[Q] OK Google- How to Make Screen Wake? - Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I just got my Note 4. I have 'Ok Google' working when screen is off(not using screen lock). It responds when I say "Ok Google", but the screen remains off. How do I make "Ok google" wake the screen?


[Q] "ok google" always on fails after first run

I have some problems keeping "ok google" always-on function working in 910c Note 4. After enabling it for working in lock screen it wakes the phone from lock screen or with the screen locked and off but after that first time it stops working. It continues working but only from home screen and the option to enable it again turns grayed. I have to reboot to have the chance for enabling it again but only for one time. I have tried turning off s-voice but same behaviour.
Any ideas?
It is Spanish as the default language that is supported in the latest version. If I disable s-voice I don't have to reboot the phone but have to turn the always listening option on every time.

[Q] Is it possible to use the "OK Google" function when the screen is off or locked?

[Q] Is it possible to use the "OK Google" function when the screen is off or locked?
Does anyone know if you can invoke the "OK Google" hotword/function when the screen is off or locked a la the Moto X?
On the Moto X, you could just say "OK Google" without ever touching the phone or activating the screen, kind of like Google Home. I know you can't do that on the Galaxy S6 (You can do it from the homepage, but not from a locked or off state.)
*EDIT* - Sorry, this was already asked (but not answered) a few posts down. See https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s8/help/screen-off-battery-power-ok-google-t3582215.
This thread can be deleted.

Can you wake the phone by voice?

Assuming the phone is not locked
Most of the time "ok Google" works from a black screen on mine, as good as it did on the Pixel Xl.
Yep, it works even if the screen is locked with a password, pin or fingerprint. Just make sure trusted voice is turned on, in security settings.

"OK Google" with screen off?

I'm trying to get Google Assistant to work on my tablet. It works when the screen is on, but it does not respond when the screen is off. I think this is supposed to work. Has anybody gotten this to work?

OK Google with screen off?

Hi guys, if the smartphone is not charging and the screen is off, does the hot word "OK Google" work?
