[Q] i-9505 bricked? - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi everybody. I have a i-9505. Two days ago,when i started an app,my phone has rebooted and remains on the home screen "Samsung Galaxy S4". The phone doesn't go on recovery mode but when i try to do this actions, on the top left of the screen appear this sentence written in red: Movinand checksum confirmation fail".I can go only in download mode. I serached in the forum but i have a problem when i try to flesh the firmware stock with odin. It gives me a error:
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> philz_touch_6.58.7-jflte.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/011> Added!!
<ID:0/011> Odin v.3 engine (ID:11)..
<ID:0/011> File analysis..
<ID:0/011> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/011> Initialzation..
<ID:0/011> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/011> There is no PIT partition.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
So i downloaded the file pit for my phone but when i try to flesh it i have the same error. If i try to flesh both of them,i have another error:
<ID:0/009> Added!!
<ID:0/009> Odin v.3 engine (ID:9)..
<ID:0/009> File analysis..
<ID:0/009> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/009> Initialzation..
<ID:0/009> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/009> Re-Partition operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
My i9505 was rotted and i installed the imperium rom v10. I'll tried to change usb port, i close the process of kies and i installed the driver. Please help me,i'm very sad :crying:

1. Download and run odin.
2. Check Re-Partition, Auto Reboot and F. Reset Time.
3. Click PIT button and add your .PIT file.
4. Put your phone into download mode: Press Volume down + Home + Power.
5. Connect USB cable and the program will detect the phone.
6. Click Start button and wait till finish the process.
7. After it is Done in Odin -> Click on Reset button, then unselect Re-Partition box.
8. Add one stock firmware in AP/PDA.
9. Remove the battery, then enter Device into Download Mode again.
10. Click Start button.
11. Do not touch anything till you see PASS on the program window.
12. Just do a factory reset after flashing using recovery
* You will have to get your device to service center if everything explained before no works. Good luck :highfive:

Joku1981 said:
1. Download and run odin.
2. Check Re-Partition, Auto Reboot and F. Reset Time.
3. Click PIT button and add your .PIT file.
4. Put your phone into download mode: Press Volume down + Home + Power.
5. Connect USB cable and the program will detect the phone.
6. Click Start button and wait till finish the process.
7. After it is Done in Odin -> Click on Reset button, then unselect Re-Partition box.
8. Add one stock firmware in AP/PDA.
9. Remove the battery, then enter Device into Download Mode again.
10. Click Start button.
11. Do not touch anything till you see PASS on the program window.
12. Just do a factory reset after flashing using recovery
* You will have to get your device to service center if everything explained before no works. Good luck :highfive:
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At the point 6, when i click starts, odin fails. This is the log:
<ID:0/010> Added!!
<ID:0/010> Odin v.3 engine (ID:10)..
<ID:0/010> File analysis..
<ID:0/010> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/010> Initialzation..
<ID:0/010> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/010> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/010> There is no PIT partition.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
Please help me :crying:

I'm in a not-so-different situation, but I need an explanation before:
what is the PIT file and where can I find one?
I suppose it's the file that contain the list of partitions, is it correct?
TY in advance, when I understand this I think I could help you!

Drake9090 said:
I'm in a not-so-different situation, but I need an explanation before:
what is the PIT file and where can I find one?
I suppose it's the file that contain the list of partitions, is it correct?
TY in advance, when I understand this I think I could help you!
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Yes, you can find it in the forum

If your phone suddenly stopped booting then you probably have a hardware failure.


[Q] Galaxy Y Bricked

I am completely new in phone flashing. I met some troubles with my Galaxy Y device.
I will explain the details and hope someone can give me guidelines to fix it.
I have a Galaxy Y that freezes at logo screen when powered up.
We can access Download mode, but not Recovery one.
Initially it had an official rom that has not been modified.
I get trouble with it with a boot loop.
So, I went to Recovery Mode and did a wipe Data. This worked once and then I get boot loop problem 2 days later.
I tried again to wipe data through Recovery mode, but now with out result.
So I decided to flash it … Odin failed and now it stays frozen at the logo screen when powered up.
For the flashing:
- I try on 3 different PC (1 Win7 and 2 XP) and tried different USB ports
- For the drivers, I tried by installing Kies_2.3.3.12085_7_5 and by installing USB drivers only (SAMSUNG_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones.exe)
- I tried a lot of time, with and without restarting Odin
- I tried with Odin 1.83, 1.84 and 1.85 ( I know that 1.84 and 1.85 support S5360 model)
- And I tried using different ROMs
The communication between Odin and the device seems correct (I can see the yellow highlight when connecting the device in Download mode)
I tried some Doky’s packages from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=21846620:
I tried also some other packages containing only one file and one dll (retrieved from here as example http://www.tsar3000.com/Joomla/inde...laxy-y-firmwares&catid=55:samsung&Itemid=82):
- S5360XXKL3_LUXKJ1_Luxembourg_Android_2.3.6
- S5360TAJKK3_TLPKK3_Austria_Android_2.3.6
- S5360LUHKJ2_PSNKJ2_Argentina_Personal_Android_2.3.6
- S5360XXLA2_S5360OXXLA2_EUR
- S5360XXKL3_S5360OXXKL1_EUR
I tried also this package, as I saw that some people were able to unbrick there device with it:
This last package contains totoro_0623.pit file. So I tried with and without Re-Partition checked.
I tried also to download totoro_0623.pit file again from other locations and the .pit file with other packages from the previous lists, but without success (Odin always fails).
On point that can be perhaps important is then when flashing, with Odin, the CSC package alone it always succeeds.
The same, when flashing only BOOT package (taken from GalaxyS5360_DDLA1_2.3.6), is it always successful.
I tried also to flash different couples of BOOT and CSC packages and it is always successful.
Unfortunately, I am completely new in this domain and I do not know the purpose of each package (BOOT, PDA, MODEM and CSC).
So, I do not know what to do now ... Perhaps someone can have some advices or guidelines to help.
Thanks again.
refer to youtube watch with video TUT
yabyuh22 said:
refer to youtube watch with video TUT
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Thank you very much, Tabyuh22, for your advice.
Unfortunately, I did a lot of search already (xda forum and google), but unfortunately without success.
The only unbrick tutorial I found, related to Galaxy Y, is flashing GalaxyS5360_DDLA1_2.3.6 packages with Odin. I tried this already, but unfortunately, it was not successful (Odin flash fails, except if I flash, BOOT and CSC packages only, as explained previously).
Perhaps you have in mind a specific link that I can try?
Thanks again.
Most probably, the Odin you downloaded is a corrupt one, or maybe you're using an older version. Try the one from Doky73's thread.
sorry but i believe its the Odin,
try the v1.85 and do not use a pit file,
very well detailed question,
can you post screenshot for odin after "Fail" and/or all text in Message area
and I will help I've unbricked my phone just today
Thank you very much for your advice and help.
In fact, I tried already to download Odin 1.85 from different sources. I just tried again, but unfortunately I get the same bad result.
What I find strange is that the flash is successful when using the CSC package only.
I do not know how to put images in the post, so I attached 2 .jpg snapshots of Odin failure and success.
Here is Odin's log when failure (when trying to flash PDA, MODEM and CSC packages):
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> PDA_S5360_XXLF3.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> MODEM_S5360_XXLF3.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> CSC_S5360_OXXLF3.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> boot.img
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
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And here is Odin's log when success (when trying to flash CSC package only):
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> PDA_S5360_XXLF3.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> MODEM_S5360_XXLF3.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> CSC_S5360_OXXLF3.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> csc.rfs
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> RQT_CLOSE !!
<ID:0/004> RES OK !!
<ID:0/004> Completed..
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 1 / failed 0)
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
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Thanks again for your help.
Just choose PDA and It's required file and live Phone and CSC alone then you'l be able to boot into Recovery mod
Mohamed.Anwar said:
Just choose PDA and It's required file and live Phone and CSC alone then you'l be able to boot into Recovery mod
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It seems it is what I did. The result is in the Failed snapshot I attached.
Do you see any thing wrong in this snapshot and the associated logs?
(I tried also to flash PDA or PHONE alone, but failed. It is successful only if I flash CSC alone)
Thanks again.
Try data/cache wipe after flash,maybe it helps
Alright, now when you downloaded the firmware package, there would be 4 different .tar files - BOOT_something.tar, PDA_something.tar, CSC_something.tar and MODEM_something.tar. Sometimes, there is one more, DefaultCalDataBOOT_something.tar, which i use in place of BOOT. Try flashing that in place of BOOT file. Still if it dosen't work, flash the PIT file along. Make sure the PIT's right. Our device's pit is "totoro_0623.pit".
CALIBAN666 said:
Try data/cache wipe after flash,maybe it helps
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I imagine we can do this only by accessing Recovery Mode.
Unfortunately, I cannot access this mode, but the Download one only
anasdcool71 said:
Alright, now when you downloaded the firmware package, there would be 4 different .tar files - BOOT_something.tar, PDA_something.tar, CSC_something.tar and MODEM_something.tar. Sometimes, there is one more, DefaultCalDataBOOT_something.tar, which i use in place of BOOT. Try flashing that in place of BOOT file. Still if it dosen't work, flash the PIT file along. Make sure the PIT's right. Our device's pit is "totoro_0623.pit".
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The only package I get containing BOOT file is GalaxyS5360_DDLA1_2.3.6. This package contains:
- BOOT_S5360DDLA1_REV05.tar.md5
- DefaultCalDataWithBoot_S5360DDLA1_REV05.tar.md5
Flashing BOOT_S5360DDLA1_REV05.tar.md5 alone is successful and here is Odin’s log:
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> BOOT_S5360DDLA1_REV05.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> BcmBoot.img
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> RQT_CLOSE !!
<ID:0/004> RES OK !!
<ID:0/004> Completed..
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 1 / failed 0)
<ID:0/004> Removed!!
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Flashing DefaultCalDataWithBoot_S5360DDLA1_REV05.tar.md5 alone fails and here is Odin’s log:
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> DefaultCalDataWithBoot_S5360DDLA1_REV05.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> BcmBoot.img
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> HEDGE_NVRAM8_RF_LE.bin
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
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Selecting totoro_0623.pit alone fails and here is Odin’s log:
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/004> Re-Partition operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
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The remark when flashing DefaultCalDataWithBoot_S5360DDLA1_REV05.tar.md5 alone, I can see on the device the progress bar increasing, but it fails before the end.
(I do not have this at all when trying to flash PDA or MODEM files)
Thanks again.
Possible solution : That what I did
Keep ODIN alive don't close it then try changing USB ports and use man ports ( in the back if you're using Desktop PC ) and flash only pit and PDA if it didn't worked restart download mode
then check if you could boot into Recovery mod
Flash some kernel.tar in place of PDA file....
Then you'll be able to boot into recovery and then install any rom ....!!!!
Sorry for the late answer, as I was not available these days.
And thank you for your guide lines.
Mohamed.Anwar said:
Possible solution : That what I did
Keep ODIN alive don't close it then try changing USB ports and use man ports ( in the back if you're using Desktop PC ) and flash only pit and PDA if it didn't worked restart download mode
then check if you could boot into Recovery mod
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I tried this operation again many times, but I always get flash failure
The_animaToR said:
Flash some kernel.tar in place of PDA file....
Then you'll be able to boot into recovery and then install any rom ....!!!!
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I had a look to the Development area and tried to flash different kernels.
Unfortunately, I get failures again.
What is different now is that
1/ Odin hangs at the steps below:
<ID:0/003> Odin v.3 engine (ID:3)..
<ID:0/003> File analysis..
<ID:0/003> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/003> Initialzation..
<ID:0/003> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/003> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/003> boot.img
<ID:0/003> NAND Write Start!!
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2/ In the phone, “custom bin down” counter is now uncremented.
Its value is 10 (it was zero, before trying to flash kernels from custom roms).
Do you have any other idea?
Does an alternative tool to flash the device exist?
Is there a way (perhaps by using Android design tools) to get more information about why the flash does not work (a more precise error message)?
Thanks again for your help.
Hi try this one ,hope it helps
denniz05 said:
Hi try this one ,hope it helps
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Hello Yacy, I'm sorry I have no Idea about your problem. I just wanted to ask if you got your issue solved?
Actually, I bought my SGY about 3 weeks ago and I was going through problems of Flashing. I'm also interested in Flashing with a Custom ROM.
And I'm Totally new to Android. If you got the problem sorted out, can you tell me a DETAILED and CLEAR TUT for flashing one?
please give me a link about galaxy y duos bricked please.
yacy said:
I am completely new in phone flashing. I met some troubles with my Galaxy Y device.
I will explain the details and hope someone can give me guidelines to fix it.
I have a Galaxy Y that freezes at logo screen when powered up.
We can access Download mode, but not Recovery one.
Initially it had an official rom that has not been modified.
I get trouble with it with a boot loop.
So, I went to Recovery Mode and did a wipe Data. This worked once and then I get boot loop problem 2 days later.
I tried again to wipe data through Recovery mode, but now with out result.
So I decided to flash it … Odin failed and now it stays frozen at the logo screen when powered up.
For the flashing:
- I try on 3 different PC (1 Win7 and 2 XP) and tried different USB ports
- For the drivers, I tried by installing Kies_2.3.3.12085_7_5 and by installing USB drivers only (SAMSUNG_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones.exe)
- I tried a lot of time, with and without restarting Odin
- I tried with Odin 1.83, 1.84 and 1.85 ( I know that 1.84 and 1.85 support S5360 model)
- And I tried using different ROMs
The communication between Odin and the device seems correct (I can see the yellow highlight when connecting the device in Download mode)
I tried some Doky’s packages from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=21846620:
I tried also some other packages containing only one file and one dll (retrieved from here as example http://www.tsar3000.com/Joomla/inde...laxy-y-firmwares&catid=55:samsung&Itemid=82):
- S5360XXKL3_LUXKJ1_Luxembourg_Android_2.3.6
- S5360TAJKK3_TLPKK3_Austria_Android_2.3.6
- S5360LUHKJ2_PSNKJ2_Argentina_Personal_Android_2.3.6
- S5360XXLA2_S5360OXXLA2_EUR
- S5360XXKL3_S5360OXXKL1_EUR
I tried also this package, as I saw that some people were able to unbrick there device with it:
This last package contains totoro_0623.pit file. So I tried with and without Re-Partition checked.
I tried also to download totoro_0623.pit file again from other locations and the .pit file with other packages from the previous lists, but without success (Odin always fails).
On point that can be perhaps important is then when flashing, with Odin, the CSC package alone it always succeeds.
The same, when flashing only BOOT package (taken from GalaxyS5360_DDLA1_2.3.6), is it always successful.
I tried also to flash different couples of BOOT and CSC packages and it is always successful.
Unfortunately, I am completely new in this domain and I do not know the purpose of each package (BOOT, PDA, MODEM and CSC).
So, I do not know what to do now ... Perhaps someone can have some advices or guidelines to help.
Thanks again.
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hey just see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1465800

[Q] Modem Upgrade Problem

When upgrading to the new 4.4.2 of my I9505 I had to flash the new Bootloader and Modem XXUFNA5.
I flashed the boot loader, but when I tried to flash the Modem with Odin 3.09 I got stuck. The Phone is booting and working fine but I can't make calls. I downloaded the modem file (h GSM_Modem_XXUEMJ5_and_LTE_Modem_XXUEMJ5.tar) from several sources and flashed them without success. I tried to flash other modems and roms also without success. The things I can flash with odin is the Bootloader and CWM.
Anybody has an Idea what to do because I run out of them.
lubluchka said:
When upgrading to the new 4.4.2 of my I9505 I had to flash the new Bootloader and Modem XXUFNA5.
I flashed the boot loader, but when I tried to flash the Modem with Odin 3.09 I got stuck. The Phone is booting and working fine but I can't make calls. I downloaded the modem file (h GSM_Modem_XXUEMJ5_and_LTE_Modem_XXUEMJ5.tar) from several sources and flashed them without success. I tried to flash other modems and roms also without success. The things I can flash with odin is the Bootloader and CWM.
Anybody has an Idea what to do because I run out of them.
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Download and extract this file and flash it via odin by selecting Phone/CP. Have a nice day.
Repulsa said:
Download and extract this file and flash it via odin by selecting Phone/CP. Have a nice day.
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Thank you for your reply, however I had the result:
<ID:0/005> Odin v.3 engine (ID:5)..
<ID:0/005> File analysis..
<ID:0/005> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/005> Initialzation..
<ID:0/005> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/005> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/005> NON-HLOS.bin
<ID:0/005> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/005> Transmission Complete..
<ID:0/005> Now Writing.. Please wait about 2 minutes
<ID:0/005> Receive Response from boot-loader
<ID:0/005> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
lubluchka said:
Thank you for your reply, however I had the result:
<ID:0/005> Odin v.3 engine (ID:5)..
<ID:0/005> File analysis..
<ID:0/005> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/005> Initialzation..
<ID:0/005> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/005> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/005> NON-HLOS.bin
<ID:0/005> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/005> Transmission Complete..
<ID:0/005> Now Writing.. Please wait about 2 minutes
<ID:0/005> Receive Response from boot-loader
<ID:0/005> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
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Since you already have a newbootloader since after flashing the 4.4.2 leak bootloader then feel free to flash a stock 4.4.2 leak again and you need to follow this ,
INSTRUCTIONS download https://mega.co.nz/#!rIJxHTRB!ZxMSDwtDsVBD5Aw-jt9DvRiKuyEm8hdjW7Mv9eriNiI . Remember flashing this wont let you dowgrade into 4.3 stock Official rom.and your warranty is now voided.
- Extract (unzip) the firmware file
- Download Odin3 v3.09
- Extract Odin .ZIP file
- Open Odin3 v3.09
- Restart phone in download mode (Press and hold Home + Power + Volume down buttons)
- Connect phone and wait until you get a blue sign in Odin
- Add AP_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 to AP
- Add BL_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 to BL
- Add CP_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 to CP
- Add CSC_OXA_I9505OXAFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 to CSC
- Make sure re-partition is NOT ticked
- Click start button, sit back and wait a few minutes.
- If you encounter any issues with the firmware (Any FC, Bootloop etc)
- Boot into recovery mode (Home+power+vol up)
- Then choose reboot and you should be good to go!
Repulsa said:
Since you already have a newbootloader since after flashing the 4.4.2 leak bootloader then feel free to flash a stock 4.4.2 leak again and you need to follow this ,
INSTRUCTIONS download https://mega.co.nz/#!rIJxHTRB!ZxMSDwtDsVBD5Aw-jt9DvRiKuyEm8hdjW7Mv9eriNiI . Remember flashing this wont let you dowgrade into 4.3 stock Official rom.and your warranty is now voided.
- Extract (unzip) the firmware file
- Download Odin3 v3.09
- Extract Odin .ZIP file
- Open Odin3 v3.09
- Restart phone in download mode (Press and hold Home + Power + Volume down buttons)
- Connect phone and wait until you get a blue sign in Odin
- Add AP_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 to AP
- Add BL_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 to BL
- Add CP_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 to CP
- Add CSC_OXA_I9505OXAFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 to CSC
- Make sure re-partition is NOT ticked
- Click start button, sit back and wait a few minutes.
- If you encounter any issues with the firmware (Any FC, Bootloop etc)
- Boot into recovery mode (Home+power+vol up)
- Then choose reboot and you should be good to go!
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Thank you for taking the time to help me.
I already downloaded this file and tried to flash it. However I am getting the same result. After flashing the BL and when Odin starts to flash the AP file I get stuck!
It is the first time something like this happens to me and I can't figure out why the flash of anything other than the BL is failing. No clue whatsoever
lubluchka said:
Thank you for taking the time to help me.
I already downloaded this file and tried to flash it. However I am getting the same result. After flashing the BL and when Odin starts to flash the AP file I get stuck!
It is the first time something like this happens to me and I can't figure out why the flash of anything other than the BL is failing. No clue whatsoever
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Try to boot into recovery (Power+Volumeup) do a wipe cache and factory reset after reboot quickly hold and press Power+volumedown in order to reboot download mode and try to select this files in odin and select the right place ap/cp/csc connect your cables to Pc/phone and press start. , im not really sure why is your phone is not allowing to flash any modem. but give this a try.
Add AP_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_C ERT.tar.md5 to AP
- Add CP_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_C ERT.tar.md5 to CP
- Add CSC_OXA_I9505OXAFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MU LTI_CERT.tar.md5 to CSC
Repulsa said:
Try to boot into recovery (Power+Volumeup) do a wipe cache and factory reset after reboot quickly hold and press Power+volumedown in order to reboot download mode and try to select this files in odin and select the right place ap/cp/csc connect your cables to Pc/phone and press start. , im not really sure why is your phone is not allowing to flash any modem. but give this a try.
Add AP_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_C ERT.tar.md5 to AP
- Add CP_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_C ERT.tar.md5 to CP
- Add CSC_OXA_I9505OXAFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MU LTI_CERT.tar.md5 to CSC
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I just did what you told me and here is what I got:
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> CP_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> CSC_OXA_I9505OXAFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/005> Odin v.3 engine (ID:5)..
<ID:0/005> File analysis..
<ID:0/005> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/005> Initialzation..
<ID:0/005> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/005> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/005> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/005> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/005> boot.img
<ID:0/005> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/005> recovery.img
<ID:0/005> persdata.img.ext4
<ID:0/005> system.img.ext4
<ID:0/005> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
lubluchka said:
I just did what you told me and here is what I got:
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> CP_I9505XXUFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> CSC_OXA_I9505OXAFNA5_373648_REV06_user_low_ship_MULTI_CERT.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/005> Odin v.3 engine (ID:5)..
<ID:0/005> File analysis..
<ID:0/005> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/005> Initialzation..
<ID:0/005> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/005> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/005> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/005> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/005> boot.img
<ID:0/005> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/005> recovery.img
<ID:0/005> persdata.img.ext4
<ID:0/005> system.img.ext4
<ID:0/005> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
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Make sure kies is not running in background
Try changing ports
Use diffnt cable
Repulsa said:
Make sure kies is not running in background
Try changing ports
Use diffnt cable
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I changed ports, cables computers....
It is really a puzzle!

[Q] Failure rooting galaxy s5 SM-G900F

Hoping someone can help me I have followed the guide to root my s5 device exactly several times and it fails everytime. USB Debugging is enabled, USB Drivers are installed and Kies isnt installed on my pc, this is guide i followed:
Step 1: Download CF-Auto-Root package and Odin v3.09. Then, extract the files to the computer.
Step 2: Boot the Galaxy S5 in Download mode by pressing and holding down the Volume Down, Home and Power buttons together. When a warning screen is displayed, press the Volume Up button to enter Download mode.
Step 3: Now, run Odin3 v3.09.exe as an Administrator and then connect the Galaxy S5 to the PC via USB cable. If connected successfully, a message showing “Added!!” will appear in Odin’s message box, if not, try another USB port. If the issue persists, try reinstalling the USB driver.
Step 4: Click on the AP button, and select the CF-Auto-Root file (a .tar.md5 file), which was extracted in Step 1.
Step 5: In Odin, make sure that the “Auto Reboot” and “F. Reset Time” options are checked while “repartition” is unchecked.
Step 6: Click on the Start button in Odin to begin the flashing process.
Step 7: After the process is complete, the Galaxy S5 will restart and a PASS message with green background will appear in the left-most box at the top of Odin.
I have tried this 5 times and it isnt working fails every time any ideas why this isnt working. I am not an expert at this so if I missed anything please let me know any help would be great
Here is log from odin:
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> CF-Auto-Root-klte-kltexx-smg900f.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/004> Added!!
<ID:0/004> Odin v.3 engine (ID:4)..
<ID:0/004> File analysis..
<ID:0/004> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/004> Initialzation..
<ID:0/004> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/004> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/004> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/004> recovery.img
<ID:0/004> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/004> FAIL! (Auth)
<ID:0/004> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
Try again with Odin 3.7
No, stick with Odin 3.09.
Odin is tempermental, sensitive to timing and USB configurations. Try a different USB cable and USB port. And ensure that you have temporarily turned off any firewall, antivirus or malware scanning programs. If the problem persists, try reverting to a full stock firmware to eliminate a lot of variables and have a stable OS before proceeding to root your phone.
At face value, the Odin error message implies that your recovery partition is corrupt. That could mean that you are trying to reroot a phone that has already been rooted, that your root was incomplete or that you had a bad Odin write, that Knox is interfering or any number of other causes. You could reduce the variables even more by writing the proper PIT file to your phone concurrently with a flash to stock firmware. Do try a different USB cable and USB port.
And critically, ensure that you are entering download mode by removing the phone battery, replacing it, then using the volume down + home + power sequence. If the first write attempt fails, do not close the Odin screen. Instead pull the battery again, then enter download mode again and then click write for the second attempt. Ensure that you don't close the Odin screen between the two write attempts.
Got this resolved turned out reactivation lock was enabled in security settings turned this off and root was successful after this, thanks for the help tho
galaxy s5 root
I installed android 5.0 lollipop on my galaxy s5 ( SM-G900F ) since there i am trying to root my phone in order to delete all pre loaded apps that i don't use
But every time i try i fail,
<ID:0/008> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> CF-Auto-Root-klte-kltexx-smg900f.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/008> Odin v.3 engine (ID:8)..
<ID:0/008> File analysis..
<ID:0/008> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/008> Initialzation..
<ID:0/008> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/008> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/008> recovery.img
<ID:0/008> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/008> FAIL! (Auth)
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
I already reed the last few posts but i still don't understand how to root my phone
tiagooliveira95 said:
I already reed the last few posts but i still don't understand how to root my phone
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Have you tried Towelroot? I thought that worked for all of the S5 phones...
I was having the same problem as you.
Just tried this option: http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s5/general/how-to-root-triggering-knox-2nd-method-t2843044
Just give it a try...
can u give me a link with thath problem I have it to
graemek said:
got this resolved turned out reactivation lock was enabled in security settings turned this off and root was successful after this, thanks for the help tho
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omg you hero

Flashig Lollipop problem.

Hi guys,
I have a Note 3 N900 and I tried to flash the lollipop firmware from sammobile site following the steps provided:
1.Extract (unzip) the firmware file
2.Download Odin v3.09
3.Extract Odin zip-file
4.Open Odin v3.09
5.Reboot phone in Download Mode (press and hold Home + Power + Volume Down buttons)
6.Connect phone and wait until you get a blue sign in Odin
7.Add the firmware file to AP / PDA
8.Make sure re-partition is NOT ticked
9.Click the start button, sit back and wait a few minutes
I followed the steps from 1 to 9 (at 8 I added the firmware ONLY to AP) and I clicked start. In 2 seconds my electric power went down (**** happens) so now on my phone I have the following msg: FIRMWARE UPGRADE ENCOUNTERED AN ISSUE. PLEASE SELECT RECOVERY MODE IN kIES & TRY AGAIN".
In kies my device is not suported ,. Emergency firmware recovery doesnt work.
What can I do?
Thank you
*Furthermore I downloaded 4.4.2 firmware N900XXUDND1_N900SERDNC4_N900XXUDNC1_HOME.tar and I tried to flash and I got same error:
<ID:0/006> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> N900XXUEBOA6_N900SEREBOA6_N900XXUEBNL6_HOME.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/006> Odin v.3 engine (ID:6)..
<ID:0/006> File analysis..
<ID:0/006> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/006> Initialzation..
<ID:0/006> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/006> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/006> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/006> sboot.bin
<ID:0/006> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/006> boot.img
<ID:0/006> recovery.img
<ID:0/006> system.img
<ID:0/006> FAIL!
<ID:0/006> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
EugenN said:
Hi guys,
I have a Note 3 N900 and I tried to flash the lollipop firmware from sammobile site following the steps provided:
1.Extract (unzip) the firmware file
2.Download Odin v3.09
3.Extract Odin zip-file
4.Open Odin v3.09
5.Reboot phone in Download Mode (press and hold Home + Power + Volume Down buttons)
6.Connect phone and wait until you get a blue sign in Odin
7.Add the firmware file to AP / PDA
8.Make sure re-partition is NOT ticked
9.Click the start button, sit back and wait a few minutes
I followed the steps from 1 to 9 (at 8 I added the firmware ONLY to AP) and I clicked start. In 2 seconds my electric power went down (**** happens) so now on my phone I have the following msg: FIRMWARE UPGRADE ENCOUNTERED AN ISSUE. PLEASE SELECT RECOVERY MODE IN kIES & TRY AGAIN".
In kies my device is not suported ,. Emergency firmware recovery doesnt work.
What can I do?
Thank you
*Furthermore I downloaded 4.4.2 firmware N900XXUDND1_N900SERDNC4_N900XXUDNC1_HOME.tar and I tried to flash and I got same error:
<ID:0/006> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> N900XXUEBOA6_N900SEREBOA6_N900XXUEBNL6_HOME.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/006> Odin v.3 engine (ID:6)..
<ID:0/006> File analysis..
<ID:0/006> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/006> Initialzation..
<ID:0/006> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/006> Firmware update start..
<ID:0/006> SingleDownload.
<ID:0/006> sboot.bin
<ID:0/006> NAND Write Start!!
<ID:0/006> boot.img
<ID:0/006> recovery.img
<ID:0/006> system.img
<ID:0/006> FAIL!
<ID:0/006> Complete(Write) operation failed.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
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The firmware 4.4.2 doesn't flash also?
you can try with Odin V3.10
As far as I know 3.09 it's the last version....
EugenN said:
As far as I know 3.09 it's the last version....
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have you got a PIT file of your device?
I dont have any PIT file
EugenN said:
I dont have any PIT file
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Try to find PIT file for N900 (ask on another thread)
and flash the rom with PIT file
Re-repartition ticked

G900F could not normal boot; mmc_read failed. Bricked or not?

Galaxy S5 SM-G900F running Lollipop (BOE5) rooted with CF-Auto-root worked fine for about 5 months until few daus back. After device restart it entered download mode with message "Could not normal boot; ddi: mmc_read" failed. It does not boot into recovery either, instead it enters the Download mode with the error messages. Any flashing attempt with Odin stops at "Odin : flash read failure" on the device and the "There is no PIT partition" error on Odin on PC. Is the device really hard bricked and cannot be repaired via Odin or similar?
Things I have tried so far:
-flashing Lollipop and KitKat stock ROMs with Odin
-flashing TWRP and stock recoveries with Odin
-booting with SD with S5 debrick.img (boots into DM with errors)
-flashing PIT file only and PIT file together with stock ROM
-different Odin versions, different USB ports
Odin output when flashing ROMs:
<ID:0/008> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> G900FXXU1BOJ1_G900FOXX1BOJ1_G900FXXU1BOJ3_HOME.tar.md5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/008> Odin v.3 engine (ID:8)..
<ID:0/008> File analysis..
<ID:0/008> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/008> Initialzation..
<ID:0/008> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/008> There is no PIT partition.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
Odin output when flashing PIT:
<ID:0/008> Added!!
<ID:0/008> Odin v.3 engine (ID:8)..
<ID:0/008> File analysis..
<ID:0/008> SetupConnection..
<ID:0/008> Initialzation..
<ID:0/008> Set PIT file..
<ID:0/008> Get PIT for mapping..
<ID:0/008> There is no PIT partition.
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
Unfortunately cannot add picture link wtih DM errors.
Bump thread, maybe someone has dealt with a similar case and found a solution that is not a motherboard/device replacement.
This thread says it could be due to a faulty USB port or cable
Try a different PC
Try a different cable etc
*Detection* said:
This thread says it could be due to a faulty USB port or cable
Try a different PC
Try a different cable etc
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Thanks for the links. Tried all USB ports and available cables with same results. Will try different PC, when I'll have the chance.
The mmc_read failed message when booting into Download Mode is what bothers me. Could it be a reason to suspect a hardware problem?
Yea it could be, but best to rule out everything else first
Does it say that on the actual phone, or just ODIN?
If just ODIN, it could still be anything from the Phone > USB cable > PC
If it says it on the phone, without being connected to the PC/USB, then yea it's gonna be something on the phone
*Detection* said:
Yea it could be, but best to rule out everything else first
Does it say that on the actual phone, or just ODIN?
If just ODIN, it could still be anything from the Phone > USB cable > PC
If it says it on the phone, without being connected to the PC/USB, then yea it's gonna be something on the phone
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It says it on the phone when it is not connected to PC. After (unsuccessful) flash on phone appears lines "MMC: mmc_read failed" and "ODIN: flash read failure".
DroidTim said:
It says it on the phone when it is not connected to PC. After (unsuccessful) flash on phone appears lines "MMC: mmc_read failed" and "ODIN: flash read failure".
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I have a same issue with my g900f any solution plz
