[SDK] Amerra Connect: A Cloud for Clouds - ONE Universal API - IDEs, Libraries, & Programming Tools

Proud to release our new game-changing platform Amerra Connect, a virtual cloud platform that provides universal APIs to use other cloud services including application & database servers, social networks, file storage, media encoding/streaming, and messaging services. Request your FREE App key to try our Alpha Version SDK exclusively at AmerraConnect.com!

Getting started with Amerra Connect & our “Hello World!” Tutorial
In this tutorial, we introduce Amerra Connect’s datastore functions. One of our features, allows you to create a new attribute name and assign a string value, “Hello World“ to it. Then you request this attribute value from the Amerra Connect datastore to display it on your web page. Please learn more about this and our new release of the SDK (Alpha 0.1.6) for JAVA at doc.amerraconnect.com!

Showing a Google Map Only Take 3 Lines of Code?
When you need to render a map on your application by searching for a physical address, Amerra Connect is an easy solution - and all you need is to add three lines of code.
We have a tutorial showing how to render a Google map by searching the physical address of Rockefeller center here doc.amerraconnect.com.
If you'd like to be an Alpha Tester of our new AmerraConnect SDK 0.1.6 for PHP and Java, please visit AmerraConnect.com!


Advice on the choice of querying a remote DB

Hello everyone,
I come to you for some advice about an application I'm developing for Android 1.6 and higher.
Specifically, this application must be able to query a remote MySQL database and display the retrieved data. It need also be able to UPDATE data on this databse and that is where things get complicated ...
For selection queries, I wrote a small PHP script on the remote server that retrieves the desired data in the database and encodes them in JSON. From my Android application, I have no problem to retrieve, process and display them.
Now I wonder about the solution (if there is one ...) to run UPDATE from my application on the remote database. For now, I see only two solutions:
- Develop a webService on the server with an update method. Several problems with that: it seems webServices on Android are not easy (not native, have to go through external libs). Moreover, as it's UPDATE query, I want to make sure nobody else can use this webService.
- Alternatively, write a PHP script that makes the UPDATE and call it via HTTP. Same problem as webService: I want to secure this call to be sure that only I can use this script. These scripts can be integrated into an application already present on my server and which is secured by login / password. So, if it is possible to manage PHP sessions from Android, it's won! but Ican't find anything about it ...
What do you think? Ideas?

[Q] need help ,developing group messaging over WLAN

I am supposed to develop a group messaging app (IM client) using WLAN ,its a term project.This app is supposed to list all the available users that are connected over the wlan and provide the user with the options ,to create a group ,send group messages or send messages individually over the wlan.I have had experience of developing android apps in the past but none of them have ever been network based.
I need to know :
1.what Internet protocols will be used .(sip? ,voip?) for DNS etc ,yeah i have below meager networking knowledge.
2.what areas do i need to research any links to resources will be quite helpfull .
3.any open source app that offers the same functionality
4.do i need to set up a server aswell ?
I would be really thankfull for your advice on this .
Take a look at XMPP which is an extendable and open source messaging protocol.
DNS is just used to convert names to numbers, so you'd give your server a name and create a DNS A record, then the clients would use that name to locate the server. XMPP works over TCP/IP which is useful as it's implemented in every operating system I'm aware of. There are also XMPP clients (which is a protocol that works on top of TCP/IP) for all platforms out there as well.
Check wikipedia for XMPP to give you background information, then look at something like openfire as a server implementation, it's pretty simple to setup and has a web based configuration.
Configure Microsoft Communicator

[Q] How to take data from an online database?

Hello, I'm developing an android app that needs access to a .xml database that will be updated from time to time by various Admins.
How do I do so that, when I create a new field, it synchronized with the android application? I read about the SQLite database, but I did not understand if it can be done so that it can be changed once you have compiled the app...
PS: Sorry for my english
Firstly, you need a PHP script, or any web language script that is able to grab data from the database and echo them out on the browser.
Then your app would just need to make a HTTP request to the URL and get the data. As simple as that.
SQLite Database is Android's internal database used and created by each individual app. It has nothing to do with web's database.
XML parsing.. someone told me about it
I like the partially online/mostly offline approach... this may consume big amount of internal storage, but maybe what the OP is looking for... For accessing online database, a PHP interface is the most common, with this we can consult the online db, parse the data, insert it into the local database and work there...
Sent from my GT-S5830M using Tapatalk 2
You need a server side script in any laguage to fetch data from database. Then create a HTTP request to the url and get the data from online database.

Mobilizing MySQL: Backend Integration Deep Dive

For any Enterprise Mobile App, it is critical that they can access data stored in various Enterprise information systems. To perform this function, you typical rely on integration platforms. This article focuses on showing how to use the OpenMobster platform to integrate a MySQL database with its Sync+Push Engine. It goes into all the coding details needed to expose a MySQL database to an Enterprise Mobile App.
You can follow this article here: http://openmobster.blogspot.com/2013/06/mobilizing-mysql-api-based-backend.html
CEO, OpenMobster, Open Source MBaaS Platform

Commerce Application

Early apologies if this is an incorrect forum but it's what i found about app development. If so can someone link me to something relevant?
I am going to preface this post by saying I have been using OOP languages for a long time now yet all localized self contained programs usually in python. I've gotten fairly used to some of the android API and parsing XML data to java and the reverse however I'm completely ignorant when it comes to php parsing.
I'm working on an android project for a client. I want to do an commerce application. Starting off I have already established XML UI's for a logging in, new user, main menu, and product search page. My main concern at this point is getting the remote data. Please correct me if I'm wrong but this was my plan for data handling.
Three different PHP scripts on a remote go-daddy server to access a database that holds a user data table as well as a product data table structure is as you'd expect user:{first_name, last_name, password, ect....} product:{SKU, UPC, Name, ect...}.
One of these PHP scripts pulls data from the products table for the products activity. One compares log-in credentials for the log-in activity so people can find purchase history ect... and one inserts rows to the user table for the new user activity.
Again if this isn't optimal some advice would be helpful. If this setup works however I already have a written PHP script(again held on the remote server) that parses the data into JSON format. My next step would be to write the java for the products activity to run the script and parse the JSON back into a usable format. Is there a specific java library to do this? Any UML depictions or tutorial links would be appreciated,
Secondly a big concern would be the new user script specifically how do i pass data from the java activity into the php "Insert script" i've read some on GET and it seems to be applicable to html but not java also this would be stupid for password security. again any help on any of these matters would be appreciated.
Have a look at Google's Gson library. It's great.

