Problem using Odin - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When I use Odin to flash back my original Samsung S4, I received a 'Failed' message. I need to flash back the original rom as I need to send my phone back to service station. The Odin version I'm using is 3.07
My present rom is rooted and have Philiz recovery installed.
Anyone can assist?

greeny2010 said:
When I use Odin to flash back my original Samsung S4, I received a 'Failed' message. I need to flash back the original rom as I need to send my phone back to service station. The Odin version I'm using is 3.07
My present rom is rooted and have Philiz recovery installed.
Anyone can assist?
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Odin troubleshooting:*If Odin accidentally gives you "fail" try the following:
- Repeat procedure.
- Make sure that all actions of Kies are disabled from task manager.
- Change usb port.
- Try another usb cable (make sure it is the original).
- Try another Odin version.
- Uninstall and re-install driver.
- Use pit file.
- Try another computer.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Free mobile app

greeny2010 said:
When I use Odin to flash back my original Samsung S4, I received a 'Failed' message. I need to flash back the original rom as I need to send my phone back to service station. The Odin version I'm using is 3.07
My present rom is rooted and have Philiz recovery installed.
Anyone can assist?
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Make sure you have kies 3 installed and drivers installed and koes not running in background when uaing Odin


[Q] Updated to KNOX, can't restore with KIES or ODIN, soft brick??

Hi guys
Sorry this is my first post and it will be a bit long but I've searched everywhere, absolutely everywhere with no luck at all.
So tonight I originally tried to update my MODEM to a Telstra one, and I flashed it via ODIN.
The ODIN flash failed and I stupidly pulled the phone out, and it gave me the dreaded
'Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again"
I tried flashing a 4.3 KNOX stock rom later on (I realised it was a big mistake), that failed in ODIN as well
I have also tried re-partitioning with a PIT file as well via ODIN but it doesn't really help
ODIN keeps hanging on the "system" flashing command and goes to a red "fail". It won't start flashing "system.ext4.... etc"
I've tried all versions of ODIN and all version of 4.3
I can't use any 4.2.2 roms as the phone only seems to accept 4.3 stock roms now.
I've also tried KIES, but KIES will not recognise my phone, and ODIN hangs at 'system.ext4...' (can't remember, something similar, definitely said system)
So I have a completely bricked phone now... I can only get into TEAMWIN recovery but it won't connect to USB at all.
I absolutely can't flash anything with it failing in ODIN and KIES won't recognise my phone. I've put it in 'download mode' as well..
I've also tried flashing roms through TEAMWIN/CWM recovery but it instantly fails.
Are there any options open to me? I'm really scared that I have an expensive paperweight....
orchid18 said:
Hi guys
Sorry this is my first post and it will be a bit long but I've searched everywhere, absolutely everywhere with no luck at all.
So tonight I originally tried to update my MODEM to a Telstra one, and I flashed it via ODIN.
The ODIN flash failed and I stupidly pulled the phone out, and it gave me the dreaded
'Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again"
I tried flashing a 4.3 KNOX stock rom later on (I realised it was a big mistake), that failed in ODIN as well
I have also tried re-partitioning with a PIT file as well via ODIN but it doesn't really help
ODIN keeps hanging on the "system" flashing command and goes to a red "fail". It won't start flashing "system.ext4.... etc"
I've tried all versions of ODIN and all version of 4.3
I can't use any 4.2.2 roms as the phone only seems to accept 4.3 stock roms now.
I've also tried KIES, but KIES will not recognise my phone, and ODIN hangs at 'system.ext4...' (can't remember, something similar, definitely said system)
So I have a completely bricked phone now... I can only get into TEAMWIN recovery but it won't connect to USB at all.
I absolutely can't flash anything with it failing in ODIN and KIES won't recognise my phone. I've put it in 'download mode' as well..
I've also tried flashing roms through TEAMWIN/CWM recovery but it instantly fails.
Are there any options open to me? I'm really scared that I have an expensive paperweight....
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Try another usb port (recommended: back of the computer)
and flash again via Odin stock base rom 4.3
P.S: I was getting the similar problem you have. another usb port helped me
Bordo_Bereli51 said:
Try another usb port (recommended: back of the computer)
and flash again via Odin stock base rom 4.3
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Thanks Yeah I've tried that, I've tried front, back, on a laptop, but Odin still red fails at the writing 'System' (the largest 'chunk' of the tar.md5 file) no matter which 4.3 rom I try
I so upset :crying:
orchid18 said:
Hi guys
Sorry this is my first post and it will be a bit long but I've searched everywhere, absolutely everywhere with no luck at all.
So tonight I originally tried to update my MODEM to a Telstra one, and I flashed it via ODIN.
The ODIN flash failed and I stupidly pulled the phone out, and it gave me the dreaded
'Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again"
I tried flashing a 4.3 KNOX stock rom later on (I realised it was a big mistake), that failed in ODIN as well
I have also tried re-partitioning with a PIT file as well via ODIN but it doesn't really help
ODIN keeps hanging on the "system" flashing command and goes to a red "fail". It won't start flashing "system.ext4.... etc"
I've tried all versions of ODIN and all version of 4.3
I can't use any 4.2.2 roms as the phone only seems to accept 4.3 stock roms now.
I've also tried KIES, but KIES will not recognise my phone, and ODIN hangs at 'system.ext4...' (can't remember, something similar, definitely said system)
So I have a completely bricked phone now... I can only get into TEAMWIN recovery but it won't connect to USB at all.
I absolutely can't flash anything with it failing in ODIN and KIES won't recognise my phone. I've put it in 'download mode' as well..
I've also tried flashing roms through TEAMWIN/CWM recovery but it instantly fails.
Are there any options open to me? I'm really scared that I have an expensive paperweight....
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For my part, I also encountered problems! the only rom that is passed via ODIN after testing 5 other is:
But if Knox! possible that this does not happen either?
For me I do:
1 - Flash with Odin Pit
2 - Flash with ODIN last recovery
3 - Wip full recovery for new rom
4 - Flash the I9505XXUAMDF_I9505PHNAMD8_PHN
And then this happened.
Alan-B said:
For my part, I also encountered problems! the only rom that is passed via ODIN after testing 5 other is:
But if Knox! possible that this does not happen either?
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I thought with the official 4.3 new bootloader, we cant downgrade to 4.2.2.
Try another Odin version or extract the .tar file via Winrar (rename it from .tar.md5 to .tar if your file ending at .tar.md5) and flash the system.img.ext4 via this tool see if you getting error with this tool while flashing the system.img.ext4
and then try to flash again with odin
P.S. While flashing via Odin kill in Task Manager Kies and related process and flash again
Bordo_Bereli51 said:
I thought with the official 4.3 new bootloader, we cant downgrade to 4.2.2.
Try another Odin version or extract the .tar file via Winrar and flash the system.img.ext4 via this tool see if you getting error with this tool while flashing the system.img.ext4
and then try to flash again with odin
P.S. While flashing via Odin kill in Task Manager Kies and related process and flash again
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Hey Bordo
Thankyou so much for your suggestion - I will try the individual component flasher later tonight and then write back on what happens
I will also remember to kill Kies with task manager beforehand, before using ODIN or any other flasher :good:
Thankyou so much for your time and effort in trying to help!!!! Much appreciated

odin problems

I am having an issue to where any time i try to flash anything it is failing. i have reinstalled all the drivers and its using the oem cord and my drivers for my usb ports are installed. i have re downloaded the modem and even the stock tar and it is still failing any help would be great.
tcooper85 said:
I am having an issue to where any time i try to flash anything it is failing. i have reinstalled all the drivers and its using the oem cord and my drivers for my usb ports are installed. i have re downloaded the modem and even the stock tar and it is still failing any help would be great.
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What phone do you have? SPH-L720 or or the L720T?
What did you try to Odin? - Recovery, CF-Autoroot? etc. Full Stock .tar? And why just modem?
Did you run Odin as administrator?
Did the device show up at all - any comm port in Odin?
Is the phone new?
Was it ever rooted?
leaderbuilder said:
What phone do you have? SPH-L720 or or the L720T?
What did you try to Odin? - Recovery, CF-Autoroot? etc. Full Stock .tar? And why just modem?
Did you run Odin as administrator?
Did the device show up at all - any comm port in Odin?
Is the phone new?
Was it ever rooted?
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Got the L720T
i used odin 1.85 and 3.x
yes i ran as admin
yes it shows up in comm port
newish yes
yes it was rooted.
tcooper85 said:
Got the L720T
i used odin 1.85 and 3.x
yes i ran as admin
yes it shows up in comm port
newish yes
yes it was rooted.
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So the T version has it's own thread.
You CANNOT flash .tars for the standard 720. That's your problem.
Please go here and read through the entire thread.

[Q]Can't install custom recovery on s4

Hi, i have a problem when i try to install the custom recovery of philz. (The latest one for s4 6.53.9)
I have a samsung s4 black edition. I did all the steps on the guide, but when i install the custom recovery i only get "reset" on odin and nothing happened on the phone. On download mode it say that i have a custom firmware but the knox warranty flag has not tripped.
If anyone have an answer please help.
TenshiSenpai said:
Hi, i have a problem when i try to install the custom recovery of philz. (The latest one for s4 6.53.9)
I have a samsung s4 black edition. I did all the steps on the guide, but when i install the custom recovery i only get "reset" on odin and nothing happened on the phone. On download mode it say that i have a custom firmware but the knox warranty flag has not tripped.
If anyone have an answer please help.
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Can you please link the guide you have followed?
What black edition version do you have? I9500 or I9505, i understand there are 2 versions depending on region.
Is the bootloader unlocked?
What version Odin are you using?
Remember to reboot into recovery by holding volume up while turning power on after flashing.
Holding volume down gives you download mode.
Did you put the recovery package in the PDA tab?
I use odin 3.07 and used the guide of philz. I tryed with auto reboot and without auto reboot on odin, i put the tar.md5 file on pda without anything else. The only other option ticked was f.reset time.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Free mobile app
Noone knows anything? Please help, I can't do anything with the phone in this state. I can't install the official firmware nor the recovery too.
Uncheck auto-reboot in Odin.
if problem persists:
Different usb cable
Different usb port
Make sure Kies is not running in the background.
Already done all that stuff,
Any other suggestions?
TenshiSenpai said:
Already done all that stuff,
Any other suggestions?
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You are using Odin 3.07 try with Odin 3.09
Download tar file again or a different one , is a new one for the I9505
MAX 404 said:
You are using Odin 3.07 try with Odin 3.09
Download tar file again or a different one , is a new one for the I9505
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In odin 3.07 I was putting the tar.md5 in PDA, where should I put it now? Because your file is in .zip.md5 and I can't put it in any slot.
TenshiSenpai said:
In odin 3.07 I was putting the tar.md5 in PDA, where should I put it now? Because your file is in .zip.md5 and I can't put it in any slot.
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Sorry that was the zip version , this is the tar version
for I9505 international
Better use odin 3.09
MAX 404 said:
Sorry that was the zip version , this is the tar version
for I9505 international
Better use odin 3.09
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I put it in Ap slot and then started but when it finish shows only reset and after few minutes without touching anything it change on Passed!
Then I unplugged the pone and tried home+vol up + power but it doesn't go in the recovery sistem menu
TenshiSenpai said:
I put it in Ap slot and then started but when it finish shows only reset and after few minutes without touching anything it change on Passed!
Then I unplugged the pone and tried home+vol up + power but it doesn't go in the recovery sistem menu
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Remember to release the 3 button combination after the samsung logo shows up
MAX 404 said:
Remember to release the 3 button combination after the samsung logo shows up
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thank you so much i tried to remove the outo reboot on odin and it worked, really thanks! just another information: with this recovery can i backup all my phone or i need to install another version?
TenshiSenpai said:
thank you so much i tried to remove the outo reboot on odin and it worked, really thanks! just another information: with this recovery can i backup all my phone or i need to install another version?
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Glad is working
Yes you can make a nandroid , go to backup and restore choose your backup destination ( recommend external SD)

Flash stock firmware.

I have a GT-I9500. I want to flash stock firmware downloaded from using odin but when i press start it stops at "system.img" and says failed. I use original cable of the phone. I've changed usb ports to my computer. I've used different versions of odin, but it still says failed. I don't understand. Please help.
Possibles reasons:
1. Odin open, make sure to close Kies completely before you use Odin.
2. Wipes before installing.
3. You are trying to downgrade after flashing Lollipop
GabrielKuka said:
I have a GT-I9500. I want to flash stock firmware downloaded from using odin but when i press start it stops at "system.img" and says failed. I use original cable of the phone. I've changed usb ports to my computer. I've used different versions of odin, but it still says failed. I don't understand. Please help.
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1.Install samsung drives
If didnt work
2.change the USB
If didnt work
3.change the pc .. worked for me
Sent from my SM-G7102 using XDA Free mobile app

New to this - Cant fix softbricked sgh-i337

First of all sorry about my english and im kinda new to this stuff. I got my sgh-i337 soft bricked, tried almost every tutorial ive find and everytime i got some kind of fail.
some stuff i tried:
downloaded I337UCUAMDL_I337ATTAMDL_ATT got fail at NAND write....
downloaded I337UCUAMDB_I337ATTAMDB_ATT got fail at NAND write....
almost every file i tried with odin i got or fail at nand, or status (7) in the phone, or E:signature verification failed
tried some steps using adb sideload and updating from cache also got or status 7 or signature error
tried diferent versions of Odin (note: windows 7 64bits, all versions of odin im using normally dont open, needed to put in compatibility mode vista SP2 or XP sp2)
tried different usb cables
tried OneClick.jar
unninstaled Kies
NO antivirus installed
Firewall disabled
the only step-by-step that seems to work is this one:
since im new to this stuff, can someone tell me what to do to fix it step by step?
Follow this
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
that link u send me says:
If you have any issues or Odin does not see your device...
1. Try a different USB cable
2. Try a different USB port on your PC
3. Uninstall Kies. (Kies sometimes interferes with Odin)
4. Download the latest drivers from the Samsung website here. (Uninstall the existing drivers from your PC, reboot, and then install the new drivers.)
5. Try a newer version of Odin. @sway8966 has posted Odin v3.10.6 in this post.
already tried all of this, my guide is the post #2?
Yes. You should follow the steps in post 2.
Put the phone in download mode by using the physical key combination, connect to your PC and then try
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
samyr77 said:
that link u send me says:
If you have any issues or Odin does not see your device...
1. Try a different USB cable
2. Try a different USB port on your PC
3. Uninstall Kies. (Kies sometimes interferes with Odin)
4. Download the latest drivers from the Samsung website here. (Uninstall the existing drivers from your PC, reboot, and then install the new drivers.)
5. Try a newer version of Odin. @sway8966 has posted Odin v3.10.6 in this post.
already tried all of this, my guide is the post #2?
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Could you tell me the version of the bootloader or OS version of your phone before it went into softbrick?
If you do not know go to the recovery mode and it will tell you the version of software in the phone .
In the OP, I noticed that you tried to install the old firmwares (ADB, MDL). Are those firmware name showed up in your recovery mode?
To flash with Odin you need
1. Odin has to recognize your phone.
2. You have to have correct firmware .
If Odin does not recognize your phone you need to follow the steps 1 to 5 that you mentioned in this post.
If Odin recognize your phone then we need to figure out what firmware you need to flash the phone.
Sounds like Odin is failing to flash the firmware because the firmware is trying to install an older bootloader.
Boot into download to confirm the phone's model #. If it is an sgh-i337, the bootloader is probably locked.
Thanks guys
i found this solution in another post:
first i flashed recovery-mj6.tar using odin
then i flashed mf3-emergency-part-1.tar (it fails at end but says thats normal)
same with mf3-emergency-part-2.tar
after that i could boot my phone on recovery mode, so i tried to flash mk2 update using adb, but it failed.
so i tried flashing the all in one mk2 tar file via odion and worked fine!
my phone is back to life.
thank you very much guys.
