[FIX] Screen Sharpening possible fix - G3 General

Hi guys,
As title explains, I think I found a kinda 'fix', or improvement, for the so-called extra sharpening condition that many users (me included) are experiencing.
Before being flamed, I know this is 'just one more sharpening thread' but I decided to post it because I really made me a difference, and I'd like to compare other users results.
After flashing a recovery-flashable 10n rom:
[ROM] [30-Oct] Last Firmware Stock (TWPR) << D855-10N>>
I realised my Settings screen was still showing my stock firmware name, so I began to research what was wrong with my device.
Finally today I realised, that many carrier-branded G3 have a /cust/ folder in the device root, which is being overlaid on top of the system partition, to put it in simple words.
So basically, (being ROOTED), I backed up such folder, deleted it completely , and rebooted, and I can swear the sharpening was gone, or at least mitigated considerably.
Also, of course, ROM detail screen displays 10N version properly, among several other carrier personalizations gone too, that I couldn't get rid of (even doing a full wipe).
I hope that this becomes usefull for someone else, and please let me know your comments.

I severely doubt that region is somehow affecting sharpening. I checked GLOBAL_COM (default region, used when auto-detection fail), HKG and CIS regions. No noticeable effect on sharpening.

Worth a try, how did you delete it? Root explore can't
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app

Gugus38 said:
Worth a try, how did you delete it? Root explore can't
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app
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I use Solid Explorer as my file manager, it's pretty cool...
Did you mounted r/w the system partition, on Root Explorer?

D850 here. no /cust folder in root. I looked one level in root directories.. nope.

I change my resolution settings to 1441x2561 with nonome or whatever ... Someone said it somewhere else and I think it helped but it may just be a placebo....or my eyes are bad but I have 20/15 vision lol

rodrigofd said:
Hi guys,
...and please let me know your comments.
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This, as all other "fixes", doesn't do jack :good:

Is it safe to delete the "Cust" folder? There are quite few files in there.

I now found folder cust must delet??

Just wanted to share this in this thread as well, as I did find the screen sharpening obvious and annoying (keyword "I", I know others do not).
Here's a tip that did work for ME (YMMV). I basically used iFont to change the phone's font, and then set the font to restore back to default font, but set the new font as the default font. After rebooting and everything, all the new fonts do not register the sharpening effect anymore. I have to be honest, I'm not sure if it's just the applying of a new font, or the setting of the new font as default that made the difference (I think it's the latter), but now my text is ultra sharp. Hope this helps some of you. And if it actually does work for others as well, please share it - because for me the sharpening effect was very obvious and annoying.

woww amazing
i install now screen sharpening fix tnanx.

jojobans said:
woww amazing
i install now screen sharpening fix tnanx.
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No. It does nothing. Nothing.


Reduce LCD Density Setting in Build.Prop For Higher Res Look

Update: I installed Spare Parts, as mentioned by appelflap later in this thread, disabled compatibility mode, then followed the directions in this post, and I have a working status bar, good resolution, and in a better place in most cases.
Update: Check out appelflap's APK that makes this whole process a lot easier. Note that some users are reporting a black screen after using the file, so be prepared in case you have to use adb shell to put your original build.prop file in place. If you do not want to risk it, Notepad++ makes for an easy edit once you pull the file to your PC. If you have fallen prey to the black screen problem, lpsi2000 found a solution that uses an update.zip approach.
In the /system/build.prop file, I changed this line:
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to this:
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This is a setting that Google normally recommends if you have a larger screen (like Dell's Streak), but the side effect of using it on the 800x480 screen of the captivate is that everything is smaller.
With this, menus have smaller text (more options on screen), in-app buttons are smaller, and it just has the same feeling of being on a PC and moving from a low resolution LCD monitor to a high resolution LCD monitor.
There are a couple of glitches so far. It appears that some apps want to render in the previous resolution. For example, Skyfire and Root Explorer would not render in full screen, Android Market renders full screen but the search is in the old resolution, and the status bar is slightly garbled but still usable. Also, the dial pad is smaller (as you would expect showing a picture made for a low res display on a high res display) but the rest of the phone app is fine. The camera app fills the screen just like it did before.
With this setting, I really feel like I'm getting some use out of the high resolution display on this phone.
The apps that are rending in the low res mode of the original setting seem to be pulling their setting from somewhere else. Does anybody have an idea where that setting may be? After trying this, I can't imagine going back to what almost seems like an "accessibility mode".
I've only used LauncherPro with this setting, so no idea how the Samsung launcher looks. I attached screenshots of what some things look like. I can put some game screenshots in another post if anybody is interested. 3D games look sharper to me in this mode, but I have no scientific way of testing if it is because it is rendering in higher res or if my own excitement is clouding my vision.
Update: I suspect the missing setting is found in the /system.prop file. It has the ro.sf.lcd_density=240 setting. I tried changing it to 160, but it keeps going back to 240 after a reboot of the phone. Any ideas how to make this stick?
Warning:: TWLauncher does not play well with these changes. Make sure to have LauncherPro set up as your default launcher before trying this.
So you're pulling it off the cappy then editing putting back....do you need to change permissions?
The way that I pulled it out to edit on my PC was with this:
adb pull /system/build.prop
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You will need root access in order to put the changed file back. What I did was
adb push build.prop /sdcard
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I then used Root Explorer to copy the build.prop from /sdcard to /system. I didn't change any permissions other than just copying the file and rebooting.
Wow man that's pretty cool, it's got a few little glitches but nothing serious. One of the things I wish I could so though is make my Beautiful widgets clock go all the way across the top. I'm not sure if this is a placebo effect (I donno if that's possible since this should have nothing to do with it) but it seems like my soft buttons respond more often....I'm prolly nuts but it doesn't seem like I need to push....push...%$^&*^ PUSH.....and back to home.
I'm hoping someone will have a great idea on how to keep the /system.prop file from updating itself on boot. I'm thinking that if we can get the ro.sf.lcd_density=240 setting to stick to 160 after a reboot, that might fix the few instances where an app won't render full screen.
I've tried chmod 666 system.prop and chown root.root system.prop but it still gets returned to normal after rebooting.
Wow I'm excited to test this out. Couldn't we get someone to code this into the startup script theoretically?
Edit: Tried it out. Really really nice. If only we could get the rest of the apps to work the right way... right res.
One thing also that's cool is in launcherpro you can add more columns to the drawer so you can fit an insane amount of apps on screen.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Also out of curiosity, have you tried any other DPI like 200? Our does it need to be either or to keep it proportional?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Lower resolution works as well. Here are some comparisons. 160, 240, 320. 200, since someone asked.
wow, this could REALLY be nice.. Just need to fix everything, but like others have said no HUGE things that cause it to be unusable, but I would love to see everything correct.
Also out of curiosity, have you tried any other DPI like 200? Our does it need to be either or to keep it proportional?
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No, the only reason I chose 160 was because it is listed as "MDPI" in the Android SDK. (We were using "HDPI" with 240.)
I only figured it was a "supported" number, so I started there, but most any number will do. You can see a chart where it recommends certain numbers based on resolution or screen size, but I think these recommendations are to cover everybody, which includes folks who can't (easily) see small text or icons.
The chart that shows Google's recommendations is here.
reading around, it seems that the files need to be put back to read only.
phlunkie said:
reading around, it seems that the files need to be put back to read only.
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I thought so also, but you don't need to. All I'm doing is copying it with root explorer to sd, then using astro to edit the line and root explorer to put it back. Reboot and your GTG. Everything works fine.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
So the settings are sticking after a reboot? I will have to try this when I get home.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
phlunkie said:
So the settings are sticking after a reboot? I will have to try this when I get home.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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After I edited the build.prop and the build.prop.bak files in the /system directory it works fine after reboot. A problem that I have is that TouchWiz force closes after editing the files.
Using this on SGS made:
- notification bar unreadable (kindof text overlap@240160 setting).
- Launcher pro works.
- Market scales nice.
- big list's buttons are now nice
//edit: changed to 200 - seems to be great compromise.
Bad practice. U shouldnt have edited ur build.prop.bak file, becouse it is actually a backup of original build.prop, made by RootExplorer (guess). In case u want to revert to original content, u just delete edited file and delete .bak from this one.
xan said:
Using this on SGS made:
- notification bar unreadable (kindof text [email protected] setting).
- Launcher pro works.
- Market scales nice.
- big list's buttons are now nice
//edit: changed to 200 - seems to be great compromise.
Bad practice. U shouldnt have edited ur build.prop.bak file, becouse it is actually a backup of original build.prop, made by RootExplorer (guess). In case u want to revert to original content, u just delete edited file and delete .bak from this one.
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Any pics? Love to see the difference.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Here they are.
I'm trying to figure out how to make those other applications also use the full screen when at a different resolution. I tried the method here
to run a script that rewrites the /system.prop file, and it didn't fix anything, so either that is not where the applications are getting the property from, or we need to rewrite the file earlier in the boot process.
Are you sure those apps are graphically able to scale? Maybe touchwiz does not take scaling into account (at least with native apps) because the screens are all 4 inches.

LCD Density !

I'm not entirely sure if someone has already said this or if anyone knows how to do it, but I have and its really useful !
Basically you can drop the Density of the screen and give it a larger appearance. Best way to do this in my opinion, is to grab yourself a copy of Droid Explorer, browse into the system folder in your root, save a copy of Build.prop to the desktop, open it with notepad, find LCD DENSITY=240 or whatever it is and change the value to 180, replace the build.prop in Droid explorer with the one from your desktop and reboot your device
If you don't like it you can always go back in and change it back ^^
Sorry for the noobish question. But I am not quite sure I understand what this does. Could you explain just a wee bit? Even better if you could post before and after screenshots.
Uhm, Nothing new I'm afraid. There are already some apps in the market that let you do just this.
xpstyle36 said:
I'm not entirely sure if someone has already said this or if anyone knows how to do it, but I have and its really useful !
Basically you can drop the Density of the screen and give it a larger appearance. Best way to do this in my opinion, is to grab yourself a copy of Droid Explorer, browse into the system folder in your root, save a copy of Build.prop to the desktop, open it with notepad, find LCD DENSITY=240 or whatever it is and change the value to 180, replace the build.prop in Droid explorer with the one from your desktop and reboot your device
If you don't like it you can always go back in and change it back ^^
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Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Its Changing the resolution of the screen so that everything is slightly bigger (or smaller) by editing the value.
Thank you for the info!
EDIT - Sorry I posted this too late! A mod can remove it if you want...
Oooooooh. Got it.
But IMHO I dont see why I (or anyone else for that matter) would personally want to do something like that. Unless, it just for kicks.
It's not changing the resolution. It's changing the dpi settings.
Why is this in the dev forum?
Rawat said:
Why is this in the dev forum?
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For the same reason Samsung went with Rfs : unknown
There is an app on the market. LCDDensity it is.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Is this still being applied after restarting your phone?
The point of it is to have a larger viewing area, which is great for things like viewing webpages or documents but it can break games and certain designed UI's (like touchwiz)
Having ADW + Density change looks good though.
Pff. Changing this value kills too much apps (like LauncherPro, Simi Clock and others).
So, changing this value renders most of your apps unusable.
Not working for me anyhow.
ps. I do not like the changed settings either, the screen feels like having a blur on it. (tried 100 and 180 as values).
jbrugger said:
Pff. Changing this value kills too much apps (like LauncherPro, Simi Clock and others).
So, changing this value renders most of your apps unusable.
Not working for me anyhow.
ps. I do not like the changed settings either, the screen feels like having a blur on it. (tried 100 and 180 as values).
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Thanks for all the feedback sorry i was un-aware that there was an app for this ^^ also if you go to the Android Market and grab "Spare Parts" and turn off Compatibility mode, 99% of apps will scale fine to the change
Seems not to be a good idea on my galaxy s. Everything resizes and loks cool except the build-in apps:agenda, calculator, dailer, mp3player cdmode. Those apps did not change resolution ;(
But still i have to admit: density of 200 looks much better than 240
Cool app, stupid samsung apps!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

[REQ] Custom rom for high pixel density

I'm finding the standard LCD density too small and prefer a setting of at least 200 on my Streak. I also find that 3rd party widgets tend to look better on a setting of at least 200 and best on 240.
Only issue I have is various stock apps no longer look right at the higher setting e.g. the Gallery doesn't display the buttons at the top correctly, the dialer shortcut doesn't appear correctly in the Stage launcher, when receiving an incoming call in landscape mode the number is not fully visible, dialer looks weird and I'm sure I will find more things.
Basically, the two biggest annoyances for me are the dialer and the gallery. Can versions of these apps be baked into a rom that is designed to be used at the higher LCD dencity?
agreed the high density looks very sharp, I like it.
but trying to enter text in some fields, you cant even see the input field, Dialer incall buttons and contact names become b0rked, among other things,
Can anyone fix this so they dont get so blown out of proportion?
Thanks. The highest I went is 200, but back to 160 on djsteves 1.5.1 because of issues mentioned above.
I do believe you'd have to open up each apk and completely redo all the graphics so they don't look out of proportion blown up. I guess all you'd have to do is make them all smaller but it will probably be much more complicated than that!
So yes, it can be done. But i doubt anyone will do it.
Could you copy an apk from another phone with a higher pixel density? E.g. nexus one I think has 252ppi.
nexus by default is 240 yes, ill have a look at doing a 1.5.1 huge version wen i get a sec
You are awesome!
Could you possibly make it no baseband because I use a rebel sim?
Before flashing the zip, unpack the whole thing and open system/build.prop with a text editor (like notepad or your favorite IDE). Then search for "ro.sf.lcd_density=160" and change it to a value you like. Save the file and repack it into the zip file (with WinRAR for example). Flash the ROM using StreakMod or ClockWorkMod and have fun with it!
Another option is to get Root Explorer - or a similar program - and go to system/build.prop. Set the permissions to r+w. Now you can edit this file using Root Explorer or copy it to your MicroSD and edit it like I said before. After the edit copy it back if you have too or save it. Then set the permissions back to r+o and reboot.
I have mine set to 220, which is a great size but I guess 200 is nice too!
alex3305 said:
Before flashing the zip, unpack the whole thing and open system/build.prop with a text editor (like notepad or your favorite IDE). Then search for "ro.sf.lcd_density=160" and change it to a value you like. Save the file and repack it into the zip file (with WinRAR for example). Flash the ROM using StreakMod or ClockWorkMod and have fun with it!
Another option is to get Root Explorer - or a similar program - and go to system/build.prop. Set the permissions to r+w. Now you can edit this file using Root Explorer or copy it to your MicroSD and edit it like I said before. After the edit copy it back if you have too or save it. Then set the permissions back to r+o and reboot.
I have mine set to 220, which is a great size but I guess 200 is nice too!
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I think we understand that, the issue we have is that anything higher than stock 160 and apps get blown out of proportion, escpecially phone app for me, 180 is the highest /usable/ for me. I would love to have to cranked to the max, after owning an iphone 4 for a while, sweet display; but software is too simple.
Thanks DJ_Steve for looking into this,
please see if you can sort out the blurry contact pictures in-call, they look horrible even on stock 160, is it just me?
chrisrotolo said:
I think we understand that, the issue we have is that anything higher than stock 160 and apps get blown out of proportion, escpecially phone app for me, 180 is the highest /usable/ for me. I would love to have to cranked to the max, after owning an iphone 4 for a while, sweet display; but software is too simple.
Thanks DJ_Steve for looking into this,
please see if you can sort out the blurry contact pictures in-call, they look horrible even on stock 160, is it just me?
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Exactly. I'm running mine at 220 but if the phone happens to put itself in landscape mode while it's ringing (happens sometimes) I can't see who is calling.
sorry i don't get it. how is the pixel density supposed to increase if the resolution of the LCD screen is fixed (480 by 800 pixels, not one more not one less)? to clarify, I am not denigrating, I just do not understand
Very frustrating. I dont have "ro.sf.lcd_density=160" in my build prop. Im on official ota update from a couple days ago
Hi Steve,
Any news on this?
carhigh said:
Very frustrating. I dont have "ro.sf.lcd_density=160" in my build prop. Im on official ota update from a couple days ago
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Me neither.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
deekdeek said:
Me neither.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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I don't think this line is in the stock build.prop. Just add it under #other edits. If that's not their either, look for either debug.sf.hw=1 or debug.sf.hw=0 and add it after that.
You can use Incoming Call Plus (beta) as a replacement for incoming calls. This works great and has no negative side-effects for me.
Krisbo said:
I don't think this line is in the stock build.prop. Just add it under #other edits. If that's not their either, look for either debug.sf.hw=1 or debug.sf.hw=0 and add it after that.
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Adding it worked. Thanks, i can read more now
alex3305 said:
You can use Incoming Call Plus (beta) as a replacement for incoming calls. This works great and has no negative side-effects for me.
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That's not bad although the answer/reject buttons are UGLY!!! Does the job though and I can see who is calling
Any progress Steve?
I took this Gallery apk out from the Cyanogen Mod HTC Evo zip. It should scale properly when you change your DPI although stuff becomes real small when you go back to stock 160 DPI. It also fixes the "this is an audio file only" or whatever the hell that is if that wasn't already fixed.
It seems Dell changed the DPI of the dialer and gallery app to make use of the screen real estate while also using 160 dpi for the rest of the system.
Tried that apk n didn't do **** for me but I might have done it wrong...no biggy 1.5.3 looks like it might have this area sown up
Sent from xda app Dell streak dj 1.5.2

[Q] Decrease font size in Message thread in GB stock room on X10

Dear all,
I am having problem with the font size of message thread view since updating to Gingerbread, the font size is now quite big.
Is there any way to decrease it?
PS: I search the forum and try to find settings in the phone, but could not get one solutions.
Thanks you in advance.
I was also looking for some settings on this but with no luck, maybe just install Handcent and be done with it eh XD
I think the font size is standard among their current devices, for better visibility
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
It can only be done by decompiling the apk and changing some xml values.
If anyone is interested, I can do it pretty easily.
Just send me the apk.
If u've got root you can make everything on ur phone smaller.
Edit /system/build.prop
Change ro.sf.lcd_density=240 to
It may cause some graphical glighes in badly programmed apps that expect the same screen size including some of the android pop up boxes and some stock SE apps. For example gaps may appear or not all the screen is used but most apps work fine and its def worth it for me at least.
Everything (font) seems to be fine besides message threadview... It cannot fit many message in one screen...
Sent from my X10i using XDA App

[Mod][MotoActv] Tweaks+Mods Pack!

ive gathered some things and did a few tests on my MotoActv since ive gotten it and did some tweaks here and there and i added the following features to mine and put them into a flashable zip for u all
-init.d support (plus some scripts to make it faster then ever) (tested and working (makes two files in sdcard on boot to show it) (picks and chooses when to work now for some reason, so i put an app i made that loads scripts when onCreate()'d and sometimes on-boot)
-Viper4Android sound system (only works for bluetooth headsets if enabled, but its sounds better with good settings)(see credits)
-OpenVPN (idk if theres a use for us but i added the required files (no GUI)
-UsbEnabler.apk (see credits)
-Adblock host (hopefully it works i havent been able to test yet)
-lag-free entropy (so far seems to work, as im not lagging switching launchers anymore)
-MotoActv DPI (my own personall app i made for Changing dpi from 90,100, and stock(120)
-Sqlite3 + init.d sqlite3 optimizer
-Busybox Run-parts (for init.d, still picks and chooses when to work)
-100 Dpi When-Flashed (can be changed back to stock with the MotoActv DPI app i made)
-minor-to-major tweaks from init.d scripts and other methods
-DalvikCache2Sd (not sure if it truly tested working, but i do have a tiny bit more space+no lag like other 2SD methods
soon to be added:
I take bare minimum credit for these, i mostly used this personal zip for when i update my MotoActv's rom, this can be universal for other androids, but it was initially made to the MotoActv watch running custom roms
Credits to give:
(will edit when i get forum post urls and OP's names)
OP = @zhuhang
Thread = http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2191223
OP = @fagalto
Thread = http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2396138
init.d scripts, OpenVpn, Entropy:
i extracted from the rom on my phone so idk where they originally came from
Init.d App(unreleased w/o mod_pack)+MotoActv DPI:
OP:me @jkok for developing and publishing
Thread (MotoActv DPI):
Gallery+Live Wallapapers:
Google, But @ClearD for giving me the zip with the script+apks
the zip:
i put together, made the script, signed+released for general use for others:
future credits will be made when i add more things.
Reusable Download Link
Here's a zip (with changed mounting, again; this time using the exact same one that I use for the rom) of the Live Wallpapers + Gallery apks. Hopefully, this one will work fine.
ClearD said:
Here's a zip (with changed mounting, again; this time using the exact same one that I use for the rom) of the Live Wallpapers + Gallery apks. Hopefully, this one will work fine.
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well thanks ClearD i can do the script just fine, some of the mountpoints are universal like what i use
run_program("xbin/mount", "/system"); (might be wrong on the xbin part, just going by memory
run_program("xbin/umount", "/system");
but the resolution on the galery on your motoactv rom is too big for it, it resizes dont get me wrong, but it needs to do a single horizontal row cause if u overscroll to the farest right u see there is second or more rows going down, imma fine the sourcecode for the galery2.apk, and make a single-row version when i find it =)
jkok said:
well thanks ClearD i can do the script just fine, some of the mountpoints are universal like what i use
run_program("xbin/mount", "/system"); (might be wrong on the xbin part, just going by memory
run_program("xbin/umount", "/system");
but the resolution on the galery on your motoactv rom is too big for it, it resizes dont get me wrong, but it needs to do a single horizontal row cause if u overscroll to the farest right u see there is second or more rows going down, imma fine the sourcecode for the galery2.apk, and make a single-row version when i find it =)
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Ah, sweet! That sounds good. I couldn't get it to mount properly any other way so far, but it could have been something as simple as a typo. If it does actually work, then I might use that in the future. That's the one I tried with the last iteration.
ClearD said:
Ah, sweet! That sounds good. I couldn't get it to mount properly any other way so far, but it could have been something as simple as a typo. If it does actually work, then I might use that in the future.
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the universal way i do my scripts is
mount("ext3", "MTD", "system", "/system");
and it always seemed to work for me, so thats why i call it universal anyways
but the other ways i posted seemed to work for me when i tried em, i just used this way cause it was in a zip for a motoactv rom (i think it was yours or the battery mod)
Opps! i was wrong, its not
run_program("xbin/mount", "system");
run_program("sbin/mount", "system");
lol i had to check my other mod zips lol
jkok said:
the universal way i do my scripts is
mount("ext3", "MTD", "system", "/system");
and it always seemed to work for me, so thats why i call it universal anyways
but the other ways i posted seemed to work for me when i tried em, i just used this way cause it was in a zip for a motoactv rom (i think it was yours or the battery mod)
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Lol no doubt, I went through the same thing with the battery mod, looking over and over for one that worked better. I'd prefer the xbin/mount method, but for some reason, it was hit and miss on my end with end users. Not sure why, unless busybox wasn't set up right somehow.
Just updated the mod_pack with more features!
Sorry but the only thing i havent really been able to fix that well way the init.d it seemed to workwhen i first released this mod_pack, but it seems to pick+choose when to work, so i added 2 other methods for init.d (one of which is an app i made, yet to release that loads the scripts when the app is onCreate()'d and sometimes on-boot when SuperUser allows it)
but there are some great new features that WILL work, along with some of my own personall apps, tweaks, and clock faces =)
Again: this mod_pack is meant for MotoActv's running a custom rom, and Not meant for AOSP based MotoActv Roms
Tested and confirmed working (except init.d that picks and chooses) on @ClearD 's ClearRom 1.2.0 T2 (and my own personal (un)Official 1.2.1 T1 i made for him)
For some reason all of the mods are being denied superuser, any ideas? I am setup to automatically allow all requests
Edit: Installed SuperSU and my problem has been resolved
Has there been anything definitive about the entropy thing? The last consensus I saw by anyone not potentially making money from a fix is that at best it's just forcing the processor to stay awake, decreasing battery life.
Saeviomage said:
Has there been anything definitive about the entropy thing? The last consensus I saw by anyone not potentially making money from a fix is that at best it's just forcing the processor to stay awake, decreasing battery life.
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well by my testing before my motoactv went kaput it didnt affect the battery any noticeable amount, but it did solve some-to-all of the lag from switching launchers on the ClearDroid 1.2.0_T2 rom, i cannot make or update this mod-pack anymore because i dont like submitting a mod-pack that is untested, and since my motoactv went kaput i cannot test it anymore but if u have any questions feel free to ask and ill try to answer the best i can for now =)
not sure what is the right place to ask this... How does DPI change work? Does it mean the "system" screen resolution is changed? Let say, what is the "Full Screen" resolutions in 90/100/stock(120?) dpi's??? Where to read about it if it is not so simple???
yuiop0 said:
not sure what is the right place to ask this... How does DPI change work? Does it mean the "system" screen resolution is changed? Let say, what is the "Full Screen" resolutions in 90/100/stock(120?) dpi's??? Where to read about it if it is not so simple???
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Dont worry its ok to ask here, since i made this app after all , i might as well answer how this works =)
well to make it shorter and more understandable to alot more people:
Yes, it is the overall resolution of the screen:
DPI (dots-per-inch) is more like the size range to view images/displays/graphics on ANY of your LCD/LED Screened devices including androids, I-craps(iPhones/ipods )(sorry i dont like apple too much, bad excperiences, dont get offended if u like it as its just my personal preferences), blackberries, windows phones, TV's, computer Monitors, etc:
the stock setting for HDPI phones (the more common screened ones now) is 240, say if u lower it, the images get smaller, if u raise it it gets bigger (maybe even too big for the screen to handle correctly);
but since the MOTOACTV has a smaller screen as u can obviously see (if u have one that is, as i dont know others posesions =P), its default for the stock rom is 120 (1/2 of HDPI if u notice the math) and 120 is as big as it should go cause say for example 130 dpi, it makes the images slightly too big for the screen, but slightly smaller values (100 is usually smallest for alot of peoples eyes for the watch, but for some people like me that like them a tad smaller for sharp small details, i put 90), but literally the smaller the amounts go, the smaller the images(and possible errors, i.e ES File Explorer crashes below 120 DPI untill u restore to 120+) , and for the smaller screen we have u cant go too big (121+), or too small (>=90-100), so i put those details of 90,100,and 120 (no 110 as it doesnt make too much of a difference by what i saw)
but there is (a) way(s) to check what DPI u are at currently:
METHOD1.check your build.prop file under /system/build.prop by doin these ADB commands (**new line is a new command**) (commands stop at <EOC>)
adb remount
adb pull /system/build.prop
check somewhere using notepad for this line (NOTE: if u want to edit to push to your device use notepad++, search for it on google if u dont already have it, as regular notepad corrupts it)
ro.sf.lcd_density=(your current DPI is displayed here)
if u decide to change it that way and want to apply it MAKE A BACKUP!!!, then change it in notepad++ and save it, then goto the directory it is in in the terminal/command prompt and do (**new line is a new command**) (commands stop at <EOC>)
adb remount
adb push build.prop /system/build.prop
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/build.prop
adb reboot
METHOD 2: Any DPI Checking/changer app (there might be some good free ones, i.e. pimpmyrom has a density changer (DPI changer) that works the same as mine i think, it changes the DPI value in the Build.prop and it WILL stick over reboots, just not rom flashes (as it overwrites it and my change)
if u want to see how i did this(if u understand java/android applications) u can check This app on my github, its acually fairly easy and lightweight compared to others
and the exact class that does this (using a library), is this
as u can see it changes it to 90,100, and 120 quite simply (with root access of course)
and sorry for this long message but it explains not only your question, but possible future questions on how this app works =)
jkok said:
but there is (a) way(s) to check what DPI u are at currently:
METHOD1.check your build.prop file under /system/build.prop by doin these ADB commands (**new line is a new command**) (commands stop at <EOC>)
adb remount
adb pull /system/build.prop
check somewhere using notepad for this line (NOTE: if u want to edit to push to your device use notepad++, search for it on google if u dont already have it, as regular notepad corrupts it)
ro.sf.lcd_density=(your current DPI is displayed here)
if u decide to change it that way and want to apply it MAKE A BACKUP!!!, then change it in notepad++ and save it, then goto the directory it is in in the terminal/command prompt and do (**new line is a new command**) (commands stop at <EOC>)
adb remount
adb push build.prop /system/build.prop
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/build.prop
adb reboot
METHOD 2: Any DPI Checking/changer app (there might be some good free ones, i.e. pimpmyrom has a density changer (DPI changer) that works the same as mine i think, it changes the DPI value in the Build.prop and it WILL stick over reboots, just not rom flashes (as it overwrites it and my change)
if u want to see how i did this(if u understand java/android applications) u can check This app on my github, its acually fairly easy and lightweight compared to others
and the exact class that does this (using a library), is this
as u can see it changes it to 90,100, and 120 quite simply (with root access of course)
and sorry for this long message but it explains not only your question, but possible future questions on how this app works =)
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There is a 3rd method as well.
Method 3 = Install the Xposed framework and app settings apk found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=44034334&postcount=2315
This will allow per app DPI settings rather than one global setting.
In order for this to work correctly, make sure you move both the Xposed Installer and App Settings apks to the phone after installation and reboot as well.
I like running some apps at 120, others at 100, 90, and even 70 w/ modded font sizes and this allows for all those combinations.
Artimis said:
There is a 3rd method as well.
Method 3 = Install the Xposed framework and app settings apk found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=44034334&postcount=2315
This will allow per app DPI settings rather than one global setting.
In order for this to work correctly, make sure you move both the Xposed Installer and App Settings apks to the phone after installation and reboot as well.
I like running some apps at 120, others at 100, 90, and even 70 w/ modded font sizes and this allows for all those combinations.
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that is true, but i didnt include that cause i was seeing people having issues with xposed-framework on the MOTOACTV on a few threads, and tbh i made this app+inlcuded in modpack before that method was usable for MOTOACTV (or gingerbread in general), thats kinda why i havent updated the modpack in a while (including the fact mine is damaged for some time now), i managed to fix mine up somewhat but it only turns on the backlight and no button combos work but to turn on backlight XD, so no fastboot recovery, boot-to-system, or quickboot :S and since the device is discontinued i cant get a real fix XD, so unless i personally test the things i put in this modpack, i cant make new versions to distribute for device stability reasons (e.g. in case it is corrupted and breaks someone elses device, as it is un-tested, since i dont have a device to test it on)
jkok said:
that is true, but i didnt include that cause i was seeing people having issues with xposed-framework on the MOTOACTV on a few threads, and tbh i made this app+inlcuded in modpack before that method was usable for MOTOACTV (or gingerbread in general), thats kinda why i havent updated the modpack in a while (including the fact mine is damaged for some time now), i managed to fix mine up somewhat but it only turns on the backlight and no button combos work but to turn on backlight XD, so no fastboot recovery, boot-to-system, or quickboot :S and since the device is discontinued i cant get a real fix XD, so unless i personally test the things i put in this modpack, i cant make new versions to distribute for device stability reasons (e.g. in case it is corrupted and breaks someone elses device, as it is un-tested, since i dont have a device to test it on)
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Sorry to hear that. I personally haven't loaded the mod pack yet. Was looking into cherry picking parts of it when I saw the question on DPI. I thought it was a general question.
In any case, I personally have not had any issues with Xposed on my actv. What issues have you heard about?
jkok - thank you so much for the explanations. It's become more clear for me but I'm not so experienced in android/development so I have some more questions related to dpi on actv.
My practical interest in this is - to investigate the possibility to run igo primo on this device (for route planning/voice navigation) because I'm not happy with Motorola map application (walk/run outdoor mode). I have some ideas how to modify igo's data.zip for specific screen resolutions (at least I managed to make "custom 640x480" data.zip for primo 2.4.0 WM for htc DIAM100) but I need to know what is the "Full Screen" resoluton (for igo and other applications) in different dpi modes on actv (ClearD 1.2.0 rom currently, just in case). Is it the same - 176x220 for all dpi's (I don't think so as the size of icons/fonts/etc are different). So, the real question is - what is the screen resolution I need to set up in data.zip to try to run igo primo on motoactv. To know that I need to understand if dpi change affects the "full screen resolution" in motoactv/android. And, once more, sorry if the question looks stupid (already explained etc) as I'm not developer...
yuiop0 said:
jkok - thank you so much for the explanations. It's become more clear for me but I'm not so experienced in android/development so I have some more questions related to dpi on actv.
My practical interest in this is - to investigate the possibility to run igo primo on this device (for route planning/voice navigation) because I'm not happy with Motorola map application (walk/run outdoor mode). I have some ideas how to modify igo's data.zip for specific screen resolutions (at least I managed to make "custom 640x480" data.zip for primo 2.4.0 WM for htc DIAM100) but I need to know what is the "Full Screen" resoluton (for igo and other applications) in different dpi modes on actv (ClearD 1.2.0 rom currently, just in case). Is it the same - 176x220 for all dpi's (I don't think so as the size of icons/fonts/etc are different). So, the real question is - what is the screen resolution I need to set up in data.zip to try to run igo primo on motoactv. To know that I need to understand if dpi change affects the "full screen resolution" in motoactv/android. And, once more, sorry if the question looks stupid (already explained etc) as I'm not developer...
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well im not familiar with those apps, as for the resolutions/dpi im not sure of that :S it could possible be found on google, as basic hdpi (240 dpi), usually is around 480*800, and 120 dpi is like the motoactv 220*176, so i guess there isnt a ratio it follows, just sizing of images maybee :S, but i also just became a developer more resently withing the last 2 years so im still learning

