Verizon note 3 aosp - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I know this might be a dumb question but I've looked all over and found different answers. Can a regular model Verizon note 3 run aosp ROMs or no?

No, because it has an locked Bootloader, so you are not able to flash the necessary AOSP Kernel. The only way on Verizon is to purchase an Dev Edition, which got an unlocked Bootloader.
Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005


Few questions before buying S4 Google edition

I am on att and want to buy S4 . But the new phones that are being given out seems to be booloader locked. I want a device that I can install roms of my choice.
Can some one answer some of the questions I have, please ?
1- Is s4 fully compatible with ATT Lte bands ? ( Seems there are few mods to be done to get it right. Am I right ? )
2- Are ASOP based S4 roms for international version compatible with S4 GE ?
3-Are TW based S4 roms for international version compatible with S4 GE ?
4- Or Can I find an ATT version that is bootloader unlocked ?
I can only answer 1 and 2. Works fine with ATT. There is no bootloader unlock for the ATT S4, however, if you can find one with MBD or MDL firmware you can bypass it with Loki to install custom ROMs.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Bootloader Unlocked Version
To answer #4, there is a developer version available from AT&T. Outright price as is G-i9505G.
It will have Touchwiz and all Samsung bloatware where GE version has what appears (UI) to be AOSP and is already on 4.3.

[Q] I have a couple of questions, what is the dev edition

I just bought the note 3, and now I'm seeing the dev edition. What is that? What is the difference? And, when will the note 3 be getting kitkat? Google released the code, didn't they? And, what's up with the locked bootloader? I had the gs3 and it had a locked bootloader, unlocking it was no problem. I'm asuming the note 3 is different? Why can't we use cwm for recovery? Thanks
wily5150 said:
I just bought the note 3, and now I'm seeing the dev edition. What is that? What is the difference? And, when will the note 3 be getting kitkat? Google released the code, didn't they? And, what's up with the locked bootloader? I had the gs3 and it had a locked bootloader, unlocking it was no problem. I'm asuming the note 3 is different? Why can't we use cwm for recovery? Thanks
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The only difference with the Developer Edition, is the bootloader is unlocked. You can only use Hashcode's Safestrap for flashing ROMs. You can't use CWM, becuase you can not flash a custom kernel, because of locked bootloader. Only Verizon knows when Retail N3 will get 4.4.2.

[Q] Galaxy S5 Verizon developer edition ROM availability

Can anyone tell me if the Galaxy S5 Verizon developer edition will be able to take general GS5 ROMs (AOKP, Omni, CM) and:
1. Still work on Verizon network?
2. Remain unlocked?
Flashing a rom will not somehow lock the bootloader. I'm pretty sure they'll need to be ported to Verizon to work fully.
Verizon galaxy s5 roms
joshw0000 said:
Flashing a rom will not somehow lock the bootloader. I'm pretty sure they'll need to be ported to Verizon to work fully.
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Are there any Custom Roms available for the Verizon Galaxy S5 G900V? If not, are there going to be any coming out in the near future?

[Q] which galaxy note should I buy that has the most custom ROMs available

I see the Verizon version of the note 3 has a locked bootloader. Which Note 3 is not? Or is there one that dont have a locked bootloader. I know the ones that have locked bootloaders dont allow cyanogenmod, or AOSPs. Im a fan of cyanogen so is there any Note models that you can get these ROMS on. I live in the USA. I would need one that can be placed on Page Plus Network. Thats what I'm currently using for wireless service. I would kind of like for it to be a Note 3. i like that phone.
The international version of Note 3, SM-N9005, is the one with unlocked bootloader. I have no idea whether it will work in your country or not, it works absolutely fine in my place though.
Also the tmobile version does not have a locked bootloader. SM-N900T
Sent from my leanKernel 3.12 powered stock 4.4.2 (NF9) SM-N900T
thanks for the help
go for note 3 N9005. I have experienced best flashing it and also a powerful device it is

LG V20 H990DS - Bootloader & LineageOS

I think I find the perfect phone, because it supports all major FDD-LTE Bands, got rem. battery and support 2 sim cards with 1 microSD, no hybrid slot. This is just perfect, even with the old Snapdragon 820 and the small battery but the problem is I find anything, just not for the H990DS model.
So whats the problem with the H990DS? Why no LineageOS or the better question, why the bootloader is still not unlockable?
With LG Firmware/Software it is a nogo
The DS literally got root this past week. You can wait for more stuff...
But without bootloader unlock, thats mean nothing?
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