Help needed - Decompiling LGSystemUI apk - G2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everybody.
I am trying to get 3minit battery mod working on OptimusG3 1.4.1 and for that I need to decompile my system ui. I use apkmultitool for Decompiling my apks but with this systemui it doesn't quote work. It gives an error when Decompiling normally alnd when choosing decompile system apk, it asks for a dependee apk. I tried giving it both framework-res.apk and lge-res.apk but none worked. I deodexed the systemui.
Can anybody please help, give me a hint of suggest a better working tool?
Sincerely vPro.


[help] compile framework-res.apk

Hi, i'm trying to add new language to my rom but when i recompile framework-res.apk i get boot loop.
when i recompile framework-res.apk to my HTC Desire its working good but on my Desire HD not,
please help, thanks.
BTW i'm using apk manager 4.9
1. Did you use a stock framework-res - if you compile modded framework, apktool will not compile most of the time
2. Did you replace another language folder in values or did you ADD the folder?

[Q] [HELP] Unable to compile a theme for CM9...Please help

This is what i do:
I have tried this method with both Holo Green.apk by Ricardo and the Androidian.apk recently released for ICS.
1. Using APK manager for ICS provided by sonny sekhon, i decompiled the apk.
2. Compiled them back without making any changes at all.
3. Build, sign and installed the apk.
4. Got this error in Theme Chooser while applying the theme: "This theme was improperly compiled and cannot be applied. Please report this incident to the theme author."
Yes, the only solution i found and i have done this but it didn't work at all: Applied system theme>Reboot>Applied the custom theme>Reboot
It doesn't work for me. The error is still persistant. Attached below is my recompiled Androidian.apk with no changes done at all. Could some theme maker please point me out whats wrong?
Attachments are as follows:
signedAndroidian.apk=my recompiled apk
Androidian.apk=The original apk

[Q] Help Deodexing Framework L5 II

Hello. I need help deodexing the stock rom for the L5 II.
I used this guide but kept getting error when trying to deodex /system/app and /system/framework
I then used Universal Deodexer
this worked for the /system/app but when trying to deodex the /system/framework it says no files deodexed
can someone please help me deodex /system/framework
in addition I pushed the deodex app to /system/app and I am running into these Force Closes
camera opens then Fc
I noticed search fc once
I can open the messenger but if i try open a message it fc's
not sure if this is because I havent deodexed the framework or if its because permissions are wrong
can someone please point me in the right direction?

Cant Recompile Framework-Res.APK

So ive been trying to modify the framework-res.apk and i can decompile it but just cant recompile it, Even if i just decompile with no edits then re-compile it errors out with APKTool or XdaAutotool or apk multi tool. Anyone have an luck????
supercobaltss said:
So ive been trying to modify the framework-res.apk and i can decompile it but just cant recompile it, Even if i just decompile with no edits then re-compile it errors out with APKTool or XdaAutotool or apk multi tool. Anyone have an luck????
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Are you using the S5 framework and twframework-res? Or perhaps you have an out of date decompiler. Did you copy META-INF and AndroidManifest.xml from your the old apk to the recompiled apk? It's hard to guess at the problem since you didn't give us crucial details on what tool versions and steps you used or exact error messages you saw. There are a number of threads on the subject, so do a search to see what is working for others.

N910F modding sysui help

Hi guys
I have decompiled systemui.apk and edited statusbar.xml not to show clock and battery. Recompiled and replaced original apk with the new xml and resources. copied back to system/privapp and set permissions. After reboot i get systemui error and no statusbar. Am i doing something wrong? Has anyone done this successfully. Rooted stock rom. Any help would be appreciated.
mmoonsamy said:
Hi guys
I have decompiled systemui.apk and edited statusbar.xml not to show clock and battery. Recompiled and replaced original apk with the new xml and resources. copied back to system/privapp and set permissions. After reboot i get systemui error and no statusbar. Am i doing something wrong? Has anyone done this successfully. Rooted stock rom. Any help would be appreciated.
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What exactly trying to do ??
●•N910G (Nadia) ET•●
Trying to remove clock and battery icon from my statusbar
mmoonsamy said:
Hi guys
I have decompiled systemui.apk and edited statusbar.xml not to show clock and battery. Recompiled and replaced original apk with the new xml and resources. copied back to system/privapp and set permissions. After reboot i get systemui error and no statusbar. Am i doing something wrong? Has anyone done this successfully. Rooted stock rom. Any help would be appreciated.
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Chech each line you edited for a error. What tool fid you use to compile with? Make sure it is the newest.
Apktool. It decompiles and recompiles with no errors.
