Nexus 6 Only for Google Wireless - Nexus 6 General

Wall Street Journal says Google's wireless service could launch later this month. Says Google's wireless service will (initially) only allow the Nexus 6.
Hopefully they offer reasonable data plans.

I've seen both these articles, are there any details out there at all on the service itself and what it will offer?
I'd be willing to consider it.

Most likely Google is still considering the specifics. About 10 months ago, Google's wireless plan was speculated to be available only in areas where Google Fiber existed. Hopefully details are shared later this month.


Unlimited Data Plan w/ Telus & Tethering to Laptop

I just recently resigned with Telus on a three year contract that gives me unlimited data for $30/month. Apparently it was offered around Xmas for $15/month. The only restriction is that you cannot use it to tether to your laptop for a data connection through the phone. My question is how do they know? Does the laptop broadcast a different MAC or something that enables Telus to identify whether or not your tethering?
By the way, Thanks to all contributers that have made this phone rock!
i dont think there is anyway they know besides observing the type of data youre transmitting/receiving and how much. been tethering for a long time now with no problems.
Which plan is it you are on exactly? i can`t find any info on this on the telus website. I would switch immediately if i can find the info.
It's not on the website but if you phone Telus they have it. My Apex rep in Surrey knew about it and set me up. I think it might expire today or tomorrow so hurry. My P4000 was stolen last month and I needed to replace it. I was only 18 months into a 3 year contract and only had a $200 bonus on my account for a new phone and contract. I was able to talk directly to Telus and get them to let me back into that phone for the $199 on a three year contract. The phone is around $550 without contract.
This is the first time I've seen unlimited data for a reasonable price in Canada.
I still think that there is a way they know your tethering. Perhaps the MAC address is the identifier. I hope someone can shed further light into this. It would be nice if Telus is just saying this to stop me but really don't have a mechanism to identify if you are tethering or not.
Offers available until May 4, 2008. Hurry UP!!!
Check on this page, and links on the right side.
More detailed info on the link below
Select telus smartphones and select the phone you want and it'll show you available plan options for that particular model.
They were offering unlimited internet, email and IM for $15 during the xmas period thru till valentines day, now they re-packaged it for $30 or $45, whatever suits your taste. Way better than any other carrier in Canada.
Funny enough even though it says unlimited, there still is a cap on how much data you can use. It's capped, not quite too sure at how many gigs, but go over that and they will charge you $8/MB. A clause embedded in the plan stating that they have discretion over what they think is abuse of the service.
Only reason I know this is I have a friend of mine who got drunk of the service and used his pda to download content he would normally dl using his home pc, try guessing his reaction when his phone bill came up to $789!! they were courteous enough to send him an itemized bill tracking his usage to fully explain the charges. I thought it was freaking hilarious! I guess moral being If you MUST tether, do it reasonably or don't at all.
Thank you so much for detailed explanation. I didn't know too much about this, but went directly to $45 when I discovered that promo because that's what I need. Comparing with my initial $25 / 4MB, $45 isn't bad.
I believe as long as I stay on email checkup, and news, stock, and weather update, should be safe.
Question is, if this X-Max, the $15 plan comes back again, am I still eligible to change?
Coolpics said:
Thank you so much for detailed explanation. I didn't know too much about this, but went directly to $45 when I discovered that promo because that's what I need. Comparing with my initial $25 / 4MB, $45 isn't bad.
I believe as long as I stay on email checkup, and news, stock, and weather update, should be safe.
Question is, if this X-Max, the $15 plan comes back again, am I still eligible to change?
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Initially it was first introduced for new clients only but then they extended the offer to existing clients, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to sign up when and if they re-introduce it, it was such a huge success. It can be used as an add-on to your existing plan.
PS: xmas i meant christmas
I got the $15 unlimited internet plan around christmas-time. The only stipulation was that the voice+data plan had to go above $45. Originally it was just being offered for certain phones, then they opened it up to every smartphone. I told all my friends about it, only a couple got it. Now they raised the price to $30 and the ones that missed out are kicking themselves.
I use my phone connection with my laptop using PDANET. great program, invisible tethering.
No Fee for Tethering
Will Internet Connection Sharing ICS (found file on XDA Developers) do the same job as PDAnet at masking tethering to laptop?

Plan price

Take this for what you will, I asked two reps and here's what's one said:
03/26/2010 04:01:12PM william: "hi, i was wondering, do you have any knowledge of the release date of the evo 4g and its cost, and if 4g will cost extra? thank you"
03/26/2010 04:01:51PM Agent (Michael CC): "That is a great question, I would be happy to research that information for you."
03/26/2010 04:05:29PM System: "I appreciate your continued patience. I am still researching this issue for you."
03/26/2010 04:06:55PM Agent (Michael CC): "According to my resources, the release date of the HTC Evo 4g will be Summer of 2010. There is not a specific date available as of yet."
03/26/2010 04:09:57PM Agent (Michael CC): "Regarding cost, the service will be the same cost as with 4G devices."
03/26/2010 04:10:12PM william: "so, $70/month for everything 450?"
03/26/2010 04:12:08PM Agent (Michael CC): "Yes, that is correct."
so no info on phone price, but it looks like we won't be paying a premium for 4g, which is awesome. I'm sure they'll charge something for the hotspot app though
I work for Sprint (before you jump the gun and say reps don't know anything, I'm not your average rep ) and in my store we were discussing this topic not even an hour ago.
We all concluded seeings how Sprint isn't charging extra for 4G on the Overdrive or other data devices it would be senseless for them to charge extra on our best phone to date. So pricing will probably still be the best pricing out as far as wireless carriers. Seeings how Sprint doesn't charge extra for Blackberry plans anymore its bundle into our data packs.
So simply put I don't see them charging extra for the rate plan.
As for price of phone (don't quote me on this) I would expect the phone to retail somewhere in the $700-$800 range. And for signing with a contract I would assume somewhere around $399.99 AFTER mail-in rebate. Again please don't quote me on this and tell everyone this guy said it WILL be this much. I'm just guessing by the pricing I've seen on PDA's phone within my store over the last 3 years.
Hope this answers your q's.
Stephen out.
stephen240 said:
As for price of phone (don't quote me on this) I would expect the phone to retail somewhere in the $700-$800 range. And for signing with a contract I would assume somewhere around $399.99 AFTER mail-in rebate. Again please don't quote me on this and tell everyone this guy said it WILL be this much. I'm just guessing by the pricing I've seen on PDA's phone within my store over the last 3 years.
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I really don't think it will be $399.99. It seems that Android phones are more heavily subsidized then WinMo, as they are for a much larger audience. I can see this phone being $300 but no way sprint will charge $400. This is a real lure to gain back customers from other carriers but that won't work if the initial investment is too high. I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the 200s.
I think that the data part will be unchanged, however the HotSpot adon will not be optional, it makes sense since the greatest benefit of 4G is to allow other devices to connect to the internet.
That said, the phone should be priced competitively ~200$ and the everything data plans should cover the data, then there would be the HotSpot adon (not optional) so this is how trey would profit from this I think.
So I'm thinking ED450 = 70$ + HS adon = ~20$ = 90$ grand total for the plan pricing.
This seems reasonable to me, I guess we'll have to just wait and see.
4G is $20 extra for me.
stephen240 said:
I work for Sprint (before you jump the gun and say reps don't know anything, I'm not your average rep ) and in my store we were discussing this topic not even an hour ago.
We all concluded seeings how Sprint isn't charging extra for 4G on the Overdrive or other data devices it would be senseless for them to charge extra on our best phone to date. So pricing will probably still be the best pricing out as far as wireless carriers. Seeings how Sprint doesn't charge extra for Blackberry plans anymore its bundle into our data packs.
So simply put I don't see them charging extra for the rate plan.
As for price of phone (don't quote me on this) I would expect the phone to retail somewhere in the $700-$800 range. And for signing with a contract I would assume somewhere around $399.99 AFTER mail-in rebate. Again please don't quote me on this and tell everyone this guy said it WILL be this much. I'm just guessing by the pricing I've seen on PDA's phone within my store over the last 3 years.
Hope this answers your q's.
Stephen out.
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How is it that when I wanted to use my U300 with 4G Sprint said I had to pay an extra $20/mo.
Well I called Sprint and they said I was on a 3G plan and also said I would be switched over to a 3G/4G plan for the same price. They must have changed their plan fees since a month or so ago.
can you use clearwire service on this phone ?
stephen240 said:
I work for Sprint (before you jump the gun and say reps don't know anything, I'm not your average rep ) and in my store we were discussing this topic not even an hour ago.
We all concluded seeings how Sprint isn't charging extra for 4G on the Overdrive or other data devices it would be senseless for them to charge extra on our best phone to date. So pricing will probably still be the best pricing out as far as wireless carriers. Seeings how Sprint doesn't charge extra for Blackberry plans anymore its bundle into our data packs.
So simply put I don't see them charging extra for the rate plan.
As for price of phone (don't quote me on this) I would expect the phone to retail somewhere in the $700-$800 range. And for signing with a contract I would assume somewhere around $399.99 AFTER mail-in rebate. Again please don't quote me on this and tell everyone this guy said it WILL be this much. I'm just guessing by the pricing I've seen on PDA's phone within my store over the last 3 years.
Hope this answers your q's.
Stephen out.
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So what about folks on EPRP, the one for $59.99?
I just got off an online chat with 3 different Sprint reps to check and see if my plan would support the Evo and 4G. 2/3 said that the Evo will be able to use WiMAX on the Simply Everything/Everything Data plans.
Of course these are reps, and not sure how valid they'd hold up:
Rep 1 - I have no information regarding that phone's plan details at this time.
Rep 2 - As with all our SmartPhones/PDAs, the Everything Data and Simply Everything plans allow you to be able to utilize the phone to it's fullest.
(Me: So that means 4G will be available just by being on one of these plans?)
Rep 2: If our 4G coverage has been launched in your area, then yes it will.
Rep 3 - I have no current information on the plan details at this time, however, it is my understanding that this will be the case.
(My question: Will 4G be available to Everything Data plan at no additional cost?)

EVO 4G Launch Event

Here are some great links with all the official sprint details, as well as a link w/ some pictures from the live event which just occured...
Sprint EVO Press Release:
Sprint EVO fact sheet:
IntoMobile Live Coverage:
Phandroid Summary:
Basically, $450 unsubsidized, $199 w/ two yr agreement, you will pay $10 extra data fee (b/c they think you will use more data "data rich experience" and it will cost $29 to use the mobile hotspot tethering feature. There will be an "upgrade" feature (from Qik?) that enables mobile to mobile video calls or mobile to desktop...similar to video skype (which verizon has locked down currently). HDMI out cable sold separately and there will be a car dock available as well as a tv docking station available at launch (dock and automatically sends video to your hi-def tv). Sprint is also rumored to be partnering with a video service to enable movie rentals over the air (similar to t-mobiles blockbuster app or Dell which is partnering with amazon videos).
I can't wait for the dev's to root this device!
adeyo said:
Here are some great links with all the official sprint details, as well as a link w/ some pictures from the live event which just occured...
Sprint EVO Press Release:
Sprint EVO fact sheet:
IntoMobile Live Coverage:
Phandroid Summary:
Basically, $450 unsubsidized, $199 w/ two yr agreement, you will pay $10 extra data fee (b/c they think you will use more data "data rich experience" and it will cost $29 to use the mobile hotspot tethering feature. There will be an "upgrade" feature (from Qik?) that enables mobile to mobile video calls or mobile to desktop...similar to video skype (which verizon has locked down currently). HDMI out cable sold separately and there will be a car dock available as well as a tv docking station available at launch (dock and automatically sends video to your hi-def tv). Sprint is also rumored to be partnering with a video service to enable movie rentals over the air (similar to t-mobiles blockbuster app or Dell which is partnering with amazon videos).
I can't wait for the dev's to root this device!
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Agreed, I can't wait to root it and do video calling as well as tethering without having to pay WAY TOO MUCH.
I totally understand trying to make a buck, to run a business, but I'm not about to pay $29 a month, for a feature, that we can probably wait and get for free. I cannot wait to get this phone!
I'm with you on the tethering issue. I was willing to pay for such a good feature if it was 10, maybe 15$ a month.. but asking 30$ is just too much.
when you say tethering is that the same as making the evo a wifi hotspot?
( I am assuming so)
I think that it stinks that they are trying to charge for that....I will wait for a workaround.....anyway...if someone is abusive with data usage, cant sprint just boot the user?
Question: do you think that by upgrading a phone via online method, that you will receive the phone sooner? or is it best to just go to the sprint store or best buy?
qu1nn said:
when you say tethering is that the same as making the evo a wifi hotspot?
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( I am assuming so)
Yes, you are correct. Wifi tethering = Hotspot.
qu1nn said:
Question: do you think that by upgrading a phone via online method, that you will receive the phone sooner? or is it best to just go to the sprint store or best buy?
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I was thinking the same thing about ordering the phone online @sprint. But BestBuy takes out the rebate so you don't have to pay for it. So looks like I'm going to BestBuy when this puppy comes out.
adeyo said:
Here are some great links with all the official sprint details, as well as a link w/ some pictures from the live event which just occured...
Sprint EVO Press Release:
Sprint EVO fact sheet:
IntoMobile Live Coverage:
Phandroid Summary:
Basically, $450 unsubsidized, $199 w/ two yr agreement, you will pay $10 extra data fee (b/c they think you will use more data "data rich experience" and it will cost $29 to use the mobile hotspot tethering feature. There will be an "upgrade" feature (from Qik?) that enables mobile to mobile video calls or mobile to desktop...similar to video skype (which verizon has locked down currently). HDMI out cable sold separately and there will be a car dock available as well as a tv docking station available at launch (dock and automatically sends video to your hi-def tv). Sprint is also rumored to be partnering with a video service to enable movie rentals over the air (similar to t-mobiles blockbuster app or Dell which is partnering with amazon videos).
I can't wait for the dev's to root this device!
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$450 unsubsidized? I heard it was gonna be $600. Where did you hear this? I need to buy it sans contract since I got my Hero is Oct.
Edit: Nevermind. I see how they figure that.
$449 in sprint email
Below is the fine print from an email i received from sprint on the shows the $449 price.
This is a promotional email from Sprint. If you wish to unsubscribe from Sprint promotional emails, please use the link below.
To contact Sprint Nextel, write to: Office of Privacy - Legal Department, Sprint Nextel, P.O. Box 4600, Reston, VA 20195.
View the Sprint Privacy Policy.
May require up to a $36 activation fee/line, credit approval and deposit. Up to $200 early termination fee/line applies. Phone Offer: While supplies last. $449.99 - $150.00 (two-year activation) - $100.00 (mail-in rebate) = $199.99 (final price). Mail-in Rebate: Requires activation at the time of purchase. Line must be active 30 consecutive days. Allow 10 to 14 weeks for rebate. Upgrade: Existing customers in good standing with service on the same device for more than 22 consecutive months currently activated with a service plan of $39.99 or higher may be eligible. See in-store rebate form, for details. Everything Data Plan: Includes 450 Anytime Minutes. Additional Anytime Minutes (overage): Up to $0.40/minute. Nights: Monday - Thursday 7pm - 7am; Weekends: Friday 7pm - Monday 7am. Partial minutes charged as full minutes. Any Mobile, Anytime (AMA)/Unlimited Calls to Mobile: Applies when directly dialing/receiving standard voice calls between domestic wireless numbers as determined when the call is placed using independent 3rd party and Sprint data bases. Standard roaming rates/restrictions apply. Only available with select Sprint Plans and while on the Nationwide Sprint or Nextel National Networks (excludes calls to voicemail, 411, and other indirect methods). Data/Web: Premium content/downloads (games, ringers, songs, certain channels, etc.) are additional charge. Messaging: Includes text, picture and video for domestic messages sent or received. International messages are $0.20 sent or received. SMS voice messages may incur an additional data charge of $0.03/KB. Text to 3rd parties to participate in promotions or other may result in additional charges. International services are not included. GPS Navigation: GPS reliability varies by environment. Voice/Data Usage Limitation: Sprint reserves the right, without notice, to deny, terminate, modify, disconnect or suspend service if off-network usage in a month exceeds: (1) voice: 800 minutes or a majority of minutes; or (2) data: 300 megabytes or a majority of kilobytes. For other usage restrictions, including limiting throughput, see
Other Terms: Coverage not available everywhere. Nationwide Sprint and Nextel National Networks reach over 276 and 277 million people, respectively. The 3G Sprint Mobile Broadband Network (including roaming) reaches over 273 million people. Sprint 4G available in over 30 markets and counting and on select devices. See for details. Offers and service plan features not available in all markets or retail locations or for all phones or networks. Sprint reserves the right to modify, extend or cancel offers at any time. Other restrictions apply.
See store, or the link below for details.
© 2010 Sprint. Sprint and the logo are trademarks of Sprint. Android, Google, the Google logo and Google Search are trademarks of Google Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
I see reports that FroYo is gonna have built-in USB tethering and Wifi Hotspot functionality. Does anyone know, if sprint for example doesn't specifically block the app, if they can determine you are using it. I am curious if they can figure out what you do on your phone or if they can just see the traffic.
HarveyStyles said:
I totally understand trying to make a buck, to run a business, but I'm not about to pay $29 a month, for a feature, that we can probably wait and get for free. I cannot wait to get this phone!
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I agree 100%!
setite said:
I see reports that FroYo is gonna have built-in USB tethering and Wifi Hotspot functionality. Does anyone know, if sprint for example doesn't specifically block the app, if they can determine you are using it. I am curious if they can figure out what you do on your phone or if they can just see the traffic.
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I have also seen this information. With sprint offering this hotspot as an addon package it is very probable that they will probably disable it. Devs will fix that pretty quick. However I dont think if you are doing moderate surfing they will have any idea. Where it might become a problem is if you are downloading say 5-10gb worth of data a month after doing 500mb of data the previous month. They might get a little suspicious. Moral of the story.....just download 10gb every month from the get go, they will never know what hit them.
vandersmissenc said:
I have also seen this information. With sprint offering this hotspot as an addon package it is very probable that they will probably disable it. Devs will fix that pretty quick. However I dont think if you are doing moderate surfing they will have any idea. Where it might become a problem is if you are downloading say 5-10gb worth of data a month after doing 500mb of data the previous month. They might get a little suspicious. Moral of the story.....just download 10gb every month from the get go, they will never know what hit them.
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I can do this. I have been intentionally finding ways to ramp up my data usage on my iPhone. The best thing I have found is to stream classical music when I sleep on the iheartradio app. It has a nice non-verbal classical station that ensures I go to sleep and stay asleep without getting into a dead sleep I find hard to wake up from Any other ideas on ramping up my monthly usage

AT&T $100 offer invalid for LTE N7

I tried to take advantage of it and for the offer to be valid you need a 2 year contract which can only be done when purchasing device from AT&T which they will never sell this device.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
jasunto said:
I tried to take advantage of it and for the offer to be valid you need a 2 year contract which can only be done when purchasing device from AT&T which they will never sell this device.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
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I walked into an AT&T store and they offered this plan. They said it had nothing to do with the device, it would work on any 2 year contract.
They offered me their Mobile Share plan, with steep discounts, e.g. corporate, new account, etc. There is about 10% extra taxes and fees on any Mobile Share plan, but prepaid is flat rate (prepaid $30 plan is exactly $30). I still turned it down because AT&T does not offer tethering with their tablet data only plans, in my opinion they dropped the ball with Google by disabling tethering. We should not have to hack our Framework-foo.apk to re-enable tethering on an AT&T data plan. I told them I was using T-Mobile and tethering instead.
The advantage of Mobile Share is higher priority on towers in congested areas. The disadvantage is higher cost over prepaid for similar data amount. Plus I have not read about anybody that activated a DataConnect prepaid or Mobile Share using the correct IMEI with resulting LTE service. I choose not to believe it (LTE) service until I see it. Yet you can go in the store and they will hack your IMEI (with false value or false account info) to enable LTE service. In my opinion this unprofessional behavior is not *optimal* (LOL).
AT&T has lots of issues with the new Nexus 7 4G/LTE but I think the $100 discount is not an issue - if you are willing to walk into an AT&T store. Good luck.
I did. Already have mobile share plan. Wasn't starting one.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
jasunto said:
I did. Already have mobile share plan. Wasn't starting one.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
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On Google Play it states: "Special Offer from AT&T: Through December 31, 2013 receive a $100 AT&T bill credit by signing a 2 year service agreement on qualified postpaid standalone or Mobile Share plans. Activate on device, visit an AT&T store or call 1-800-908-9859 to take advantage of this offer.*
I'm not sure what is "postpaid standalone" plan, unless they mean Individual Plan, e.g. this link. But, comparing Individual to Shared you get 1GB less on same data limit as Mobile Share.
Bad deal for you already on Mobile Share. So $100 credit on Individual Plan loses you 1GB ($10) per month for 24 months. The $100 credit costs $10 * 24 = $240 dollars. This type of *credit offer* is only possible with AT&T. Plus no tethering enforced by Google, unlike the competition.
But, I think the AT&T store manager has some flexibility. One offered me ~20% discount on service, which is still a bad deal unless its a ~20% discount on your entire bill. Really sounds like a bad deal, especially without tethering, so I walked out of AT&T.
Thanks for the info. I understand.
Thanks da_ferreira for the info below. Great explanation.
I realize if you are simply adding the tablet to an existing MobileShare plan with data there is a $10/month AT&T fee. So, for a 2 year contract ($240 commitment) you will get a $100 credit. Better than nothing, since AT&T charges an extra fee to use additional devices on the same data plan. Most people will agree using a tablet with its own SIM is better than tethering a wi-fi tablet, or similar configuration. My friends had problems with AT&T cable billing, so I hope the AT&T wireless people follow through with your $200 credit.
The $100 credit is a good deal "if you have the extra data" available on an existing MobileShare plan. If you need to purchase additional data it really takes some thought. The options are expanding an existing data plan or buying it directly. If you are buying it directly on an Individual Plan you might be losing 1GB ($10) per month for a 2 year contract, as compared to MobileShare rates.
I did not have existing MobileShare so the Individual Plan was a bad deal for me.
FWIW, I went to an AT&T store to get my SIM and add the Nexus to an existing MobileShare plan. At the same time, we replaced my wife's Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 with another Nexus and got the SIM for that (same MobileShare plan). The Samsung tablet was not on any contract.
The store waived activation on my device, signed my device up on the MobileShare plan for $10 per month (4 phones and 1 tablet share 20 gig per month on the plan - well, now 2 tablets) and gave us the SIM for my wife's Nexus. When we walked out, agreeing to 2 year contracts on both tablets and taking home $200 in credits. Yeah, it takes 60 days for the credit to appear, but in December I should have a tiny bill.
For me, this was a good deal. Maybe not for all, but since I hate tethering, it solves all my problems.

Love the Turbo but...

There is so much about the Turbo that is totally better than my last phone the Galaxy Nexus, root, latest Liquid Smooth Rom. But, and it is a big but: WiFi Hotspot is something that I use often, not every day; and I no longer have it. I've had the Turbo 4 days and really like it but the more I read the more convinced I become that a Wifi hotspot app. is not likely to come out any time soon... it really sucks.
Is tethered hotspot a non option?
Is not an option right now, FoxFi has an app. that supports non-root Hotspot on many phones, just not the Turbo. I don't need root just wifi hotspot... the more I read the more I'm convinced is not around the corner... or any time soon if ever. Hope I'm wrong, really like the Turbo.
smokie11 said:
Is not an option right now, FoxFi has an app. that supports non-root Hotspot on many phones, just not the Turbo. I don't need root just wifi hotspot... the more I read the more I'm convinced is not around the corner... or any time soon if ever. Hope I'm wrong, really like the Turbo.
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Your not wrong. Back in September, I contacted the company that makes FoxFi and asked them if they were going to update pdaNet to work with Motorola phones running Kit Kat on Verizon's network. This was before the Turbo but it relates to all Motorola phones:
Here was their reply:
At this point we do not know if a solution exists around the WiFi blockage but we will keep looking. A solution has only been found for Samsung, LG or HTC phones, just not Motorola.
You can only use bluetooth mode or USB mode.
June Fabrics PDA Software Support
Now you know why is bumming me out, all my previous smartphones I made informed decisions, with the Turbo it was an impulse buy. The phone exceeded my expectations but I failed to do the research into a feature that is very important to me, my wife's Note 3 has hotspot , is not a total disaster but it burns me up.
smokie11 said:
There is so much about the Turbo that is totally better than my last phone the Galaxy Nexus, root, latest Liquid Smooth Rom. But, and it is a big but: WiFi Hotspot is something that I use often, not every day; and I no longer have it. I've had the Turbo 4 days and really like it but the more I read the more convinced I become that a Wifi hotspot app. is not likely to come out any time soon... it really sucks.
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Not gonna say that I have never used workarounds to get tethering on an unsupported data plan, but truth be told you are "stealing" from Verizon by doing so, so I can't really mark the phone down for it. That being said my fingers are crossed that root will be coming soon so that you, and even people like me with a plan that allows tethering can ditch the Verizon app for something better.
renegadeone8 said:
Not gonna say that I have never used workarounds to get tethering on an unsupported data plan, but truth be told you are "stealing" from Verizon by doing so, so I can't really mark the phone down for it. That being said my fingers are crossed that root will be coming soon so that you, and even people like me with a plan that allows tethering can ditch the Verizon app for something better.
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You are not the only that shares the opinion that it is "stealing", I gave up unlimited data for the Turbo, so I pay for a fixed amount of data up front whether I use it or not; since the fixed amount of data is "paid" for how I use it is my business , if I exceed the prepaid amount: again I will pay more for it, the hotspot feature is part of the phone is not "created" by Verizon. All Verizon does is block a feature that comes with my phone to restrict whether I use the data that I pay for up front: on my tablet for example.... I do believe there is "stealing" going on, not by me of that I am sure.
smokie11 said:
You are not the only that shares the opinion that it is "stealing", I gave up unlimited data for the Turbo, so I pay for a fixed amount of data up front whether I use it or not; since the fixed amount of data is "paid" for how I use it is my business , if I exceed the prepaid amount: again I will pay more for it, the hotspot feature is part of the phone is not "created" by Verizon. All Verizon does is block a feature that comes with my phone to restrict whether I use the data that I pay for up front: on my tablet for example.... I do believe there is "stealing" going on, not by me of that I am sure.
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Exactly. The fact that Verizon charges extra for activating the hotspot feature on tiered data plans is plain wrong, and will be made illegal when the new net neutrality laws fall in place.
I don't know why some think it is stealing when a user has an unlimited plan and they want to use tethering. I pay for an unlimited plan just like others play for a plan that is limited. It isn't stealing.
Ally Android said:
I don't know why some think it is stealing when a user has an unlimited plan and they want to use tethering. I pay for an unlimited plan just like others play for a plan that is limited. It isn't stealing.
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Except that contract you signed says it isn't allowed without a fee and ours doesn't
Sent from my Droid Turbo.
Coronado is dead said:
Except that contract you signed says it isn't allowed without a fee and ours doesn't
Sent from my Droid Turbo.
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Considering there was no option for using a smartphone as a hot spot when I signed my contract, no it doesn't.
Ally Android said:
Considering there was no option for using a smartphone as a hot spot when I signed my contract, no it doesn't.
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Then talk to Verizon, point it out in your contract, and have them enable it. They have contractual obligations as well.
Although if your contract is really that old I bet it had the 5gb limit before possible disconnect that my original plan did from when they atryed offering data at all. They never enforced it, but it's there. So I don't know how much benefit you'd get over a tiered plan if they decided to enforce for you tethering with something they can track.
Sent from my Droid Turbo.
Coronado is dead said:
Then talk to Verizon, point it out in your contract, and have them enable it. They have contractual obligations as well.
Although if your contract is really that old I bet it had the 5gb limit before possible disconnect that my original plan did from when they atryed offering data at all. They never enforced it, but it's there. So I don't know how much benefit you'd get over a tiered plan if they decided to enforce for you tethering with something they can track.
Sent from my Droid Turbo.
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You can't have a 5GB limit on an unlimted plan. Unlimited means unlimited, even the government agrees on this:
Well I am glad to see they finally cracked down on that, because for years unlimited did not really mean unlimited at all, lol.
Sent from my Droid Turbo.
Verizon start messing with the unlimited plan back in July of 2011. That is when they first started trying to charge extra for using the hot spot option. Back then it was an additional $30 a month for unlimited use of the hot spot. So you would have had to pay $30 a month for unlimited data and then another $30 a month for unlimited data using hot spot.
Have you seen their latest price structure:
1 GB $40 (Considered Light Usage)
2 GB $50 (Considered Heavy Usage) * Seriously? The Turbo can use that much doing nothing.
3 GB $60
4 GB $70
10 GB $80
15 GB $100 (Was 12 GB)
20 GB $150
30 GB $225
40 GB $300
50 GB $375
60 GB $450
80 GB $600
100 GB $750
No wonder they keep trying to get rid of us unlimited plan users. My unlimited plan is less than the 1 GB plan.
I currently have the 15gb plan, 3 lines,a 4g hotspot device, unlimited talk and text, edge plan on the turbo, ensurion, caller ID, and premium visual voicemail all for $208 a month after taxes. 15gigs seems to be enough for me but if I could I would use much more.
Sent from my XT1254
All of the new tiered data plans (the more everything plans) include tethering for no additional charge. You are on a "legacy" plan that technically no longer exists because it is from a time when not everybody and their dog had a smartphone. You have an option to change that. If there was no tethering when you got your plan then quit living in the stone age. It is perfectly legal for them to change the terms when asking you to sign a new contract. If you want to pay 200 bucks for an 800 dollar phone, you have to sign a contract it's as simple as that.
Yeah it sucks that we all lost unlimited data, but thats they way it is. Your laptop has the capability of pulling WAY more data than any smartphone in the world. There is a reason they don't want you tethering on an unlimited plan. People using it for torrenting, and netflixing on their 60 inch TV have potential to ruin the network quality for everybody else.
Like I said, I have tethered in the past too with third party apps, but you signed a contract that VERY specifically states you aren't allowed to do that, and we are using loopholes to get around it. If they catch you in the act they can do anything from blocking your workaround, to completely dropping you and not allowing you to use their network anymore. I've never heard of it happening, just saying it can. I sell VZW, AT&T, and Sprint service on a daily basis I have read every one of those contracts word for word, and third party tethering apps are very specifically prohibited which makes any other argument a moot point. You signed a paper that said you wouldn't tether without paying for that right.
It's also a straight up fact that 98% of people who got booted from unlimited plans were using less than 2GB per month anyway. It's only people like us here on XDA that are heavy users like that, and our abuse of the system is the entire reason they took away unlimited in the first place. If people hadn't been watching 100GB of netflix and pornhub every month on their smartphones then maybe it would never have become an issue. It isn't designed to replace your home internet service so stop acting like it should perform that way.
renegadeone8 said:
If you want to pay 200 bucks for an 800 dollar phone, you have to sign a contract it's as simple as that.
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Didn't pay $200 for my Turbo, paid full price so I didn't have to sign a new contract and be charged double for a 2GB plan ($50 a month) then I pay for my unlimited data. ($24 a month)
renegadeone8 said:
but you signed a contract that VERY specifically states you aren't allowed to do that, and we are using loopholes to get around it.
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Not true, they didn't come up with charging for the Hot Spot feature until July of 2011. I signed my contract way before then for unlimited data. I've paid full price for my past two phones to keep it. So there is nothing in my contract that says it isn't allowed.
renegadeone8 said:
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Seriously? Data is data regardless of if you are watching Netflix, YouTube, or just doing emails. The government is already going after AT&T and Verizon because "Unlimited" should mean "Unlimited". There shouldn't be any throttles on the data, blocks on the data, etc.
renegadeone8 said:
It isn't designed to replace your home internet service so stop acting like it should perform that way.
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Don't expect it to be. I have a very good IP at my home. For me it is when I am on the road with the grandkids that I need to have my phone turned on as a hot spot so that they can use their tablets. Ever try to go on a road trip with 8 grand kids ranging in age from 6 to 12?
Ally Android said:
Didn't pay $200 for my Turbo, paid full price so I didn't have to sign a new contract and be charged double for a 2GB plan ($50 a month) then I pay for my unlimited data. ($24 a month)
Not true, they didn't come up with charging for the Hot Spot feature until July of 2011. I signed my contract way before then for unlimited data. I've paid full price for my past two phones to keep it. So there is nothing in my contract that says it isn't allowed.
Seriously? Data is data regardless of if you are watching Netflix, YouTube, or just doing emails. The government is already going after AT&T and Verizon because "Unlimited" should mean "Unlimited". There shouldn't be any throttles on the data, blocks on the data, etc.
Don't expect it to be. I have a very good IP at my home. For me it is when I am on the road with the grandkids that I need to have my phone turned on as a hot spot so that they can use their tablets. Ever try to go on a road trip with 8 grand kids ranging in age from 6 to 12?
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This is copy and pasted verbatim from a Verizon contract from 2009
PDA/smartphone and BlackBerry® Plans: These VZEmail plans cannot be used: (1) for access to the Internet, intranets, or other data networks except as the device’s native applications and capabilities permit, unless you subscribe to BroadbandAccess Connect; or (2) for any applications that tether your device to laptops or personal computers other than for use of the Wireless Sync or the BlackBerry solution, unless you subscribe to BroadbandAccess Connect.
I was formerly a Verizon employee and now I sell phones for all 3 carriers I know wtf I'm talking about. Your plan falls under PDA/Smartphone plans, and it explicitly describes the need to have BroadbandAccess Connect to use anything that is not a NATIVE phone application. A third party tethering app is not considered native as it doesn't come pre-installed on the device.
It goes on further to say this:
Data Plans and Features (such as NationalAccess, BroadbandAccess, GlobalAccess, Push to Talk, and certain VZEmail services) may ONLY be used with wireless devices for the following purposes: Internet browsing; (ii) email; and (iii) intranet access (including access to corporate intranets, email, and individual productivity applications like customer relationship management, sales force, and field service automation).
You aren't even legally allowed to use it for video streaming, gaming, torrenting, or any other high bandwidth application on those old plans.
renegadeone8 said:
This is copy and pasted verbatim from a Verizon contract from 2009
PDA/smartphone and BlackBerry® Plans: These VZEmail plans cannot be used: (1) for access to the Internet, intranets, or other data networks except as the device’s native applications and capabilities permit, unless you subscribe to BroadbandAccess Connect; or (2) for any applications that tether your device to laptops or personal computers other than for use of the Wireless Sync or the BlackBerry solution, unless you subscribe to BroadbandAccess Connect.
I was formerly a Verizon employee and now I sell phones for all 3 carriers I know wtf I'm talking about. Your plan falls under PDA/Smartphone plans, and it explicitly describes the need to have BroadbandAccess Connect to use anything that is not a NATIVE phone application. A third party tethering app is not considered native as it doesn't come pre-installed on the device.
It goes on further to say this:
Data Plans and Features (such as NationalAccess, BroadbandAccess, GlobalAccess, Push to Talk, and certain VZEmail services) may ONLY be used with wireless devices for the following purposes: Internet browsing; (ii) email; and (iii) intranet access (including access to corporate intranets, email, and individual productivity applications like customer relationship management, sales force, and field service automation).
You aren't even legally allowed to use it for video streaming, gaming, torrenting, or any other high bandwidth application on those old plans.
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Wifi Hotspot is a native application that Verizon BLOCKS, it is not a third party app.
This is how a Verizon contract should read: Whatever we say is legal because we say so, whatever you think: is wrong, illegal and you the customers are thieves, the only one allowed to steal is Verizon period.
There you go is that better now?

