Looks like the more updates are coming to our Nexus devices.
I don't see one for the N6 yet, but hopefully soon!
I didn't see any change notes... I'm wondering what they are fixing?
Please use the thread already in place to discuss 5.0.1: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-6/general/lollipop-5-0-1-incoming-t2960552
Thread closed.
download link:
replace [dot] with .
Earlier this morning, it was discovered that Google was upgrading the Nexus One to the impressive new Android 2.2 operating system with an over-the-air (OTA) update. However, it quickly became apparent that this wasn't being delivered as a general release for everyone in possession of a Nexus One -- the update was only being pushed out to review samples that had been sent out by Google earlier this year...
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I dunno if this can be used for hero gsm, but as I found this page and download I wouldn't mind sharing this info. I haven't found this info on xda forum. Hope you can use this to port a 2.2 rom but I have no idea, I haven't any experience programming or making roms for android.
Sorry if this thread is in the wrong section.
Read carefully.
This info has been available for a few days now. Don't spam the threads.
According to the trades (who are covering Google I/O 2011) Honeycomb for we XOOM users (3G under VZW) will be getting updated with Honeycomb 3.1 starting today. Here are the issues that I wish to put to the more learned members here:
a) Is this a legit piece of news or is this more hype before the fact such as we are sort of used to seeing?
b) If this is true, has anyone been updated yet?
c) Should we use this update? Or perhaps should we wait until some of our more experienced devs can get a hold of it and place the items into it that Google may have missed?
theres a thread discussing this. should be right below this one.
I was going to do a "LMGTFY" but the irony of that in reference to a google product prevented me.
All discussion should go in this other thread. As such, I am closing this thread to keep it clean here.
This comes from a tweet posted up yesterday in case y'all missed it...www.htcdev.com/
it is in the sign up to be alerted stage right now, but it looks like HTC are starting to realise the potential of their hardware and more than likely the power of the dev community. Especially here on XDA.
Hope something awesome is in store.
Looks like we could be seeing some awesome custom roms coming our way soon
Duplicate thread is duplicate.....closed by me!
Today I found on Play Store a new Application auto-installed on my 2 Moto g: 2013 and 2014 Version
The application Name was: Motorola Update.
It's a sign?!
Someone else has found this application installed on the device?
We know. Pointless thread.
XM8 RPG said:
Someone else has found this application installed on the device?
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of course you're the first who found it
Who the hell gives THANKS to the original post? That only increases the ammount of Lollipop threads just to receive THANKS for things that we all already know.. Such a shame to see another L thread. Anyway we can continue here guys, a temporal site for L talking, unless some guy posting frog memes gets to close that thread too.
Thread closed
I know things are just starting to develop but I wanted to see if anyone has gotten the actual OTA from T-Mobile.
According to this article on Droid Life, it's getting the same build as the others: http://www.droid-life.com/2015/10/0...d-6-0-marshmallow-are-starting-today-as-well/
I don't expect that to be the case since they probably need to add wifi calling. I haven't rooted my device so I can utilize Android Pay so I'm waiting for it to get pushed from T-Mobile.
Please report if you have received it and where you are located.
This thread is unnecessary, you should keep an eye out here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-6/general/ref-nexus-6-stock-ota-urls-t2906493
Later this week, according to this: http://www.tmonews.com/2015/10/t-mobile-to-begin-pushing-nexus-6-android-6-0-update-this-week/
ReaperManHK said:
This thread is unnecessary, you should keep an eye out here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-6/general/ref-nexus-6-stock-ota-urls-t2906493
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Links to OTA is fine for people who can and will flash on their own. Just thought I'd create one for people who were waiting to get it directly from T-Mo
Sorry if it's unnecessary to you.
blazinazn said:
I know things are just starting to develop but I wanted to see if anyone has gotten the actual OTA from T-Mobile.
According to this article on Droid Life, it's getting the same build as the others: http://www.droid-life.com/2015/10/0...d-6-0-marshmallow-are-starting-today-as-well/
I don't expect that to be the case since they probably need to add wifi calling. I haven't rooted my device so I can utilize Android Pay so I'm waiting for it to get pushed from T-Mobile.
Please report if you have received it and where you are located.
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Thread Closed, please use the threads in place already....thanks.