[Q] Private mode not Working after ROOT (HELP) - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi. Just rooted my phone last night. Installed titanium back up and other applications that needed the root privelege. This morning I tried to transfer some files to my private mode, but i doesn't transfer.after that i tried turning on my private mode in the settings menu and there it was, FAILED TO ENABLE PRIVATE MODE. TRY AGAIN. Do you guys have any fix on this? BTW i used chainfires autoroot and my model number is n910c. Hope theres a fix. Thank you!

godhandzero said:
Hi. Just rooted my phone last night. Installed titanium back up and other applications that needed the root privelege. This morning I tried to transfer some files to my private mode, but i doesn't transfer.after that i tried turning on my private mode in the settings menu and there it was, FAILED TO ENABLE PRIVATE MODE. TRY AGAIN. Do you guys have any fix on this? BTW i used chainfires autoroot and my model number is n910c. Hope theres a fix. Thank you!
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Try using the Xposed module XSecureStorage

Installed the xposed framework and xsecurestorage module.still doesn't work?

You have to delete a file from one of your root directories. I can't remember which one though. Do a search on XDA for a you tube video showing you which one. Also Wanam 's thread on his Xsecurestorage module tell you which one as well
Remember to move stuff out of private mode before deleting the file though!
Sent from my SM-N910P using XDA Free mobile app

This forum has a search box , use it !


Private mode broken.

Does anyone have a definitive guide to fixing private mode? I hid some pictures before rooting and installing xposed (which broke private mode). I have Wanam's xsecurity module installed but it didn't fix private mode. If there is no way to fix it, where can I access the hidden files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Narekrocks said:
Does anyone have a definitive guide to fixing private mode? I hid some pictures before rooting and installing xposed (which broke private mode). I have Wanam's xsecurity module installed but it didn't fix private mode. If there is no way to fix it, where can I access the hidden files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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found this in tmoble section... should work for the phone also check it out...
Narekrocks said:
Does anyone have a definitive guide to fixing private mode? I hid some pictures before rooting and installing xposed (which broke private mode). I have Wanam's xsecurity module installed but it didn't fix private mode. If there is no way to fix it, where can I access the hidden files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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hi ,
OK , as far as i know Private mode is broken when you root .(my experience )
i have N910F device( Snap and rooted ,etc .)
I followed this post # 22 and # 32 @ angelky ,
yes it fixes S health, but also fixes Private mode ( link ) and it fixed my "lag " caused by Xposed
I have seen other "fixes " Wanam thread/ fix
There is other threads with "fixes "also ..just choose which one to follow ?
good luck
I have tried pretty much everything I could find on XDA. Including wiping the phone, freezing the apps and then installing xposed. I guess there really isn't a proper fix
If you have previously configured Private Mode without Xposed Installed, then you can not access it anymore after installing this framework. But there is a method to make it work again without wiping all data.... Check this tutorial:
Sorry but personally, the private mode was broken when I restored the data of system app with titanium backup. To solve it, I must factory reset and restore ONLY THE DATA OF USER APP.

Stock + Root

Is there a way to get private mode working after root without xposed ? i've already tried to change the build prop ro.security.storage to false but doesn't worked.
I want to back to stock + root without any another modifications, like xposed, but i use a lot the private mode.. can anyone help me ? thanks.
Personally I had a strange result.
Xposed completely froze my phone, but before it did I too lost private mode.
The first thing I did after rooting was a nand backup, and restoring this after the xposed problem fixed everything. Both privacy mode and S-Health worked perfectly.
I have no idea why, but I have updated my rom since and everything still works.
Sent from my SM-N910F
Install Wanam xposed kit to disable S-health secure server. It can't function properly when xposed is installed
Sent fra min SM-N910F via Tapatalk

Sky Go still blocked when rooted?

Hey guys, is sky go still blocked on rooted devices? I have an S5 that i rooted a while ago but returned to stock for the purpose of sky go, Has anyone found a way around it? i know there was rootcloak and a few other apps to try and prevent it but those didnt work back then, Hope for a reply. thanks alot guys.
Wasn't there a sky go xposed module for this? I maybe wrong... I use "hide my root" and a stock kernel when using the "all 4" channel 4 on demand app. Maybe the same will work for you? Root cloak didn't work me, the normal or xposed version both were fails for me. But the app I mentioned did the job.
I felt I had a simile but without effect hoped for , try this
There's finally a way round the restriction that prevents people with rooted Android devices from being able to use Sky Go.
Follow this thread:
It involves:
1) returning to stock ROM (unrooted)
2) installing a custom recovery such as TWRP and booting into it
3) installing Magisk
4) installing Magisk's version of phh's Superuser
5) rebooting into system
6) installing phh's Superuser app
7) installing Magisk's management app
8) whenever wanting to use Sky Go, disabling root in Magisk's app
9) re-enabling root afterwards in the same app.
I can confirm this works reliably. I have it running on my rooted LG V10, having never managed to get Sky Go to run on a rooted device before.
Do bung the developer who invented Magisk a donation if it's worked for you and if you can.
Sent from my LG-H960 using XDA-Developers mobile app
My device: Gt-p7500 with lollipop aosp.
Sky go was detecting the rom (not rooted ) wasn't stock and it considered that as a root problem showing the error message. After many tests I assumed sky go was detecting the aosp rom by reading a string "key tests " in the build number and looking the SeLinux mode permissive.
The solution was: rooting the device, mounting system with twrp, downloading app "prop-editor "(play store) , edit the parameters of the build.prop file (under folder system) and replace every "key tests " string( with whatever you want) in the parameters., set enforcing mode of Se Linux by flasing a zip file ( https://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/dl/?id=12047) After that full unrooted the device, reboot....and finally everything works. I hope it will be useful. Ciao.

Help help hisense hs-u988

hello ask for help to solve a problem with my cell ... I have a hisense hs-u988 rooted with istaller Xposed several modules one is not rootcloak ... apparently I was wrong to hide the embedded system applications and now I listed applications and processes that stop tried to fix by resetting to factory since settings and restart black screen stays and says FASTBOOT downloding turn it off and lit normal and lit but disappeared several applications guess that hide the root because the e treaty medice install and no space but if I have, too, and other applications that did not have before if I install ... apparently the root also lost, rootcloak same, but GravityBox (kk) 4.4.2 if it is. I can do is my only cell help who can help me I do it all from my cell phone that still works helps..
Explain yourself better please...
classicalroot said:
Explain yourself better please...
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I think he tried to hide or uninstall system applications...
Or at least, that's what i understand...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Well a rooted device is a little harder to get into recovery because of the custom rom. So the default way to factory reset from the recovery menu wouldnt work
-classical root-
-Uncertified Ethical Hacker-
-Junior member of XDA-
@rrraramantiz why the heck did you manage to install xposed utilities withouth even making a backup!
In all descriptions and utilities says that xposed is dangerous and not every device will work properly with it.
Do you at least have access to the Developer options (have you enabled debug USB?)?.
What about Odin on PC?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA-Developers mobile app

Looking for a possibility to hide root

Hey guys,
I am looking for a way to hide root, because I want to use the app "SEQR". I flashed the Superman Rom Nougat. I tried to hide magdisk with the build in tool, this didnt work. I also tried to uninstall root with their provided uninstall zip, but this also failed. The app says, my device is rooted. So have anyone a idea to have a possibility to have a rom with temporality root, it's no problem to uninstall root every time when I need it.
Thank you
Noone any ideas?
I saw someone mention the superman rom
I think the best way to hide it is using lastest Magisk with MagiskHide enabled in Magisk settings
I'll bump the thread if that's ok.
Also want to use SEQR with root if possible.
Tried the hide magisk in the meny and that did not work. Is there anything else to do?
thexps said:
I'll bump the thread if that's ok.
Also want to use SEQR with root if possible.
Tried the hide magisk in the meny and that did not work. Is there anything else to do?
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try clearing cache & dalvik after flashing magisk. then make sure magiskhide is enabled and your app is selected.
running fine here.
For me it works partly App starts added in the MagiskHide list but the App dont want to activate the Tap&Pay Feature already 2 hours left and still not activated. Already cleared Cache&Dalvik nope
Maybe someone knows a workaround
xposed rootcloack module does not work either
found this thread and got excited I could get an answer
