N9005 Stock Recovery - Galaxy Note 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello guys, anyone got stock N9005 recovery, I really need it and any help would be really be appreciated.

Flash firmware with Odin. Your data won't be deleted.

Please post your questions in the Q&A section. There you should find an answer to your question as well.


How do I change the baseband?

I got an u8800pro the other day and it bricked. I had someone unbrick it for me but the baseband is 203022 which is not working for me in the US. What is the best way to change this?
All questions in the general section please!
Moved to general
Did you try to flash a firmware from the oficial site?

how to install last galaxy s4 firmwares on i337m?

Hey guys! I have a galaxy s4 I337M and I want to know if I can install any latest I9505 firmware specially XXUBMEA and if you can guide me trough the process because I am starting in this stuff. I am coming from IOS.
I have been reading trough the forum but I am confused cause some people say YES and sometimes people say NO. Well at least that´s what i´ve found.
Please, help me!
Most of the roms in i9505 are what you are looking for...start here...
You better read the noob guide and understand everything before you start.
Questions and help issues go in Q&A and Help section
Thread moved

[Q] Roms confusion

I wish to flash a lollipop 5.0.1 rom , my details are (PDAN910FXXU1ANK6 and CSCN910FH3G1ANK1.. UK Three rom N910F
I have heard you can flash a stock German 5.0.1 rom ( I think its PDA N910FXXU1BOC3 CSC N910FTPD1BOC1)
Would anybody know...?
Hi you have posted in the wrong section. Nobody will answer you here and mod will close this post or maybe move it in the question section.
And to answer your question. You can flash lolipopop of course. First flash loliipopop firmware using odin. Then flash custom recovery. Then you can choose to root stock loliipopop or install custom rom. Cheers
Thread moved
Please be careful where you post question threads
They ONLY should be posted in Q&A, Help and Troubleshooting sections
Development is ONLY for posting development work
Thank you for your cooperation
Friendly Neighborhood Senior-Mod

How to root Samsung galaxy Verizon s3 i-535 running 4.4.2

Please help, what's the best tool or app that could root Verizon s3 running 4.4.2 without getting a yellow triangle in the recovery. I tried to boot into recovery after rooting & flashing cwm recovery from rom manager but rather got this black screen. Please help! !!
Theres a Forum section dedicated to your device,
General has guides which should help. Q&A is the place to ask for help, but I would read through some threads in General first. :good:
Thread closed.
Forum Moderator

SM-G935FD Basic Questions

Hi, so i am getting my SM-G935FD tomorrow and i am already planning on what to do. I have used the search button to find relevant answers but its leading to unrelated topics and i am hoping that by posting in the Q&A section i would be able to find answers(Maybe) to my questions.
1. Should i update to the most recent bootloader and firmware once i get my device if i plan to install custom roms,kernel, etc?
2. If i flash stuff like pda,modem and csc through odin, will i lose my warranty? Or is there a way to reset flash count?
3. Stock Flashable Debloater? Is there any?
4. Lastly is there a flashable zip to carrier unlock the device?
I would greatly appreciate all the help i can get, and will contribute soon since i am already a bit rusty.
Use the search button again. I found the answers to all your questions in less than a minute. You can too.
