ask in the corresponding threads, but it doesn't mean that that flexibility should be abused
And as for posts like "wow, this is great" , "thank u" , "nice job" etc.. they only pump up the post count and make it hard to navigate throughout the thread and find useful posts.Ignoring all these "issues" only leaves space for more such acts.
So what is the solution? Posting in [I9000] General forum even tho the majority of the user won't see it?
Popularity for our phone would help, otherwise I don't see a "Galaxy S I9001 General" section.
Add this to your signature:
annqx said:
So what is the solution? Posting in [I9000] General forum even tho the majority of the user won't see it?
Popularity for our phone would help, otherwise I don't see a "Galaxy S I9001 General" section.
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if u take a look at our Q&A and General threads u will see a lot of my posts, i come by whenever i'm online even though i'm not obliged to, but i look at it this way, if people asking for help won't get it here it's logical that they will start posting their questions and problems in dev, so even if i don't have a solution for someone's problem i try to give a suggestion or any sort of help, and i would appreciate it if more users would visit our threads and help others, that's the only way to get people to post there. If someone doesn't want to use our threads they can always post in I9000 Q&A or General sections , as long as they use the [I9001] tag, someone of us will notice it for sure, after all that's how u got to my post in I9000 General
wintel_mac said:
Add this to your signature:
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lol i remember baadnewz when he was still in the desire forum, he made that link famous

Posting Questions in the Q&A Section

Hey guys, me again this time I'm going to show you how to POST QUESTIONS correctly in the Q&A forums. I've had enough of seeing others trying to help when the OP himself/herself doesn't want to help make solving their problem easier for others. So I urge everyone to follow this method of posting questions in the future.
1. Post a suitable, descriptive title.
- Posting a suitable title will give other experienced users an idea of what their up against. That way, they will know what may be the problem and the solution to that problem at first glance.
- A suitable format would be ; [Q] (Insert problem here) (Insert ROM name here and kernel name if possible). One more thing to note ; if your problem is solved, add a [SOLVED] at the beginning of your title. That way, others can use your thread as reference in case they have the same bugs. It's much easier than opening 200 different threads with the same problem. Like the XDA video says, "You are not special.."
- DO NOT : Post titles that go "Heeelllppp meee plzzzzzz" "Pllzzzzz help !!!11!!" "Urgenntt haalp !!". It makes me sick to see titles like these. Not only do they have nothing to do with the question, it's irritating to see this 5 year old style of creating titles. Don't get me started with the spelling.
2. Be descriptive
- This is another problem I see these days. Don't just write something like "Hellp i flashed xxx ROM and now the phone act wierd". That doesn't help anyone. Not the OP nor the people trying to help. Instead be as descriptive as possible. State the ROM you're on, what kernel you used, any mods of tweaks you added, what you have tried so far. This will narrow down the problem and solution. Also, be as clear as possible on what your problem is.
3. Reuse, reduce, recycle
- As with the 3R's, it not only helps the enviroment, but the forums as well.
Reuse - If you have another problem closely related to your first problem, I highly urge users to EDIT their OP. There's an Edit button. Make use of it, not open 20 threads linking to the same problem.
Reduce - Reduce the amount of threads opened for a certain bug, especially if the said bug is quite popular in our forum. For example, if ROM X has a bug with camera, we don't need 10 people making 10 threads asking the same thing, especially when it's a well known bug.
Recycle - Search the forums instead of opening a new thread every time. If you find a thread where the OP has a similar question as you, you are much obliged to revive that thread. again, be descriptive because the OP may have posted that thread a year ago and things change here, A LOT.
4. Comparisons
- Please refrain from posting questions like "Which is better ROM X or ROM Y ?". This is not a question to be solved. This is strictly forbidden by the mods themselves. This hurts the developer.
5. ETAs
- Never open questions asking when an update will come for your favourite ROM. This act is strictly forbidden in the original ROM thread (asking for ETAs). So what makes you think opening a thread in the Q&A is any different ?
6. What are considered questions, stay in the Q&A.
- I cannot stress this enough. PLEASE POST QUESTIONS IN THE Q&A SECTION. No not the General section. Nope, not the Android Development section and hell no, not in the Original Development. I can say the same for some of the others. Why post Guides in the Q&A section, like how to dual boot roms or how to unlock bootloaders ?
7. How to...?
- I discourage many from posting threads on how to develop ROMS, THEMES, KERNELS. Those are things people learn on XDA. No one can answer that in a thread. I already see ROM/Kernel compiling guides all over the X8 forums. Be prepared to get your hands dirty tho.
8. Search search search
"Whatever your problem is, you aren't the first one to have it ! *whisper* It means the answer is already out there..." - Azrienoch in the Welcome to XDA video
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As quoted, please search for your problem before starting a new thread. It saves a lot of space in an already cluttered Q&A section. It also feels really good knowing you solved your problem by yourself instead of causing more problems for others.
9. Be grateful
- Finally, be grateful for ANY answer you get, even if it didn't solve your problem. Keep in mind, these people (like me) could have just seen your problem and scrolled past by, but they didn't. They took time out of their lives to help you, a total stranger in another part of the world. The least you can do is hit Thanks for them.
Note : If I missed out anything and you feel it should be added, please reply below

Slimbean 4.2 AOSP & Stupid XDA Rules

Again tried to post a link to a development forum and ran into the POXY 10 post rule.
the way i look at it.
I read the Forums, so no need to ask STUPID Questions
BUT i cannot post a developper question as I have not opened 10 stupid Post yet
So They force me to open 7 more (this is Post Nr 3) poxy posts in order to post a link or report an error in a rom in its thread. However these threads are full with useless spam like Thanks and questions which could have been answerde if the GURU posters bothered to read the changelogs
Anyway. I have been messing with Slimbean Rom om my SGS2 .
Leightweight superfast and getting 24h+ operating time on the battery including me reconfiguring launchers and my 5 year old playing angry birds.
The Support of the guys is great and I am actually surprised they do not have a thread here in the AOSP section of SGSII Roms
EdRedbird said:
Again tried to post a link to a development forum and ran into the POXY 10 post rule.
the way i look at it.
I read the Forums, so no need to ask STUPID Questions
BUT i cannot post a developper question as I have not opened 10 stupid Post yet
So They force me to open 7 more (this is Post Nr 3) poxy posts in order to post a link or report an error in a rom in its thread. However these threads are full with useless spam like Thanks and questions which could have been answerde if the GURU posters bothered to read the changelogs
Anyway. I have been messing with Slimbean Rom om my SGS2 .
Leightweight superfast and getting 24h+ operating time on the battery including me reconfiguring launchers and my 5 year old playing angry birds.
The Support of the guys is great and I am actually surprised they do not have a thread here in the AOSP section of SGSII Roms
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Well, What's the point of posting a new thread !!!!! What's your problem?
I want to help you, nothing else ...
Edit: just do what you should do (replies 10 times in general thread), that's it
Edit 2: lol, the first one should be here (under this post)
If you're so awesome, find 10 noobs in the Q&A subforum and help them.
It's great that you've been so contributory to the site. What with calling people twats here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=35833225#post35833225 and spamming the same message here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=36058484#post36058484
Take, take, take, me, me, me, help meeeee. You didn't even say what your developer question is. Wait, what is a developer question anyway?
Don't bash your head on the door on your way out.
Not sure what your point was with this thread.
Getting 10 posts is fairly simple --> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1069298

Question Posting Questions in the Q&A Section

Hey guys, me again this time I'm going to show you how to POST QUESTIONS correctly in the Q&A forums. I've had enough of seeing others trying to help when the OP himself/herself doesn't want to help make solving their problem easier for others. So I urge everyone to follow this method of posting questions in the future.
1. Post a suitable, descriptive title.
- Posting a suitable title will give other experienced users an idea of what their up against. That way, they will know what may be the problem and the solution to that problem at first glance.
- A suitable format would be ; [Q] (Insert problem here) (Insert ROM name here and kernel name if possible). One more thing to note ; if your problem is solved, add a [SOLVED] at the beginning of your title. That way, others can use your thread as reference in case they have the same bugs. It's much easier than opening 200 different threads with the same problem. Like the XDA video says, "You are not special.."
- DO NOT : Post titles that go "Heeelllppp meee plzzzzzz" "Pllzzzzz help !!!11!!" "Urgenntt haalp !!". It makes me sick to see titles like these. Not only do they have nothing to do with the question, it's irritating to see this 5 year old style of creating titles. Don't get me started with the spelling.
2. Be descriptive
- This is another problem I see these days. Don't just write something like "Hellp i flashed xxx ROM and now the phone act wierd". That doesn't help anyone. Not the OP nor the people trying to help. Instead be as descriptive as possible. State the ROM you're on, what kernel you used, any mods of tweaks you added, what you have tried so far. This will narrow down the problem and solution. Also, be as clear as possible on what your problem is.
3. Reuse, reduce, recycle
- As with the 3R's, it not only helps the enviroment, but the forums as well.
Reuse - If you have another problem closely related to your first problem, I highly urge users to EDIT their OP. There's an Edit button. Make use of it, not open 20 threads linking to the same problem.
Reduce - Reduce the amount of threads opened for a certain bug, especially if the said bug is quite popular in our forum. For example, if ROM X has a bug with camera, we don't need 10 people making 10 threads asking the same thing, especially when it's a well known bug.
Recycle - Search the forums instead of opening a new thread every time. If you find a thread where the OP has a similar question as you, you are much obliged to revive that thread. again, be descriptive because the OP may have posted that thread a year ago and things change here, A LOT.
4. Comparisons
- Please refrain from posting questions like "Which is better ROM X or ROM Y ?". This is not a question to be solved. This is strictly forbidden by the mods themselves. This hurts the developer.
5. ETAs
- Never open questions asking when an update will come for your favourite ROM. This act is strictly forbidden in the original ROM thread (asking for ETAs). So what makes you think opening a thread in the Q&A is any different ?
6. What are considered questions, stay in the Q&A.
- I cannot stress this enough. PLEASE POST QUESTIONS IN THE Q&A SECTION. No not the General section. Nope, not the Android Development section and hell no, not in the Original Development. I can say the same for some of the others. Why post Guides in the Q&A section, like how to dual boot roms or how to unlock bootloaders ?
7. How to...?
- I discourage many from posting threads on how to develop ROMS, THEMES, KERNELS. Those are things people learn on XDA. No one can answer that in a thread. I already see ROM/Kernel compiling guides all over the X8 forums. Be prepared to get your hands dirty tho.
8. Search search search
"Whatever your problem is, you aren't the first one to have it ! *whisper* It means the answer is already out there..." - Azrienoch in the Welcome to XDA video
As quoted, please search for your problem before starting a new thread. It saves a lot of space in an already cluttered Q&A section. It also feels really good knowing you solved your problem by yourself instead of causing more problems for others.
9. Be grateful
- Finally, be grateful for ANY answer you get, even if it didn't solve your problem. Keep in mind, these people (like me) could have just seen your problem and scrolled past by, but they didn't. They took time out of their lives to help you, a total stranger in another part of the world. The least you can do is hit Thanks for them.
Note : If I missed out anything and you feel it should be added, please reply below

