Best Buy in Store Purchase - Verizon Galaxy Note 4 General

So I tried 3 Best Buy location this morning.
The first said they only had enough for the people who pre-ordered, and that they might get more in tomorrow.
The Second said they don't have any and don't know when they will have any.
The third (at a major mall) said they were sold out, but might get some in later today or tomorrow.
The good news is that I was told by a manager that they have extended the $200 working phone trade-in deal until November 1st!

That's good news about extending the promotion, I pre-ordered on the 12th, I still haven't received an email from BB, I'm hoping to get it over the weekend.
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My local store got enough black for preordered plus additional 2 for walk ins. Didn't get enough white to fill preorders.


How of us pre-ordered with Best Buy and got backordered?

How many of us pre-ordered with Best Buy and got back ordered? I ordered a 32g White on the 8th.
I pre-ordered from BB as soon as it was available (32GB W). Got an email notice yesterday the device has shipped (from OH). This morning the device is in Buffalo.
Due to arrive on Tuesday, per UPS tracking.
Same thing. Shipped from OH and coming on Wednesday. If my preorder back from the 8th went to back order status I would go find a store that has the model you want and talk to the store manager. That's not right (don't care what or how it happened) thats not good customer service and last time I checked the majority of the US economy is what?.......a service economy.
Now I am bummed I found them at a Best Buy close to me and I called to have it transferred to store so I can get it now but now it says order being fulfilled now and they cannot transfer now. They said I should get it Thursday or Friday so much for pre-order.
it's ridiculous how pre-order is to be shipped after the retail store have it in stock. i've always thought pre-order is to be shipped out so that the buyer would have it on the same day it's available to consumers.
cancelled pre-order, pick 1 up this morning. i'd be surprise if they sell much @ my local best buy, no ads or any indication they have it in stock. no display unit. most reps don't know they have it other than mobile department reps.
Gosh, that really sucks guys. I pre-ordered mine on Amazon, got annoyed with the delayed shipping (and decided to upgrade to a larger capacity), and ended up walking into my local Best Buy and picking one up.
Why can't these companies do a pre-order right. It shouldn't be that hard. You don't even have to guess at the demand! There is no reason that I should have been able to walk into the store and buy one when you guys are stilling waiting to receive your pre-order.
There's just no reason to pre-order these things. You know there won't be a stampede to get them and the pre-orders are always handled in some funky manner.
Either do it the Apple way where pre-orders are literally delivered to peoples' doors the day the product is released or at least make it so that people can pick up their device in-store on that date.
Pre-order actually worked out OK for me. My local BB, while it had >60 of these devices on 17th, 100% of them were 16GB devices - I want a 32GB device. Who know when this BB store will get 32GB in inventory?
I'll have my device on Tuesday - soon enough, I suppose.
At least you had the option / appearance of a preorder... My two closest stores didn't do them. They did tell me they had a 32GB physically in hand today so I drove 35 miles only to find out they won't get them til tuesday... Hopefully.
Spent an hour today getting F'd in the A by BB. Nice letter heading to corporate today after talking with 2 douche managers. Tips? Ideas?
Bukem75 said:
At least you had the option / appearance of a preorder... My two closest stores didn't do them. They did tell me they had a 32GB physically in hand today so I drove 35 miles only to find out they won't get them til tuesday... Hopefully.
Spent an hour today getting F'd in the A by BB. Nice letter heading to corporate today after talking with 2 douche managers. Tips? Ideas?
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Here are a few that could help them:
-Ship preorders early so they arrive on Launch Day. If not possible due to various reasons, clearly indicate that on the preorder information.
-Allow people that preordered and are on backorder to pickup their preordered model in the store.
-Dont wait until customer opinion surveys reach rock bottom before attempting to fix the problem. High end electronics retailing should equal good customer service. I dont care that you might only have 5-10% margin, to the customer they are still paying on average more than other items.
- Have an equal or slighly smaller quantity of device accessories along with the tablet.
Dang I am so jealous I am still waiting for my pre-order. Thursday is suppose to be my day.
I pre ordered on the 8th. When I found out they wouldn't start shipping them out until the 17th, I canceled my order. I ended up going to my local BestBuy on the 17th to pick one up.
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I walked in a got one no problems lol cancel it and go in to the store
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[Official] Best Buy GS3 thread

Ordered your GS3 from BB? I feel your pain, never gonna preorder from a 3rd party again. But if you have any info re: BB preorders, post it up here.
I gotta say, my whole reason for preordering through Best Buy was because they were the first to open for preorders. They started accepting preorders on 6.5.12, everyone else the following day, so I surmised that at best I'd get the phone slightly before everyone else or at worst the same time as AT&T. The sad truth is that although I preordered before 99% of the people here, I'll likely be one of the last to get the damn thing.
That being said, I'll never preorder though Best Buy again. They are as wildly uninformed as AT&T but when push comes to shove, BB gets pushed to the side as if somehow it's customers (who's money goes directly to AT&T just the same) aren't as important as those who preordered through AT&T direct. The one's who lose are us, the customers. Lesson learned. If I ever preorder a phone again, rest assured it will be direct from the carrier.
Sorry for the rant, just sucks to see so many people who preordered after I did get their phone, or at least shipping confirmation (with delivery eta 6.21.12) before I even know if my preorder is going to be filled on or before 6.21.12 as stated on my preorder receipt.
I preordered in a Best Buy store and have no reason to think I wont be able to pick my phone up tomorrow.
Yeah...I ordered from Best Buy as well. But ain't quite ready to rush the joint with torches.
We shall see what tomorrow brings.
Two BBs around me both said the phone was coming out tomorrow. So I'll be up and on the phone seeing if I can buy an unreserved one
driftr319 said:
Phone* not process.
We do have the Zagg HD for them though.. Lmfao
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Do you get shipments overnight, or early morning?
Why not wait a year? I remember all this fuzz a year ago with the GS II. Now you can get a GS II for 99 cents...
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Post your Best Buy instore pre-order status today 6-21-12
Post in here any information you get today from the instore Best Buy preorders whether you were able to get your phone or not, when they may get them and the city you are in.
Waiting on my call, Austin Texas Lakeline Mall store.
Ian B
Just called my store 12:15 pm and they have been delayed till Mon 6-25-12. Preorders will be filled then by order in line.
I keep hitting refresh in my email inbox. Still nothing from Best Buy....
Frisco, TX
Nothin in my hand milwaukee wisconsin.
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I'm at Gurnee, Illinois hoping they get some, worst case scenario i use the $50 gift card on something else....sigh
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I called my local store (Watertown, MA) a little after 10am and they had no idea when the shipment was going to come in. I've also tweeted @BestBuy. I'll post if/when they respond.
yokken said:
Do you get shipments overnight, or early morning?
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Morning shipments. Best buy does not do any inventory things at night. They will arrive in stores via UPS or FedEx.
-sent from my mobile device
I pre-ordered mine at Best Buy, my gf works in mobile and just called and word is they haven't got their UPS shipments in yet today(due in any time)but RSS is still showing they should be here today. So I'll wait before I grab my pitchfork.
Spaztazim said:
I pre-ordered mine at Best Buy, my gf works in mobile and just called and word is they haven't got their UPS shipments in yet today(due in any time)but RSS is still showing they should be here today. So I'll wait before I grab my pitchfork.
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Yeah...gonna wait until noon to call. Fingers still crossed.
Just went into my best buy store here in frisco, texas. When I arrived the salesman showed me an internal email they received that stated that the pre orders would be closer to july first before they would be filled.
As I was walking out the salesman called me back over to show me a new email they received that said the preorders would be fulfill tomorrow.
Bottomline, the store doesn't have a clue nor does the best buy home office.
Sent from my EVO using XDA
Best buy always does that crap I think it's a scam to try to get more preorders to be honest
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Just called my local BB (Corpus Christi, TX) and was told the SIII was delayed but hopefully they'll fulfill pre orders this weekend. I was 14 out of 25 pre orders
Mine told me they didn't even have a date for sprint yet lol. I'm going wherever gets it in store first.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Couple guys in the main Sprint pre-orders thread said they received calls from their local Best Buy telling them to expect a call around noon tomorrow to pick up their phone. They were both expecting shipments by tomorrow morning.

UK availibility

I have been looking at a number of posts showing that some areas like the US have early availability. There was even one showing a youtube clip of a US T-mobile store with someone in the store demoing 3 Note 3s and saying at the end to a girl that she would go home with one. I wanted to know if anyone has seen or knows of a UK retailer that is selling them early in shop?
I have heard Tuesday night in London samsung store experience is having a event at night
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I've been trying, I have rung countless stores. Carphonewarehouse have them in stock as of Thursday but refuse to sell them, all local stores to me also say they can't sell them till 25th :/
O2 refresh pre-order
I did pre-order mine via O2 refresh, then I spoke to customer services and they confirmed that it should be delivered on the 25th.
fingers crossed
I tried to preorder one from Three UK last night but in the end they said they'd call me Wednesday (launch day?) when they are in stock and get me one sent out for Thursday. Might ring a Three store first thing Wed. and go get one if they have stock. Not bad deal, £99 for phone on 24 month contract with 500 mins, 5000 texts and unlimited data, soon to be 4g too
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
Want to get this from Amazon UK... no sign of stock yet though!
I pre-ordered at the Samsung Experience Store in London. The initial price was £649, but they are doing a promotion to trade in any phone (doesn't need to be a smartphone or even working) for a £50 discount, making the Note 3 £599.
However I popped in to the store tonight and saw that they had reduced the non-promotional price to £629. I was refunded the difference, so my Note 3 will now cost £579 (trading in an old dumb-phone handset I have lying in a drawer). The price with the promo (limited to the first 500 pre-orders apparently) is the cheapest I have seen in the UK and is actually now cheaper than the online sites if you have a spare old phone (or you could buy an uber cheap one off EBay). For the promo, you must provide the trade-in phone when picking up the Note 3.
I can also confirm that the store will be hosting a special launch night at 6pm on Tuesday the 24th, where people who pre-ordered can pick up their handsets the day before the official release and likely a couple of days before online orders from other retailers will be delivered. They said they're due to get some accessories in on the same day, but could not confirm any pricing for those at the moment. I've seen some sites listing the S-View cases at around £45-50 which seems pretty steep. I'm hoping that they might have some sort offers (or maybe even freebies) available at the launch event, but I'm not holding my breath!
Hope this information is helpful to someone. I think you can pre-order the Note 3 from the store by phone and have them post the handset to you, but I don't think that would qualify for the trade-in offer, so at £629 you're better off going with Handtec or Clove.
Edit - I forgot to mention that they also had demo handsets in both white and black out on display in the store tonight, they look awesome!
It seems to me from reading this thread, seeing Youtube posts and also going to shops in London that many shops have already received them. But for some reason the UK stores are more afraid to violate Samsung's embargo than some of the US and other shops. I will make another go on Monday and see if I can at least get a sighting. If I am successful I will post the information here.
OdieS said:
I pre-ordered at the Samsung Experience Store in London. The initial price was £649, but they are doing a promotion to trade in any phone (doesn't need to be a smartphone or even working) for a £50 discount, making the Note 3 £599.
However I popped in to the store tonight and saw that they had reduced the non-promotional price to £629. I was refunded the difference, so my Note 3 will now cost £579 (trading in an old dumb-phone handset I have lying in a drawer). The price with the promo (limited to the first 500 pre-orders apparently) is the cheapest I have seen in the UK and is actually now cheaper than the online sites if you have a spare old phone (or you could buy an uber cheap one off EBay). For the promo, you must provide the trade-in phone when picking up the Note 3.
I can also confirm that the store will be hosting a special launch night at 6pm on Tuesday the 24th, where people who pre-ordered can pick up their handsets the day before the official release and likely a couple of days before online orders from other retailers will be delivered. They said they're due to get some accessories in on the same day, but could not confirm any pricing for those at the moment. I've seen some sites listing the S-View cases at around £45-50 which seems pretty steep. I'm hoping that they might have some sort offers (or maybe even freebies) available at the launch event, but I'm not holding my breath!
Hope this information is helpful to someone. I think you can pre-order the Note 3 from the store by phone and have them post the handset to you, but I don't think that would qualify for the trade-in offer, so at £629 you're better off going with Handtec or Clove.
Edit - I forgot to mention that they also had demo handsets in both white and black out on display in the store tonight, they look awesome!
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I have pre ordered too mate, I will call them tomorrow regards the price. Any idea what time they are open until on Tuesday? I could go straight from work maybe it'd be a rush but would save me wasting a day Wednesday travelling down
They will be open until their usual time of 9pm on Tuesday.
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CharlesW123 said:
I tried to preorder one from Three UK last night but in the end they said they'd call me Wednesday (launch day?) when they are in stock and get me one sent out for Thursday. Might ring a Three store first thing Wed. and go get one if they have stock. Not bad deal, £99 for phone on 24 month contract with 500 mins, 5000 texts and unlimited data, soon to be 4g too
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What's the monthly damage on this deal?
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CharlesW123 said:
I tried to preorder one from Three UK last night but in the end they said they'd call me Wednesday (launch day?) when they are in stock and get me one sent out for Thursday. Might ring a Three store first thing Wed. and go get one if they have stock. Not bad deal, £99 for phone on 24 month contract with 500 mins, 5000 texts and unlimited data, soon to be 4g too
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How much is this a month? I haven't seen it on the Three website - just says coming soon, and other sites such as buymobiles. net don't offer it on three.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
These prices better drop before release
3473 said:
These prices better drop before release
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that's crazy expensive you can get it at other place like carphonewarehouse or phones 4u, clove etc
OdieS said:
I pre-ordered at the Samsung Experience Store in London. The initial price was £649, but they are doing a promotion to trade in any phone (doesn't need to be a smartphone or even working) for a £50 discount, making the Note 3 £599.
However I popped in to the store tonight and saw that they had reduced the non-promotional price to £629. I was refunded the difference, so my Note 3 will now cost £579 (trading in an old dumb-phone handset I have lying in a drawer). The price with the promo (limited to the first 500 pre-orders apparently) is the cheapest I have seen in the UK and is actually now cheaper than the online sites if you have a spare old phone (or you could buy an uber cheap one off EBay). For the promo, you must provide the trade-in phone when picking up the Note 3.
I can also confirm that the store will be hosting a special launch night at 6pm on Tuesday the 24th, where people who pre-ordered can pick up their handsets the day before the official release and likely a couple of days before online orders from other retailers will be delivered. They said they're due to get some accessories in on the same day, but could not confirm any pricing for those at the moment. I've seen some sites listing the S-View cases at around £45-50 which seems pretty steep. I'm hoping that they might have some sort offers (or maybe even freebies) available at the launch event, but I'm not holding my breath!
Hope this information is helpful to someone. I think you can pre-order the Note 3 from the store by phone and have them post the handset to you, but I don't think that would qualify for the trade-in offer, so at £629 you're better off going with Handtec or Clove.
Edit - I forgot to mention that they also had demo handsets in both white and black out on display in the store tonight, they look awesome!
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Is there any way of knowing if you are one of the first 500? If I place a pre-order now with the trade in old phone option at the price of £579, and at the time of pick up they say I wasn't one of the 500 - could I cancel my order?
invisiblesense said:
Is there any way of knowing if you are one of the first 500? If I place a pre-order now with the trade in old phone option at the price of £579, and at the time of pick up they say I wasn't one of the 500 - could I cancel my order?
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I just signed up here and it still had the trade in option.
hopefully I will get a call tomorrow.
My note 3 is costing £559.18 inc Vat from one of my it suppliers direct from Samsungs UK distributor and my gear is £239.27.... sometimes working in it pays
Just ordered my from carphonewarehouse. £199.99 upfront, £52 per month 12 month contract with Vodafone, unlimited texts, unlimited minutes, 6GB of 4G data with upgrade after 9months! Best deal I could find... Also they said delivery by Tuesday but I doubt it...
Sent from my GT-I9300
Has anyone heard if O2 stores are due to have the note 3 on release? I have asked a few stores and all they say is that they don't know and to check back Wednesday...
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setspeed said:
What's the monthly damage on this deal?
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If you go to Orange Web site via Quidco and choose the £10.50 tariff you can get the Note for less than £600.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
---------- Post added at 09:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 PM ----------
steveoidm said:
I just signed up here and it still had the trade in option.
hopefully I will get a call tomorrow.
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And now says 24 September for availability not 25th.
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[Q] Who preordered from Best Buy?

I've been checking the status every since I saw that thread about ABT and TD shipping before the release date and I noticed that my order status says 1 item(s) Status Not Available.
Is this normal?
I preordered from BB.
I've been told repeatedly that it will not be there til 10/10.
Sent from my Crapple iPhone 5
Han Solo 1 said:
I preordered from BB.
I've been told repeatedly that it will not be there til 10/10.
Sent from my Crapple iPhone 5
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lol did you try and see if you could use the fact that people on here have already gotten theirs as a way to get yours sooner too? I'm just worried that there is a problem with my order. But I guess it saying that the status is not available doesn't necessarily mean there is a problem... right?
I'm not familiar with Best Buy's pre-order process, have they already charged you? If they have, I wouldn't be worried.
dtsd said:
I'm not familiar with Best Buy's pre-order process, have they already charged you? If they have, I wouldn't be worried.
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It shows up in my transactions as a pending charge. They said they would charge the card once the order was shipped, but I've just signed in and I don't even see the pending charge in there anymore.
Definitely worth a call
Ugh... This sucks... they say there doesn't appear to be a problem, but I'm being told that they won't even ship it out to me until the 10th.. Why would I preorder on line if I can just go to BB when it opens on release day and pick one up?? I knew I should have just ordered from Tiger Direct...
I canceled my order with BB. Tiger Direct just got one more customer.
Was in best buy today and peered in the cage in the Samsung area of the store and what did I see? Boxes of note 2014s... Right there in plain site. Asked the sales guys about it and they said no, we don't have them. Took them over to the cage and said what is that... Oh man we can't sell those until the 10th so we better hide them. Wouldn't sell me one but they did open the cage and put them out of sight. I mentioned they were already shipping from other retailers but they wouldn't budge. Oh well, wait for the preorder shipment.
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Cancel my best buy pre order Earlier this week and ordered through Tiger. I am Already playing with note since friday.
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toanau said:
Cancel my best buy pre order Earlier this week and ordered through Tiger. I am Already playing with note since friday.
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When you ordered was the product information page listing it as available for pre order or available for shipping?
Available for shipping. I believed it is pre ordered status now on Tiger
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toanau said:
Available for shipping. I believed it is pre ordered status now on Tiger
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Well hopefully I'll still be able to get it on before the end of the week (Thursday or Friday). I usually go home on Friday afternoons to visit my parents and I'd really like to be able to set up the device over the weekend so I can have it ready for school on Monday.
I preordered from Best Buy only because I didnt have any funds available on my other credit cards. That might be a plus since BB's protection plans have always done me good so I got that for my note too. My order says "in progress" and when I click on the actual note line item, it tells me status not available. When I made the purchase though it did tell me it wouldnt ship until the 10th.
But now it makes me wonder if I should just change the method of shipping to pick up at the store.
Riaora said:
I preordered from Best Buy only because I didnt have any funds available on my other credit cards. That might be a plus since BB's protection plans have always done me good so I got that for my note too. My order says "in progress" and when I click on the actual note line item, it tells me status not available. When I made the purchase though it did tell me it wouldnt ship until the 10th.
But now it makes me wonder if I should just change the method of shipping to pick up at the store.
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Yea I placed an order with Tiger Direct, and I'll speak with them tomorrow or Monday. If they can't promise me a tablet by Thursday then I'll cancel my order with them and just call my local Best Buy and do an express check out. For some reason I don't have the option to place a pre-order for in-store pickup. Hopefully Tiger Direct will ship mine early, but I'm not expecting much. I'm prepared to just go to BB right when it opens to purchase on in the store. I've learned my lesson. I won't fool around with pre-orders anymore. Better off just picking up in store.
Idk how you guys pre ordered yours from best buy. But I went to store. Put 50 bucks down payment on device. So basically they hold one for me till whenever I walk in store and pay remainder once there in stock. Officially
Ordered from BB
I never had a problem pre ordering from BB, they just can't sell it until the release date. I got the Black 32gb. We will have it on the 10th, sometimes the email comes a day earlier also.
louvass said:
I never had a problem pre ordering from BB, they just can't sell it until the release date. I got the Black 32gb. We will have it on the 10th, sometimes the email comes a day earlier also.
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I usually get all my devices in white (in this case white 32GB) but thinking I should have gotten the black. The back part getting dirty is starting to get to me since I'll be using it every single day for hours on end. Here's hoping they ship today. I'm using this tablet for college and it would be great to have the opportunity to have the weekend to get it ready for next week.
That's only if my anxiousness doesn't get to me and I don't cancel the preorder to pick up at the store. ^^;;
Best Buy preorder
Just got my confirmation email that my tablet will be available for pick up tomorrow. Yeaaaa
Me too! Available to pick up tomorrow at Best Buy.
Sent from my Crapple iPhone 5
Awesome :good:
I'm hoping to just go in and pick one up off the shelf. Didn't preorder.
I like the white but I think I'll buy it in black. I'm afraid the white stylus might show wear/dirt over time.

When will ATT have new note7 for sale?

I have my replacement but every place I have been to isn't selling new ones yet.
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i waiting too
Bought mine at best buy att variant if interested in purchasing now
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flyinj54 said:
Bought mine at best buy att variant if interested in purchasing now
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I heard on the radio today that AT&T was selling them again. But, both Best Buys within an hour of me said probably later this month before they even get any in stock.
I did a search on the best buy website for stores within 250 miles and found one store 80 miles south of me with only black in stock. So of course I went down the next day and passed 2 best buys to get to the one that had a few blacks in stock
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N930A using Tapatalk
The guy I talked to at a corporate store told me that Samsung was only paying AT&T through the 15th of this month to handle the returns and that he guessed that would be close to when they would start selling them again at AT&T stores. That's just his guess though.
Oct 14 is relaunch date, if best buy has them they will sell it to you, as of right now no note 7s in at the best buy I work at.
I would try best buy online, I bought mine last week on sept 28th. Got a message the next morning that it was going to be delayed, was kinda sad wanted to cancel but decided to wait it out. On the 30th I got a confirmation email saying it was shipped and lo and behold it was delivered the same day. I used overnight shipping and they even credited me for it because of the possible "delay" beforehand.
yeah you just have to find the right store, I never owned the Note 7 before the recall, then on Sept. 23 I called my local ATT corporate store, and they had the Blue Coral in stock and I asked if they would sell me one.... the sales guy had to ask the manager, so I walked out with brand new coral blue N7 within 10 mins.
I just ordered one on the Best Buy website. In my area in-store pickup is currently unavailable. But they will ship it to you, and you can get next-day delivery for an additional charge.
I think they are getting a new stock, because I was not able to place an order for delivery or pickup yesterday.
Wonder if they are shipping them on Southwest Airlines
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