CM11 Rom/Verizon S5/Not Booting - Verizon Galaxy S 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everyone, I tried searching the forum for a solution but have not found any. I'm in a little predicament and I need some help!
Summary: I recently rooted my Verizon S5 using Towelroot and have safestrap installed. I am trying to install CM11 Rom and so far it hasn't been working for me. Everyone I boot up the rom for the first time I get the Samsung S5 boot screen and it is just black. Vibrates twice, and then loops back to the samsung boot screen.
Phone: Verizon Samsung S5 (G900V)
Android Version: 4.4.4
Baseband: ANI2, Kernel 3.4.0
Rooted with Towelroot, with safestrap 3.75 installed for verizon.
So far this is the procedure I have tried to install CM11:
1. Boot into recovery via safestrap.
2. Activate my ROM SLOT that I have created for custom ROM's.
3. Do a wipe (Cache, Data, Dalvik) and I have also tried wiping System also prior to installing CM11.
4. Flashing CM11 (downloaded from this thread: via buildbot mirror. I downloaded the latest release named: cm-11-20141104-UNOFFICIAL-kltevzw
5. After, flashing GAPPS also downloaded from the thread above for CM11.
6. They both successfully flash and I reboot the phone. (And yes I have tried wiping after flashing these two and rebooting but it still doesn't work)
7. The phone reboots, I see the Samsung S5 boot screen, then the splash screen for Safestrap, and then the screen goes black. The phone vibrates twice and then loops back to the Samsung S5 boot screen.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you so much!

If your phone isn't a Dev Edition it will not work. CM Roms use AOSP and you can't run those or custom kernels on a retail edition phone.
Sent from my SM-G900V using XDA Free mobile app

Xaede said:
Hello everyone, I tried searching the forum for a solution but have not found any. I'm in a little predicament and I need some help!
Summary: I recently rooted my Verizon S5 using Towelroot and have safestrap installed. I am trying to install CM11 Rom and so far it hasn't been working for me. Everyone I boot up the rom for the first time I get the Samsung S5 boot screen and it is just black. Vibrates twice, and then loops back to the samsung boot screen.
Phone: Verizon Samsung S5 (G900V)
Android Version: 4.4.4
Baseband: ANI2, Kernel 3.4.0
Rooted with Towelroot, with safestrap 3.75 installed for verizon.
So far this is the procedure I have tried to install CM11:
1. Boot into recovery via safestrap.
2. Activate my ROM SLOT that I have created for custom ROM's.
3. Do a wipe (Cache, Data, Dalvik) and I have also tried wiping System also prior to installing CM11.
4. Flashing CM11 (downloaded from this thread: via buildbot mirror. I downloaded the latest release named: cm-11-20141104-UNOFFICIAL-kltevzw
5. After, flashing GAPPS also downloaded from the thread above for CM11.
6. They both successfully flash and I reboot the phone. (And yes I have tried wiping after flashing these two and rebooting but it still doesn't work)
7. The phone reboots, I see the Samsung S5 boot screen, then the splash screen for Safestrap, and then the screen goes black. The phone vibrates twice and then loops back to the Samsung S5 boot screen.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you so much!
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Since you're using SafeStrap, I'm assuming you have a retail edition Verizon S5 (non-developer edition).
1. Retail cannot use CM ROMs. Ever.
2. Safestrap does not flash any partitions other than cache, data, and system. Meaning even if you had a DevEd with safestrap, it would never flash a kernel.

BigBot96 said:
Since you're using SafeStrap, I'm assuming you have a retail edition Verizon S5 (non-developer edition).
1. Retail cannot use CM ROMs. Ever.
2. Safestrap does not flash any partitions other than cache, data, and system. Meaning even if you had a DevEd with safestrap, it would never flash a kernel.
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Thank you for the quick replies, and also for clarifying. So would it be possible to run a custom ROM on a retail edition phone? What possibilities are possible (in terms of customization, root options, etc) for a retail edition phone?
Do XPOSED Framework Modules on retail verizon versions?

Xaede said:
Thank you for the quick replies, and also for clarifying. So would it be possible to run a custom ROM on a retail edition phone? What possibilities are possible (in terms of customization, root options, etc) for a retail edition phone?
Do XPOSED Framework Modules on retail verizon versions?
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Any of the ROMs located in the Verizon Galaxy S 5 Android Development subforum as long as it states compatible with retail edition.

BigBot96 said:
Any of the ROMs located in the Verizon Galaxy S 5 Android Development subforum as long as it states compatible with retail edition.
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And in terms of customization?

Xaede said:
And in terms of customization?
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That's up to you depending on what you're looking for. The most customizable, tough, is Alliance. Each ROM offers the devs own take on "custom rom". Just gotta find one you want to use.

BigBot96 said:
That's up to you depending on what you're looking for. The most customizable, tough, is Alliance. Each ROM offers the devs own take on "custom rom". Just gotta find one you want to use.
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Thank you alot BigBot!

Xaede said:
Thank you alot BigBot!
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Yo, only problem is that they just dropped support for the S5 in favor of the N6 I really thought there was hope for the work on the bootloader or even the N12 build update Really gonna miss that Rom

kemerystudios said:
Yo, only problem is that they just dropped support for the S5 in favor of the N6 I really thought there was hope for the work on the bootloader or even the N12 build update Really gonna miss that Rom
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you can thank vzw/samsung for locking the BL down so good for that lol

elliwigy said:
you can thank vzw/samsung for locking the BL down so good for that lol
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Yep, locked bootloaders SUCK!!! Samsung and Big Red can lick my...
Ummm... Popsicle! Almost forgot this is a family friendly environment.

elliwigy said:
you can thank vzw/samsung for locking the BL down so good for that lol
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Good News though! Beans may pass permission down to Goldie and others so that progress can continue! Im all in for that, and my friend and I have been "experimenting" with a couple theories that may help future phones, boot loaders and other stuff.. So yeah, happy Modding!
---------- Post added at 03:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 AM ----------
ludeawakening said:
Yep, locked bootloaders SUCK!!! Samsung and Big Red can lick my...
Ummm... Popsicle! Almost forgot this is a family friendly environment.
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Hey, I blame Samsung for Knox amd other bloat/crap, but in honesty they are a company that makes these phones for crowds that buy them for the crap they put on them. BIG RED the world fattest *****iest carrier (excuse the language) makes me extremely... Angry... For lack of other words... They are CDMA, bootlock their phones, slow updates down, and charge a ****ton for it! They are bad. Just bad. Fix that crap Verizon, just fix it. No more begging for you to stop torturing me, I swear another slip up and I quit! TMobile here I come, also Ludeawaking, I hope you get the rights from beans and good luck, and Elliwigily (sorry i forgot how to spell you name :| ) great debloat, still is a great daily driver! Happy Modding!


Flash ROM & some crazy nintendo graphics

Hi guys, I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on a few things for me.
I have an ATT SGH i-337 MK2 with SafeStrap 3.71
Today I tried to flash PAC ROM and Dirty Unicorn into ROM Slot-1, and upon reboot when the ROM's logo should appear the whole screen just looked like when a nintendo cartridge isn't working. It was just a few crazy colors with some blocks and lines here and there.
Then I tried AOKP with it's Loki'd Kernel being part of the ROM. The nintendo screen came back again, but then the AOKP logo popped up clear as day for a second. Then went back to the lines and colors.
So could this be a problem with Safestrap compatibility? If so, how can I uninstall it? (I did read the dev's thread, and it just says use .APK and IDK what that means)
Or could it be that I also need to use Loki Doki with the other two? (Didn't see anything about that in PAC or DU threads)
Same issues apon using The Samsung Galaxy S4 for Verizon (jfltevzw) Build MK2 rooted using vRoot (English) and using safestrap. if needed I can upload the safestrap apk or version. If I install any type of AOSP ROM the boot logo is either missng or baby blue with wierd static lines. AOKP is the only AOSP ROM that eventually boots (with static boot logo) but no wireless works, and this is the same wether MK2 and/or MJ7 modules are installed or not. the only rom I can successfuly install and use daily that has no bootloader based issues is Hyperdrive ROM For jfltevzw & jflteatt. Any info would be much apreciated!
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
^ Interesting. I didn't expect anyone else to have this issue. I never read about it before. I really feel like it has something to do with SafeStrap.
Heath Cliff said:
Hi guys, I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on a few things for me.
I have an ATT SGH i-337 MK2 with SafeStrap 3.71
Today I tried to flash PAC ROM and Dirty Unicorn into ROM Slot-1, and upon reboot when the ROM's logo should appear the whole screen just looked like when a nintendo cartridge isn't working. It was just a few crazy colors with some blocks and lines here and there.
Then I tried AOKP with it's Loki'd Kernel being part of the ROM. The nintendo screen came back again, but then the AOKP logo popped up clear as day for a second. Then went back to the lines and colors.
So could this be a problem with Safestrap compatibility? If so, how can I uninstall it? (I did read the dev's thread, and it just says use .APK and IDK what that means)
Or could it be that I also need to use Loki Doki with the other two? (Didn't see anything about that in PAC or DU threads)
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If you would have read 1st, then you would know that you can NOT flash any non TW rom on MK2. This is stated over & over on XDA. Safestrap is NOT the problem it is a Godsend from Hashcode for us to be able to flash custom roms onto our locked boot loader devices. Please read before flashing, bricking & then bashing the developers. Follow the directions posted on how to restore your phone, or better yet make a trip to Best Buy & they'll do it for you. Good Luck.
It's been very well documented that AOSP does not work with safestrap. Neither does loki. There currently is no way/fix to flash AOSP.
1. No AOSP or GPE
2. No loki
3. No flashing custom kernels
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
John The Rhino said:
If you would have read 1st, then you would know that you can NOT flash any non TW rom on MK2. This is stated over & over on XDA. Safestrap is NOT the problem it is a Godsend from Hashcode for us to be able to flash custom roms onto our locked boot loader devices. Please read before flashing, bricking & then bashing the developers. Follow the directions posted on how to restore your phone, or better yet make a trip to Best Buy & they'll do it for you. Good Luck.
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I did read first. I've been reading this forum for quite a while actually. But there is so much information it's hard to keep it all straight. This ATT stuff is a lot different then my VZW Razr was. That phone was just flash and forget. There are so many different ROM's for this phone now that are 4.3 or KitKat I guess I just didn't realize that, that Android version came with the ROM and was originally something more mod-able stock.
Any way I wasn't bashing SS or Hashcode. I clearly said "compatibility issue" i.e. some programs just don't play well together hence the existence of compatibility mode, virtual machines, and x86 processors. So maybe you should read before bashing novice community members and making yourself look like a big asshole.
And I don't need best buy to fix anything I have a NANDroid, backup on Kies3, and Google+. Besides, I did all of this flashing I on a separate partition so the stock ROM was never altered. Thanks for absolutely nothing at all.
For anyone else that feels like they can move on with me, I would really like to try to install TWRP in place of SS. I'd appreciate any help with how to go about doing that. TIA
Heath Cliff said:
I did read first. I've been reading this forum for quite a while actually. But there is so much information it's hard to keep it all straight. This ATT stuff is a lot different then my VZW Razr was. That phone was just flash and forget. There are so many different ROM's for this phone now that are 4.3 or KitKat I guess I just didn't realize that, that Android version came with the ROM and was originally something more mod-able stock.
Any way I wasn't bashing SS or Hashcode. I clearly said "compatibility issue" i.e. some programs just don't play well together hence the existence of compatibility mode, virtual machines, and x86 processors. So maybe you should read before bashing novice community members and making yourself look like a big asshole.
And I don't need best buy to fix anything I have a NANDroid, backup on Kies3, and Google+. Besides, I did all of this flashing I on a separate partition so the stock ROM was never altered. Thanks for absolutely nothing at all.
For anyone else that feels like they can move on with me, I would really like to try to install TWRP in place of SS. I'd appreciate any help with how to go about doing that. TIA
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Well stating Safestrap may have a compatibility issue is offensive to the developer, especially since you did not read the instructions or posts from other members who did as you. If you would follow the directions it's perfect. I have 4 different roms on my phone + stock to choose from! How cool is that? I understand the overwhelming urge to flash a rom, as I too have been flashing on my Skyrocket since the factory warranty expired last year, and flashing roms is a breeze on that device. However, this S4 is more complicated since the introduction of the KNOX & the LOCKED boot loader. These phones are expensive so unless you really want a $700.00 brick, read, read some more, then read it all again. Safestrap uses TWRP to flash the roms, but TWRP alone is not compatible with MK2 nor is CWM. If you want to flash roms on your ATT MK2 S4 Safestrap is the only way to do that at this writing.
John The Rhino said:
Well stating Safestrap may have a compatibility issue is offensive to the developer, especially since you did not read the instructions or posts from other members who did as you. If you would follow the directions it's perfect. I have 4 different roms on my phone + stock to choose from! How cool is that? I understand the overwhelming urge to flash a rom, as I too have been flashing on my Skyrocket since the factory warranty expired last year, and flashing roms is a breeze on that device. However, this S4 is more complicated since the introduction of the KNOX & the LOCKED boot loader. These phones are expensive so unless you really want a $700.00 brick, read, read some more, then read it all again. Safestrap uses TWRP to flash the roms, but TWRP alone is not compatible with MK2 nor is CWM. If you want to flash roms on your ATT MK2 S4 Safestrap is the only way to do that at this writing.
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Okay, well thank you for that. I just see so many ATT S4's in here with other ROMs and Recoverys I thought I could get something to happen. Anyway, sorry for the poor thread and response. I appreciate the plain blunt fact that SS and the ROMs that work with it are my choices for now. And don't worry about me. The worst that I'd probably get is a soft brick and I've recovered from that before Thanks again
Heath Cliff said:
Okay, well thank you for that. I just see so many ATT S4's in here with other ROMs and Recoverys I thought I could get something to happen. Anyway, sorry for the poor thread and response. I appreciate the plain blunt fact that SS and the ROMs that work with it are my choices for now. And don't worry about me. The worst that I'd probably get is a soft brick and I've recovered from that before Thanks again
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Hey man I totally understand. It's hard to watch all these other roms pop up for the original S4 & we can't flash them. But we no longer have to suffer with only the stock rom option since Hashcode's brilliant Safestrap was released. Once you get use to it, the ability of being able to multi-boot roms really kind of makes up for the locked boot loader. Soon though, we will have 4.4 Kit Kat & then we can start this process of getting off the stock rom all over again. Right? It could be worse, we could have I-phones. We do have a ever growing number of great custom TW based roms available to us here for our device. So try them, you'll be surprised how much better your phone performs. Glad I made sense & forgive my bluntness that's just how us Rhinos roll.

[Q] Please Help!

So I just rooted my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with Kingo. All I have installed so far is SuperSu Pro and Titanium backup. Im on android 4.3 and I have the MJE version. (which seems to be the most uncommon because I cant find any help anywhere, so im posting this thread). All I want to know is how or if I even can get the CyanogenMod rom on my phone. This is my first android device ever and I've had it for 5 months and Im definitely never going back to Apple devices. Anyway, I just rooted, I dont care about tripping Knox because I dont have a warranty anyways. I just need someone to explain to me how to get all the things I need including CM. From what ive read I need CWM and GAPPS.
khampton_03 said:
So I just rooted my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with Kingo. All I have installed so far is SuperSu Pro and Titanium backup. Im on android 4.3 and I have the MJE version. (which seems to be the most uncommon because I cant find any help anywhere, so im posting this thread). All I want to know is how or if I even can get the CyanogenMod rom on my phone. This is my first android device ever and I've had it for 5 months and Im definitely never going back to Apple devices. Anyway, I just rooted, I dont care about tripping Knox because I dont have a warranty anyways. I just need someone to explain to me how to get all the things I need including CM. From what ive read I need CWM and GAPPS.
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Slow down there. Lol. Do you have a developer edition Note 3 or just a regular retail Note 3 you purchased from Verizon?
Adam Browning said:
Slow down there. Lol. Do you have a developer edition Note 3 or just a regular retail Note 3 you purchased from Verizon?
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Lol sorry Im very new to android. I got it from Verizon but i enabled Developer mode if thats what youre asking haha.
khampton_03 said:
Lol sorry Im very new to android. I got it from Verizon but i enabled Developer mode if thats what youre asking haha.
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It's all good lol. No, developer mode just gives you some extra features if you want to debug your device. A developer edition Note 3 is a phone that was available directly from Samsung in a small quantity. It had the bootloader unlocked, which is a must for a AOSP ROM such as Cyanogenmod. Cyanogenmod requires a custom kernal, which a retail Note 3 (that you purchase through Verizon or another retail store) can not flash due to the locked bootloader. I would suggest peeking over in the Android Development section to check out the ROMs you are able to flash. Just steer clear of the ones saying for the developer edition or DE (for short). If you're wanting a ROM that has an AOSP feel to it though, check out Eclipse.
Here is a link for the Eclipse thread:
Adam Browning said:
It's all good lol. No, developer mode just gives you some extra features if you want to debug your device. A developer edition Note 3 is a phone that was available directly from Samsung in a small quantity. It had the bootloader unlocked, which is a must for a AOSP ROM such as Cyanogenmod. Cyanogenmod requires a custom kernal, which a retail Note 3 (that you purchase through Verizon or another retail store) can not flash due to the locked bootloader. I would suggest peeking over in the Android Development section to check out the ROMs you are able to flash. Just steer clear of the ones saying for the developer edition or DE (for short). If you're wanting a ROM that has an AOSP feel to it though, check out Eclipse.
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So could I somehow unlock the bootloader??
khampton_03 said:
So could I somehow unlock the bootloader??
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Many people have looked into that, and no luck so far. It is still locked for devices such as ours. Kind of sucks, I know. Almost every Android phone I've owned, I have ran Cyanogenmod on it. With Verizon being difficult about locking the bootloaders, and Samsung introducing Knox, I don't think we will see a bootloader unlock anytime soon, if ever. With the new 4.4.2 leak that BeansTown106 has made available for us here:
Kernal modules are enabled, so we may have a workaround in the near future for the locked bootloader. I would suggest not taking the OTA for 4.4.2, but instead flashing the leaked 4.4.2 that is available via that thread. Once you take the OTA, it isn't known if you'll ever be able to flash this leak, which may allow for a modified kernal and therefore AOSP ROMs. I may be mistaken in some of the details, and someone can correct me if I have said something wrong in this, but this thread will explain it a little better:
Adam Browning said:
Many people have looked into that, and no luck so far. It is still locked for devices such as ours. Kind of sucks, I know. Almost every Android phone I've owned, I have ran Cyanogenmod on it. With Verizon being difficult about locking the bootloaders, and Samsung introducing Knox, I don't think we will see a bootloader unlock anytime soon, if ever. With the new 4.4.2 leak that BeansTown106 has made available for us here:
Kernal modules are enabled, so we may have a workaround in the near future for the locked bootloader. I would suggest not taking the OTA for 4.4.2, but instead flashing the leaked 4.4.2 that is available via that thread. Once you take the OTA, it isn't known if you'll ever be able to flash this leak, which may allow for a modified kernal and therefore AOSP ROMs. I may be mistaken in some of the details, and someone can correct me if I have said something wrong in this, but this thread will explain it a little better:
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So back to the beginning haha how do I flash a rom or what should I do since I just rooted and only have supersu haha
khampton_03 said:
So back to the beginning haha how do I flash a rom or what should I do since I just rooted and only have supersu haha
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It all depends on what you want to do. How knowledgeable are you with rooting, Odin, and flashing in general?
Adam Browning said:
It all depends on what you want to do. How knowledgeable are you with rooting, Odin, and flashing in general?
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Ive never flashed anything and I dont know how to use odin. Lol
khampton_03 said:
Ive never flashed anything and I dont know how to use odin. Lol
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Lol. Oh goody. Well you're in for a lot of reading then. If you're already rooted and have supersu installed, then at least you have that part out of the way. The way that we install custom ROMs onto our phones (since the bootloader is locked) is by using Safestrap, developed by Hashcode. You can find any and all information you will need on it here:
Safestrap gives you the ability to have multiple custom ROMs on your phone, without having to flash directly over your stock ROM (if you don't want). It is an application that you download onto your phone, you then open it up and install custom recovery. Once that is completed, you will then see a Safestrap screen everytime you turn on or restart your phone. I would suggest reading through or at least skimming the thread via the link provided above.
Once you have created a ROM slot and have it selected as the active slot, you can then proceed to install a custom ROM into that slot. Once you have everything set up, you can then switch between the custom ROM in "Slot x" to the stock ROM slot, giving you a cushion in case you completely screw up.
You're going to have to decide whether or not you want to stay on the 4.3 base, or update to the 4.4.2 base leak. The only advantages of either one are strictly your personal preference. There are a few that prefer the 4.4.2 base over the 4.3 base due to one reason or another. If you want to update the the newest 4.4.2 base leak though, follow the instructions provided via this link:
Adam Browning said:
Lol. Oh goody. Well you're in for a lot of reading then. If you're already rooted and have supersu installed, then at least you have that part out of the way. The way that we install custom ROMs onto our phones (since the bootloader is locked) is by using Safestrap, developed by Hashcode. You can find any and all information you will need on it here:
Safestrap gives you the ability to have multiple custom ROMs on your phone, without having to flash directly over your stock ROM (if you don't want). It is an application that you download onto your phone, you then open it up and install custom recovery. Once that is completed, you will then see a Safestrap screen everytime you turn on or restart your phone. I would suggest reading through or at least skimming the thread via the link provided above.
Once you have created a ROM slot and have it selected as the active slot, you can then proceed to install a custom ROM into that slot. Once you have everything set up, you can then switch between the custom ROM in "Slot x" to the stock ROM slot, giving you a cushion in case you completely screw up.
You're going to have to decide whether or not you want to stay on the 4.3 base, or update to the 4.4.2 base leak. The only advantages of either one are strictly your personal preference. There are a few that prefer the 4.4.2 base over the 4.3 base due to one reason or another. If you want to update the the newest 4.4.2 base leak though, follow the instructions provided via this link:
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So I am going to install Kitkat by watching the video on the thread. He said something about making sure the "MD5's match". What does that mean?
khampton_03 said:
So I am going to install Kitkat by watching the video on the thread. He said something about making sure the "MD5's match". What does that mean?
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That, you don't really have to worry about honestly. I never check, though it may be good practice to. Just follow along with the video in the thread and you will be good to go. Just remember that after you install 4.4.2, you cannot flash 4.3 based ROMs. Also, there is a bug in Safestrap right now that renders the ROM slots somewhat useless, though you can attempt to use them at your own risk. If you want to flash one of the 4.4.2 based ROMs afterwards, it is suggested to back up the stock ROM, and flash the custom ROM in the stock ROM slot. All I can say is, goodluck. Lol. It is a fun process, though somewhat difficult at times. If you have anymore questions after the fact, just reply here. I'll help out as much as I can. It always puts a smile on my face to help convert an Apple fanboy/girl over to Android.

[Q] [HELP] Galaxy S4 SM-S975L Tracfone stuck on recovery boot

I rooted my phone with towelroot. I wanted to install cyanogen so I went to the site. I couldn't find my device driver so I tried the US Cellular. (btw I have cwm recovery I went into recovery mode and press backup and restore. I saw an error message but i ignored it. So then I wiped data and factory reset. I tried to install Cyanogen through install zip. I installed it but when I went to reboot phone it rebooted back to recovery. It does that every time.
LordAbolition said:
I rooted my phone with towelroot. I wanted to install cyanogen so I went to the site. I couldn't find my device driver so I tried the US Cellular. (btw I have cwm recovery I went into recovery mode and press backup and restore. I saw an error message but i ignored it. So then I wiped data and factory reset. I tried to install Cyanogen through install zip. I installed it but when I went to reboot phone it rebooted back to recovery. It does that every time.
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maybe the rom isnt compatible for your device. and are you sure you did factory reset?
xDroidZz said:
maybe the rom isnt compatible for your device. and are you sure you did factory reset?
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Did you read my OP? Can someone give me an actual solution?
LordAbolition said:
Did you read my OP? Can someone give me an actual solution?
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Flash a stock rom over odin lol. Or flash a custom rom based on stock that is compatilbe with your device. Do you own a 9505?
Sent from my SM-N910S using XDA Free mobile app
xDroidZz said:
Flash a stock rom over odin lol. Or flash a custom rom based on stock that is compatilbe with your device. Do you own a 9505?
Sent from my SM-N910S using XDA Free mobile app
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Dude Read My Entire Post And The Title.
I have a SM-S975L. Can you send me a link to a stock rom compatible with a SM-S975L? Galaxy S4 SM-S975L 4.4.3
LordAbolition said:
Dude Read My Entire Post And The Title.
I have a SM-S975L. Can you send me a link to a stock rom compatible with a SM-S975L? Galaxy S4 SM-S975L 4.4.3
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Someone? Please?
Your stock ROM is here. If you want to install a custom ROM afterward, you need to make sure the custom ROM will actually work on the Straight Talk Galaxy S4. Keep in mind that there are some thirty different variants of the Galaxy S4. The ROMs in this forum are geared towards the I9500 series international phones as well as the I9505G Google Edition phone. These ROMs may not be built with the Straight Talk S4 in mind, as it's a minor variant compared to the I9505.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
If you want to install a custom ROM afterward, you need to make sure the custom ROM will actually work on the Straight Talk Galaxy S4. Keep in mind that there are some thirty different variants of the Galaxy S4. The ROMs in this forum are geared towards the I9500 series international phones as well as the I9505G Google Edition phone. These ROMs may not be built with the Straight Talk S4 in mind, as it's a minor variant compared to the I9505.
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Thanks! I started download like 5 minutes ago and it's 0.1/1.3 GB downloaded. Can you send me it through mediafire or something?. Also can you send me a link to a Cyanogen Mod for Straight Talk S4
Unfortunately, you're just going to have to deal with the download speeds. For me to post the MD5 file on MediaFire, I would need to download the ROM I provided you the link to, split that file into multiple downloads of 50MB each, and host it on MediaFire. Since I do not have a Straight Talk S4 but an I9505 with a Straight Talk SIM, I think you'll understand why I'm not going to waste the time and bandwidth.
Regarding the link for a Straight Talk S4-compatible version of CyanogenMod, check the CyanogenMod website and see if someone there has made one. If they haven't, you'll have to build one yourself because no one is going to do it for you. Again, I don't have the phone, but even if I did I have no desire to run CyanogenMod on it.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Unfortunately, you're just going to have to deal with the download speeds. For me to post the MD5 file on MediaFire, I would need to download the ROM I provided you the link to, split that file into multiple downloads of 50MB each, and host it on MediaFire. Since I do not have a Straight Talk S4 but an I9505 with a Straight Talk SIM, I think you'll understand why I'm not going to waste the time and bandwidth.
Regarding the link for a Straight Talk S4-compatible version of CyanogenMod, check the CyanogenMod website and see if someone there has made one. If they haven't, you'll have to build one yourself because no one is going to do it for you. Again, I don't have the phone, but even if I did I have no desire to run CyanogenMod on it.
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Alright thank you I downloaded the ROM, installing it right now with Odin. Taking forever with system.img.ext4 but it looks like it's almost done. I'm pretty sure I have no idea how to build my own CyanogenMod for my phone. Any ROMs you consider are good and compatible with my phone?
I don't run a custom ROM, but a stock, debloated one. I would simply root the phone, debloat it using the excellent guides and tools on XDA, then install a launcher from the Play Store*. From there, make sure S-Voice is disabled in the Touchwiz launcher so you can use Google keywords ("OK Google") and enjoy your phone.
*I use the Google Now Launcher because of its "swipe to the right" access to the Google Now cards, but there are other very good alternatives to the GNL. Nova Launcher and Apex come to mind.
You said you installed a rom, does it work? Can u link me to the website you found it at? Also, the recovery you used?
I have the same phone, sm-s975l and im definitely not as experienced with flashing and blah blab. So I was looking for some help I guess
lynzie said:
You said you installed a rom, does it work? Can u link me to the website you found it at? Also, the recovery you used?
I have the same phone, sm-s975l and im definitely not as experienced with flashing and blah blab. So I was looking for some help I guess
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I found TWRP and a custom ROM that works with the SM-S975L and created a guide to install it.. ENJOY!
My Install Guide can be found here >>
HELP!! where can I buy the replacement part for the USB Battery Port for the trac phone S975L(GP). My phone got caught in the rain and now ts givig the pause Low battery with the triangle and thermoniter. Any suggestions will help. Thank you!

[Q] Note 3 DevEd bootloop Pls Help...

Hi all,
I recently acquired a mint condition Verizon Note 3 Development Edition phone. After recently flashing the files from this thread I am now stuck in a "recovery booting" loop. I can still get to odin mode, but I can't get to recovery to wipe the cache, etc. Even after 2 re-flashes with ODIN I'm still stuck in this loop.
Here is what I flashed with ODIN:
DevEdition_P900v_MJE_StockRestore.tar.md5.7z - I know this is not the original rom, it was modified from the great BeansTown 106. He mentioned in other posted that it does not include the bootloader. **I think this may be my problem and I can't seem to find the original Verizon MJE 4.3 Developer Edition rom anywhere.
HLTE_USA_VZW_32G.pit - I also used this pit file.
The phone had 4.4.2 stock (NC4) on it before I flashed it with ODIN. I did backup the phone with Titanium Backup and EFS Pro if that helps.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your time,
stewarrh said:
Hi all,
I recently acquired a mint condition Verizon Note 3 Development Edition phone. After recently flashing the files from this thread I am now stuck in a "recovery booting" loop. I can still get to odin mode, but I can't get to recovery to wipe the cache, etc. Even after 2 re-flashes with ODIN I'm still stuck in this loop.
Here is what I flashed with ODIN:
DevEdition_P900v_MJE_StockRestore.tar.md5.7z - I know this is not the original rom, it was modified from the great BeansTown 106. He mentioned in other posted that it does not include the bootloader. **I think this may be my problem and I can't seem to find the original Verizon MJE 4.3 Developer Edition rom anywhere.
HLTE_USA_VZW_32G.pit - I also used this pit file.
The phone had 4.4.2 stock (NC4) on it before I flashed it with ODIN. I did backup the phone with Titanium Backup and EFS Pro if that helps.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your time,
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Are you sure it was a Dev edition? AFAIK (not 100% sure) the Dev Ed was never updated to NC4 and I see no Odinn Tars for the Dev edition other than MJE.
Just throwing this out there that whomever owned the phone prior to you flashed NC4 on the Dev edition and locked the bootloader. Not 100% sure that is a thing so maybe someone else can chime in.
BladeRunner said:
Are you sure it was a Dev edition? AFAIK (not 100% sure) the Dev Ed was never updated to NC4 and I see no Odinn Tars for the Dev edition other than MJE.
Just throwing this out there that whomever owned the phone prior to you flashed NC4 on the Dev edition and locked the bootloader. Not 100% sure that is a thing so maybe someone else can chime in.
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Yeah, I'm positive it is a Dev Edition. When I first got the phone it had MJE on it. I made the mistake and and accidentally accepted the the Verizon update (Install Now) instead of deferring it (Install Later), looks like I now have a retail locked NT3 Dev Edition.
Thanks BladeRunner for the confirmation. I know I made a mistake that cost me my Android freedom. Time to post this up on Swappa as a stock Note 3.
stewarrh said:
Yeah, I'm positive it is a Dev Edition. When I first got the phone it had MJE on it. I made the mistake and and accidentally accepted the the Verizon update (Install Now) instead of deferring it (Install Later), looks like I now have a retail locked NT3 Dev Edition.
Thanks BladeRunner for the confirmation. I know I made a mistake that cost me my Android freedom. Time to post this up on Swappa as a stock Note 3.
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Yes, it in doing some research it does appear that that OTA locked your bootloader. Well you could still root it and install safestrap.
BladeRunner said:
Yes, it in doing some research it does appear that that OTA locked your bootloader. Well you could still root it and install safestrap.
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I'm with ya BladeRunner, setting up the device for SafeStrap now. Going to miss the AOSP roms, but SafeStrap is better than Stock Verizon...
The next time I get a Developer Device I will install the bootloader and flash a rom BEFORE connecting it to Wifi or installing my SIM card.
stewarrh said:
I'm with ya BladeRunner, setting up the device for SafeStrap now. Going to miss the AOSP roms, but SafeStrap is better than Stock Verizon...
The next time I get a Developer Device I will install the bootloader and flash a rom BEFORE connecting it to Wifi or installing my SIM card.
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Its crazy that they would push out an OTA that would lock your device. I'll have to block the updater on my wife's Note 4 Dev Ed. to make sure that doesn't happen.
BladeRunner said:
Its crazy that they would push out an OTA that would lock your device. I'll have to block the updater on my wife's Note 4 Dev Ed. to make sure that doesn't happen.
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Crazy but true... Protect your wife's Note 4 Dev Ed, that is a sweet phone and we want to keep it unlocked.
I am flashing the phone right now and will keep you updated if I do somehow get it unlocked. Verizon sucks but they give me the best service for my location.
BladeRunner said:
Are you sure it was a Dev edition? AFAIK (not 100% sure) the Dev Ed was never updated to NC4 and I see no Odinn Tars for the Dev edition other than MJE.
Just throwing this out there that whomever owned the phone prior to you flashed NC4 on the Dev edition and locked the bootloader. Not 100% sure that is a thing so maybe someone else can chime in.
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Can confirm multiple instances of NC4 Developer Edition aboots.
ryanbg said:
Can confirm multiple instances of NC4 Developer Edition aboots.
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Yeah, it is crazy that the OTA NC4 update locks the bootloader even on the developer edition. To easy the pain I successfully flashed the stock NC4 ROM (N900VVRUCNC4_N900VVZWCNC4_N900VVRUCNC4_HOME.tar.md5.7z), installed SafeStrap 3.75 Beta 4 and then flashed the Alliance ROM N900V
I'll miss the freedom of flashing Non-Touchwiz based ROM (AOSP), but my Note 3 rocks on the Alliance ROM. I would highly recommend this ROM.
If you need any help let me know, always glad to help.
Wow I'm sorry to hear that your DevEd got locked man, that sucks big time. I recently got my N3 too and quite frankly I was hoping it was a DevEd, but it's retail lol
I've got NC4 as well but I just rooted, safestrapped and debloated the hell out of the stock rom. I tried Eclipse and Jasminem on slot 1 but I wasn't getting the battery life I wanted so I reverted to stock.

Trying to root, stuck at the first hurdle

Hi guys
I have a spare phone now my son upgraded, the S5 SM-G901F. I thought it wound be fun to install another software, possibly more up to date. So I first set out to root it but I haven't played around much with this sort of thing for long while.
I googled and found it seemed to be Odin to use so I downloaded 3.10. Also downloaded cf root. I went into download mode and when I plugged it in, the light in Odin lit up showing successfully connected. When I added the cf file and clicked start it went through some steps but stuck at Recovery. Img and wouldn't progress further.
I tried multiple times, tried a different cable and USB port and also Odin 3.07 and a different cf file even though I think it was the same one but from a different site. All no better.
Originally I bought it a few years back, used from a colleague. I think it was a carrier phone, EE iirc, and I had to get a code to unlock the SIM to use with mine. Maybe that also means it's software is locked?
Any help much appreciated
Thanks, marc
No one guys?
Please help
Please help
marc.knuckle said:
Please help
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well to be honest, i would need to spend some time, "Googling" your model .... . I believe , your S5 is a Dev phone, meaning, it was not set up for any carrier, just for running demo's and such. IF this is true, I have no true answer for you.
Odin yes, you need that, that is true! (Believe 3.07, 3.09 and 3.10 work the best for these phones. Had tried a very newer version, several month back, and it did not do the job.. something like 3.14 or 16)
I recommend going to Sam Mobile, and run your model # through them. They will give you all the info about your model and possibly the latest firmware for it.
Sorry that I can not give you all that you are needing. I just don't know a ton about those S5 Plus models. (( I had to even look 'em up too) the plus has a slight better chip was well as graphics, but again, I dont know of any that actually work on a modern carrier like sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile , etc.)
Thanks for the reply mate.
It definitely isn't a Dev phone, my colleague definitely had it on contact from a carrier initially.
I hadn't actually realised or noticed it being a Plus model as some sites mention the Plus and some don't.
Any other help from anyone appreciated
marc.knuckle said:
Thanks for the reply mate.
It definitely isn't a Dev phone, my colleague definitely had it on contact from a carrier initially.
I hadn't actually realised or noticed it being a Plus model as some sites mention the Plus and some don't.
Any other help from anyone appreciated
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OK, Was only going off your model # you had given.
Did check... Odin and a good copy of CF auto root... That should be that.
Then of course, get away from a really old non sucure os (6.01 MM was their last made) .
Other than those 2 pieces, you should be good to root
Not pushing, or anything but LineageOS is rather good and does run well on these!
Plus, get a monthly security injection!
Sent from my Galaxy S5 using XDA Labs
godofsalt said:
OK, Was only going off your model # you had given.
Did check... Odin and a good copy of CF auto root... That should be that.
Then of course, get away from a really old non sucure os (6.01 MM was their last made) .
Other than those 2 pieces, you should be good to root
Not pushing, or anything but LineageOS is rather good and does run well on these!
Plus, get a monthly security injection!
Sent from my Galaxy S5 using XDA Labs
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That's the problem as i mentioned in the first post, I've tried with odin and cf root and it doesn't work. That's why i posted on here. I wondered whether the phone was locked to the carrier.
marc.knuckle said:
That's the problem as i mentioned in the first post, I've tried with odin and cf root and it doesn't work. That's why i posted on here. I wondered whether the phone was locked to the carrier.
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Well, I would have to say NOPE!
Well only trying to keep your Q, on the top, so folks that might know, could help!
BTW, when I looked your model up, totally different CPU and GPU, which might need a different CF auto root zip, or a different one to actually work... Since hardware is different.
Just guessing on that, but, could be wrong. Rather busy at the moment, but will look up your specs again, and see if I find something for ya.
Mean time, Hopefully someone could chime in and point you towards the correct path to take...
Q- What sort Recovery do you currently have? (Stock or custom (e.g. TWRP))
Might want to check for one for your phone.
I would actually start with TWRP, see what they have for ya.
( Will need Odin for this! BUT, once you have a Recovery in/on the phone, then you could use Magisk to root ot try CF and see 8f that works for you (I use Majisk) Plus add in the fact that you should make a Back up, of your current system! In case of issues, you can always jump back to Stock. )
Sent from my Galaxy S5 using XDA Labs
godofsalt said:
Well, I would have to say NOPE!
Well only trying to keep your Q, on the top, so folks that might know, could help!
BTW, when I looked your model up, totally different CPU and GPU, which might need a different CF auto root zip, or a different one to actually work... Since hardware is different.
Just guessing on that, but, could be wrong. Rather busy at the moment, but will look up your specs again, and see if I find something for ya.
Mean time, Hopefully someone could chime in and point you towards the correct path to take...
Q- What sort Recovery do you currently have? (Stock or custom (e.g. TWRP))
Might want to check for one for your phone.
I would actually start with TWRP, see what they have for ya.
( Will need Odin for this! BUT, once you have a Recovery in/on the phone, then you could use Magisk to root ot try CF and see 8f that works for you (I use Majisk) Plus add in the fact that you should make a Back up, of your current system! In case of issues, you can always jump back to Stock. )
Sent from my Galaxy S5 using XDA Labs
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Cheers mate
It's stock recovery at the minute
marc.knuckle said:
Cheers mate
It's stock recovery at the minute
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Sorry, that I have not gotten back sooner. Issues to deal with.... Just like many others these days...
That said, I take it, that you have a custom Recovery, and also Root?
Hope so, if not, I'm still here for ya
Sent from my Galaxy S5 using XDA Labs
godofsalt said:
Sorry, that I have not gotten back sooner. Issues to deal with.... Just like many others these days...
That said, I take it, that you have a custom Recovery, and also Root?
Hope so, if not, I'm still here for ya
Sent from my Galaxy S5 using XDA Labs
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Cheers mate. So, some progression.
Firstly i didn't have a custom recovery or root. I was getting stopped at the first hurdle.
So, i figured it had something to do with it using a carrier firmware, EE, in the UK. So i found a stock European firmware and successfully used odin to flash it. Then i flashed CF root and TWRP. All good.
So with new confidence i flashed Resurrection Remix Android 9. Although it seemed to have worked, each time i tried to complete set up, straight after imputting my gmail address, the screen was black. Not BSOD type though, if i pressed home it went back to the home screen to i just couldn't complete set up.
So i tried Lineage and that was a boot loop.
Not sure if part of the issue was Gapps but i was definitely using the correct version. ARM, Android 9, stock.
I gave up, reinstalled the stock Android marshmallow and rooted again and installed TWRP. that's where i am now.
Shame really as i fancied a more up to date OS.
Thanks, Marc
marc.knuckle said:
Cheers mate. So, some progression.
Firstly i didn't have a custom recovery or root. I was getting stopped at the first hurdle.
So, i figured it had something to do with it using a carrier firmware, EE, in the UK. So i found a stock European firmware and successfully used odin to flash it. Then i flashed CF root and TWRP. All good.
So with new confidence i flashed Resurrection Remix Android 9. Although it seemed to have worked, each time i tried to complete set up, straight after imputting my gmail address, the screen was black. Not BSOD type though, if i pressed home it went back to the home screen to i just couldn't complete set up.
So i tried Lineage and that was a boot loop.
Not sure if part of the issue was Gapps but i was definitely using the correct version. ARM, Android 9, stock.
I gave up, reinstalled the stock Android marshmallow and rooted again and installed TWRP. that's where i am now.
Shame really as i fancied a more up to date OS.
Thanks, Marc
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Wait, isn't what you were wanting?
Well at least you now have a Recovery installed! Now, with that of course you can now make a back up of your stock!!!
( other words,.. MAKE A BACK UP! That way, you only have to wipe the system, data, cache and BAM, in the Flash of zip, your back at square one...)
OK, not sure if you picked up a new info about LineageOS, across the pond....
They ran into some issues, (soon and hopefully sooner, it will be fixed). Now, after that, they will be dropping LineageOS 17.1 Official!! Yes, for Galaxy S5 too
So, keep an eye out for that, cause am in same Boat, waiting for the Official release.
( personal, I run LineageOS, Magisk (Root and some goodies.. Unfortunately I do tend to add Ggogle, but like Pico, nothing larger. Do flash a kernel also. That said, rather stable, and most everything works) at least for me.... Just waiting for Official 17.1 to roll out! (like just about anyone left that has these phones...)
Sent from my Galaxy S5 using XDA Labs
godofsalt said:
Wait, isn't what you were wanting?
Well at least you now have a Recovery installed! Now, with that of course you can now make a back up of your stock!!!
( other words,.. MAKE A BACK UP! That way, you only have to wipe the system, data, cache and BAM, in the Flash of zip, your back at square one...)
OK, not sure if you picked up a new info about LineageOS, across the pond....
They ran into some issues, (soon and hopefully sooner, it will be fixed). Now, after that, they will be dropping LineageOS 17.1 Official!! Yes, for Galaxy S5 too
So, keep an eye out for that, cause am in same Boat, waiting for the Official release.
( personal, I run LineageOS, Magisk (Root and some goodies.. Unfortunately I do tend to add Ggogle, but like Pico, nothing larger. Do flash a kernel also. That said, rather stable, and most everything works) at least for me.... Just waiting for Official 17.1 to roll out! (like just about anyone left that has these phones...)
Sent from my Galaxy S5 using XDA Labs
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Thanks mate
