[Q] Desktop Fullscreen App Exit to Start Screen - Windows 8 General

I know Windows 8's metro UI isn't the most popular thing regarding windows, but bear with me.
I really like the start screen and metro UI, especially after finding out it works wonderfully on a TV. In my particular case, I am in search of a way to exit a fullscreen desktop app to the start screen. I've searched around, however, since nobody really likes metro i cannot find any information regarding this (in fact, i get the opposite tips). The moment i mention metro or start screen in any searching, i get results regarding how to avoid said UI.
Is there any way to accomplish this? A prime example would things like emulators (dolphin, ppsspp, project64, etc) or regular PC games (Titanfall, Skyrim, any other windows game). I'm essentially trying to kill off the desktop (could also be interpreted as trying to do a Xbox One imitation), as this PC will be in the living room. I know there's things like Steam Big Picture, but i would like to avoid another UI on top of metro and to keep things consistent.
Any information would be highly appreciated. You guys on XDA have always helped whenever i needed it!

saviornova1203 said:
I know Windows 8's metro UI isn't the most popular thing regarding windows, but bear with me.
I really like the start screen and metro UI, especially after finding out it works wonderfully on a TV. In my particular case, I am in search of a way to exit a fullscreen desktop app to the start screen. I've searched around, however, since nobody really likes metro i cannot find any information regarding this (in fact, i get the opposite tips). The moment i mention metro or start screen in any searching, i get results regarding how to avoid said UI.
Is there any way to accomplish this? A prime example would things like emulators (dolphin, ppsspp, project64, etc) or regular PC games (Titanfall, Skyrim, any other windows game). I'm essentially trying to kill off the desktop (could also be interpreted as trying to do a Xbox One imitation), as this PC will be in the living room. I know there's things like Steam Big Picture, but i would like to avoid another UI on top of metro and to keep things consistent.
Any information would be highly appreciated. You guys on XDA have always helped whenever i needed it!
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dont think you can other than what you mentioned with Steam big screen or little more extreme with SteamOS.
obviously pushing the windows button should take you straight to the start screen but that wont close any running apps or games. maybe map a keyboard button to act as a startscreen button and close any current running programs or apps. not sure how though

Create a little DOS batch program like this
@echo off
:: stop explorer
taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F > NUL 2>&1
:: start legacy application and wait until it has finished
start "" /wait "<fullpathname_of_your_program_goes_here>" "<program_arguments_goes_here>"
:: re-start explorer
:: done
exit /b
for each legacy app you want to be run

jwoegerbauer said:
Create a little DOS batch program like this
@echo off
:: stop explorer
taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F > NUL 2>&1
:: start legacy application and wait until it has finished
start "" /wait "<fullpathname_of_your_program_goes_here>" "<program_arguments_goes_here>"
:: re-start explorer
:: done
exit /b
for each legacy app you want to be run
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Hmm, not sure why i would need to kill explorer, but i'll try it out (haven't tested a killed explorer from the start screen, only killed it from desktop). I'm not up to date on my CMD commands, but i don't see a way to bring the start screen back up after the command is finished in your script. I'll test out and see if i can improve it at all.
I should also note that some games that i am trying to launch are just shortcuts to the file (in PPSSPP's case, these would be CSO files, told windows to just launch PPSSPP when opening CSO's). Like i said i'll test and report back.

saviornova1203 said:
Hmm, not sure why i would need to kill explorer
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The Metro interface (START screen) can only be accessed by manually starting explorer.exe.
And that's what I suggested you to do. Nothing else.

If you're using and AirMouse you can miss click on the top and bring up the bar with the x to close. You can take your air mouse cursor to the top of the screen mouseclick hold and drag all the way down and that'll take you back to the start screen but it only minimizes the app that you're using.
Edit: looks like you can just point mouse to the top so the clicking. Also if you take your cursor to the top right and pull down the side without a mouse click the charms bar come out

You want to open the Metro -Start Screen anytime any type of program completely closes? This is possible with a hook...let me know if I'm on the right track...maybe I can code a quick application for you.

Threw together a small C# program that will return to the Metro StartScreen on any application close event. Sits in tray - DoubleClick to exit.
Let me know if you need any changes - it could be changed for just fullscreen applications.


Shortcut to Execute commands on Computer

There are all of these app's out there that allow you to control your computer from your phone (using VNC and others). This is all well and good....but there are no shortcuts to do anything on these apps. Whatever you are trying to do on your computer takes way too many screens/clicks to be truly efficient by using your phone. You most certainly are able to do it with your phone.....but hell...it was way more complicated than it had to be.
I would LOVE to just touch a shortcut on my home screen that would send a couple of keystrokes to my computer. Or telling my computer to open a particular program from a shortcut created on my android phones Home screen. This would be amazing. I could tell my computer to run whatever task from my phone QUICKLY...without having to jump hoops through screenshots/mouseclicks/keyboard on VNC app's......
Using this, you would no longer need all these separate video/music player control apps...you could just wire hotkeys/scripts to be run to control ANYTHING. I could send a keystroke to minimize/maximize a window....pause iTunes....Give a song 3 star rating....open a particular site...
I'm just trying to turn my phone into a much better remote for my computer.....all current apps seem to fail horribly.
I was looking for the same thing and came a cross a neat application to run on computer, AutoHotKey ( http://www.autohotkey.com/ ). Then I use MultiRemote to send keystrokes (like a hotkey, CTRL+P), programmed as one button in that program. Then on the computer side I have a script that knows what to do when that button is pushed Really powerful application with tons of features to program in the scripts...

Start Menu on Windows 8

Stardock brought the start menu back to Windows 8:
i think it's humorous that people don't like their environment to change so there is always some userbuilt UI revert to almost any UI update (including games/programs)
Watercycle said:
i think it's humorous that people don't like their environment to change so there is always some userbuilt UI revert to almost any UI update (including games/programs)
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I understand what you are getting at, however, I don't necessarily dislike metro, I just think it's implementation is flawed. Desktop apps just live in a different ecosystem. I love metro...for metro apps. Using it to launch/navigate with desktop apps sucks however. I'm a full time developer that uses Visual Studio as well as Sublime Text (for rails apps). I use Microsoft Office 2010 extensively. Bringing back some of those desktop features goes a long way in improving productivity.
The start menu in Windows 7 was perfect for me. I could hit the windows key, quickly type cmd and push enter, and a command prompt would open up. While you can still do that in Windows 8, there is a noticeable delay to open metro, and you lose visibility of your workspace temporarily. Microsoft should have made metro optional but installed by default. Stardock is doing what microsoft should have done in the first place.
betam4x said:
I understand what you are getting at, however, I don't necessarily dislike metro, I just think it's implementation is flawed. Desktop apps just live in a different ecosystem. I love metro...for metro apps. Using it to launch/navigate with desktop apps sucks however. I'm a full time developer that uses Visual Studio as well as Sublime Text (for rails apps). I use Microsoft Office 2010 extensively. Bringing back some of those desktop features goes a long way in improving productivity.
The start menu in Windows 7 was perfect for me. I could hit the windows key, quickly type cmd and push enter, and a command prompt would open up. While you can still do that in Windows 8, there is a noticeable delay to open metro, and you lose visibility of your workspace temporarily. Microsoft should have made metro optional but installed by default. Stardock is doing what microsoft should have done in the first place.
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Noticeable delay? That's odd.. I find it to be faster than Windows 7.
In the end, I welcome Metro. It's been well over 10 years with the Start Menu but Metro fills the void in functionality, and it looks nice.

cant disable metro ui

im trying to disable metro.in the register but there isn't RPenabled to disable it.
i want to remove it.so it goes straight to the desktop just like windows 7
I'm pretty sure this was removed in the official release.
JihadSquad said:
I'm pretty sure this was removed in the official release.
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it was removed.
Learn metro, its actually pretty good once you get the hang of it with or without the touch
It was in fact removed well before release. "redpill" (what is controlled by the registry value you seek) is an MS-internal test mode for secret and/or experimental features. It's been present for at least a few previous beta products too, covering things like Win7's new taskbar. Only the very first public build of Win8 used the Redpill switch; everything after that had it built in.
There are third-party apps which disable TIFKAM (The Interface Formerly Known As Metro) to a lesser or greater degree, but I can't recommend any of them as I don't know what they actually do to the system. Personally, I just move the mouse to the lower-left corner (where the Start button appears usually), and then Right-click followed immediately by a Left-click. That will take you to the desktop from anywhere. Another way to do it is hit [Win]+d, the "Show Desktop" shortcut from previous Windows versions still works on Win8, and if you aren't on the desktop it will take you there.
To boot to desktop, change
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Shell
from "explorer.exe" to "explorer.exe /select,explorer.exe"
There are other ways w/o involving external software, one of which is to set up a task that runs on desktop. To find out, Google.
As far as disabling Metro altogether (ie the hot-corners), use any of the common 3rd-party fixes like Classic Shell. They work fine. Then you'd have basically an improved Win7 with some new features.
Unlike the "embrace change" advocates here, I think the user should decide if he wants to use Metro.
Good tip on the Shell registry change, thanks!
Thanks for the shell reg change, nice find. But we do have a choice to use metro or not, MS isn't a public service made to suite our needs, its a private company that can do as it wants, whether that is what we want as users is a different story, the best way to to affect change on private companies is to vote with your wallet so to speak. I'm not arguing that metro is better or anything there are issues with win 8, but as it stands there is a choice, an buying something then complaining it isn't what you want is perhaps a little silly, an we wouldn't do it in any other market cept the movie industry of course! Nope, MS will have your money an they won't be to bothered about anything else.
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>it stands there is a choice, an buying something then complaining it isn't what you want is perhaps a little silly
The OP asks if there's a way to boot to desktop, not whether he wants Metro. Please restrict the editorializing and proselytizing to appropriate threads. Thanks.
BTW, credit for the reg edit goes to another in the Win8 Dev subforum. It's a compact variation of starting a desktop task (the task in this case being Explorer itself). Explorer's parameters are below for those interested. You can vary the results by experimenting with different combinations:
/n: Opens a new window in single-paned (My Computer) view for each item selected, even if the new window duplicates a window that is already open.
/e: Uses Windows Explorer view. Windows Explorer view is most similar to File Manager in Windows version 3.x. Note that the default view is Open view.
/root,<object>: Specifies the root level of the specified view. The default is to use the normal namespace root (the desktop). Whatever is specified is the root for the display.
/select,<sub object>: Specifies the folder to receive the initial focus. If "/select" is used, the parent folder is opened and the specified object is selected.
Usage examples here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/130510
Guys no need to go into the shell!!
Get this app called pokki(search on google) .Install it.Once you install it click the pokki icon on desktop.Then check the boot to desktop option.If you want you can also get back the start button,thereby saying goodbye to metro altogether.
Hope this helps....
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e.mote said:
>it stands there is a choice, an buying something then complaining it isn't what you want is perhaps a little silly
The OP asks if there's a way to boot to desktop, not whether he wants Metro. Please restrict the editorializing and proselytizing to appropriate threads. Thanks.
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e.mote said:
Unlike the "embrace change" advocates here, I think the user should decide if he wants to use Metro.
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...I was referring to your post above, its irrelevant we think it should do, it is what it is. There's no need to get all uppity about it. Once again, thank you for the interesting find.
>>Unlike the "embrace change" advocates here, I think the user should decide if he wants to use Metro.
>...I was referring to your post above, its irrelevant we think it should do, it is what it is. There's no need to get all uppity about it. Once again, thank you for the interesting find.
You should work on your reading comprehension. I said "the user should decide," not what I think Win8 should or shouldn't be. And you're welcome.
I'm using the classic shell add on:
It allows one to bypass the Win 8 UI and go directly to Windows. Plus it puts the start menu back in. I personally see no reason to try and disable the Win 8 new shell; just ignore it and stay on the desktop.
The only exception is that the new UI has some settings on my ultrabook that are not present in the Desktop interface (like controlling the GPS).
stevedebi said:
I'm using the classic shell add on:
It allows one to bypass the Win 8 UI and go directly to Windows. Plus it puts the start menu back in. I personally see no reason to try and disable the Win 8 new shell; just ignore it and stay on the desktop.
The only exception is that the new UI has some settings on my ultrabook that are not present in the Desktop interface (like controlling the GPS).
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To be honest, I found ClassicShell to be buggy and unreliable. It frequently caused Explorer to crash.
I used Start8 through the trial and it seemed decent enough (I didn't crash hourly), but by the time that it expired I felt that Metro was just fine and didn't bother.
mrappbrain said:
Guys no need to go into the shell!!
Get this app called pokki(search on google) .Install it.Once you install it click the pokki icon on desktop.Then check the boot to desktop option.If you want you can also get back the start button,thereby saying goodbye to metro altogether.
Hope this helps....
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Or install start8
Verstuurd van mijn GT-S5660
netham45 said:
To be honest, I found ClassicShell to be buggy and unreliable. It frequently caused Explorer to crash.
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I have it on one system, and although I haven't noticed it to cause any stability issues, I found Start8 to be more refined.
In any case, here are the top start menu/metro avoidance programs:
Classic Shell
ViStart (linked but not recommended because it tries it's best to install all kinds of 3rd party toolbars)
netham45 said:
I used Start8 through the trial and it seemed decent enough (I didn't crash hourly), but by the time that it expired I felt that Metro was just fine and didn't bother.
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I found just the opposite. I tried Metro for a while and just found it didn't do anything objectively better than the start menu, and the hot corners kept getting in my way (several of my programs have a lot of tools/buttons at the corners and edges and I was continually activating the various hidden menus). I tried Start8 and it works perfectly.
Theres an app called "FxxkMetro.exe" (actually spelt like that). It's designed to "seek out" and terminate all running instances of Metro, completely disabling it.

[Q] Modern UI & 2 screens

I can have two different desktop app on my two screens but not modern ui apps.
Is there a way to change it? Or is it due to res. (1280 x 1024) of one of my screens and I will have no issue if I get a higher res. one?
You should be able to show different Modern apps on each screen... you can drag apps between screens, use the keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+WIN+Arrow keys, if I recall correctly), or open Start on different screens and the app you pick will launch there.
12x10 is too low for snapping apps the side of a screen, but is enough to display an app.
GoodDayToDie said:
You should be able to show different Modern apps on each screen... you can drag apps between screens, use the keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+WIN+Arrow keys, if I recall correctly), or open Start on different screens and the app you pick will launch there.
12x10 is too low for snapping apps the side of a screen, but is enough to display an app.
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No, this doesn't seem to be programmed in.
Essentially you designated one monitor as the "modernUI monitor". You can't have an app running on the left and have the start menu on the right- the app on the left just minimizes as soon as you press start. Very annoying- it means you cannot multitask in the metro environment with multiple monitors. I love the idea of apps but this needs to be fixed... as is I can't even launch programs without killing the app I'm using. If I want to watch netflix on one monitor and work on the other, I can't use the netflix app because I'll stop the video every time I try to start a program.
link68759 said:
No, this doesn't seem to be programmed in.
[...] Very annoying- it means you cannot multitask in the metro environment with multiple monitors. I love the idea of apps but this needs to be fixed...
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My point (and problem) exactly!
Inconsistencies are killing Windows 8 . Small, annoying things like that are why people are saying this system is bad. Essentialy, it is not.. it is just inconsistent .
I asked some people in the dev group and their answer was
"We are aware of this issue and are looking into it. We were not able to implement this in v1 of Windows 8, however we cannot comment, yet, on up and coming updates at this time."
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Talderon said:
I asked some people in the dev group and their answer was
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Since it looks like you are in touch with ppl. "who can" ask them (nicely) about these as well (if you can):
- why IE can not (in both modes) use the same resources to act as 1 browser not 2 (or at least if they plan to offer sync between them) - just as Chrome is doing it today. This duality on W8 is killing IE 10 for me (for you as well?)
- since I do not have 2 W8 there is no way for me to check this but I doubt it is working like this - is IE 10 synchronizing between devices?
If I will finish my work on desktop and fire up laptop/hybrid with W8 will I get instantly the same tabs/pages/history/passwords/etc?
- sync of system between devices - I do not mean sync of desktop mode here that is impossible but since Modern UI has always access to all the same software resources will it sync all setting and programs (and their settings) I already have on ma PC once I get second device? (I show some triggers about sync in settings/setup - don't know if they are working)
- W8 should allow for designating 1 local (lan NAS) folder for sync between devices (but with offline access) so files on NAS are also synced on W8 device - this
- Mail - as IE it should use the same resources - W8 Mail & Live Mail should be 1 program with just 2 interfaces - not two separate programs - it is CRAZY!!!
- I have put Modern UI program on 1 side of my screen (size 2/3 or 3/4) on this smaller strip I wanted to have Skype window (strip as well) in desktop mode - not possible - as it tries to show overview of whole desktop (like 1 screen, part of it covered with IE10 rest is desktop skype or other communicator)
I only got W8 for about week now son nothing more bugs me so far

Is the new Windows 8 finally worth the transition from 7?

My biggest fear is that troubleshooting, and the hell hole of creating network drives, sharing permissions and all kinds of other thigns I had to do to stream my Media to my android and PS3 will just repeat itself or get worst if I upgrade.
What are the general experiences with media and directory sharing on Windows 8 vs Windows 7? Can you drop all of Microsoft's security mechanisms as a whole?
write a simple script for your network file sharing, are you doing an upgrade or going from scratch?
buffalosolja42 said:
write a simple script for your network file sharing, are you doing an upgrade or going from scratch?
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Unsure about that. I would like to from scratch since if I do make the move to Windows 8 I will probably load it onto an SSD and have two HDDs for storage
Wrong forum, mate. This is Windows Phone 8. The Windows 8 forum is over there. Please ask a moderator to move this thread.
I was shocked with how stable Windows 7 is, it very rarely freezes or reboots etc.
I can't believe how often Windows 8 freezes, reboots, fails to start, can't diagnose startup problems or if it does, I do it 3 times and somehow it finds a problem on the third time, why is that?
I use exactly the same programs on each OS. I have used 8 preview, 8 and now 8.1 each one is unstable and creates problems. For a desktop user, it's a nightmare.
SharpnShiny said:
I was shocked with how stable Windows 7 is, it very rarely freezes or reboots etc.
I can't believe how often Windows 8 freezes, reboots, fails to start, can't diagnose startup problems or if it does, I do it 3 times and somehow it finds a problem on the third time, why is that?
I use exactly the same programs on each OS. I have used 8 preview, 8 and now 8.1 each one is unstable and creates problems. For a desktop user, it's a nightmare.
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I have been running windows 8 on my daily use machine since the week it launched, not once has it frozen, rebooted or failed to boot. Nor have I heard of such prolific issues from anyone else
Honestly I threw 8.1 preview on one of two new boxes at home, 7 Ultimate on the other.
Both with SSD caching and boot times are similar. Performance also seems similar.
I got one copy of 8 for one system and one for the other.
Metro was made for touch screens (and is great with one) - but the box with 8 will never have it.
So I have it boot straight to desktop and I'll live on the desktop except for occasionally finding an app.
(Think I might look at that Pokki or other start menu alternatives..)
If you have a touch screen go 8. If you don't stick with 7...
According to me it is not up to the mark...... 7 is better may be future updates may change my attitude...
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I cannot find *one* thing superior in windows 7 to windows 8 bar the fact that driver signature enforcement is enabled (but can be disabled for a single boot if you need to install some drivers anyway, once installed an unsigned driver will work fine after a reboot).
Start button being absent like everyone complains about. Who seriously uses the start button? All it does is let you launch programs or shut the PC down. Well I can launch programs just fine from desktop (albeit I like a clean desktop so don't), task bar, start screen or via search. Search is easy to get to, hit the windows key to go to the start screen, start typing and it immediately searches for that program. Shutdown, I never shut down from the start bar anyway and haven't in years, Control-Alt-Delete, or charms bar > settings > Power > Shutdown. Or windows key + D to go to desktop (or the button on the task bar, or some other way that I don't care to mention) and hit alt-F4 and windows will prompt for shutdown. Admin functions like control panel etc, hold the windows key and press X, a menu appears where the start button used to reside and lists most useful functions immediately, or you can move the mouse into the bottom left so the button to go to the start screen appears and then right click it.
Metro/Start as they prefer to call it that (seriously, they dropped the metro name way before full release) you look at for all of 2 seconds. I have a tile on it to go to desktop, but prefer to use windows key + D. Other than that, I actually use it with tiles for my favourite programs neatly pinned to it.
The start button is archaic. I saw someone saying that its impossible to throw away years of using a start button, I honestly wondered who was still using it, it was hideous. I got my first PC when I was 8, 2002 if you must know. At the age of 8 you learn to do things 1 way and usually stick to that. Yet I got windows 8 shortly after release (it was still during the discounted price period) and adapted to the lack of start bar within an hour, prior to that I was a heavy computer user. There we go, 11/12 years of heavy computer usage with the start bar being present and I throw it out within an hour. That was so hard.
Things change. Deal with it. The start button has been with us for how long and it is finally old enough that it needs putting to rest. Once upon a time we only used "primitive" command line entry systems (many still do), many of those users were angry when the modern desktop appeared, now its commonplace.
SixSixSevenSeven;45816830 ...
Start button being absent like everyone complains about. Who seriously uses the start button?[/QUOTE said:
Are you serious?
Given that Windows 8 has been dubbed the new Vista by many major publications, computer experts and power PC users, and that one of the biggest complaints among these users and businesses in surveys and that feedback from multiple major global PC manufacturers from consumers that the Start Menu was one of their key issues, given that the largest computer manufactuer by sales - Lenovo has intervened and preinstalled the free Start Menu replacement Pokki on all new Windows 8 machines, given the sheer amount of questions on this site about the Start Menu, give the huge number of sales of 3rd party software that replace the missing Start Menu (such as Start8) I would say many, many, many of us use the Start Button and the Start Menu.
Logical error #1 'If I have no use for this, then no one else does' ...
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Vista came out six years ago. Huge numbers of people *still* actually go into a menu structure to find their programs instead of just typing a few letters of the program name or description or executable file name, then hitting Enter.
The only conclusion I've been able to draw from this is that the majority of computer users are, in effect, idiots. This seems somewhat unlikely, but I'm pretty sure that recognizing the advantages in speed and convenience do not require above-average intelligence, yet people still fail to take advantage of it.
The Start screen is irrelevant to me, aside from its segregation of search results (fixed in 8.1 anyhow). The demand for Start Menu replacements says an awful lot about the intelligence of the Windows userbase, more than about the quality of the OS in general. With that said, I will grant that the Windows devs may have screwed up by failing to take into consideration just how dumb their target market is (at least with regard to computers).
Educating them - on a grand scale, the way MS did for the Start button in Win95 - might work. It would be interesting to see. The MS of today seems completely incapable of effective marketing and communication compared to the Microsoft of yesteryear, though.
In my opinion, Windows 8 is a great system for what is under the hood. The system and startup is dramatically feature and has much more safety features built in. The fact that Microsoft built in Microsoft Security Essentials means that you no longer have to deal with anti-virus and firewall stuff and since it is built in, it doesnt slow down your system anymore is a bonus. Also, the new backup features, performance tools and task manager are greatly improves and much better then recent versions.
As for the metro (or "modern") garbage, If you are using your PC as umm.. a PC it is really un-needed and unnecesary but is easy to get rid of using third party apps to get you back to the Windows 7 style desktop. I currently use Startisback which also makes other desktop changes to get rid of metro completely. If you want apps, installed Google Chrome and use Google's new desktop apps. This would also make it much easier for Android users as everything pretty much syncs with the phone.
One small other "rant" make sure you use a uxtheme patcher and a visual style... whose idea at Microsoft was it to use black text in the window border but white text on the taskbar?
In my opinion that gives me the best of all worlds.
SharpnShiny said:
Are you serious?
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Actually I am. I find the idea of the start button to just be obsolete and the new system to be FASTER for power users who can be bothered to get their heads out of their asses and adapt to change.
SixSixSevenSeven said:
Actually I am. I find the idea of the start button to just be obsolete and the new system to be FASTER for power users who can be bothered to get their heads out of their asses and adapt to change.
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Yes because clicking then moving your hands to the keyboard then typing is so much better than click click and click.
Saves movement, saves time but I guess it's just obsolete
hakcenter said:
Yes because clicking then moving your hands to the keyboard then typing is so much better than click click and click.
Saves movement, saves time but I guess it's just obsolete
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don't need the mouse to navigate windows 8 itself. See that lovely windows logo key, press it, takes you straight to the start screen where you can start typing. Want to get to the settings charm to shut down the pc, windows key + I, if you want you can even navigate that menu with the arrow keys but alternatively the icons are large so easy to hit with a nice imprecise high speed mouse movement. Windows key + X, opens a menu with things like control panel and device manager etc, in this list each item has a single character somewhere within the item name underscored, press thus character and it selects that menu option, Win + X and then C opens the command prompt for example. Very little mouse use is required, can do most things for windows 8 itself (except apps and desktop programs) with just a keyboard.
tp2215 said:
One small other "rant" make sure you use a uxtheme patcher and a visual style... whose idea at Microsoft was it to use black text in the window border but white text on the taskbar?
In my opinion that gives me the best of all worlds.
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Could you recommend a uxtheme? You use it to restore some Windows 7 font/UI right? Do you restore glass/Aero? I've been using Start8 which I like a lot, but for the other features they really want you to pay at several gates...in the end, making Win8 look a bit more like Win 7 costs a small fortune with them.
edit - I just spotted the popular early mod of aero in 8 has come out of beta and is still free: http://glass8.berlios.de/
This update is really interesting...it's Aero Glass within a Win 8 framework...it's a curious UI mix.
SharpnShiny said:
Could you recommend a uxtheme? You use it to restore some Windows 7 font/UI right? Do you restore glass/Aero? I've been using Start8 which I like a lot, but for the other features they really want you to pay at several gates...in the end, making Win8 look a bit more like Win 7 costs a small fortune with them.
edit - I just spotted the popular early mod of aero in 8 has come out of beta and is still free: http://glass8.berlios.de/
This update is really interesting...it's Aero Glass within a Win 8 framework...it's a curious UI mix. *pets cat and ponders*
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For some great uxtheme just search around deviantart here is a good place to start http://www.deviantart.com/customization/skins/. There are lots of them scattered around that, if anything, will restore the look back to Windows 7. Most of them have versions that will also tie right into the aero mod that you mentioned. One word of advice though from expereince, if the pc wants to update, switch back to default style before restarting. Microsoft released several updates that seem to "softbrick' your pc if the patch is installed. It will just boot with a black screen and the only way to repair would be to refresh or system restore.
hakcenter said:
Yes because clicking then moving your hands to the keyboard then typing is so much better than click click and click.
Saves movement, saves time but I guess it's just obsolete
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Just for the record, the keyboard is always faster than the mouse.
mcosmin222 said:
Just for the record, the keyboard is always faster than the mouse.
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Not when you count time from shifting your hands from the mouse to the keyboard.
Like browsing the web, then you wanted to open up Photoshop well now your up crap Creek cause you can't just have a simple shortcut on the ready.
Anyone defending the missing power user feature of having a central location for common tasks is just sailing their boat to no where. Especially when you look at the fact the guy that pressed for 8 was fired... Yawn.
Watch the next windows brings it back then all you crazy dudes won't find a single utility to remove the menu cause it's just stupidity at it's finest.

