T-Mobile service sucks!!! - T-Mobile Galaxy Note 4 General

I do not know about the rest of you, but for me the service sucks. Constant dropped calls at $60 a month is uncalled for. I never have this issue with straight talk AT&T service. So for $15 less a month for the same 3gig of data, straight talk knocks T-Mobile out of the park.
How is the service for the rest of you? Do you get random dropped calls as well? I am personally very disappointing in the lack of quality service through such a large carrier like T-Mobile.

Service is perfect for me. Did you turn off voLTE? That's been the most common cause for dropped calls.

strider5236 said:
I do not know about the rest of you, but for me the service sucks. Constant dropped calls at $60 a month is uncalled for. I never have this issue with straight talk AT&T service. So for $15 less a month for the same 3gig of data, straight talk knocks T-Mobile out of the park.
How is the service for the rest of you? Do you get random dropped calls as well? I am personally very disappointing in the lack of quality service through such a large carrier like T-Mobile.
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I switched from AT&T. The only service issue I have had is slightly slower 4G LTE speeds.
Other than that, I am really loving it. TBH, it doesn't impair me at all. My texts come through fine, e-mails sync quickly. If I want super high speed web I connect to WIFI. Typically my speeds are around 20MB Down/5UP. Plenty fast for a cell phone internet connection for me.

pierrekid said:
Service is perfect for me. Did you turn off voLTE? That's been the most common cause for dropped calls.
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How do I go about doing that?

Go to call settings and the option to untick should be there
---------- Post added at 04:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 PM ----------
Call settings from dial pad

pierrekid said:
Go to call settings and the option to untick should be there
---------- Post added at 04:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 PM ----------
Call settings from dial pad
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Got it disabled now. We will see if that fixes it. That would be my only gripe about the service, next to the price that is. I still think charging $60 for 3gigs of service is ridiculous considering straight talk and net10 both offer $45 a month for the same service. You would think that T-Mobile having more customer base would be more competitive, but that's greed for ya.

So my ? Is this. Before you got this service did you check coverage map for your area. Why did you leave straight talk? By me everything you speak of is at&t. Only 2 options for long island with great coverage is Tmobile and Verizon

Not to be kissing tmobile's a**, but dude the service has never been better.
F what you heard.
I'm in Austin and you can see the towers going up.
I'm in the sticks. Bad in the sticks.
Never had better service.
Had 1 bar sometimes with my s4. Same suburban apartment.
The new towers and flagship phones love each other.

Just because have great service in your area, it doesn't mean ours will. T mobile is either really good or really bad in some areas

But they are putting up more towers everywhere.
Do you have a cellular repeater?

Hollywood. In the car on the way to Grandma's house:

So my ? Is this. Before you got this service did you check coverage map for your area. Why did you leave straight talk? By me everything you speak of is at&t. Only 2 options for long island with great coverage is Tmobile and Verizon
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T-Mobile has good coverage for the most part, but still drops my calls. I have good data speed so not sure why that is. I dropped the voLTE as suggested by others. Did not even know that was there. Have not made a call since, so not sure if that fixed it or not. I switched cause I wanted the phone. But T-Mobile has a scam going that if you want the unlock code, you need to be on there service for two months before they will grace you with an unlock code. Even though I paid 900 bucks for this damm thing out the door, they still want more! So on principle alone, I dislike T-Mobile. Not to mention they charge 15 bucks more a month for the same exact service as straight talk does. But straight talk actually has a better signal then T-Mobile ever gets around here. So again, I am just blown away by their greedy attitude and practice that it has left a bad taste in my mouth. I see no justification in the amount they charge for their service.

But, it's so much cheaper than Verizon or att.
Is straightalk the service from Walmart?
---------- Post added at 03:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 AM ----------
If so, couldn't you cancel your tmobile contract and hook back up with straight talk.
I'm paying like 50 a month for unlimited everything at tmobile.

Here in South FL, service is great compared to what I was used to (Sprint). Tops I got on their LTE(supposedly Spark) was 20 down and 5 up. Getting 50 down and 25 up with T-Mobile in same spot. I have LTE in areas where I could barely get 3G with Sprint (namely my house or really anywhere in my neighborhood, which was also supposedly in a "Spark" area).
Haven't had any dropped calls yet. On top of that, I'm also saving over $100/month, so I can't complain

strider5236 said:
But T-Mobile has a scam going that if you want the unlock code, you need to be on there service for two months before they will grace you with an unlock code. Even though I paid 900 bucks for this damm thing out the door, they still want more!
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I got 2 lines that are on the payment plan, I called CS and I got the unlock codes immediately.
It was 3 days after I set up the account, they emailed them to me instantly.
also, they have a 50 dollar per line, minimum 2 lines now for 50 dollars each, which includes unlimited talk text and data.

So my ? Is this. Before you got this service did you check coverage map for your area. Why did you leave straight talk? By me everything you speak of is at&t. Only 2 options for long island with great coverage is Tmobile and Verizon
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Long Island? Maybe Verizon but not T-Mobile.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The map

Android_Monsters said:
The map
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When you will drive and talk here then we will talk about the service.

Karakoram2 said:
Not to be kissing tmobile's a**, but dude the service has never been better.
F what you heard.
I'm in Austin and you can see the towers going up.
I'm in the sticks. Bad in the sticks.
Never had better service.
Had 1 bar sometimes with my s4. Same suburban apartment.
The new towers and flagship phones love each other.
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Yeah man they just went live with the new lte in your area. I also think you can get the Google internet in that area . 900 mb downloads. Sick
---------- Post added at 03:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 AM ----------
Yakuzahi said:
Long Island? Maybe Verizon but not T-Mobile.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Never had a drop call due to bad service.
Android_Monsters said:
The map
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The map is accurate. Great service here except in east quoge. My boys house had dead zone but WiFi calling takes care of that.

If WiFi calling does not work for you (like me) you can fight them for a cellfi mini tower. Dont do the myspot thing, that is simply wifi calling with a dedicated base. The celfi tower works by being placed somewhere in the house where you get a tiny bit of 4G and then rebroadcasting it through the house to another reciever placed at the other end.
I just bought this house in seattle, had about 1mpbs with 1 4g bar in my living room. Now I have full 4G 25+mbps in the house.
it is free, however, they will charge like 600$ if you dont return it when you are done


Sprints coverage maps

Anyone notice sprints new coverage maps?
Seems better than verizon lol
churro7 said:
Seems better than verizon lol
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Why does that make you laugh?
Yeah why are you laughing lol
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
looks better than verizon but not by much..since when did it change..last time i looked they barely had coverage
Coverage maps are estimations which really have no basis in reality.
Easily manipulated (like a few years ago with Verizon vs At&t where the maps used were not even close to accurate).
Talking about the Sprint.com/Coverage map? Because the Voice section doesn't differentiate between roaming and not.
Evilsj said:
Talking about the Sprint.com/Coverage map? Because the Voice section doesn't differentiate between roaming and not.
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Yeah, it seems like Sprint finally figured out that the best way to sell their service is to lie like everyone else has been for years.
it only differentiates between roaming when zoomed in
mattykinsx said:
Yeah, it seems like Sprint finally figured out that the best way to sell their service is to lie like everyone else has been for years.
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yeah thats what i figured when I noticed I didnt see any roaming..every little thing sprint does now gets put under the microscope
This is actually an interesting topic because over the weekend I got a call from Sprint saying I live in a 100% roaming area and if my roaming usage doesn't get under 80%, they are force closing my account and waive ETF. The agent had me pull up their coverage map and come to find out I live 25 miles outside of sprints coverage network. I've only been with them going on three months now. And the store that I started my service at in my home town is getting "reported" for sale to an "out of network coverage customer". I just left the faschist nazi regime of AT&T to be able to actually afford to have a smart phone that I can actually use without being charged for going over my data limit. Now I'm being kicked from the company that has the perfect plan for my needs and go back to AT&T and go to the 2G limit cap data plan and pay $30 more a month then I am paying now as well. Verizon would cost me $55 more a month then what I pay now and I'm in roaming for them too. I'm basically stuck with AT&T now. And they dint have a single phone I would want either.
cev2387 said:
This is actually an interesting topic because over the weekend I got a call from Sprint saying I live in a 100% roaming area and if my roaming usage doesn't get under 80%, they are force closing my account and waive ETF. The agent had me pull up their coverage map and come to find out I live 25 miles outside of sprints coverage network. I've only been with them going on three months now. And the store that I started my service at in my home town is getting "reported" for sale to an "out of network coverage customer". I just left the faschist nazi regime of AT&T to be able to actually afford to have a smart phone that I can actually use without being charged for going over my data limit. Now I'm being kicked from the company that has the perfect plan for my needs and go back to AT&T and go to the 2G limit cap data plan and pay $30 more a month then I am paying now as well. Verizon would cost me $55 more a month then what I pay now and I'm in roaming for them too. I'm basically stuck with AT&T now. And they dint have a single phone I would want either.
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What about tmobile also if u get a airrave u could plug it in n u wouldn't be roaming at your house
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
ckoadiyn said:
What about tmobile also if u get a airrave u could plug it in n u wouldn't be roaming at your house
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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I'm in the same boat, except I recently moved two miles outside the coverage area. They wouldn't do anything for me, including an airave. So, when at home, the old lady and I turn roaming off. We bought an Obi110 and set it up through google voice. So both our cell phone calls ring our VOIP phone, and texts come to our cells through our wifi.
cev2387 said:
This is actually an interesting topic because over the weekend I got a call from Sprint saying I live in a 100% roaming area and if my roaming usage doesn't get under 80%, they are force closing my account and waive ETF. The agent had me pull up their coverage map and come to find out I live 25 miles outside of sprints coverage network. I've only been with them going on three months now. And the store that I started my service at in my home town is getting "reported" for sale to an "out of network coverage customer". I just left the faschist nazi regime of AT&T to be able to actually afford to have a smart phone that I can actually use without being charged for going over my data limit. Now I'm being kicked from the company that has the perfect plan for my needs and go back to AT&T and go to the 2G limit cap data plan and pay $30 more a month then I am paying now as well. Verizon would cost me $55 more a month then what I pay now and I'm in roaming for them too. I'm basically stuck with AT&T now. And they dint have a single phone I would want either.
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When you go shopping in a coverage area, leave your phone in the car and stream high bitrate music to get your in network usage over 20%
cev2387 said:
This is actually an interesting topic because over the weekend I got a call from Sprint saying I live in a 100% roaming area and if my roaming usage doesn't get under 80%, they are force closing my account and waive ETF. The agent had me pull up their coverage map and come to find out I live 25 miles outside of sprints coverage network. I've only been with them going on three months now. And the store that I started my service at in my home town is getting "reported" for sale to an "out of network coverage customer". I just left the faschist nazi regime of AT&T to be able to actually afford to have a smart phone that I can actually use without being charged for going over my data limit. Now I'm being kicked from the company that has the perfect plan for my needs and go back to AT&T and go to the 2G limit cap data plan and pay $30 more a month then I am paying now as well. Verizon would cost me $55 more a month then what I pay now and I'm in roaming for them too. I'm basically stuck with AT&T now. And they dint have a single phone I would want either.
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Dude, that sucks.
mattykinsx said:
Yeah, it seems like Sprint finally figured out that the best way to sell their service is to lie like everyone else has been for years.
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What company doesn't lie? You can tell just by watching the commercials. Everyone company says their better than their competitors, that's just the way it is.
Problem is the roaming agreements. After "buying up" all the mom and pop local companies over the years and Alltel, Verizon pretty much has 100% coverage on their own, thus do not have to rely on mutually beneficial roaming agreements with Sprint. Hence starting in 2011, it equates to 69 cents a minute charged back to Sprint from Verizon for every minute I roam (bend over sprint...Thanks, your friends @ Verizon.)
Note --- this is not made up, it is information shared with me from management at Sprint after I got "the letter" to where Sprint was demanding an end to our 12 year relationship....One of which I had been very happy with (and hold no ill will towards them -- I actually think Verizon is the evil one here.)
Just 2 bad I live more than 1 mile away from the interstate and Sprint has no incentive to install towers in lesser populated areas.
alero said:
I'm in the same boat, except I recently moved two miles outside the coverage area. They wouldn't do anything for me, including an airave. So, when at home, the old lady and I turn roaming off. We bought an Obi110 and set it up through google voice. So both our cell phone calls ring our VOIP phone, and texts come to our cells through our wifi.
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txt's use the 2g radio.. you don't need 3g or a wifi or 4g to get text messages.
txts arent going to raise your data usage in roaming. I don't think text's even count towards anything roaming since its just a few bytes of data it is so insignificant.
Exiled44 said:
What company doesn't lie? You can tell just by watching the commercials. Everyone company says their better than their competitors, that's just the way it is.
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I'm really sick of that response, with all due respect.
That is not an excuse to do something.
sog1971 said:
Problem is the roaming agreements. After "buying up" all the mom and pop local companies over the years and Alltel, Verizon pretty much has 100% coverage on their own, thus do not have to rely on mutually beneficial roaming agreements with Sprint. Hence starting in 2011, it equates to 69 cents a minute charged back to Sprint from Verizon for every minute I roam (bend over sprint...Thanks, your friends @ Verizon.)
Note --- this is not made up, it is information shared with me from management at Sprint after I got "the letter" to where Sprint was demanding an end to our 12 year relationship....One of which I had been very happy with (and hold no ill will towards them -- I actually think Verizon is the evil one here.)
Just 2 bad I live more than 1 mile away from the interstate and Sprint has no incentive to install towers in lesser populated areas.
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Verizon's voice network may cover a good portion of the country but their 3g doesn't cover as much as that map they used against At&t said.
Verizon roams on Cricket, Virgin, Sprint, Boost, and Metro towers as well.
cmsjr123 said:
txt's use the 2g radio.. you don't need 3g or a wifi or 4g to get text messages.
txts arent going to raise your data usage in roaming. I don't think text's even count towards anything roaming since its just a few bytes of data it is so insignificant.
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Huh? Texts do not use any data or any data radio.
Texts are over the cdma radio with voice.
You can turn data off and text.
wtf verizon roams?
churro7 said:
wtf verizon roams?
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Who has AT&T service? If so pop in please..

Im going to leave sprint and go to AT&T. Now Im new to AT&Ts phones, and I was wondering a few things.
1. How are the speeds in general? With sprint I'll usually pull only .500-.700 mb under 3g but 4g is 5+mb in a good area. Usually I cant get 4g though.
2. Im unsure on their phones, so which phone is the top contender now? Anything new coming out soon that I should wait for?
Thanks guys.
AT&T is pretty expensive, Im using it just because I get a discount. But if that doesnt bother you, I believe you will like the service compared to Sprint (depends on area)
•HSPA+ speeds range from 3 to 7mbps depending on area compared to the .2 to .8 I used to get on Sprint. Not to mention its LTE if u are covered where it ranged from 8 to 20mbps average where I live
•AT&T is notorious for getting most of the top phones, its gonna release the HTC One X, Skyrocket HD, Nokia Lumia 900 and HTC Titan 2 soon, but right now the top phone is the Galaxy Note LTE ImO.
Another good advantage is that its bands are compatible with the interational unlokced phones you can import so you get fast 3G / 4G speeds on its network unlike TMobile.
all in all, if price isnt an issue, you will like the choices and services from my experience
Best phones on AT&T are the note and if you don't want/care for LTE then the galaxy s 2. (not sky rocket)
I can get any were form 2Mb DL to 7MB DL on 3g and 8-12DL on H+ "4g".
You should try and buy a 2G iphone and get unlimited data first and then buy what ever phone you want.
P.S Why not verizon?
Hmm. Thanks guys.. 4ktvs any info on the 2g loophole?
Im paying 141 a mth on sprint for two lines with a discount of 24%. The speeds SUCK! WE have unlimited data etc, 1800 landline minutes and free mobile to mobile etc.
We ( being my fiance and I ) use 200 mins a mth, if that. I use around 2gb average a mth. the most Ive done was 2.9gb a mth. So AT&T is around the same price but way faster, given less data. I also have 700 mins shared, unlimited text/mobile to mobile.
I dont think verizon can do anything more for me, as their plans seem to be a bit more.
edit: Why the SGII Over the skyrocket version?
The Lumia 900 will reach att soon. Honestly, I can't see anything else you can't get elsewhere. My speeds are excellent though, on 3g I get 1.3 dl. It's dependant on your region though.
z33dev33l said:
The Lumia 900 will reach att soon. Honestly, I can't see anything else you can't get elsewhere. My speeds are excellent though, on 3g I get 1.3 dl. It's dependant on your region though.
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what do you mean by" I cant see anything else you cant get where?" Sprints speeds suck. So I need to go with someone else. Verizon seemed more expensive, AT&T is almost the same price, but less mins, less data but faster speeds.
Tmo, Im guessing is out of the picture and Verizon is known for charging a lot more than others.
Well, pretty much every other big ticket phone has a clone on the other networks. That can't be said about the lumia 900.
mroneeyedboh said:
Hmm. Thanks guys.. 4ktvs any info on the 2g loophole?
Im paying 141 a mth on sprint for two lines with a discount of 24%. The speeds SUCK! WE have unlimited data etc, 1800 landline minutes and free mobile to mobile etc.
We ( being my fiance and I ) use 200 mins a mth, if that. I use around 2gb average a mth. the most Ive done was 2.9gb a mth. So AT&T is around the same price but way faster, given less data. I also have 700 mins shared, unlimited text/mobile to mobile.
I dont think verizon can do anything more for me, as their plans seem to be a bit more.
edit: Why the SGII Over the skyrocket version?
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1) I am not 100% it works any more, but if you buy a iphone 2g and reset it to stock and put a sim in it to sign up for a plan with itunes, then unlimited data should be up there, if not try calling AT&T and tell them you got an iphone 2g and it needs the unlimited data plan to work right and update.
2)The non skyrocket has a better CPU. I have tryed both and I think you would likely like that one better and it cost less. The 900 won't come out for about 30 or so days, but if you can wait you may want to get one.
3) If you want a phone with 4gLTE then the note is better than the skyrocket.( the 1280x800 oled 5.3 vs 4.5 800x480. That is a lot lower rez)
If you are/can wait, then the 900 for 100 is not bad or what will likely be one of the best phones of the year the HTC ONE X would be a good pick and if you are/can wait, go for that one.( Is called the one x and I just called it the one. lol)
lolthanks man. I think I seen someone said they did it recently and it still worked.. I 'll look into the iphone 2g loop.
Lets bump this for the late night crew
T-Mobile has 2 lines unlimited everything for $100.I usually get about 23.mbps on 4g.
Sent from my Dell Streak 7
I would just say to try all the phones that you think you would like and pick it based on what it is now.
OP, my take here.
If you want speed, I guess ATT and Verizon are good choices.
Both are expensive.
Both are trying to rip us off.
Both have top-notch phones.
Verizon is well-known for coverage, better if not much better than ATT coverage.
Verizon has better LTE coverage. LTE means faster and also mean draining phone's battery faster. Take your choice.
Verizon utilizes the CDMA technology while ATT using GSM.
GSM => you can unlock and use with other GSM providers, especially handy when travel abroad.
GSM => you can talk AND surf at the same time, CMDA can't.
---------- Post added at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ----------
Also, I don't know about Verizon but ATT does have free mobile-to-mobile minutes so take advanced of it.
I agree..I have had Att and Verizon...for me Att had been better...the gsm feature itself is nice if you break your phone..pop the Sim on another phone and keep going...there customer service sucks but if you ask for the resolutions department...they will give you about anything to make you happy...hence my wifes skyrocket 6 months before upgrade was available
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA
I've had AT&T for about 6 years now, I've never had a problem with service, dropped calls, poor signal, etc.
They've never wowed me, but I've not had a single problem that I can recall. I think people just like to complain about stuff. Everyone I know hates whatever carrier they're on, so pick the phone you like best and go with it
votinh said:
OP, my take here.
If you want speed, I guess ATT and Verizon are good choices.
Both are expensive.
Both are trying to rip us off.
Both have top-notch phones.
Verizon is well-known for coverage, better if not much better than ATT coverage.
Verizon has better LTE coverage. LTE means faster and also mean draining phone's battery faster. Take your choice.
Verizon utilizes the CDMA technology while ATT using GSM.
GSM => you can unlock and use with other GSM providers, especially handy when travel abroad.
GSM => you can talk AND surf at the same time, CMDA can't.
---------- Post added at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ----------
Also, I don't know about Verizon but ATT does have free mobile-to-mobile minutes so take advanced of it.
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my cdma phone can talk and surf at same time. all newer phones on verizon seem to be coming out with this functionality. needless to say, I've never actually needed to use this feature so find no advantage with it.
... ... ...
On the Rezound you can talk and surf while on 3G as well.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW
votinh said:
OP, my take here.
If you want speed, I guess ATT and Verizon are good choices.
Both are expensive.
Both are trying to rip us off.
Both have top-notch phones.
Verizon is well-known for coverage, better if not much better than ATT coverage.
Verizon has better LTE coverage. LTE means faster and also mean draining phone's battery faster. Take your choice.
Verizon utilizes the CDMA technology while ATT using GSM.
GSM => you can unlock and use with other GSM providers, especially handy when travel abroad.
GSM => you can talk AND surf at the same time, CMDA can't.
---------- Post added at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ----------
Also, I don't know about Verizon but ATT does have free mobile-to-mobile minutes so take advanced of it.
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I heard AT&T are working on shared data plans for family plans. Instead of $30 every month for each phone that has a data plan, there will be a shared option in the near future. This will be pretty interesting.
It is really up to which carrier has the best coverage where you mainly reside. AT&T is pretty good since you have unlimited mobile to any mobile now. I barely tap into my 450 minutes and i have rollover minutes for days. I honestly say my choice came down to which one would be more economical but a better bang for my buck. AT&T ended up being that. 1. I don't pay for phone insurance because if our phones get stolen it would cost all of $25 dollars to get a cheap phone and a free replacement sim. To me being based on GSM is worth more. As far as internet speeds and all that I say it doesn't matter when it comes to our cell phones. The combination of chipsets and software.

Thinking about RAZR HD... how's big red?

How's the cost on Verizon's plan? I was wanting to go prepaid but lte and Verizon's amazing voice coverage is alluring. I can get a 12% discount through work... our att bill right now on 2 lines is around 120 per month. Should I do it?
2 lines on the new shared plan is about 120+ depending on how much data you want. I pay 160 for 2 lines and 6gbs. I'd do it, its worth it, coverage is awesome and lte speeds are better than my broadband
Youngunn2008 said:
How's the cost on Verizon's plan? I was wanting to go prepaid but lte and Verizon's amazing voice coverage is alluring. I can get a 12% discount through work... our att bill right now on 2 lines is around 120 per month. Should I do it?
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If you have a very saturated 4G availability with Verizon in your area, I would highly suggest it. I have found my pain with big red in areas where there is poor 4G coverage. An example would be a business trip to Salt Lake City for 2 weeks gave me the best experience with my Samsung Galaxy S3. But at home in Tennessee, my phone would give me a NO SIM error 50% of the time when trying to send a text or make a call, rendering my S3 useless. Waiting on an alternate replacement Razr HD now, just need to get one in stock. In the mean time, Verizon sent me a Nexus to use. Long story short, Verizon has treated me pretty well even with all the problems with the S3.
If there's not good 4g coverage, can you turn off 4g on your phone?
Your phone will automatically revert to 3g if you have no 4g signal.
Sent from my JB'd X2
Ironically I live in salt lake city so... Yeah.. Coverage here is amazing. Just last night my brother brought over his spanking new GS3 from sprint. Not only could he not get 4g in my basement, he couldn't get 3g, 1x or even phone service and missed an important call while we sat there. I popped open speed test on the maxx and my lte hit 18mbit. I laughed, he cried, it was good times to be had. He didn't think the $10/month he was saving was quite as appealing anymore.
I travel around the west a lot and anywhere I've been I always have the best reception of anyone I'm with unless they're also on Verizon. They're not perfect by any means but their coverage commercials are no lie.
Sent from my Droid RAZR HD MAXX using the XDA Developer App
---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------
Also there are apps to disable lte all together if you're in an area you know doesn't have it. Saves on battery if the radio isn't searching.
Sent from my Droid RAZR HD MAXX using the XDA Developer App
Zodwraith said:
Ironically I live in salt lake city so... Yeah.. Coverage here is amazing. Just last night my brother brought over his spanking new GS3 from sprint. Not only could he not get 4g in my basement, he couldn't get 3g, 1x or even phone service and missed an important call while we sat there. I popped open speed test on the maxx and my lte hit 18mbit. I laughed, he felt the fool, it was good times to be had. He didn't think the $10/month he was saving was quite as appealing anymore.
I travel around the west a lot and anywhere I've been I always have the best reception of anyone I'm with unless they're also on Verizon. They're not prefect by any means but their coverage commercials are no lie.
Sent from my Droid RAZR HD MAXX using the XDA Developer App
---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------
Also there are apps to disable lte all together if you're in an area you know doesn't have it. Saves on battery if the radio isn't searching.
Sent from my Droid RAZR HD MAXX using the XDA Developer App
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You guys are selling me. Lol
I just switched over to Verizon with an unlimited data plan and verizon is fast, a little expensive but the speed and coverage is awesome.
leyvatron said:
I just switched over to Verizon with an unlimited data plan and verizon is fast, a little expensive but the speed and coverage is awesome.
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The wife only used about 200 mb per month with att, me about 2 GB. With the 12% discount I can get through work I think I could get it to be pretty close to around 150 or less. I just hate contracts.
Youngunn2008 said:
The wife only used about 200 mb per month with att, me about 2 GB. With the 12% discount I can get through work I think I could get it to be pretty close to around 150 or less. I just hate contracts.
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Your data is not bad at all and should work well with a Verizon shared plan. Coverage is awesome and I wouldn't worry too much about the contract.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
The only worry is if you can hit 2GB per phone on 3g and you're in an area that does have good 4g you can get yourself into trouble really fast. It was worth the $650 for my maxx to keep the unlimited plan.
Sent from my Droid RAZR HD MAXX using the XDA Developer App
Since I have Sirius in the car, I decided against streaming music, and I rarely, if ever, need to stream movies or TV shows as I download decent quality versions of whatever before it's available for streaming... long story short, I don't use as much data as I thought I would. With wifi at home, or in any hotel I stay at for business, I am having a hard time hitting 1 gb of data used. So the bottom tier verizon plan works for me, at around $115 for two phones after my military discount. Your mileage may vary.
I looked at the 2 GB plan and two lines, it'd be about 115 a month after our employee discount not including taxes and fees. Which I'm sure there'll be about 15 bucks worth.

[Q] Net10/Straight talk/tracfone 1.5GB limit Starting March 1

Anyone else get this message today?
"Effective March 1, your ATT compatible SIM service will be limited to 1.5GB of data per 30 days. Visit www.net10data.com to learn more"
There's a post about it on Android Headlines:
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
This is the only major drawback to the mvnos. No contract means they can change stuff like this whenever they like.
This makes me glad I switched to T-Mobile's truly unlimited for just a few $ more per month. (work discount)
diablos991 said:
This makes me glad I switched to T-Mobile's truly unlimited for just a few $ more per month. (work discount)
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And I switched from TMO to net10 for att coverage at better prices. TMO coverage absolutely sux near me and even in NYC inside hotels when I travel for work. Much better with ATT.
1.5gb at $45/30 days (even cheaper like $42 on ebay with no tax) is still cheaper than almost all other MVNO's for ATT that i could find.
EDIT: Yeah just checked all ATT providers at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_mobile_virtual_network_operators and the cheapest I could find was $50 for 1gb.
And as tracfone owns net10/st I bet ST will be having this limit at some point. PLus I welcome the limit, as no "hidden" limit anymore and from net10data.com they actually say streaming video's/music. So now I won't be breaking the TOS.
---------- Post added at 07:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 PM ----------
n0kia916 said:
Anyone else get this message today?
"Effective March 1, your ATT compatible SIM service will be limited to 1.5GB of data per 30 days. Visit www.net10data.com to learn more"
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Yeah I saw this 5 days ago. Net10data.com was found otu by someone.
I think im going to get the at&t hotspot. 5gb for $50 and do a voice and messaging only plan on my phone. Maybe the $2 on the days you use it. The hotspot would cover my nexus4 and wifi only nexus7. Only drawback is i would have to pack the hotspot around everywhere with my phone.
Cy_n_ic said:
I think im going to get the at&t hotspot. 5gb for $50 and do a voice and messaging only plan on my phone. Maybe the $2 on the days you use it. The hotspot would cover my nexus4 and wifi only nexus7. Only drawback is i would have to pack the hotspot around everywhere with my phone.
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Yeah but how much is just a voice/sms plan with decent minutes?
I don't know sounds like too much trouble then it's worth. With wifi at home/work/friends/family, don't think i've ever reached 1gig in a month.
I know and it probably would be a giant hastle. But the hotspot would be my main source of data. I live in the country and can only get hughesnet satellite at home and im fed up with its restrictions and slow speeds. So i plan on getting a hotspot for home as my main source of internet anyways.
I do appreciate any suggestions or ideas. I just want a reasonable amount of data. I could have learned to live with 2gb but 1.5 is cutting it too close. Iv done about that much already this cycle and im being ultra conservative on usage.
Cy_n_ic said:
I know and it probably would be a giant hastle. But the hotspot would be my main source of data. I live in the country and can only get hughesnet satellite at home and im fed up with its restrictions and slow speeds. So i plan on getting a hotspot for home as my main source of internet anyways.
I do appreciate any suggestions or ideas. I just want a reasonable amount of data. I could have learned to live with 2gb but 1.5 is cutting it too close. Iv done about that much already this cycle and im being ultra conservative on usage.
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Dang how do you do internet? I'm lucky I live like between Albany and the country. I mean 5min from my house is the biggest buffalo farm in NY. Ton of corn/milk/etc farms near me, but only 10-12 min from Albany (NY that is). So still get cable internet (expensive, hate it, but yeah).
At least it's unlimited. I think I dl'd something like 300gb/month at home. Not sure I could go just cell.
I mean if that's you're ownly source of internet you may not have a choice. GL man, heard ATT even put a cap on the grandfathered unlimited plans so even if you could buy one of those from someone you'd prolly be screwed.
Yea its rediculous. 500mb a day for home internet is borderline retarded. If i dont set my PC up right i can blow through that just booting up. Things like syncing dropbox on startup is a no no.
Oh that's so lame! Guess I'll be switching to T-Mobile.

[Q] Best Options for Contract-Free in Chicago?

I'll be moving from Shanghai, China, to Chicago, IL, in three weeks. I'm working on figuring out all of the logistical aspects of my move, and one thing I need to sort out is my mobile carrier situation. The most talked about options I see are T-Mobile, ATT pre-paid, and Straight Talk (I might be missing some other options). I've been reading through many threads trying to get information, and I've seen a lot of conflicting information. I think a lot of it comes from people having different needs and priorities. Anyway, I'd like some clarity and some suggestions.
I'm looking for a good deal, but I also want excellent, reliable service. I use almost no minutes. I text some. My primary resource is data. I ported my number to Google Voice when I moved to China, so I am very comfortable using that as my primary method of communicating, along with Hangouts and Whatsapp. I'll also have about a 45 minute commute each way to work on the train every day, so I will be streaming music and browsing a lot. Having hotspot capabilities for my wifi-only N7 would be a plus, but I don't consider it essential. My employer can get me a discount with ATT, but I'm not sure about T-Mobile.
What do you recommend? Why? What have you learned that might be useful to someone coming in? Doesn't need to be Chicago-specific, but that would certainly help. Thanks for your help.
ejchis said:
I'll be moving from Shanghai, China, to Chicago, IL, in three weeks. I'm working on figuring out all of the logistical aspects of my move, and one thing I need to sort out is my mobile carrier situation. The most talked about options I see are T-Mobile, ATT pre-paid, and Straight Talk (I might be missing some other options). I've been reading through many threads trying to get information, and I've seen a lot of conflicting information. I think a lot of it comes from people having different needs and priorities. Anyway, I'd like some clarity and some suggestions.
I'm looking for a good deal, but I also want excellent, reliable service. I use almost no minutes. I text some. My primary resource is data. I ported my number to Google Voice when I moved to China, so I am very comfortable using that as my primary method of communicating, along with Hangouts and Whatsapp. I'll also have about a 45 minute commute each way to work on the train every day, so I will be streaming music and browsing a lot. Having hotspot capabilities for my wifi-only N7 would be a plus, but I don't consider it essential. My employer can get me a discount with ATT, but I'm not sure about T-Mobile.
What do you recommend? Why? What have you learned that might be useful to someone coming in? Doesn't need to be Chicago-specific, but that would certainly help. Thanks for your help.
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Due to the nature of Chicago (high volume), none of the carriers would be classified as excellent, reliable service. It also depends on your commute as the trains usually get worse service to begin with.
I would definitely look into the discount but I hung out with my friends yesterday is various spots around the loop. I have tmobile and the other two have verizon and att (these last two have pretty abysmal contract free plans). I got better speeds at every location and ATT was consistently in the middle. Verizon is garbage is the city.
Now, if you'll be traveling to rural areas then verizon or att might be better.
Tmoble on the other hand just put their LTE live last week. The signal is heaps better than using the H+. make sure you have the flashed .33 radio!
thfreedumb said:
Due to the nature of Chicago (high volume), none of the carriers would be classified as excellent, reliable service. It also depends on your commute as the trains usually get worse service to begin with.
I would definitely look into the discount but I hung out with my friends yesterday is various spots around the loop. I have tmobile and the other two have verizon and att (these last two have pretty abysmal contract free plans). I got better speeds at every location and ATT was consistently in the middle. Verizon is garbage is the city.
Now, if you'll be traveling to rural areas then verizon or att might be better.
Tmoble on the other hand just put their LTE live last week. The signal is heaps better than using the H+. make sure you have the flashed .33 radio!
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This is great information. Thank you. I'll be living in Gold Coast and working just south of downtown, so I won't be getting rural too often. Would you recommend the T-Mobile Unlimited Nationwide plan then? I'll need to call to see if they offer any discounts for my employer.
Don't go t-mobile.
Go with att go phone. T-mob has almost no signal anywhere there. They data is great, I'll give it that, but no signal.
I have fought with tombile no siginal, data drops, and loss of signal. I rma'd 2 devices, tried multpile sim cards, and nothing worked.
Then I switched to prepaid att go phone. Full signal everywhere I go, and it stays in "H" mode. Unlike tmoble that goes from 3g/h everytime it uses data so there is a 2 second delay, then if you don't get that your getting "E" but t-mobile won't let data go through on "E" mode, even though they say they do.
ATT, $60 month, unlimited talk text, and 2gb of data. Then $10 for each addtional gb of data. You won't be dissappointed.
I went through all the hassles so you can get good service.
Looks as if it's not a straight discount if I go with ATT through my employer, but rather a series of plan options that come at a discounted price. They are all DataPro Enterprise plans, and they range from 2GB-5GB with tethering options. Prices range from $34-$55/month for these plans. Would this essentially be the same service that is offered with a pre-paid plan? Sorry if that's a dumb question.
i live in chicago and have had them all.
sprint 3g is unusable. never had sprint LTE. someone said recently that sprint added an LTE tower downtown and they had indoor coverage where they used to be dead, but all I know is when I moved to Chicago I had to get rid of sprint right away.
AT&T 3g is almost unusable downtown but great everywhere else. never had their LTE either
verizon is great everywhere, LTE coverage everywhere, decent speeds everywhere. Pricy
I just moved from verizon to tmobile and I am happy. The coverage is not as good as verizon, no question. But I have only been inside 1 building anywhere in the city where I dont have at least 2g coverage on tmobile. The LTE speeds also beat any other carrier in the city. coverage in that one building isnt worth it to me to double my monthly cost.
---------- Post added at 11:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 AM ----------
kthejoker20 said:
Then I switched to prepaid att go phone. Full signal everywhere I go, and it stays in "H" mode. Unlike tmoble that goes from 3g/h everytime it uses data so there is a 2 second delay, then if you don't get that your getting "E" but t-mobile won't let data go through on "E" mode, even though they say they do.
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you misunderstood what you're seeing, and it sounds like you have some isolated issues with your devices that arent relevant to the carrier. my nexus drops from h+ to 3g to conserve battery when data isnt active. it doesnt take 2 seconds to switch back, its instant, but occasionally there is a delay of milliseconds for the icon to change.
and EDGE data works for me on tmobile everywhere in the city, including subway
dcd1182 said:
i live in chicago and have had them all.
sprint 3g is unusable. never had sprint LTE. someone said recently that sprint added an LTE tower downtown and they had indoor coverage where they used to be dead, but all I know is when I moved to Chicago I had to get rid of sprint right away.
AT&T 3g is almost unusable downtown but great everywhere else. never had their LTE either
verizon is great everywhere, LTE coverage everywhere, decent speeds everywhere. Pricy
I just moved from verizon to tmobile and I am happy. The coverage is not as good as verizon, no question. But I have only been inside 1 building anywhere in the city where I dont have at least 2g coverage on tmobile. The LTE speeds also beat any other carrier in the city. coverage in that one building isnt worth it to me to double my monthly cost.
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Go Wings! I'm originally a Michigander.
What made ATT almost unusable? Just overcrowded towers?
Do you experience the delays and 3g/h/edge switches that the joker talked about experiencing?
ejchis said:
Go Wings! I'm originally a Michigander.
What made ATT almost unusable? Just overcrowded towers?
Do you experience the delays and 3g/h/edge switches that the joker talked about experiencing?
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yes, when you're downtown with ATT, during workday, you'll have full bars but top out at 1kbit. voice always works though, but can take 60 seconds to place a call. i seriously dont know a single person in chicago with ATT who doesnt hate the data (besides that guy above i guess)
yes, my nexus switches from 3g/h+, but thats as designed. there is no delay at all. LTE is everywhere now anyways.
oh yeah, i know you said prepaid already, but just to second that, note this:
tmobile led me to believe that I would get roaming if i signed contract/went postpaid so I did, but then found out after the fact that you wont be able to roam ANYWHERE in chicagoland because they believe they have full coverage everywhere and thus have no roaming agreements anywhere. i wish i had gone prepaid so i wouldnt have a 2 year contract, but oh well.
I use VOIP for all my calls on T-mobile. I used spotify as my daily radio and it works flawless.
usually 4g/LTE and rarely 3g....Pretty good quality although My speeds rarely hit 20 mps down(more like 5-10mps average) but latency is usually excellent. Upload is decent.
This is all really helpful. Thanks, Guys.
Just to be clear. This is T-Mobile/ATT through T-Mobile/ATT, correct? Not Straight Talk? I don't think ST existed when I was last in the States, so I'm not totally clear on what that is other than that it is a company that uses other carriers' towers.
ejchis said:
This is all really helpful. Thanks, Guys.
Just to be clear. This is T-Mobile/ATT through T-Mobile/ATT, correct? Not Straight Talk? I don't think ST existed when I was last in the States, so I'm not totally clear on what that is other than that it is a company that uses other carriers' towers.
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe in chi, simple mobile and straight talk are just T-Mobile, but T-Mobile customers get QoS priority.
kthejoker20 said:
Don't go t-mobile.
Go with att go phone. T-mob has almost no signal anywhere there. They data is great, I'll give it that, but no signal.
I have fought with tombile no siginal, data drops, and loss of signal. I rma'd 2 devices, tried multpile sim cards, and nothing worked.
Then I switched to prepaid att go phone. Full signal everywhere I go, and it stays in "H" mode. Unlike tmoble that goes from 3g/h everytime it uses data so there is a 2 second delay, then if you don't get that your getting "E" but t-mobile won't let data go through on "E" mode, even though they say they do.
ATT, $60 month, unlimited talk text, and 2gb of data. Then $10 for each addtional gb of data. You won't be dissappointed.
I went through all the hassles so you can get good service.
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Where are you at in Chicago? I've gotten a T Mobile signal everywhere i've been.
I guarantee your ATT phone goes to 3G when you're not using it. The difference being that the nexus 4 is designed to show you exactly whats happening. The carrier phones usually do the same thing but they don't show it as switching from H to 3G because they don't want to confuse the customer.
---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ----------
dcd1182 said:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe in chi, simple mobile and straight talk are just T-Mobile, but T-Mobile customers get QoS priority.
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Yes, considering the price of T-Mobile's service (cheap), it's best to go directly from them since you get priority.
thfreedumb said:
Yes, considering the price of T-Mobile's service (cheap), it's best to go directly from them since you get priority.
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Okay, thanks. That makes sense to me too. Very helpful.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I also recommend going to t-mobile for your service needs. I live about 1.5 hours away from Chicago and travel frequently. I haven't noticed any issues with the T-Mobile service there, the service is very good in the suburbs and decent in the city.
As for the plan that you should get. There is the $30 a month prepaid for unlimited text, 5GB data, and 100 minutes. Our you could go with the standard plans which I am sure you know about. Good luck!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
THEindian said:
I also recommend going to t-mobile for your service needs. I live about 1.5 hours away from Chicago and travel frequently. I haven't noticed any issues with the T-Mobile service there, the service is very good in the suburbs and decent in the city.
As for the plan that you should get. There is the $30 a month prepaid for unlimited text, 5GB data, and 100 minutes. Our you could go with the standard plans which I am sure you know about. Good luck!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Oh, that's good to know. I should look into that plan. I don't remember seeing that one discussed before. Thanks.
I also have had excellent results with TMobile in Chicago, even on a 1900 device.
Edit- my average speeds are 18/2 on my S2 and 13/4 with a low ping on my i717, pre LTE. I now get LTE in the Note almost everywhere I go in the city but it doesn't seem polished yet. I just did a speed test on that and got this, I do get a lot of single digit LTE speeds still though and it appears that Chicago T-Mobile LTE is capped at 37mbps.
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ejchis said:
Oh, that's good to know. I should look into that plan. I don't remember seeing that one discussed before. Thanks.
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Yeah, T-Mo did a good job of hiding it on their website.
You can also google 'rootmetrics.' That site will let you check all the major carriers signal strength and data speeds in the places you'll be at most.
Is lte included in that thirty bucks a month plan? The description says up to 4g speeds.
Right now with employment discount I'm paying fifty for the unlimited everything.
Do you just get Google voice or whatever for phone calls?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
I'm getting pretty good T-Mobile LTE coverage in Chicago (at least where I go) on my AT&T Note on the $30 plan, though it still seems a little immature. Download speeds aren't super fast compared to HSPA 42 and upload will stutter during speedtests. I did get pretty good 42 speeds on my S2 here.
