help me in dropbox free space - Windows 8 General

how i can got 50 gb or 23gb in dropbox free help me please , i not have android pohone

Where are you, my friends

Have you considered asking you actual friends? Most people here with any interest in a Dropbox account already have one.
Oh, and your post is off-topic for the forum, and basically just spam. Please stop.


winmo app request - touch smugmug

hey guys. i have seen a thread about thia somewhere else but it would be nice if someone could work on this. im not sure how many people use it but they are a great photohosting site!
if anyone makes oneb i would be willinf to pay for their first year subscription. i have $340 in referral bonuses.
anyways, the iphone has a basic one made by them that could be a good start.
i have also put in a request to smugmug for one.
You wan't the application to just upload pictures to your user account there?
Please post your questions, ideas, and or requests in the "Questions and Answers" section of the forum. This thread will likely be moved there. Thanks.


I don't know if this is appropriate for this forum. If not than will a moderator please remove this post.
I just invited a bunch of people to Dropbox (I picked up an invite from a user on this forum a few weeks ago).
While looking around Dropbox's website I noticed that they are looking for an Android dev to make a Dropbox app for Android.
Since times are hard I thought I would post it up here in case any of the xda devs were interested in making some money! Thought since this was an Android developer forum I would post this up.
I would really like this see this app to happen! It would be GREAT!!!!
Here is the link:
Once again. If this in inappropriate for this forum will a moderator please delete this post.

Sprint's Framily with corporate discount

Admins - i have looked at the forum rules and didnt see a clear indication that social networking is prohibited (since i am not technically advertising or selling anything). Please let me know if i am violating the rules and i will gladly delete the thread. Just trying to get folks together for mutual benefit.
If anyone is planning on witching or have recently switched to Sprint (in the last 14 days), feel free to join my Framily. I have corporate discount on the account that will be applied to all data charges for all lines. Helping each other out is what community is all about!
Framily ID: K01909701nu
Move to OffTopic please
Moderator - Sorry, just noticed that i posted on the wrong thread (was reading it)... Could you please move this to the Off Topic forum?
RuskieBruskie said:
Moderator - Sorry, just noticed that i posted on the wrong thread (was reading it)... Could you please move this to the Off Topic forum?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is usually best to hit the report button, we will find it faster. I also have some bad news. Framily referrals are not allowed on xda. One of the points of Framily is for you to use social networking to advertise for Sprint and that would be against the rules. The only referrals that are allowed are for cloud based storage and those have to go into the specific thread for them in OT.

Did i do something wrong? All i did was offer a OnePlus invite

Please bear with me as i normally just browse and rarely post, but how do i know if a thread i started was deleted? I have no messages of notifications, and i can't seem to find the thread.
If it was indeed deleted, could someone tell me why it would have been, as i was only trying to give back to the community in a meaningfully way?
I have a oneplus one invite i'd like one of the hard working XDA developers or themers to have, and it only has about 14 hours left before it expires. If my thread is being deleted, please let me know so i can move to another forum in order to not let the invite go to waste.
They probably want you to post in this dedicated invite thread:
But thanks for sharing.
I'll close this thread so that you can go to the one linked above to post your invite.

2 invites to give away

Hey all, I have 2 invites to give away for 64 gb Sandstone models.
I've gotten so much from this community I want to share these with you all as a small token of my appreciation and as a way to help give SOMETHING back to the members of XDA.
PM me with your request, the first PM I get gets one, and the 2nd one will go to the person with the funniest PM. (tell a joke, a story, or just be generally hilarious.
I'll make my decision in the next 2 hours (at the time of this post) so after that point, don't bother PM'ing.
Responses to this thread do NOT count as PM's for consideration for a request.
Thank you and have a great day!
(P.S. these invites are good for another 96 hours)
Alright, first one is gone, who's gonna get #2?
Need one!! ?
There's a dedicated thread where allot of people are currently posting their available invites without requiring people to send them jokes, funny images... etc...
Please don't turn this forum into the childish place the Oneplus forum is.

