[Q] Ruined Fastboot mode, but regular boot works? - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Okay, so not sure what I did here.
I have an LG G2 ATT version with 4.2.2 installed.
I was trying to install CM, which I already have on my Nexus 7 and love. But the LG G2 doesn't have a nice one-click install app like the Nexus 7 does.
So, I managed to root it, and got SuperUser installed and Clockworkrecoverymod.
At one point I also had TWRP installed, and I think that is where I went wrong. I went to flash a new fastboot / recovery mode and think I selected the wrong one (LG G2 International).
Ever since then, attempting to reboot into recovery using the hardware method (volume down + power) doesn't work. If i force it into fastboot mode using Clockworkrecoverymod or ioroot, I get a strange message.
All the phone shows is white text on a black background:
[830] Fastboot mode started
[940] -- rest --
[950] fastboot; processing commands
then, if i unplug the USB port, I get a few messages. If I replug it in, I get the above message again, with different time stamps.
If I boot normally, it pulls up the normal stock OS, but any attempt to boot into fast mode gets me this message. I can also boot into download mode, but it hangs at 0 %. I tried Flashing a new Recovery using clockworkmod, and it says it worked, but booting into recovery just results in ending up in the same Fastboot mode deadend.
I see the same message if I try to factory reset the phone through the normal software method in options.
So, it is great that I didn't completely brick my phone when I idiotically installed for the wrong mode, but without being able to get into fastboot mode, what are my options for getting back on there and back to stock so I can try again?
And yes, I tried to make a backup on my device, but when I went to go back to it, clockworkmod said it isn't there. Not sure how I messed that up, but anyone have any suggestions on what I can do going forward?

As I understand; If you're trying to boot it to recovery mode, it goes to fastboot mode, right?
If I understood right; you need just flash recovery to your device.
G2 has a different boot process from other devices. If bootloader failed to boot the thing you want to boot, it goes to fastboot mode. That's why it goes fastboot mode when you try to boot it to recovery.

Ah yeah, i just couldn't figure out how to get it out of Fastmode. I was a little confused about the difference between fastmode and recovery.
I seemed to have fixed the problem by AutoRec, for whatever that is worth. Now it boots into TWRP's recovery mode. Shouldn't be hard to get cyanogenmod now.

TheAmericannomad said:
Okay, so not sure what I did here.
I have an LG G2 ATT version with 4.2.2 installed.
I was trying to install CM, which I already have on my Nexus 7 and love. But the LG G2 doesn't have a nice one-click install app like the Nexus 7 does.
So, I managed to root it, and got SuperUser installed and Clockworkrecoverymod.
At one point I also had TWRP installed, and I think that is where I went wrong. I went to flash a new fastboot / recovery mode and think I selected the wrong one (LG G2 International).
Ever since then, attempting to reboot into recovery using the hardware method (volume down + power) doesn't work. If i force it into fastboot mode using Clockworkrecoverymod or ioroot, I get a strange message.
All the phone shows is white text on a black background:
[830] Fastboot mode started
[940] -- rest --
[950] fastboot; processing commands
then, if i unplug the USB port, I get a few messages. If I replug it in, I get the above message again, with different time stamps.
If I boot normally, it pulls up the normal stock OS, but any attempt to boot into fast mode gets me this message. I can also boot into download mode, but it hangs at 0 %. I tried Flashing a new Recovery using clockworkmod, and it says it worked, but booting into recovery just results in ending up in the same Fastboot mode deadend.
I see the same message if I try to factory reset the phone through the normal software method in options.
So, it is great that I didn't completely brick my phone when I idiotically installed for the wrong mode, but without being able to get into fastboot mode, what are my options for getting back on there and back to stock so I can try again?
And yes, I tried to make a backup on my device, but when I went to go back to it, clockworkmod said it isn't there. Not sure how I messed that up, but anyone have any suggestions on what I can do going forward?
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if you want go back to stock and you can't enter in download mode you can try follow this but USE THE CORRECT FILES FOR YOUR DEVICE!!!!!!!!
to extract laf.img from kdz.
Give a thank to the OP of the threat.


LG G2 D801 unable to get to download mode

I recently put TWRP on my LG G2 from Tmobile (D801). I then used it to flash CyanogenMod 10.2. It worked great. Then I decided to see if any other ROMS were available.
I downloaded AEON v3.zip (which I now realize was for D800) and tried to flash it from TWRP. It (obviously) didn't work as I expected, and now I can't get the phone into recovery mode. When I try to get it into the download mode (volume up+plugging in USB), the download mode screen flashes up for a second, but then it just goes to the Fastboot mode started /udc_start() screen.
It appears that I can use the fastboot utility on my computer to interact with the phone. fastboot devices -l results in a question mark (it says "? fastboot").
I've tried downloading openrecovery-twrp- and flashing it to my device with:
fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp-
It indicates that it is successful ("OK") but I still cannot get into recovery mode.
Try downloading an app from The Play store called Quick Boot, it should let you reboot into recovery. Also, I'd imagine CM has a feature that allows you to boot into recovery from the power menu when you hold your power button down for a sec.
Sent from CAMACHO, my Verizon G2 (VS980) running PAC ROM.
Thanks for the reply! I didn't have a working ROM to boot into, so I was just trying to get into Recovery mode to begin with.
Got some help from autoprime on #lg-g2 and found out that I was using the wrong timing on my recovery mode key presses to get into TWRP.

[Q] LG G2 - Fastboot mode started udc_start

Hello everybody,
Last night i recieve update for my lg g2 d802 ( update to D80210c)
I downloaded and click install button on update. Phone rebooted and opened twrp. I had rooted device with twrp . After that i couldnt start phone OS, just starting twrp again and again . After that i click on restore to backup nandroid backup i have. It restored backup and than reboot system . After that i have just few words in top left angle :
450 Fastboot mode started
500 udc_started()
After i connect my usb cable have few more :
450 Fastboot mode started
500 udc_started()
660 -reset-
670 -portchange-
740 fastboot; processing commands
What should i do now, is this device completly bricked?
djordjesl said:
Hello everybody,
Last night i recieve update for my lg g2 d802 ( update to D80210c)
I downloaded and click install button on update. Phone rebooted and opened twrp. I had rooted device with twrp . After that i couldnt start phone OS, just starting twrp again and again . After that i click on restore to backup nandroid backup i have. It restored backup and than reboot system . After that i have just few words in top left angle :
450 Fastboot mode started
500 udc_started()
After i connect my usb cable have few more :
450 Fastboot mode started
500 udc_started()
660 -reset-
670 -portchange-
740 fastboot; processing commands
What should i do now, is this device completly bricked?
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Good to know i wasn't the only one
Im just able to start researching now, i'll update if i find anything, but i assume there's some kind of command that can be given via adb to disable the fastboot and allow the phone os to resume functioning, as my logic indicates since the restore worked for you, your phone is now simply at a point with no attempted update. i did the same process of clicking reboot, twrp looping, restored a backup and twrp still looping
EDIT: Pretty sure it's going to be a flag in a flat file. Combing over my init.rc file now, and i found a strange file called smpl_boot with a single 0 in it, not sure what it does
BStinsonWhadup said:
Good to know i wasn't the only one
Im just able to start researching now, i'll update if i find anything, but i assume there's some kind of command that can be given via adb to disable the fastboot and allow the phone os to resume functioning, as my logic indicates since the restore worked for you, your phone is now simply at a point with no attempted update. i did the same process of clicking reboot, twrp looping, restored a backup and twrp still looping
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Can you enter Download Mode? (Holding volume down when G2 is turned off and plug the USB)
I also experienced this when restore using TWRP. But fortunately I can flash back to stock.
BStinsonWhadup said:
Good to know i wasn't the only one
Im just able to start researching now, i'll update if i find anything, but i assume there's some kind of command that can be given via adb to disable the fastboot and allow the phone os to resume functioning, as my logic indicates since the restore worked for you, your phone is now simply at a point with no attempted update. i did the same process of clicking reboot, twrp looping, restored a backup and twrp still looping
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I think you dont understand me, when i did restore twrp shows that restore was completed, and when i do a reboot it shows
450 Fastboot mode started
500 udc_started()
Now i cant do nothing with phone, i try to power off and turn on it just go to
450 Fastboot mode started
500 udc_started()
djordjesl said:
I think you dont understand me, when i did restore twrp shows that restore was completed, and when i do a reboot it shows
450 Fastboot mode started
500 udc_started()
Now i cant do nothing with phone, i try to power off and turn on it just go to
450 Fastboot mode started
500 udc_started()
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ahh i misread your post thinking you somehow had status messages on your screen during boot and that you got into TWRP each time. the question above this post asking about download mode may help you
BStinsonWhadup said:
ahh i misread your post thinking you somehow had status messages on your screen during boot and that you got into TWRP each time. the question above this post asking about download mode may help you
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adb shell
dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/fota of=/sdcard/fota-backup.img
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/fota
fixed it for me for anyone finding this post that CAN get to TWRP, the above linked post has other hints as well that may work for OP
I got this same thing when I tried to update TWRP using flashify, I can reboot to phone , running CleanRom 2.0 but not to recovery in order to flash other stuff.
ossito2012 said:
I got this same thing when I tried to update TWRP using flashify, I can reboot to phone , running CleanRom 2.0 but not to recovery in order to flash other stuff.
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I somehow managed to do this as well. Did you get yours working again?
Edit: Fixed it up with this APP (Note that 3 other similar apps did NOT work): https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...l.freegee_free
Yozzo1 said:
Hello everybody,
Last night i recieve update for my lg g2 d802 ( update to D80210c)
I downloaded and click install button on update. Phone rebooted and opened twrp. I had rooted device with twrp . After that i couldnt start phone OS, just starting twrp again and again . After that i click on restore to backup nandroid backup i have. It restored backup and than reboot system . After that i have just few words in top left angle :
450 Fastboot mode started
500 udc_started()
After i connect my usb cable have few more :
450 Fastboot mode started
500 udc_started()
660 -reset-
670 -portchange-
740 fastboot; processing commands
What should i do now, is this device completly bricked?
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My situation is a little different than yours, but you may be able to do this method (which is what I am working on at the moment). As long as you can get into download mode.
help !!
Hi, sorry for my english , I'm french
I wanted to flash a custom rom on my LG G2 D802 .
I wanted the Paranoid Android (PA +) with 4.3 JellyBean .
So I made the
Wipe data / factory reset
Wipe cache partition
Wipe dalvik Cache
After I
Choose zip ( custom ROM ) from sd card
Then I
Reboot System Now
And turn on my laptop, I get an error message saying
[640 ] started Fastboot Mode
[ 690] udc start ()
I realized I had to flash AOSP kernel before changing to a ROM paranoid . But my kernel is blocked and so I have to go back to the stock ROM
When I did this tutorial using lg tools , flashing stops at 49% with an error message .
I also saw that I could access the recovery mod by following this link http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2565904(but I saw that I could not otherwise reboot my phone after it was bricking ) and therefore flash my stock Rom which I had made the backup . But I do not know if the ROM has been saved and if it remained in my files after the Wipes.
If it is not there, is that in buying a micro USB ====> HUSB adapter, I could install a stock ROM from a USB key ? Or is there a way I can put files from my computer to my laptop which has no port micro sd?
And is what I could with my kernel "blocked " ?
Thank you very much
Same problem here too. Can't get a recovery installed no matter what i do
Does anyone have a solution yet?? Same thing has happened to me.
If you can't go into download mode but get fastboot mode instead first repair download mode using http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2477595 and than flash back to stock 4.2.2 using http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2432476
My G2 can not go into download mode and recover mode, and my computer can not recognise it so I can not put anything to it.
fast boot
udc error.
Thank you
Had this exact error too, fortunately flashing furnace kernel fixed it.
Tahir, I had to try several times until i succeed to boot to my recovery mode, try several times.
was having this issue. but i figured out my problem. the rom i was installing was a note3 rom. hahahaha. thats what happens when u have too many phones. and files in your computer. anyways.
i ddnt have to revert back to stock. i was able to reboot to twrp via hold power button and volume down buttons, when lg pops up, let go and press and hold both buttons again. when white screen with words comes up, press power then power then power. then ur back to twrp, at least mine did. and restored my recent back up.
nimrodsv said:
Had this exact error too, fortunately flashing furnace kernel fixed it.
Tahir, I had to try several times until i succeed to boot to my recovery mode, try several times.
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How did you flash the kernel if you couldn't get into recovery?
I have download mode, but lg support tool only goes to 49% and I get error.
Would like to flash this kernel if you have another way
rodpgfx said:
How did you flash the kernel if you couldn't get into recovery?
I have download mode, but lg support tool only goes to 49% and I get error.
Would like to flash this kernel if you have another way
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I could, after 5-6 times pressing Vol Down + Power method
nimrodsv said:
I could, after 5-6 times pressing Vol Down + Power method
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I have similar issue after trying to install Xdabbed Camera on my LG G2 running with ClaudyG3 ROM.
I have flashed the Xdabbed Camera zip file sucessfully via TWRP but when I reboot the phone after successful flashing the phone went into Fastboot Mode and UDC as mentioned above. Can my phone back again to recovery mode? I have backup ready, but only can restore if I can go into recovery TWRP...please help
epwt said:
I have similar issue after trying to install Xdabbed Camera on my LG G2 running with ClaudyG3 ROM.
I have flashed the Xdabbed Camera zip file sucessfully via TWRP but when I reboot the phone after successful flashing the phone went into Fastboot Mode and UDC as mentioned above. Can my phone back again to recovery mode? I have backup ready, but only can restore if I can go into recovery TWRP...please help
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Try booting to recovery after you charge your phone for at least one hour and while it's NOT CONNECTED to the computer
If that's doesn't help try using ADB

[Q] LG G2 ATT D800 stuck in boot loop

I recently got an lg g2 and rooted it, but it would never boot into recovery mode correctly. Well one night i was trying different chargers because it kept saying it was charging and would vibrate and say it was charging again, i woke up and the screen was lit but wasnt booting. I tried to restart it, no affect, tried to recover it, when it does this it goes into the blank screen again and does nothing, it also wont go into download mode. when plugging into the computer around 15 drives pop up and say they need formatting and it says that is is some qual disk drive and wont install any drivers. tried adb and the phone isnt recognized. am I SOL? What else can i try. One disk drive mounts and has a folder named image.
Short version
-wont boot
-no download mode
-recovery does nothing
-computer does not recognize as phone
-comes up with 15 disk drives that needs to be formatted
-one has a folder named image with stuff in it
-adb wont recognize phone
-tried the lg recovery tool and b/c no download mode it will not read the phone (tried to force install the drivers of the phone to see if it would work to no prevail)
Help :crying:
well today i got it to go into twrp recovery mode and can use adb with it again.
-will not boot
-can get into twrp now
-says when booting
fastboot mode started
-wont go into download mode but for a second
anything i can do to push a stock rom or to get it to go into download mode, ive been reading threads upon threads and just need some advice or anything now, ive tried almost everything and im exuasted.
etm34 said:
well today i got it to go into twrp recovery mode and can use adb with it again.
-will not boot
-can get into twrp now
-says when booting
fastboot mode started
-wont go into download mode but for a second
anything i can do to push a stock rom or to get it to go into download mode, ive been reading threads upon threads and just need some advice or anything now, ive tried almost everything and im exuasted.
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Why not just go back to STOCK?
-for download mode, dont try to BOOT into download mode. Use the method of holding VOL UP while plugging in USB when the Flashtools are ready to go with the TOT and DLL files.
Follow this link:
etm34 said:
well today i got it to go into twrp recovery mode and can use adb with it again.
-will not boot
-can get into twrp now
-says when booting
fastboot mode started
-wont go into download mode but for a second
anything i can do to push a stock rom or to get it to go into download mode, ive been reading threads upon threads and just need some advice or anything now, ive tried almost everything and im exuasted.
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if you can get to fastboot mode this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2477595 has a way to recover download mode so you can get back to stock just make sure you download the files for your device
PhillyFlyer said:
Why not just go back to STOCK?
-for download mode, dont try to BOOT into download mode. Use the method of holding VOL UP while plugging in USB when the Flashtools are ready to go with the TOT and DLL files.
Follow this link:
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Like I said it goes into download mode but only for a second then it goes back to the fastboot screen.
XxZombiePikachu said:
if you can get to fastboot mode this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2477595 has a way to recover download mode so you can get back to stock just make sure you download the files for your device
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Did this already, didn't repair it, said device does not have enough space during the last step. it allowed it to go into download mode for a second, but will not stay in it.
Solved my problem, will post a guide for others this weekend with the same issue.
etm34 said:
well today i got it to go into twrp recovery mode and can use adb with it again.
-will not boot
-can get into twrp now
-says when booting
fastboot mode started
-wont go into download mode but for a second
anything i can do to push a stock rom or to get it to go into download mode, ive been reading threads upon threads and just need some advice or anything now, ive tried almost everything and im exuasted.
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Don't know if it's of any help but check out my post on fixing a hard bricked g2 had a similar problem an was able to get it fxed

a6000 shut down during MIUI flash, won't boot into recovery

Hey guys I was trying to flash MIUI 8 on my a6000 lenovo. Bear with me because I'm new to this so I might have screwed up.
Rooted and installed TWRP perfectly. Phone was running kitkat.
I then, through TWRP tried to flash MIUI 8 from http://forum.xda-developers.com/lenovo-a6000/development/rom-miui-7-lenovo-a6000-a6000-t3355692
After first swiping right to install the zip, i got an "error executing binary in zip" error. Wiped dalvik,etc. again and tried again and then I got a MD5 file not found "warning". It was not in red letters and after that message there was no progress bar or anything and the phone just stopped responding. I assumed it wasn't working and few minutes later took the battery out. After trying to boot again it would give me the "mi.com" boot screen (not the default lenovo I used to get) and won't boot into neither recovery nor normal mode. (for recovery boot I'm trying holding both volume buttons and the power button at the same time. perhaps that is different now?)
I'm guessing the flashing was going on and i interrupted it. How can I fix this?
Update: It boots into MIUI now however pretty much nothing works as expected. It wont even go into settings. Recovery still seems botched and i cant boot into it.
TLDR: Recovery broken cant boot into it. Can boot into MIUI with very limited capabilities. Cannot select USB debugging and "adb devices" won't find the phone. What can I do?
Alright nevermind guys I managed to fix it. for anyone wondering or having the same issue, i tried many things but what I think worked is this:
Turnt on my phone in fastboot mode (hold volume - and power button) , connected it to the computer and used command "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" to flash the old TWRP i had on my computer. After that I managed to boot my phone in recovery mode and reflash the rom properly. The weird thing is, my phone could not be recognized by the computer and "adb devices" gave me nothing back so I thought using any fastboot command wouldn't work. Oddly, it did and it flashed TWRP back into my phone.

HELP ASAP I was installing my custom recovery and my phone entered a bootloop.

So I was installing twrp and everything went right until it didnt boot to the recovery and from then it keeps booting to lg logo and bootloader warning forever.
I know I can install the stock rom with lg up by I cannot enter download mode since the phone isnt technically turned off. Does anyoene have a solution.
It's my main phone and I literally cannot afford a phone right now.
A way to turn it off would be the solution. Battery was around 70% so it will take a long time to actually have 0%.
Update: I got to the fasboot menu from where I can run fastboot reboot recovery after installing twrp again. Now I have some mounting issues and I cannot flash any zip without entering bootloop. Im trying to use the shut down menu of twrp to try to enter download mode.
2nd Update: solved using lg up with the latest android version.

