[Q] New battery but still network lost :( - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi !
I've got my Nexus 4 since 2 years and it's still perfect for my use !
Since 3 or 4 months I've got regularly network lost, like 1 or 2 times a day... and the only solution was to reboot the phone to get the network back ! So when Android 5 come out I've factory reset and upgraded my Nexus to get a fresh and clean install
But the issue back after some days ! After some researches on internet I found that battery can cause network lost, reboot, or others issues, so I've ordered a new OEM battery on Amazon, replaced it and pray that my problem will disappear.
But the network issue backed ! It appear less than before but I'm tired of restart my phone when it happen...
Have you got a solution for this issue ?
Thanks !!

New problem !
It's me again !
Today I had a new problem, my phone just got a black screen and I don't have any chance to wake up the phone, like there is no battery.
I search on the forum for a solution and press vol down + power to restart my phone, and it works !
Have you got any solution to fix all these problems ?


HD2 shutdown alone?

I got my HD2 a week ago.
I got a problem with, because it can shutdown alone (during a call or in application).
The battery can be full.
HD2 don't shutdown when connected via the USB (computer or sector).
And after the shutdown, it does not want start with the button, I need to remove the battery to start again the HD2.
What do you think? Need to replace the battery? The phone?
Rom: 1.48.483.1 (Bouygues Telecom)
Problem exist with stock ROM or with my addon package software
I have completly re-installed the ROM and with no success on this problem.
I have the same problem.
I've the same problem since some days... It usually happens when the device is in my pocket.
I've to get the craddle off and push the little "hard reset" button with a pen to start the device again.
It's really strange as I have Slide 2 Unlock installed...
Have you been able to solve this problem?
Does any keys combination / shortcut exist to shutdown the HD2?
Thanks for your help!
It used to happen to me too. There is a setting where if not used for around 4 hrs the phone apparently shuts down , or at least it used to shut down for me. Ever since I unticked that box never had any problems.
Will post back if I manage to find the setting.
Try this.
Start------> Settings-------------> Menu------------> All settings--------->Today---------> Items-----------> Un-check Today timeout.
See if this helps.
Make sure your phone -'s ROM is up to date. ~Ive had to re-install the vodafone rom after my phone kept shutting down and locking up on reciept of an sms text.
Hmmm finally as nothing helped, I send the phone back to the shop where I bought it (PDAPhone.ch)... and they directly send it to HTC customer service in Switzerland.
After only one week, I got my phone back with a fully new mainboard.
And all this for free (bought it 6 months ago)!
THANKS TO PDAPHONE.CH AND HTC, fantastic service!

Constant Reboot-Loop (Faulty Battery?)

I'm aware that some users had this problem in the past due to changing the HSDPA/HSUPA settings or by installing the colored taskbar. In my case that's not the problem.
First of all a little recap of my well... troubled history with the Touch HD.
1. After 5 month of usage I got the infamous black screen error. The display turned black but the mobile responded to my actions. - back to the store - sent in and got it back repaired (changed main platine).
2. About 2 month later were the phone worked well - I got the same error again. Back to the store - sent in and got it back after three weeks with the comment that HTC couldn't find any error.
3. The same day I returned the phone because naturally the error was still there and furthermore the USB didn't work anymore. Got it back yesterday and it seemed to work fine. It was kinda weird that on my first startup the phone was already ready to use - no installation required and I even had the phone numbers htc used to test whether the device works or not in my call list (way to go using the european emergency call for that HTC ).
Did a hard-reset and everything installed without problems. Then when I tried to connect my phone to facebook it rebooted and was stuck in a reebot-loop. Only way to fix it is taking the battery out, wait for a couple of minutes and reinsert it. Tried nearly everything from here on:
- Hard-Reset
- Flashing another Rom
- Using Android
- Flashing back to the orginal HTC Rom
- Updating the orginal HTC Rom
- Cleaning every contact and the battery
- Completely draining the battery and recharging it to 100% before starting up again
- Cursing, swearing, considering throwing it out the window
- Taking out the battery overnight
Well, nothing helped. The only thing I can think of is that the battery is broken. Unfortunately I have no second battery at my disposal and do not know anyone who could lend me one to test it. My provider does not sell the Touch HD anymore because they now sell the HD2 so I can't test it there.
Well, maybe someone can shed some light onto this problem because I'm sick and tired of all the issues I had with my HD. Any trick, any thought about what could cause the problem would help. I'm returning the phone to the store on monday and they promised to give me a new mobile if I had issues after my mobile was sent to repair three times. Still, it will take a couple of weeks before their customer support is able to send me the offer and living a couple of weeks with that faulty phone is going to be tough since I never know when the error occurs.
Any help would be appreciated.

[bug]should I return my device to htc?

Hello all !!
I have a problem with my Leo, seen several times on the forum, but with a little thing more.
_it freeze up often (with battery drainage, full when i go to sleep and shut off when wake up)
_soft reset alone
_i must do many (and many) soft reset when it freeze up, because it freeze on start up.
_and when it's happened, the part below the battery is hot!!
i've test many rom, with task29 whenever and hard reset after flash, and on every 1st start up, freeze...
Do you know this problem?
thank you.
"edit"I also tried to remove the micro sd is the same thing.
nobody has the part below the battery hot?
is it the ram or processor? (or both lol)
if possible at all, just get a replacement while you still can.
I have the same problems more or less. More specifically it freezes randomly ONLY when using the internet (on GPRS, 3G, I havent tried it in wifi), and when it does it gets hot on the part under the battery (really, what part is there?).
Anyway, I send it to the service (couldn't get a replacement), and they checked it but they found no problems
Oh, and i have tried e v e r y t h i n g I could in order to find out why that happens. With SD, whithout SD, Stock Rom, Custom Rom, ,Different Radios, Nothing Installed, you name it, but the problem is there. I am not sure though if I can connect the problem to my SIM card, or the gsm network in my area (doubt it though since I was using my old TP2 flawlessly), but I do not have the knowledge to even guess if that could be the possible reason of the problem.
HTC will ask you to use the stock rom and try if you still get the problem , if so, then your phone might be a defective one. go to HTC and ask for a replacement.
flash stock spl and rom and go for htc ,if hard reset didnot solve these issues then it is a defective device
thank you,
my leo is SFR branded, so I must go through them and with SFR rom.
to get a replacement, it will be hardly.
i'll try on thursday, when i come back home.
thank you very much.
If you've had it more than 7 days (including the time it took to get to you if you ordered it from the SFR website) they won't give you a new one... They'll send it off to be repaired which can take up to 14 days. I know... I had to do it twice in the first month until they finally fixed my microphone problem...
to see after the repair.
thanks at all!
HI, after 2 repairs,i finally have my hd2 !!
1st time, software uptdate...so nothing
2nd time they changed the motherboard.
Test for 2 days before change the rom lol

[Q] HTC 7 Trophy crush everytime i put on Data/3G

I have notices something about my phone before and after update
at first if i switch on my 3G the phone becomes very hot and reboot .
Now if i open any application with 3G or Data or if it becomes hot ..then it reboot ..
My only option was to freeze my phone for a while in the fridge to cool it off but it is only temporal
Help me!! is it a software problem or hardware problem ....
any great suggestions
because now i can't even go data or 3G for 3 mins ... then it keep rebooting and rebooting
Please help ... it was unlocked when i bought it in my trip from France...
Now i can't go back just because of my phone ... Please help me
thank you
I had the exact same problem before. I toke the phone to Vodafone repair center and told me it is a hardware issue and require to replace the main board and it will take too long to fix and just gave me a new phone , Now I have no problem at all
You may install stock rom and test it. If still meet so, i think have ptoblem with hardware. Bring to guarantee

[HELP] my Omnia7 will not stay in standby! it switchs on alone

Hello guys,
I have a very strange but really bad problem: my omnia7 can't stay in standby.
When I press the power button, to turn off the screen and go in standby (so not the full turn off), my Omni7 wakes up alone, going on the unlock screen. In the same time, the phone rings with the ring that is played when you connect the phone for charging.
I've tried reboot, reset, hardreset, removing the sim-card, turning on/off "battery saver options" ... still that issue :crying:
Anyone has an idea?
I've flashed with a cooked rom (xda-devs Omnia7 Tango V4.0)
my current config :
OS version : 7.10.8779.8
hard version :
soft radio version : 2424.11.7.2
hard radio version :
loader version :
SOC version :
Thanks to any ideas, because that problem is killing me
my phone started doing this late last night too! i thorght it was because rain had gone into the power socket but if others are having same problem at the same time maybe not?
has your phone been exposed to water at all recently? is your phone jailbroken? cant realy think of other reasons
the problem stops when the phone is plugged in. is there anything that can trick the phone to thinking it is on charge? I have wphtweaks installed but the options there are not able to stop it
I can't remember if my phone has been wet :/ I take care, so my phone never received water. But when I'm outside, under the rain, it's possible.
Today it was better, just a few times my phone wakes up alone.
I'll give you feedback in the next days. Let me know about yours
I managed to trick my phone into silence a few times earlier but it was difficult and then only lasted 5-10 minutes.
if yours didnt get wet it seems unlikely to do with water but I left mine ontop of the aga after removing the battery and over a relativly cool part. A few hours later and it seems to be working fine now.
I will report back if the issue arises again.
EDIT: Ahhhh!! STOP THE RINGING!!! started again this morning
Mine too !
This morning ... the ringing awakening problem !!!!!
But it was better this afternoon.
Really I don't know what happens.
Are we only two persons in the xda world with this problem????
this is realy weird now! mine was doing it in the morning but since about 12pm - 1pm it has been fine! I feel like its something to do with an installed homebrew app maybe.
I also have a custom rom but mine was flashed a long time ago and much older than yours. not sure which version
EDIT (1:10pm GMT): no problems since yesterday
EDIT2 (1:30pm GMT): again i spoke too soon!
Did you guys get this problem sorted out? Had the same problem recently and tried all the suggestions in other threads (bend USB pin, Reset/Restore Device etc) but nothing fixed it, so after being woken at 3am by constant charging tone, took to T-Mobile shop. They said it was a software problem. I said I'd tried all that and the most likely cause I'd seen on the internet was a duff USB port.
Anyway, T-Mobile sent it off for repair and 7 days later - returned and fixed. The repair sheet said software upgrade, but the phone had been reset to bog standard Phone 7, so unlikely. The T-Mobile repair tracking site (excellent) which shows blow-by-blow trace of what and where, showed initial software upgrade/no fix but I used their "contact us" facility to suggest a USB problem and by magic the repair tracking log showed a replacement USB port.
BTW - had to resort to an iphone and HTC android while Omnia was off for repair. Now I know why I like Phone 7 and can't wait for 8. The iphone GUI is so last decade and Android GUI is really just a copy of Windows 6.5 with XDA developers' tweaks isn't it.
Hi Wuzzok,
what do you mean by "bend USB pin" ?
Anyway, it seems like it's finished for me. I didn't get tht strange bug (soft/hard bug???) for a very long time. I just hope it's really over !
Same problem
Hi Folks,
I have the same problem, too. Yesterday afternoon on my way home the phone started ringing with the USB plug sound and always started up itself from standby mode.
As I have a custom ROM (mi7ROM) I first thought it could be a problem with the ROM - although I could not really believe it since it was running stable for months now. I flashed it again and nothing changed - still ringing and starting up itself
I managed to get rid of the sound by deleting the entry in the registry key "Local Machine\Current User\ControlPanel\Sounds\BatteryCharging\Sound" but that does not solve the real problem.
After reading here and in some other WP7 blogs I am sure that this is a hardware problem with the USB plug unit. As my phone is just 11 months old I opened an online ticket at "SAMSUNG online repair service" who promise to answer in the next 24 hours. So I just have to wait and see...
actual state
neutom said:
Hi Folks,
I have the same problem, too. Yesterday afternoon on my way home the phone started ringing with the USB plug sound and always started up itself from standby mode.
As I have a custom ROM (mi7ROM) I first thought it could be a problem with the ROM - although I could not really believe it since it was running stable for months now. I flashed it again and nothing changed - still ringing and starting up itself
I managed to get rid of the sound by deleting the entry in the registry key "Local Machine\Current User\ControlPanel\Sounds\BatteryCharging\Sound" but that does not solve the real problem.
After reading here and in some other WP7 blogs I am sure that this is a hardware problem with the USB plug unit. As my phone is just 11 months old I opened an online ticket at "SAMSUNG online repair service" who promise to answer in the next 24 hours. So I just have to wait and see...
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Samsung sent me an offer to send the phone in for repair - but what should I say, the problem solved itself. For two days now the phone works normal again. So I had to cancel the service call .
mine hasnt done it in a long time either. looks like its just a temporary thing. I wonder what caused it! For me it started after I was using my phone in the rain and the usb slide was open so thats my suspect.
You may be right. Mine is "quiet" now, since a long time. Water may be the cause.
Hi folks,
mine is mostly quiet again, too. Only few incidents "happen" but they do not last very long - only a few minutes. It's somehow spooky but I do not want to send it in to Samsung now when the error it not constantly reproducible.
I agree with you that there might be a correlation with humidity although I am sure that it did never get wet and I almost always keep the USB-shutter closed. Who knows ...
Sent it in
Finally I sent it in for repair today. It started ringing permananently two days ago...
Now I have to wait and see.
Final state
Okay, I received it back... and it works.
First they did nod find and could not reproduce the failure and wanted to send it back - only with a new flashed image - but fortunately the technician called me and I could describe the problem again. After waiting a few hours, the fault appeared again and they decided to change the mainboard.
I hope, that's all :laugh:
Me too it makes me after my omnia 7 is dropped in water, but problem solved.
Me too
WuzzoUK said:
Did you guys get this problem sorted out? Had the same problem recently and tried all the suggestions in other threads (bend USB pin, Reset/Restore Device etc) but nothing fixed it, so after being woken at 3am by constant charging tone, took to T-Mobile shop. They said it was a software problem. I said I'd tried all that and the most likely cause I'd seen on the internet was a duff USB port.
Anyway, T-Mobile sent it off for repair and 7 days later - returned and fixed. The repair sheet said software upgrade, but the phone had been reset to bog standard Phone 7, so unlikely. The T-Mobile repair tracking site (excellent) which shows blow-by-blow trace of what and where, showed initial software upgrade/no fix but I used their "contact us" facility to suggest a USB problem and by magic the repair tracking log showed a replacement USB port.
BTW - had to resort to an iphone and HTC android while Omnia was off for repair. Now I know why I like Phone 7 and can't wait for 8. The iphone GUI is so last decade and Android GUI is really just a copy of Windows 6.5 with XDA developers' tweaks isn't it.
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Are you really sure that the problem is USB port.. Mine too behave like this. I've tried to remove battery, factory reseting, reflashing ROM. But nothing works. Mine is Samsung focus
post to remove
