Just ordered the wrong tablet! - Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 General

I've just gone an ordered a Tab pro 12.2 when I thought I was ordering a Note pro 12.2! I didn't even realize there was a Tab version...
Too late to stop the Order (Amazon, next day). But I can see from the spec what the difference is?
Have I made a huge error (as I did all my research on the Note), or is it almost as good???
Any feedback would be very handy.

" I didn't even realize there was a Tab version..." You mean the Note version, the WiFi version?
Email Amazon right away. They may be able to exchange it if you don't open the package. But you may incur some postage costs. But it will be worth it to get the Note Pro 12.2.

The TabPro 12.2" Is identical to the NotePro 12.2", Except for the Spen, which is a Note exclusive. All the other hardware is exactly the same.
(Provided you ordered the same type, 4G/4G and WiFi/WiFi version)
treetopsranch said:
" I didn't even realize there was a Tab version..." You mean the Note version, the WiFi version?
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I think OP means the Samsung Galaxy TabPro 12.2" SM-T905/SM-T900.

OK, my bad, I was looking at Amazon and didn't see WiFi mentioned in the description of the tab.

treetopsranch said:
" I didn't even realize there was a Tab version..." You mean the Note version, the WiFi version?
Email Amazon right away. They may be able to exchange it if you don't open the package. But you may incur some postage costs. But it will be worth it to get the Note Pro 12.2.
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If there's no difference apart from the sPen, then I can manage with that. I'm flying to Seattle Thursday (tomorrow), so won't have time to get it back to Amazon, Unless there's a major reason to get the Note??
You have to wonder about the search routine on Amazon? I entered 'Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2' and bought what came up, I only noticed it was a tab when the email from the came through, as the description is in the subject line! But as I'd picked next day, by that time it was too late to cancel (I know, as I tried). I never had this happen before, and I've been buying from Amazon for years!!

When I Amazon search that exact phrase the first 5 hits are Note Pro's though I do see some Tab Pros towards the middle and bottom of the first page of hits. My guess is, you gravitated to the lower prices, which is totally understandable.
Sounds like having a tablet in your hands for your trip is more important to you than whatever reason you had to order a Note Pro. If that's the case and you can live with that then don't look back . . . but if there was a specific reason you wanted a note and you keep this one just because of the trip you may regret the choice later. I'm sure you know this though.
What drew you to the Note Pro and what did you expect to get out of it?

I had the tab 12.2 and exchanged it for a note pro and paid fifference they both the same just development for it was slow note pro has more development options

If you never had a spent before, you won't realize what you miss. Some people swear by it, but again, you won't realize. If it was me I wouldn't consider it a great loss...

Thanks for all the feedback.
The main reason for getting one was the screen size and res, and the cpu spec.
Also the support on here for custom roms ect. From what I can see, there's more development on the Note than the Tab?
As far as I can see the only hardware difference is the extra gig of memory and the spen?
The spen was a minor reason for going for the Note, but realistically I doubt if I'd use it much a I have terrible handwriting! And I could always buy a stylus, I guess?
I ordered from Amazon in the UK (as I live here ). When the items list they only show white Notes and I was looking for Black and that's listed second. I completely missed that, that was a Tab and not a Note!

steve1221 said:
Thanks for all the feedback.
The main reason for getting one was the screen size and res, and the cpu spec.
Also the support on here for custom roms ect. From what I can see, there's more development on the Note than the Tab?
As far as I can see the only hardware difference is the extra gig of memory and the spen?
The spen was a minor reason for going for the Note, but realistically I doubt if I'd use it much a I have terrible handwriting! And I could always buy a stylus, I guess?
I ordered from Amazon in the UK (as I live here ). When the items list they only show white Notes and I was looking for Black and that's listed second. I completely missed that, that was a Tab and not a Note!
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The sPen isn't just a stylus. With the pen, you can place your palm on the screen and scribble( or scroll, select, drag, etc), which makes it much easier on a tablet this size. The sPen is also pressure sensitive. Also, you can hover over the screen without touching, and that gives you mouse over events (useful on some websites).
Having said that, I rarely use the pen on my note, but I'm glad it's there.


Torn between this and the Nexus!

I know I can't be the only one out there. I'm just really unsure about the Note's size... I'm a tall guy, with big hands, but its just seems that bit too big?
Mind you, I've been using my Tab 7.0 as a phone for a good 3 weeks!
Is it really usable with one hand? By that I mean, can I fire off a quick text with one hand? If its a yes, I'll order it now!
Thanks for anything useful you have to say!
I'm in the same situation like you!
I'm currently with AT&T at the moment, wondering if I should sell my iPhone 4S (only reason I got it was because of its high resale value) to buy a Note to use, or wait until the Nexus comes to Verizon and sell my iPhone and use that money for the Nexus.
I really like the size of the Note and would love to use it during school, but I kind of want to see how the Nexus looks in real life first before making my decision.
I would also rather be on Verizon's network to be honest, with it's double data promotion helping its case even more.
Im thinking I may just go for the nexus now, I've not had a pure android yet (from stock) and it looks fluid as anything! IMO Touchwiz slows down Android (I own both the Tab and original Galaxy S).
Still can't seem to click buy on either though!
Let me just say that I had the same concerns, so much so that I was determined to wait until I played with the Note before ordering it. I went ahead and took the chance and I am VERY pleased. The phone does not feel nearly as big as you might thing. I think it is very comfortable to use, fits in all my pockets, and is an absolute pleasure to have. I guarantee you will not regret buying the Note. Just read the other reviews.
pscampbell said:
Let me just say that I had the same concerns, so much so that I was determined to wait until I played with the Note before ordering it. I went ahead and took the chance and I am VERY pleased. The phone does not feel nearly as big as you might thing. I think it is very comfortable to use, fits in all my pockets, and is an absolute pleasure to have. I guarantee you will not regret buying the Note. Just read the other reviews.
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I'm not worried about pockets, my 7.0 tab fits in my pockets! I just thought.... If I buy this I can sell my Tab and put that towards this, as it'll replace it anyway!
I'll sell my tab on eBay me thinks!
EDIT: Tab in the marketplace, once thats sold, I will be buying note. Just found out that Nexus uses a poor GPU. I know its twice the speed of Galaxy S, but I'd rather have samsungs latest chip!
I just ordered a white Note from eBay. The way I look at it, an Aosp ICS rom will come eventually. Then you have the option be it Aosp, MIUI, or Touchwiz. And if one doesn't come fast enough, use the Note then sell it when the Nexus is available to you. I have an HTC right now and I switch between Aosp and Sense and its nice to have the choice.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda premium
Here are a couple of Nexus deal breakers for me.
Only 16GB of storage, on my 16GB Note only 11GB is usable, the rest are reserved for OS and apps. This limit my music files to 128 kbps and with 1GB of storage left. Also the 32GB Nexus is not available yet, and I'm not sure I want to pay premium price for a 16GB upgrade when 32GB micro sd card are around £40.
The 16:9 screen makes the phone easier to hold but awkward when browsing the web in portrait mode.
Also the processor and graphic chip are weaker than the Note, so not the best phone out there for future proof.
The only selling point of Nexus compared to the Note is ICS, which will be on the Note either from Samsung or developers. After almost two weeks of using the Note, I found the performance very smooth, so not in a hurry to upgrade to ICS.
Unless you really want an ICS device, I'd get the Note. I'm sure you will happier with the Note few months down the line when both devices have ICS.
P.S. Typing with one hand is awkward at best, and you are risking drop the phone while doing it.
Bigmille said:
Here are a couple of Nexus deal breakers for me.
Only 16GB of storage, on my 16GB Note only 11GB is usable, the rest are reserved for OS and apps. This limit my music files to 128 kbps and with 1GB of storage left. Also the 32GB Nexus is not available yet, and I'm not sure I want to pay premium price for a 16GB upgrade when 32GB micro sd card are around £40.
The 16:9 screen makes the phone easier to hold but awkward when browsing the web in portrait mode.
Also the processor and graphic chip are weaker than the Note, so not the best phone out there for future proof.
The only selling point of Nexus compared to the Note is ICS, which will be on the Note either from Samsung or developers. After almost two weeks of using the Note, I found the performance very smooth, so not in a hurry to upgrade to ICS.
Unless you really want an ICS device, I'd get the Note. I'm sure you will happier with the Note few months down the line when both devices have ICS.
P.S. Typing with one hand is awkward at best, and you are risking drop the phone while doing it.
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You couldn't have summed it up any better! I'll probably order of Amazon.de tomorrow morn.
This device is more portable than a tab.
Think of it not as a phone, or a tab, but an XDA(convergent digital assistant)
I would not even consider a tab (or a laptop).
I have a workstation, and an XDA.
Have so for nearly 10 years.
The note is particularly portable and useful.
khsbenny said:
You couldn't have summed it up any better! I'll probably order of Amazon.de tomorrow morn.
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You are welcome, Amazon.de normally ship the phone out the next working day and it will take two more days for delivery via CityLink.
Also CityLink web tracking might tell you the phone will arrive the next working day after Amazon has shipped the Note. Don't belive them and don't panic when the tracking don't get updated for the 1st 24hrs.
Xaddict said:
This device is more portable than a tab.
Think of it not as a phone, or a tab, but an XDA(convergent digital assistant)
I would not even consider a tab (or a laptop).
I have a workstation, and an XDA.
Have so for nearly 10 years.
The note is particularly portable and useful.
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I'm looking forward to a stylus! As much as Jobs hated them, you can't beat them for accuracy. Web browsing was easier on my 2.8" screen on my HTC Diamond thanks to a stylus!
I was thinking of getting the nexus too but no sd card slot is poo, but I will be getting the note as soon it's available in white in the uk
Anyone know of any UK sites selling white ones?
ik911 said:
I was thinking of getting the nexus too but no sd card slot is poo, but I will be getting the note as soon it's available in white in the uk
Anyone know of any UK sites selling white ones?
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I'd be interested in that too.
Although unless its >£500 I'll stick with black.
khsbenny said:
I'd be interested in that too.
Although unless its >£500 I'll stick with black.
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All I found is this £539.99 with no date http://www.handtec.co.uk/product.php/5864/samsung-galaxy-note--16gb--sim-free-unlocked--white-
ik911 said:
All I found is this £539.99 with no date http://www.handtec.co.uk/product.php/5864/samsung-galaxy-note--16gb--sim-free-unlocked--white-
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I suppose I could claim the VAT back.... If its not in the next few days I might have to give the white one a miss
I'm in the same boat as you. I've been mulling over this decision for about 2 weeks at least
Here's my pros and cons, and these are too me, a US AT&T user still in contract:
Note Pros:
- Screen
- Battery
- Staying with AT&T
- Importing and Warranty
- No ICS yet. This is big as it looks like exchange support is greatly improved there, and I'd like to ditch Touchdown
I don't consider the stylus much of a pro personally - I don't think I'll use it
Nexus Pros:
- Vanilla ICS
- LTE sim swap with my Xoom (this is kinda minor, as WiFi hotspot is basically the same except that I can conserve my phone's battery if I were to go on a road trip)
- Better dev and app support because it will be more popular
Nexus Cons:
- very worried about battery life with LTE. I'd hope to go data only too, so I'd have GooVe IP signed in all the time.
- smaller screen, though it might be OK as I've had a Dell Streak and so many apps don't deal with gigantic screens very well.
- maybe slightly worse camera from my investigations
I probably should just buy the Note and be done with it, but I want to see what Verizon's off contract price is. if it's $600 that's hard to then justify getting a Note for around $750 I think. $650-700 will be a note autobuy I think... then again my ETF would be around $150, but going data only will save in the long run, but not sure if I can reliably recieve calls on GrooVe IP... meh... decisions.
There IS a simple solution........... JUST GET BOTH !!!
It is what I am doing....... can't help myself
Nothing touches Galaxy Note on the market IMO. Engadget just did a hands-on test of the Galaxy Nexus and here's something they mention in their article:
It's still too early to comment on battery life, but so far we're not seeing any issues. While the Nexus feels quite snappy it isn't as mind bendingly fast as some Gingerbread devices (the Galaxy Note comes to mind)
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The Note is a superior platform--bigger display, S-pen functionality, faster CPU, faster GPU. Why would anyone outside a developer want a Nexus? ICS is coming to our phone so there's no advantage there. People argue Touchwiz adds a layer of lag and I disagree, my phone with 2.3.6 gingerbread is lightning fast and I never see any lag.
where can I get the 2.3.6 version? I tried to update my phone but it said my phone was all updated.
5150Joker said:
Nothing touches Galaxy Note on the market IMO. Engadget just did a hands-on test of the Galaxy Nexus and here's something they mention in their article:
The Note is a superior platform--bigger display, S-pen functionality, faster CPU, faster GPU. Why would anyone outside a developer want a Nexus? ICS is coming to our phone so there's no advantage there. People argue Touchwiz adds a layer of lag and I disagree, my phone with 2.3.6 gingerbread is lightning fast and I never see any lag.
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Agree with everything you said. I've been doing my research on both since I had been going back and forth on what phone I really wanted and even went with just the AT&T GS2 for a few days but in the end both the GS2 and Nexus both are inferior devices to what the Note offers and outside of getting ICS early I can't see any reason to buy the Nexus unless you just need a smaller phone. I'd rather wait and get ICS shortly down the road than to get it a few weeks earlier on lesser hardware.

Good Deal on NEW ThinkPads

Lenovo's Outlet has a boat-load of NEW Thinkpad Tablets for sale with various accessories included.
Currently the 16GB with Pen included goes for $386.75, and it's brand new from Lenovo themselves. I'd say that's a pretty amazing deal! That's $90 off their regular online store NOT including the pen!
If anyone knows the reason for this price difference? (other than maybe they're looking to release their quad core tablet very soon)
Thought I'd share the great deal, looking forward to receiving mine shortly.
Well, considering I bought my September, not so much >.>, and I got it at 490 after tax and shipping, but still. I thought this was one of the only tablets that wouldn't drop their price
I think the problem is excess stock due to returns and cancels from poor software and hardware performance.
well ****
my 64GB model cost me alot more...
Ditto, and doesn't even work right. Lesson learned. No more Lenovo tablets for me unless they give them away.
toenail_flicker said:
Ditto, and doesn't even work right. Lesson learned. No more Lenovo tablets for me unless they give them away.
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Which android tablet would you say "works right" in comparison to the Lenovo TPT? I just ordered mine and it should be arriving next week complete with Folio Keyboard, Dock and Pen.
I chose this one for 3 real reasons, and 1 lame reason
Real reasons: 1)I like the option for the digitizer pen 2)It seems like it can take more of a beating than other tablets(i can be a clutz) and 3)I like the keyboard folio option(not for every day use)
Lame reason: 1) it matches all my ThinkPad paraphernalia(Notebook, Mouse, Keyboard, Cases...etc)
LOL I like your reasons. I never wanted the folio and still don't. If I had other Lenovo gear that would be a +1 here. I love the stylus but now others are coming so I don't have to put up with poor components and an OS overlay that requires root to function properly. My GPS has never functioned. If it wasn't for rooting and wanting to keep it, I'd send it in for warranty repair. Buttons have failed and micro USBs have too.
Getting a new tab soon. Already have a View and it has zero issue like my TPT. Looking for maybe the Galaxy Note 10.1.
Well, yeah, the pen is a dominating reason. At the same time, we bought it back in September, when this was the only tablet with a pen. There weren't even any that were rumored to come out except the hypothetical Galaxy Note at that point, which I learnt later at that time was only 5 inches. Now there's the Galaxy Note 10.1 that's coming out and a few more, so yeah, I'd look at the others before landing on the TPT. The Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet was almost a test, and though they did pretty well, I feel I might just wait a little bit longer.
I got my 32gb tablet for $350 for buy.com 8 months ago. I don't see why this price is so great?
I agree. Not great prices.
16GB for 318
32GB for 340
Is that provantage price with the pen?
eBay has some solid refurb deals, but it's hard to tell with many of them if the pen is included or not. I just a 16gb refurb for $299 with just the pen and and charger.
try buy.Com
Sent from my Full CM9 on ThinkPad Tablet using Tapatalk

8.4 same fate as the Galaxy Tab 7.7?

I wonder how well updated a 8.4 (possibly LTE) will get regular updates. I had a 7.7, that I thought was a "premium" device, and I lost it before I could even put ICS on it. It started to lag, and lag and lag as new apps were updated and used.
So what do you think? Would this face the same fate as the 7.7 tab or the 8.9 tab, or more like the original 10.1 tab (which I think it was adequate and more in line with what I expect from a device.
Any input is appreciated.
As underwhelming as Android updates have been since 4.1, I don't think it really matters anymore. My Moto X got updated from 4.3 to 4.4... I barely noticed.
RipplingHurst said:
I wonder how well updated a 8.4 (possibly LTE) will get regular updates. I had a 7.7, that I thought was a "premium" device, and I lost it before I could even put ICS on it. It started to lag, and lag and lag as new apps were updated and used.
So what do you think? Would this face the same fate as the 7.7 tab or the 8.9 tab, or more like the original 10.1 tab (which I think it was adequate and more in line with what I expect from a device.
Any input is appreciated.
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The 7.7 was Verizon I think. Anything involving Verizon will be very slow on updates. They are the worst at approving manufacturer updates and pushing them out. HTC leaked a final 4.3 for my former DROID DNA 5 and it took Verizon 5 months to release it.
Sent from my SM-T320 using XDA Premium HD app
All Samsung's high-end tablets starting with the N10.1-14 are running the same h/w and screen resolution. That's got to make coding updates faster and easier as so much is shared between them.
I'm optimistic that it will be different from the Tab 7.7 for a couple reasons. As mentioned above, the hardware and screen resolution is nearly identical across multiple devices this time, where the 7.7 was the only tablet with its processor and screen resolution (the Note 1 and Tab 7 Plus were the closest two. A phone and another low selling sparsely available tablet). The international version was updated slowly, but far quicker than the Verizon LTE version. However, I think it didn't sell well at all, was expensive, and was banned from multiple countries before or after its rocky unveiling (remember Apple had the courts remove it from the stand at IFA?). It became the best product that Samsung couldn't sell and therefore had little incentive to support it.
Not that I'm trying to make excuses for Samsung not supporting it, just that I'm logically hopeful this time around.
RipplingHurst said:
I wonder how well updated a 8.4 (possibly LTE) will get regular updates. I had a 7.7, that I thought was a "premium" device, and I lost it before I could even put ICS on it. It started to lag, and lag and lag ..
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I still have a 7.7 and it's on JB4.1.2.
It's smooth as... AND twice as quick.
I remember the lag on the Default ICS ROM and I was very disapointed. Especially as I had an S2 with less power but it's UI was silky smooth.
Fortunately the was a developer UpInTheAir who kept the device moving forward. His first ICS Sky High rom for the 7.7 was a god send.
And now, if it were not for the Pro 8.4 I'd still want to keep my 7.7 with the JB 4.1.2 release available.
The point however to take from your comments is that WITHOUT xda community the 7.7 I would have been very disappointed. It would have stayed the best screen/worst OS tablet/paperweight device available. As it is now with this ROM it is a better alternative than for Apple iPad Mini 1st Gen.
I hope that the 'Tab Pro' given it's 'Pro' status Samsung keeps with the updates. (Given I've just ordered one)
Welcome to the world of Samsung. You'll be lucky if you get more then 2 updates or a year of support. They're in the business of making a quick buck then dump their customers to desolation.
Got the iPad mini. Samsung scares me too much. If I was going for the 10.1, okay, but the 8.4 may turn out to be not popular enough and will be forgotten.
I have a Mini Retina. Sorry but there is no comparison to the 8.4 Pro. Sure the Mini has a nice aluminum back (which you need to immediately put into a case as it scratches super easy) and a slightly more robust battery but that's about it.
The Samsung wins everywhere it matters, battery notwithstanding.
I'll put the two side by side and take some pics of the screen. The Mini Retina is much dimmer (my biggest beef btw with the LG G Pad) than the Samsung irrespective of what brightness levels you set it at.
The other biggie is the Micro SD slot. The Tab Pro + a 64GB Micro SD card (80 GB total) is about $160 cheaper than a 64GB Mini Retina. Plus the accessories are much cheaper (mind you less selection of cases).
Now that Sandisk has released a 128GB Micro SD for $120 that equates to a 144GB tablet for $200 cheaper than the 128GB Mini Retina.
Plus if you are an avid reader, you cannot beat the reading apps on Android. The closest is Marvin for IOS and its still barely usable.
Just curious, is tab pro 8.4 capable of making phone calls? and i mean real phone calls like tab 7.7
Buy the LTE version and you can...
seriously? any article or anything to support your statement?
im very interested to get the 8.4 pro but i need it to be able to make phone calls also
thanks before
Justin^Tan said:
seriously? any article or anything to support your statement?
im very interested to get the 8.4 pro but i need it to be able to make phone calls also
thanks before
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If you take a look at any reviews of LTE version then you can see Phone Application as well. And this fact is known, I' m waiting for the same thing...
hmm. so it's based on the picture of the phone application huh? okay2 ^^ thanks
Yeah i 'm also getting the LTE version to make phone calls
The reason the 7.7 didn't get a lot of support is due to it being banned in many countries so without them able to sell it they had no reason to keep it updated.
Sent from my SM-T320 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I ordered the 8.4 LTE from Hong Kong... it'll arrive in 10 days.
I use the 7.7 now as my phone. I'm expecting to use the 8.4 as my phone too.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 vs Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 LTE, Worth Upgrading?
Thanks for this topic.... above notes and comments. This has has been eating my brain for weeks....
I am also in this dilemma to, see actual comparison of two in terms of spec here:
http://www.phonearena.com/phones/co...LTE,Samsung-Galaxy-Tab-S-8.4/phones/6739,8663 (If im not allowed to add this, mods please remove link and keep post, thanks)
I wanted to know if it’s worth upgrading too or not, as I also used it for phone calls and video calls. I was wondering can the tab s 8.4 4G/LTE work in the same manner or are they different now? Also build quality on the Tab 7.7 is second to none. How does it compare to Tab S 8.4?
See that the Galaxy Tab 7.7 had the following available:
Tablet with support for GSM voice communication, SMS, and MMS
Does the Galaxy Tab S 8.4 have the same fate as the Tab 7.7. Meaning does it have the same capabilities of "Tablet with support for GSM voice communication, SMS, and MMS"
Does anyone know, if yes please advise. As I’m thinking of selling my tab 7.7 32gb Wi-Fi and 3G to purchase a tab s 8.4 WiFi & 4G/LTE…

You are missing out !

NOT !!!
To make a long story short, The Tab Pro 8.4 is better than the Tab S 8.4
I made a switch to the Tab S because of the 3gb memory... well the thing lags a little compared to my previous Tab Pro.
I wanted Knox - the Tab S didn't have the container preinstalled and the Knox apk posted here in the forum does not work. And I can't find it on the Samung appstore either - yes I am not going to root this device.
Less bloatware - yes the Tab S has more bloatware and they can't be "stopped" like Evernote etc.
Better screen - as with my other Samsung Super Amoled devices, the screen looks pinkish and the bottom half is darker than the top half... This is a problem with the S4, Note 2, Note 3 which I had before (I must be the luckiest guy in the gadgetworld), and it really is annoying me especially at night when the screen is the only thing emitting light in my room which makes it very obvious.
Welcome home, tab pro !!!
xdm9mm said:
NOT !!!
To make a long story short, The Tab Pro 8.4 is better than the Tab S 8.4
I made a switch to the Tab S because of the 3gb memory... well the thing lags a little compared to my previous Tab Pro.
I wanted Knox - the Tab S didn't have the container preinstalled and the Knox apk posted here in the forum does not work. And I can't find it on the Samung appstore either - yes I am not going to root this device.
Less bloatware - yes the Tab S has more bloatware and they can't be "stopped" like Evernote etc.
Better screen - as with my other Samsung Super Amoled devices, the screen looks pinkish and the bottom half is darker than the top half... This is a problem with the S4, Note 2, Note 3 which I had before (I must be the luckiest guy in the gadgetworld), and it really is annoying me especially at night when the screen is the only thing emitting light in my room which makes it very obvious.
Welcome home, tab pro !!!
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Completely agree.
More and more I'm glad I was able to snag a mint 10.1 pro off CL for $300 just last week.
I'm sure in about 1 month though they'll be down to $250 or less. Oh well. Now to just debloat this whale. Come on CM11, we know you wanna tackle the octomom, er I mean cpu, challenge!!!
I'm on the dilemma of.... should I go with the Pro or the S....
DKM119 said:
I'm on the dilemma of.... should I go with the Pro or the S....
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I think if you can find a pro at the low price the choice is easy.
Nutsonfire said:
I think if you can find a pro at the low price the choice is easy.
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Yeah I agree... so far everywhere is a $329, on newegg they have at $289 but are refurbished... really don't know a bit getting one refurbished.... gonna keep looking.
DKM119 said:
I'm on the dilemma of.... should I go with the Pro or the S....
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If you ever hope to do anything development related (like flash a custom ROM), avoid the S like the plague and get the Pro. "Custom ROM" and "Exynos chipset" don't belong in the same sentence anymore. The Pro 8.4 has a Qualcomm SnapDragon 800 and a bunch of custom ROMs already.
DKM119 said:
Yeah I agree... so far everywhere is a $329, on newegg they have at $289 but are refurbished... really don't know a bit getting one refurbished.... gonna keep looking.
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As long as it's "manufacturer" refurbished, you are good. I've purchased a few tablets/phones that were manufacturer refurbished, and all have been flawless and appeared brand new. They usually come with a limited warranty also (90 days) so that makes it a bit better. 3rd party refurbs can vary greatly in condition/quality.
I just picked up a manufacturer refurb tab pro 8.4 and it arrived yesterday. Came in a white samsung box, and again, it's physically flawless (not a single mark on the screen or back), and works great. I always root/unlock my android devices, so the factory warranty only lasts so long with me, which is why I buy used/refurbs a lot.
CafeKampuchia said:
If you ever hope to do anything development related (like flash a custom ROM), avoid the S like the plague and get the Pro. "Custom ROM" and "Exynos chipset" don't belong in the same sentence anymore. The Pro 8.4 has a Qualcomm SnapDragon 800 and a bunch of custom ROMs already.
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mike-y said:
As long as it's "manufacturer" refurbished, you are good. I've purchased a few tablets/phones that were manufacturer refurbished, and all have been flawless and appeared brand new. They usually come with a limited warranty also (90 days) so that makes it a bit better. 3rd party refurbs can vary greatly in condition/quality.
I just picked up a manufacturer refurb tab pro 8.4 and it arrived yesterday. Came in a white samsung box, and again, it's physically flawless (not a single mark on the screen or back), and works great. I always root/unlock my android devices, so the factory warranty only lasts so long with me, which is why I buy used/refurbs a lot.
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Yeah that's is basically what I always do when I get a new Android device, root that baby... now a found a used in mint conditions pro 8.4 but is running cm11.
Before I pull the plug want to know how easy is to Odin back to stock? I ask this because on my search for a stock rom I end up in some treads that said that they are stuck on a loop after trying to Odin back to stock.
Also I can't find a stock rom (odin) on this forum... can someone link the right tread if there is please.?
Thanks in advance.
DKM119 said:
Yeah that's is basically what I always do when I get a new Android device, root that baby... now a found a used in mint conditions pro 8.4 but is running cm11.
Before I pull the plug want to know how easy is to Odin back to stock? I ask this because on my search for a stock rom I end up in some treads that said that they are stuck on a loop after trying to Odin back to stock.
Also I can't find a stock rom (odin) on this forum... can someone link the right tread if there is please.?
Thanks in advance.
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Never had a problem when I used Odin to revert back to stock rom on my Pro 8.4, but the knox was still 0x1, but luckily no one checked when I returned mine, though it had a hardware fault so I returned it.
xdm9mm said:
Never had a problem when I used Odin to revert back to stock rom on my Pro 8.4, but the knox was still 0x1, but luckily no one checked when I returned mine, though it had a hardware fault so I returned it.
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Can you link the stock rom please?
Mike 01Hawk said:
More and more I'm glad I was able to snag a mint 10.1 pro off CL for $300 just last week.
I'm sure in about 1 month though they'll be down to $250 or less. Oh well. Now to just debloat this whale. Come on CM11, we know you wanna tackle the octomom, er I mean cpu, challenge!!!
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DKM119 said:
Yeah I agree... so far everywhere is a $329, on newegg they have at $289 but are refurbished... really don't know a bit getting one refurbished.... gonna keep looking.
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I would check swappa. I picked up my Pro 8.4 for $280 with a 32gb Sandisk card and Samsung Folio case. was a great deal
DKM119 said:
Can you link the stock rom please?
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I went with the pro. The deal I got at the time made it a total no brainer. 250$ price from Best Buy plus a 50$ best buy gift card. Also got two 25$ Google Play codes. Basically got a brand new tab pro 8.4 for a whopping 150$....no way the Tab S is worth 400$.
Sent from my SM-T320 using Tapatalk
drmacrofish said:
I went with the pro. The deal I got at the time made it a total no brainer. 250$ price from Best Buy plus a 50$ best buy gift card. Also got two 25$ Google Play codes. Basically got a brand new tab pro 8.4 for a whopping 150$....no way the Tab S is worth 400$.
Sent from my SM-T320 using Tapatalk
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How did u get 250?
I got the newegg refurb and it has scrape on silver trim and scratched home button so I'm sending it back
Zenoran said:
How did u get 250?
I got the newegg refurb and it has scrape on silver trim and scratched home button so I'm sending it back
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The week before the tab S came out in retail, Best Buy slashed the price in stores to 249.99$, and for a couple of days, if you ordered it online you got a 50$ gift card sent to you too. It was a crazy deal.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
drmacrofish said:
The week before the tab S came out in retail, Best Buy slashed the price in stores to 249.99$, and for a couple of days, if you ordered it online you got a 50$ gift card sent to you too. It was a crazy deal.
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Oh okay... I did some searching and found some deals related to this but already expired. boo hoo.
Not sure what I'm going to do if I'm going to just order another refurb or what. I originally got the GTP because it had infrared but it appears to be kinda proprietary and I'm not a fan of the application. I'll have to do some additional research to see if there are other customizable applications for total home theater control (including HTPC) to see if this model is even going to accomplish what I was hoping for. But getting it NEW for $250 would surely seal the deal for me!
For 8.4 model, Tab Pro is much better because 800 processor is better than Exynos.
For 10 model, they're draw.
AMOLED on Tab S looks better (less red tint) than 8.4, but keep in mind that Tab Pro does not have screen burn problem.
However, there's a minor feature on Tab S a lot of users overlooked: charging port. You can put the unit in landscape and charge.

Tab S4 is coming

Looks like it could be upgrade time, (if the price is right of course.)
Who's tempted? :angel:
No mention of 8" version though :crying:
Only if my S2 dies. Right now it is running fine and meeting all of my needs. It's only 16 months old. Besides, given past experience the the introductory price will be too high.
I'm curious about new products because the current sale on S2 and S3 tablets seems to be a clearance.
I bought two more Tab S2s (T813s) just last month. Its more important to me to have the ability to run Lineage than the latest hardware. So no a Tab S4 really doesn't interest me unless I see some development for it. Based on how the other new Samsung phones / devices have been, I'm not holding my breath.
Bought my S2 in December 2015.
Still running perfectly fine.
Especially I like the very low weight which adds to the universal usability of this device.
Unfortunately the S4 will be significantly heavier, and NO other tablet in the 10" range with <400g weight is in sight... so I hope my S2 will work for another 2 years...
For me, most of my current T715 is fine, and has been for the last 2 years. On an 8" S4, (not that one exists,) I'd like the same form factor and weight, a new battery, SD835, always on FP sensor and 4GB ram.
Things like a glass back, facial recognition, increased weight, don't interest me.
Masteryates said:
Looks like it could be upgrade time, (if the price is right of course.)
Who's tempted? :angel:
No mention of 8" version though :crying:
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its a no from me until they start putting the latest chipset on their tablet. I'm not paying premium price tag for last year chipset.
Was tempted but since no 8 so disregarded it. Tried to find availability of the Huawei 8.4 & found none. So got the S2; it is now 2 weeks. I use it for reading books & got it because Amazon had it for sale at $289 which pushed me over. My ASUS Zenpad S3 10 is very nice &, for me, much better than the iPad 9.7; but both are too "heavy" & awkward.
Also decided to resurrect my Tab Pro with the RRMix & have sent for a battery replacement since it was going down 30% in 24 hrs in sleep mode; think it is worst now & will see if the it remains the same when the battery arrives in 5 days.
OhioYJ said:
I bought two more Tab S2s (T813s) just last month. Its more important to me to have the ability to run Lineage than the latest hardware. So no a Tab S4 really doesn't interest me unless I see some development for it. Based on how the other new Samsung phones / devices have been, I'm not holding my breath.
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Man, how much did you pay for them? I want to pull the trigger on one so bad, but I just can't at the current prices, especially when they'll tank in a few months with the release of the S4...
had my tab for about 1.5 years,happy with it,i only stream football and read books,does the job
stoatbroker said:
Man, how much did you pay for them? I want to pull the trigger on one so bad, but I just can't at the current prices, especially when they'll tank in a few months with the release of the S4...
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I just checked both the ones I just bought were $349, both T813, the 9.7" ones. These last two were for my wife and son. I believe mine I actually picked up for $299, but that was back when the S3 had come out IIRC.
I bought one on Amazon for my son. Then when I decided I wanted a second one for my wife, they had already sold out, so I picked up a second one on eBay (it was new sealed).
My T813 is still running great, so I'm not really in the market for a tablet right now. Maybe, if the S3 drops in price sufficiently, I might upgrade to it to get the pen, but otherwise, I'm good.
OhioYJ said:
I just checked both the ones I just bought were $349, both T813, the 9.7" ones. These last two were for my wife and son. I believe mine I actually picked up for $299, but that was back when the S3 had come out IIRC.
I bought one on Amazon for my son. Then when I decided I wanted a second one for my wife, they had already sold out, so I picked up a second one on eBay (it was new sealed).
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In my country, Indonesia, secondhand Tab S2 9.7 will set you back Rp1.450.000,00 (which translates to around $105). But it has a caveat, the screen has shadow problem (but still, i can bear it for that kind of price!)
gantagavin said:
In my country, Indonesia, secondhand Tab S2 9.7 will set you back Rp1.450.000,00 (which translates to around $105). But it has a caveat, the screen has shadow problem (but still, i can bear it for that kind of price!)
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Had I found any used ones for that price I might had considered it. In my area most people ask $300 for a used one. (Seriously, two in my area right now for sale, both $300) For the price it would be dumb not to buy a brand new one for only $50 more. These replaced our Nexus 7 (2013 models) which I did pick up 2 of the 3 used reasonably locally.
My play might be to wait for the eventual S3 price drop and pick one up to replace my 0G Tab S.
I'm just praying they will make a smaller model of S4. 16/9 would be a gift as well.
They need to give us an option priced equivalent to the 'normal' ipad and stop pretending that it can go head-to-head with the Pro line. Pen is nice and all but there's just not enough software to justify it.
wintermute000 said:
They need to give us an option priced equivalent to the 'normal' ipad and stop pretending that it can go head-to-head with the Pro line. Pen is nice and all but there's just not enough software to justify it.
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Yes, but this is Samsung, and they think they are the Apple of the Android world. Arguably, they shouldn't be charging iPhone money for the Galaxy S series either. My wife's 6S plus performs better than my S7 Edge in almost every way, to the point I have even considered getting her a new phone and taking her old one. The keyboard/app lag on the Galaxy devices is absurd for a device costing that much. Just texting from my device is an exercise in frustration compared to her phone or even my old HTC One M8.
The irony is that they could dramatically improve the performance of their devices by doing LESS. Drop TouchWiz, lightly skin AOSP, and maybe do a custom launcher. It's infuriating.
I like my 8" Tab S2 and my S7 Edge phone but my 10.5" iPad Pro blows away any Android device I've ever had (and I've had a lot since Android's intro). Outstanding performance and stability and a whole lot of very polished apps. iOS was difficult to adjust to but I've found ways to do anything I wanted to get done with a tablet. It would take something very special to get me to invest in a new Android tablet again (but I'll stick to Android phones and will continue to use the S2 Tab as a mini tablet).
sparksd said:
I like my 8" Tab S2 and my S7 Edge phone but my 10.5" iPad Pro blows away any Android device I've ever had (and I've had a lot since Android's intro). Outstanding performance and stability and a whole lot of very polished apps. iOS was difficult to adjust to but I've found ways to do anything I wanted to get done with a tablet. It would take something very special to get me to invest in a new Android tablet again (but I'll stick to Android phones and will continue to use the S2 Tab as a mini tablet).
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Agreed on iOS being slicker than Android. Unfortunately, that means buying into the Apple ecosystem, because anything "not Apple" is either not supported, or not supported well. In my case, I use Chromecast devices a lot, especially the Chromecast Audio. While there are a few apps for casting to them on iOS, none of them are great (save for VLC, which isn't iOS specific). The alternative would be to replace all those devices with AppleTVs, which would be prohibitively expensive at the moment.
Of course, I'm a power user, so iOS is a poor fit for me anyway. I like that I can setup impromptu servers to move files back and forth between my Android devices, that I can run a different launcher (almost invariably Nova launcher), etc. In fact, the biggest thing keeping me on Android is the fact that I can move files around trivially between devices or servers without having to deal with iTunes or some other app. Just trying to organize music, video, and e-books on my iPad was enough to make me switch to the Tab S2 in the first place.
Every time I get fed up with Android's quirks (or Samsung's quirks), or I pick up one of my family's iPads, I inevitably run into one of the limitations that made me go with Android in the first place.
