Lollipop for s5 in UK. - Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

How come I have not received an update ota yet. I am unlocked but with ee.

a look on shows that EE haven't released their firmware yet, I've seen vodafone, O2 and unbranded so far.

felixthecat said:
How come I have not received an update ota yet. I am unlocked but with ee.
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Id read a few threads about the lollipop update before jumping in, I wish I'd waited now

Are there problems with it then. If the phone is unlocked can I use unbranded

Of course you can use the unbranded rom on a unlocked phone.
In fact you can use the unbranded rom on a locked phone.

Got it yesterday . It's nice

Had it for a few days and I wish I could write some positive words but unfortunately that's not the case. Lag and battery drain have been my two main issues. I wish I had waited


Reliable site for unlocking SGS

Since unlocking SGS is legal, through a Samsung server (so I understood) I kindly ask you to recommend me a reliable site for this kind of service. I ordered the unlock code through and even if they had good reviews on www, they seem to be disappeared.
Thank you.
there are currently no unlocking for SGS, because the international i9000 version comes unlocked from factory.
only the USA/Canada versions are locked, and those are not available to be unlocked yet
I have heard that if you update your phone through kies, it gets unlocked?
i doubt it, that will defeat the purpose to be locked
I believe it can still be SIM-locked by carriers though. Mine is supplied by T-Mobile UK and asks for an unlock code if I put an old Orange SIM in it.
Note that I have no problems flashing ROMs on it though.
Yeah this true I'm on t mobile uk and I thought if flashed new firmware it would lock my phone but it didn't so your ok to flash new firmware
Mithent said:
I believe it can still be SIM-locked by carriers though. Mine is supplied by T-Mobile UK and asks for an unlock code if I put an old Orange SIM in it.
Note that I have no problems flashing ROMs on it though.
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AllGamer said:
there are currently no unlocking for SGS, because the international i9000 version comes unlocked from factory.
only the USA/Canada versions are locked, and those are not available to be unlocked yet
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Mithent said:
I believe it can still be SIM-locked by carriers though. Mine is supplied by T-Mobile UK and asks for an unlock code if I put an old Orange SIM in it.
Note that I have no problems flashing ROMs on it though.
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Yes, I was refering to SIM-lock. Mine is locked on Orange Romania.
I can live with this if I would be able to update firmware, flashing ROMs and other stuff.
Should I dare flashing ROMs? By now I rooted it and applied a lagfix and I had no problems.
I updated firmware to I9000XXJP3. Everything looks ok for the moment
that is an alpha build of froyo AFAIK
the latest stable and fast firmwares are JH2 and JH1 for some other areas
my precious is european. should I use JP2?

Fimware query

Hi guys,
I am considering Buying what of these phones as the idea of a joypad for a mobile is awesome, just got one question:
I'll be buying this imported (as its way cheaper) so more then likely it will have Hong Kong (Asia) firmware on there "stock Rom" for this? i had a HTC desire HD that i managed to get back to worldwide firmware myself (after 2 weeks of research) so I was wondering if the same thing is possible with the Xperia play?
I don't wanna buy one and be stuck on another counties firmware.
any tips/help would be awesome
Thanks guys
Dougan636 said:
Hi guys,
I am considering Buying what of these phones as the idea of a joypad for a mobile is awesome, just got one question:
I'll be buying this imported (as its way cheaper) so more then likely it will have Hong Kong (Asia) firmware on there "stock Rom" for this? i had a HTC desire HD that i managed to get back to worldwide firmware myself (after 2 weeks of research) so I was wondering if the same thing is possible with the Xperia play?
I don't wanna buy one and be stuck on another counties firmware.
any tips/help would be awesome
Thanks guys
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You should be able to flash the UK generic firmware on it using flash tool. After that you could root it using Gingerbreak, update it to 2.3.3 and remove the bloat.
All without unlocking your boot loader, too. Unless you just want to, that is.
adb shove iPad2post.apk to /forum/thread
I'm looking moreso towards an aussie firmware, since my mobile provider would be a 3rd party of optus, I dont mind having optus bloatware on there. if theres aussie genric firmware, i would more then happy to have that over a worldwide firmware?
Dougan636 said:
I'm looking moreso towards an aussie firmware, since my mobile provider would be a 3rd party of optus, I dont mind having optus bloatware on there. if theres aussie genric firmware, i would more then happy to have that over a worldwide firmware?
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I don't know of an Australian FW, but there could be one. Most go for the UK generic because of being able to root then update to 2.3.3 without losing root. You'll need to unless you plan on installing everything on the SD card.
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im not too fussed about it being unlocked...i jsut want a firmware i can easily upgrade ( offical is what im looking for) that supports OTA updates too. its not really breaking any laws if its still the offical firmware suited for the device...any clue where i should start looking for rom guides and files? best to be prepared for when i get the phone!
I would just go with the uk generic. So far when it has come to updates the uk firmware has been one of the first to get the updates.
If you got an aussie firmware with optus bloatware on you would have to wait till optus ok's the update before you get it (god knows how long that would take?). Alot of people got the update weeks later because they had carrier branded software vs people who just have the generic software.
People from usa have even flashed the uk firmware (to get updates quicker) and there has not been any problems. If your phone is sim free it will not make a difference which software is on it.
Follow the steps here to get the uk generic + root with a locked bootloader. Once you have flashed the uk firmware all your future updates will automatically come from the uk.

official tango push out--anyone got it yet?

dell pushed out the update for unlocked DVP. has any tmo and att branded phone users got the update officially yet?
edit: DVP only.
If dell really did push out tango for the VP, could anyone updating please download and run fidder while doing so to capture the URLs?
Assuming there's new firmware bundles or any new cabs
I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for these updates to roll out on AT&T and T-Mobile. People had torches and pitchforks waiting for the official Mango updates to roll out. Now, with Tango, an update which is primarily meant to limit features on brand new low-end handsets sold outside the U.S., the demand is much lower, and it will be a low priority for the carriers.
I used the cabsender method for all three post-7720 updates, and it worked fine. Knowing that the WP7.8 update cabs will be posted here long before the U.S. carriers' rollout informed my decision to keep installing via cabsender.
TheManii said:
If dell really did push out tango for the VP, could anyone updating please download and run fidder while doing so to capture the URLs?
Assuming there's new firmware bundles or any new cabs
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Looks like the firmware version is the same for unbranded DVPs after Tango update and before the update... don't think there's a fw update unfortunately. Wouldn't mind knowing the URLs to confirm cabs are the ones we already know though
I'm mainly interested in the fw bundle cabs as we only have the TMO and ATT ones, the unbranded ones noone's bothered finding the urls for and noone is willing to downgrade and reupdate to find them.
Unfortunately it's not even 8779, the urls for 8773 are already known now
Dell + android definitely spoiled us as we can reasonably easily get the equivilent of FFUs for the majority of the roms (as that's how dell normally hands out android updates, as full flashes)
Hi All,
Just wanted to report that even though i did not get the Tango update pushed to my unlocked and unbranded Venue Pro, I was able to successfully use the force update method through Zune.
I updated to 8112 first, and then (using the force update again) to 8773.
zdravez said:
Hi All,
Just wanted to report that even though i did not get the Tango update pushed to my unlocked and unbranded Venue Pro, I was able to successfully use the force update method through Zune.
I updated to 8112 first, and then (using the force update again) to 8773.
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I didn't have to force an update on my unlocked DVP (was notified on the phone last night) though I did have to run update twice. First time it updated to 8112 and after the phone rebooted I received another update notice and updated to 8773
got an official tango update 2 weeks or more ago on my unlocked dell venue pro. im in the UK on the o2 network (the network does not matter as i bought it sim free unlocked from the dell website). not sure why other people with unlocked phones are not getting the update?
Ganondolf said:
got an official tango update 2 weeks or more ago on my unlocked dell venue pro. im in the UK on the o2 network (the network does not matter as i bought it sim free unlocked from the dell website). not sure why other people with unlocked phones are not getting the update?
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I am in USA on ATT, may be this is the reason why i did not get the update pushed to my phone... i bought my dvp from dell too...
The network itself doesnt matter, but what carrier firmware bundle you have installed.
AFAIK the only variations are:
EU Unlocked
US Unlocked
If someone had an unupdated EU or US unlocked device and got us the Unlocked firmware bundles, you could turn the TMO one into an unlocked one.
(By unlocked it has nothing to do with sim locking, it's simply the name of #1 and #2, they're generic bundles not customized for any carrier)
I have EU unlocked device and recieve official update 8773 a one week ago. Nothing visible changes thought... Waiting for 7.8! )
Igoran said:
I have EU unlocked device and recieve official update 8773 a one week ago. Nothing visible changes thought... Waiting for 7.8! )
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Same here in Portugal.
Let's see what the 7.8 upgrade will bring!
My wife's DVP is on T-Mobile USA. Got a notification this morning (7/5/2012) that an update was available. It updated twice and after that it appeared to be on 7.10.8773.98
cyberstoic said:
My wife's DVP is on T-Mobile USA. Got a notification this morning (7/5/2012) that an update was available. It updated twice and after that it appeared to be on 7.10.8773.98
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Wait, what? Your post is for August but you mentioned a July date...
If T-Mobile is finally rolling out Tango for locked DVPs, that would be awesome.

Debrand Your Samsung Galaxy S6 [GUIDE]

This tutorial will help uk samsung galaxy s6 owners to debrand the S6 if locked to a network it will also get rid of all the network carrier bloatware and the good thing about this it will then allow you to get OTA Updates Quicker because u wont need to wait for your carrier to test the firmare before rolling it out Enjoy
Wouldn't this trip the flash counter which would also mean losing your 2 year warranty?
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Cybermax93 said:
Wouldn't this trip the flash counter which would also mean losing your 2 year warranty?
Sent from my SM-G920F using XDA Free mobile app
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I believe since you're flashing official firmware, it won't be tripped. I bought an S6 from Germany and flashed with 3 UK firmware and can confirm my KNOX counter hasn't tripped.
Japultra said:
I believe since you're flashing official firmware, it won't be tripped. I bought an S6 from Germany and flashed with 3 UK firmware and can confirm my KNOX counter hasn't tripped.
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I've skimmed through the tutorial video and it doesn't seem to have tripped Knox.
I'm looking to switch my s6 from TEL (Telstra AU) to XSA (Open AU).
Has anyone else tried to do this?
will this work with an att s6
samdroid711 said:
I've skimmed through the tutorial video and it doesn't seem to have tripped Knox.
I'm looking to switch my s6 from TEL (Telstra AU) to XSA (Open AU).
Has anyone else tried to do this?
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I just did it with the Optus S6. Worked perfectly.
Can't find firmware for US
I'm on a T-Mobile Galaxy S6 right now. I want to follow your tutorial, even if I am in the US should I use the UK firmware model you used in the video? Is there a special international unlocked firmware for the US version (like there is one for Spain, for UK, etc).
Also, if the UK model will work on my T-Mobile phone in the US, will I suffer battery hits because the phone will be looking for UK bands or will it recognize that I'm in the US and will only look for the US bands? Thanks!!
madscientistdam said:
This tutorial will help uk samsung galaxy s6 owners to debrand the S6 if locked to a network it will also get rid of all the network carrier bloatware and the good thing about this it will then allow you to get OTA Updates Quicker because u wont need to wait for your carrier to test the firmare before rolling it out Enjoy
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thanks for making it but a quick written guide is much faster
Georgules said:
I'm on a T-Mobile Galaxy S6 right now. I want to follow your tutorial, even if I am in the US should I use the UK firmware model you used in the video? Is there a special international unlocked firmware for the US version (like there is one for Spain, for UK, etc).
Also, if the UK model will work on my T-Mobile phone in the US, will I suffer battery hits because the phone will be looking for UK bands or will it recognize that I'm in the US and will only look for the US bands? Thanks!!
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It would look for bands based on the SIM I believe, but whether you can flash another region ROM is questionable. I thought there was something to prevent that, but I'm new to Samsung. I'm also curious if this will work. If it does, I'll just purchase an AT&T version as opposed to an unlocked one and then use this process.
bugsy said:
It would look for bands based on the SIM I believe, but whether you can flash another region ROM is questionable. I thought there was something to prevent that, but I'm new to Samsung. I'm also curious if this will work. If it does, I'll just purchase an AT&T version as opposed to an unlocked one and then use this process.
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Well the BTU model has always meant internationally unlocked in terms of Samsung devices, so hopefully this will work. I'm trying to flash it on my T-Mobile device and then rooting it. Does anybody have any idea how to change the model number of the phone to BTU as well so I can get OTA updates?
Looks like there is another BTU build added to the sammobile site wonder if anyone will receive a ota?
Received an ota this morning guys, and it was the new build I posted above this post.
Just did this to my Vodafone AU S6 and it worked a treat. Also got an OTA update after a couple of reboots. Knox is still intact. Should work for other Aussie telco phones. Fixed my random freeze's and reboots that where happening flat out at one stage.
*Update- still getting random lockups, even after setting up as a new phone (using no backup). Flash went fine though...
Question. Would this be good for an Ireland Three carrier S6?
Debrand an American S6 Edge (Verizon) for use in Germany
You write in your video tutorial that you don’t suggest it for American smartphones. I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge from America (Verizon branded, firmware: G925VVRU4BOG9) and want to use it in Germany. So far, I have some annoying limitations (I can’t send text messages and I can’t roam). Do you – or anyone else reading this – have a hint or even a little tutorial for me? I’m so annoyed as neither Samsung nor Verizon or my German SIM card provider FONIC offers me support. The phone was a present from an American friend. So I’m not the original customer. I guess that’s one reason they don’t help. Whatever: I’ll appreciate your help! Thanks…
xkenikax said:
You write in your video tutorial that you don’t suggest it for American smartphones. I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge from America (Verizon branded, firmware: G925VVRU4BOG9) and want to use it in Germany. So far, I have some annoying limitations (I can’t send text messages and I can’t roam). Do you – or anyone else reading this – have a hint or even a little tutorial for me? I’m so annoyed as neither Samsung nor Verizon or my German SIM card provider FONIC offers me support. The phone was a present from an American friend. So I’m not the original customer. I guess that’s one reason they don’t help. Whatever: I’ll appreciate your help! Thanks…
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Just try the tutorial, you don't have a working phone right now, the worst that could happen is a hard brick
godutch said:
Just try the tutorial, you don't have a working phone right now, the worst that could happen is a hard brick
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And a hard brick is exactly what I don’t want to risk…
this I assume only works on the International 920F version of these phone, you can flash most any region on these (hence international is your first clue), this does not however work on the (American Carrier) branded phones like Sprint, ATT, Verizon, US Cellular ect ect , these are I am told firmware specific, I tried flashing T-Mobile firmware on a sprint phone and brick city, I mean even sprint could not get it back up flashing sprint firmware with their jig... so beware. U.S. Based Carriers got you under their thumb.
Hi just bought s6 edge on vodafone uk, firmware ver.5.1.1 G925FXXU3QOKN is there any chance to get it debranded.I was think to flash BTU one that safe and csc will be changed to BTU.I see lot debrand was done with firmware change from 5.0.2 to 5.1.1. is that thesame story 5.1-5.1
pwamik said:
Hi just bought s6 edge on vodafone uk, firmware ver.5.1.1 G925FXXU3QOKN is there any chance to get it debranded.I was think to flash BTU one that safe and csc will be changed to BTU.I see lot debrand was done with firmware change from 5.0.2 to 5.1.1. is that thesame story 5.1-5.1
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Hi, did you proceeded through the debranding?
I'm also on the same firmware and want to flash a BTU one and just wanted to know if you succeed !


I'm sick of waiting for firmware updates for official EE firmware, BTU has had 2 since EE's firmware was last updated and that's not including the Nougat beta updates.
Has anyone got VoLTE working on EE using BTU firmware?
Works on Nougat beta, BTU, UK EE, wifi calling too
liamstears said:
Works on Nougat beta, BTU, UK EE, wifi calling too
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In the latest beta volte does not work. Samsung disabled it becuase ee does not want people with unbranded phones or phones which have not been purchased from them directly to have the volte feature.
amar95353 said:
In the latest beta volte does not work. Samsung disabled it becuase ee does not want people with unbranded phones or phones which have not been purchased from them directly to have the volte feature.
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Really? That's disgusting behaviour on behalf of EE. When the S8 comes out i'll only be one year into a two year contract so will probably end up buying it outright in which case it will be unbranded and if I can't use VoLTE i'll be seriously pissed off.
chipxtreme said:
Really? That's disgusting behaviour on behalf of EE. When the S8 comes out i'll only be one year into a two year contract so will probably end up buying it outright in which case it will be unbranded and if I can't use VoLTE i'll be seriously pissed off.
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I'll be in the same boat. I always buy my phones outright and use a sim only contract I hope EE change their decision because in the week I had volte available to me in the android n beta it made a huge difference. The call was clearer and I could still search the web at full 4g Speed.
I assume right now, if you flash the s7 edge within EE firmware from sam mobile volte works fine ?
I'm on btu right now, tried the nougat beta and on beta 2 volte works fine on EE, but since beta 3 and beta 4 they stopped it.
So I'm thinking of flashing EE firmware.
I use BTU firmware with my original EE CSC and I have VoLTE working fine
How can you check it's working Fine? I got my phone from carphone warehouse. Sim free and no volte settings?
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You need to have the EE firmware installed as far as I can tell. Only devices purchased directly from EE have the feature available.
StevenAFC said:
You need to have the EE firmware installed as far as I can tell. Only devices purchased directly from EE have the feature available.
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can you flash from BTU to EE firmware and have it working?
OK I know it's taken a while, but for no reason and without me changing any settings, a VOLTE icon has just appeared on my top notification bar. I am running BTU which was flashed when I first bought the phone (SM-G935FD model) CSC changed as well, had a few OTA updates including the Nougat 7.0 January Security Build. I am on EE btw. I still can't find any settings to switch it on or off, but at least I have it now.
TraumaTiger said:
OK I know it's taken a while, but for no reason and without me changing any settings, a VOLTE icon has just appeared on my top notification bar. I am running BTU which was flashed when I first bought the phone (SM-G935FD model) CSC changed as well, had a few OTA updates including the Nougat 7.0 January Security Build. I am on EE btw. I still can't find any settings to switch it on or off, but at least I have it now.
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What is your CSC in phone info?
There you go guys. Tested. working perfectly
is this still valid if i have LATEST FIRMWARE draa?
