Holy Screen Saturation Batman! - Verizon Motorola Droid Turbo General

Straight from the start it was evident that The Droid Turbo has a pretty saturated screen. It bothered me a bit, but overall I was OK with it. Over-saturated colors - to me - were just a small annoyance.
That was until the new Gmail app with it's new UI was launched.
I find it almost painful to use on my Droid Turbo. (I still don't care for the new UI on my 2013 Nexus 7, but at least the over saturated reds aren't as insane.
Is there any way to adjust things like saturation and contrast on this phone? Turn them down to more sane levels?
The experience right now is reminiscent of that overblown in-store TV display mode.
Appreciate any thoughts,

Coming from an HTC One (M7) this is what I first noticed too. Sadly until we get root I don't think we can do much.

pjd2011 said:
Coming from an HTC One (M7) this is what I first noticed too. Sadly until we get root I don't think we can do much.
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Yeah, I was using an LG G2 prior to this, and it was pretty saturated, but not this much by far.


Considering sending my Galaxy back, need some advices...

Hi there,
got my GalaxyS for 3 days now, and been owning a Desire for 2.5 months.
I was perfectly happy with my Desire, the reason I still ordered the Galaxy was because all the talks about S-Amoled got me really excited, and the larger screen was too tempting because I'm an avid reader.
After 3 days, I must admit my feelings are a little mixed:
On the one hand, the screen of Galaxy IS gorgeous, color/contrast/sunlight readability all top. And the more app storage (which pained me a lot on the Desire) is also extremely welcome.
But, on the other hand, there are still things Desire does better - to my dismay, the text display on the Galaxy seems to be worse than on Desire?! At same level of zoom, Galaxy displays the fonts more pixelated, but this is only visible when the font is small, many other people seem to share this sentiment.
And also, even the lowest brightness setting on the Galaxy is too bright for me in the dark?! I do a lot of reading at night in bed, the lowest setting on Desire has a tinted color, but doesn't hurt my eyes. Galaxy on the other hand, I can't really stare at it for long without my eyes tiring...
So right now I'm really a bit unsure... Is there any chance getting software solution to set the brightness lower than low?;-) Also, would the display quality of small fonts improve with newer system/software, whatever?
If not, then I'm afraid I'll just stick to my Desire and send the Galaxy back
Thanks for any thoughts!
Would never recommend an amoled screen to a person who likes to use the device as an e-book reader(until they get rid of the pentile submatrix). You should get a Droid or HD2 if you want a decent display.
The reason why the pixels appear larger on the SGS is simply because of the fact that they are.
If you found the Desire to better suit your needs then I'd recommend you go back to it.
Just curious, how does the iPhone 4 fair in term of text display? Not that I'm considering getting THAT
I would recommend to keep Samsung Galaxy S for phone and very mobile use and then to wait and buy Samsung TAPE for reading and other stuff.
n3p3nth3 said:
Just curious, how does the iPhone 4 fair in term of text display? Not that I'm considering getting THAT
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The iPhone 4 display is geared towards text, it has a high pixel density as a result of high-res/small screen size and a regular grid pixel layout.
The Samsung screen is more targeted to graphics & video with faster refresh, massive contrast, larger display, oh and its 16:9 wide screen too
Thanks guys for the info and advices, guess in the end I'll just toss a coin to decide
i personally like s-amoled for one reason
it doesn't consume as much power. it matters when your screen is 4.0 inches
Seems there is no 'perfect' phone...
I've been strongly expecting to purchase the SGS (Captivate actually). But I've also been interested in using it as a reader some.
I've been reading the posts about Pentile topics.
Also I really want a phone that will be very viewable in sunlight.
I've been thinking the new MOTO X may be nice...but then I'd have to change carriers.
ewingr said:
I've been strongly expecting to purchase the SGS (Captivate actually). But I've also been interested in using it as a reader some.
I've been reading the posts about Pentile topics.
Also I really want a phone that will be very viewable in sunlight.
I've been thinking the new MOTO X may be nice...but then I'd have to change carriers.
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The sgs is great to use in direct sunlight, even better than my hd2 was.
It also does pretty well when it comes to ebook reading as long as you don't zoom out too much(I'd only recommend it for light reading).

So, honestly, Droid X vs Incredible? What is your take if you switched..

I am on my 3rd Dinc replacement, I always seem to get duds. I have an option to get the Droid X instead of yet another refurb'd Dinc.
First, what I do/dont do with my phone.
I use GPS voice nav all the time.
I load it up with my audio books
I dont use widgets, dont do facebook, etc.
I use the camera and camcorder to take pics and videos of my kids, and I do alot of texting, sending pics/etc.
Surf the web, but I dont watch videos on the phone at all.
I use a BT headset.
I dont play games on it at all.
Could care less if the phone is rooted or not, I am rooted but I use LauncherPro so I dont have to deal with the bloated Sensi UI.
I dont have more than 6 apps downloaded from the market.
I hate the absolute ****ty battery the Dinc has.
Going on that info, is the Droid X going to give more problems (been reading up on battery, volume levels, etc) than the Dinc?, can the Droid X be considered a similar phone to what I have, except it does have that big ass screen. I have played with one for a few minutes, it is large, I can see things better on that big screen, and that screen size is the only thing that is even making me consider getting that phone.
droid x
the droid x is a great phone all those things you mentioned that you like to do the droid x will do and ask for more.i have used mine for 12hr on one charge not heavy use just some videos,marketplace,texting,camera.
btw: the amoled screen on the incredible is not visable in sunlight.
I am very happy that I made the switch, the two things I miss most are some of the sense widgets and root, neither of which seem to be an issue for you. The screen is amazing, the camera is amazing and the battery is an improvement. All in all it's a great phone and I couldn't be happier with it, well maybe with root, but I'm not getting my hopes up anytime soon.
pima said:
btw: the amoled screen on the incredible is not visable in sunlight.
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Did you even have an Incredible? Yes, it's not the easiest to see in sunlight, but it certainly isn't "invisible", please.
To the OP, I am still trying to decide if I am going to keep my X, or go back to my Incredible. The X seems to get a little better signal then the Incredible, and it certainly works better with my Motorola T505, that I use to listen to my music through my car stereo, but it's big. I don't know if I like the feel of it in my hand. The Incredible, is a nice size, and fits perfect, in pocket, and in hand. Maybe the answer will be the 4" Samsung Galaxy S, when that arrives at Verizon. Anyway, I wish I could give you a more definitive answer, but it's only been a few days, and I'm still giving the X a chance, before I decide which on to stay with.
I think the HTC phone despite screen size and battery life is better. The DroidX screen is horribly washed out. Even compared to other phones including the Evo.
There are things that Sense manages even if you use a different launcher that the X does not have.
Simple things like SMS/Gmail icon notifications on the X are non-existent.
You can't use contact pictures from exchange, the facebook integration with contacts is X is a joke compared to HTC.
The contact UI in sense is much better and easier to manage than the X.
The camera on the INC is faster in low light and does not turn pictures yellow like the Motorola. The Motorola lock screen is slow and buggy.
The HTC just provides a more complete experience out of the box without having to download a bunch of crap to get everything the way you want.
dont tell me that the screen is visable in direct sunlight because i did have one and your full of it if you say that you can read everything on the screen in direct sunlight.
pima said:
dont tell me that the screen is visable in direct sunlight because i did have one and your full of it if you say that you can read everything on the screen in direct sunlight.
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Not only can I see it in direct sunlight, I can do it with sunglasses on.
ok whatever you say.
pima said:
ok whatever you say.
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Learn to turn up the brightness on your display...
The Droid Incredible and Nexus One have identical displays and I can see my Nexus One fine in direct sunlight when I have brightness on 100%. Once I start turning down the brightness, the visibility fades exponentially.
If you compare, the x is much more advanced and snappier than the incredible. Let's say you don't need noise cancellation and the nifty features of the cameras audio and video capture. Then yeah your cool with the incredible, essentially they're the same. Just the x has a larger display.
Also, if you sit and think, every android has a little more than this one, others have less, more have innovative inserts like the x, and others are just pretty like the droid incredible and the htc evo. This all boils down to what you feel suits your needs.
Oh btw, verizon is releasing froyo in a few weeks. For the droid, incredible, droidx, and droid 2. BGR just got the tip for it. Its on twitter. Damn, verizon really really like to be dominant. Like they see no other alternative but to be great.
Sent from my DROIDX via Telepathic DLNA.
I must agree with pima. I absolutely love my Inc (I also bought the X and am deciding which to keep), but it is extremely difficult (for me anyways) to read things like text messages on it when outside in direct sunlight on a bright day, even when I set brightness all the way up.
Sense definitely runs more smoothly than Motoblur, however I don't care for either and can't comprehend why Motorola or HTC would want to try to fix something that is not broken. It's maddening that OS updates are held up for months because of this. I long for a phone that doesn't force me to use it's manufacturer's UI (and is less glitchy than the N1). But I digress...
I see enormous potential in the X's camera, but find it to be very frustrating in it's current form. For example, I couldn't use Barcode Scanner yesterday because the auto-focus kept zooming in and out; therefore, the camera couldn't focus on a barcode long enough to get a scan (the same phenomenon resulted in inconsistent pic's). Luckily, this is undoubtedly a software issue the should be resolved in short order through an OTA update (this may well be fixed in the update that is being rolled out today).
I love the X's keyboard. I actually also liked the Inc's keyboard relative to my previous phone, the N1. However, the X's keyboard is the best I've used on a smartphone (and I also owned an iphone 3gs at one low point in my life).
The X's battery is way better than the Inc's in my opinion. I get more life from it than I did from the 2150 extended battery I bought from HTC.
I can defintely empathize with oldmacnut's dilemma. Both phones have clear advantages/disadvantages. I'm finding that rooting/unlocking are more important to me than i realized, so I will likely go back to the Inc. However, if was in the OP's shoes I would probably go with the X, especially considering that its bugs are fixable and Froyo update is coming soon.
I came over to the x from the dinc myself, if u aren't rooting i'd go with the x. The hi is actually a little more gittery on the x but the biggest difference i can notice is the actual power of the proccessor on the x, not just clock speed. The x can run games that would make my dinc choke up and freeze. Look at the quadrant benchmarks. Its freakin rediculous. The dinc is a AWESOME phone. The build quality feels superior on the x and it really comes down to what fits u best. I can say i miss the DInc but i don't regret getting the x. Goodluck, this cud b a tough decision.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
After today, I decided that the X is just too big for my liking. I reactivated my Incredible, and tomorrow, I'm shipping the X back to Verizon.
my wife
spotmark said:
After today, I decided that the X is just too big for my liking. I reactivated my Incredible, and tomorrow, I'm shipping the X back to Verizon.
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come on man really you sound like my wife
This phone is huge... I just had to get a magnum case for it, the normal sized case fits too tight
pima said:
come on man really you sound like my wife
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I know, she tells me that all the time, too.
But, seriously, it's just too big to use with one hand. I predict, that we will start hearing about people dropping their X while trying to use it one handed.
pima said:
dont tell me that the screen is visable in direct sunlight because i did have one and your full of it if you say that you can read everything on the screen in direct sunlight.
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I did perfectly fine in sunlight...make sure the auto brightness is checked and you will be fine. Had the Incredible for 2 months...Now have the X, and I would say the X is may be a little bit better in sunlight, but NOT by much... Incredible size is better.. X is just TOO big.
I am starting to wonder if I should keep the X. May like the dinc more
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
They are both great devices. I had the choice of either or and I choose the Dinc. It's an HTC thing. IMO I think HTC has the best smartphones available period. Motorola choose to encrypt the bootlooder and imo that's extremely lame. Sure it may not matter to the average Joe but it's still sneaky.
I also have both and am still undecided which I prefer. As far as both out the box it depends on wether you're new to android or not. HTC Sense is very user friendly and I love the wigdgets. Motoblur is a bit laggy and the widgets aren't bad but not as good aa HTC. Performance in my opinion is about equal except games. The X is definitely superior although I never have a problem with the Inc. The Incs camera is slightly better but not much. I could go on but I think it comes down to root. I love to customize and make my phone unique. With the X it looks like that will be hard and the Inc is already rooted. And the X is really big but not uncomfortably so although I prefer the size of the Inc. So like I said before they're both great devices so I think root is really the deciding factor. Once the X is rooted it will probably be far superior.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App

Epic Screen diff. than Nexus S

I used to have an Epic. I always suspected that screen on the epic was a little diff. than the Nexus S. I hated the Epic and I like the Samsung Nexus S alot more! But yesterday, my coworker has an Epic and downloaded the same wallpaper as I have. Then we compared phones with the same wall paper and brightness. His screen had richer contrast, was brighter without being washed out, and seem to have better detail. I don't understand why this is...but I wanted to throw this out here.
Have you tried any other colour settings?
Take a look here.
I've never seen the nexus s screen. Even though I think the epic screen is beautiful eye candy, it exaggerates how things look in real life. I don't know for a fact but I would guess that color, tint, and saturation have been cranked and tweaked so as to make people ooh and ahh when they look at it. A picture could easily be manipulated to make the colors really stand out. Maybe if you were tripping on LSD, the colors you see might look like the screen on the epic but that's not how things actually look like.
I was wondering a similar question just before I popped into the forum. You being a previous epic owner, what similarities, differences, and other observations are you finding out with the nexus? I'm very interested in your opinions because I used to have an epic and wonder how the experience might be when comparing the two phones.
herbthehammer said:
I've never seen the nexus s screen. Even though I think the epic screen is beautiful eye candy, it exaggerates how things look in real life. I don't know for a fact but I would guess that color, tint, and saturation have been cranked and tweaked so as to make people ooh and ahh when they look at it. A picture could easily be manipulated to make the colors really stand out. Maybe if you were tripping on LSD, the colors you see might look like the screen on the epic but that's not how things actually look like.
I was wondering a similar question just before I popped into the forum. You being a previous epic owner, what similarities, differences, and other observations are you finding out with the nexus? I'm very interested in your opinions because I used to have an epic and wonder how the experience might be when comparing the two phones.
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Hey herb, I remember you from the Epic forums! You're actually 100% correct on why the Epic screen looks different. Prior to our most recent update (2.3.3) our screens would have looked very similar but then Google decided to make things look more natural. Now for a brief tangent: I used to sell TVs at Best Buy and one thing you'll notice about any new LCD TV, and Samsung is a particularly bad offender on this front, is that they are very, very blue. Much like all of the SAMOLEDS. This is because the human eye reads bright blue as even brighter white; it makes people think that one screen is so much more bright and vibrant than another. And its exactly the trick that is causing problems here.
One other thing I did while at Best Buy is do a lot of screen calibration (both selling and actually calibrations). People see the calibrated screen next to the non-calibrated one and you know what they all say? That it looks dull and washed out. Then I pulled out a special trick: You hold a sheet of blank white paper next to a white image on both screens. On the calibrated screen the color of the screen comes very close to the color of the paper. Of course it does, they're both white. But on the non-calibrated screen the "white" looked markedly blue. This is a test I've run on both a 2.3.2 Nexus S screen and a 2.3.3 Nexus S screen. I've done it on both mine and my wife's phones and I can tell you that I found the exact results described above. I'm not trying to be insulting but the truth is that its a tactic to sell more products and that it works. People like things they think look better and they think the non-calibrated screen looks better. Its just that its not. The point of HiDef (or more accurately in this case a beautiful screen) is to make things look more real, not more fake which is what those false colors do. But people want what they want and no matter how many times they're told it should be a certain way it doesn't matter. Its like how people insist on buying hybrids even though the process of making their batteries is immensely destructive to the environment and the fact that a diesel will usually get the same if not better fuel economy with cleaner emissions. Its the image that matters.
As to answer the second part of your question, Herb, I love my Nexus S. I hated the Epic. I hated how it felt like a completely forgotten device from the second it came off the line. I hated that we had to build stock roms off of leaked builds just to get working GPS. The second someone offered, I traded it for an Evo (which I loved immensely, for the record) I even drove 160 miles to make the trade <.<
As a phone, solely the device I mean, it works amazingly. I get around 14-16 hours of use a day and even then I still only get down to 20-30% depending on usage. If I spend the day flashing roms, sure it goes a bit quicker than that but flashing takes a lot of power. A lot of people complain about the call volume but I have to say its not bad. Its a bit quiet but its usable in most settings and if its not, I can pop in my bluetooth earpiece and its fine again. As for speed? I can't explain it but it is lightyears faster than my old Epic. Its amazingly fast. More than blistering.
Now, people around here often like to complain that our development is slow but really its no slower than the epic was and now that its launching in Canada and on Sprint its only going to grow. I know of a few devs that plan to switch from the Epic over here and things will start to really boom. Honestly, I'm tempted by dual core phones, specifically by the rumored HTC Pyramid but I wouldn't give up my Nexus S. Its the first smart phone that I actually, truly, enjoy using. And now my wife is complaining about my "writing a novel" so I'll wrap it up. I love my Nexus S.
One more question/concern.
With the nexus s, if you download the programs livo recorder and virtual recorder, what happens? When you play back after recording audio on the high quality settings, does the audio studder and skip like it did on the epic? The HTC evo and shift are the only two phones I've used that can make flawless recordings and have very sensitive mics. I've had emails with the devs of their respective programs when the epic came out. The epic was very bad with high bitrate audio recording. If I would make a recording of me counting the seconds on the program as it was recording, it would studder, skip, and jump ahead a few seconds constantly. It was kinda like a mix between listening to a scratched CD skipping and watching Max headroom and his glitching while speaking.
If you get the time sometime, publish your results. Also, does the video recorder crash, like the epic, when its on its highest resolution settings? I know it can't do HD but I'm still wondering. Thanks
Hey herb. It doesn't crash on its highest setting and ill give those apps a shot tomorrow and upload them to YouTube
Sent from my MIUI Nexus S from the XDA Premium app.
herbthehammer said:
I've never seen the nexus s screen. Even though I think the epic screen is beautiful eye candy, it exaggerates how things look in real life. I don't know for a fact but I would guess that color, tint, and saturation have been cranked and tweaked so as to make people ooh and ahh when they look at it. A picture could easily be manipulated to make the colors really stand out. Maybe if you were tripping on LSD, the colors you see might look like the screen on the epic but that's not how things actually look like.
I was wondering a similar question just before I popped into the forum. You being a previous epic owner, what similarities, differences, and other observations are you finding out with the nexus? I'm very interested in your opinions because I used to have an epic and wonder how the experience might be when comparing the two phones.
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Other than the screen on the Epic, I hated the Epic. I didn't like the keyboard, the side button, or the software. I love the Nexus S...even if the screen is slightly less than the Epic(which probably could be fixed with voodoo color adjustments). However, I think I might sell mine and buy the Sprint Nexus S simply because Sprint does not have a data cap.
I hate Tmobile for tricking me in unlimited data. I think they are ATT.

[Q] Atrix vs. Infuse

I'm due for an upgrade at the end of July. I cannot decide whether to go for the Atrix or the Infuse. They're just about dead even for me.
Atrix Pros:
-Dual Core CPU
-GeForce GPU
-Fingerprint Scanner
-Motoblur > Touchwiz 3 (IMO) (of course I'd do LauncherPro/ADW, but still)
-qHD Resolution
Infuse Pros:
-GORGEOUS Super AMOLED Plus screen (I am pretty much in love with AMOLED)
-0.5 extra inches of screen real estate
-HSUPA isn't disabled
-Sideloading isn't disabled (but I'd probably root and lagfix anyway)
-I have huge hands
Basically, the Atrix has more horsepower, but the Infuse has more eye candy and network speed. I'm not sure which is the better trade-off. I'm a power user for sure, but I just can't get over AMOLED. Does anyone care to sway me one way or the other?
Of course, if the US gets the Galaxy S II by July then this is irrelevant.
Sorry if this has been posted a bagillion and five times.
US is getting galaxy sII in July so there's no point
Anyway to answer you before this gets locked, I say get the atrix. The resolution upgrade is awesome. Not only that but when we get custom roms, this beast will finally be freed.
But if you love the SAMOLED then just get the infuse. In everyday usage I doubt you'll notice the difference.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Well.... i went from an iPhone 4 to an Atrix... and i absolutely love it. I keep thinking about swinging by an AT&T store to check out the Infuse.... but i doubt it'd be tempting to me.
Reasons i like the Atrix:
1) the already mentioned dual-core... which i'm pretty sure will be a requirement in some Android versions... and a little bit of future-proofing never hurt anybody
2) 1GB RAM.... which i don't think many other phones have.... if any, really. (other than the SGS2)
3) fingerprint reader. Yes, it can be finicky at times, but at least your phone can't be cracked into by, say, figuring out a pattern that the oils of your skin have nicely smudged across your screen for you.
4) the also mentioned NVidia chipset. I don't do a lot of gaming on my phone... but hey.... just a little more future-proofing i guess.
Things i'm not sure of with the Infuse:
1) Super AMOLED. I know... they're quite nice screens.... but i also hear the colors are extremely vivid... which might not necessarily be the greatest thing.
2) screen size. Yes, it's only another half inch... and yes, we may have large hands... but pocketability is my concern. An extra half inch can do wonders to a pocket.
Two things i'd like to correct in your Pros/Cons... HSUPA has been enabled for the Atrix (and reviews of the Infuse i've seen don't really show much difference from what many still see with the Atrix. Sometimes nice speeds.... sometimes sh*t speeds), and supposedly sideloading could be allowed by AT&T in the near future.
The Galaxy S2 might be worthwhile... but i dunno. Would have been nice had they gone with the NVidia chipset... but maybe they figured it would generate too much heat for an extremely thin phone? Not saying the Atrix is a beast size-wise... but i'm pretty sure it's thicker than the SGS2.
Futureproofing is something I didn't really think of. The Dual-Core, though zippy now, has even more room to grow with Gingerbread updates. And considering Samsung's track record with updates, the Atrix will go a lot farther.
The Atrix probably will be my choice unless the screen difference is just that huge.
And I sure do hope the GS2 comes in July.
yea... a friend of mine has the original Motorola Droid on Verizon. He thought about getting the Thunderbolt, but figured it didn't make sense to upgrade to another single-core phone when dual-core phones on Verizon are just around the bend.
And like i said... not entirely sure about the screen, since i haven't actually taken the time to look at a Super AMOLED screen, let alone both side-by-side.... but i quite like the Atrix's screen, even though it is a pentile matrix screen.... mostly because the downside to pentile matrix is only really that noticable if you frequently use 100% brightness or are constantly an inch or a few from your phone's screen.
Your posting in the atrix forum...what answer do you expect
Sent from the bowels of hell...
elementaldragon said:
mostly because the downside to pentile matrix is only really that noticable if you frequently use 100% brightness or are constantly an inch or a few from your phone's screen.
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Definitely not true...
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I have been using Atrix for a while now, have to say that even with a huge battery the back up is not great. Bootloader is locked which means no custom goodies. Finger print reader is buggy and slow and irritating. You can not turn off 4g, which takes a lot of battery. Can not turn off haptic feedback etc etc etc .
Sent from Atrix
Wow.... who'd have seen that coming. Another person complaining about the bootloader. Haven't really noticed any issues with the fingerprint reader either, other than when i try to swipe too fast and it doesn't quite get a good read... which is kinda expected. And i may be mistaken.... but can't you turn off 4g/HSPA+ by just choosing a different APN in the mobile network settings? Such as to AT&T US instead of the default AT&T US HSDPA?
eallan: how you figure? I didn't even really know wtf people were complaining about with pentile matrix displays til i actually turned the brightness up to 100% on my Atrix, and even then it's not really a "Hey, that shouldn't be like that" moment.
Extra real estate should be a con lol
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I am also unsure as to which one to go with. I am still using a sammy omnia II and was wondering if the new screen on the infuse is better in the sun than the older omnia II also which is better in the bright sun the atrix or infuse that. Also works betted as a phone, the atrix or infuse??
jimvit1 said:
I am also unsure as to which one to go with. I am still using a sammy omnia II and was wondering if the new screen on the infuse is better in the sun than the older omnia II also which is better in the bright sun the atrix or infuse that. Also works betted as a phone, the atrix or infuse??
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On you tube it is seen the the qhd
Display is much more visible in direct sun light then SAMOLED+ Display atrix has a better loud speaker a much more superior GPS I tried the infuse it has the same gps problem I seen on.my old cappy
Here's the Youtube video
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
elementaldragon said:
Wow.... who'd have seen that coming. Another person complaining about the bootloader. Haven't really noticed any issues with the fingerprint reader either, other than when i try to swipe too fast and it doesn't quite get a good read... which is kinda expected. And i may be mistaken.... but can't you turn off 4g/HSPA+ by just choosing a different APN in the mobile network settings? Such as to AT&T US instead of the default AT&T US HSDPA?
eallan: how you figure? I didn't even really know wtf people were complaining about with pentile matrix displays til i actually turned the brightness up to 100% on my Atrix, and even then it's not really a "Hey, that shouldn't be like that" moment.
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Yeah another person. Maybe Motorola should take a hint. Its is big fat CON of the device.
All you have to look at to see the pentile is any color straight line. Especially green. The fact that its a rgbw layout instead of a rgbg layout makes text on white look much better though.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA Premium App
jimvit1 said:
I am also unsure as to which one to go with. I am still using a sammy omnia II and was wondering if the new screen on the infuse is better in the sun than the older omnia II also which is better in the bright sun the atrix or infuse that. Also works betted as a phone, the atrix or infuse??
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I haven't noticed either phone having an advantage in call quality.
The screen is incredible on the infuse. Beats the hell out of the atrix
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA Premium App
I took the time to mess with the Infuse today. Can't really vouch for the whole visibility in direct sunlight bit.... but i will say two things about it. It is nice... but i still don't like the way it looks. Pentile may not be the greatest display.... but neither is a fantastic Super AMOLED+ with extremely vivid colors. I was looking at both the Infuse and Atrix side by side... trying to get a comparison of the color quality.... and to be honest i prefer the Atrix's. Yeah, it may not be quite top-notch... but i'd rather have slightly less fantastic than over-the-top vivid. Tried to compare the icons... but couldn't. For one, Samsung uses their own custom ones.... and two, what you'd expect to be a decent red would be like a fire engine red. What you'd expect to be a nice mellow blue tone looks like cobalt blue. Think they need to stray away from Xbox-ification. Upping the shinyness doesn't always make something better.
Other than that, it actually seemed to be fairly laggy just pacing back and forth through the default home screens that were on the one at my local AT&T. And i don't mean the "laggy" that people say the Atrix is (which i fail to see).... i mean like you'd move your finger, and depending what's on the screen, it could take two seconds or so for it to actually flip screens.
Having used both I'd wait as you're waiting til July. There will be other choices like the Thrill as well as possibly a SGS2.
elementaldragon said:
I took the time to mess with the Infuse today. Can't really vouch for the whole visibility in direct sunlight bit.... but i will say two things about it. It is nice... but i still don't like the way it looks. Pentile may not be the greatest display.... but neither is a fantastic Super AMOLED+ with extremely vivid colors. I was looking at both the Infuse and Atrix side by side... trying to get a comparison of the color quality.... and to be honest i prefer the Atrix's. Yeah, it may not be quite top-notch... but i'd rather have slightly less fantastic than over-the-top vivid. Tried to compare the icons... but couldn't. For one, Samsung uses their own custom ones.... and two, what you'd expect to be a decent red would be like a fire engine red. What you'd expect to be a nice mellow blue tone looks like cobalt blue. Think they need to stray away from Xbox-ification. Upping the shinyness doesn't always make something better.
Other than that, it actually seemed to be fairly laggy just pacing back and forth through the default home screens that were on the one at my local AT&T. And i don't mean the "laggy" that people say the Atrix is (which i fail to see).... i mean like you'd move your finger, and depending what's on the screen, it could take two seconds or so for it to actually flip screens.
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The icons don't have a background on the homescreen or custom launcher. I also couldn't disagree with your screen assessment any more.
The atrix colors are ok. The viewing angles are terrible however. Blacks are bright!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA Premium App
someone at work had the infuse today. too big and i seriously dont understand what the fuss is all about with regards to super amoled +. Its nice, but too cartoony. Cant go back to anything less than what the atrix has.
i have had the atrix for a couple of months. Bought SGS2 last week and IT IS GETTING RETURNED!
When compared to Atrix: Battery is awful, GPS is poor, sound is poor and it wont make it for more than 4 hours on a charge. I assume the Infuse is going to be similar.
ekerbuddyeker said:
i have had the atrix for a couple of months. Bought SGS2 last week and IT IS GETTING RETURNED!
When compared to Atrix: Battery is awful, GPS is poor, sound is poor and it wont make it for more than 4 hours on a charge. I assume the Infuse is going to be similar.
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4 hours on a charge? Come on man... That's ridiculous. No one is only getting 4 hours without doing something massively wrong.

Screen calibration improved in Lollipop?

I hadn't been paying a whole lot of attention since upgrading the other day but then I laid the phone next to my wife's S5 and maybe I'm imagining things but the screen on the Moto X feels a lot less warm than it did a week ago when compared to the much cooler toned Galaxy S5. Am I wrong here?
WilliamRBR said:
I hadn't been paying a whole lot of attention since upgrading the other day but then I laid the phone next to my wife's S5 and maybe I'm imagining things but the screen on the Moto X feels a lot less warm than it did a week ago when compared to the much cooler toned Galaxy S5. Am I wrong here?
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I just saw a display unit at a verizon store and my thoughts were exactly the same as yours !?!? I saw the same display units at the same verizon store a month or so ago with kitkat and the super saturated screen was the first thought that came to my mind - this was the first time I checked it out and that was a deal breaker for me.
But this second visit has gotten me thinking, so much so that I googled it up and came across your post. Have you had a chance to compare/analyze it more ? I had to open the play store on the moto x AND Htc One to reconfirm the saturation ! But definitely looked less saturated as compared to the Nexus 6 I recently saw.
Anybody else - any feedback ?
Sure has. The colors seem a lot more contrasty and punchy! Whites are also slightly better. It closely matches the nexus 6 screen now, looks wonderful!
nithin1992 said:
Sure has. The colors seem a lot more contrasty and punchy! Whites are also slightly better. It closely matches the nexus 6 screen now, looks wonderful!
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I was actually suggesting the opposite - the Nexus 6 is super saturated ~ poor screen calibration. The Moto X was similar but as @WilliamRBR also suggested it seems the screen calibration may have been tweaked in the lollipop update thus resulting in less of the super saturated unreal colors and more closer to the Note 4 calibration ~ which is quiet good.
Screen calibration is better on lollipop, a lot less saturated.
Judge584 said:
Screen calibration is better on lollipop, a lot less saturated.
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Fantastic ! So its just not me then Hopefully more users can chime in
It's so good I'm just loving it
Glad to hear this!
I didn't notice any difference.
Serious? It's more than noticeable! Just open the play store and look at the red, green etc... No more flashy.
For me it's still oversaturated and incorrectly calibrated, especially when comparing to Nexus 5.
I have owned this device for about two months now. To be honest, I did notice that, a few days before the Lollipop update (wich happened last week to me), the colors seemed more satured than the usual. I concluded (wrongly?) it had to do with the ageing of the screen.
But even after the update I feel the colors are still as satured as they were in KK (wich I find pretty nice).
Or maybe my eyes are not so great anymore.
Quiet a mixed bag here, maybe M8 is the way to go given the comparable cameras but with extra battery and nicer screen. Thank you all for sharing your inputs here though.
I actually really like the "oversaturated" colors, and would prefer it to at least be an option to set the saturation/calibration level. The main reason I love OLED so much is because of this, and I hope they wouldn't force a change like that in the update. Something like the Samsung calibration menu would be nice.
ChrisK15 said:
I actually really like the "oversaturated" colors, and would prefer it to at least be an option to set the saturation/calibration level. The main reason I love OLED so much is because of this, and I hope they wouldn't force a change like that in the update. Something like the Samsung calibration menu would be nice.
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oh yeah if motorola had display options like samsung provides - essentially different levels of saturation - THAT WOULD BE AWESOME !!! Everyone of us can have their desired levels of oomph and punch or the lack of
It looks exactly the same, but is a beautiful screen regardless.
Mine is too warm... That is the only issue that I have with it and have to use calibration app to make it cooler
Sent from my XT1095
Which app?
Does the camera autofocus correctly during video capture in the Lollipop?
My Moto X 2 has Kitkat and doesn't autofocus during video captures. It acts same like fixed focus came of Moto E, though autofocus works perfectly fine during photo capture. I have tried lot of third party camera apps, cleared cache as suggested by moto care but still no solution
Now I am badly missing my old and gold Atrix 2 badly, thankfully that is still at home but no more mine.
